#giving real 'haha we're so quirky' 2012 era fanfic vibes idk
llycaons · 3 months
ancillary mercy's finale is weirdly funny? like there's a lot of humorous little scenes and charming one-liners. not really what I'd expexted from the series. honestly the translator's presence is really fucking with the gravity of the situation in a bad way. it's this massive finale to the entire story and she's there asking some nonsensical questions and near-comically misreading social cues? I feel like the story's gotten so trite in comparison to what it was before. everyone's just showing up wherever I guess, with no consequences? one of the main characters tried to murder the tyrant and she got sent to like...do maintenance work. even before negotiations began. maybe I missed something but why wasn't she immediately just shot dead? the world may be falling apart but that's supposed to be in-universe, not out of universe
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