#giving a slightly word salady ramble about their plans for the future
the-fifth-tragedy · 3 years
"It's a cycle. I'm sure of it. Tragedy—shock—remembrance—prevention—forgetting—tragedy.
It used to change, each time. The First, forced into service; the Second, faced with a cruel choice; the Third, coerced and manipulated; the Fourth, betrayed by someone who couldn't have known what they were doing. And then me. The Fifth. Betrayed by a friend who (I hope) didn't know what they were doing.
The cycle becomes clearer every time. Before the First, little was known about ships, about pilots, even about how our powers worked. Before the Second, nobody realized that fear could cause an overload just as much as force. Before the Third, we didn't fully know how vulnerable our pilots are, how safe we have to be kept. Before the Fourth, we had forgotten the Third. And before me, we'd forgotten the Fourth.
But I'm not going to let it be forgotten again. I am the Fifth, and I will be the last."
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