#giving a mentally unstable adult a child trope
ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Chapter 1
Chapter 1: New Employer
Summary: Y/n lost her big sister and not wanting to be with anyone else she had to raise herself on her own– making her make some poor choices along the way. 
Pairing: big sister!Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Warnings: Minor violence technically 
Word count: 950 (this chapter is more of a prologue)
a/n: This is a continuation of “The Hope I Find In You” it’ll be best to read that first. Just a reminder in the story if there’s any text that <”Looks like this.”> it just means the character(s) are saying something in a different language, I’m just trying to have minimal google translated stuff. (Reblogs are welcome but please no translating and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged.)
Tura Typa Russia, September 6th, 2021
Y/n cracked a small smile <”Dimitri, how many times will we do this eh? I’ve been a regular for a year.”> The older man let out a small laugh under his breath <”Well, good luck tonight it’s a big one.”> Y/n rolled her eyes <”I don’t need luck, Dmitri. All I need is the winnings from tonight. My landlord raised my rent again.”> Dimitri unlocked the doors to the side of him with the push of a small button <”It is a gesture of kindness Y/n! Next time you could say thank you.”>  
Y/n took off her shirt leaving for the loud crowd in the other room “I’ll say thank you when you pay me tonight if that makes it better.”   
The announcer hollered from his microphone “ARE YOU ALL READY FOR TONIGHT?!!!” The crowd cheered and screamed in response. “WELL GOOD TO KNOW! We have some very special guests with us tonight. On our right corner of the cage tonight we have the man feared by many, built like a mountain and can throw a punch like a god, Aleksander Mikhailov aka The Nuke!!” At the moment the name was mentioned the crowd grew louder many cheers. Although the crowd did get quieter “Let's not get too excited everyone because on the left corner of the cage we have the woman you all know, you all hate her, she’s silent she’s deadly, Y/n L/n! But to others, she’s only known as the White Widow!” The crowd immediately boos and even throw trash at Y/n. “Okay okay everyone settles down, make sure your bets are in!”
Aleksander laughed looking at the announcer “I am supposed to fight her? She is punny girl! This is simply not a fair fight.” The announcer smiled softly “Whatever you say, buddy.” Before leaving the ring he put a hand on Y/n’s shoulder leaning down to her ear and whispering “If you knock him out I’ll give you my cut for the night.” Y/n laughed out loud “Deal.” 
As the match began Aleksander immediately swung with a right hook putting his full force into it letting Y/n doge easily making him stumble. He huffed real loud “That’s it, punny girl! No more playing nice.” He rammed himself forward attempting to tackle Y/n with another swift doge he inevitably smashed into the metal fencing of the cage. As he turned back to Y/n his mouth was bloody and he spat out a tooth “Are you going to doge the whole time or are you going to fight me, little girl?” He swung again at Y/n this time landing a hit to the eye scratching her eyebrow. Taking this as an opportunity though before he moved his hand back Y/n took a hold of his wrist with both hands. 
“Don’t be so cocky.” With that, she wrapped her legs around his arm flipping him on his stomach and fracturing his arm. Making sure to win the match she made a small hit to the side of his neck effectively knocking him unconscious. As some of the crowd booed at the quick victory others cheered knowing they won the bet. As Aleksander was dragged out Y/n walked off heading back to Dimitri. 
Leaning on the desk with a wide grin Dimtri already knew what Y/n was going to ask about. <”Dimitri-”> before she could even start he put a finger to her lips <”Y/n, your eyebrow is bleeding, I patch you up then you get your money.”>  Dimtri pulled up a stool near his desk sitting Y/n down before leaving to get a med kit. But then she heard a few metal bangs, figuring Dimtri dropped something in the other room she ignored it. But then it continued and as it got louder and louder she realized it was the entrance door. But before she could warn anyone they burst through the metal doors, the police. As more rushed in there were at least 15 men, each with guns pointed at her. 
While Y/n is a good fighter she knew to pick her battles and a battle with 15 men with guns was not one she would win. Dimitri stood in the doorway <”Y/n, what is this?”> Y/n raised her hands slowly <”Depends on what they do in the next few minutes.”> But then a single man solely armed with a pistol. He raised the gun and shot Dimtri twice. “NOO!!” Y/n screamed out, one of the only people alive that cared about her in the slightest was gone. <”Arrest the girl and everyone in the place.”> Before being cuffed Y/n studied the man, looking at him carefully. By his uniform, he was a kernel. This wasn’t a normal police raid, someone found out about the cage fights and reported it. This wasn’t going to end well. 
Spetsnaz Police Station 
Y/n went into an emotional shutdown, the one person who cared about her still was gone, shot dead write in front of her. She lay there on the cold metal bench in the cell starting to drown in her own thoughts, or that is until one of the guards tapped onto the metal bars <”Y/n L/n?”> She sat up <”Yes?”> 
<”Someone is here for you. Says she’s a friend.”>
As she left the cell she saw an older woman with dark hair that had a purple streak in it. When it came to how she dressed she definitely had money. The older woman put out her hand “Hi Y/n, Valentina Fontaine. We should talk.”
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
REPLAY. | Park Jisung (M)
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prologue- “You’re so pretty.” + “Kiss me again. It was one of the best kisses I ever had...”
tw- where jisung loves his best friend’s older sister and he happens to finally confess. But Y/n is oblivious. Older girl x younger boy trope. Wholesome fluffy romance. Incredibly cheesy but wbk.
Notes- Noona Neomu YEOPEOOOOOO-
Jisung’s heart will never give him a break it seems. At least not tonight, because he’s currently walking late at night with his long term crush since childhood. Jisung’s older brother is friends with Y/n, they’re the same age and they also happen to be roommates. They attend the same university as well. Jisung happened to be over at their house for tonight, others would be thinking he must really like his brother’s presence when in reality he came unannounced at your place just to see you.
Now you are strolling the streets on your way back home, with Jisung standing by your side with his large hands tuck in front jean pockets. You smile to yourself as you watch the younger boy.
He was quiet and mysterious, most people find him extremely intimidating for many reasons; he was really tall, detectable resting face and he never speaks because he’s got social anxiety and he’s shy personality wise. Big introvert too. But to you, you never seen him like that.
You are three years older than him. He’s just turned twenty and you’re twenty three. When he was really young you babysat him too. Your parents and his parents were high school friends and neighbours, growing up in the same town and neighbourhood was both a blessing and a curse.
A curse to jisung. You never once saw him as a man but the child you have the imagine of him stuck in your head to be. This annoys the boy so much, boils deep within him a burning rage to the bones, shaking him apart like an earthquake. Jisung is a patient man, it takes a lot to upset him. So the very front fact that he knows you only see him as this young boy and not the grownup man he is, truly upsets him. But you never seem to realise how angry this made him, because he never really openly admits it.
“Noona.” He calls out suddenly stopping. You hum against your teeth stopping on your heels and slowly turning around to face him as you held the plastic bag with the snacks and drinks. “What’s wrong?”
Thump. Thump. Thump. Ah there it is, his ole’ heart beating again but this time speeding like a racing car finishing a long term marathon. Even though he was an adult, Jisung feels like this giddy social anxiety you’d get from confessing to your crush comes back no matter what age you really are— the throat swells up going dry, the teeth clatter together like plates upon other dishes. Ears become boiling pots on stove, turning red, as well as his blossoming accurately shown cheeks in the streets lamp lighting covering by the darkness of the background surrounding you both.
He grows red just by his inner dialogue mentally preparing what to say. Even though he was practicing for this moment to get you alone, why did his voice become unstable, quick and stammer?
You raise your eyes at him, with a slight scold when looking down at the time on your phone screen. “Jisung we will be late and your brother will throw a tantrum if we don’t come back soon—”
“I like you!” Jisung exclaims.
Out of nowhere, you stumble back on your feet when following turning to face the boy now no longer to be interesting in returning back, but questioning the boy you see in front of you with a increasing amount of reddish cheeks, erupting on their way to fluster you too. Unsure why those three words meant a lot to you, you question your hearts intentions right there. Why did you like to hear this from him? What was your heart fluttering open like a blossoming rose under the moonlight as its only source of light mean to you? Perhaps,
Perhaps your heart always liked Jisung, but you never bothered listening to it. Only your head was controlling you. Making Jisung to be viewed as your friends little brother who you knew since childhood, baby sat him and did many activities together. Playing those childish hide and seeks, kicking about a football until late in the evening. Sleeping over at each other’s houses like it were your second home seems so, contemplating now.
When did you develop such strong feelings, butterflies slam on the pit of your hard skin to skin contacting stomach, ready to leave and screaming to escape when this anxiousness hit you. The minor silence sharing between the two, their breathes were talking however. Jisung’s harsh hitching breathing was held tightly inside his mouth when he saw your body take a step forward. second step forward. Then a third step forward, where with your hands wrapping round the hem of your palming hoodie.
But what if, this relationship could ruin everything? What if, this could really go in vain. What if, you break his heart into miniature pieces to the point of no return of having the same innocent heart he has now. Maybe, you weren’t the one for him. Those words echo in the back of your head like a penetrating gunshot blazing to your skin.
“Jisung I like you too of course, you’re my friends brother.” You force a friendly smile, a smile that shown no romantically feelings behind. Maybe, it’s better to flat out play dumb. This way, you’re protecting Jisung from getting his heart broken.
You’re not perfect and you admit it. Jisung might not realise that you’re probably not worth his time. He’s finally starting university this year, and you’re soon to leave the university with your degree. You will be working an actual job nine to five, unable to focus on dating. As will he too, university is much more versatile and tricky to handle. Deadlines are to be made on the same day sometimes. Sleepless nights will happen very soon for Jisung. And he will have to focus on every little class he will get.
You’re only going to hold him back. Right?
Jisung’s face darkly falters as he faces you with a hint of bafflement. How could you, out of all people, you, push away his feelings so easily? You’re smiling so heavenly at him, showing your perfect teeth while you’re at it flashing him your beautiful eyes. Under this midnight starry moonlight was a boiling volcano of his feelings ready to burn you alive.
He looks down at his shoes when you turn to walk away. Then he remembered, he cannot hold anymore to this image you have of him. Jisung has to prove to you, that he is not a little kid that you seem to see him as, and he most definitely will not allow you to push away his feelings like it meant nothing to you. The boy swore, he saw your eyes sparkle at his confession, he saw the way your eyes widened, jisung saw your eyebrows lift up to the sky and your ears perking up similar to a cat.
By the time you turned your back to him, you swung back with a strong arm-like force pulling you round as if you were a blunt fire pit of sun and he was the rotating planet he resolved around with. As if, you were the only thing that mattered to him. The touch sparkles a bristling fire on your warm skin, sharing your heat with the boy who flys close.
Lips touching yours for a minute. The softness and pluckiness leaving you crazy, you swore a minute never felt so short, Y/n finds herself running back for more. Wanting more. The soft kiss felt so, loving, you never realised how much love he has poured for you all his life; you’d have to say, you felt touched and flattering by this.
When the boy pulled away catching a breathe with you, he carries on talking like a wild boar running around crazily. It was like this time he really cannot hold on anymore. Jisung was a crumbling old ruin, breaking down more. It’s been one many years,too many.
“In this situation I’m not his brother. I am your friend who has fallen for you deeply and I can’t go pretending I don’t have feelings for you anymore, Y/n. I like you all along, for years, I tried my best to show you how I feel and you still don’t get it.” He huffs out a silent scream. How your heart clenched for him.
“Can you just for tonight, not look at me as this little boy and please. View me as a man who’s deeply in love with you. Can you please do that tonight.” He urges on, like he wasn’t going to see tomorrows light. You bite on your bottom lip watching him up close, fuck, why are you seriously checking him out now.
Oh how badly you wish to kiss him again. But at what costs? How will his brother who is your friend react to you dating his little sibling? Does he even approve of you as a girlfriend? He knows all your exes and situation-ships that never made it to the dating zone. But the temptation was so strong, you find yourself swirling around Jisung like a little helpless fly zooming in his left and right ears.
Slowly your lips part, “Kiss me again. It was one of the best kisses I ever had...”
As he did oblige with pleasure, creeping a soft smile inside the softly placing kiss on your lips, it soon turned into this much more mature steaming session in middle of nowhere practice as the fallen grocery bag rests in between your bodies. Big hands on your face, covering your entirety of the apple cheeks and jawline. Your hair flows back against the harsh wind blowing jisung’s black bangs upwards. The way your face was so flushed in colour amazes him, was this the effect he has on you? Did he really hear those words correctly.
Best kisses you ever had? The proudness of this was so real in him. He takes pride in being the best of the best you will ever have and Jisung, will never let another man step inside that circle.
Pulling apart from the shared make-out, one long string of saliva connects the two of you, smokey air leaving his lips when he left your lips from practically inhaling you, it was like he cannot get enough of you. The taste. The way you feel. The way his emotions keep igniting him up inside like he was a match stick. Brushing past his thumb on the bottom of your lip, he grazes it softly, driving you to the edge crazily. Something in you must of snapped like a freelancing twig in middle of nowhere.
You pull Jisung down when suddenly the courage you found takes over your body completely. You want this boy, you thought in your head. You want him. Pulling him down when finally latching to the front collar of his hoodie’s two long strings. He follows down your silhouette strength by the pull, landing on your lips. Jisung, never felt so bewildered in his life. Your lips softly slid in as did your tongue pushing on top of the roof of his mouth. Teasingly you press him onto the nearest tree surface where he felt trapped in your presence and energy suffocating him from the inside than outside. His chest clenches tight, Jisung naturally follows his body’s instincts and pulls you closer by the waist.
Hands on your waistline like they belonged there, when he had you pulled in, you gasp at such actions in the kiss but did not dare break away. He felt your surprising voice, in which he lowly growls when you finally clasp your hands on his face quickly and hungrily speed the kiss up. Your heartbeats were ticking bombs, ready to explode any minute.
Jisung was so lost in you, in so deep that he couldn’t see the light anymore.
You pull away first, even surprised that you found the resistant to even leave him alone considering you were hungrily eating his lips out like you were personally starved for decades. When doing so, he was lowly opening his eyes with yours, looking at you with soft lustful eyes.
You hear him speak, like he was absolutely done for. “You’re so pretty.” Jisung tells. “Fuck.” He gasps, when feeling the way he was so content with joy. He might not be able to date you, but he never felt so satisfied and heard about his feelings than before. This was like a jackpot, to him. He’s doomed. There is no saving him. It’s not like he wants to be saved either.
You felt a chill sent to your body as his forehead rests on your shoulder. He was slouching down against the tree with his head buried in your right shoulder completely, suddenly the hands on your waist tighten pulling you closer into an embrace . Somehow, you felt a smile creeping on your face and the blush travelling on your cheeks to your ears brightly bruising them with the infectious reddish pink colour. He murmurs, even the way his deep voice rolls your name off his tongue.
Why didn’t you realise it sooner, how attractive he can be. How in love he was with you. “Let’s say like this forever please. I don’t want to leave you.”
You found yourself relating hard his words. “Mhm, sure. Let’s stay here.” You whisper wrapping arms around his body back.
You find yourself wanting to do the same. To stay in his hold forever.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you. Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out.
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talks-refined · 4 years
Why azula, in my opinion, shouldn’t have had a redemption arc
i know it’s a complicated subject in this fandom but i wanted to give my two cents on it! i promise this isn’t me just going “booh evil”
okay so here’s the thing. the reason this is so complicated to answer is because it needs to ask pretty existential and complex questions like, can everyone be redeemed? how is evil made? how much of you is really only your upbringing? is it possible to be inherently bad? what do we fundamentally deserve? can you separate yourself completely from what you’ve been since birth and if so, what’s left?
now if you walked up to me and asked those questions, my answer would probably be something along the lines of “i don’t know, i just got here”. so that’s not what i’m gonna try to answer here
notice how i said “shouldn’t have had” and not “deserved”. i can’t tell you what azula “deserved”— probably a nicer childhood and therapy— but i can also say azula didn’t “deserve” anything. she’s a character, she’s words on paper, animation and voiced acting. there isn’t a real azula, an actual 14 years old child soldier out there awaiting to turn good. characters are story arcs, development, goals... what makes their value isn’t morals but what they bring to the story. and azula brings so much that, in my opinion, being ultimately redeemed would cheapen
first off: zuko. i’ve seen people say azula shouldn’t get a redemption arc because then her story would just be the same as zuko. it’s... not true, obviously, they’re different characters for a reason, but there is a part of truth i wanna point out here:
zuko and azula’s stories are diametrical opposites. two siblings, a boy and a girl, a firebending prodigy and one who’s average at the very best, one favored by his mother, the other favored by her father, one impulsive and one calculating. At the beginning of the story, one angry and unstable, the other calm and confident, one banished, desperate and without honor, and the other a princess and leader, acclaimed by all, who radiates regal energy.
“(ozai) said she was born lucky. he said i was lucky to be born. i don’t need luck, though. i don’t want it. i’ve always had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong. that’s made me who i am.”
( zuko, to aang, season 1 finale )
that first sentence was the hook that told the viewers azula would come in the picture in season 2 and it tells you exactly the opposite dynamics their characters would develop on. azula is perfect, zuko is a failure is the message we’re supposed to get, at least that’s how they view each other and themselves, because that’s what their father taught them. but here’s the thing: luck is by definition elusive, and perfection is by definition unattainable. azula spends her life building herself around the vision that failure is inexcusable. because she’s at such a high place, because she’s so perfect, she can never fail, because she can’t and because she’s not allowed to. that mentality is bound to doom her, it’s inevitable. it’s a direct opposition to zuko, who builds himself in the fact that he’s failed so many times, that he made so many mistakes, that each taught him lessons. when zuko fails once, he knows he can get up because he was miserable for so long that it taught him he can survive anything. when azula fails once, she crumbles. azula is a cautionary tale of perfectionism, and cautionary tales can’t have happy endings. zuko’s approach of life has to reach a happy ending, because he’ll always look for one, it has to reach a redemption arc because he’s not scared of the mistakes he’s made in the past and he is always trying to better himself (the redemption comes when he realises he was trying to meet the wrong standards). azula’s approach of life guarantees a downfall because she’s convinced that failure is the end.
both their stories mirror each other, backwards. when we meet zuko, he’s failing, always, and when we leave him, he finally won. when we meet azula she’s winning, always, and when we leave her, she finally (by which i mean that it’s inevitable, not that it’s good) fails.
and there’s another reason (let’s pretend this is structured, okay?), that’s a little more complicated, and it has to do with ozai.
you know how ozai is barely present in the series? i’ve seen some people argue that azula is a better villain because she’s scarier or because we see her more. here’s the thing:
when you’re trying to portray something that’s really, really awful, it’s easier not show it. when you show something, in it’s entirety (in that context that would mean making ozai a deep, 3 dimensional character that we see develop) it’s... small. to define is to limit (- oscar wilde). when you only show small things tho, details, in movies it can be shadows, think the beginning of stranger things when you don’t see monsters, but can feel a threat, that’s when it can get scary as shit. because whatever limited, physical (or character-ial? is that a word) form you chose for the villain isn’t there in people’s minds, it’s only their own imagination trying to comprehend what you made them feel. and what people imagine based on only fear, or anger, is easily scarier than any five headed monster you can put onscreen.
that’s what ozai is: a looming threat. hell, i’m not even sure we see his face until season 3. he only has a handful of scenes. but i hate him. i hate him so much i could scream into a pillow and he’s so vicious it sends shivers down my spine. you know why? because of what he did to zuko and azula.
when you wanna keep your main villain mysterious, it’s good to give the audience characters that he’s interacted with. characters that he’s close to enough to have had an effect on them, so they can perceive a part of him. and boy did he have an effect on his children
( to be fair here: that idea and most of what i’m saying about it came from Overly Sarcastic Productions video on minions as a trope. it’s really good i love their whole channel, red is amazing)
season 1: meet zuko. he’s a sixteen years old. he’s a bad guy, but written so that you sympathise with him to a certain extent. then comes the Tragic Backstory Episode and you learn that he was challenged to a duel as a thirteen years old by his father after he spoke without permission in a meeting, begged for mercy, got half of his face burned off at the hands of his father, and was banished from his home to search for the avatar, who was dead as far as anyone knew.
now you’ve seen very little of ozai after this episode, but you’re ready to fight that guy, right? i know i am.
it gains a level of depth with azula. after being introduced to a character who is starving for his father’s love and approval, we’re introduced to a new character, who seemingly has all of that. azula is zuko’s ever winning rival. she has everything he wants, her honor, her title, her father’s favors.
(i think it’s worth noting that making your children compete for your love is already a red flag for noticing pieces of shit)
but it’s not enough. azula has everything, she is everything ozai values (cunning, strong, ruthless) and even then it’s not enough to please him. nothing will ever be good enough. and you see two children fighting, breaking themselves to please a father that is seemingly incapable of love, but keeps baiting them, giving them impossible standards to reach so they’ll always keep trying to please him.
okay, now you hate him, right?
but here’s the thing: because azula was a firebending prodigy, she got a taste of her father’s approval. he saw himself in her, where he saw too much of iroh and ursa in zuko. he was proud of her.
he was never proud of zuko. too soft, not strong, or fearless enough. because of that, zuko was never close to his dad. all he got was disdain. because of that, he forms bonds with other people (with his mother and uncle, at first) that expose him to another vision of life. and in exile, after chasing relentlessly, part of him is pushed to the realisation that he can live without his father’s approval. because he had to.
azula on the other hand, quickly becomes all ozai’s. from flashbacks you can clearly tell each of them gravitates around one parent, zuko around ursa and azula around ozai. even in her other relationships (zuko, tylee, mai...) she behaves according to what her father taught her, how to manipulate and hurt others
and ursa has flaws, god i’m not saying she doesn’t. that deserves a post in itself. but she values things like kindness, softness and love. ozai values strength, power and cunning. childhood is a formative stage: you often build yourself on the way you were raised. zuko had those conflicting values, because ursa, and ozai more indirectly, both taught him. but ozai isolated azula from other (adult) presences. this is more speculation but i really think it’s true, for what it’s worth. we rarely ever see ursa and azula interact, and when we do ursa is i think always? reprimanding azula for something that ozai taught her. it doesn’t seem like they spend enough time together for her to teach her daughter a better way.
that’s the thing. ozai’s “love”, or at least approval, was azula’s curse. zuko thinks it’s something he has to aim for, and later realizes it’s only ever going to be conditional and manipulative and stops trying. because he knew another way. but azula always lived with it. it isolated her, prevented her from ever finding a better way. his “love” is what did this to her
so yeah. none of this is saying that azula could never have been good. she was 14, she had a whole life ahead, i’m not some psychology master that can tell you exactly if it’s even possible to unlearn so much manipulation and abuse- i want to believe it is. but this is a story, and to me it’s the more nuanced, more interesting, better story they could’ve written. i think having those two very different and very paralleled stories, for a show that doesn’t shy away from complexity the way atla does, was very important.
while i was writing this, i showed it to a friend, who can speak for toxic households better than i can, and gave me a new perspective and the best conclusion: when in an abusive parental relationship, there’s always a tearing hesitation between ‘breaking free’ and doing what’s best for you, and staying loyal to your parent, someone you’re supposed to love and who’s supposed to love you. zuko is a message of hope ; azula is a warning
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bitescops · 4 years
8, 25, 35, 41
((8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Yes! Dev grew up in the countryside and had rabbits. They did also eat the rabbits, but yknow...she still got to care for em.  As an adult though, she stays as far away from animals as she can. Animals tend to react extremely when under the influence of the call. She doesn't hate them for most parts, but is definitely afraid of them, especially if she sees a big dog.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Dev has pretty crass humor, she likes violence and slapstick and totally absurd tumblr memes. She is indeed very funny, if you enjoy that kind of thing. She’s a very jokey person. Largely she expresses that with mocking and elbow jabs though.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
HMMMMMMM. Dev is also quite a shameless person, but she can be made ashamed with the right words. Her ego is a rather fragile and unstable thing.
Wasting time watching bad soap operas & teen romance shows, listening to self-help books even though she knows they're bullshit, reading books at all used to be pretty embarrassing for her, because she hates coming off as an intellectual and even actively detests others who are that way. So she’ll be bashful whenever u catch her reading like a book of essays or something. She watches a LOT of really bad low-budget z-list horror movies.
Unguilty pleasure: everything Red Hot Chili Peppers & Hole <333 Shes OBSESSED with these bands. She could talk about them all day and watch their live dvds over and over and analyze every little detail like an insane person.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Dev is bi. Is v much that trope of ‘all women are queens, but men have to meet these EXACT SPECIFIC parameters to even be considered’.  That usually being someone big and dangerous and not good for her.
Dev is largely infatuated by extremes. People who embody one thing so wholly that it shines through in everything they do, even if its a negative quality, like being super sensitive and anxious.  She enjoys people who can take a joke at their expense and aren’t judgy of others. 
Sadly because of the nature of The Call, she is incapable of maintaining a stable relationship. She has never been with someone for very long uninterrupted and so she wouldn't really know what to wish for. Affection? Somebody to bring her down and convince her everything will be alright even when its so obvious it never can be? What she likes is someone just as wild and reckless as her, but what she would probably benefit much more from is someone to give her stability.))
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littleblackqrow · 4 years
Nah, the fandom didn't do anything to me. I just didn't like how hostile and dark vol 6 was. The way the group treated Oscar for a while, and Yang's hypocritical accusations kind of made me lose respect for the characters. If that makes sense
((It makes perfect sense friend. Sorry about the late response, I just got home from work
I can definitely see how the actions of the main cast would be a turn off, and I cant say that they’ve been handling their secret knowledge well in s7, but I think thats partly because there is no good answer to the situation they got themselves in.
I didnt really mean to use your consternation about the main cast to throw a meta word vomit up, but I’ve been thinking about this all day SO-
Oz has very good reasons for keeping things secret, and for involving as little people as possible in this war between him and Salem A war that she initiated and seems to delight in framing so it looks like Oz is building people up to sacrifice them. He’s perpetually on defense here and has been for centuries because offense against an enemy that is immortal and out of any and all weight classes that modern Humanity 2.0 can muster, even with technological advances would be next to impossible. Salem has Humanity 1.0′s magic, and doesnt seem to have an exhaustible supply like Oz does in addition to her cursed, conditional immortality, and what is apparently control over the creatures of Grimm thanks to her dip in the Forbidden Grimm Soup.
What does Oz have to work with? Regular ass humans and faunus with only regular ass semblances, his own dwindling power, and the occasional Silver Eyed Warrior to work with. The Relics are dangerous objects to just have laying around, and none of them seem to have a practical use as weapons. He is outgunned, out-manned, outnumbered, out-planned and instead of launching all out assaults against Salem, he’s been quietly protecting her, trying desperately to outmaneuver her whenever possible.
The Fall of Beacon is when Salem finally managed to find a chink in his armour, probably for the first time since the Great War. And she managed it in part because Cinder has determination and is able to roll with whatever she’s given and improvise, but also partly because RWBY has done as much to stop her as they have to give her an opening. For instance, had Blake told Oz about the White Fang’s involvement sooner, he could have called Qrow back in to poke around and spy on Roman’s operations. Ruby could have given everyone more information on Cinder, like what she was doing in the comm tower, and maybe someone with a brain could have figured out there was a virus being planted in the network.
Our protags are kids, and its important to remember that kids fuck up. Sure they’re 17-21 years old now, and should know more, but god knows I made All of the Mistakes during that age. They’ve gotten positive reinforcement for all of their skulking around, digging up secrets, and kicking bad guy ass, but they’ve never had to reconcile with consequences before. Ozpin has. Yang is being hypocritical, but she’s never been called on it until s7, and even then it wasnt direct. But the effects of it are immediate and painful. Atlas will probably be lost because she went behind the back of a man who has been consolidating power and has been shown to be mentally unstable since the Fall of Beacon and didnt do it in a smart, underhanded way. Clover Ebi was killed because of the things she set in motion. My hope is that next season, the kids will have to reconcile with the damage.
And I know for a fact that when the dust settles, Oz will still be there for them. He’s made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child, and dammit if that doesnt give him empathy for people who also made mistakes with the best of intentions. 
Idk man, to me its a subversion of the “Child Hero that saves everyone because the adults are just doing it wrong” trope. The child heroes here are actually not more competent than the adults, but they’ve been told, especially recently, that they’re the hope that Remnant has, so doing what they feel is right has to be good and right. Right?
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feynavaley · 5 years
@hideriame replied to your post “I was thinking about the first ‘novel’ I managed to finish, back when...”
Where they your typical edgy YA teens? 😂 It’s cool though
Actually, not entirely. 😅 To be perfectly honest, I’ve always despised the ‘edgy teen’ trope, so that’s something I wasn’t completely guilty of.
On the other hand, under the attempt of ‘giving my main character flaws’, I did accidentally turn the female lead into a milder version of an ‘edgy YA teen’. 😅 But, it was always treated as a negative aspect she had to overcome. Being an orphan who had always had to fend for herself, she was, in the beginning, distrustful and also kind of selfish. She couldn’t truly bring herself to do what she thought was right if she was afraid it might have bad consequences for her. She also had a good heart, however, so she got over the ‘selfish’ part pretty quickly. Not being used to people caring for her, she was also out of her depths with that aspect (it took her a bit to accept that the concern was genuine – once again, also out of fear of being hurt if she accepted that concern and it turned out to be fake) and sometimes hid her uneasiness behind a bit of snark. She was kind of a mild case, though. She was always respectful to adults (because she wasn’t stupid and she knew perfectly well who was in a position of power), the snarky part only came out with her peers. Once again, I always presented it as a negative aspect. She got called out on it by anybody who noticed (not everybody because, as I’ve said above, she was much more polite and meek around adults), and eventually mellowed out and apologized to those she had treated wrongly.
The male lead, instead, was like the polar opposite of an ‘edgy YA teen’. He was kind-hearted and idealistic, ready to fight and sacrifice himself for what he thought was right. He has also grown up very sheltered and with little contact with other people, though, so he was definitely too idealistic. He had a bit of trouble seeing the shades of grey and grasping the complexity of some situations. He couldn’t conciliate his high ideals with the compromises real life forces people to. The only thing he had in common with an ‘edgy YA teen’ was that he was impulsive and reckless, but he was actually closer to a cinnamon roll, haha.
I actually think that this is another thing that wasn’t too bad? The two main characters balanced each other quite well. He helped her shed her pessimistic views and pushed her to act, while she grounded him and made him reflect more.
What was the villain like? That’s my main concern in fiction, (I’m always drawn to them) 
Well, keep in mind that this was written by a 13/14-year-old, so it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. I’m just surprised I gave my villain(s) a bit more depth than ‘she did it because she was Evil and called herself the Queen of Darkness’. 😅 (Actually, the symbol of the organization was a scale because they wanted to ‘bring balance’.)
In a very quick summary, the setting was that humanity had had to move to a different planet (but that was forgotten, and the technology had receded after a big war) that was already inhabited by many magical creatures (this is so cringe-y omg) who didn’t mingle with humans but tried to hide themselves. Some humans had also started developing magical powers (telepathy and telekinesis), that got stronger and more widespread generation after generation.
The main villain belonged to a generation were few people displayed powers yet, and hers were unnaturally strong. Being born into a rich family that valued appearances above everything else, she was treated as a freak by everybody but her twin brother, whom she was very close to. She was relegated to her room and her parents pretended she was gravely ill and unstable. She resented them a lot and at first acted bratty and creepy on purpose, but the more she grew up, the more she realized that the most effective way to get was she wanted was to lay low and manipulate people. She also became more and more aware of all the falsities and conflicts people basked in. Being able to read their minds, she saw how the relationships her parents had with other members of the high society were based on envy and lies.  After growing up, her brother started building a political career. Making use of her powers, she helped him as much as she could. Even with her limited mobility, she managed to do a lot. Her brother would bring people at home, and she wouldn’t interact with them but stir their emotions in the right way and tell his brother what they thought. But, the political climate was very shaky (it wasn’t long after the war I have previously mentioned). Her brother died (as collateral damage, he wasn’t the main target) during a protest organized by dissidents that went overboard. That was when she realized that people with her powers couldn’t just watch from the sidelines – they had to be directly involved. She changed the memories of the people involved and from that moment on, she pretended to be her brother and quickly climbed to higher ranks. At the same time, she started looking for other people with abilities similar to her ones (even if they were all weaker) and gathered them around her. They all shared similar stories of being shunned and abused. The more she discovered, the more she became convinced that the optimal system would be people with mental powers ruling over everybody else, trading any form of freedom for peace. She also researched a lot on magic and magical creatures in general. Most of them were animal-like, but there was also one kind that was genetically and phenotypically very close to humans – interbreeding was even possible. In spite of being the original inhabitants of the planet, they weren’t many and they hadn’t mixed well with humans. There was a lot of distrust on both sides. My villain wanted to use them at first, but she quickly realized how more powerful their magic was. They were very likely to overthrow humans – so, for the sake of humankind, they had to be eliminated until just a few remained and were forced to cooperate with her. During her research, she also came across a weakness all magic beings shared – some magical stones that could absorb their magic. After a bit of experimenting, she managed to find a way to transfer that magic to humans, and she filled herself to the brink until she was barely a shade of a human (she also gained some sort of eternal youth and immortality). Over the years, she and her followers infiltrated the government and, thanks to their powers, strengthened it to a dictatorship.
The thing about her is that she truly was convinced that she was doing everything for the good of humanity. Not only she was very good at manipulating people, playing on the weaknesses and fears to bring them to her side, but she was also genuinely convinced that what she was doing was right. She was even kind to people, as long as they didn’t interfere with her plans. She genuinely wanted them to be happy. For example, the male lead? He was the son of one of her helpers (one with the strongest powers). But, his mother was also kind of unstable (due to her past and growing up among violence) and not really suited for being a mother. So, the main villain decided to put him under the care of another person she trusted, far from any violence, because she thought that was the best way to raise a child. This went wrong (for her) because the man who raised the male lead was actually a double agent and certainly didn’t raise the boy to believe in the government, but the point still is that she wanted him to have something close to a regular childhood. Besides, she always tried to bring people to her side before hurting them. Of course, refusal wasn’t allowed and any form of dissidence would be annihilated to preserve the status quo (without much remorse), but this was the last resort.
As you can see, my intention was to create a complex villain. There’s still a lot to work on (and a few paragraphs aren’t the same as reading this in a book and inside the context, anyway) and it’s nothing special, but I don’t think it was completely horrible, either.
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
The Hope I Find In You || Chp 2
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Chapter 2: The White Widow Initiative 
Summary: More is revealed about Y/n and her past/present to Yelena. But what could this entail for their future together?
Pairing: big sister!Yelena Belova x teen!fem!reader
Warnings: Nothing I know of but let me know if I should add anything. 
Word count: 1031
a/n: Odds are that every chapter will come out on Sunday. (Reblogs are welcome but please no translating and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged.) Also here’s the link to chapter one. 
Y/n managed to push Yelena off her still wincing in pain “No not that. Thank you for that. But, my employers will not be happy with you.” Yelena got up and grabbed Y/n’s wrist before she could walk away “Why don’t you tell me more about them then? You could also tell me more about yourself in general, your file doesn’t have much detail.” She thought over the question a lot, but in the end, she knew she didn’t have that much better to do anyway. “Fine, I will. But we’re going to the cafe nearby and you’re paying.” Yelena gasped dramatically “Why do I have to pay?” Y/n glared at Yelena and in a serious tone replied “Because you shot me!” 
“Alright alright, fine I’ll pay.” 
Once the two settled with their food and drink Y/n started talking “Before I tell you anything can I ask a few questions? Like about you?” Yelena’s look had softened realizing Y/n didn’t know anything about “Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.” 
“Well, firstly how the hell did you find me? Also, you never told me your name.”
“My name is Yelena Belova. And as I mentioned earlier we have a file on you from the widow database. We had some leads from other widows about where you might be which lead us here. From then on it was just a matter of spotting you in public. But it did help to intercept a few messages from your employer.” 
Y/n paused for a moment “Wait, Yelena Belova? Like as in the sister to Natalia Alianovna Romanoff? The big-time traitor of the red room?” 
“Uh yeah, that would be her.” Yelena and Natsha hadn’t spoken much since they took down the red room together. As Yelena understood, of course, you don’t get many opportunities to talk to people while on the run. Yelena stiffened slightly “You have other questions?” 
“Why me?” 
“What do you mean by that Y/n?” 
“You have access to the widow database, you’ve seen all of the girls that are worth more. So out of them why would you choose me?” 
“Firstly, never compare yourself to them. You are worth just as much as everyone else. And on why I freed you, every widow should have a choice in what they do I’m just trying to give you that choice.” There was another reason, Yelena didn’t want Y/n growing up like her. She didn’t want her to be alone like she was. Maybe if Yelena stayed with her she’d be better than her.
“Okay, I still don’t trust you full though.” 
Y/n sighed as she finished off the last of her drink “So, what do want to know?” 
“I want you to tell me everything you know about the white widow program and TCCS. Or at least everything you can remember.”
Y/n fiddled with a sugar packet that was left on the table to avoid eye contact “The white widow program is all about making the superior widow, one you could easily control but more deadly than an average one. This brings to the TCCS program, think of the widows as phone generations. Natasha's generation and the ones before her went under phycological conditioning. Your generation had gone under chemical subjection. Were as my generation also went under chemical subjection and” she taps her right temple lightly “chip implantation. That’s what the technologically compliant part of the acronym is for.” 
Yelena paused Y/n for a second “Wait so what does the chip do?”   
Y/n thought for a second trying to figure out the best way to explain it “Think of it as a prong dog collar. When we do something that the holder of the framework doesn’t like it emits a neural pain similar to a bad migraine but with more of an electric feel to it. Whoever has access to the framework can control a widow’s emotions from anywhere. This could range from adrenaline to serotonin. They believed this would help widows, especially younger ones be more adhering to orders so they wouldn’t be blinded by moments of hesitation or fear. If they choose to it can leave the widow emotionless, essential a compliant robot.” 
Yelena was stunned by this, she was chemically subjected but after she was freed she knew she was safe she knew she wouldn’t have to worry about losing control. “So is yours still in? And your employers, do they have access to this network?” 
“Yeah, it’s still in there. That's actually why I’m here. My employers, in some sense, were shareholders when it came to the red room. They would fund it, then reap the benefits. And my mission here was to get them access to the framework because the last person to have access to it was Dreykov. He left the access file here with one of his buddies.” 
“Did you send it to them?” 
“Unfortunately yes. That supply drop you caught me on was my final one, I’m supposed to be at a pick-up at 10 pm tonight to head back to the headquarters in Russia.”  
Yelena finally cracks a smile “I have a plan.” Y/n shot her a questioning look but went along with it anyway “I have a friend in Russia, she could probably help you with the chip problem. And while we're there we could take down your employers from the inside.” 
Y/n finally looked up at Yelena and smiled softly. It was one of the first times she genuinely smiled “So we’re killing two birds with one stone I like that, you’re smart. One problem though.” 
“What is it?” 
“How are we gonna get there?” 
Yelena’s smile grew a little bigger “You’re going to that pick-up. What your employers won’t know is that I’ll be there with you the whole time.”
“So were hijacking a helicopter?” 
“Yes, I figured that was implied. Aren’t you smarter than this?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes at the comment “Shut up!”  
Banter, almost sisterly. It’s something Yelena missed most about Natasha. 
Yelena put out her hand “So, road trip?” 
Y/n grabbed her hand a shook it “You’re on Belova.”
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Chapter 3
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Chapter 3: Assignment #1
Summary: Once again plans are made, and this time feelings are shared. Nothing could go wrong again, right? 
Pairing: big sister!Yelena x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of, but if I should add anything let me know! 
Word count: 1077
a/n: Here’s a link to this fics masterlist. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
“So, how about your first assignment together?” Valentina hands the two each a copy of the same file. The mission location is Pakistan, apparently, some biotoxin is being engineered there a being used on soldiers. This biotoxin enhances their strength and stamina, the problem is that it kills them not so long after use.  
After skimming the file Y/n looks at Valentina questioningly “Valentina, while I trust your judgment for missions why are we getting involved in governmental affairs? I highly doubt this contract pays enough in the first place.” 
Valentina scoffs at Y/n “It’ll pay you both 15 thousand after my cut I think it’s enough. And as far as it comes to governmental affairs go this is more about espionage which both of you say you excel at. Your main point of the mission is to retrieve the biotoxin so I can get it to the person who contracted this mission.” Yelena finally speaks up “And how long will we have if we accept this mission?” 
“Typically you would 24 hours but with large odds of casualties you’ll get one week.”   
Without any other thought, Yelena finalizes her answer “We’ll take it.” 
“Great. You both will be leaving tomorrow at 5 pm sharp I’ll send you the location tonight.” 
As Valentina lets herself out Y/n smacks her arm hard “What the hell was that Yelena?! You didn’t even consult me if I wanted to get into this. You don’t need to speak for me!” Yelena rolls her eyes dramatically “Y/n you need to calm down. While I didn’t consult you I think this mission would be good for both of us.” 
While Y/n didn’t want to admit it, Yelena was right. They lost each other for five years, and while those five years will always feel different for the two deep down they both needed each other. “Okay, fine. I’m gonna go to bed though. Make yourself at home or whatever.” The coldness from Y/n did hurt Yelena but it was understandable. Y/n felt abandoned the same way she felt abandoned by Natasha. To Yelena, it felt like she lost both of her sisters but with time she hoped she could get Y/n back. 
Remote Warehouse, 5 pm 
Yelena looks over to a very obviously tired Y/n “So, how does this whole thing usually go?” Her voice was louder than usual so she could be heard over the blaring helicopter. Y/n yawns loudly “They pick us up with supplies in whatever transport vehicle they have then drop us off near where ever the mission is supposed to take place. From then on it’s up to typically me how the rest of it is carried out. And after the mission is complete I call for an extraction which usually comes a few hours after the call.” 
Once getting onto the helicopter Yelena tries to fill the silence by speaking into the headphones she and Y/n were wearing “Do you go on these assignments often?” 
Y/n shrugs though “I used to when I needed more money but not as much anymore.” There was mostly silence between the two until Y/n tried to take a turn filling the silence “Yelena what was it like dusting?” 
“It was weird. When I left to go clear my head I turned to the faucet trying to splash water on my face and collect myself. But the water went through my hands then the rest of me was gone. And for you and everyone else that was 5 years. But for me, I came back as fast as I had disappeared. And the stranger part was I could see the bathroom change around me, like whatever brought me back wanted me to know something happened. It was overwhelming when Ana told me everything that happened. It was terrifying.” 
Everything Yelena told Y/n finally set in. She always knew it wasn’t Yelena’s choice to leave Y/n but hearing her say this finally set in those ideas. 
Pakistan 1 pm
Once the two landed they each rummaged through their own bags grabbing their own weapons. After handing Yelena an earpiece she runs through the plan with her. “I looked over the military facilities map, if we head straight ahead from here there should be a lookout tower. I need you to get up there and watch for anyone else. I’ll need you to be my eyes for this because I’ll be going to the storage center where the vials should be kept. As long as we stay quiet we shouldn’t attract much attention.”   
“One question.”   
“What is it, Yelena?” 
“Why do I need to be on the lookout? What if you need my help?” 
“You’re better with a sniper Yelena, and if I need your help which I doubt I won’t, I’ll ask for it.” Yelena put up her hands defensively at how snippy Y/n’s reply was “Alright, whatever you say.” 
Everything started according to plan. Yelena took out the guard at the watch tower taking his rifle and watching over Y/n carefully as she entered the storage facility. Opening the suspected crate that would hold the vials Y/n was met with nothing. “Looking for this?” Y/n turned around fast seeing a shorter but very strong-looking man holding a briefcase. Immediately Y/n ran at the man kicking him square in the jaw causing him to fall on his back. 
Y/n pressed onto her earpiece “Yelena, we have a problem.”  
“I was about to say the same thing. What's your problem?” 
“They planned ahead for someone stealing the biotoxin.” As she said this more soldiers rushed in, using the briefcase Y/n hit 2 guards at once with it and stunned the other with her spider bites. Y/n huffed “What’d you see that was a problem?” 
“There’s a truck coming in and by the looks of it, it’s probably holding more biotoxin.” The only reply she got from Y/n was a few grunts “You okay over there?” But then she heard a gunshot. “Y/n? Y/n?! Do you hear me?!” 
“This is general Khan speaking, whoever you are, I suggest you leave now for your own wellbeing. Consider this message as an act of mercy.”  
Yelena knew Y/n specifically said, “If I need your help which I doubt I won’t, I’ll ask for it” but this felt like an exception. 
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Masterlist
Summary: Y/n lost her big sister, her only family. Not wanting to be with anyone else she does what she does best, run. How will she react when that sister comes back?
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Chapter 5
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Chapter 5: Healing
Summary: Family is forever. 
Pairing: big sister!Yelena x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of, but if I should add anything let me know! 
Word count: 1482
a/n: Like last time there will be another chapter to this specific fic next week but it will give epilogue vibes. Here’s a link to this fics masterlist. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
A shitty motel, Russia, 7:23 pm
Setting down the bags and getting comfortable Y/n and Yelena practically collapsed sitting in the small rickety chairs that partially decorated the motel room. Rummaging through one of the supply bags Yelena takes out a first aid kit and a few mini vodkas from the mini bar– although when Y/n reaches out to take the small glass bottle Yelena slaps her hand. “Ow! What was that for? It’s not like I’m not old enough to have one.”
Organizing the contents of the first aid kit Yelena dismisses her reaction to the slap “Go change first, you can have one while I clean up your leg.” With a small huff, Y/n agrees, it’s probably for the best instead of keeping pressure on it constantly. Changing into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt slightly elevating her leg giving Yelena easy access to the wound. Handing Y/n one of the bottles Yelena takes another pouring it onto the wound to clean the area.
“Мудак!” Yelena looks up at her because of the reaction giving her the same stare an older sister would give their younger sibling after throwing a tantrum. “Stop it. You’re being dramatic.” Ignoring the comment Y/n takes a swig of the vodka still in her hand. “How’d you get that?” Y/n asks gesturing to the scar on Yelena’s right arm. “It was from a fight I got in while trying to get the antidote more widespread.”
“Was Natasha there?” Yelena smiled at the question thinking about all the memories, memories she wouldn’t be able to relive. Her eyes got teary at the fact she wouldn’t be able to make any new memories with her “Yeah, yeah she was there with me the whole time.” As Yelena continued to clean and bandage the wound Y/n asked “Do you miss her a lot? Natasha I mean.”
Yelena wipes away a stray tear “Yeah, I do. But having you makes it easier.”
Words of affirmation not being Y/n’s strong suit for numerous reasons flicks her head back trying to hold back tears of her own, staring at the ceiling she winces only to feel Yelena tap her leg gently “All done.” As Yelena cleans up the used supplies Y/n eased herself onto the nearby bed staring up at the ceiling again “I did some research on that Dr. Ines guy while you were piloting, he works at a university. And when I was going through his location history there’s a gap for three hours after he gets off from working there where his location is off.”
“What are you proposing?”
Y/n smiles a little turning over to look at Yelena “Instead of having some big showdown where we get even more hurt we have a stakeout mission. All we would need to do is wait to follow him wherever he goes, interrogate him, then destroy any biotoxin besides the 12 vials we have.”
“You really think it’ll be that easy? We don’t even have a car.”
“Car thing shouldn’t be a problem we’ll only need it for a few hours, we can just hijack one temporarily. But the rest is simple enough, as long as we play our cards right we just have to fight a scientist.” Yelena laughs out loud “You want to hijack a car? Then return it?” Y/n rolls her eyes letting out a small laugh “Not necessarily return it, more like” she snaps her fingers trying to think of the right words to express what she means but Yelena interrupts “Like un-steal it?” She smiles “Yes! Before the extraction, we’ll un-steal it.”
“So we leave tomorrow?”
“Yup.” Yelena flops on her own bed after the confirmation taking in a breath and thinking to herself about how she could get used to this life, a life with Y/n.
A stolen car, 6:03 pm
Y/n groans “Are you bored? Because I’m bored.”
“Wasn’t it your idea to do this in the first place?”
“Yes, but we’ve been sitting here for hours staring outside a window in silence. I’m playing music I can’t take this anymore.” She takes out her phone smiling at an idea.
The lyrics weren’t that familiar in the beginning but there was one part that made her remember “So bye-bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee But the levee was dry” A smile crept up onto her face “You remembered my song, after all these years.”
“Yeah, I listened to it sometimes when I missed you.” Yelena looked over at her smiling “So did you listen to it a lot?” Keeping her eyes focused on the big window she laughs to herself “Maybe.” The sisterly heart-to-heart was cut off early though as Y/n spotted the target “Ебена мать! Yelena drive” Y/n slaps her arms multiple times pointing out the red car that started driving “Go, now, or I’ll start driving.”
“Give it a minute, will you? If he notices us tailgating him we’re done for.” The drive wasn’t long or at least it didn’t feel like it. Within about 20 minutes they were outside an almost victorian building scouting it look through all the windows. Y/n loads her pistol “He’s on the third floor, you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready. Do you have the grapple gun?” Y/n lifts the gun almost triumphantly “Of course I do.” Within seconds, they were each on the ledge of a large window sill. Taking out a knife Yelena managed to pry it open letting the two enter what by the looks of it was a makeshift lab. That's when Yelena saw him as Y/n closed the window quietly. He was standing over a large beaker full of bright green biotoxin and different chemicals to it. Noticing him Y/n held up her pistol grazing the end of it to the back of his head “Dr. Didier Ines?” He practically jumped from being startled “W- who sent you? Wh- which government?” Y/n shrugged turning him around “Doesn’t matter, be we need to talk.”
“Yelena, go look around for the anymore biotoxin. Please.” As Yelena gave Y/n one more look before walking off Y/n pushed Dr. Ines into a nearby swivel chair. “So, the biotoxin. Is this all of it?” Ines stammers “Well uh, I sold some, some of the trial run to the Pakistani military. But the rest is here, all of it.”
“Good, now, who order you to do it?”
“Some Constantin guy about 5 years ago. He died not so long after he ordered me to make this though. And I didn’t get a full start to it back then since I died like the other half of the world.” Constantin, that one word is what brought Y/n’s guard down. “Constantin? Was his name Niko Constantin?”
“Yeah, it was.” Within a blink of an eye, Ines grabbed the gun that was pointed at him twisting the gun around and holding a syringe full of the biotoxin to Y/n’s neck. He moved his head closer to the girl “Call the other girl, now.”
“YELENA!!” Y/n screamed out. Not wasting any time Yelena ran as fast as possible to Y/n seeing a syringe full of biotoxin get eerily close to Y/n’s neck. Yelena held up her widow bites and full charge “Yelena, do it. Do it I’ll be okay.” Y/n choked out. But Ines pulled her closer to him the needle almost grazing her skin “If you do it I’ll stick her with this then we all die.”
“Yelena do it, trust me.” Yelena took the shot but Y/n pulled herself and Ines to the side dodging the blast and hitting a flammable container that blew up from the spark of electricity causing a fire started to spread everywhere. Luckily enough though the blast separated Ines and Y/n. “Yelena, do you still have the vials?” Yelena choked on the surrounding smoke “Yeah, I have it. The biotoxin shouldn’t survive this though we need to go.” As the two neared the window Ines lunged toward Yelena pulling her back, but Yelena managed to elbow him in the face causing him to fall backward. Using the grapple gun they both landed safely on the ground panting from exhaustion and smoke inhalation. “Why did you trust me to shoot?” Y/n pants again “It was risky.”
Yelena throws her arm over onto Y/n’s shoulder “Because, you will always be my little sister, no matter how old you get. And being my little sister means I see you as family. And I trust family.” Y/n grins at the comment “Thanks” she pauses for a moment “Сестра.” Yelena looked at Y/n one more time “Burger?”
“I’ll call Valentina about the extraction first, but yeah, I could eat.”
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: Sestra
Summary: Parts of Y/n’s past start to resurface. 
Pairing: big sister!Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of, but if I should add anything let me know!
Word count: 1623
a/n: This is a continuation of “The Hope I Find In You” it’ll be best to read that first. Here’s the link to chapter one. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Chayka Burger Joint 
As the waitress slid the plate of food over to Y/n Valentina started “So, Y/n L/n. All alone in Russia of all places. Why?” Y/n gave Valentina a long stare trying to study the woman “What do you want? What’s the catch in all of this?” Valentia laughed quietly to herself before going through her bag and sliding a file across the table to Y/n. “There is no true catch to this Y/n, Consider it an opportunity.” 
Y/n opened the file and it was all pictures of her on the run, some of them having to date back a couple of years. “You’re Y/n you’re wasting your gifts. But I can help you use them productively and legally.”   
“What would you have me do exactly? And what do you get out of this that it’s worth breaking me out of jail?” Valentina straightened up at the questions “Think of me as a talent agent Y/n, I simply promote your skills to others, and they pay the both of us for those skills. And I know you could use the money.” 
“Fine, but why should trust you? All I know is your name, and to be honest you could be lying about that too.” 
“By the looks of it Y/n you don’t have anyone else to trust. But if it helps you do have a choice. You could put the skills you have to good use and make some money off it, more money than you were probably earning from those little fights you did. Or you could walk out now and pretend this never happened but leave with nothing.” While she hated to admit it Valentina was right. Y/n didn’t have anyone else now that Dimitri was gone, which also meant she didn’t have a source of income. What made this different from Niko was that she had a choice in this, she could choose to fight others with meaning this time. 
“When do I start?” Valentina cracked a small grin sliding a smaller file across the table before getting up “You’ll start tomorrow, everything you need to know is in there.”
Somewhere familiar, September 2023
Yelena splashed her face with water trying to calm herself from the stress earlier. But as she moved the water closer to her face it was gone. At the same time, the walls around her started to almost flake revealing a dark green color compared to the white coloring that was there first. Soon enough more and more changed in the room as she turned around. Even the door was open now despite her closing and locking it only seconds earlier. 
Yelena stepped out of the room confused and afraid redying her widow bites. Once she was back in the living room though she was met with a man standing near a large piano that wasn’t there earlier and a child in front of a smaller piano. Yelena pointed her Widow bites at the man “What’s happening? What’s going on?” The man looked confused “Uh, who are you?” But Yelena asked back “Who are you?” 
While the two adults were questioning each other a woman got up, it was Ana. “Yelena? Oh my god, you’re back” The smaller girl looked over to Ana “Who’s that mommy?” Ana reassured the girl “It’s okay, sweetie. She’s an old friend.” The man picked up the small girl “Hey, kiddo. How about we play outside for a little? I think mommy needs to talk to her friend here.” 
As the other two left Ana sat Yelena down “Gosh where do I start? I got married. We adopted three years ago, it’s been amazing. Sonya and Y/n left in a much less dramatic fashion than you did that day.” Yelena got up groaning taking in all this information as she started pacing. Ana continued though “You could start with contract work probably and if you want you can stay here as long as you need!” 
Yelena interrupted her though feeling overwhelmed “Ana thank you, but please stop. I was in there the bathroom for five seconds and all of a sudden you have a husband and child. Forgive me if I need a minute to process.” Yelena sat back down her leg shaking trying to take a deep breath “How long was I gone for?” Ana paused, it looked like the words were on the tip of her tongue but they were stuck between her lips. “Yelena, it’s been five years. And you weren’t the only one. It took a few weeks to get the total but, half the population disappeared the same day you did.” 
Yelena got up again pacing even more. “Um, Natasha, I need to find Natasha. She can help me.” Ana’s face dropped “Yelena, I don’t know how to tell you this but Natasha’s gone. Last week they announced on the news.” Yelena started to tear up “No, no. You’re lying to me! That can’t be true!” her tone softened as she got quieter “I just got her back.”  She looked back at Ana though, her eyes were full of desperation “W-what about Y/n then? Is she okay?”  
“She’s alive but that’s all I know. After you disappeared she left with Sonya but after about a month she ran away. She messages Sonya about every other month that she’s okay but not to come after her.” Yelena lost Natasha for good now and she wouldn’t be able to get her back. She couldn’t lose another sister, she has to find Y/n. 
Spain, Apartment 204 a few weeks later
Y/n’s phone pinged with a message, it was Valentina. 
“I have someone that’s going to visit you before I come over to talk about your next mission.” 
“Who’s coming over?” 
“It’s a surprise Y/n I’ve been telling you to try and enjoy my surprises more often.” 
As Y/n sent the final message she heard a knock on her door. “That was quick” Y/n murmured to herself. She undid all the locks on the door opening it, it was Yelena. Yelena immediately went in for the hug but Y/n did nothing too stunned even to move. After a moment Y/n finally pulled away from the hug cupping Yelena's face “How, how are you back? They said you were gone.” Y/n started to cry “I lost you.” Yelena whipped away some stray tears “And I’m back, I won’t be leaving again.” 
Y/n went back in for the hug practically trembling “You said you would stay last time.” Yelena tightened her grasp around Y/n “I know, I know. But I won’t let it happen again. I promise.” It took some time but eventually, Y/n let go again motioning for Yelena to sit as she closed the door. 
“How old are you now Y/n?” She smiles to herself admiring her little sister.  “You’ve gotten taller. And your accent changed. You look good though, it looks like you’ve done well for yourself.” Y/n walks over to the fridge to get drinks “Thanks, Yelena. I’m 21 now, and the accent change is from moving around a lot.” Y/n lets out a dry laugh “You can’t really stay in one place at 17 with no real identification.” 
“So, how’d you find me?” Yelena fiddled with her fingers as Y/n handed her a beer. “When I was brought back I was still in Ana’s house. She let me know what happened to you and Sonya. After about a week I was able to find Sonya, and with everything she knew I made contact with your new employer. She let me know you were here.”  
Yelena looked up at Y/n “Can I ask you one thing?”
“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.” 
“Why didn’t you stay with Sonya or any of the other Widows for that matter.” The question caught Y/n off guard as her eyes started to well up once more. “Yelena, for so long I thought you left me. And when I found out that you were gone because of some supernatural event I knew I wouldn’t get you back.” 
“That still doesn’t explain why you ran away Y/n.” 
Y/n bit her tongue, there was so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to scream about. “Yelena, you were the one who rescued me. You were the one who comforted me, that was all you. While they tried to fake it in the end Sonya and the other widows didn’t care about me the same way you did. That’s why I left. I felt like I had no one so I made it on my own.” 
“Well I’m here now Y/n, and I’m not leaving you alone again.” Y/n pressed her hands against her face trying to calm herself “Listen, Yelena, I’m happy you’re back. But you need to understand I’m not a little kid anymore. You can’t just heal me with empty promises, I need time to process this.” Before any more feelings could be hurt the two were interrupted by a knock on the door. Y/n got up “Valentina’s here.” She whipped away the leftover tears that rested on her cheeks straightening herself out. While Valentina was helpful to Y/n for the past few years Y/n never wanted to seem weak around her. 
As Y/n opened the door Valentina had her usual mischievous smile, the type of smile some people have when they know something you don’t. As she sat down she motioned Y/n to sit next to Yelena so she could face the two. 
“So, how about your first assignment together?”
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Bloody
Summary: Not everyone is lucky.
Pairing: big sister!Yelena x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of, but if I should add anything let me know!
Word count: 1191
a/n: Here’s a link to this fics masterlist. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Everything came in flashes for a while for Y/n. She could still feel– her thigh bleeding, her heart racing, even the way she was roughly dragged across the rocky desert ground. But she didn’t fully wake up until she was punched across the face. Attempting to get up and fight back it finally settle in that she was tied to a sturdy wooden chair. Scanning the environment she was in a large tent-like building with four men.
The large man that stuck out between the other three grabbed onto Y/n’s face “I’ll give you one chance, who sent you?”
“Иди на хуй!”
Y/n was hit again, this time way harder but the man smiled slightly. “Russian eh? I’ve always been a fan of your people. Now, Russian, at least tell me your name and I won’t hurt you as bad” he pressed his hand onto the gunshot on Y/n’s leg making her wince “I just need your name.”
Y/n spat the blood that had started to fill her mouth in his face “Y/n L/n, are you happy now?” The man pushed away, angrily wiping his face. Getting ready to pull out his gun he pauses hearing thuds and crashes from outside the tent. He looked over at the other men sternly “I thought the testing grounds were a few miles away. What the hell is happening out there?” One of the men looked at him fearfully “General Khan, it is happening a few miles away. Whatever that is, isn’t the testing runs.”
“The other one, we don’t have the other one. Her accomplice.” Hearing that Y/n grinned knowing what was going to happen. Soon enough Yelena burst into the tent sweeping the leg of one of the men and taking his rifle to knock out a man with the butt of the gun. Shooting all four mean with her widow bites to give her and Y/n time to leave the tent. Using the knife strapped to her belt she cut the ropes that restrained Y/n to the chair.
“And you said you wouldn’t need my help.”
Y/n scoffs “I didn’t I had a plan, Yelena.”
Helping Y/n up she laughs at the remark “So the plan involved you getting shot? Seems like a dumb plan to me.”
“Whatever, I need to call Valentina about the truck you saw though.” Leaning against one of the posts outside the tent she takes out her phone reluctantly.
Valentina answers “Y/n can you call me back later I'm in the middle of-” But Y/n cuts her off.
“Valentina, we have a problem. Yelena was scouting and saw a truck, it has crates of biotoxin on it.”
Y/n heard Valentina audibly sigh at the news “Take 12 vials and destroy the rest by any means necessary.”
“I said any means necessary Y/n.” She hangs up.
“That won’t stop anything.” It was General Khan, he recovered abnormally fast. Yelena glanced at him and saw a syringe full of the biotoxin. He stuck it into his arm immediately screaming in pain at the way the chemical felt burning through him. Swinging for the sisters they both dodged in time. The metal post that was behind them had snapped in half like a toothpick at the impact of his fist.
Yelena shoots her widow bites at him stunning him moving towards an enclosed storage area. “Y/n we need to go, now. As long as we wait it out we can get to the truck and he’ll die on his own.”
“No, not yet. He knows something we don’t. What if it’s important.”
“Y/n what’s important is that we get out of here now.”
“No, what’s important is we follow the contract and orders we were given.” Leaving she pulled out her pistol to go after Khan with Yelena grudgingly following behind her. Seeing him walk towards her she shot him twice once in each shoulder but he kept getting closer and closer until he punches her square in the eye. Because of his enhanced strength, the punch sent her flying a few feet hitting the ground hard. But it was worth it because she could tell he was getting weaker. Y/n got up shooting him in the exact spot he shot her. “Doesn’t feel so good does it?”
Getting closer she shoots him in the other leg causing him to finally fall to the ground. She squats down poking his head slightly with the gun. “Just kill me already. It will be a much more honorable death.”
“You don’t deserve that honor. But since you’re about to die anyway, what did you mean by ‘that won’t stop anything?”
“There’s more, there will always be more, and you won’t be able to stop it.” He started to fade, Y/n shook trying to keep him awake though “Where? Where is the rest?!”
“Dr. Didier Ines, a friend from Russia.” With that General Khan took his last breath. “Shit shit shit!” Y/n finally stood up “Yelena, where’s the truck with the biotoxin?”
“Last I saw when I was up in the lookout tower not so far from the tent they were holding you.”
“Well let’s go, after that, we need to hijack a helicopter.” Y/n went back to the storage area to steal something to destroy the crates of biotoxin but Yelena stopped her grabbing onto her arm “Y/n, what aren’t you telling me?” Y/n pushes her off “Someone is supplying the biotoxin in Russia, he said his name was Dr. Didier Ines. Valentina’s orders were to retrieve the 12 vials of the biotoxin and then destroy the rest by any means necessary.”
“Isn’t that more than we signed up for?”
“We?! You didn’t even ask me if I wanted to do this! But yes, it is more than we signed up for.”
Yelena put up her hands defensively “Alright alright you don’t need to yell.” Y/n raised her voice “I’M NOT-” she took a deep breath for once “Okay fine, I was yelling. Can we go now though?”
Agreeing the two left after Y/n stole a grenade from the storage area. With minimal guards left on the base after Yelena went after Y/n, it was easy to retrieve the 12 vials. Gaining some distance Y/n threw the grenade at the rest of the vials making a large plume of green smoke in the air. “There’s no way people didn’t seem that we need to go right now Y/n.” Grabbing onto her hand without warning Yelena dragged Y/n towards the nearest helicopter she saw. Buckling in Yelena checked on Y/n “You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Truth is she wasn’t, last time she was in Russia things didn’t go well for the people around her. But from her reply, Yelena was convinced enough. Starting up the helicopter Yelena looked over to Y/n one more time “So, where do we go from here?”
“Russia, and hope we don’t have any more bad luck.”
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
The Hope I Find In You || Masterlist
Summary: While freeing the Widows under Dreykov’s control Yelena finds a young Widow. One that reminded her so much of what it was like to grow up in an environment like that. Because of this reminder, she takes her in an attempt to let her grow in a healthier environment. Although she wouldn’t realize till it was too late that there would be more repercussions than she thought. 
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
The Hope I Find In You || Chp 3
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Chapter 3: Mama Widow
Summary: Plans are made, and emotions are suppressed. Nothing could go wrong later, right? 
Pairing: big sister!Yelena Belova x teen!fem!reader
Warnings: Nothing I know of but let me know if I should add anything. 
Word count: 2026 (yes I know it’s more than usual)
a/n: Just a reminder in the story if there’s any text that <” Looks like this.”> it just means the character(s) is saying something in a different language, I’m just trying to have minimal google translated stuff. (Reblogs are welcome but please no translating and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged.) Also here’s a link to the master list.
Warehouse rooftop 10:34 pm 
Y/n panicked as she waited for Yelena, they were supposed to both be on the rooftop by 10 pm for the ambush but Yelena was late. “Hey, hey I’m here.” Y/n’s worry eased slightly “Where were you?! We were supposed to be up there over thirty minutes ago.” Yelena rolled her eyes at Y/n “Well not everyone has a pre-made supply bag for them alright! Now you go up there and try and stall while I take out as many people as possible.”
“Good luck with that.” 
Once Y/n made it up to the rooftop she was met with her main employer, Niko Constantin. <”You’re late Y/n.”> His tone never changed, or at least from what Y/n has heard from working for him. It was always stern like he was full of hatred 24/7. <”And you should try speaking English more instead of Russian. ‘A man with limited knowledge will limit his capabilities’ isn’t that Dreykov used to say?”> Niko grabbed ahold of Y/n’s face “Don’t you speak his name around me. He is a deadman.” He examined her face slightly “And why are you so mouthy? It’s very unbecoming of you.” Y/n moved his hand now gripping onto his wrist “Maybe I’m just changing Niko.” At that moment Yelena hollered to Y/n as the helicopter started “Get in!” Y/n stunned Niko with the widow bites making her escape. Niko winced in pain “You won’t get away with this Y/n! You may have defected but you will come back. You’re still a killer!”
“Buckle yourself up okay?” 
“Yelena, you’re not my mother.” Y/n’s small comment was met with a quick glare from Yelena “So if we have turbulence you want to fall out of the helicopter eh?” Y/n rolled her eyes complying only so she wouldn’t hear more commentary from her. From then on the ride was silent for a while until Yelena finally asked “So, that employer of yours, what’s his problem? He was very, aggressive.” 
“He was part of a separate program in the past. Apparently, it was called ‘Wolf spider ops’ they were trying to make male widows which long story short was not successful because the men weren’t as compliant. With them all being deemed failures they were killed, but Niko got away in time to make a name for himself. Which is how he became a shareholder in the Red Room.” 
“What’s supposed to be his plan than with Dreykov dead?”
“Like any man world domination, to prove other people wrong, and to hold power over women.” 
“Well, you won’t have to worry about him for that long. We should be getting to our stop in a few hours, you should rest.” 
“I don’t need rest Yelena, what I need is to be in control of who I am. And I can’t do that with a mind-controlling chip in my head. Speaking of where in Russia is this ‘friend’ of yours? Also more importantly who is she?” Yelena tensed at the question, Melina had signed off on Y/n’s file which meant Y/n probably won’t react well to seeing her. Y/n pressured her “Yelena, who is she? Why aren’t you answering me!” 
“Melina Vostokoff. Her name is Melina Vostokoff. And she is more my mother rather than my friend.” Y/n did her best to hold in her anger, but it was hard. Melina had been the one to watch over the experiments she went under. She watched her in pain, she watched her suffer, it’s hard to forgive a thing like that. 
St. Petersburg Russia 8:23 am 
“What’s up?” 
“Did she help you? With the Red Room. Did she help you take it down?” The fear in her voice is what made Yelena want to hold her close, but she put a reassuring hand on her shoulder instead. “Yeah, she did. Without her, I wouldn’t be this far into freeing widows.” Y/n took a deep breath “Okay.” On the way to  Melina’s home, Yelena held Y/n’s hand doing her best to comfort her. Yelena knocked on the door and Melina opened it, as she did though all the memories flooded back for Y/n. 
“Hi, Mama.” 
“Hi, sweetheart.” Yelena had let go of Y/n’s hand and pulled Melina into a brief hug. As Yelena pulled away from the hug Melina finally acknowledged Y/n. “And who are you?” Before Y/n could say anything that could cause a problem Yelena intervened, “That’s actually why we’re here, we need your help. You worked on the white widow program yes?” 
“Regrettably yes, why?” 
“We need help removing Y/n’s chip.” 
“Why would you need to do that, the only person who had access to his framework was Dreykov and he’s gone.” 
Y/n finally chimed in “Remember Niko Constantin? He’s gaining more control of the different widows, and when I was under his control he had me go on a mission to get his access to the framework.” 
“Okay, come in. The more we talk the more time he’ll have to get access to you.”  
As Melina went to get the right supplies for the operation Yelena pulled Y/n to the side “Hey, I know you’re scared but-” Y/n interrupted her “I’m not scared.” Yelena ignored the interruption and continued “Just know I’ll be here the whole time alright? I’m not going to let her hurt you.” The reassuring words comforted Y/n “Promise?” 
After some time Melina came to the duo who had made themselves comfortable on the couch “Okay, everything is set up. There is one thing though.” She was holding a syringe, one with a long needle “We need to sedate her.” 
Yelena stood up immediately “No, we're not doing that! There- there has to be a better option.” 
“Yelena, it’s okay.” She looked over at Melina “Let’s get this over with already.” As Y/n was sedated she was reminded of how she was sedated for other reasons. Like the first time she tried to escape the Red Room, she was filled with so much anger and hatred but somehow this time was different. Yelena being there with her was some of the best reassurance she received, it was actually the only comfort she received. 
After Y/n was fully sedated she pulled Melina to the side “Uh- do you need help with this?” 
“Yelena, if you want to stay and watch to make sure she’s safe you can.” 
“How’d you know?” 
“The way you look at her, it’s the same way Natasha looked at you when you were kids. You know better than to think I wouldn’t notice.” Yelena smiled “Thank you, Mama.”
7:02 pm 
The operation took a few hours, but once Y/n was put to bed so she could rest Yelena sat in a nearby rocking chair in case she woke up. After around 2 hours though Melina opened the door to the room talking to Yelena “Dinner is done if you want some Lena.” Admittedly she was hungry and couldn’t pass up on home cooking. Once she settled down at the dinner table with her mother eating the mac n’ cheese she made Melani started to try and make conversation. “So, you and that girl” Yelena swallowed her food “Her name is Y/n.” Melina nodded “Yes, Y/n. What’s your plan once you leave here?” Yelena looked up at her questioningly then answered sarcastically  “What implied we were leaving?” Melina laughed at the comment, missing the company. “In all seriousness Mama, we had planned to take down this framework so no one can access it but what we know is limited, or at least what Y/n has told me.” She took a swig of the alcohol that had been left out on the table “I was just wondering if you knew anything.” 
“I was wondering the same thing, Melina.” Y/n peered through the doorway still obviously still in pain from earlier. Melina ignored how Y/n made her comment inviting her to sit next to Yelena “Oh, Y/n sit, please eat.” As Melina served Y/n what was left from the dinner she continued the earlier question “What I mainly know about the framework is that whoever has access to it has access to its program. So as long as you get access to the main controls you should be able to shut down the program altogether.”  
“Well, Niko and my other employers should be all at their headquarters within about a week. They’re meeting so can discuss how they’re going to use the framework in their own favor. I’m actually supposed to be there as an example of how the program works.” 
“Well have you been there before? Are there any weak points of the building?” 
Melina and Y/n both replied at the same time in a similarly questionable tone “Well…” Y/n continued “There are foundational pillars in the building, problem is, it’s where they will be keeping the framework program.” Y/n reached for the alcohol bottle that was still on the table after Yelena drank from it. Although after slowly lifting it up she received a quick slap to the hand from Yelena “No, you’re not drinking. Anyways, that shouldn’t really be a problem, right? I mean, as long as we are able to ambush them we could get access to the framework then leave some bombs down there and get out, easy peasy.”
Melina shot her daughter a questioning look “Sure but what exactly are you going to use to blow this place up? And more importantly, how do you plan to get in?” Yelena smiled slightly wrapping an arm over Y/n “Simple, Niko already believes Y/n is going to come back, so we just give him what he wants. And while she goes back to him I’ll be captured by her. And when it comes to explosives I’m sure you have enough to share Mama.” 
With the other two not being able to argue with that Yelena brushed herself off getting up from her chair “Well I think I’ve had enough of this talking with the two of you I’m going to take a nap” she yawned loudly “You two should talk though. Get to know each other more.” As Yelena walked away Y/n gave Melina a long glare “I’m assuming by the way you’re looking at me you have some questions for me.” Not wasting any time Y/n got straight to the point trying to hold her composure “Do you feel remorse?” 
“Remorse for what?” 
“Everything Melina. You watched me and so many young widows go through so much pain. And when I looked at you– you showed no fear, no sadness, no anger towards what we were going through. And lord knows what else you put Yelena and Natasha through as kids.” That last sentence is what hurt Melina the most it was never her intent to hurt the two, she was just following orders “I do Y/n, every day I do. But you have to understand the Red Room was all I had. I had nothing else to my name. I had nowhere else to go. When you are older I hope you understand that.” Y/n fiddled with her fingers trying to conceal the mixed emotions she was feeling. Eventually, she got up leaving the now awkward silence “Thank you for the food, Melina.”
“You should get some rest too Y/n, you look tired.” Y/n had gotten that comment all that time, and she hated it. She didn’t need sleep, what she needed was peace of mind, that the Red Room, Dreykov, or Niko and his “friends” won’t come back or at least that she won’t have to see them again. Or at least that’s what she thought. “I’m fine, I just need some fresh air.” Leaving the house and sitting out on the porch Y/n pressed her hands against her face trying to calm herself. Normalcy, what a dream. 
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