#glad i made you smile broo
hyukassubi · 1 month
Crowning you today 🥰👑👸
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Babes. I felt so many emotions when I looked at this image omg like—
1) is that PicsArt?
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JSYAGSIAHSUAJAIAKWGIAHWYSWKVSUA BE UK SFWJGSJWJSGSKW CT AKWNGZLAVSJAGSIWKSKAVSHAKSVAUKAFSJWVSI— *gets run over by a tractor so when it's tires poops me out I become as flat as A4 computer paper and then stands back up so I can pop back into my 3d form and start dancing to happy fools except idk the choreo so I'm just shyly twerking in the middle of the road*
6) that shade of pink is so wholesome 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 thank you for crowning me I didn't know it was my coronation day wow I feel so many things.
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babyharleezy · 2 years
broo i have this request that i think i’d do cute OK so the reader goes to build a bear it makes a build a bear and like put one of those heart recordings with her voice saying like I love you or something!! and she sprays her perfume and stuff on it and gives its to jack to bring to him while he’s on tour😭😭 i thought of this idea and i think it’s so cute like him playing it and bringing it everywhere 
a piece of home
(jack harlow x reader)
bloo's notes: omggg i love this. i wanna go do this with someone lol. anyway, enjoy y'all!!! currently writing this with my build a bear next to me.
tag list: @creme-delacreme @harlowcomehome @wittyjasontodd @sealpuptrash @moody4world @thinkingaboutjharlow
jack was leaving for tour in a few days and it would be the first time that you wouldn't be joining him. you had your own things to attend to but you assured jack that you would fly out to some of his shows. he was taking it pretty hard, he didn't want to be apart from you for so long. and that's when a genius idea popped into your head. you decided to go to build a bear and make him a bear with your voice inside of it.
jack had told you he would be out for most of the day, having a meeting with his team about the upcoming tour. you decided it was the perfect opportunity for you to go down to build a bear and build jack a bear. you walked into the store and picked a skin out, a simple brown bear. you then made your way to the stuffing section where you picked out a heart and recorded your voice saying "i love you jack and i am so proud of you baby". the bear was stuffed and whenever you pressed the right paw your message would start playing. next, you made your way over to the fun part, picking out an outfit. you picked out a shirt that said 'emotional support bear'. you giggled to yourself as you put it onto the bear. then you picked out some pants, after some deciding, you landed on some blue jeans. as you made your way to check out your eyes landed on a microphone that would attach to the bear. you just hand to get it. you finally paid and made your way back home. you were so excited to give this to jack.
you were happy to see that jack was already home by the time you pulled into the drive way. you grabbed the bear out of the box and sprayed some of your perfume that you had packed in your purse. you hopped out of the car and grabbed the box that held the bear. you unlocked the door and made your way inside, "baby, i'm home! where are you?" you questioned. "i'm in the kitchen" jack yelled back. you walked into the kitchen and said "i have a little surprise for you bubs". " a surprise for me?" jack questioned and his eyes immediately landed on the large build a bear box. he had a confused look on his face. you shoved the box toward him so he could see what was inside. "what is this baby?" he laughed as he opened the the box and pulled out the bear. "i just wanted to give you something to take on tour, a piece of home" you said. "press the right paw" and so he did. your voice filled the quiet room, "i love you jack and i am so proud of you baby". jack pressed it again. "wow baby, i love it, thank you so much" he said as he wiped a tear away from his eyes and he pulled you into a kiss. "i'm glad you like it baby" you said with a smile on your face, content with his reaction.
the day jack left for tour was a bitter sweet moment. you were happy to see him pursue his dream but sad that you wouldn't wake up next to him every morning. a few days had gone by and you still weren't used to jack's absence. your world had become so quiet, not even urban was here to bother you, and neelam wasn't here to gossip with. but you all kept in touch regularly and as much as you could.
jack on the other hand was extremely homesick. and every time he felt homesick he would squeeze that little paw and he would start feeling better again. he took that bear everywhere. he made sure it was in good hands at all times. sometimes that meant neelam would be sitting there with a bear that said "emotional support bear" across it's chest. jack was attached to that bear. he held it when he slept and would press the paw right before he went to bed and right as he woke. he loved nuzzling up to it, the scent of the bear bringing him so much comfort. who knew such a small bear could calm down such a large man.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Could you do a lookism gun x reader where he’s sweet to them kinda like Mira and Zack 🥺
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“You really don’t have to do that…” 
The way your voice wavered betrayed your discomfited, guilt-ridden heart. You weren’t normally sheepish. Despite your weak-mannered protest, he continued to tie and knot the laces of your shoe below you. A low hum reverberated in his throat, and there was a gap in the conversation before he finished tying the laces into a bow, straightening his back but not necessarily standing yet. 
“It’s fine. If I didn’t notice, you might’ve tripped.” The corners of his lips didn’t lift or falter, yet his countenance was still sunny and bright. Internally, you swooned, your mouth falling into an uncertain line. It’s not that you didn’t like him, no. You just felt unnecessarily rueful for being the receiver of his kindness. It’s not that tying someone’s shoes was such a grandiose act, but when done by him, it was like a leap upwards from his usual nature. 
With him not having that many acquaintances or friends outside of work, you were somewhat his exposure to everything else, including anything non-business related. It felt odd for you to be this connection to the world outside of his, because you felt ill-suited for the job. 
It felt like you were anchoring him down, and that his likeliness was only infatuation formed from you making yourself unattainable. You wondered if that was the case, and if you ever reciprocated the action in full, if he’d end up leaving… 
The only way you could receive an answer was through actual application of this wonder in real life. Maybe, some distance would actually do the two of you good… 
He stood to full height by the time you’d finished the thought process of your internal plan, and stood idly, as if awaiting your instruction. You were always deciding what you two would do, or where you’d go, and you felt even more like an anchor; a deep, heavy one, weighing him done. 
With a nervous glance around the park, you gulped. “Uhm…” fiddling with your fingers, you mustered it out. “I think we should have some space in between us for a while…” 
Your gaze was downcast, and with the silence engulfing the both of you, you wondered what he was emoting. Anger? Frustration? Wonder? Sadness? 
“Space, like space? Or space, like distance?” 
“What’s the difference?” 
“Space is when we don’t really see each other. If you ask for space, I’d take it you want to cut contact and refrain from seeing each other for a while. Distance is when I simply distance myself from you.”
The words he’d used had a hard time processing, and you chose the option with the plainer explanation. “O-oh, Uh, distance, then.” 
He gazed upwards in thought, with a ‘hm’, before looking at you quizzically, like you were asking for some alien request. “...Why?” 
“I just - I need some distance to breathe for a while...” That was a lie. You saw him nod as it registered in his head. 
“I’m so- oh, okay?” Your visage snapped up to him in awe. That wasn’t the reaction you’d anticipated. 
He nodded, grabbing your fingers with his and lifting them up and down with his. “Okay. I’ll give you some distance. That’s no problem.” His tone was chivalrous, but his face was still idle. 
“Yeah, uhm-“ you weren’t sure where you were going to go with that sentence, which is why you were glad he’d began to walk away before he’d heard you utter it out. While he walked, his retreating form wasn’t slumped over, and there were no hints to him being upset over this. 
“...” Well, looked like the date was over now. It rubbed you the wrong way somewhat when he didn’t express any sorrow, or even annoyance, to the two of you separating. You guessed it was for the better.
You lifted your foot to turn heel and begin to leave, when you saw Gun suddenly stop and turn to face you from a distance. Lips parting curiously, you waited for him to maybe shout something, or maybe send you one last glare or smile before walking away, but… no. He just stood there. You two engaged in eye contact from meters away, him indifferent, you bewildered. 
With a twinkle, he winked and sent you a thumbs up, conveying nonchalance and a prideful, elated look at the same time. 
It dawned on you. ‘By space he thinks I mean literal distance! Like, a few feet away distance!’ Your arms flailed around you in confusion. ‘What? Why would I even request that?!’ 
Meanwhile, across the park, Gun stared at you. He had a hard time catching on to why you needed distance, but if you needed some air - and him being so near you was disrupting that, he has no objections. Plus, he was glad this was what you’d wanted; if it was space, he didn’t know what he would’ve done. 
Your arms dropped to your sides in fists, and you wondered what to do. Should you just continue the hang out…? You wondered how he’d misinterpreted it considering he was usually scarily able to catch on to everything. ‘Crap, I shouldn’t have used the word in between! This is my fault!’ 
At one point, he’d waved across to you from afar, but you were too engrossed in your thoughts to catch on. He sulked. 
You were going to go and clear this up, when you felt a hand on your shoulder from behind you, and turned to face three strangers - all dudes, one scrawny, the other two burly.
“Hey,” the middle one said, nodding over in the direction of Gun. “Is that guy your boyfriend?” They inspected him from over here. 
You felt a wave of heat rush to your face. Your hands came up to cup your cheeks, flustered. “Oh, no… it’s not like that!” You exclaimed. 
The three seemed to nod amongst themselves, and you realized why they were probably here. 
‘Oh, do they want to be friends with him-?!’ You beamed. ‘This is great! I was just thinking about how he’d probably like more friends outside of work!’ 
You grinned mischievously, happily ready to introduce them. ‘Cant let them know he’s kind of scary, I was off out by that when I first met him… I’ll make him seem super sweet!’ You glanced over at Gun over your shoulder with a glitter in your eyes. ‘I won’t ruin this for you!’ 
“Well then, is he your friend?” 
You nodded vigorously. “Yep! Friend! He’s a great friend. If anyone else happened to want to be friends with him, they’d be in for a great time!” You said, conspicuous. 
The three guys seemed pleased by your answers so far, and you felt like you were rocking it. “Hmm,” a sudden dark air surrounded you and the three guys, and finally a crooked smile curved his lips. “And this friend of yours - you guys close?”
“Hm, I’d say so.” This time, they didn’t seem too happy at your answer. You found it odd how the three men kept glancing from you to your pocket, avoiding remaining eye contact for prolonged periods of time and seemingly more invested in your pocket than you… but you brushed it off. 
“Does this guy brawl? Does he have a good fighting ability?” 
‘Don’t scare them off, (y/n)! If they know he fights, they might run away! Tell them he isn’t, and throw in a lie in there that paints him in a good light! Maybe say he has a book collection? That kind of stuff doesn’t make anyone seem off putting.’
Your fists came to your chest as you excitedly ranted about him in a positive light, the three guys waiting on the balls of their feet for your answer. His eyes briefly darted to your pocket again, and you asked yourself why - it was just your wallet in there. 
“No, he doesn’t have a good fighting capability at all! In fact, he’s really bad at it! He’d never get into a fight! But he does have-“ 
Rob. They were going to rob you. Why you finally realized it mid-sentence was beyond you, but the entire conversation recited itself in your head as well as their weird mannerisms, and you realized you were about to get mugged. 
You leaned down and tried to emit an aura as threatening as you possibly could, changing the course of your sentence suddenly. “-skills. A very particular set of skills. Skills that make him a-“ 
“Hahaha! So you figured it out, huh? Don’t think we’re so easily fooled, you already answered us!” The ringleader of the group, you assumed, chuckled, the pick in his mouth sticking up. “Too late to change your answer now. Doesn’t matter how much that guy likes you,” he pressed his hand against your shoulder and pushed you back, “there’s not a thing he can do now. Cough it up.” He made a come hither motion with his hand, meaning your wallet, and you pointed over your shoulder to Gun as a last resort. 
“You don’t wanna mess with that guy.” 
“Yeah, I’m serious - he kills people.” 
You whipped your head over your shoulder, turning to Gun with eyes screaming for help. He must’ve seen this all go down, right?! And he knew what the gait of someone looking to mug you was like, right?!
‘Cmon, show them the expression of someone ruthless, Gun!’ 
You waved at him, expression full of panic and terror. When his expression became dark thanks to the natural resting bitch face he had, and he waved back, surely they’d see it was true. Right? 
Meanwhile, across the park, Gun saw you pause your chatting with the three faceless people around you (albeit he was only fixated on you), just to wave at him. He raised his arm, and with an expression which screamed he was content and happy, he waved back. Earlier when he’d done it, you hadn’t reciprocated, so this made him giddy. He wondered what you were talking about... didn’t you need distance? 
And you watched, horrified, when the curve of his lips titled skyward slightly. 
‘He smiles?! Now he smiles?! If only I hadn’t asked for distance, this would’ve be happening…!’  A dark shadow swept across your expression. You were screwed. 
You cupped your mouth with your hands. “Gun! Heeeeellppp!”
Gun merely blinked. 
It seemed the distance you created between the two of you was far too great, for he couldn’t hear you. The robber behind you curled his fingers over your shoulder blade darkly, with a low chortle. 
You began to wonder if you could make it if you bolted to him, but didn’t think you had the speed in you. 
Eyes closed in a deep brooding, you weighed your options. You could break into a sprint, but if you didn’t make it in time you didn’t wanna take the chance. Even if you weren’t badly injured - being tackled mid-run because you were too slow... that’d just be way too embarrassing. 
Well, if you started running, surely he’d see and come help you out, right?
But was he fast enough? 
Your thoughts were interfered with a swift kick to your ankle, not enough to knock you over, but it certainly snapped your eyes back to the trio towering over you. 
“Well? You gonna give or what?”
“We aren’t gonna wait all day.” 
“Cmon, just give us your wallet and we can go! Hurry!” The last of the three seemed hasty, like he was wary for police officers or bystanders. 
You wished you’d had more time to think, but the pressure put on you felt dire. Like you had to come to a conclusion fast... 
Acting out on impulse, your hands defensively went to your pocket and clutched your wallet through the fabric. You narrowed your gaze. “No!” 
‘He gave my like half that money! Like hell I’m giving it.’ 
The one in the middle chortled dryly, and nodded his head. “Alright, alright - what’s your name, kiddo?” 
“Just spit it out, yeesh.” He scratched the back of his head in indignation. 
“... (Y/n).” 
“Okay, (y/n),” the lousy, crooked grin he’d placed on his lips fell suddenly, and he leaned towards you threateningly. “You think being stingy is cute? I’m gonna pluck your fucking eyes out.” His eyes were wide, and instilled terror. Your stance grew weaker, and you’d thought it was an exaggeration when people described someone being scared as “their legs shook,” but you were proven false when yours began to tremble beneath you. 
He grabbed the pick between his teeth and pulled it out, holding it with his index and middle finger and pointing it at you warningly. He spared his surroundings a glance, seeing if there was anyone around to witness besides your weak-willed (from your description), book-loving friend.
Not a single soul was present otherwise. 
You could hear the wind whistle in your head from the absolute silence and lack of people in the park, and at your lack of response (mostly due to fear,) he reiterated, placing one hand on your wavering shoulder, the other gliding his hand through the air towards you, the pick so close to you it confused your vision. You recoiled. 
“Can you hear me?! I said I’d pluck your fucking eyes out-!” 
A black blur obstructed your vision of the pick, originating from the side, and the situation progressed too quickly for you it to resonate with you. 
The pick held by your eye went flying, and with the absolute silence erupting in the atmosphere, you could hear it land on the ground beneath you. The leg Gun had used to kick it out of his hand was still lingering in the air, and the mugger grunted. 
“Yeah, I hear you all right. Loud and clear. Pluck their eyes out? (Y/n)?” He pointed to you with his thumb, “you wanna pluck their eyes out?” 
Gun grabbed the hand he had on your shoulder, and plucked it off with unnecessary strength, a fear tactic. 
The three were silent for a second, before the middle guy straightened up. “I’ve heard all about you, book-reader boyfriend. I’m not scared.” 
Gun’s brow crinkled with his grin - this time, lifted by a sadistic pleasure. “What a coincidence,” he bumped foreheads with him, “neither am I. I’ll fucking kill you.” 
The guy laughed in his face, and you saw him cringe at his breath in his face. “What are youuuuu gonna d-“ 
It was a rough collision when the robber fell into the ground, arms splashed out on either side of him, and by now your hands had thrown over your mouth in shock at the turn of events at least thrice. 
The bottom of Gun’s heel dug into the gaps between his ribs, and the guy wrapped his hand around his ankle fruitlessly. “You’re gonna get dirt on my shirt.” 
“You’re pretty unfazed.” He chimed. “You think I was kidding? Were you kidding when you said you were gonna pluck (y/n)’s eyes out? Huh? Huh?” 
Now face to face with Gun, who was previously GREATLY distanced, he noticed his black sclera, and scrutinizing gaze, and the scar which tore apart the skin around his brow. And upon seeing eyes which wanted to kill him, the guy below him shuddered. 
Gun’s foot lifted up, and then, a series of kicks were sent to his ribcage; and you saw him wheeze. He leaned down tauntingly, not pausing the flurry of attacks, with a large smile baring his teeth. “You wanna pluck their eyes out, huh?! I’d kill everyone in fucking Gangnam if you’d even tried!” He kept going, this time with more fervor in his kicks, and he began to press into the guys’ abdomen; and you winced behind him. 
“H-hey, it’s fine now...” you said, reaching a hand out to Gun from behind, but your words fell upon deaf ears. Eventually you decided it was your responsibility to intervene, seeing the other two robbers cower and the middle guy begin to lose consciousness with lack of oxygen. 
You threw your hands into Gun’s shoulders, and pulled him back. “Hey, it’s okay! If you keep going, you’re gonna kill them! You can’t have a criminal record, can you?” 
Gun turned to you, expression not shifting in the slightest upon seeing your face. “... I can cover it up. I have the money and resources.” He said with disdain directed to the three. 
“They were going to hurt you, weren’t they? Why are you interfering?” 
You huffed. “I just don’t want that for you.”
The other two watched fearfully when Gun turned to face you, the air around him still dark. And if their own leader couldn’t handle that guy, what would happen to you? Interrupting him in the middle of fighting? Pulling back that monster? 
It doesn’t matter how much a guy like that likes you, when they’re doing what they take joy in - shedding blood, it never ended well. 
They winced in preparation for whatever would happen next, expecting to see you go flying like their leader had. They shuddered, after that they’d be next... right?
“... Okay. Let’s go.” 
“WH-WHAAA?!” Their jaws dropped in unison when Gun pivoted on his heel, and began to walk, expecting you to follow behind him. However as soon as his foot stepped out, he faltered. 
“Ah. Ow.” He said with a dead voice. 
Your brow furrowed concernedly. “Are you okay?” 
Now by his side, you saw him glance at his ankle. “Yeah.” He cursed under his breath. “I think I twisted my ankle doing that... ah, shit.” He plainly groaned, no real hint to him being in any pain in his voice. 
“Are you gonna be alright? Oh, no.” You said, and he looked at you with a blank expression. 
“Yeah. You’re gonna have to help me, now...” 
You nodded. “Of course!” Frantically trying to hurry, you threw his arm under your shoulder and held onto it once successful, supporting his weight with your own and unaware of the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 
The two watched shocked as him and you retreated so... casually, straitening their eyes at Gun. That bastard, the two thought in sync, his leg wasn’t injured at all. 
Whilst the two of you walked away - him limping, he apologized. “Sorry for coming so late.” 
Your eyes darted the opposite way of him, sheepish. “It’s fine... how did you not notice? I was clearly being mugged...”
“I was only focused on you. Of course I’m gonna smile if you wave at me... who do you think I am?” 
You felt hot in the face, and internally swooned, but externally huffed. “Oh... okay. W-well, that explains it, then. It’s fine. How did you end up finding out, then?” 
“Ah,” he said. “The keywords.” 
He nodded. “Yeah. If I hear your name and a threat in the same sentence, of course I’m gonna notice. ‘I’m gonna pluck your eyes out, (y/n).’ (Y/n). Pluck your eyes out.” He looked up casually. “Of course I’m gonna come if I hear something like that.” 
You guffawed. “Wha- I screamed your name and you didn’t hear shit!” 
“It’s different when it’s your name.” When you sent him a glare, he shrugged. “I don’t know.” 
You signed. “... Thanks.” 
He blinked at you, before chuckling with a half smile. “Don’t mention it. Just don’t ask for space to breathe anymore. When you’re away from me, bad things could happen.” 
“U-Uh, yeah...” you scratched your cheek with your free hand. “I won’t anymore. Especially after today.” 
There was a natural lull in the conversation as you helped him home, until he simpered evilly. “Sooo... ‘book-reading boyfriend?’ Boyfriend?” 
From behind, like a happy dog with his tail wagging, even from the distance the two robbers could sense the elated feeling emanating from Gun. 
This was very fun to write nd I tried rlly hard to make their dynamic like zach’s and mira’s but can’t tell if I could. I rlly hope u liked it!! Thanks for the request 💘
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blxwjobsforclones · 4 years
Bad - Rex x Reader x Wolffe
Warnings: Smut, dirty Talk, phone sex, double penetration, unprotected sex.
Tags: @littlevodika @hxldmxdxwn @maulieber i promised, babies.
Words: 4680 (BROO)
Requests are open
Please, reblog c:
It was late. An insane hour for you to be awake and thinking the thoughts that were wedged into your brain. But there you were, laying in bed, willing away the scandalous thoughts of the things you would do to your boyfriend if he were home with you. As luck would have it, he was away on a mission, lone wolfing it and leaving Rex and Wolffe to look after you while the others were working on their own separate jobs. You assured him that you'd be fine and didn't need 'looking after'.
"You never know when you might need something, Y/N." He warned you. So instead of dragging it out and making a big deal out of nothing, you let it roll off of your back.
You hated when Fives made you stay home instead of assisting him on cases. He undermined your abilities and babied you. Even though you knew his intentions were good, it still irked you. But above all, what you hated most was the agreement that he constructed.
"Tell it to me one more time, baby doll." He requested. You rolled your eyes and sighed before reciting the one rule you couldn't bend or break.
"No touching myself while you're gone." Fives smiled, clearly satisfied with your reply. He bent down to kiss you on the forehead and stroke your hair.
"These two weeks will be over before you know it. Be good."
The sound of your holocommunicator buzzing on your nightstand shook you from the memory.
Speak of the Devil.
"Hey there, stranger."
You heard him chuckle softly on the other end of the call. "Hey, sweetheart. How's my girl holding up?"
You played with hem of your t-shirt and sighed. "Bored. Horny. Missing my boyfriend. All in all, I could be better."
The smile Fives wore was heard though the words that he spoke, "That's a dangerous combo you got going there. Have you been good, Y/N?"
His presumptuous tone made you roll your eyes. "Yes, Fiv. I'm fighting with every bone in my body, but I've been a good girl."
"I know it's hard, doll. But I promise, you'll get a reward for following the rules so well." You could hear the shuffling on the other end and you knew Fives was back in his quarters and undressing for the night. You pictured him loosening his belt and unbuttoning his pants before removing his shirt. The image of your half naked boyfriend made you ache.
"Fives, baby, please tell me you're coming home soon. I'm dying over here." You didn't care how desperate and pathetic you sounded.
The bed creaked under Fives weight and you knew he was laying down now. "Mmm, my girl just wants to cum so bad, doesn't she?" Good god, he was just toying with you now. You groaned and closed your eyes, replaying the last time you and Fives had sex - just before he left. You could still hear the slapping of his skin against yours echoing through your ears. "You want my cock buried so deep inside of your tight little pussy, don't you, Y/N? Want me hitting that sweet spot so hard and fast, huh?"
You gripped the sheets in your hands and twisted your legs to alleviate some of the pressure between them. "Fives," You warned.
"Or do you want me in your mouth? You know how I love looking into those gorgeous eyes while I have my hand caught in your hair and watching my dick disappear past those pretty lips." His breath was becoming ragged and you could hear the faint lather from the lotion he squeezed into his hand. Fuck.
"Goddammit, Fives, you're killing me," You whined into the receiver. It would be so easy to just snake your hand between your thighs. He wouldn't even know-
"Don't even think about it, Y/N. You won't get your reward if you do that." What, did he have surveillance set up in your room or something? "Come on, be a good girl and help me out..."
He was torturing you already, and now he wanted assistance while jacking himself off. Phone sex isn't the most fun when only one person is able to please themselves, but you knew better than to go against his wishes. If he wants a cock tease, then you were gonna give him hell. He deserved it.
"Mmm, yes, daddy. I want you in my mouth so bad. It's so warm and wet and ready for you." You rolled your tongue around in your mouth and licked your lips. You were only teasing yourself more.
"That's more like it. Tell me more, Y/N." He urged you on in a gruff voice.
"I wanna feel your cum fill my mouth and slide down my throat. Wanna suck you off until you're all nice and clean again." Using your finger, you made a popping sound with your mouth for emphasis. "Then I wanna kiss back up your body, graze my teeth against your nipples just the way you like, making my way to that spot just below your ear, you know, the one that makes you go crazy."
Grunts and groans were your only replies besides whispered curses under Fives's breath. You could picture him perfectly. Naked. Skin glistening with sweat, glowing under the dim lighting. Muscles tense as he pumped himself into his slick hand. But still, you continued with your torment. "Then I wanna feel your hands all over me. Pulling my hair and gripping my skin. Mmm, I want you to slowly reach down between my thighs and play with my clit." You smiled upon hearing Fives whimper at the thought.
"Y/N, I'm close baby, just a little—ah—more," He could barely speak above a whisper at the pace he was going.
"I wanna throw you on the bed and have my way with you. Wanna ride you for everything you're worth. Feel that big cock stretching me. Grind against you while you rub my tits. Come on baby, cum for me." You moaned, begging for his release so you could end your own torture. A strangled groan and shortened breaths signaled that his orgasm struck. Your mouth watered at the thought of his chest and stomach painted with the white stickiness.
Fives took a minute to compose himself and slow his heart rate, clearing his throat before speaking again. "Fuck, darlin'. I love it when you talk dirty like that." He was smirking. You could tell.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Whining usually wasn't your thing, but you craved the relief you had just granted for him.
"Don't worry. I promise, I'll make it up to you. Get some rest, I'll call in again tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Y/N." And with that, he hung up.
Tossing your phone aside, you slid down the headboard and laid on your back with an unfulfilled groan. But you did as told, letting sleep take over your deprived body until morning came.
You had slept in a little later than usual due to your late night antics. The smell of coffee had awakened your senses and it called out to you. Stretching your limbs as you walked down the halls and into the kitchen, you offered Rex a sleepy smile when he handed you a steaming mug.
He laughed softly and matted your hair down a bit. "Looks like you had a rough night, huh kid?"
You rolled your eyes at the memory and sipped your drink. "Your best friend is an asshole." You spoke from behind the cup.
Rex wore a smirk that you couldn't quite read. The look in his eyes made a chill run down your spine and his stare was lasting longer than usual. "Come on, Y/N, he's not all that bad. In fact, sometimes he can be pretty damn great."
Okay, now that was weird. Rex rarely ever shows appreciation towards Fives like this. You didn't get to think too hard on his strange behavior before he spoke again. "Just let me know if you need anything. Anything at all, okay, Y/N?" He walked behind you to exit the room. What surprised you was that he spanked your ass softly before leaving.
What the hell?
"What the hell do you mean you're not leaving until tomorrow, Fives?" There you go whining again. He was supposed to have been almost home by now.
"Turns out I didn't finish the job as well as I thought. I'm pretty sure I just made this thing angrier than before." The speeder's engine shut off and you heard the footprints on the ground.
"I told you to let one of us go with you, but God forbid you listen to me." The irritation in your voice was evident.
 "Doll, I'll be fine. I'm actually meeting up with Echo for reinforcement. We'll kill this son of a bitch and I'll race my ass back home to you, okay?"
Sighing, you ran your hand through your hair and shrugged. "Okay, Fives. Be careful. I love you."
"I love you, too, Y/N. I'll call after the job is done. Be good." He gave his usual warning before ending the call.
Tossing your phone on the bed, you left your room in search of a distraction.
Great. Now I'm boyfriendless and horny beyond belief. Stupid fucking rule. Hey, maybe if I sit on the washing machine naked, it won't count against me because I'm not technically touching myself...
Your thoughts were interrupted by hushed voices talking in the living room. The only ones here besides you were Rex and Wolffe. They were obviously talking about something serious, and you didn't want to disturb their conversation, so you did the only thing you could do. Hide behind the wall and eavesdrop.
"Yeah, he called me last night and told me the same thing." You heard Rex say.
"Do you think we should take him up on his offer?" Wolffe asked.
Rex chuckled. "I mean, have you looked at Y/N? We'd be crazy not to at least ask her."
Your brows furrowed at the sound of your name. What the hell were they talking about?
"And we have his consent..." Wolffe lingered on that statement. "You're right, this is too good of a proposal to let go to waste. Let's go talk to Lady Y/N."
Rounding the corner as if you hadn't been standing there for the entire conversation, you walked down the steps and repeated Wolffe. "Talk to Lady Y/N about what?"
When their eyes met yours, it sent a chill down your spine. They shared a look of curiosity trying to disguise itself as something else. Lust. You'd know the look of lust anywhere. But why it was directed at you from someone other than Fives, you didn't have a clue. Wolffe licked his lips and stepped closer to you, extending his hand for you take and follow him over to where Rex was leaning casually against the back of the couch.
"You seem so tense, Y/N." Rex spoke softly from behind you as his hands started to rub the knots out of your neck. Instantly, you relaxed into his touch. You didn't know if it was his warmth, or that you were craving contact, but you let your eyes fall shut as he continued his decent to your shoulders.
Without having to open your eyes, you felt Wolffe's presence close the space between your bodies. His breath fanned over your face as he pushed your hair behind your ear and out of your face. "Why are you so tense, Y/N?" His voice was no higher than a gruff whisper.
"Tell us, littlu'n." Rex urged from behind you, his fingers now sliding down your arms.
"I haven't had sex in over two weeks. Fives doesn't let me touch myself when he's away." You don't know why you confessed as easily as you did. Rex and Wolffe were some of your best friends, and you talked about everything under the sun. But you all usually kept your sex lives under wraps. "All I want is to be touched. I want release so bad and I can't have it."
Rex's warm breath hitting the back of your neck made you shiver as Wolffe glided his fingers across the hem of your shirt. "You know, we would be more than happy to help you, Y/N. Give you what you crave most." Wolffe said as his knuckles lightly brushed against your hipbones.
"Honored." Rex corrected him.
At this admittance, your eyes shot open. You didn't know who too look at. Both Wolffe and Rex shared the same calm look that didn't show any sign of joking. Before you could start bombarding them with questions and accusations, you were silenced.
"Fives told us to assist you while he's on his mission. He said to do whatever you asked of us." Wolffe informed you.
"Said it was your reward for being such a good little girl." Rex continued.
That's when you knew it had to be true. Only Fives would say something like that to you. Although, it sounded wonderful coming from his best friend's mouth. You were already getting off on how close they were to you. Like they said, you'd be crazy not to take him up on his offer. So you let yourself relax back into Rex's chest, bringing one of your arms up to rest on Wolffe's shoulder while the other snaked around the back of Rex's neck.
"So, how is this gonna work boys?" You asked, looking from one man to the other.
Wolffe and Rex looked up at each other, silently asking each other if you had really just agreed to this. After letting the realization set in, they couldn't help the grin that played on their lips. "How ever you want it to work, Y/N. You call the shots." Wolffe slowly dragged his lips up your arm, grazing his teeth along your shoulder. "We've been instructed to do whatever you like, my lady. Your wish, is our command."
Both of them coaxing you from each end was stimulating your senses. Your body was already on fire and they had hardly even done anything yet. And it dawned on you that you didn't have to be Fives's good little girl for the night. Being good all of the time was exhausting. You wanted to rebel. You wanted to be bad. The beast inside of you was awakening at the thought of all the possibilities.
You reached for both of their hands and smirked at them, leading them to your bedroom. Once inside, you closed the door and rested your back against it. Your tongue darted out to lick your lips slowly, drawing their attention to your mouth. They closed the space between your bodies when you beckoned them over. One of your hands slid up and down Wolffe's chest, while the other mimicked the same action to Rex. "Did Fives give you any rules that you have to abide by?"
They both shook their heads no. "He said anything you want, goes." Rex breathed out.
You smiled and pulled him closer by his collar, bringing his mouth to yours. Your lips ghosted over his gently. "Good." Pulling Wolffe closer as well, you tugged on his bottom lip with your teeth. "Because I wanna feel, taste, every inch of the two of you." Your words earned a moan from both men. "So get comfortable boys," You squeezed past them, peeling your shirt off as you sauntered over to your bed. "It's gonna be a long night."
Kneeling on your mattress, you silently used your finger to beckon them over to you. They sat at each side, Rex to your right and Wolffe to your left, eagerly awaiting your next move. You crawled behind Wolffe and slid your hands down his chest, latching your mouth to the back of his ear and sucking a soft bruise there while you gathered the hem of his shirt and pulled it off of his frame. He tilted his head to the side and exhaled slowly, shuddering when your fingers trailed over his pectorals and left goosebumps in their wake. Then, you moved over to Rex, pulling his t-shirt over his head and discarding it with the rest of the clothes.
"Kneel." You motioned for Rex to mirror your stance on the bed. He did as told, kneeling behind you. Wolffe watched and waited for you to give him an order.
"Come here, Wolffe." Relishing in the way you said his name, he shivered, his eyes slowly hazing over as he too came to a kneeling position in front of you.
The two men sandwiched you between them, giving you little to no space to move. You backed your ass into Rex's crotch, grinding slowly. His jeans grew tighter as he grunted and rested his hands on your hips. Your hands slid up and down Wolffe's toned chest, enjoying the feeling of his abs underneath your fingertips. When your eyes met, you smirked and leaned into him, crashing your lips against his. Wolffe cupped your face in his hands, deepening the kiss. His lips parted just enough for you to slip your tongue past them, making him groan at the feeling of your tongue massaging his. Your hips never stopped moving against Rex's as you occupied Wolffe with your mouth. When you pulled away from Wolffe, one of your arms slipped around the back of Rex's neck, tugging on the ends of his hair until his head was forced back to give you access to his neck. You sucked on his pulse point until your name fell from his lips.
Wolffe watched in amazement for a moment until he noticed your half bare chest being unattended to. He palmed your breasts through your bra roughly, to which your responded with a moan against Rex's skin. Rex's hands gripped you tighter as the vibrations from your mouth beat against his throat..
"You know, Fives always handles me like I'm made of glass. Always so gentle with me. Calls me his good little girl," You tilted your head up so that your mouth brushed against Rex's fervently as you arched into Wolffe's touch. Wolffe leaned down to your chest and nipped at your skin, sucking over the marks he made with his teeth. One of Rex's hands pushed into the back of your shorts, squeezing your ass harshly. "But not you." You breathed out, leaning your head on Rex's chest. "You take me for what I really am."
Wolffe glided his hands up your sides and looked up at you from where his face was buried between your breasts. "And what are you really, Y/N?"
A slap to the back of your thigh stopped you from answering. Instead, you moaned through a bitten lip. "A bad girl." Rex replied for you. You could hear the grin on his lips without having to look at him. "Mmm, I bet you're a naughty little thing in bed, aren't you, littlu'n?" His voice was beautifully gruff. All you could do was nod.
"I bet you like it nice and rough, don't you, Y/N?" Wolffe mumbled into the crook of your neck as he kissed his way upward. Again, you nodded. "Tell us. Let us know what you like. We want to pleasure you to the fullest of our abilities, my lady."
Just thinking of all the possibilities that the two of them could do to your body was enough to surrender you useless. But you weren't about to roll over and play the good little girl role again. They were going to do what you wanted, alright.
Taking the wrist of each man, you led their hands to each side of your ass. "I like to be spanked."
Rex and Wolffe shared a look and smiled before drawing back and slapping your skin. You knew your ass was blushed from the sting without having to look back at it. The men kneaded your flesh in the palms of their hands to soothe the sweet ache.
"Go on, cyare." Rex nuzzled his nose against the shell of your ear as he pushed your shorts down your legs. Wolffe held you while Rex pulled them the rest of the way off.
Your breath was shaky as you sighed. "Bitten. I like to be bitten. Clawed at. I want bruises in the form of your fingertips scattered all over my body." Your chest was heaving and you had to choke down a moan at the thought of it all.
The smirk that was plastered on Wolffe's lips sent a shiver down your spine. He trailed his fingers down your sides, his nails digging into your skin and leaving marks that led to your panties. You sighed contently, resting your head on Rex's shoulder as he unhooked your bra and discarded it. Wolffe hunched over on his knees, propping himself up on his elbows as his fingers massaged your thighs harshly. His thumb slowly brushed against your clothed clit, making you whimper.
Rex wrapped your hair around his hand and tugged your head back to look at him. Your bottom lip was held captive by your teeth as another moan escaped the back of your throat from his aggressiveness. His free hand traveled down your neck, to your chest, and finally to your ample breast. He took your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting and teasing the bud.
"Look at me." Rex's demand was met. Your mouth was gaped and your eyes clouded with lust. Rex's tongue traced your bottom lip as Wolffe peppered kisses along your inner thigh.
Although you loved the attention being paid to you, you felt as if you were losing control. You carded your fingers though Wolffe's hair and pulled until he was at eye level with you. "Lay. Now." He obliged, laying back on the pillows and watching for your next order. You peeled off your panties, tossing them away carelessly. "Bare down, fellas. We've got work to do."
They did as instructed, stripping down and waiting for your next command. After telling Rex to wait at the foot of the bed, you crawled over to Wolffe, leaving open mouthed kisses up the path of his body until you reached his lips. His throbbing hard on brushed against your leg, emitting a hiss from the Maker beneath you. "You know, I'd be more than happy to help you out with that," You whispered softly into his ear. He groaned in response. "But only if you return the favor."
Before he could speak, you pecked his lips and moved up to straddle his face. You faced Rex, grinning at the sight of his slack jaw as he watched Wolffe tease your already soaked folds. You never took your eyes off of him as you leaned down and took Wolffe's cock into your hand. When your grip tightened around Wolffe's tip, he licked a long, hard strip along your cunt. A strangled groan sounded from deep inside of your throat and you licked your lips, looking back and forth between Rex's eyes and his unattended to length. He got the hint and made his way over to you.
Rex pumped himself in his hand a few times while you retrieved the lube from your bedside table and squirted some into your palm, slicking Wolffe's dick with it. You smiled at Rex and crashed your lips to his passionately before showering his skin with kisses, trailing down his stomach. Your tongue licked along his shaft before you sucked him into your mouth. His hand tangled into your hair, guiding your head back and forth on him.
"Harder." Your command was muffled due to your full mouth, but obliged. Rex tightened his grasp and pulled your head back, thrusting his hips in sync with you.
Your motions never let up on Wolffe. You continued to pump him tight in your clutch, twisting your wrist and rubbing your thumb along the vein under his tip. When he began to suck on your clit, it was the beginning of your downfall. He snaked his arms around your thighs as you rode his mouth for all it was worth until you came. Moans and straggled breaths were the only sounds echoing around the room as he helped you ride it out.
You knew it was only a matter of time before they followed suit. With a flick of the wrist and hollowed cheeks, you got what you wanted. Rex's load filled your mouth as Wolffe's spewed over your chest and stomach.
After swallowing Rex's cum, you licked up Wolffe's until he was clean of the sticky substance. You fell to your back and smiled to yourself, still in bliss from what had just happened. Rex kissed your temple and Wolffe moved the hair away from your face. You let your eyes fall shut and hummed softly.
"Anything else we can do for you, cyary'ika?" Wolffe asked.
"Anything at all?" Rex pressed.
You could lie, you were already warn out. A certain amount of time without sexual exertion can feel like running a marathon once you finally get back in the game. But it had been too long, and the craving for it only grew stronger. There was no chance in hell that this opportunity was going to happen again, so why not take full advantage of it?
Rex and Wolffe were laying on their sides, waiting for your answer. They knew from your grin that you weren't finished with them. Their calm gentleness was replaced with dominate roughness as they each took a leg and spread you open. Rex's teeth nipped at your throat while Wolffe clawed his way up your thigh. They each took a nipple into their mouths, taunting and teasing in such a delicious fashion that you felt the room spin.
You ran your hands through their hair and pulled them up to look at you. "Enough teasing. Fuck me already." You half pleaded, half commanded.
Both men helped you up and positioned you between them, Rex in front of you and Wolffe behind. You ground your hips into Rex's and pulled Wolffe in for a bruising kiss. Both of them were hesitant, not wanting to hurt you in any way, but you quickly assured them.
"I'm fine, I can take it. Just please, I can't wait any more. I need you, please, I need both of you." You didn't care how pathetic you sounded. All the teasing had you more turned on than ever and you longed to be filled to the highest extent.
Wolffe slowly eased himself into you after coating himself with the lubricant. You sighed and rested your head in the crook of his neck as he rubbed circles into your hips to soothe you.
"Come on, Cap. Can't get this party started without you." Despite your approval, Rex was still timid. You stroked his cheek and pulled him close until your lips brushed against his. "Please, Rex. You don't know how bad I need this. How bad I need you. " You whispered against his mouth.
He whimpered, nodding and readying himself before sliding into you with ease. Groans and sighs emitted from each of you as they allowed you time to adjust to their lengths. After signaling that it was okay to move, they rocked their hips back and forth, switching speeds and going in and out of sync with each other.
There wasn't much you could do besides help spring them on. Your hands caressed every inch of Rex while your mouth took care of Wolffe. You felt Wolffe twitch inside of you, which in turn made your walls tense around him and Rex. They were trying their damnedest to hold back until you came first. Sloppy thrusts and hot mouths all deemed you to your end.
You came hard, feeling your slickness slide down your thighs as Rex and Wolffe continued until their orgasms hit. You were filled to the hilt. Their actions slowed to a complete stop and they slowly pulled out of you, laying you down gently.
You all were still fighting to regulate your breathing as you lay tangled up in one another. Rex rolled over to his side and nuzzled his face into your neck. "Fives is one lucky motherfucker."
You laughed softly and pushed his hair out of his face. Rex's communicator rang from the back of his jean pocket. As he got up to answer it, Wolffe pulled you closer and kissed your lips sweetly. Rex's voice was muffled for the most part, but he turned around to look at you and Wolffe as he spoke.
"Yeah, Fives. She was a very good girl."
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antigoneidk · 4 years
Just thought of this cuz of tiktok. Tom meets one of his famous look a likes and comes up with an idea to prank reader into thinking the look alike is him, only problem is reader doesn’t fall for it at all cuz she knows all his little things that make Tom...well, Tom .
a/n: as I was writing this I realised how scary actually this is. i mean can you imagine having someone looking exactly like you?broo😂thank you for your request
warnings: fluff..not really
Bill Jackson: as the lookalike(yes that's what came to my mind nvm)
Tom was standing still, his hands on his pockets, big smile on his face looking at the cameras around him, flashing at him capturing every move of his. He didn't try to fake anything, it was just himself at a red carpet.
After a few minutes people with cameras and microphones were all waiting patienly for celebrities to come. All of them asking either really stupid questions or personally ones, trying to take any juicy information they could. He was all giggly answering with confidence, fearless.
" Have you met Bill Jackson yet?"a woman asked.
"No is he here?"he returned the question, full of enthusiasm. The woman in front of him nodded."No way! I want to meet him so badly"
"You look literally the same. How's that even possible?"
"Maybe I have a twin that got lost in the hospital"he raised his shoulders and laughed. The blonde lady thanked me and he got back to his assistant and three of his friends when suddenly a man stood in front of him.
"Oh my God"Tom covered his mouth socked with the person across him. It felt like he was seeing him self through a mirror. Almost every little thing looked the same.
"Finally we met. How are you?" The man hugged Tom. "I am starting to believe that we are actually twins"
"Me too. I mean I could walked down the streets and people be like" Are you Bill?"and I have to admit that sometimes I like to trick them. But when I speak for a long time they're figuring it out and I'm like "Damn" "
"Well I least you tried"Bill interrupted burst out laughing. "But they don't see you with y/n?"
"She is the reason I don't get mistaken when we're out together to be honest"he smiled when your figure came to his mind.
"Isn't she here?"
"Y/n is here, she just left for a moment"he answered, but he couldn't resist to the plan he had for months in his head.
"Could you please do me a favor? I know we just met and I'm really sorry but I kinda want you to listen"he made a silly face that Bill found hilarious.
"Of course I will. Tell me"
"I want to prank my girl. She always says that she would always recognize me but I don't think she would be able to" The man in front of him stopped Tom with his hand. "Right now? Oh she would trust me. I mean the outfit...we're not wearing the same suit"
"Oh no she hasn't see me yet we're fine" Tom looked behind Bill's shoulder, seeing you talking with a man, who was holding a camera with him."Y/n's here. Please can you do this for me? Only for a minute or so, just to prove her wrong"
"Tom I got you" Bill laughed and Tom ran meters away, hiding behind a couple of people, close enough to be able to hear you.
You walked towards the familiar faces, placing your hand to your man's back, showing your bright smile.
"How are you baby?"you asked but looked at Tom's assistant, who was showing you some of your obligations you had to get done. His hand hugged your waist.
"I'm good darling"a deeper voice answered, not the one you waited to. You turned your face immediately to the direction the voice came from. You blinked fast for a moment. It wasn't Tom. It was a man who looked similar to him, but not like him.
No way.
You tried to play it cool. You smiled back at him and returned your attention back to the group around you. They were all acting the same way as before, like nothing had changed. But you were sure that the person next to you wasn't Tom.
"Babe? Can I talk to you for a second?"the mysterious man nodded at you and led you next to an another group, all of them strangers to you. He was holding your hand but that feeling you hoped you would feel, didn't appeared. A sign that proved you right.
You stared at him, clueless for a second. You tried to recall in your memory his name. He looked almost like Tom.
"Are you okay my love?" he seemed concerned, his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly open. My love. That was something that he would say to you, but yet you were convinced that this was not him.
"Yes, well not but I'll be fine" you tried to act, holding your stomach like it was hurting you.
"Are you sure? Do you wanna leave? We can go, you don't have to worry about that" his voice got higher. He was good.
"It's okay sweet. Tell me now how did you do?"
"What?" the curiosity took all over him.
"With the interview part. You said that you were nervous to the phone" your side smile showed up and you crossed your arms to your chest, waiting for his respond.
"It went perfectly fine, you know some of them were a little rude but other than that I was good"his hand rum through his hair, a move he used to do when he was nervous. But there was not a reason to be nervous about. Who was he?
"I'm glad. And I'm sorry for being late but there was so much traffic"your hands got up in the air "I accidentally started yelling at the driver. But before you say anything I apologized to him"
"Y/n why?"
"I just wanted to be here with you Tom" you said making a sad face and lowered your face, just like a puppy would do.
Tom was listening the whole time. He was right behind your back, hardly holding his laughter, knowing you didn't have an idea of what was going on.
A flashback crossed your mind, a conversation the two of you had days ago about his identical twin, a theory that everyone has someone that looks like them. Tom had said a name, but it was blank. You only wanted the name of this person that he was talking right now. Poor man.
"Are you listening y/n?"
"I zoned out. What did you said?"
"Do you want to get back to them? They have been waiting for so long it's not right"his hand pointed their way."We gonna have time after this to talk for as long as you want"
"Well yes but I'm surprised you haven't kissed me yet" you bit your lip seeing a weird expression from the mystery boy. Tom would have kissed you way before.
"Um"he was searching with his eyes for help from anywhere, until he looked back at you"You said that you felt sick and I didn't want to make it even worse"you nodded and walked back to your team. They all greeted you and kept their conversation going. The guy who followed you, stood now next to you and tried to keep up with the others. A few more humans had been added, not familiar at all. You noticed that some of them looked at the mysterious male.
You scanned the area around you, hoping you will find the real Tom but nothing. And then you saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
Bill. Bill Jackson.
He looked like the boy you fell for, but from the way his hand was at  your waist to the way he talked to you, the sensation wasn't the same. Less emotion, no butterflies, no warmth.
You giggled quietly and looked at Bill with a smile. You leaned discreetly to him, kissing his cheek and you made your way to his ear.
"I love you" you whispered. His nose didn't cracked and his smile wasn't the one that you'd usually expect from your lover. This time an awkward  little smile and a disgust face combined, a hilarious thing to watch. You started laughing loud and he followed after a while.
"Nice try Bill"you said and he huffed disappointed.
"Admit it I got you for a moment"you laughed denying his statement.
"No I know him too well. To be fair I have studied him too well" you didn't feel embarrassed at all. He was your boyfriend you loved too much and cared about. Of course you had noticed every little thing he had done, years now.
"Then he is lucky to have you"you blushed hearing him. You asked where your real boyfriend was. He just shouted his name and Tom appeared looking at you with a smile as he was coming towards you. He hugged and kissed you gently on your lips.
"So what?" you asked curious. His shining smile got even bigger.
"Was he convincing?"
"Yes you guys got me"you lied not wanting to ruin his mood. He looked so adorable and cute to destroy it and make him feel like a failure.
"I can believe that this rumor was true though"you admitted scanning the two men next to you. Of course for you wasn't like that, but for the rest of the world they looked exactly the same.
"I told you baby. Somewhere out there is your too" Tom hugged you from behind, your butterflies flying in your stomach. Finally.
"Then be careful" Bill laughed and Tom pretended to be shocked and mad at you but with no success.
The night went by fast, with you having a great time together and actually getting to know better Bill. Yes, he wasn't like Tom.
Sorry for mistakes. ALSO ITS CHRIS'S BIRTHDAYYYY🎉they grow up so fast and I'm stuck helpp
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artificialqueens · 5 years
oh, my sunlight, chapter two (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr: plastiquetiaras) | word count: 5060
AN: Chapter two! I love this verse so, so much. Thank you for all the sweet words on the first chapter, I appreciate it endlessly. Thank you writ for betaing and being wonderful <3
“Stupid blazer, so much for being a maternity fit-”
“You good, baby?” Vanessa pops her head out from their en suite bathroom, half dressed in the pantsuit that she’s going to be wearing for the German Chancellor’s state visit.
Brooke huffs. “Can’t get these buttons to close. How am I supposed to look professional if I can’t even button my damn blazer over my belly?”
Vanessa walks over, a soft grin taking over her face before she leans down to kiss Brooke’s stomach, grabbing both sides of her blazer. She fiddles with it, tongue poking out and lets out a whoop when she gets the blazer closed. “I don’t know why you’re so insistent on keeping up the pantsuits. There’s gotta be other clothes that are more-”
“Nope. Still gotta match the rest of the agents.” Brooke doesn’t even see it as an option. She can still keep up with everyone, she’s still the agent in command and she’s not going to be sitting back unless she fully has to.
“You’re seven and a half months pregnant, B. Don’t think that I didn’t hear you grumbling about your back aching earlier.” Vanessa comes up behind her to massage out the knots in her shoulders and Brooke can’t help but sigh into the touch.
“Dunno what you’re talking about, Ness.” Brooke’s good at handling herself. She’s been trying her best throughout the pregnancy to keep up, to not let things change, despite Vanessa’s tutting about it.
Brooke knows that she’s going to have to cut down on the work soon, for Vanessa’s sake more than anything else. Her wife’s been more worried than she has, always willing to let engagements and presidential business slide for any prenatal appointments, or any moments when Brooke hasn’t been feeling the best. Not that Brooke wants Vanessa to worry too much about her.
As little as she wants to admit it, Brooke’s been enjoying the doting. It had irritated her slightly at first, Vanessa being overly worried and willing to push anything aside for her needs. It had reminded Brooke of when she had been recovering from being shot years and years ago - her natural tendency of wanting to fold in on herself and silently carry on not being possible with Vanessa at her side. But she’s learned, over time. To accept help from those who want to give it. Especially her wife.
“I’m gonna give you a full back massage tonight, regardless.” Vanessa places a kiss to Brooke’s shoulder before coming around to face her.
Brooke grins. “A massage, huh?”
“Get your dirty ass mind out of the gutter. Though that can be arranged, too.” Vanessa winks at her. “Do you need help with your pants?”
Brooke huffs. “I’m pregnant, not incapacitated-”
“-Your belly is also starting to block your view of your feet, baby.” Vanessa ignores Brooke’s protests and grabs her pants, holding them out for Brooke to step into.
Brooke scoffs when Vanessa buttons her pants for her (’There, was that so hard?’), but has to admit to herself that Vanessa’s help speeds up her changing process by quite a bit.
Vanessa tugs on her own blazer as Silky barges into their bedroom. “You got approximately twenty minutes before we gotta go down to the first floor and debrief.”
“Ever heard of knocking, Silk?” Vanessa grumbles underneath her breath when Silky is followed by two baby faced interns, jotting down notes as they look around the room. “These ain’t open quarters.”
Brooke forgets, sometimes, that they’re living in the White House. That the high ceilings and ominous portraits that line the walls hold a long, detailed history. That the low hum of noise that’s always present is because their residence holds not only their living quarters, but also government offices and tours for the public.
“But I’m your best friend and also part of your staff, and the one who has to tell you that your ass is going to be late to meet the Chancellor of Germany, and that ain’t a good look for anyone.” Silky turns towards the interns, whispering something to them before they run off.
Vanessa waves a hand airily. “Angela won’t even be mad. Hell, she gave me a hug the last time that we met. We’re cool.”
Silky shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you got the nerve to call her ‘Angela’.”
Vanessa shrugs. “That’s her name, ain’t it?”
Brooke has to hold back a smile. She never gets tired of watching Vanessa. It’s refreshing, really, the way her natural charisma tends to lend itself to politics. The way she’s been able to actually accomplish things during her time in office because she can use her likeability to her advantage. It’s an art, one that Vanessa’s truly perfected.
Silky leans back against the bedframe, turning towards Brooke. “Wilson’s looking for you. Something about perimeter mumbo jumbo. Hell if I know.”
Brooke snorts. “So helpful. Thanks though, I’ll contact him.” She pulls out her work phone to call the other agent, talking through the security measures for the Chancellor’s visit.
It bothers Brooke more than she wants to admit, the fact that she can’t physically do the work anymore. Being the one on the front lines, protecting Vanessa. Brooke feels like she should be the one doing it, because how can she trust other people not to make stupid mistakes and put Vanessa in danger?
But she’s been trying. To let go, to relax. To delegate.
To prioritize the fact that she’s growing a small human. Their small human.
She still can’t believe it sometimes, that it’s actually happening.
The one line on the pregnancy test is staring back at her, taunting her, because-
It didn’t work.
Maybe she should take another one. Maybe this first one is lying. Maybe it did work this time. This is their third round of IVF, after all, shouldn’t it have worked by now?  
What are they doing wrong?
What is Brooke doing wrong?
“Open up, B. What does it say?”
Vanessa’s fist banging on the door makes Brooke squeeze her eyes shut tight, because no, no, no, Vanessa’s going to be heartbroken because it’s happened again-
“Brooke.” Vanessa’s voice, again. Softer this time. “Can I come in?”
Brooke sniffles (she’s not crying, she’s not crying, when did she start crying?), reaching over from her cross legged position on the ground to unlock the door.
It didn’t work.
She’s not pregnant.
“Oh, baby.” Vanessa’s looking at Brooke and scooting onto the floor beside her and her arms are wrapping around her shoulders, squeezing her so tight and for a second the deep pressure is grounding, making everything okay, before their ugly reality rears its head again because the test is still in her hand. Staring up at her. Mocking her. Leering at her.
Brooke’s a failure.
“I’m sorry, Ness.” The words feel like lead in her mouth, because saying them makes it true - that this cycle of IVF failed. Like the last one, and the one before that. Because the injections, the supplements, the doctor’s visits were all in vain. They made no difference, in the end.
It didn’t work.
“Shhh.” Vanessa’s hand is gentle on her cheek, wiping the tear that’s threatening to fall. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. Let’s make that clear.”
“We’re doing everything right, baby, okay? It’s not your fault, it’s not my fault. It’s not either of our faults.” Vanessa’s other hand is running through her hair and a small part of Brooke wonders if she even deserves the comfort.
“But it should have happened by now, what if I’m doing something wrong, what if-”
“I can’t, I-”
“Shh.” Vanessa’s arms are around Brooke again, squeezing her tight and somehow it cuts through the fog of her thoughts, the beating of her heart that’s getting faster and faster along with the spiralling in her mind. Vanessa’s bringing Brooke back down, keeping the various pieces of her all together that are so prone to shattering from her thoughts and memories.
“We’ll try again. If you want. Or we don’t have to. But we don’t have to talk about it right now.” Vanessa’s whispers are warm in her ear, soft and reassuring and Brooke almost hates it. That Vanessa has to do this. Be the one to keep them from breaking.
Because that’s Brooke’s job.
“…And then the Secretary of Commerce’s office wants to set up a meeting about the tariffs on the lumber exports, we’ll need to do that before the bill goes in front of the legislature.” Blair’s voice squeaks as she speaks, her eyes flitting between Vanessa and the rest of her team.
“Thank you, St. Clair. Call them and set it up for late next week, maybe Friday in the a.m?” A’keria’s voice is all business as she rifles through her agenda. Vanessa’s glad that she’s got A’keria on as her Chief of Staff. Being in charge of overseeing the office’s day to day flow, she’s adept at keeping everyone in line, from the interns like Blair to Vanessa herself.
Vanessa has to admit, she’s more of a headache to A’keria than any of the interns.
A’keria dismisses the rest of the team, letting them leave the Oval Office before closing the door. “Question, while I work on your schedule. You still serious about this whole parental leave thing?”
Vanessa looks at A’keria as if she’s grown two heads. “Obviously. We’re about to have a baby. Do I look like I can focus on running a country?”
“You’re the President, Vanj. That’s your damn job description.”
“Hey, if the New Zealand Prime Minister took maternity leave when she had her kid way back when, so can I.” Vanessa shrugs, leaning back in her desk chair. “Break the glass ceiling here and all that.”
A’keria rubs at her temples. “Okay, so we’ll get the VP to step in as deputy, fine. You’ll still have to consult here and there during the leave, though, or this whole place will fall to shit.”
Vanessa waves a hand. “Everyone will survive. I’m gonna have more important things to focus on.
The thought makes her stomach do flips every single time.
A baby.
Her and Brooke are going to have a baby.
It’s now been eight months since they found out, since their world had flipped on its axis because it finally became real and now it’s happening, really happening.
Vanessa looks up at the clock. 7:35 p.m. She knows about Brooke’s tendencies to overwork herself, which normally she doesn’t want to interfere with. But the pregnancy has turned Vanessa into a mother hen, one that wants to hover around Brooke and make sure she’s safe and okay, even though she knows it’s probably annoying.
She dials Brooke’s number, waiting for it to ring.
“Hey, V.” Brooke’s voice is soft and Vanessa can almost hear the grin in it.
“Hey yourself.” Vanessa’s brow furrows at the rustling noises in the background of the call. “You still working?”
“Finishing up a meeting.”
Vanessa sighs. “Brooke-”
“I know, I know. We’re done, now.”
“Good.” Vanessa’s can hear how soft her own voice is, in relief more than anything else. “Wanna grab dinner together?”
“Just us?” Brooke’s question makes sense - they’re both used to working through meals a lot of the time, having lunchtime meetings or dinnertime conference calls with those in other timezones or others that they haven’t been able to reach during the day.
“Just us. I don’t have anything until nine, a conference call with the U.S Embassy in Japan.” Vanessa smiles. “Well, the three of us.”
“Yeah. The three of us.” Brooke’s voice is full of marvel. The fact that they’re going to have a baby is becoming more and more real as the months pass. As Brooke begins to show more and more, as every prenatal appointment passes and while confirming that their baby is healthy. But the fact that they’ll get to meet their child in a month and a half, the fact that they’ll go from being a duo to a trio-
It feels unbelievable.
Vanessa’s been through so much with Brooke. Experienced so many highs, so many lows. Experienced so much of what life has to offer, and experienced brushes with death, too.
Soon, they’re going to have a chance to add to their team.
Vanessa heads from the Oval Office over to their private wing of the White House, getting stopped along the way approximately four times to sign various papers and answer questions from harried members of staff. The answers roll off of her tongue like second nature, like she was born to do this.
At the beginning of her first term, Vanessa had felt way, way, over her head, as if she had jumped from a small pond to deep into the Atlantic ocean with no life jacket to keep her afloat. It had been a learning curve despite her many years in politics - learning how to stay on top of things, how to manage not only a bigger staff, but an entire country. The voices of her opponents on the campaign trail had begun to sink into her inner monologue, droning on about how she was too young, too inexperienced, too incapable of the job. They’d made her feel like she was faking it, like she wouldn’t be able to get through.
But Vanessa’s learned, over the years. And now, into her second term, she’s gotten more comfortable with using her natural confidence and abilities, because she knows what she’s doing.
There’s no way she could have gotten this job if she didn’t.
Brooke’s already taking out plates for the two of them when Vanessa reaches the dining room, and Vanessa has to stand on her tiptoes to kiss her, leaning over her belly.
“Baby was extra antsy during the meeting today.” Brooke grabs Vanessa’s hand and places it on her stomach, where a small bulge is protruding.
“His little feetsies!” Vanessa practically squeals when she feels it sticking out.
“Or her.” Brooke grins. “We don’t know that yet.”
“And we’re not finding out until they’re born, so may as well use any and all pronouns.” Vanessa presses a kiss to Brooke’s stomach. “Hi, baby. Been good for your mama all day?”
“Pressing on my bladder like mad.” Brooke huffs. “I had to pee practically every five minutes.”
Vanessa tries to hold back a laugh. “Not gonna lie, I’m glad that it’s you who’s carrying first.”
“Oh, just you wait.” Brooke tosses her hair over her shoulder. “I’m going to have a great time basking it when you have to go through all the pregnancy stuff.”
They grab their food from the trolley that’s been brought up from the White House kitchen. The fact that they don’t have to cook if they don’t want to would be a lot more enjoyable to Vanessa were the two of them not so incredibly busy with work. Though it’s moments like these that Vanessa appreciates not having to grocery shop or wash dishes or work away in the kitchen. She just gets to spend her downtime with Brooke.
“Wanna eat in the den?” Vanessa nudges Brooke’s side. “More comfy.”
“Yeah. My back has been killing me all day, I want to veg out a bit.” Brooke holds up a hand before Vanessa can even open her mouth in concern and say a word. “And yes, you can give me a back massage, and no, I won’t take an easy day tomorrow.”
“Brooke.” Vanessa huffs as they walk over to the den. “You shouldn’t push yourself if you’re-”
“I’m not, V.” Brooke falls down onto the couch with a sigh as she tries to get comfy, shuffling the cushions by her back. “I just want to be active for as long as possible, that’s all.”
Vanessa sticks another cushion behind Brooke for good measure. “Just take care of yourself, okay? You know yourself better than I do, but you also once accidentally cut your finger on a jar and said it was just like a papercut, and then it wouldn’t wouldn’t stop bleeding and then you needed stitches. Stitches!”
Brooke snorts at the memory. “Good times. That was funny. Still got the scar from that. The stitches didn’t even hurt.”
Vanessa’s about to huff, go off again because Brooke is too blasé about her own health sometimes and it worries her, it really does, when Brooke grabs her hand and kisses it. It’s a flimsy tactic, but never fails at making Vanessa absolutely melt.
“I know my limits, Nessa, ‘kay? I’ll be careful, you know that.”
Vanessa sighs. “I do.” It’s just that it makes her nervous, she wants Brooke to be okay, and wants the baby to be okay, and doesn’t want anything to go wrong.
She’s gotten too close to losing Brooke in the past. The sleepless nights Vanessa’s spent in a chair beside a hospital bed, fears that Brooke would never wake up.
Vanessa never wants to experience that ever again.
“Here, watch this.” Brooke puts her now empty plate on the table beside the couch, moving a hand to rub her belly. “I’ve learned exactly how to make him all mad. Discovered it today, during the meeting.”
“Mad?” Vanessa scoots closer, resting a hand on Brooke’s stomach. “And what happened to ‘we don’t know yet?’”
“I know, I know.” Brooke shrugs. “It’s fun to guess, though. Now, watch this. He reacts when I rub the side of my stomach, right here.”
Brooke presses her hand to her side, and Vanessa watches with wonder as her belly moves, their baby active and shifting around. She can’t help but reach out and put her hand beside Brooke’s, letting out a little whoop when she feels their baby kick.
“She’s so active! Or he. Or they. I love them so much already.” Vanessa can’t help the way that she’s already tearing up.
“And here I thought that I was the pregnant, hormonal one.” Brooke’s sniffling too, and Vanessa burrows herself into her side, her heart full and all of the possibilities of the world laid out in front of them.
She’d never thought in her wildest dreams that she would ever get so lucky.
Brooke’s therapist had told her not to bottle things up, stick them in the pretty boxes in her heart, never to be opened again because everything would eventually crumble. The pile of boxes. From all the bad thoughts and thorn laced memories that she didn’t want to think about.
“It’s okay to lean on your wife sometimes,” he had said, “Just like she leans on you.”
They’re in a fancy suite in Boston, because Vanessa is meeting with the state’s senator tomorrow and then has a media blitz day. But Brooke can’t sleep, even though they’re going to have to wake up at 6 a.m. so that Vanessa can look ‘media ready,’ as A’keria puts it.
Brooke tries to distract herself with the plan for tomorrow - how many cars they’re going to take, the way she’s going to distribute the agents for the myriad of events and locations. It normally calms her, soothes her; being a creature of preparedness and having the need for everything being under control. But tonight her stomach is cramping, the pain hollow in her abdomen a reminder of what they’re going through.
The cramping is normal, the doctor had told her. After implantation of the embryos.
But will a pregnancy take?
Will it work?
Or will it be like the last three cycles?
Brooke can’t help but think that maybe it has something to do with her.
She has half a mind to poke Vanessa, wake her from her slumber. Spill all the worries that are building up in her head and threatening to escape at any moment, unless they drive her insane first.
But Vanessa’s fast asleep, her mouth slightly parted as her waves frame her face and for a second she doesn’t even look like the President of the United States. She’s the woman that Brooke fell in love with in a cabin in the woods and nearly died for.
It baffles Brooke every day, the fact that Vanessa loves her. Is married to her. Despite everything, all that’s happened.
Everything that Brooke’s done in her life.
It’s not her, not anymore. But it used to be.
Brooke had murdered people in cold blood, murdered people for money. She had her own fucked up moral code that she used to guide herself in the direction of what was least societally reprehensible, but still.
Doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s extinguished lives. Ended bloodlines, shattered families. No matter if they belonged to douchebags or criminals or whomever. Brooke had still done it. Willingly.
Who is she now to even want to bring a life into this world?
The universe is probably laughing in her face right now, at her absolute audacity to even try again. They’re probably going to find out the same thing a fourth time.
Not pregnant.
It’s not like Brooke deserves to be, anyway, not after what she’s done.
In the past, Brooke had never been one to believe in karma. But the way that her and Vanessa keep trying and trying, the way that they keep seeing friends and coworkers and even people on fucking television announce that they’re pregnant feels like a huge cosmic joke. Like the universe wants to rub it in her face.
Fucked up real bad in the past? Well, she’s going to pay for it now, while bringing Vanessa down with her. Sweet, amazing Vanessa, who deserves better than this. Better than Brooke and all her karmic baggage.
Brooke doesn’t want to wake her. Maybe she’ll talk to her in the morning instead.
Brooke really, really needs watermelon.
Really needs it.
Desperately needs it.
She’d had insane cravings during her second trimester, constantly on the hunt in the White House kitchens for a certain type of ice cream, or her favourite dill pickles. The cravings had died down during the recent weeks, but now they’re back with a vengeance. At nearly nine months pregnant.
Brooke has to get work done for the diplomat visits to the White House over the next few weeks, review the security plans submitted by her agents that are waiting in her email before she officially has to go on leave, but all she can think about is watermelon.
A nice slice of watermelon. The kind that’s super sweet, super juicy, the kind that’s the best in the summer months when it’s hot outside.
She needs some watermelon.
BLH: I need your help.
VVM: What??? Ok coming to your office in 5.
BLH: No wait, just-
Vanessa’s flinging open the door before Brooke can even send her text. It’s convenient, really, that Brooke’s office is so close to the Oval Office. But Vanessa’s looking around the room wildly, looking at her for any signs of distress or pain, and Brooke suddenly feels guilty.
“What’s wrong, baby? Are you hurt? In pain? Do we need to go to the hospital?” Vanessa’s hand is brushing the hair away from her face, her eyes looking her up and down.
“No.” Brooke mumbles because now she’s almost embarrassed. Almost. “I just…”
“You just what?” Vanessa’s crouching beside her desk chair, eyebrows raised. “Spit it out, baby.”
“I want watermelon. I really really want some.” Brooke squeaks out the words, because one of her agents is standing in the doorway, and she’s truly never going to hear the end of the teasing if they catch any of their conversation.
“Watermelon?!” Vanessa’s voice echoes around the room and really, so much for keeping it on the down low. Brooke nearly facepalms. “I ran here in these high ass heels for watermelon?”
“Well, technically I didn’t make you run-”
“Watermelon. Watermelon?”
“In my defense, I really, really need some?” Brooke gives the most angelic smile that she can down to her wife, who’s crouched down on the floor and having a crisis.
“Please?” Brooke pouts and she can see Vanessa’s resolve break, her features immediately melting as she stands back up to press a kiss to her lips.
“Okay, baby. I’ll head down to the kitchen and get you some watermelon.”
Brooke beams, because she really does love her wife. “Thank you.”
Sure, Brooke finds it hard to accept help sometimes. But her pregnancy brain is quite adept at overruling her rational side, something her therapist would be quite impressed with.
Brooke’s happy with the watermelon when Vanessa brings her some, using her stomach like a shelf and resting her bowl on top of it as she types. Her abdomen has been bothering her all day, cramping off and on, though she’s not too worried after their last prenatal visit. Her doctor had said that such cramps were normal towards the end of pregnancy.
Brooke knows to expect it. She’s not going to be a wuss that shows up at the hospital way too early, thinking that she’s having contractions.
Nah, Brooke’s fine. She’s going to keep working. She needs to finish sending these emails, anyway.
Brooke pushes against the armrests of her desk chair to stand up once she hits send on the last email, letting out a grunt as she does. The bathroom’s been calling her name all throughout the work, the baby once again pushing on her bladder with no signs of letting up. She’s ready to waddle over, go to the bathroom for the fourth time today when she feels a slight whoosh.
Her pants are wet.
Brooke lets out a groan, because has she really peed her pants? Does being nearly nine months pregnant make women incontinent?
How embarrassing.
Brooke looks down to assess the state of her clothes, and she’s definitely got a wet spot on her pants, along with one on her chair.
She’s about to grumble and attempt to deal with the mess, except she realizes that she still feels like she needs to pee. So maybe, she hasn’t just peed her pants?
But then…
It doesn’t make sense to Brooke. Her water can’t be broken. She’s still two weeks ahead of her actual due date.
But she’s definitely feeling some sort of leakage, and she still has to pee, and her abdomen is really, really starting to hurt.
“Brooke, baby, I can’t bring you more watermelon, the Chief of Security is in my office right now-”
“Ness, I think my water broke.” Brooke whispers into the phone at her desk, because there are still agents on the other side of her door, and she doesn’t want to cause a stir, really, because maybe it’s not that big of a deal if it’s happened so early-
“WHAT?” Vanessa’s voice blares through the phone and Brooke has to pull the receiver away from her ear, because Vanessa is loud.
“I think so, at least-”
“Forget this meeting, fuck it - whoops, sorry sir - my wife is in labour, I need to go, we can reschedule this, right? A’keria! Reschedule it! Brooke’s in labour!”
Brooke can practically hear Vanessa yelling as she gets closer and closer to her own office, heaving the door open and it’s a good thing Vanessa’s here now, because fuck.
The pains are definitely contractions now.
“Do we need to go? Should I tell one of the interns to call a car? Who should drive? Should I drive?” Vanessa’s pacing in front of her desk and Brooke wants to laugh, really, except she’s having to breathe a little bit harder through the pain.
Not that the pain is that bad. She’s okay, really.
“You’re not going to drive, babe. We’re-” Brooke takes a deep breath, closing her eyes as she can feel another contraction start. “We’ll get someone to drive us.”
“Should I ask Kiki? No wait, I can’t ask Kiki, she said once that she’d failed her driving test in the past. What if she crashes now with us in the car? What if-”
“Ness. We have drivers. We have people employed here who are quite literally drivers.” Breathe, she’s going to breathe. The contraction’s ending.
Vanessa pauses. “Oh. Right. Wait, your baby bag, we haven’t packed one!” She spins on her heel, starting to pace again. “What do we do?”
“Get one of the interns to do it.” Brooke grimaces because damn, her abdomen hurts, and it’s still so early, and are they really about to have a baby?
Vanessa barks an order into her phone and comes around Brooke’s desk, pulling her close. Brooke leans her head against Vanessa’s stomach, who’s still standing and running her fingers through Brooke’s hair.
“Okay. Okay. We can do this. Stay calm.” Vanessa’s muttering under her breath and Brooke looks up at her with an amused smile.
“I am calm.” Brooke is. She’s trying to be, at least, because panicking isn’t going to help and she doesn’t want to start to spiral too early. Maybe she’s not even in labour yet and this is a false alarm.
“I was talking to myself.” Vanessa’s voice is sheepish and Brooke lets out a snort, because of course she was.
Brooke feels another wave of pain hit, stronger this time and lets out a whimper because it hurts, more so than before. Vanessa’s suddenly on the floor beside her, and Brooke can hear her talking (‘It’s okay, baby, you’re okay, you’re okay’) and tries her best to focus on her. Though the way she’s gripping the armrests of her chair is certainly going to make them break.
It feels like an eternity before the contraction passes, even though Brooke’s clock tells her that it’s only been forty five seconds.
“Hey. Hey. Kiki brought the driver. You ready?” Vanessa’s looking up at Brooke expectantly, as if she’s asked the easiest question in the world.
Ready? Are they ready for a baby? Will they be able to be parents? Will they be good parents?
Is Brooke ready to push out an entire baby?
“I am, with you.” It’s true. They can do this. Brooke’s been through so much with Vanessa, survived deadly past careers, wayward gunshots, federal campaigns. Protected her physically from the world while Vanessa kept her together on the inside.
Who’s to say they can’t do this too?
“Yeah. We’re ready.”
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phoneismybf · 5 years
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TharnType The Series Ep. 9 Review
#TharnTypeEp9 #TharnType #TharnTypeS #TharnTypetheseries #MewGulf
Why it is supposed to be Tharn who got hit? I don't understand, is it because of the promise he made about never forget what they were said last night or what? If that so, it means Type don't believe Tharn yet, meung maeng... (usually in the book there will be any explanation about his emotion, yet I don't read them yet) Type, you saw it clearly that the one who tried to kiss first was P'San, you just got the bite from P'San.
P'San.... He is such a drama king. What do you want? Tharn still defending Type... (Proud of the hubby)
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YESSSSS, FINALLY HE SAID IT. YESSS HE IS YOUR. SAID IT SO HE CAN MOVE AWAY... 3 TIMES CLRAFICATION, STILL NOT ENOUGH P'SAN? What? What is this? Tharn... What did you two plan for Type? Bad..... "Yes, I belong to you" Tharn. That smile for something you hide or the smile of satisfaction, Ai Tharn?
Watch TharnType Ep. 9 Engsub
Damn..... A PLOT TWIST. You such a helper.... I'm sorry P'San but your attitude in the previous episode show us bad feeling about you. Phom khot khot na... Yes everything that P'San said was right but he doesn't know Type, right? We understand that Type won't declare his relationship, yet P'San force him to do it, good also bad thing. You played with others' feeling. P'San care so much about Tharn and we knew that Tharn always cover everything for Type. But do you know that P'San actually very satisfy with Type? You can see it when P'San smiles after went out from the room. A thing he found is Type's possessiveness prove his feeling toward Tharn and will never break up with him. And it is added by Type himself when he said anything about what he got from this situation.
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"I hate it when he won't just leave you alone." P'Sarn care so much at him na, he is worried for Tharn happiness.
"I hate when he acts as if he knows everything about you." He knew almost everything Type, they already knew each other for years moreover he is his brother best friend, P'Thorn might be explained everything about Tharn to him already.
"Hate that you are his first love." It cannot be changed, and yes it is deeply hurt but no one can change the past.
He such adorable big baby... This scene makes me cry for happiness, proud and love to both of them. Look at Type's madness face and look at Tharn's happiness and satisfy smile. Those are getting cuter...
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Now he considers about Tharn's feeling and more concern to declare his relationship. Tharn still doesn't want to force him. Why is Tharn so perfect? Too perfect to be real in a person. Tharn's smiles are really precious to me, you give everyone happiness ja....
I got some fact about P'San from the original subber account JayBL on Twitter. We and Tharn knew that P'Sarn love Tharn so much but it didn't work because Tharn doesn't have any feeling toward P'Sarn since the beginning. The reason why Tharn gave him in was because his curiosity about his sexual interest and to prove it, he agreed to have S with P'Sarn to make sure his feeling toward man. Besides, Tharn said he likes the role between Him and Type which mean as a Top. This is also another reason for Tharn to refuse P'Sarn who is also a Top. Top with Top, may be they only will do a sword fight (?) Sorry....
Another fact, P'Sarn said "Tharn has suffered enough heartbreak, don't make him experience it again". Tharn actually had a lot of ex-es, yet Tharn was the one who never say break up. So yes he suffered enough in relationship. Sacrificing his own feeling to let his lover go. Once again, I'll say we are the same. So glad that you found the one now.
Yes, last time he was crying all night long at the Bar Ai Type. You such a j*rk back then. "Friend who is more just a friend. I just want to let people know that you're mine" Type. I'm proud na Type. Lucky you Ai Tharn.
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"BTW, the toilet is pretty empty. You can get busy in there." P'Jeed. LMAO don't read someone's mind P'Jeed. That expression Tharn make. How cute he is...
So, she is the girl who always give Tharn drink after his performance. P'Gea, don't be so aggressive by giving Type your number. Ai Type what's that mean with "is talking all you want to do?". Talking like this at the front of Tharn's face, well better than behind. It is not funny Ai Type to get him Jealous, your game isn't fun at all.
Oh my god, not in public bro... No.... I don't understand this situation. What's the perpose of it, what's the point? Yes, you provoking him Ai Type so what do you want? Ohh my.... It just about cheating. You had talk right? How can one of you do such a thing. If you want to make sure, don't be like this. Just talk again in a good way. WHAT THE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Do you need to kick him like that? He is your bf, do you need to always hurt him? Man.... (Sigh)
Tharn: possesive?
Type: wanna die?
Hahahahahaha...... Both of you are ridiculous. Sad, Champ lose his friendship with those girl. May I blame at you, Type? So innocence, it was one of your fault too. Yes, I hate this kind of person too Champ, someone who never show up in class but can be so smart beside we had tried so hard to be smart. Is Type has B or AB blood type? These people can't be predicted how smart they are. "because right now, that person is already falling head over heels for me" Type, fact is true but surely you full of yourself.
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Stop by to switch the car, what is the purpose of it? Can't you just use your regular car? Not acceptable reason. Sawaddi khrap P'Thorn, yes you look intimidating. Lolaen... P'Thorn following Type's IG? How come Type doesn't know? And he is such a real stalker, unbelievable with that look of him. Thanya.... Hahahah you guys can't do talking freely. Yes YOU DID A GOOD JOB! HAHAHA my god she is cute for calling their parents. Such an innocence girl. Welcome trouble, man... Behave. You'll meet your father & mother in laws. No, khun dad, Tharn always comfort him every day and night, regularly please him. Lmao. Yes, family trip to Pang-an so you guys can get married sooner. Lol. Poor P'Thorn, I can feel that pain. Jebb at the feet also at the heart. Wrong target for kicking Ai Type. Hahaha such a supportive big bro, I feel more bad for Thorn. Yes of course khun mom, Type KNEW P'SARN who always play games with P'Thorn and Play other "thing" with Tharn back then. Thanya such a little angel, they can't refuse you na... Type's face always show his emotions, being so much fooled in a day. HAHAHA
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Morning kiss, "you said you wanted it" Type. You should ask for morning S, Ai Tharn. You can have his morning b*ner right now. Lol
Chai.... You know him a lot now, Ai Type. Euuu, Techno needs to find any information about you two by himself because you never tell him any small clues. He changed a lot Techno, he care and more care to his hubby. Always be a third-wheel, you will get used to it even I never used to it since the 1st episode. Lol. Ai Lhong, bad impression at the frist meeting. The newbie Nong Song is kind of cute, his way of speaking, those tones, adorable....
Okay, Tharn, we see your charismatic aura. Yup, such a cool guy playing a drum like that, everyone always fall to people who can play instruments especially in a band. Don't sing by yourself like that Ai Tharn, you give me a goosebump. Euuu that is for Type but you send the effect to us as well. Again, such a perfect man.
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They letting No to sleep over? Seriously? I hope there will be nothing happen. I can't imagine if No see something he shouldn't see. Wify.... Okay Tharn.... Texhno is sleep talking, how cute. Lol. "Tharn, I'm curious, your face when you were playing is looked so goddamn sexy" Type, I never thought Type would say such a thing but yup he was hot. "For me music is like sex that gives me a climatic pleasure" Tharn, bro it is kind of deep but still can't imagine the climatic pleasure when playing a music, different point of view, may be I can't understand it because I'm not a musician but sometime when hearing a song I can get the climatic part of the emotions but not the same as the sex you were talking about. "You are my most cherished instrument" Tharn, Type as an instrument what kind of sound he can make? Owhhhh......... I know, don't say that it is "THE SCREAM" hahahahaha they didn't use "moaning", I think it is more sensual so they never use this word. Lol. WOW, I NEVER EXPECT IT WILL COME LIKE THIS AND NEVER THINK THAT TYPE WILL LOOK SO HORNY LIKE THAT. NO... DON'T... I'M NOT READY BROO.... Those moaning give me more goosebumps. NOOOO THEY TAKE OFF THE CLOTHES.... F*CK I FORGET THAT TECHNO IS THERE, BLESS HIS EYES, EARS AND PLEASE STRENGTHEN HIS HEART TO FACE THIS SITUATION (No, do you want to switch? I would like to see them. Lol) Now someone's know how dose the scream sound like. Feel bad for him.
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"I can't wake up, I feel like my head is going to explode" Texhno, his brain stop working since last night Ai Type, he tried to refuse anything, any sound, any picture he got, he just tired to his limit. Poor him..... Remember Ai No, this time you will absolutely die if you spill this special tea. Lol.
Why suddenly Tum skip a class to pick up Tar? They are cute together.
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Tharn trying to make a permission to tell Long about their relationship. Well, Type more reasonable now. This strange feeling come out from Long. What is this? I already felt it since I saw him at the first time. Those eyes, that look, I feel a mixing emotions. I suspect him that he likes Tharn or something like possessing him. The feeling of disappointed, being untrusted and unbelieving. There are two speculations I have here, first he likes Tharn and thought that he was single all the time so he can clingy at him. Second, he disappointed because as a best friend Tharn never tell him anything recently so he feels like being untrusted. Well, losing strength until he falls the glass, it is kind of strange attitude for hearing the news. That is why I accuse him to like Tharn. (Private property bro, you need to pay for the glass. Lmao) Sorry it's just my speculation. Then he went like he can't accept what he heard before. This guy keeps something.
Nong Song, if you want to have a faen so much, I don't mind to try it since you're cute. lol. Oww they finally meet and Tar missing Tharn, it will be an open case since their story keep untold.
"Hurry up and be my pillow" Type. I need my pillow too. There is a call from the unknown number. What is this? What will happen? Please don't give us more trial. My God. This series always end every episode with something that cannot be waited. (Sigh)
That is the review for TharnType Ep. 9. How is your opinion? There are so much to discuss, start from P'Sarn, change character of Type, Techno, Lhong and so much more. You can leave a comment below. So, see you next time.
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anqelkoo · 6 years
Happy new year♡
soooo it's currently 1:22am in austria, & because so many made a post about the year 2018 passing, i thought i'd do one as well!
i'm really thankful for all of my mutuals, even for those, who don't really interact with me much. Yes, i notice everyone who likes & reblogs my stuff & i'm really thankful for all those people♡
i want to mention some of my closest mutuals first, because 2018 would've been a lot more shitty if i hadn't got to know them!
@pikachulein bAAbEe i can't wait to marry you. anways, being able to call such an amazing and caring person my friend is the biggest honor for me. You helped me through a lot of stuff in 2018 & made life a little more bearable, and for that i'm very thankful♡♡ you always make me smile and fill my mind with beautiful thoughts even though your own mind is still haunted by dark ones, but i know that we'll both escape them together! maybe not in 2019, maybe not in 2020, but eventually, probably, definitely in the future♡ ily future wifey
@minberryy HOLLYYY happy new year my dear♡ you are one of the sweetest (and prettiest oof) dudes i know :") you're so talanted and whipped for minho #otp i honestly love you so much i dont even know what to sayy :") u always make me smile when you post & i'm more than happy to be able to call you my friend♡
@bbytaechim HAPPY NEW YEAR SHELBY💞 I HOpe you're doing fine & that 2018 hasn't been to rough on you bby! i hope that 2019 gives you all the luck & love you deserve because you truly are the most adorable person i have ever met:") you make me so soft and make me a lot more happier whenever i sea your url pop up in my notifications cuz ur an little angel♡ ilysm
@simplyna i love chatting with you so much even tho i'm literally the dumbest person ever :) I feel so special that you trust me with all your problems & your recommendation of that one hyunjin fic still makes me cry whenever i read it:") ir a really nice & sweet person & im glad that i got to know you in 2018!
@horrorhyuck yOOO brOO ur literally the funniest dude out there lmaooo i always wait for you to message me cuz ur just??? so much fun??? i love how we always have the same opinion on stuff & that we both love our mans™ hyuckie & ur just so cool i swear ily
& now some of my follower babies, i notice all of you btw & i love every single one of you💞
@cleverbabybear @cyanidere @berryseul-gi @dreamyfelix @stray-world @ohmychuwu @neo-43 @emotiadouche @stankpopagain @hyolk @kunt-s @turn-my-mess-into-messages @laloserr @bloommelon @starrynjm @albdajirks @lucasthiccthighs @twaeilmoon @masterninjacow @binnie-binnie @lieatnoom & many many moree but it's now 1:51 am and i'm too tired to continue but i hoPE Y'ALL KNOW I LOVE YOU💞💞
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psychicwonu-blog · 7 years
Found it First
A/N: I was inspired by my love for both Monsta X and Harry Potter to start a mini series of sorts. I’m gonna write short drabble-y pieces for each member, and maybe if they do well I’ll write longer stories:) All of these are pre-battle just for extra info. Moodboard thingy is mine lmao ik it’s really bad, but it’s one of the first ones I’ve ever made so ig it could be worse.
Group: Monsta X
Member: Hufflepuff!Wonho
Genre: Fluff, comedy, Hogwarts!AU
Warnings: none :)
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Shining sun, bright sky, light snow falling, today was seemingly perfect. No one had bothered you or annoyed you, your classes had gone exceptionally well, and now that they were over the day couldn’t get any better. You were on your way to the Great Hall to study when two of your friends stopped you. 
“Y/N, hey!” said Nessa, walking toward you. Tyrell followed and started jogging over. As they got to where you were standing they both hugged you and started talking about classes and homework. You laughed together at a few jokes Tyrell told and Nessa’s slip up in Divination. After a few minutes you strolled into the Great Hall together. 
“Nessa and I were going to Diagon Alley later, wanna come?” Tyrell asked. Taking a sip from your cup you nodded. 
“I’ve gotta get a new broom and some ingredients, actually. I was going to go tomorrow, but I’d rather go with you guys anyway.” you said. Tyrell and Nessa nod and you all get back to talking about your days and reading through your notes together.
“Nessa, you jerk, give me back my wand!” Tyrell yells, chasing after your friend. You laugh at their childish behavior and wrap your scarf tighter around you. They stop fooling around and you all walked into Broomstix. The shop was pretty empty, with only a few other witches and wizards looking around. It was pretty quiet too, until Tyrell accidentally knocked some books off a shelf. Nessa shoves his shoulder and calls him a klutz. They act like a couple, you’re genuinely confused about how they aren’t dating. 
Looking around you don’t see any brooms that catch your attention. It isn’t really that big of a deal, but you still wanted something that was pleasing to look at. Just as you were about to give up and grab the closest one you spot a beautiful broom near the back of the shop. It’s mounted above a few others-that aren’t as pretty- and you make a beeline for it. The broom is made up of beautiful dark oak wood, black and brown bristles, and gold lining. Perfect. As you go to grab it, another hand grabs the broomstick, next to your own. You huff out an annoyed breath and turn to the person beside you.
“Excuse me, but your hand is on my broo- Wonho?” you say as you lock eyes with the familiar face. Wonho smiles and tightens his grip on the broom. You tighten your grip as well. You both pulled it off the wall where it was mounted, and now you were holding it between your bodies.
“Fancy seeing you here, but I’m gonna need my broom, Y/N.” he says, smirking. You only tighten your grip more and pull the stick toward you. Wonho chuckles. 
“It’s not your broom, it’s mine. You can let go now.” you say as he shakes his head. He mouths “not gonna happen.” and you sigh. 
“Are you being serious?” You ask, clearly annoyed. You’ve known Wonho since you were both in your second year, but he’s never acted this way before. At least not with you. 
“So serious. It’s first come first serve, right?” He asks. You roll your eyes at him. 
“It’s a broom shop, Wonho, not a buffet. It’s ‘finders, keepers’ and I found it first.” He smiles at you and pulls the stick back from you, but not hard enough for you to lose your grip.
“I’ll have you know I’ve been here longer than you.” he says, mimicking your tone. You shrug your shoulders and shake your head. 
“Doesn’t mean you found it first.” you state stubbornly. Nessa and Tyrell watch you two from the front, snickering. They both know you two have a thing for each other. Pretty much everyone does, except for the two of you. 
“Fine. We’ll flip a coin then.” Wonho says, pulling one out of his pocket. You nod, placing your other hand on your hip. He tells you to call it as it flips and you say heads. As the coin falls back down, Wonho catches it his palm and makes a fist. His other hand it still holding the broom. You reach your head out to get a better look at the coin in the boys hand as his fist opens. You hum, satisfied with the results, and Wonho lowers his head, releasing the broom. Nessa and Tyrell have now joined the two of you in the back of the shop.
“You still going to get those ingredients, Y/N?” Nessa asks. You nod and she sighs. She tells you that her and Tyrell can’t make it as she smiles up at him. When you ask why, she tells you it’s because Tyrell asked her out and they’re getting butterbeer together.
“It’s about time.” Wonho says and you laugh. Nessa blushes and says goodbye to Wonho. Her and Tyrell say they’ll see you back in the common room as they leave. You look back at Wonho and start walking to the cash register. 
“I’m so glad they’re finally going out.” you say, paying for the broom. Wonho nods and scratches the back of his neck. 
“Yeah, I should really follow his lead.” he says. You look over at him. 
 “Got someone you wanna ask out?” you ask with a tinge of jealousy in your voice. Wonho doesn’t seem to notice. 
“Yeah, they’ve got a real knack for stealing other people’s brooms. It takes a lot of courage to ask out a criminal.” he says, avoiding your gaze and smiling. You cross your arms as the shop owner wraps up your broom and lean against the counter, chuckling. 
“Just ask them. They’d be silly to say no.” you say. Wonho looks up at you grinning as you get your broom. Thanking the owner, you and Wonho walk out of the shop side by side. 
“It was my broom from the get-go, by the way.” you say, looking over at him. He laughs, blushing. “You forgot to find another one, though.” you say looking over at him. He scrunches his nose up and shakes his head. 
“Ah, forget the broom. I think I’ve got a date.” he laughs, Now you’re blushing. You both make your way back to Hogwarts, laughing and talking. You’re so caught up with Wonho, and excited to tell Nessa and Tyrell about the events following their departure that you completely forget about going to The Apothecary to get the ingredients you need.
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Broo, I don't mind those. Really, seeing conditions of the people I followed isn't something i did not not want to see.
But heeyy I could feel that. I too had some family problems and younger me liked to wrote those thoughts on my wp blog. (The trauma I felt when I knew they found out🤡 im okay now and hope ur not the same fate as me). Your problems may be bigger than mine soo, sending you all the love💕💕 and don't forget that we all are here for yah!
Sincerely, your bro.
This was so sweet, thank you!! That's really nice to hear actually, and I'm glad things worked 0ut for you!! JEJEJSK THATS MY WORST NIGHT MARE IM SORRY THAT HAPPENED BRO💔
This made me smile, thank you my bro💕
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happilyinsane · 3 years
Listened to fem fine frøkner on an impulse and nostagia hit like a train wbu
Sis, ksjjdjdjsj good decision though 😌💕 I haven't listened to that for the longest time. They were so cute in that scene though.
Oh, I am all nostalgic, thinking about that scene 😭
Oh me? Just you know.. binge reading evak fics and trying not to miss them as much with the help of those fics. But broo.. evak fics though!!!! *chef's kiss* can't get enough of them 😌💕 so glad there are so many more.
Thank you for sending this though, made me all smile ���💕
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iwriteforharry · 7 years
the timing is all wrong- h.s imagine
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You chuckled softly and excused yourself from the conversation you were having with one of your friends.
Harry drunkenly plopped his body next to yours, his body almost on top of yours. He buried his face into your neck and smiled.
As if your hands had a mind of their own, they started to rub his back in a soothing matter. “How are you doing, birthday boy?”
Harry hummed and pulled his body back so he could look at you properly. He had a stupid, drunk, smile on his face. “I’m having the time of my life!”
You laughed, heart swelling at your best friend. “Good! You deserve the world.”
Even in Harry’s drunken state, his stomach did backflips hearing your words.
“Harry! Come on, let’s dance!” a female voice shouted from the middle of the dance floor.
You cleared your throat and nodded your head towards her, “Your girlfriend is calling you.”
Harry looked back between Brooklyn and you. He opened his mouth but was interrupted by Brooklyn calling him once again.
You tapped on his cheek, “Go! We’ll talk later!” Harry gave you a peck on your cheek and promised to meet up again later and proceeded to dance with Brooklyn.
You stared as he wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a hard kiss to which she returned, her arms wrapping around his neck. You cleared your throat and looked down at the beer bottle in your hands before taking a long chug from it.
Louis came over and sat next to you, placing a hand on your thigh. He leaned into your ear and whispered, “I saw that.”
You looked at Louis and smirked, “What? Saw Harry acting like a proper drunk idiot?”
Louis shook his head and returned a smirk back to you, “No. Saw you drooling over the drunk idiot.”
You smacked Louis hard on his chest. “I told you that in secrecy!”
Louis rubbed where you hit him and gave you a look, “Oi! I haven’t told anyone!”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “I’m surprised you haven’t with that giant mouth of yours.”
Louis held his hands up in defense, “To be honest with you, I am too.”
You gave him one more look before the two of you burst out into laughter. You shook your head and looked back to Harry and Brooklyn dancing to a slower song, arms wrapped around each other. Still looking at him, you told Louis, “Doesn’t matter. He would never feel the same anyways.”
The next morning, you woke up to a slight headache. Damn it. Should have drank more water last night. You picked up your phone to see several messages from Harry, no doubt he texted it to you when he was drunk; the thought making you smile softly.
Y/N love! Miss you!
We should totally rent a boat.
Promised you a dance! Where r u
Did u leave u dick
LOL you don’t have a dick
Wait do u
You laughed at Harry’s texts, wondering how in the world could he ever get these kind of ideas in his head. You glanced at the time at the top of your phone and figured you should make sure he got home alright.
“Hello?” Harry groggily answered.
“Morning sunshine.” You smiled getting up from your bed, heading over to the kitchen.
“I am anything from being in a sunshine mood this morning” Harry said, eyes closed, snuggling into his covers. “Can you bring me breakfast?”
You shut your fridge door and balanced the phone between your ear and shoulder, twisting a water bottle open, “Pass.”
Harry groaned loudly into the phone, “But it’s my birthday!”
You gulped down your swig of water, “It was last night, idiot!” Harry pouted, “But I’m hungry. And you love me.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled. Harry whined, “Please Y/N.”
You sighed and smiled, shaking your head. “Fine.”
Harry cheered before wincing from the sudden movement, very hung over. “Maybe bring some aspirin as well.”
You were humming to yourself softly, holding a bag filled with Harry’s favorite breakfast: Avocado toast. Yours: A chocolate croissant.
You walked up to George, Harry’s doorman and dropped a bag in front of him. You smiled, “Hey George.”
George looked up at you and smiled before reaching into the bag. “Morning Miss Y/L/N.”
“I grabbed you a breakfast sandwich this time. George put his hand over his heart, “A woman that knows my heart.”
You laughed and walked away, “See ya, George!”
After taking the elevator to Harry’s apartment, you finally got to his door. You pulled his spare key out of your pocket and unlocked the door. You shut the door quietly, careful not to make too much noise. You placed your purse and bad with food on the counter. You began to walk to Harry’s bedroom but froze instantly. You heard a very loud moan come out of his room. You peeked your head from behind the hallway and were met with a rather disgusting sight. Brooklyn was on her knees in front of Harry. You quickly turned around and walked away, picking up the food and purse on your way out. Once you finally exited his apartment, you leaned against the door and sighed. She must of came over as soon as we hung up. Not wanting to let the food go to waste, you reached into your back pocket and pulled out your phone.
Louis sat at his dining room table, hand on his chin, pouting, “If I knew you were going to give me this, I wouldn’t have answered your text.” You shrugged your shoulders, finishing the rest of your croissant. “Harry loves that.”
Louis crossed his arms and mumbled, “Harry also likes sardines.”
You wiped your mouth before Louis spoke up again, “Why didn’t you just give him this then?”
You picked at the button on the top of your shirt, “I was but decided not to.”
Louis stared at you, “Brooklyn was there wasn’t she?”
You sighed and shook your head yes. It wasn't that you didn’t like Brooklyn. She was a very sweet girl. You tried to look for something small to dislike her but unfortunately, you couldn’t. Brooklyn was lovely. She was someone Harry needed.
Louis bit his lip, a look of sympathy on his face. He didn’t understand how Harry could be so blind. Y/N was perfect in his eyes. She was funny, the right amount of sassy, and beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to have the honor to call her their girlfriend. Wanting to change your mood, he asked, “Let me show you something.”
“Louis! That was awesome!” You shouted. The two of you were sat in Louis’s mini studio inside his apartment. He just played back a song that he was recently working on, planning for it to be his next hit.
Louis pressed the stop button and smiled brightly at you, “You liked it?”
“Loved it! So proud of you!” You smiled, giving him a hug. Louis smiled and hugged you back a little tighter, “I’m glad.”
Harry was sat on the couch in your living room apartment, feet on the coffee table. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.” You came back into the living room, popcorn in your hands. You sat next to him, getting into the same comfortable position as well. You shrugged your shoulders and grabbed the remote, going through the DVR. You clicked on the episode of Game of Thrones you were looking for and nestled into the couch a little more. “Wait, you skipped an episode. We didn’t watch that one yet.” Harry interrupted you.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot I watched that episode with Louis the other night” you said, grabbing the remote again. “I’ll watch it again if you’ll like.”
Harry turned his body so it was facing you, “Since when have you and Louis started hanging out?”
You shrugged your shoulders once more, “We’ve always hung out.” Harry scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah..but never alone..”
You gave him a confused look, “What does that have to do with anything?”
Harry sighed, “It doesn’t but I didn’t know you guys were on that friendship level..”
You gave him one more look before laughing, “Louis is great company, what’s the big deal?”
Harry got back into his position and rested his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer, a sense of worry going through his body. “I’m being silly, sorry love. Can we watch the episode?”
You were holding your chest, trying to gain your breath back. Louis stood next to you, tapping his foot, hands on his hips. “Y/N-” You held up your finger, still trying to catch your breath.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh for fuck’s sake, Y/N it was only a block!”
You and Louis started to grab some takeout. While you guys were walking back to his apartment, it started to rain. Not wanting the food to get ruined, Louis suggested the two of you to run the short distance. Finally, you were able to breathe. You narrowed your eyes at him, “I could have slipped on the rain and died.”
The two of you stepped into the elevator, he smirked at you. “That would be an unfortunate way to die. ‘Girl defeated by rain.’ Now that’s a buzzfeed article I would read.”
Ever since Harry’s birthday party, you and Louis became insanely close. At first you saw Louis as a distraction from your feelings for Harry but eventually you grew to really enjoy his company. Louis always admired you and hanging out with you lately has made his feelings for you grow more.
After the two of you finished the food, you really wanted to hear Louis’s new song again. Louis pretended to be annoyed but his heart warmed at the thought of you loving his song. As Louis played back the song, you began dancing like a mad woman. Louis was watching you, laughing at your horrid dance moves. As you were dancing, your foot caught on one of the wires that was on the floor. Louis quickly grabbed you before you fell to the floor. You placed your hands on his arms and looked up at him. You don’t know who kissed who first but you soon found yourself sitting on Louis’s lap, hands tangled in his hair. The two of you kissing as his song was playing quietly in the background, repeating itself.
You were walking to your door, hand in your hand, smiling at Louis’s latest text to you. You quickly sent him a text, arranging to meet up later. As soon as you opened the door, Harry was on the other side. His hand was up, looking like he was going to knock before you opened the door. “Hey. what are you doing here?” you asked, putting your phone into your back pocket.
“I broke up with Brooklyn.”
part 2?
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thirdhostage · 8 years
Surprises (Avengers x FemReader) fluff
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(( gif not mine - it scares me slightly wth ))
(A/n): Broo, I have not written for Marvel in so long fuck
Request:  A Marvel request, this time: Reader is the youngest of the Avengers and they all see her as a little sister. She has written a fantasy novel and shyly asked Steve to read it. With her birthday approaching, Steve decides to illustrate her story while Tony sets everything in motion to publish it as soon as the Reader gives her Okay. On her birthday, they present her with a beautifully bound and illustrated copy of her novel. Thanks in advance!
Warnings: Fluff bois
(Y/n)’s hair wasn’t made, but it still bugged her that Sam just had to go a ruffle it more.
“Morning, squirt.” the dark man chuckled “Thought of anything you want for your birthday yet?”
She mumbled something in reply, waddling to her spot at the large oval table. It’s dark stained wood easy for morning eyes.
“Sam sit’own, it’s time to eat!” Tony barked.
The avenger complied, forgetting about the girls lack of response, and claimed his chair across from Bucky and next to Steve. The rest of everyone else were already situated in their respective spots.
Eggs and bacon, waffles and orange juice were dished out. Idle words charmed the morning air between bites and swallows.
Something like this was common but never common enough. All of them had contradicting schedules so a sit down of this sort was highly valued. Even if when (Y/n)’s eyes glided across the table and could only see other sets of tired ones to match hers; they would always be paired with genuine, dopey morning smiles as well.
“Anything new with anyone?” Natasha asked generally, sipping her black coffee.
“There’s this publisher-” Tony uttered with his mouth stuffed full of bacon scraps “He’sh a real big fwan of Iron Man. Said if I evar haff any books I wan’ published, to call ‘em.”
“Oh, really?” Steve commented “That’s nice of him.”
“Sure was,” the brunette swallowed and laughed “but I don’t exactly have any raw manuscripts lying around in need of publishing.”
“I think I might actually tell him thanks but no thanks.” Tony finished with a swig of his juice.
“Well, I find it odd to offer a billionaire inventor a publishing job.” Bruce chimed.
He and Steve both stood to clear their plates, taking anyone else’s that asked.
“Umh, Steve?” (Y/n) spoke up. She gently rose herself from her chair, swiping her plate up with her.
“Hmm?” the soldier hummed in response.
He was manning the sink, stringing up a hand as the girl approached him; wanting her plate. Though Steve didn’t take a second to glance her way, the small team member still willingly gave up her plate.
“Do you mind coming up to my dorm after we clean up. Please?” (Y/n) asked.
Though a moment of silence, Steve did eventually agree.
❆   ❆   ❆
Soon after the first meal of the day was cleared, the two team mates met in the arranged location.
(Y/n) opened the door softly to allow Steve in, then just as gently, shut it behind him.
“I only wanted you up here to show you something small I’ve been working on.” she said, shuffling to her bedside table for a moment.
Steve bore confused eyes but had them complimented with a welcoming smile. He watched as (Y/n) took out a bound mess of papers, some splotched with inky dots.
“I ah- well I wrote a small novel. It’s a fantasy of sorts...” the girl trailed off.
Steve held out a hand to take the papers from (Y/n). She seemed hesitant before releasing them.
“You wrote all this?” He asked after flipping across some pages.
Steve saw her nod quaintly.
“I just- Tony was talking about the publisher,”
When (Y/n) began to speak, the soldier started to read some of the paragraphs.
“and that reminded me that I was going to show you this. I was going to do it sooner, but I didn’t want to waste any of your work time so I thought maybe now would be good...”
Her words fell short for a few moments before she finished with “That and.. I was never very confident in this story. I love it dearly but I don’t have much courage for it...”
“How long have you been writing this?” Steve questioned “I’m really impressed. You are seriously talented...”
The girl went silent for several seconds before replying with a small grin.
“You can take it with you to read fully, if you’d like.”
Steve smiled back down at her “Can I really?”
“Of course.”
❆   ❆   ❆
Later on in week, Steve was hauled up in his dorm, reading and re-reading the story. He absolutely loved the creative characters that (Y/n) was able to bring to life just by using words. The story plot itself was hypnotizing to him.
“Hey, hey, capcicle.” Tony called from behind Steve’s closed door “You alive?”
“Yeah, yeah come in.”
The brunette entered soundly and said “What have you been doing. You’ve been in here for like two weeks..?”
Steve looked up to the man at the door, eyes tracing his face briefly. Then it struck him, a small idea.
“Well I’ve been reading... this story that (Y/n) wrote.” He spoke softly.
Tony looked as though he was about to laugh.
“(Y/n) writes?” the billionaire scoffed “Sounds dumb.”
“Hey,” Steve hissed “she’s is actually intensely talented.”
Tony sighed from Steve’s retaliation and fummbled with his words for a few moments, studying at the others face.
His eyes squinted softly.
“What do you want from me?”
Steve grinned, a small glint in his eyes as the gears in his mind worked together.
“I’m glad you asked.”
The blond took away several minutes to explain to Tony what he wanted done. He chose his words cautiously, allowing all his excitement bleed through his statements.
He told the billionaire about how he desired to illustrate her work in full colour and how maybe this would be their chance at a birthday surprise.
After a while of listening to the soldier speak, Tony stopped him with a brisk shake of his palm.
“You want me to take up the deal with the publisher, and have (Y/n)’s novel published without her overall consent?”
Steve stood with square shoulders, slightly taken aback. He chanced his voice “Yep.”
The opposite male didn’t take the opportunity to hide his flashing smirk.
“Well then, you have yourself a deal.”
❆   ❆   ❆
The next half of the month was spent with Steve and Tony slyly avoiding (Y/n). Steve wasn’t himself a good liar, but he was still able to coax the young hero into letting him keep the book for a while longer.
(Y/n) was no doubt happy that someone took extensive interest in her works. But, even now she could tell that Steve was beating around the bush.
As of the current, the girl was trying to find Steve to maybe interrogate him.
“Oh hey, (Y/n)!” a voice pulled at her.
She came face to face with Tony.
“Hey, Tony.” (Y/n) smiled “do you happen to know where Steve is?”
Tony charmed the girl with a smile of his own “I sure do.” he said matter-of-factly.
“Oh, that’s good. Mind showing m--”
“Right this way, my dear.”
Tony had turned around and started walking down the corridor. (Y/n) abruptly followed him.
It wasn’t long before both their steps sunk through the space with nothing else opposing them.
“Wait, Tony- if you are leading me to a surprise party, it’s a little early.” the girl spoke wearily.
“Pff- I know your birthday is tomorrow. I’m not the stupid one.” Tony answered. He twisted himself into a sudden right turn, entering the lounge.
There stood a solid Captain America, he had a smile manipulating his features.
“Hey Steve!” Tony called in a bright tone “Fancy meeting you here.”
Steve and (Y/n) both chuckled and Tony stepped out of the way of the two.
The girl approached the blond male.
“Steve, do you happen to have my manuscript on you?” She asked, looking his directly in his face “You would probably be done reading it over by now...”
Steve’s smile broadened and Tony snickered soundly.
“Yeah sure, here.”
From behind his back, Steve produced a beautiful leather bound, printed copy of the small girl’s story. It made (Y/n)’s eyes widen in pure shock.
(Y/n) read and re-read the title many times before she put together the piece that this was really her book. Her pride and joy in one official copy, just handed to her.
Not missing a beat, her swiped the book from the soldier’s hand and opened it wide. Immediately (Y/n) was clad with bright eyes as she viewed the images corresponding with everything she had put in words.
Two questions crossed her mind, and she gazed up at the two men before her.
“Is this mine?” she asked first.
Tony laughed and Steve did as well. Only briefly before both nodding.
“Is this.. is this published?” she questioned again. Her smiling lips framed her eyes that were hastily growing misty.
_____ (A/n): I am glad I got this done gosh diddily darn
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ritacaroline · 5 years
Starshine                    Ch. 21       Jimmy Page      Fan Fiction
Sequel to In The Light      It was early September now and only a day left before it was time for Jill to leave for her trip to France. The weather in London had been beautiful lately. Jimmy wanted to hang out in their yard on a blanket since the sun shone so magnificently this day. Jill was happy to join in with him on that. The two were out there lounging on the blanket. Jimmy was seated, his legs stretched way out leaning back on his elbows and Jill’s head rested in his lap, laying down. He had her hair all wrapped around his right hand as he felt it in between his fingers. So silky and shiny with bounce ability, and springiness. Such a beautiful color.
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Jim :  Babe, I’m gonna do my best but I’m not looking forward to these next few days without you. You knew that. But, I’m gonna be ok I think.
Jill : Of course you will. Just keep really busy. You have lots of friends and people who love you, also your music, the band. You’ll be just fine, my love. Then before you know it, I’ll be back.
Jim : Of course. I do have a few songs I need to work on. Also, I haven’t seen my parents in months. I may go up there for a couple of the days. My mother said she’s missed me, when we last had a phone conversation. And I think I could use a visit with them. 
Jill : Yes, so great. That’s not a bad idea. Give them my regards if you go.
After a few quiet minutes, Jill began humming a song, softly. He listened silently for a couple minutes. 
Jim :  Is that Tangerine you’re humming ?
Jill : Yes. I like it. It’s sweet. And deep thinking. I can’t believe how beautiful you are, to have made that up yourself. It’s so lovely. I’m in awe that you can do that - make up songs.
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Jim :  Oh my girl, thank you and that’s cool that it impresses you. But, for me, it isn’t that amazing at all. I’m used to working with music, playing around on my guitar. After awhile of doing it, sometimes a melody or a riff emerges from my workings. And by the way, that particular song feels a little sad to me. I don’t want to think about it just now.
Jill : Well, I understand. It is sad. I’m not going to hum it anymore.
He moved away from that position and moved her head off from his lap. They ended up on their sides facing each other. He put his hand behind her head and kissed her mouth gently. It was a long sensitive kiss. His lips were soft and loving and she adored every second of contact with them. She put her hand out and ran her fingers against the flawless skin on his glorious face. And he smiled a soft smile. She said, “Jimmy, your kisses are the most delicious things that exist in nature. I’m going to miss them so much during this next week.”
Jim : Don’t worry, angel. While you’re away, I’ll be sending you all my love. Anytime you think of me, just remember that. And when you get back, you’re going to get the loving of your life. So be ready, it’s gonna last awhile.
Jill :  Well, alright then. Now I have something to day dream about while I’m away. And I’ll call you at night time, before bed.
They decided to head indoors and have lunch. This morning, Mrs. K. had been preparing wonderful home cooked dishes for them for the week, well, mostly just for Jimmy.
Earlier in the week, Clare had received a call from Julian. 
Clare : Oh hi, Jules. How are you doing ?
Julian : Great, Clare. I wanted to thank you for setting up the idea for Linda and myself. Our date went great, and we’re seeing each other again this evening. I do like her and I’m really glad we met. 
Clare : Oh, I’m so glad Julian ! She’s a sweet and wonderful spirit, isn’t she. I had a feeling it might be a good combination.
Julian : Yes. Smart. I really enjoy her, she’s warm, beautiful, easy to talk to. We have lots to discuss. I’m hoping this might become something, who knows.
Clare :  Well awesome, my friend. Good luck to you, I hope it’ll continue to flourish !
A few minutes later, Clare got a chance to enjoy her home made smoothie. 
John Henry : Hmm. That’s an interesting looking, uhhh, milkshake ? you’ve made there, darling. May I ask what’s in there ? 
Clare : sure. You know, the usual stuff. Yogurt, a banana, some shrimp lo mein and a few green olives. The best. 
John :  Well, suddenly I feel the urge to hurl. Will you please excuse me.
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By now it was about nine at night. Jimmy and Jill were laying on their bed, after preparing for Jill to leave tomorrow. It was going to be an early and busy morning. Jim was feeling a little uneasy still about her leaving, and feeling extra hungry for her affection. He was caressing her shoulders and collar bone with his fingertips, then her neck and side of her face. He began kissing her throat and lips, which escalated to him kissing and licking every last inch of her body. He couldn’t help it, he adored her so much. Jill was just tingling from head to toe from his amazing treatment and love toward her. 
Jill : I hit the lottery of a lifetime when I met you my love. You are the ultimate sensitive and blazing hot lover, you know.
Jim : Well, It comes naturally when I’m with you. The desire that I have for you is overwhelming. And all I want to do is make love to you and adore you constantly. So if it gets too annoying, babe, just let me know.
Jill : Oh my God, annoying ? Never. Your loving and your affection toward me is the single most thrilling part of my life I’ve ever experienced. You are so precious to me. You have no idea how much I treasure you.
Jim : Darling, I can never get enough of you. So please, I need you in my arms so I can give you the best farewell night that I can manage. 
And they spent the next couple hours making the most tender and exciting love that they could think of. 
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Next Ch. (22) https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/185857984931/starshine-ch-22-jimmy-page
Chapter Index for “Starshine” is located at bottom section of Ch.1 , click here : https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/184383708541/starshine-ch-1-jimmy-page-fan
Link to “In The Light” - original fan fic - https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/Fan%20Fiction
JimJam Mistresses @tremble-and-shake @ledoftherings @gimmeeshelter @adonna1964 @justanotherzosofangirl @starchild0985 @girlofthemoon75 @bonscottintheimpala @12909168 @jullz @cherryfloyd @tenementcrazylittlefruitcake @save-me-from-the-gallows-pole @soy-laprincessa @marauderofworlds @ultrabitchystudentperfectionus @satanspizzadeliveryguy @misspenylane @zi-zidane @catherine0627 @pagingpage-the-original @amythesticon @strangerspassinginthestreet @ thezeppelinbeatles @pour-some-sugar-on-mee  @carryfire18  @j-james-thlk @70shoney @strange-broo @page-daddy @nadianad1337 @yerawizardjimmeh @jimmyypagey @magnetacuddles84 @rock6880 @ledxzeppelin @kinkyspice  @thelandofnevermore  @my-golden-lion  @itsblackbetty  @magnetacuddles84   @luvejimmy  @palenickelsaladparty @jennmarieetn @honeydewgroupie  @how-many-more-times-blog   @loveinher-eyess @rocknrollababes-blog   @princesssofpeace @frauweide @dontyouhearmecallingyou @zozjaa @miniaturewinnerwonderland @http-jinx @chennington @venicebeachx @wanna-be-groupie @where-the-hot-springs-blow @basementmermaid @crying-over-rock-legends @cherrrywitch  @rocknrollababes @scarletrossetti  @sixpackonthefrontseat @miamorjimmypage @boomervonlouder
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