#givin me all these crazy good songs I forgot about
yomiosatious · 2 years
🎵 + Alyx
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You get one chance!
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kumkaniudaku · 5 years
The Love Tonight (1)
A/N: A request by @queenbutterfly2018. Thank you for keeping my creative juices flowing. Even if it does take me 7000 years to finish things. 
Summary: The family bonds over Beyonce and a classic movie. 
The Love Tonight (2)
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"And I just can't waaaiit...to be KING!"
CoCo silently bopped her head from side to side in the kitchen as she split her attention between washing the dishes and her kids enjoying the third showing of The Lion King in as many weeks. 
Noah let out a small squeal of excitement followed by a laugh that caught Micah's attention. 
"No, Noey! We don't laugh during this part. It's really serious!" When the youngest of the pair responded with a gurgling babble, Micah let out an agitated groan before continuing her explanation. "Simba could get hurt. He didn't listen to his daddy, and now the heenas are looking for him. That's why we have to listen to Mommy and Daddy."
"Good lesson, baby girl," Tasha called from the kitchen, adding a wink to her praise when Micah turned around to acknowledge her mother. 
From the moment she could focus on moving images, Micah became enamored with Simba's timeless tale. Her big eyes would sparkle when she would hear the movie's main theme, the song often doubling as the only sound to keep her quiet when she was restless. 
When she was three, Micah insisted that she would not participate in Halloween festivities if she could not dress as Nala. Her first eating utensil set, big girl underwear, and bed set featured the beloved characters. Even as she found other interests, The Lion King was her first love. 
"Mommy, your favorite song is coming! You gotta sing it!"
Micah wiggled around in her seat while Tasha took a break from cleaning to join her on the couch. Pulling the little one into her lap, CoCo cleared her throat to mimic Scar. 
"I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside. But thick as you are–pay attention! My words are a matter of pride."
Noah perked up as Micah joined the song, becoming the third voice in a chorus of off-key voices. Together they fumbled over lyrics and laughed until their stomachs were sore and the song was over. 
After a moment of silence to catch their breath, Micah broke the silence. "I wish Daddy was here to sing too. He likes to sing the Simba and Nala song with you."
"I know, baby, I know. But Daddy has to be at work."
"Work is mean! Tell him to come home and play!"
"Dadadada." Noah's chanted, adding his two cents in the conversation to make both ladies giggle. 
"How about we call Daddy so you two can say all of this to his face. How does that sound, Pookie Butt?" 
Cheering and made up songs bounced off of the living room walls before echoing on the other side of the phone when Chadwick finally answered. 
"Sounds like I'm missing out on a party back home," he laughed. 
Across the country, the sun had long allowed the moon to have its place in the sky. Chadwick sat in his dimly lit bedroom clad in worn lounge clothes with sleep forcing his eyes half-closed. 
"You sure are. We're watching your favorite movie. Wanna take a guess?"
"Whaaat? Where's my girl? She wouldn't watch The Lion King without me, would she?"
"I only watched a little! Not even the pig song!" 
"You didn't get to...should I sing it," he questioned, already knowing the answer. 
"Yes! Sing it!" 
"Nah, it's time for bed. Mama wouldn't be happy if I did." 
Chadwick put on an award-winning acting performance to sway Micah's opinion before she turned to make a case for why she deserved a song from her favorite singing partner. 
"Please, Mama? Please, please, please, please, puh-LEASE!" 
"Sure, sing the song, Dad." 
While Micah squealed in pleasure, CoCo made sure to give her husband the finger as discreetly as possible. 
"You can do that for as long as you like when I get back, love," he assured with a wink. 
"Sing it, Daddy! One, two, three!"
Straighten in his seat, Chadwick took a deep breath and comically poked his chest out. "WHEN I WAS A YOUNG WARTHOOOG!"
Before her daddy could finish the most boisterous line in the entire film, Micah doubled over and laughed until her whole body vibrated with joy. Even Noah joined in on the laughter despite nodding in and out of sleep in his walker. 
"Sing it again," Micah requested between gasps for air. "Sing it again!" 
"Nuh-uh. It's time for you and another cub to get to bed. Maybe we can sing it in the morning when you're on the way to camp. How's that sound?" 
"You promise?" 
"Double pinky promise, baby girl. First thing in the morning." 
Though visibly upset, Micah accepted the terms of the deal. "Okay. Goodnight, Daddy. I wish you could come home tomorrow." 
"I wish I could too, little one. See you in a few weeks. Be good for your Mama and be nice to your brother." 
Another round of goodnights sealed the deal, sending Micah off to her room to wait on Tasha to tuck her into bed. Chadwick followed her movements as far he could until she was out of camera view. His sad eyes betrayed the smile on his face and caught his wife's attention. 
"I know it's tough, baby, but she understands why you're away. She's just missing you tonight." 
"Doesn't stop me from feeling like the worst dad ever. Now I have to make it up to her." 
"Please, do not send another doll to this house or I will burn it. Send a Birkin instead!" The line on Chadwick's end went silent as he froze and stared. "Hello? Can you hear me? Is this thing frozen?" 
"It ain't frozen. I'm just givin' you a minute to hear what craziness you just said to me." 
"So I don't deserve a bag?"
"You deserve a bag so much that you have a shelf in the closet to stock with as many as you can buy." 
Tasha opened her mouth to respond but found herself interrupted by the sound of toys hitting the hardwood floors close to her. After quickly assessing the situation, neither of them could withhold their laughter. Noah sat slumped in walker with thumb in his mouth to self soothe, deep into a dream that had him smiling with his eyes closed. 
Finally calming down, Chadwick allowed a yawn to slip past his lips. "Alright, baby, I have to be on set early tomorrow." 
"Goodnight, handsome. Sleep well, and don't send any more gifts to this house." 
"You don't tell me what to do, T. Bye!" 
There was no time for Tasha to protest any of her husband's statements as he ended the call abruptly. In the weeks that followed, he would vaguely hint at a surprise when talking to or about Micah. When pressed for further intel, Chadwick would smirk as if he were hiding the most interesting secret in the world, the twinkle in his eye brighter than any star in the sky. 
CoCo began to suspect the true nature of the surprise when she received confirmations for two booked nail appointments and a separate dress fitting. Questioning the keeper of secrets proved to be futile until he returned from work at the tail end of a busy weekday night. 
Micah met him at the edge of the driveway with unbridled excitement, waiting for him to step out of the car and scoop her body into his arms. Once the house was calm and sharing a meal around the dinner table, Chadwick pulled an envelope out of his pocket and quietly sat it on the table. 
Taking a look up while chewing her food, Tasha eyed the package. "Is that a check for me?" 
"Plane tickets?" 
"Tickets, but not for a plane." 
"Is it a letter from the Tooth Fairy," Micah inquired. "Because I lost my front teeths. Mommy found them and said the Tooth Fairy would give me monies, but that was a long time ago. I think she forgot."
"She spent the money on dance lessons," Tasha mumbled.
Chadwick cut his eyes at CoCo who mouthed 'what' in response. "Anyway...remember when we told you there was gonna be a new Lion King, Mikey?" 
"Yeah! You said we could see it if I read a whole book by myself. Are we gonna see it?"
"We're gonna do more than see it, baby girl. We are going to…" Chadwick paused for dramatic effect, waiting for a drumroll that Tasha reluctantly provided. 
He listened to her rapidly tap her fingers against the glossy wood grain tabletop. Soon, Micah joined the spectacle, leading the charge for Noah to slam his hands against the tray of his high chair. Chadwick's grin spread across his face as the tension and noise in the room built to deafening levels. 
"Aaron! Spit it out, darn it," Tasha hollered, careful to censor her language. 
"Okay, okay! We're going to...the premiere!" 
For weeks, Chadwick had played this moment in his head countless times, and each encounter ended with the members of his family singing his praises and running around the house in excitement. Instead, they met him with two blank stares and senseless babbling. 
"What's a...a...premiere? I want popcorn." 
"Chad, she's six. Explain why a premiere is better than just going to the theater on Cheap Tuesday. I would also like an explanation." 
As Micah looked between her mother's sarcastic smile and her father's eye roll, she found herself still very confused. She'd only been on a few red carpets in her short lifetime, and none of them involved a brand new movie. It was unreasonable to expect a child to enjoy the bright lights associated with such an event, much less an entire movie without any outbursts or excessive moving. Chadwick hoped that an introduction through the Lion King would be an adequate test run for future instances. 
"A premiere," he started as he lifted Micah out of her chair and into his lap. "Is when special people get all dressed up to see a movie before everyone else. All the people that are in the movie are there too." 
"So I get to see the movie with Timon and Pumbaa?" 
"Well, kind of. You'll meet the actors that play them." 
Micah thought for a moment. "Are these big people that play dress up like you?" 
"Sure... let's go with that." 
"Is Mommy and Noah gonna come with us?" 
"Just Mom. Noah's still too little. But we'll get the DVD when it comes out, and then he can see it at home." From the corner of his eye, Chadwick could see Tasha giving him a thumbs up for his attempt at explaining such a complicated matter to a child. Micah, however, still had questions. 
"I guess I'll go," she shrugged. "Do I get a new dress?" 
"My girl asks the important questions! That's what I'm talking about!" 
Laughing, he shooed his wife away to answer the question. "You drive a hard bargain, Princess. Yes, you and Mommy get new dresses." 
"Yay! I want sparkles on my dress! Wait, I want it to look like mommy's dress. What is your dress gonna look like Mommy? Big and poofy like a princess?"
"Girl, I think we should-" CoCo halted her rand and dramatically covered her mouth to whisper-speak to Micah. "I think we should go to another room because somebody is a little too nosey. Meet me in your room." 
Her dramatic wink was excitedly returned before Micah focused her attention on dashing out of the dining room and up the stairs. When she was out of earshot, Chadwick turned to his wife and smiled. 
"Make sure you go easy on my pockets." 
Standing, Tasha quickly adjusted Noah on her hip and pretended to flip her hair. "Sparkles are expensive, baby. We'll try our best. You just make sure you can keep up." 
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maliafabray · 5 years
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GUIDANCE 52 ;; aka, some sick ass beats // listen
Make a CD playlist (at least 8 songs) that would be a timeline into your life. Why did you choose these songs? What part of your life do they represent? [prompt]
i. handclap - fitz and the tantrums
'Cause you don't even know I can make your hands clap 
I used to play this shit around the house when I was younger and just go buck wild to it. There was somethin’ about all the hand clapping that just spoke to me, ya’ll feel me? This one time, I clapped my hands right in my father’s face and the look on his mug was priceless.
ii. kill somebody - yungblud
 Today you turned me a cork screw Filed me like law suit Put words in my mouth that I don't want you to And I lost my clout  
So, I know this song isn’t to be taken literally and is more so about mental health than anything....But I’d like to dedicate about a good 42.5% of this song to one Russell Fuckin’ Fabray. Not literally of course, ‘cause (a) I’m not a murderer and the idea isn’t very fond to me and (b) I ain’t got time for a meeting with the counselor followed by y’all’s psych ward.  
iii. do my own thing - american authors
You do you and I'll do me March into my own parade My heart don't beat any other way 
When I left home, this song gave me the confidence I couldn’t find anywhere else. It gave me the confidence that I”d be fine and that I could survive on my own.
iv. good news - ocean park standoff
 I need some good news, baby Feels like the world's gone crazy 
I was pretty messed up for a while there and all I wanted in the world was a pick-me-up. Somethin’ good. I guess that somethin’ good became tequila, but we don’t have to talk about that.
v. bohemian rhapsody - queen
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? 
Allow me to set the scene, guys. New York. Random club-- all kinds of people were there, even some couples in a claim-- we were all just partyin’ in up and I guess the DJ thought he’d play this song for shits and giggles but I shit you not, the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen happened next. Everyone lost their fucking minds. Regardless of mark, regardless of rules and random arbritrary shit, everyone forgot about their lives and started singin’ and jammin’ along to it and I swear on my whole ass life, I’ll never forget those moments.
vi. someone to you - banners
I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone, oh 
So there I was, on the cold and lonely concrete outside my flat in New York. Why was I outside? Don’t remember, not important. There was an old married couple next door, in a claim, of course. And they were the sweetest ever. I looked over and saw them bein’ all cute, one of ‘em with roses in hand, the other tryin’ to open the door so they can get in and probably do what old people do. But it was at that point that I realized that’s what I want. Matter fact, that’s what I need, technically, to stay off the auction block. But I want to be someone to someone else. Not some weird brainwashed, watered-down, version of me. Just me, and since we’re all baring our souls here, that’s what I really want in the end. Someone who wants me.
vii. pride - american authors
Like a fish out of water Do I belong here? But I'm never gonna lose, I'm never giving up my pride 
This song was sorta my mindset comin’ into this place. I’m never givin’ up on myself or what I want. Fuckin’ fight me over it.
viii. i’m born to run - american authors
I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run I'm gonna spend my time like tomorrow won't come 
This is more like an ode to the future. No one is about to hold me back again from what I want and I want to be able to travel and just be known in the world and live my life to the fullest, like I’m gonna die young.
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Aaaaaand. scene. That’s all, folks. 
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