#giving nanami small ' kids' is a bad thing hes gonna worry
ofovertime · 9 months
❛ holy shit, your hands are freezing! ❜ - jinx, if that's ok
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"Don't worry about it." He looked at the younger one for a moment. as they grabbed his hands for a moment. There was something that snapped with this man as he looked at her tiny figure. He was wondering if she was cold --- trying to snap out of his thoughts the man inhaled for a moment and question.
"Are you warm enough? Would you like my jacket?" "
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&. 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. || accepting @g0ir
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thoughtssvt · 8 months
words of wisdom
innocence protection program pt. 3
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yuuji is having trouble asking questions in school and nanami gives him a word of advice
Yuuji was never one to ask questions. He never felt the need to. He liked learning what was interesting, but he mainly just liked seeing his friends every day. It posed a problem the older he got. He found himself interested in very little when it came to learning and eventually he began missing important instructions to his assignments.
He felt left behind, looking around seeing all his classmates seeming to know what to do inherently. He tried his best, he really did. He tried hard to pay attention in class so he wouldn't get left behind anymore. He tried to blend in even if he didn't know what was going on, raising his hand to answer a question that sounded like gibberish, earning some soft snickers from his fellow classmates. His ears burned bright red as the teacher called on someone else. He hated feeling left behind, but more than anything he hated everyone finding out that he was behind.
So he never raised his hand again.
Even if he couldn't complete his projects, let alone his classwork. Unbeknownst to him that the teacher had contacted Nanami in concern of his disinterest.
“Are you doing alright in school, Yuuji-kun? You haven't come to me for help in a while,” Nanami said nonchalantly as if he was asking what Yuuji wanted for lunch the next day. He looked at the boy with a neutral stare, seeing the nervousness in his son, Yuuji averting his eyes, pulling the covers up to his nose, socked feet fiddling under the blanket. “It’s okay to ask questions, you know that, right?” Nanami started again, this time more direct.
Yuuji wilted at his father’s words, though shock shone through more than anything. “You think it’s okay to ask questions?” Yuuji whispered softly.
“Of course I do. Questions are important, I ask my coworkers a lot of questions when I’m at work," Nanami confirmed.
“Aren’t you worried that you’re gonna look stupid?” The boy sat up, the conversation taking an interesting turn.
Nanami ruffled his hair, letting a soft chuckle leave his nose. The feelings Yuuji was going through were more than familiar to him. “I used to, yes,” he nodded his head as he reminisced his early adolescence. “But do you know what I learned?” He quirked his brow at his son, continuing when Yuuji shook his head. “I learned that I would rather look stupid for a second than feel stupid for the rest of my life.” A soft smile spread across Kento’s lips as he watched the light bulbs flicker on in Yuuji’s head. “Asking questions are important. You shouldn’t feel bad for wanting to learn more, alright?”
The next day Yuuji made it a point to try it at least once. At least one question out of the many he knew he would have throughout the day. He trusted Nanami, but he was still nervous, unsure if asking questions was as helpful as Nanami set it out to be.
From then on it was as if Yuuji’s thoughts were only filled with questions. He was amazed with how one question made so many things click into place. Nanami watched as Yuuji’s grades improved and, most importantly, how much more excited he was to go to school.
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A/N : I actually had this exact conversation with my nephew a few weeks ago so I thought it was fitting to write about it. I hope you enjoyed! feel free to use my ask box for any requests!
Innocence Protection Program masterlist
The Small Spaces Between Infinity masterlist
a dad gojo and kid megumi series
Jujutsu Daycare master
an au where the jujutsu high students are young children attending jujutsu daycare
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Miu, Ibuki and Chiaki Celebrating Christmas with their S/O
Miu Iruma:
"Oi,Wake up." Miu says, attempting to shake you awake. You groggily open your eyes as you slowly sat up. "Miu...? Is that... you?" You ask. Miu scoffed at you before saying, "Duh-doy! You got someone else livin' with ya' here?!" You rubbed your eyes before letting out a loud gasp. “M-Miu?! What’re you doing here?! How did you get inside?!” The said woman laughed at your reaction. “That doesn’t matter! More importantly, I need you to get dressed right now! You have a busy day ahead of you!” She says. “Busy... day?” You question. “Busy day! With the one and only Miu Iruma, baby!” She exclaims.
After she had dragged you out of bed, she made you drive to the mall. "What're we going to be doing again?" You ask her. "Isn't it obvious? We're going on a date, dumbass!" She stated, placing her hands on her hips once you both had gotten out of the car. Miu clinged unto your arm as you both went in the mall.
Miu insisted that the both of you watch a movie. "Let's go watch that, s/o!" She says, pointing to (whatever movie you want). You agreed to watch it with her. Miu paid for the snacks while you paid the tickets. You chose a spot at the far back because your ever so loving girlfriend said that it's easier to get frisky there. You sighed at her perverted thoughts and just shrugged it off as Miu being her usual self. The two of you headed to your seats and once the movie had started, Miu remained suprisingly quiet all through out the film.
The movie ended after an hour and a half. You and Miu were currently at a fancy restaurant you didn't know she made reservations at. "Woah, this is a nice place, Miu." You spoke in awe, seeing all the fancy and most likely expensive decorations. "O-Of course it is! Do I look like someone who eats at some fast food restaurant?" She says, making you laugh at her response. A waiter approached you both and lead you to your seats. Once the waiter left to give you time to think about what to order, Miu cleared her throat to gain your attention. You looked up from the menu, "What is it, Miu?" You question. "Well... Listen, you've been really... how do I say this shit? Gah—! Whatever! Here, take it!" She shoves a neatly wrapped present into your hands, clearly flustered. You felt your heart melt from the gesture. "T-This is... For me?" She nods at you, averting her gaze as you opened it. Inside the present was a necklace with an oblong locket at the center. "C-Check out t-the locket..." She mumbled to you. And so you did, when you opened the locket a picture of you and Miu together was there. It was a pretty cliche gift, but she wasn't really one to give you gifts at all. "Ah, I feel bad. You have a present for me, and I don't even have one for you. I'm sorry, Miu." You said, sighing. "Idiot! You don't n-need to give me a g-gift... as long as I can be with you..." She says, inaudible mumbling out the last part. "Did you say something at the end? I didn't catch that."
"Heh, that doesn't matter. Merry Christmas, stupid."
Ibuki Mioda:
“Wake up, s/o!” Ibuki shouts as she pounces unto you. Groaning in pain and annoyance from being woken up from your slumber, you slowly sat up. “What is it, Ibuki?” You groggily asked, rubbing your eyes. You checked the clock on the wall. Five in the morning.  “What’s so important that you had to wake me up at 5am?” You inquire, tiredly glaring at her. “Don’t be such a grumpy pants!” Ibuki laughs. “It’s C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S !! Christmas!” She exclaimed in a singsong voice. “Ibuki...” You yawned. “Can we do this later? I’m still pretty tired, you know?” Ibuki gasps dramatically, shaking her head. “Oh, no, no, no!” She says. “We have to get your Christmas Spirit fueled up for this super fun day, S/o!” With that, she dragged you out of bed and forced you to get ready for her plans.
The both of you did a lot of fun things together. Going Christmas Caroling, although it didn’t end really well because of Ibuki’s ‘creative differences’ in music. Getting into a huge snowball fight with each other, with Ibuki accidentally throwing the snowball to hard and instead of hitting you it hit the kid behind you making him cry because he spilled his hot chocolate drink, And a lot of other things which almost got the both of you in trouble. Before you knew it, time had passed by quick and it was already 10pm. “Do we still have somewhere you’d like to go?” You asked her. Ibuki grins widely at you, “Yes! Ibuki does! Don’t worry, S/o! We’re almost theeereeeeeeee!” You chuckled at her enthusiastic nature.
After she had dragged you to your final destination, she let go of your hand and took a deep breath. “Ibuki thinks that this place is nice! You like these kinds of places, right?” She questions you, a silly smile gracing her lips. You took a moment to look around you, Ibuki brought you to the central park. Your eyes sparkled as you stared at the giant Christmas Tree in the center of the park. The tree had many decorations on it, varying in size, shape and color. And at the very top of the tree was a glowing star. “So, I take it that S/o loves Ibuki’s surprise?” You turned to her, a stunned expression on your face. “Hell yeah, I do.” You responded, laughing a bit. “Yahoo!” She cheers. “But you know, s/o...” You rose a brow at her when she pointed above the both of you. You looked up and saw a Mistletoe. It was dangling from a rope that held by a rod. You checked to see who was holding the rod and to your surprise, It was Mahiru with Mikan.
“Well? Why are you looking at us? It’s not us who’s under the mistletoe, S/o.” Mahiru pointed out. You turned back to Ibuki who had a bright smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around you and placed a peck on your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, S/O!”
Chiaki Nanami:
Chiaki wasn't one to go out during holidays, so you had to convince her to come. "S/o... I would really prefer it if we just stayed at home, you know?" She says with a yawn. "Please, Chiaki! There's this amusement park I really wanna go to with you!" You said, giving her your best puppy eyes. You knew she couldn't resist this so with a sigh, she reluctantly agreed. "Alright. We can go." She says. You gave her a small kiss on the cheek before running upstairs to get ready.
Once you both had arrived at the amusement park, your eyes lit up with so much excitement. "S/o, let's try that!" Chiaki said, pointing to a ride, the rollercoaster, and pretty much dragging you there. The two of you immediately got your turns to ride since the line wasn’t all that long. Sitting beside each other, you pulled the belt over yourselves. “Ah, this is gonna be so much fun!” You exclaimed, Chiaki chuckling at your enthusiasm. The rollercoaster started moving slowly to the top. You could feel your knees shake from how high you were getting. Once the roller coaster had reach the peak, it stopped momentarily before it dropped down at an insane speed. You threw your arms up, screaming. Chiaki just kept her hands on the railings, smiling at you. “You gotta keep your hands inside the cart, S/o.” She said. “Chiaki?! Were you saying something?! I can’t hear you!” You yelled. She shook her head and let herself enjoy the ride. When the ride had ended, you shakily got out of the cart, Chiaki holding unto you making sure you don’t trip. “T-That was fun!” You exclaimed.
And as if hours flew by like seconds, it was already night time. You and Chiaki decided to ride the Ferris Wheel last. “Hah, today was fun. Don’t you think so, Chiaki?” You turn to her, a grin plastered on your face. Chiaki nods and leans her head on your shoulder. “Yeah, it did. I had a lot of fun, s/o.” She replied. Wrapping an arm around your girlfriend’s waist, you sighed contently. A few minutes later, something had clicked into your mind. “Ah! Chiaki! I got something for you.” You said. Chiaki turned to you, tilting her head slightly. “What is it?” She questions. “I know it’s not much but I know how much you love this character from that game you always play, so...” You took out a present and handed it to her. Chiaki quietly opened the gift before gasping in surprise. “S/o? Where did you get this? This one’s a limited edition! Where’d you buy it?” You chuckled at her sudden change of nature. “I’m taking this reaction as a sign that you like the gift?” She puffed her cheeks out. “Like? S/o, I love it!” She wraps her arms around you in a hug. “Thank you, s/o.” She mumbled. You brought up your hand to pat her head.
“I love you. Merry Christmas, Chiaki.”
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, Ch.10
A/N: FYI, more violence with a spritz of character development~
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04 | 05  | 06 | 07 | 08 |  09
AO3 | Fanfic
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A month had passed since Nanami began training with Rappa. Though she regularly checked her eardrums to make sure they hadn’t ruptured from his teaching style, aka yelling 24/7, she was already seeing the benefits. Thanks to his recommendation to add some more proteins and healthy fats to her diet, she noticed her muscles were more toned. And thanks to his “be ready for a fight at all times” attitude, she noticed her reflexes had improved. It was an effective way of teaching as it carried over to her life outside of the gym, much to the disappointment of Dr.Tanaka who was notorious for his practical jokes and jump scares around the hospital.
“It’s no fair, you’re always so ~*cool and reserved *~ now. How am I supposed to get in my midday pick-me-up pranks in now?” Tanaka whined as they sat in the café for their coffee date.
“Oh, so I’m cool now? Besides, if you need a mental break, just lock your office door and hide under your desk like the rest of us functioning adults.” She replied, casually sipping her drink while checking her phone.
“You kids nowadays, always so depressing. What’s got you so zoned into your phone anyways?”
“One, you’re literally only 5 years older than me. And two, you wouldn’t get it, old man.”
Tanaka gasped dramatically clutching at an imaginary dagger in his heart. “You wound me—oh thank you!” he responded as the barista brought his drink over, cutting off what Nanami was sure would have been a Shakespearean performance. “Anyway, so how’re your classes going? You look like you’re getting shredded already.”
“Oh please, it’s only been a month or so. But to answer your question… it’s been awesome! Super tiring, but awesome, nonetheless. I feel… more secure.” The conversation was meant to be light, but the last part came out more sincere and thoughtful than she intended.
From across the table, Tanaka could see a far-off look in her eyes as she gazed out the window for a beat, fiddling with the crow keychain on her phone. He knew there was something more going on that she wasn’t telling him since her fiasco at the construction site but also knew better than to pry. From her residency until now, Nanami proved she could handle herself and he trusted that if she wasn’t saying anything, it was probably for good reason. However, it did little to alleviate his worry.
Looking back across the table, Nanami could see her friend deep in thought. Tanaka was a goofball, but he knew when something was off and when to get serious. Though she was protecting him, Hitomi, and everyone else close to her by lying, the guilt persisted. Now realizing they were staring at each other, they shared a moment of realization and then a snicker, and a laugh. A knowing smile crept across their faces, Nanami patting Tanaka’s hand.
“You’re a real bro, you know that?”
“Always.” He smiled warmly as his beeper went off, “Oop, duty calls. We’re still on for dinner next week though, right?”
“Oh yeah, let me write it down before I forget. I’ll meet you at the restaurant, sound good?”
“You bet, I’ll see you later—be safe getting home, ok?”
“Of course,” She smiled, nodding. Nothing was said directly, but she knew what he meant. He left the café, Nanami now enjoying her mocha and treats at last.
Looking back at her burner phone for what felt like the millionth time today, there were still no further messages. It had been a week and a half since she’d seen Overhaul. It was Sunday night when her phone vibrated, the text simply reading “Out on business. Be back in 2 weeks.” The follow-up text coming a minute later, “Don’t burn the place down.” Looking back at them she found herself almost sad she wouldn’t be seeing him for a bit before slapping herself back to reality. I am not sad, I do not miss him. I am elated to have a break from that moody asshole.
As she cursed into her cup, a crow perched itself on the windowsill by her table. It pecked at the glass, cawing, interrupting what would have been a peaceful break. Nanami leered, irked at the timing. Tch. Still better company. She mused, comparing the two birdbrains. She smiled smugly as an idea popped into her head that she was just bored enough to entertain. Pulling up the camera app, she snapped a picture of the winged nuisance, sending it with the caption “Found your replacement.” After a quick chuckle to herself, a sense of panic came over her as she realized what she’d done. That was definitely too casual. He’s probably carrying out a hit or something and you sent a dumb picture of a bird? Why am I such a cornball? She bemoaned inwardly as she hurriedly locked the phone, laying it face down on the table like the bad decision would go away if she simply ignored it. He probably won’t even reply anyway… He’ll just give me a judgmental look when he gets back and never speak of it again…First order of business is finding a rock to crawl under.
Just before she facepalmed herself into oblivion, the phone vibrated. Her eyes shot wide as she stared at the offending object, knowing she’d have to pick it up at some point. Clearing her throat, she worked up the courage to turn over the phone, the text reading, “Same here.” with an attachment. She opened it up, choking on her drink when she saw a picture of a dumpster.
Yup, I walked right into that one. She thought, shedding a single tear inwardly, having only the strength to send a sad face emoji.
“Busy now. See you Monday.”
Sighing in defeat, Nanami gathered her things, hoping whatever had him so busy would make him forget her blunder.
It was now Thursday evening and Nanami was in her workout gear, walking briskly towards the training room. Hearing Rappa completing his usual sets, she knew it was time to put her game face on. They’d been sparring twice a week after each session, but beforehand, he had her doing a myriad of drills and weightlifting. As she approached the door cautiously, she heard his voice booming, “DON’T JUST SIT OUTSIDE, GET IN HERE AND ON THIS BENCH.”
“Yes sir!” She piped, knowing he was officially in drill sergeant mode.
Dropping her bags and plopping in her earplugs, she headed over to the benches, completing her sets as Rappa counted aloud each repetition while throwing motivational insults in the mix. She knew the words “Get to it you sad sack of bones” and “you wreak of failure” had to be on a Ballmark card somewhere.
Finishing out her final squatting reps with a grunt, she wracked the bar, breathing heavily. Just as she was fantasizing about the water bottle in her bag, she heard him yell “NO BREAKS YET, MAGGOT” as he swung at her. She barely had time to dodge, but a week ago it would have grazed her and two weeks ago it would have had her doubling over as it made full contact. Without a second thought, she had her guard up and she was in the proper stance to launch a counterattack. They traded blows, Nanami landing 5 for every 10 of his. She’d made great strides, but becoming a master fighter in a matter of weeks just wasn’t realistic, quirk or not.
This continued for an hour, Nanami only taking a break to heal her injuries. Though it wasn’t the main goal, she’d cut her healing time in half, but it came at the price of pain. Having to repeat this over and over on small parts of her body, she could see how it would be slightly maddening to perform it on a large scale over the course of a lifetime. Interrupting her thoughts, Rappa landed another punch to her gut before tossing her across the room. Her recovery was better than the first time, but it still hurt like hell. She staggered, rushing to heal and counter him as he charged forward.
She was knocked down again and again, but refused to stay down. Today, she felt he was being particularly hard on her, but she wanted to rise to the occasion striking back every chance she got. Now feeling her stamina running low, she stumbled to her feet again, assuming her stance as she had the first time.  
“Why don’t you just use it?”
A bit dazed from the last blow, Nanami asked what he meant.
“Your quirk. Why aren’t you using it to defeat me?”
“What’s with this all the sudden?” She rasped, still out of breath, “I’ve been using it this whole time.” She defended, weakly gesturing to the pillars she’d created to help her maneuver around the arena.
“No. I mean on me. You could have ended this an hour ago… Is this a game to you?” He spoke gravely, sounding a tad annoyed.
“What? No, not at all. I ju—”
“NO EXCUSES. You think your opponent will care about your little hang-ups when it’s life or death?” He cut her off as he charged forward, barely missing her as the punch landed on the floor leaving a small crater. Her eyes widened at the realization that the punch would have split her in half.
“That could’ve killed me!”
The adrenaline began rushing through her veins as she felt the air in the room shift. Behind every blow there was killing intent. Confused as to why he was now hellbent on escalating the match, she managed to blurt out “W-why are you doing this?!” as she rolled to dodge another potentially fatal blow.
Still not understanding his anger, she continued to try and dodge like her life depended on it, because in that moment, it did.
She knew what he wanted her to do, but the fear of losing control was still there. In her moment of doubt, he landed a blow that sent her flying into one of her pillars. She heard a sickening snap as her leg bashed into the corner of the structure, undoubtedly shattering her femur. The pain was more than she expected, and she cried out bitterly for a moment before stifling it once again as blood welled up into her mouth from the previous blows. Spitting lazily, she saw him stalking towards her as he continued to speak, “Do you think someone in a real match is going to use restraint and wait for you to have your little breakthrough? Plenty of weaklings would kill to have a quirk like yours, but here you are wasting it. Makes me sick.” He spat, as he bent down to hold her up by the neck and she thrashed in vain to break free. “I dunno who I saw during that trial, but you sure as hell aren’t her. Let me end this pathetic existence for ya,” he said squeezing tighter.
Suddenly, the fear turned into anger and a calm rage came over her as she stopped thrashing and used her right hand to grasp firmly on his wrist. “You don’t know shit about me, but you’re about to fuck around and find out.” Taking as deep a breath as she could while still in his chokehold, Nanami focused on his anatomy, surveying every cell, every blood vessel, and every hair. In the next instant, she dropped to the floor as red coated the arena. Looking up, a moment of pure terror took over her being as the flashbacks to the first time she’d done this took over. Hyperventilating, a million thoughts raced through her mind. Just as she was felt she was drowning, she felt two hands grabbing her shoulders, squeezing firmly giving her a gentle shake before letting go. It may have been part of the episode or her brain trying to regain control, but it was enough to bring her back to earth long enough to calm down.
After a few, centering breaths, she managed to recompose herself, taking stock of the situation. Rappa was now all over the room, literally coating it. No. No more panicking. You have to focus before it’s too late to put him back. Remember the structure. Remember the shape. She repeated to herself like a mantra before gaining a clear picture in her mind of how to assemble him. Pressing her hands to the floor he was now embedded in, the pieces of him came rushing back, snapping back into shape before her eyes.
He took a sharp inhale, staring at his hands in almost disbelief that he was real. She watched him closely, hoping she hadn’t forgotten any pieces of him. He stared in her direction for a beat and she wondered if “he” was still in there or if she’d brought back some empty husk. Her question was soon answered.
“I…I almost had a mental break and you’re critiquing me on my timing?? You almost killed me!”
“Yup, but you got me first. Good job today.” He reassured her, now serious.
Still reeling, all she could manage was a weak, “Thanks.”
He closed the distance between them, extending a hand in front of her. They clasped forearms as he pulled her up and she quickly remembered she hadn’t fully healed since the last couple blows. Leaning on him a bit she recovered, hoping to never have to fix injuries like them again, at least on herself. They walked over to the seats lining the walls and sat down, both recovering from the mini trauma session.
“Hey doc,”
“What made you wanna train?”
She flinched reflexively, posting up before he reassured her it wasn’t the pretext to another barrage of attacks. “Well… to get stronger, obviously. Why do you ask all the sudden? Never figured you one for deep conversation.” She remarked, taking a swig from her water bottle.
“Just curious. You and the boss got the same quirk. I think man-to-ma—or person-to-person combat is the greatest thing in the world, but you don’t have to go through all this. Most people with quirks as powerful as yours just kinda coast off that.”
She thought for a moment, reflecting to give an honest answer,” I want to be more than this.” She said, studying at her hand, outstretched in front of her. “A lot of people become reliant on their quirks--  and I did the opposite-- but in a way it’s just a different side of the same messed-up coin. I still let it define me. I just want to be capable, quirk or not… Does that answer your question?”
“Yeah, I think it does.” He said giving her a firm pat on the back, “Go get some rest, doc. “
He rose, leaving the room and Nanami alone with her thoughts. Thinking back to what grounded her earlier, she remembered a detail and quickly shook it off. He’s not even here. I really need to go home and sleep this off. And promptly call my therapist…
As she grabbed her things to go, she was so focused, she hadn’t noticed the familiar figure in the room. Clearing his throat to get her attention, she nearly jumped out of her skin. So much for the awareness training...
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
He raised his brow at the obvious question.
“Well, not like that. I mean of course you’d be here; I just mean... like what are you doing here now?” she managed to get out. Why the hell am I nervous?
“I finished my business early, decided to see how you’d progressed.”
“Oh, ok. So… you saw all that, huh?” she cautioned a glance, more than a little embarrassed.
“Most of it.”
“…Any thoughts?”
He paused, before answering,” Rappa was correct. Your hesitation will get you killed. Don’t make the same mistake again, I might not be there the next time.”
She nodded, walking past him towards the door before taking a moment to register what he’d said, “Hey, by the way… when I… disassembled him—I know this is a silly question—but did you… do anything?” she almost immediately regretted even asking.
“Like what?” His expression was blank.
Sighing to herself she decided it had to have been her brain throwing her a bone back there to save her from a mental break, “You know what? Nevermind. I’m just tired, must’ve been imagining things. See you later.”
As he watched her leave, he retrieved a clear bag with his bloodied shoes and gloves, glad he had returned earlier than planned. Replacing his subordinate would be an inconvenience, but replacing a partner would have been infinitely more difficult.
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A/N: This was just too chaotic to pass up. My problematic sons. 
Other switch AUs: luckster | togami | naegi | detective | maid | liar | protagonist dr1/sdr2 | protagonist dr1/ndrv3 | protagonist sdr2/ndrv3 |  heroine dr1/sdr2 | heroine dr1/ndrv3 | heroine sdr2/ndrv3 | fem protag dr:ae/ndrv3 | mastermind
Troublemaker in the Wrong Game - Komaeda and Ouma
"Stop lying! Stop manipulating! Why don't you just try being nice for once?"
There's nothing inherently wrong with the statement itself... except for who said it.
"Who the fuck are you to lecture us on that?" Kuzuryuu angrily yelled. He sounded like he was just about to commit murder.
"Obviously I'm the good guy!" Ouma huffed defiantly. "And you're all just a bunch of meanies ganging up on me!"
"Now you're just lying straight up from your ass!" Souda pointed at him.
"Am I really the liar? Maybe I'm the only one telling the truth here and all of you are just lying to make yourselves feel better!"
"Eh? Is... Is that t-true?" Mikan nervously asked.
"Of course! Now say you're sorry you fanservice orange!" Ouma yelled all too suddenly for the nurse.
"EH? S-Sorry! I'm so sorry!" She cried.
"What are you apologizing for, pig barf?" Saionji added even more insult. "Yeah, you should be sorry for existing but you shouldn't apologize to this gremlin nightmare."
"Woooow, that really hurts coming from the kid who's definitely shorter than me." Ouma even made a face of mock hurt.
"You know at your height, it's perfect for giving a blowjob to—" Hanamura was abruptly cut off.
"Keep it in your pants Hamham!"
"I think we're getting a bit sidetracked here..." Koizumi took charge to reign in the chaos. "Can we please just get back to the trial?"
"Yeah! I know you all love me but you shouldn't forget that we're playing a game right now! You shouldn't get distracted so easily!" Ouma lectured them on. "By the way, where did we stop?"
"You just confessed to knowing who the culprit is," Pekoyama answered him.
"Oh, that's right." Ouma nodded. "That was a lie of course. I obviously just lied about it just like how I lied about the truth before that was even brought up. Geez, keep up with me you guys."
"Eh?? So wait. If you lied about telling the truth, but that truth was also a lie, but the lie was a lie within a lie, then that means..." Ibuki scratched her head in confusion. "So what is the truth?!"
"You tell me! I don't get it either!"
"I'm can't figure it out either," Owari cracked her knuckles threateningly. "Alright, I'm gonna beat the truth out of you!"
"Waaaaaaaaaaaah!" Ouma bawled like a kid. "Help me! I'm being bullied!"
"No, she will not beat you up," Nidai calmly intervened. "However, that does not excuse your actions."
"Who are you to tell me what's inexcusable?" Ouma suddenly turned serious. "Or have you forgotten that we live on an island where the rules are decided by a bear who wants us to kill each other? Really, can you blame me for making the most out of this game?"
"You indeed reek of sin, you scoundrel," Gundam practically spat his spite. "To take pleasure in the struggles of innocents, your malice knows no human bounds."
"Well don't blame me if you're bad at murder and killing games. That's on you," Ouma rebuffed.
"Please, you do not wish to perish, right? Then why not just simply cooperate with us and tell us what you know," Sonia almost pleaded.
"Geez, this is the problem with ungrateful talented jerks. They think they can get everything easy." Ouma sighed. "That's so annoying! So boring! I hate all of you!"
"Hey, Ouma," Nanami softly spoke. "If you keep telling lies and hurting people, you'll get misunderstood easily. And that would be sad and lonely... I think."
"Hmmm?" Ouma eyed her levelly. "You know, rather than waste your detective gaming skills analyzing me, you should  focus more on catching the culprit if I were you, Nanamemes."
"Just cut the bullshit already," Hinata warned. "We're going to cut through your lies anyway so let's just get this over with."
"You say that as if you hate my lies." Ouma frowned but that didn't last long. "But I wonder... Which one will you hate more? Lies or the truth?"
Ouma was grinning and it sent a foreboding feeling throughout the room.
"Would you rather have a kind lie or a cruel truth?"
Meanwhile, in another class...
"How wonderful! The despair of losing a classmate is no match against your sparkling hopes!"
There's nothing inherently wrong with the statement itself... except for who said it.
"Um, while I agree with your sentiment, it is confusing to determine what to feel overall considering that you had a hand in the despair in the first place," Kiibo warily voiced out.
"Oh, are you saying that I helped despair instead of hope? I see..." Komaeda pondered on that for a moment. "Ah, but don't worry! I'm rooting for hope, of course. I just created a small despair to be a stepping stone for your hope!"
"This so called stepping stone of yours is our dead classmate," Hoshi glared.
"Yes, it is quite unfortunate to lose Amami." Komaeda sighed wistfully. "I was looking forward to seeing what amazing hope he held inside of him."
"Inside him? Didn't know you swung that way, Cumaeda!" Iruma hollered.
Komaeda neither confirmed nor denied it. Perhaps he just ignored the inappropriate comment altogether. "It's such a shame that garbage like me has survived and yet dear Amami is gone too soon. It would seem that my shsl luck has cycled towards bad this time."
"You speak so fondly of Amami and yet you had killed him," Kirumi said matter-of-factly. "Why then would you choose him to be your victim?"
"Did I kill him though, I wonder..." Komaeda cryptically dropped. "Well I will tell you that Amami was definitely not the intended target. In fact, I didn't have anyone specific in mind at all. He just happened to walk by at the wrong place and at the wrong time."
"You degenerate male! Are you saying that you could have killed anyone in this room?" Tenko asked with a threatening pose.
"Yes, I thought that much was obvious," Komaeda spoke as if it was the most uninteresting fact in the world.
"Why? Do you really want to get out so badly?" Yumeno quietly asked.
"Oh, no. Trash like me don't deserve a place anywhere, much less getting just myself out when there are people here who are worth so much more than me."
"Oi oi, are you saying you killed someone with no intention of leaving this place at all?" Momota asked, concerned.
"Hmmm. Maybe?"
"Do you want to die?" Maki asked with a sharp glare.
"Honestly? If it helps your hope shine then I would gladly offer my life!" Komaeda laughed all too happily that it was disturbing.
"Ooooh! If you want to die so badly then Atua is taking sacrifices!" Angie innocently offered.
"Wow, really? That's too good of a deal. My worthless life in exchange for the betterment of your hope. That's way too good of a deal!" Komaeda exclaimed.
"No! Gonta don't want friend to die!"
"I..." And then the oddest thing happened. Komaeda started crying. "You truly are the embodiment of hope. To think that someone would be so concerned over scum like me... Maybe I am lucky after all."
"Hey, Komaeda. I have one question." Saihara who has been quietly pondering all this time, finally spoke up. "Have you ever tested your trap?"
"Not at all," Komaeda flatly answered. "I don't need to because I already have luck."
"Luck? Oh, I get it!" Shirogane clapped her hands. "Since your talent is luck, you were already confident that the shot put ball would hit the target regardless."
"How curious, kukuku." Korekiyo laughed. "A person who could bend luck towards their favor. Is this the truth behind your talent?"
"Ahaha, it's hard to tell. As long as it's possible, no matter how small the odds are, then I can still luck out and I do. However, my luck has a cycle," Komaeda explained. "If something good happens then something equally bad will happen after. And vice versa. But I'm used to it. After all, but everything works out for me in the end."
"Wait... Your luck cycles..." Akamatsu turned to him as if she had been struck with an epiphany. "Then... is killing Amami good or bad luck?"
"Hmmm, who knows? I honestly can't tell until after the fact."
"But you said that in the end, everything works out for you. That means you always achieve what you aim for no matter how roundabout the method is." Akamatsu reiterated. "You said it yourself. Killing Amami wasn't your goal, it was only a means. You've yet to say what your true goal is."
"What of it though?" Komaeda asked with feigned ignorance.
"That's... That's right." However, it was Saihara who answered. "Komaeda said he never tested the trap so we can't confirm if it works. If we say that the trap relies purely on his luck and if his luck depends on his motives then... Then we need to know Komaeda's motive before concluding that he is the culprit."
Komaeda simply smiled in return.
"Won't you show me just how brilliant your hopes are?"
The two troublemakers continued to struggle with trials of their own and unbeknownst to them that they were in the wrong class.
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