#glad we might be able to play as boys but the clothing looks gender locked and the mens clothes have never served as well as the girls
pippipjangles · 1 year
With fashion dreamer I'll have to choose between getting gendered correctly but not slaying and slaying but getting misgendered :(
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weeb-writor · 4 years
No More Crying, Brat!
Heyo! So next part in the Aizawa series is out. If your just now seeing this don't worry it can act as a stand alone! Reader is as neutral as possible including gender. Hope you like it!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
You and Aizawa lazy morning gets interrupted and end up babysitting Jun and then you end UA, where you meet the infamous Bakugou
Words: 1997
Part One  Part two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
This was your favorite thing, a sunday morning with the love of your life. It was the one day where neither you or Aizawa had work, well most times anyway. Phones tucked away and out of sight and the TV off. You laid in bed just resting and talking nearly all day.
“I want a bunny sho.” You said into his chest.
“I love you a lot but not possible. I know my cats seem nice but they are still cats and very ferocious predators.” He said playing with your night clothes.
“But they’re fat and lazy, I doubt they’d be able to catch the bunny.” You whined at him. He gave you a flick on your forehead obviously not happy with your words.
“Don't pick on my cats for something they can't help. You're the one always feeding them treats and extra food at meal time.” He said in a kind of pout. You giggled at his words moving to straddle him.
“Oh like you're any better. All you want to do with them is cuddle even though you know they need exercise. Don't blame me for your fat cats.” You said glaring into his eyes with a sort of playfulness.
“Oh kitty, your claws are showing. Do you wanna play, you want your exercise?” He said lowly to you. You of course had no objections but your plans were foiled as soon as they had begun by his phone, it was the one for emergencies he had to pick it up.
“You’ve reached, Aizawa Shouta, on his one day off. This better be good.” He sighed into the phone.
“Hey there, little brother!” You heard someone say as the phone was on speaker.
“Sigh, what do you want?” He said to the energetic boy.
“Awh is that anyway to treat your older brother who you love so much?” The man whined into the phone.
“When he interrupts what could have been such a great and peaceful, blissful even, morning yes it is.”
“Oh were you gonna finally put our present to good use?” He whispered.
“Good god, what do you want?”
“Oh right, I was the one to call you! What was it again…. Oh right! I need a favor.”
“You called my emergency phone, for a favor.” Aizawa deadpanned at the phone.
“Well yeah, I knew you wouldn't answer your regular phone and it is important. I need you to watch Jun for me at least for today. Sora will come pick him up tomorrow or sometime late within the night and take over from there.” He said the playfulness in his voice dying out.
“Yeah of course, what's going on?” Aizawa said, sensing his brother’s seriousness.
“You know his immune system is so weak, every time he gets sick he’s in the hospital for weeks. Me, my wife, Haru, and Maki are all showing early symptoms of the flu or something. We immediately sent him to our neighbors but we think it's best if he goes with a family member until we can recover.” He said seriously for once.
“Yeah of course and I’ll tell Sora I can take over if he gets overwhelmed. I'm on my way.” Aizawa said moving you to get ready.
“Oh when you get here Haru wants to wave by from the window, if that's alright.” Aizawa agreed before hanging up.
“So change of plans for our lazy Sunday, I'm really sorry.” He said quickly, throwing on casual clothes, you followed suit.
“No no, it's fine! Any Sunday spent with you is great.” You smiled at him.
“Okay we should get going, it’s a little bit of a drive.” You nodded as you fed the cats before going to get in your car.
“Pop quiz by the way, which brother was that?” He said as he pulled out to begin your journey. You thought about it for a second Jun and Maki were they only two blondes and stuck out so much in the dark haired family, so they were easy for you to remember, Their dad was the outgoing Shiori, right?
“Shiori, the 3rd eldest brother but 5th eldest in general.” You said pretty confident in your answer.
“Correct, I'll remember to give you a prize later.” He said with a smirk. You smiled at his words and that was that. The rest of the journey was quiet and quick and so you found yourself with Jun clinging to Aizawa as you stood in front of his house window. His family waved at him as he stared back with tears eyes.
“Okay Jun we should go now.” Aizawa said picking up the young boy and walking him to the car, locking him into the seat quickly and just like that you were on your way. You sat in the back with the 4 year old trying to keep him entertained on the kind of long drive.
“So kind of slipped my mind but I’m due back at the dorms in an hour…cause of the influx of villains and Eri” Aizawa said, glancing at you in the mirror.
“Oh it’s fine I did all the baby Aizawa’s at once. I can do one by himself.” You said bopping the boys nose as he played on your phone
“No, I wouldn’t ask you to do that. I told Shiori I was gonna watch him and I meant it. I was thinking we could take him up there and spend our Sunday together.”
“And meet your friends? And coworkers? Your students too? Like the 3rd or 2nd most important things in your life? All at once?” You said to him with an unnerved smile.
“Don’t fret, you survived my family, a few heroes aren’t gonna kill you.” He chuckled at you.
“We gonna see hero’s?” Jun asked with little stars in his eyes. Aizawa looked at you obviously wanting to know if you wanted to or not.
“Yeah bud, lots of them.” You told him with a smile. He clapped with joy and you laughed through your nervousness. It didn't take much longer to arrive at the UA building and after getting clearance you all headed to the dorms. Jun was a little scared as he clung to Aizawa tightly.
“I'm surprised he is clinging to you like that, he was so outgoing when I was babysitting I wouldn't take him as one to be afraid of new people.” You said looking down at the boys.
“Usually he isn't such a shy thing but without H-A-R-U he is pretty scared, they are twins. Really I don't know how he's gonna survive without him.” Aizawa said as he stopped outside a set of doors marked 1A. He didn't even get to warn you or Jun of the chaos that awaited you cause the door flew open.
“Shouta! Finally!” Present Mic said letting out a sigh.
“Sensei!” He’s student sounded off behind the blonde.
“Hey, get out of the way. At least let them sit down before you annoy them with questions.” He scolded as he felt Jun disappear further behind his legs. The students and excited teachers did make way for you and let you sit down. Jun huddled in Aizawa arms, face tucked in between his arms.
“Aizawa Sensei, we didn't know you were married! And with a kid too! What's their quirk?” A blonde rushed out.
“I am not married, this is my love L/N, but this little guy is my nephew. You might be seeing him a lot over the next two weeks.” Aizawa said tiredly.
“Hello! Aizawa already said but I'm L/N, and this is Jun.” You said with a small wave. They all introduced themselves and everything was going swimmingly until Aizawa was called away to get Eri.
“Hey Mic, he knows you a little better than Y/n, would you mind taking him?” Aizawa said, handing the heavy 4 year old to his friend. Jun let out small sniffles as his uncle left his eyesight.
“Don't cry little Jun. He’ll be right back, until then wanna see some of our quirks!? They are super cool.” Midoriya said with a smile and so the kids took turns trying to get the boy to smile and his tears to stop. They had all failed so far as his cries got louder.
“Alright brat, stop all your whining! What on earth are you crying for? Cause your uncle left for a few seconds? Are you that much of a baby? You're like four and still crying like a baby, I thought you were a big boy.” Bakugou said to the boy and before you could interject Jun did.
“I am a big boy but I miss my brother! And my big sister! And mom and dad! Uncle sho said i can't see them ‘cus they sick.” He said, starting to cry louder.
“That’s it? So you would rather go see them and get sick. I bet that would make your brother and your sister feel like shitty people and make them sad too. That’s what you want? To make your brother sad and guilty?”
“No!” He cried out.
“Then suck it up, for a few days you get to hang around your uncle and his badass hero friends and students. All the while your family gets better and you can see them again. So stop crying, and i’ll show my quirk! It’s better than any of the Extras quirks you’ve already seen.” Bakugou said to the boy. Slowly but surely he did stop crying and left the comfort of Hizashi’s arms to hold bakugou's hand.
“You know when I walked in to see you yelling at Jun I almost killed you. But now I'm glad i didn't, how do you feel about earning some extra credit?” Aizawa said from behind you. That was the most eventful part of your day so far. The rest was spent with Aizawa and Eri really. Jun was stuck to Bakugou like glue, doing everything he did, not noticing his jealous uncle. As bedtime approached for him you weren't sure how to get him to go to bed, he was attached to bakugou at the hip. Well that was until you learned that the blonde who was angry, loud and a bit delinquent-ish was actually a good boy who went to sleep at 8:30 just like Jun and Eri.
“Alright brat, i'm going to bed so you can stop following me around like a chick now. I’ll see you again soon and you better not cry for nothing again.” He said ruffling Jun's hair before walking into his room. Jun walked over to you guys as you all said goodnight.
“I got permission from Nezu, you're both allowed to stay over night but sometime within the night Sora’s coming to get Jun.” Aizawa said with a yawn.
“Alright then I'm looking forward to some cuddles! To bad your fat cats here, they make good pillows.” You said teasing him, he gave you a light shove in response.
“Hey uncle sho?”
“Yeah, kid?”
“Bak’go is a hero?”
“I think he’s my fav’rit. He’s so cool.” He slurred, climbing unto Aizawa’s bed as soon as it came into view. Aizawa was silent as the boy fell asleep and only spoke out after he was dead asleep.
“I think I am going to kill him and like hell I'm gonna let him babysit with Sora.” Aizawa pouted under the covers.
“What a possessive uncle you are shouta, Also I think they all like me! Good to know the people most important to you like me!”
“Well if they didn't they could go hell cause you fall into the category that makes you number one in my life.
“What's that?”
“Family. At least you will be when I give you my last name.” He said as he swung an arm around you and Jun. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, his last name was starting to grow on you.
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jackandthesoulmates · 4 years
The Fox, The Serpent and The Vulture
Author: jackandthesoulmates / tintentrinkerin
Title: The Fox, The Serpent and The Vulture
Created for @winklinebingo, @spnkinkbingo, @deanandsambingo, @samwinchesterbingo
Squares filled: Bisexual (winklinebingo / deanandsambingo), gender swap (samwinchesterbingo), cunnilingus (spnkinkbingo)
Pairing: Winkline & Wincest
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: smut, bdsm themes
Additional tags: fem!jack, threesome, squirting, top!sam, dirty talk
Word count: 4,975
It was a joke, really.
Neither Sam nor Dean meant anything by it when, in a whiskey driven conversation, they told Jack about the "girl thing".
"What’s the girl thing?", Jack asked, totally unimpressed by whiskey.
Alcohol never affected him really. Sam and Dean laughed about it, nudged each other, like they sometimes did. Looking at each other sneakily. It made Jack jealous and happy at the same time. Dean leaned forward and almost fell off the couch but Sam had his back.
"I’m easy."
"Yeah, I know."
Dean snorted and brushed Sam’s hand away.
"So, listen, Jackyboy. Sam and I once opened one of the locked rooms here in the bunker. The whole room was full with black magic stuff. We found vials with cum-"
Sam interrupted, "How about you leave the gritty details and tell him about the girl thing."
"Yeah, right. The girl thing."Dean chuckled.
He had a slight squint when he was drunk and Jack loved this detail about him a lot.
"We’ve found something that looked like a normal wooden box. Well, I thought it’s just a damn wooden box, what could happen? It had no symbols, no runes, nothing that would tell you to keep your frickin’ hands off the thing, you know? And it felt light, nothing clattering inside. So I opened it. And whoosh! Next thing I know is Sam and I had boobs."
Jack frowned.
"Just boobs?"
Sam cleared his throat and intervened before Dean could say any more.
"No, not only boobs. We were kind of… sex swapped. We were girls."
It looked like Sam wouldn’t like the topic of having boobs and Jack didn’t ask any further. He knew Dean would spill more information sooner or later like he always did when he had half a bottle of Jim or Jack or whoever.
"Yeah and it was awesome, kid. Having boobs is the bomb, you can just, you know? Touch yourself all day? I spent a lot of time playing with my nipples."
"He did."
"Sam, did you play with your nipples, too?"
A fine, sticky spray of whiskey blew across the room when Sam spat his drink in surprise. Dean had to help him, pat his back and make him drink some water before Sam could really answer to that.
"He didn’t", Dean laughed, still rubbing Sam’s back, "I played with his nipples. And his p-"
"Dean! Jack, you go to bed, I think we shouldn’t have any more whiskey."
Sam was still coughing up and Jack worried he might really swallowed too much alcohol. Jack once choked on soda, it was icky.
Later when Sam brought Jack to his room, Jack waited five minutes before sneaking out again. As usual, Dean’s door stood open just enough to peek through. Jack sometimes did that. He didn’t mean to peep on the brothers, it just happened one day and now here he was. Again.
"Damn, I would kill to eat some pussy", Dean groaned, rolling in the sheets.
He was naked completely and obviously horny, his cock was hard and Jack’s mouth watered at the sight. Now he could see Sam come out of the ensuite bathroom, naked as well. Sam’s cock was bigger than Dean’s, and when Jack compared it to his own, he also outclassed the Nephil. Jack loved looking at Sam and Dean like this, he loved seeing them fuck.
He could hear Sam sigh, see him rub his full, deliciously hard length two times before crawling on Dean’s bed.
"Yeah, sometimes some pussy would be nice."
Sam gripped Dean’s hair and bent his head back. Jack could hear Dean groan and saw his toes curl when Sam’s hand wrapped around Dean’s cock and jerked him in a hard and fast pace.
"Fuck, Sammy…"
"I would love to have some pussy, too, brother. Your pretty hole is so tight and hot, but it’s not wet itself, lubricating is so time consuming."
Sam spat in his hand and then continued jerking Dean, who was whimpering now, burying his face on Sam’s broad, heaving chest.
"Sammy, I’d love to see you fuck a girl…"
"I know, I know, you dirty little cuck… you nasty pervert. It’s never enough for you…"
The way Sam talked to Dean made even Jack painfully hard.
And that’s when Jack tiptoed back to his room. First he got off on the sight of such a subby Dean and a dominant, calm, and adamantine Sam. When Jack would focus on it, he could even hear Dean’s whimpers and moans, and for God’s sake he could hear these dirty things Sam whispered in Dean’s ear, about what a filthy whore he was. Jack could hear the grunting, oh fuckfuckfuck, the grunting made him cum twice. Usually, when the brothers were done having sex, Jack would always retreat and let them have their cuddling and whisper the sweeter nothings in privacy.
In this very heated and whiskey drenched night Jack decided to give it a go.
It was easy, way too easy, when Jack thought about it thoroughly. Sometimes Sam was maybe right, using his powers for shenanigans like this was a bit risky, stupid, useless?
They said, they missed a girl in bed.
The only logical conclusion to Jack was, if he wanted to please the brothers (and he wanted to!), to become a girl. Finally make them notice Jack as a sexual being.
God dammit, all Jack wanted was to finally get fucked.
Dean draws his gun first when he sees the girl sitting in the library. She’s buried in a book, glossy honey blonde hair falling down like a curtain, hiding her face.
"Who are you? Show yourself!", Dean commands.
Weapon on the ready, Dean steps down the stairs and approaches her, but when she looks up he feels like he is in some weird dream. He lowers the gun and opens his mouth. It takes a breath or two before he processes what he sees.
Jack, or the female version of Jack, smiles at him and gets up. She’s slender, but has well rounded, big breasts and wide hips. Dean gulps. Jack is a pretty boy, but he is a hell of a stunning woman. If it’s really him.
"Yes, it’s me."
His voice is high and clear as a bell, hair is long and thick, reaching down to his hip. Jack turns around two times and shows off his body to Dean.
"Do you like it, Dean?", he asks.
Dean raises his eyebrows and he feels a tingle. That’s not possible. He’s not hot for Jack. No no.
"You look pretty, but-" Dean must lower the gun. "Why are you- I mean? How? Did you touch a cursed object?"
Jack laughs. Oh dear, that sounds so sweet.
"No, I wanted to try it. Be a girl. You made me curious, to be honest. With the boobs thing."
"Yeah, right. The boob thing."
Dean roughly remembers this night a few days ago when he definitely dropped too much information. Again. It always happens when he gets drunk, comfortable and maybe a bit horny. What really puts Dean off here is that female Jack wears a mini skirt and a crop top. Overall he reveals a lot of his body. Sam would definitely act all motherly now and give Jack something to put on. Just so Sam could hide he’d be turned on by that sight as well. It was like Jack could read minds. That Sam and Dean just didn’t get the girl thing out of their heads. How could he know?
Dean has even downloaded a dating app to maybe look for a girl interested in having a threesome with him and Sam.
"I’m glad you like it. Pink is my color, I think. And white. Oh, and gold. Doesn’t it suit me? What do you think?"
"Uh", Dean says. Very clever, Winchester.
This is when Sam finally comes to the rescue.
"What’s going on here? Dean what- What is that?"
"That is Jack", Dean says.
"I see that", Sam replies, also a little confused, "but why are you female all of a sudden?"
They settle the argument about why and how Jack became a girl, just like that. He told them he just wished for it to happen and after an hour of sleep he woke up like this.
Both Winchesters are intrigued. Dean can’t even hide how attracted he is to Jack’s appearance, Sam is more distant, but Jack is able to feel both of their heartbeats if he wants to. And their bodies are ooze sex hormones in doses that would even make humans smell and jump at it.
They smell sweet and tangy. Jack knows it, he smells it a lot around the bunker. He would describe it like the smell of black berries and juniper if someone asked him to put it in over-embellished words.
It’s deeply satisfying to see them squirm and reek of lust. Jack needs to be careful though. He knows it’s a very fine line he’s tumbling along.
It’s the same evening and the mood shifts.
Whiskey time again for Dean. He’s chugging lots and Sam is doing a lot of booze, too. Jack is pretty sure it’s their way of coping, soften the edges of the new situation but all they do is go deep down the rabbithole. The inhibition threshold sinks with every sip of whiskey.
Jack didn’t change his clothes, he’s still wearing the white crop top and the pink tartan miniskirt, his thighs decorated with stockings. He likes the golden jewellery, it’s shiny and warm in the dim light of the lamps in the library. But what he did… he put off the bra and the thong he was wearing this afternoon.
So far, he’s modest, or appears so, legs crossed and clinging on his whiskey tumbler. He’s a trap and ready for one of the Winchesters to finally take the bait. He’s here, he’s willing and both of them lick their lips by just looking at him. Sam is so disciplined, avoids Jack’s gaze but Jack knows he’s looking between Jack’s thighs. He imagines how warm and wet Jack would be.
It’s Dean, who breaks the seal then, like Jack thought. Maybe he would’ve done it himself, if Dean didn’t go forward.
"I wonder what your boobs feel like."
Sam’s breathing stops. Jack rejoices.
"You want to touch them?", he offers, bending forward, now revealing his cleavage to the brothers and it’s obvious he doesn’t wear a bra.
There’s a moment of insecurity, Dean and Sam exchange a very telling look.
"Yeah wanna", Dean slurs.
Jack looks over to Sam.
"You wanna touch them, too?", he asks hopefully.
Sam just looks at him with dark eyes, his jaw clenched, lips a thin line.
"I guess that’s a no?", Jack now teases.
He gets up and climbs in Dean’s lap, grabs his head and presses Dean’s face in his cleavage. There’s half hearted fightback before Dean leans in and utters muffled curses on Jack’s skin. Jack is sensitive, even more than as with his male body, and he can feel Dean’s excitement grow in his pants. With a satisfied sigh Jack looks over to Sam.
Invites him. Lures him.
Come on, Sam. I know you want it. You want me.
Dean’s hands wander over Jack’s skin, makes him sigh and tingle between his legs. One hand is worming under the seam of Jack’s miniskirt, slides down the curve of his mound and then stops. Dean moans and pulls back. His green eyes are beaming with arousal. Jack grins.
"Shit, you’re not wearing panties."
"No, I’m not. You like it?"
"You bet I do!"
Dean’s hand is warm and rough, feels strong. Jack unzips the miniskirt at the back and loosens the seam to make it easier for Dean to slide his hand deeper. Both gasp at the sensation when Dean rubs Jack’s clit, just slightly. Jack’s hips jerk up. It feels great. Raw. Intense. Jack’s hand cups Dean’s, encourages him to continue.
"Dean", Jack whispers against Dean’s cheek. "It feels so good."
Sam gets up. It’s a sudden movement and Dean and Jack flinch simultaneously. Jack looks up in Sam’s face and he damn, he looks angry. Barely containing something primal, rageous.
"Sammy, you good?", Dean slurs, looking up at his brother.
He’s swaying gently, like in a subtle breeze. Without another word Sam drags Jack away from Dean and throws Jack over his shoulder. Jack is so surprised, he can’t even fight back or resist.
"You’re coming with us, Jack", Sam says, his voice sharp and low.
Oh God, yes. That’s the tone Jack wants to hear.
"Where are you taking me?", he asks, head dangling down, nose brushing Sam’s back.
Sam’s hands hold Jack tight, one on his thigh, dangerously close to Jack’s buttcheeks, the other around Jack’s now tiny shoulders.
"To bed", is all Sam says.
Jack is let down. Not in a soft or gentle way, it’s more another throw on the bed. He feels like he’s become prey and Sam is the predator.
The mattress is hard, harder than the one in Jack’s bed. He doesn’t mind at all though. Lying on his back Jack gets up on his elbows and looks over to the brothers. Sam towers over Jack like a dark broad mountain. Jack loves the sight of Sam, he always has. Since the day Jack was born. Sam was the first person he did ever see. His picture would always be the first thing he’d think about when he woke, when he fell asleep and all the daydreaming in between. He gasps softly while Sam takes off the skirt that’s already hanging on his hips crookedly. Sam looks up. Oh this grin. It gives Jack violent shivers.
"Dean? What do you think? Who should eat this pussy out first? You? Me? Hm?", Sam purrs while he gets up to peel himself out of his shirt and plaid. Dean does the same. His ears are beaming red and Jack feels for Dean’s heart, beating like a hummingbird. He’s nervous. That’s cute and unusual, Dean didn’t lose his cool that easily. Only Sam would always appear even calmer. Even now.
"I want Dean first", Jack whispers.
Sam raises an eyebrow. Looks at Dean. Dean smirks and says:
"I don't mind."
Jack reaches for Dean while Sam lays down beside them. Dean's weight feel calming for Jack, who gets shivers and an ohsobeating heart himself. When their lips touch and Dean's tongue slides in Jack's mouth both start moaning. Jack's hips thrust up in a sudden jolt of heat. He knows it's arousal, he kept jerking in his hand when he masturbated to the thought of Sam and Dean fucking. But this feeling is so much more intense. It's a heat that feels like his belly is swelling first, then clenching together. Dean tastes of whiskey and honey, it's a pleasant taste mixed with his sweet heavy scent of desire. Jack pulls Dean closer and moans softly in his open mouth. His legs open freely for what's to come.
"Damn, Jack… you make me feel all dizzy…", Dean groans.
Jack chuckles quietly and combs his hair.
"Please go down on me", he says. "Show me how you treat a girl."
There's a growl. It's Sam's. Jack is wildly aware that he's watching them, rubbing his cock through his pants. And Dean does what Jack pleads him to, he slides down Jack's now soft body, covers it in kisses. It makes Jack thrust up again and sigh in pleasure. This is his first time, it doesn't scare him at all. He's aroused, he's hot, enjoyable shivers all over. Dean's fingers feel over Jack's thighs, rub gently. He takes his time to explore Jack a little. Kiss his belly button, his hips and over Jack's hairless mound.
"You even shaved for us, look at that", Dean purrs.
Sam's hands pull up the crop top and reveal Jack's full and round breasts. His nipples are hard already and when Sam bends over to suck them Jack jerks up again.
"It's so good", he moans, breathless. "Don't stop. Claim me."
It makes Sam growl again, show his teeth and bite Jack's sensitive nipples. Dean's face disappears between Jack's legs. Jack has of course basic knowledge of the male and female body, he knows what Dean is about to do. He read that some women like, some don't.
Dean's warm and pliant tongue slides between Jack's labia, exploring slowly but it's enough for Jack to whimper and cover his mouth with a hand. He's so loud!
"No, no. Don't."
Sam forces Jack's hand away.
"You sound so sweet, Jack. Your girl voice is as wonderful as your usual one."
Oh how is Sam so gentle and so cruel at the same time?
Jack can't answer, he's too distracted by Dean's warm tongue licking up and down his labia and then meeting the clit. Jack feels like he's about to die. Explode. Combust. He fists the sheets and his legs kick helplessly.
It's wonderful, agonizing. Jack wants to get away from Dean's tongue that licks along his pussy and on the other hand he wants grip Dean tighter, force his tongue inside and make him fuck Jack. Slowly, Dean's lips cup Jack's clit. He sucks on it. Just slightly. There's not much suction needed to make Jack go crazy.
"Fuck… oh…"
Dean's fingers brush along Jack's trembling thighs and then, Jack feels one finger sliding inside. Dean groans against Jack's clit and pulls back for a moment.
"Fuck, you're so wet."
Dean slides finger in and out, slowly, enjoyable and arches it.
"Is she now? Let me feel it."
Sam's hand lingers down and pushes Dean's hand away. Sam's finger is bigger. Longer. But Dean's is deliciously thick. Stretching him. Sam feels for Jack's vagina and rubs his insides softly.
"You're right. Jackgirl here is soaking wet. Damn, I bet you taste like heaven. Come, have a lick."
Jack licks his own juice off Sam's finger, sucks it, while Dean sucks on the swollen and sensitive clit. He adds another finger. It hurts a bit, but Jack is too excited to give a damn about it. Dean's finger and his tongue make him lose control over his voice.
"More", Jack whines, "gimme more, Dean, I wanna cum… I wanna cum so bad…"
Both brothers utter their pleasure noises, soft moans from Dean and a guttural deep sound coming com Sam. Dean’s fingers stretch Jack apart and after a few thrusts that feel like he’s still holding back, he starts fucking Jack with his fingers. It’s a hard rhythm and the arched fingers rub a sweet spot inside Jack. The pressure builds and builds and he’s thrusting against Dean’s fingers, wants to feel them deeper, harder, more. His tongue circles around Jack’s clit, and that’s what drives Jack crazy the most. It feels like an open flame held against sensitive skin. His fingers tangle in Dean’s hair, pulling it. Pulling them closer together. Dean’s grinding the mattress now, moans dripping over his lips while sucking and licking Jack into new heights.
"I’m gonna cum", Jack cries, "oh God I’m gonna…"
Dean’s movements are almost frantic now and his moans turn into hoarse and deep growls. Jack’s eyes roll back, but Sam forces him to look him in the eyes.
"Look at me, baby", Sam whispers, "Let me see how you cum…"
Jack moans loudly, too turned on to care. The tension in his body reaches the maximum and then, with a sudden and heavenly feeling of release Jack cums. He looks in Sam’s dark eyes while his body arches and his legs kick, his hips thrust against Dean’s face.
It’s a feeling of being blown away completely, the convulsions of his body shake him violently and then, after the first big boom Jack falls back in the sheets, fingers still entangled with Dean’s hair.
The mattress feels wet around his buttcheeks and when Dean looks up, he smirks and says, obviously very pleased, "Who thought Jackgirl would be a squirter."
"He is?", Sam asks and looks down at Dean.
He notices Dean’s wet face and when Dean pulls out his fingers - Jack winces and feels empty - he shows that his hand and arm are wet. Jack’s juices are running down Dean’s wrist and chin and drip on the mattress.
"Not much, but… yeah. We can work on that."
Jack feels embarrassed and covers his face with one hand.
"Is that good or bad? Oh God I ruined the sheets."
Sam chuckles and kisses Jack’s forehead.
"It’s nothing bad, not at all. It turns us on, actually."
"A lot", Dean adds.
Jack sighs in relief.
"Oh, good. I was worried for a moment."
Dean gets up and lies down beside Jack, he’s in the middle of the Winchester’s now, Sam nibbling on his neck and Dean’s hand gropes Jack’s tits, which doesn’t feel bad at all. It feels great. He gets to kiss each of them, feel their tongues and hungry mouths. Their aching for more and Jack is aching as well. There’s so much he wants to try while the spell lasts.
"Fuck me", he mumbles at Sam’s lips, feeling for Dean’s hand. "Both of you."
They need to contain themselves but Jack can sense their heartbeats, jumping wildly and oh god, that sweet heavy smell they ooze from every pore. He turns to Sam, one hand is still wrapped around Dean.
"You first", he whispers, "you get to have your cock in my pussy first.."
"As you wish, sweetheart", Sam coos, pressing a kiss on Jack’s lips.
It’s such a tender gesture, Jack wonders how Sam manages to stay that calm when Jack and Dean are the ones being over excited. Sam gets up and pulls his pants plus underwear down and damn, he’s big. Jack has only seen him from afar until today but now he sees how thick he is. Oh, holy son of God, will he be able to take it? Dean kisses Jack’s shoulder, but Jack feels how he peels himself out of the rest of his clothes, too.
When Sam mounts Jack, it feels like the room gets suddenly darker, Sam is just huge in every sense of the word. It’s thrilling and Jack feels his hips grind against Sam’s. They share a breathless kiss before Sam pulls away and spreads Jack’s legs.
"Damn, you’re so wet, I bet that’s not gonna hurt at all. But if it does, tell me."
Jack nods. He doesn’t mind a bit of pain if that means to finally feel Sam all the way inside.
Sam looks at Dean.
"And you, babe. Look closely how I stretch her for you. Are you jealous already?"
They exchange a glance and a hint of a smile. It’s their game, Jack knows. And he loves to be part of it and give both something they desire. It’s more than just about the sex, Jack knows.
Dean then looks down on himself, slightly stroking. He’s even thicker than Sam; the sight makes Jack shiver in anticipation.
"Yes, a bit, Sammy…"
"I wish you had such a tight wet pussy, it’s so much better…"
Dean’s eyes turn wet, but he loves it, Jack can see it all over, Dean is beaming.
Sam wraps his cock, holds it steady. Jack watches him closely, how he comes closer and then Sam’s tip rubs over Jack’s clit and he moans. It feels good, the friction itself is already making him ache for an orgasm again.
Sam’s cock slides in, inch after inch. The stretch hurts, but Jack is indeed so wet, so slippery, Sam goes all the way in. He groans and Jack’s fingernails scratch his arm.
"Oh fuck,... Sam…!"
Dean moans and almost squishes Jack’s long thin fingers with the pressure. Jack wraps his legs around Sam’s hips and even lets him glide in a tiny bit deeper.
"Yes, but not very much. Keep going…"
Jack relaxes, but his legs press Sam close, there’s no way he can retreat much now.
"Come on, touch her clit, babe", Sam whispers to Dean.
And he does as wished, Jack loves it and encourages Dean "Yes, touch me, please, I wanna cum again… feel my swollen clit, rub it."
It drives Jack crazy, how both of them now stimulate his body, rub and circle his clit and Sam’s delicious big cock is pounding inside him.
"Sam.. Sam, I wanna… I wanna ride you", Jack moans, feeling the climax coming, but it’s not enough just yet. He needs more.
"Hmmm, yes, sure, baby… Can do that…"
Sam pulls out and lies down, Jack straddles him and uses his hand to let Sam penetrate him the right angle. He puts his hands beside Sam’s hips and starts moving, starts showing off his boobs and Sam touches them while thrusting up. Fuck, Sam is a sight! It makes Jack even wetter and Dean kneels him now, reaching forward and rubbing Jack’s clit through two of his fingers.. Jack cries and leans against Dean’s chest. He’s covered in sweat already. Dean’s other hand fists Jack’s hair. It’s all over the best thing Jack could ever think of, being in the middle of the men he wants so bad.
"You’re so big, Sam, so fucking big… I can’t…", Jack cries and gasps for air, "I’m gonna cum already…"
"That’s it, baby, yes that’s it, cum on my cock… Make me wet, babygirl."
Jack shudders, the nickname makes him feel girly and small, but also divine. Sam loves it. Dean loves it. Jack loves it! The feeling of pressure and tension grows and grows, Jack’s movements stagger, but he needs more and more. Harder. Dean’s fingers are drenched in Jack’s wetness and his clit feels like it’s bursting. And then Jack cums on top of Sam. Dean holds him up that he won’t fall over, presses his fingers in Jack’s sensitive, now over stimulated skin. Sam’s fingertips dig deep in Jack’s hips as he thrusts up. He looks like he’s about to break into violence, Jack knows this facial expression. When Sam is hunting a thing down and he owns it, before breaking its neck. Jack shudders and mumbles sweet and encouraging nothings.
"Yes, Sam, please fill me up, I want your cum inside me... Give it to me!"
Sam growls and then slams his cock inside Jack, it makes him tumble and needs to grip Dean's hands to hold him steady, then Sam cums. His sounds are animalistic and raw, Jack loves every second of it. From behind, Dean’s raging erection presses against Jack’s ass and he knows it’s time also for him. Jack crawls off Sam, who is breathing heavy, hissing when he slides out of Jack’s dripping wet and stretched vagina. But he rolls to the side and lets Jack have the space he needs. He’s on all fours now, wiggling his butt against Dean.
"I know you want it, come here and fuck me… use your brothers’ cum as lube, huh?"
It’s a surprise - Dean pushes Jack’s back down, makes him to arch it and then even forces his face in the pillows. Jack moans, overwhelmed, but definitely turned on. Dean is way rougher than he appears, his cock slams into Jack’s dripping vagina like a battering ram, makes Jack cry and plead. Not to make him stop. Jack wants more. Needs more. God, he wants it to hurt, he wants to feel Sam and Dean until tomorrow.
"Yes, like that… Dean! Yesyesyes… FUCKYES!", Jack cries out, muffled through the fabric of the pillow.
"Yeah, fuck her thoroughly", Sam coos.
Kissing sounds.
"Ruin her for everyone else but us…"
Dean grunts and with a few hard thrusts he spills inside Jack, his fingernails must leave marks on his hips and ass, like Sam’s did already. He collapses onto Jack’s back and Jack relaxes, breathing heavy but he’s fine.
"Sammy", Dean whimpers, "Oh no, ah,... yes!"
"What are you guys doing?", Jack asks, there’s too much weight on him right now to turn around.
"Ah, just fingered him a bit through his orgasm."
Sam sounds utterly pleased with what he did and obviously it’s the right thing, because Dean is still shaking, his softening cock slowly slips out of Jack’s pussy.
"Damn, you guys are kinky…"
Dean laughs in a low croaky voice.
"You have no idea, sweetheart. Not yet."
When Dean finally gets off Jack and rolls beside him, Sam behind Dean, spooning him, Jack breathes in and out, eyes closed. His long glossy hair is a mess and when he opens his eyes for a moment, he looks at Dean with a satisfaction that’s beyond anything Jack ever hoped for.
"It’s pretty awesome, being a girl. I mean, being a girl in this household."
Dean brushes some strands of blonde hair out of Jack’s face and grins.
"Yeah, that was pretty amazing…", he admits. Sam kisses his shoulder and nods.
"It was. Thank you."
Jack blushes.
"No need to thank me, I wanted it as bad as you."
The brothers look at him, at first Jack thinks, they’re smug, but actually they just look very satisfied. Lush.
"How long will you stay like this?", Sam asks.
"I can uphold a shapeshift up to the next new moon", Jack adds. "It’s nothing that causes me a lot of work, it’s a simple spell."
"Simple, yet effective."
Jack laughs.
"Effective indeed."
After a few moments of silence, Jack feels wetness all over his body and when he gets on his arms to stand up, he feels it running down his legs.
"I’m oozing", he says, looking at Sam and Dean.
This time the grin is damn smug.
"Just the way we like it."
Another breathing silence.
"So, when’s the next new moon?"
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Worth (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Angst/comfort
Request on my Wattpad: “I was wondering if you can do a Todoroki x wolf reader where the reader is depressed and bullied because of her quirk and her family knows about her wolf quirk and disowns like they think she a disgrace abuse her and doesn't want her and she feels so worthless she gets to a point where she feels not good enough and that she completely loses control of herself and turns into wolf or monster version wolf and Todorki he tries to help her I hope this makes sense and I hope it's ok”
Word count: 2,038
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
a/n: I’m not terribly happy with this, but it was a different kind of request, and I’m glad I did it.  If it’s cringey, I’m sorry, but I hope it meant something to someone.
Also even though the request indicated female pronouns, I didn’t really use any, so consider this gender neutral.  If anyone was wondering, I wanted the character to be kinda like Atsushi from Bungo Stray Dogs with the hair color and the personality, but also with wolf ears, so do with that info what you will.
I run through the dimly lit streets, tears streaking through my eyes as my heart pounds and chest heaves.  I don't know where I'm going, but I know I have to get out of this hell I call life.  Everything I thought I knew was a lie, I was the only person who didn't know it.
Tripping over my own feet, I finally tumble down a hill and land at the base of a tree, finally stopping my rabid movement, but it doesn't help my mind running five hundred miles a minute.  I turn in on myself, trembling as the darkness surrounds me, clawing at me the same way I grip my legs to my chest.
The image of my parents smiling together with my younger sister is the only thing I see behind my eyelids.  The last time I saw my family, there was nothing but turmoil and contempt.  All the times my sister pulled at my ears, locked me in a closet, and cut me up; all the times my parents punished me by having me sleep outside "like the dog I am" for the slightest misdemeanors.  They used to always argue, there was always screaming in my house.
My former house.
When I got into UA and we were forced to live in the dorms, my parents couldn't look happier.  In front of Aizawa and All Might, they contained the sheer joy they felt like the actors they are, and when my teachers left, they hurried to throw all of my things out the door.
"Finally, we can get rid of her!" they cheered.  I can only watch in horror as they pack all my stuff away before pulling me by the ear and setting me out next to my belongings.
"Don't ever come back!  From now on, you're on your own!"  That was the day I became an orphan.
My parents always had this vendetta against me because of my quirk.  They don't know where it came from, no one in our family even had one like me.  My dad used to always accuse my mom of having an affair with another man after she had me.  I don't know why he ever stayed, if he really believed that was true, but they both looked at me with contempt because of the quirk I shouldn't have.  And then I did the worst thing I could've done: I lost control one day.  When I was playing with my sister, I don't even remember why I got angry, but I bit her and scratched her.  The only person who loved me in that house suddenly became scared, and grew to hate me just as much.
School wasn't any better.  Everyone teased me for being the tamest wolf they've ever seen.
"I thought you were supposed to be scary, you're actually a huge wimp!"
"What kind of hero can you be when you can't even stop mumbling to yourself?"
The only reason I was so quiet is because I couldn't even raise my voice to assert myself in my house without being punished.  My parents were so scared of me losing control again that they put me down for getting the slightest bit aggravated, so I learned to just lay low and stay quiet.  And I couldn't stand up to my bullies for fear of being punished at home.
I'm so ashamed of my quirk.
Going to UA was a dream of mine.  It was my ticket to being able to use my quirk freely, so I can learn to control it to become a great hero.  But I quickly realized how weak I and useless I was in comparison to the other students.  Not being able to use my quirk at home took a toll on me, it was a miracle I even passed the entrance exam.
Today was particularly bad.  I didn't do well in quirk training today; I've been trying to partially manifest my quirk in some parts of my body to temporarily amplify my strength, but it's just not working.  Going for a walk in town to clear my head, I spotted my family out together, happy and smiling without me around.  And that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I tremble to myself under the tree, pushing against the rough bark biting into my forehead.  They're so much better without me.  I was holding them back this entire time, I should've left years ago.
I'm a failure as a wolf.
What kind of wolf am I when I can't even use my quirk?
I'll never become a hero.
This is all because of my stupid quirk!
"Fuck everything!"  I don't even realize when I'd stood up and started punching the thick trunk.  Blood drips from my knuckles, my vision blurry from tears.  "You'll never be a hero!  You're a failure!  All you did was tear your family apart because of the stupid quirk you can't even use properly!  Idiot!  Stupid!  Weakling!  Dumbass!  Homewrecker!"
Fury rushes through me, the grayscale colors in front of me fuzzing together.  My arms grow in size suddenly, my punches boring a large hole the size of my head into the bark and my nails have grown.  Looking down, I'm farther off the ground, my clothes ripped to shreds on the grass, and teeth have grown into fangs.  The shadowed silhouette of a wolf figure on two legs presses against the ground behind me, cast by the light of the moon.  I scream, which sounds more like a gravelly growl into a howl.  My blood boils with all the anger built up over the past ten years, fueling this wolf form I've only taken twice in my entire life.
I catch a familiar scent in the distance, blood warming my body at the thought of fresh blood.
"(Y/n)!"  A voice screams from the top of the hill I rolled down as it runs towards me.  Once the owner closes in and notices what's going on, he stops short, gawking up at my form.
I snarl, crouching down as if getting ready to strike.  My rage blinds me, only guiding myself by the smell of my prey as the shadows blur.
"(Y/n)," he repeats, more carefully this time, "Calm down, it's me.  I won't harm you."
My fangs bare at the boy.  I'm ready to take my anger out on anyone, friend or foe.  I stalk towards him.  No one's my friend, I'm all alone.
He takes a step back.  "It's me, Todoroki!  Get ahold of yourself!"
I grit my fangs at myself, clawing at the ground to keep myself from attacking him despite the rage instinct telling me to attack.  It hurts to fight, but I need to protect him.  He can't turn out like her.
"I believe in you, (Y/n)!  I know you can fight it!"
Another piercing howl screeches out of my mouth, overwhelming my head with painfully conflicting emotions.
"Try to breathe."  Shoto's voice calms down.  "Relax and breathe."
I loosen my tightened jaw and fists, smoke starting to come out of my nose in grunts.  I imagine it being my anger escaping out of me.  Feeling myself deflate, despair sets back in.  I almost hurt him.  I crouch down as my body shrinks back to normal, hugging my knees to my chest.  I'm physically and mentally burnt out, too numb to feel my emotions but I know they're still there.
Shoto approaches me, slipping his oversized denim jacket over my naked form.  "Are you alright?  Are you hurt anywhere?"
"I should be asking you that," I sigh, too tired to get up.  The wind brushes my skin and I clutch the jacket closed, slipping my arms through the sleeves.  "I almost attacked you, I'm sorry."
He shakes his head, kneeling down in front of me.  "It's fine.  Why are you out here alone anyway?"
"I...saw something.  And I just took off running and I got here."  I rub my temples with my hand to ease an oncoming headache.  "Things just got overwhelming, but I'm okay now."
Shoto's mouth sets into a line.  "You're not okay.  You haven't turned into a wolf since you were eight, not even in training.  You must have been extremely distressed."
I shrink into myself.  "I don't want to talk about it..."
His bi-colored eyes rest on me, but he doesn't push the matter further.  "You look exhausted, let me carry you."  He squats down in front of me.  "Get on my back."
I'm happy he's much bigger than me, his jacket manages to cover everything down mid-thigh even while I'm on his back.  My arms hang loosely from his shoulders as he hikes up the hill and back to the main road.  It seems I ended up in a park near the town.  The streetlamps light the sidewalk, people staring at us as we walk by, but I'm too tired to care.
"Do you think it would calm you down to visit your parents?" Todoroki asks modestly.  "Or maybe you can go get some clothes-"
"My parents won't want to see me, let's just go back to school," I interject feebly.  A fresh set of tears threaten to fill my eyes.
He doesn't question it, continuing to walk as his gentle rocking pace persists.
"I'm surprised you aren't running away from me," I mumble as we reach the road going up the mountain to UA.  "I almost killed you."
"I know you wouldn't, I have faith in you."
I close my eyes, leaning against the side of his head.  "I'm so ashamed you had to see me like that.  I probably looked like a monster."
"Aside from the danger you posed in the moment, I think you looked...majestic."
My eyes fly open and I tense, waiting for him to elaborate.  How could he possibly think that about me?
"Your fur matches the gray of your hair, gleaming in the moonlight.  It looked soft enough to touch, all the way down to your tail.  But your ice blue eyes were my favorite.  Once you calmed down, they were practically glowing.  I'd like to see you like that more often, once you've trained enough of course."
My heart quickens at his compliments, heat rushing to my cheeks.  "Thank you, Sh-Shoto.  Though, I don't know when exactly I'll even get to that point."
He's silent for a moment, his steady rhythm continuing up the path.  "I've known you for a while, (Y/n), since we were younger.  I know I've never been much help with you and people teasing you for being weak, but I want you to know that you're not weak.  Obviously, you have a lot of emotional baggage with your family, and it's trickled into your own inner demons.  You should know that you're strong for dealing with it on your own all this time, but you should find family elsewhere.  I know you're stuck, but make your own family of people you care about, and - when you're ready - confide in them about your problems, they'll be there to help you.  I'm here to help you."
Tears silently roll down my cheek, but I don't want to wipe them and call attention to it, so I rest my chin on his shoulder.  "Do you think...my quirk is good, Shoto?"
"Of course I do," he answers without missing a beat.  "It's your's to use as you wish.  I know you'll use it to become a great hero someday."  His footsteps stop and he gently puts me down to face me.  "You're a good person, (Y/n).  Your quirk is an extension of yourself, and I know you'll use it for the benefit of others, even if you've probably made mistakes in the past."  His thumbs gently rub the wetness from my face.  "And nobody should tell you otherwise."
I lean into his touch, my eyes flying open when he presses his lips to my forehead.  His mismatched eyes bore into mine, glistening under the dim lights of the streetlamps and the moon.  My heart pounds at the amount of pure affection he's showering me with, it makes me want to cry even more.
"I'll be there to support you every step of the way."
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make-me-imagine · 5 years
🎃 13 Days of Halloween - Day 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prompts: “How long have you been dead?” “50 Years” “Damn,. Guess I missed the funeral then” - changed slightly to fit character
Pairing: Arthur Pendragon (BBC Merlin) x reader
Requested by: Anonymous       
Gender: Neutral       Triggers: Some fighting, brief mentions of  death
Theme: Sad, angst. Much more than I originally intended. 
Note: Not Halloween themed at all. I might even try to do a part two to this after Halloween if anyone wants it. It came out much longer than I thought it would. 
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How you ended up in this situation was beyond you, it had been so long since you were with so many people, especially royalty. You looked at the people around you, the knights in their armor, eyeing the trees, the servant called Merlin seemingly trying not to fall asleep on his horse, and the Prince, Arthur, who kept glancing back at you to check if you were keeping up. You didn’t know how long you could keep this up, you couldn’t go into Camelot, in case someone recognized you, though you knew that would be unlikely. But you knew it would cause a lot more trouble than you’d wish for if someone did. You had to tell them, or slip away, which one you’d choose, you were unsure of.
~One Hour Earlier~
You sat on the log, watching the slow trickle of the water in the spring, the butterflies fluttering above the damp soil. The soft sound of leaves brushing against each other in the breeze. You sighed, closing your eyes before taking a deep breath. 
Hearing the rustling of bushes made you open your eyes, your head snapping in the direction of the noise. You recognized the sound of footsteps. Your heart would be pounding, if you had a pulse at all that is. You weren’t afraid of someone hurting you, but you were afraid of someone recognizing you, exposing you. You rarely had interactions with people, especially this deep into the forest. If was usually druids, bandits, or the occasional lost traveler. 
You knew there were stories about you in Camelot and the nearby towns, you had heard a group of travelers talking around their campfire one night. The stories spoke of a spirit in the woods that would help lost travelers. You hadn’t spoken to these travelers in particular, they never knew you were there. You had gotten very good at not being seen.
The only people who had know of your existence, and what you were was a small band of druids you met a few years earlier. They offered to take you with them, but the further you went from the area, the more you felt yourself fading away. The territory of Camelot was your home, your prison.
“Well what do we have here?”
You stood suddenly, surprised by the voice behind you. Turning you see a large burly man approaching, smirk present on his face as he looked you up and down. Hearing more noise behind you, you turn to see two more men coming closer, one holding a sword in his hands.
“What are you doing out here then? All Alone?” The man spoke again. 
You backed away, closer to a tree “I want no trouble” you said aloud, your voice shaking. You couldn’t be hurt, not physically, and you couldn’t be killed, not again at least. But you still didn’t want to be attacked. And you didn’t know what else they would try.
“Well trouble is exactly what you are going to get” another man said as they surrounded you.
“Actually, I think it’s you who is in trouble” another voice spoke, causing the bandits to turn towards the intruder.
You saw a young man, blonde, handsome, adorned in armor with the crest of Camelot. Behind him stood more knights, and a young dark haired man in regular clothes.
The bandits lunged towards the men, who responded quickly with their swords. It didn’t take long before the three men were dead on the ground.
You stared down at them, wondering where they would go from here. You hoped they wouldn’t stick around, like you did.
“Are you alright?” the man from before spoke.
Looking at him you nodded silently before speaking quietly “Thank you”
He smiled kindly at you before approaching, noticing your apprehension “I am Arthur Pendragon, Son of Uther Pendragon, King of Camelot”
You tried to hide your shock at this. You had known Uther when he was a young boy, to see his grown son now made you realize just how long you had been here for. Something you never really thought of. You worked at the castle, you were friends with many of the employees, especially a young man named Gaius, who had been around the same age as you. 
Quickly recuperating you stood a little straighter before curtsying “Your highness” you paused as you looked back up at him “My name is Y/n”
“What are you doing all the way out here?” he asked curious.
You decided to answer him truthfully, at least, it was the truth, a long time ago “I was taking a walk, and I got distracted, I lost my way at some point and haven’t been able to find my way back”
“Well luckily for you we are on our way back to Camelot, we will accompany you safely back” he smiled at you.
You couldn’t say no, they would suspect something, but you hadn’t been back to Camelot in ages. You knew that if you went to the far side of the forest you would start to fade. Could you even enter Camelot?
“Thank you your Highness, I would appreciate that very much” you said suddenly. What had you gotten yourself into?
“We’ll stop here for the night” Arthur said as you stopped in a clearing. You looked down the slope of the valley seeing a distant Camelot. You still weren’t sure if you should go, you could feel yourself weakening, fading. You wish you could see it, what it had become. Plus, you couldn’t help but wonder if any of your family was still alive. Your sister, maybe your brother. You would love to see them again, at least once. Maybe just to say goodbye. But you knew you could never have a life there, you could never be normal. Not anymore. 
Arthur looked at you, seeing you staring towards Camelot, a look of sadness adorning your face, he couldn’t help but sense a feeling of longing coming from you. He frowned as he approached you “Y/n?” your eyes snapped towards him “Are you alright? You seem...well, sad, to be frank”
You were shocked by how well he could read you, though maybe you weren’t hiding your emotions as well as you thought. “I’m fine” you forced a smile, that even you could tell appeared sad.
He frowned again, his brows knitting together as he took another small step closer, his eyes gentle. He reached forward placing his hand gently on your elbow “There’s something else”
You stared at him for a moment “You wouldn’t understand”
“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t listen”
You smiled at him, a grateful, yet still sad smile. It made his heart skip a beat. He was having a hard time not looking at you “You are kind, but you should rest” you suggested, before walking past him and towards the fire the others had begun to build. Arthur watched you approach the others. Who were you? Why had he never seen you before?
You watched the others as they laughed with each other, they had asked you questions about you past. You wanted to answer truthful, but knew your answers would be too vague. So you told them that you had been born in Camelot, but moved away when you were young, having only recently returned. Hence why you got lost in the forest. 
They were talking to the servant Merlin, when you heard him mention a familiar name “Gaius?” you asked aloud, earning the attention of every one “Gaius is still in Camelot?”
“Yes” Merlin smiled “You knew him?”
“Yes” you smiled back “I’ve known him since I was very young”
Merlin continued to smile “Well I’m sure he’d be glad to see you again” he couldn’t help but notice your smile falter for a moment. Something Arthur noticed as well. 
“Yes, I would love to see him again” you said before looking off in the direction of Camelot. Gaius would never turn you away. He was a part of the old religion after all, maybe he could help you. But then again, maybe he could only help you fade away.
“Well I am going to go to bed” the Knight, Gwaine announced as he rose, stretching. Everyone else agreed and began to get ready to lie down. You pretended to find a place to lay, but knew you wouldn’t sleep. You never slept, never dreamt, not anymore.
Once you thought everyone had fallen asleep you wandered off into the trees, finding a felled tree to sit on, you played with the grass at your feet. Deciding if you would leave in the middle of the night. But you felt as though the knights would come looking for you.
“Aren’t you cold?”
You turned suddenly at the voice, seeing Arthur watching you, when he breathed, you saw his breath, visible in the cold night air. “No” you admitted, “I don’t feel the cold”
His face showed his confusion at your comment. “I don’t understand” he approached you sitting down next to you, noticing that you weren’t shaking, nor was your breath showing. 
You could tell he was trying to figure it out. Locking eyes with him you smiled “You seem like a good man”
“I like to think I am”
You thought to yourself for a moment “I can’t go back Arthur”
“What do you mean? Did you not get lost? Did you run away from something, from someone?” he pried “Y/n, if someone is trying to hurt you”
“No.” you chuckled lightly, before your tone became serious again “I did get lost in the forest, but that was a long time ago” he stared, confused “My father had just died, and I wanted to get away.” you paused, recollecting your past “I came into the forest to clear my head. I walked, and walked, and just kept going.” Arthur watched you closely as you spoke “Eventually, I looked around, and realized that I didn’t recognize anything. I started calling out, to see if anyone was around, but I was alone. It got darker, and it got colder, and then it rained. Once it finally stopped I tried to make a fire but it was too wet from the rain. When I awoke the next morning I was weak, sick from the cold. I tried to make my way back to Camelot, but...”
“It rained again, a strong storm, the rain froze me to my bones. I tripped, slipped from the mud and hit my head on a rock. I just lied their, too cold, too weak, and I just...let go”
“What do you mean let go?”
‘”I died Arthur” you looked at him, seeing the shock and confusion on his face “I died that night. 
He was going to laugh, as if this was a joke, but, somehow, he knew you were telling the truth. “How? How are you here then?”
“I don’t know” you shook your head “I woke up and...I saw my own body beneath me, lying on the ground. I knew what had happened, and I thought that I was some invisible spirit, a ghost. But not that long later a merchant came into the forest and saw me, spoke to me, shook my hand. He tried to point me back towards Camelot, but...I don’t know, I just couldn’t find my way back, I was always going in circles, always ending up back at the place I died” you looked towards where the city was “It’s like I had no sense of direction, I could never leave. The further I got from where I died, the more it seemed that I was fading away. This is the closest I’ve ever been to Camelot since.”
“Why can’t you go back?”
“I can feel myself fading again, I’m too far away from where I died. Near that spring where you found me today, that’s where it happened. I fear that if I go any further, I’ll die completely”
Arthur thought to himself for a moment “When did you die?” 
“Around 50 years ago I think”
“I missed the funeral then” he said, causing you to chuckle. It was the first time you laughed in a very long time.
“Fifty years?” he questioned, you nodded “And when you said you knew Gaius from a young age, you mean you grew up together?”
“Yes” you nodded “He was like a brother” you smiled fondly, before looking over at Arthur “I knew your father too. When he was a young boy, quite a bit younger than you are now”
“Really? What was he like?”
You chuckled “Stubborn, reckless”
“So he hasn’t changed much then” he laughed.
A few moments of silence passed between the two of you before he looked at you again “What do you want me to do?”
“Tell the others that my family came in the night, looking for me, and that I left with them”
“You’re going back then? To the spring?”
“I have nowhere else to go”
“What if I can find someway to help you? To..I don’t know, set you free?”
“I don’t want that. I don’t-” you sighed “I don’t want to die”
He shook his head “That’s not what I meant”
You looked at him “What did you mean?”
“Maybe there is a way to bring you back some way? To make you able to enter Camelot. If I am able to touch you, to see you, then maybe you can live again”
You stared into his eyes. You were aware from the Druids you had befriended that Uther was a very harsh King, and opposed anything related to magic. To bring you back would surely entail magic of some sort. Would Arthur be willing to risk that? For you? “I want nothing more than to live again Arthur, but I am not alive. I am dead. I can’t feel the cold, or the warmth, I don’t feel hungry, I don’t sleep, I can’t feel, touch, it’s as if my whole body is numb. That’s not living Arthur, not really” you paused “Besides, what if your father recognized me? What would he do then?” He listening to you as you spoke before sighing “Why do you want to help me so much anyway?”
He looked up at you before smiling sadly “I don’t know, there’s just something about you...” he paused his eyes studying your face “I don’t like seeing you sad. And I don’t want to say goodbye to you”
You swear for a moment, just a moment, that your heart jumped in your chest “You have too” you stood “I have to go now”
“No please” he stood, taking your hand in his, noticing how cold they were.
You stared down at his hands, wishing you could feel their warmth. Wishing you could feel anything else than sad. “I have to go” you said suddenly “It’s too risky for me to go back”
He gently held your hands taking another step closer. If only you could feel the warmth he was surely emitting. His eyes were intense as they stared into your own “What if I do find something? A way to help you?”
You stared back into his eyes “Then come find me” you pulled your hand away from his, taking a step back “There is something you can do for me”
“Tell Gaius, Y/L L/n says hello”
He nodded, thinking that maybe Gaius could help. He watched as you turned from him, walking back into the darkness of the forest. Somehow knowing, that though you could never find your way back to Camelot on your own, you would end up at that stream again no matter which way you walked. And he knew that he would find you there. He knew that he had to help you. He knew he had to set you free. 
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