#given its blade and i love blade and i wouldn't hate a blade game probably so don't fuck it up
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why would you give arkane a vampire ip so soon after redfall
#fae watches tga 2023#or rather why would arkane announce they got another vampire ip so soon after redfall#is arkane lyon better? idk#edit; oh my god they made sure to say it was arkane lyon bc arkane austin made redfall lmfaoooo#given its blade and i love blade and i wouldn't hate a blade game probably so don't fuck it up#but lmfao so much for dishonored 3 lol
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heeheeeheeeee Silas character sheet
● Often says that he is fine (OBVIOUSLY ISNT) or that the blood on his hands is just "forbidden ketchup"
● Very unserious, immature, and stupid when he wants to be (most of the time)
● Only gets serious when his loved ones are in danger or himself
● Pretends to be fine around others just to collapse the moment they leave
● Finds comfort in items from his loved ones, (clothes, pins, etc.)
● Used to play a bit of guitar but forgot how
● He can kind of cry on command, he just has to think about how his loved ones felt when he left them
● His favorite thing is probably some stupid mobile game that he keeps to himself
● Responds to "Bird Boy" or "shithead" on occasion (silly old oc design refrence)
● Absolutely hates Kenny but doesn't mind him much because he keeps Milo safe
● Only says "I love you" to the people he feels actually deserve it
● A total bitch to most other people and only allows certain people to touch him
● One moment he'll be listening to Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence and then the next he'll be listening to Castaways by The Backyardigans
● LOVES to rant about his special interests (dinosaurs, bugs, sharks, and ESPECIALLY space)
● If some random person was pretending to be him, just ask what his favorite thing about his boyfriend is. He WILL start ranting about how wonderful and amazing his boyfriend is
● As stated earlier, he is VERY immature. Laughs anytime someone says penis.
● Very good at hiding his emotions. VERY.
● He's a bit scared of fire so he'll just blow on a candle aggressively and go hide.
● He's a very lively person around others but when he's alone he recoils into his mind and just thinks. Best to snap him out of it before he goes on a murderous rampage.
● Likes to talk about the silly "brainworms" that he has. (Secretly just him splitting up his personalities in his head.)
● Often wonders things about the vessel he got thrown in (lore, will explain later) since it
has most of his old features.
● Absolutely LOVES his boyfriend 100%. Dude will do anything for that mf. Even if it means murder.
● At any given chance they will fight with Kenny. Doesn't matter where.
● Messiest eater you will ever meet.
● Feels guilty about hurting Milo a few times even tho he (Milo) doesn't remember
● He LOVES white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
● He knows a lot of those random facts that you just remember sometimes. Most commonly related to his interests.
● Would probably break down if he was fired, even though his boss wouldn't fire him. (She's too nice)
● Once gifted a blade of grass by Axel (his not really friend friend) and ate it.
● Usually gets things he wants through being persuaded or he'll get it by force.
● If you don't believe him, he'll probably shrug it off. Can't do much to change what you think.
● Doesn't feel bad about doing anything regarded to his work but does get a bit sad when
he accidentally hurts people he's close to.
● Almost got caught stealing from a candy store once.
● If he doesn't like you he would most likely be passive aggressive and when nobody is looking he'd call you insults.
● Very affectionate if he likes you. (hugs, handshakes, highfives, fistbumps, etc.)
● Once put cheese in a toaster. Never again.
● Definitely doesn't watch Milo while he sleeps. (he does)
● Really good at random tricks alone but when he tries to show someone he fails miserably. (stopped when someone got a concussion)
● Prefers to stay inside and not at social gatherings.
● If you shake his hand loosely and he barely likes you, he'll grip your hand and shake it tighter. If he likes you enough to be friends, he'll ask if you're alright.
● Picked up random mannerisms of animals. (He watched too much discovery channel as a kid)
● Definitely would hold a TED Talk about "Why it's okay to break into Milo's house"
● Doesn't get things like "Its raining cats and dogs" because idioms are scary.
● Could probably learn French if he wanted to.
● Talks a lot but if you have something more important to say he will gladly listen.
● Forgot about Erin but Erin remembers him well. (With or without the new vessel)
● Down to do anything (except follow the law)
● Immediate response to anything is to fight. Used to be flight.
● Epic music taste??? But it's all over the place.
● Bird person. No cats. No dogs. No lizards. BIRDS.
• Didn't enjoy killing people, but A, he got used to it, and B, his boss pays big bucks >:3
#silas - 🍊#character sheet#hehehehehehe#my silly little guy#GET THAT MICROWAVE OUT OF HERE#did i mention he has a job?#no#no i didnt#silas kills people guys
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I should've gone to sleep an hour ago but I was inspired so take 1,200 words of a Dante + Morrison interaction that will probably be part of the first chapter if I ever turn this into a full fic.
“Home sweet home!” Dante announces, throwing his hands into the air and basking in the glory of the sight before him: his very own shop, freshly bought and very much not freshly painted. If he had to give it a rough estimate, he'd say the landlord hasn't bothered to do anything with the place in a good ten, maybe fifteen years.
In other words it's beyond all expectations. An absolute beaut. The new light of his life, no question.
Morrison merely sighs, taking a drag of his cigar. When he speaks, he's clearly unimpressed. A real shame given all the effort he put into getting this place for Dante, but to each their own. “You sure this is where you want to settle down this time, Dante? In case your eyes were too focused on the prize, half of the buildings around here are condemned, and half of the rest look like they should be.”
Dante shrugs. “Eh, details. It has a roof and four walls and that's good enough if you ask me. Besides- we already paid the first three months’ rent, didn't we? Unless you're about to break out your own pocket book for me, there's no way I can afford somewhere else.”
“That I won't, and that you can't,” Morrison replies, shaking his head and pushing open the doors to Casa Dante many-point-oh. A plume of dust is kicked up by the motion, causing the man to fan in front of his face as he speaks. “I'll never cease to be impressed by how much money you seem to bleed. You'd think a man with your history would be rich by this point, yet somehow you're always drifting between broke and penniless. You've certainly had the time to earn your fortune.”
Dante moves past him, walking to the back of the room and hopping on the desk there. It's a solid piece of wood, and what most people would consider an antique. It's probably got a good thirty, maybe forty years on it.
So yeah- an antique by some people's standards, even if Dante's definition of the term would add at least a few decades to the end. It has its charm.
“Look, there are a lot of things in this world more precious than money, and I'm not the kind of guy to get hung up on payments. I've got time to earn what I need,” he insists, kicking his feet back and forth as best he can without catching the edge of the desk with his heel. His boots are lined with steel and he'd hate to damage the thing so soon after their introduction.
Morrison sighs. “So long as you keep paying me for my services.”
“Twenty percent of every job.”
“Twenty percent of zero’s still zero.”
“I don't think that's how that word's supposed to be used.”
“And I say it doesn't matter. You know I'll always pay you back eventually. Always have, always will.”
“Mm, I suppose, but your definition of a timely payment ain't the same as mine, and I've got a retirement to plan. The wife keeps nagging and I can only appease her for so long.”
Dante snorts, throwing his head back as he does so. “You've been saying that for the last fifteen years. I'll bet you my right arm we'll still be working together in fifteen more.”
Morrison laughs at that, swiping his finger on an unlit lamp before wiping the dust off on the back of his pants. Frankly Dante's not sure what Morrison expected when he did that. The room looks like someone took a leaf blower full of dirt and put it on full blast.
“And after thirty years of working with you, I know that's a damn stupid bet to take. I've seen you with more of your chest filled by creepy demon blade than organs. If you cut the thing off I wouldn't be surprised if it grew back the next day.”
“Your loss,” Dante teases.
“Sometimes the only way to win is to not play the game,” Morrison counters.
Dante throws his hands in the air. “Alright, alright. You've got me.” He sighs, taking a look around. “But thanks. I mean it. I really loved the old place, but you know how people get if I stick around too long.”
Morrison nods. “That I do.” Then he walks up to Dante, placing a hand on his shoulder. Sitting on the desk, they're closer in height than they'd be were Dante standing. “Take care of yourself, Dante. I'll do my part keeping people off your back best I can, but a name change only gets you so far trying to be incognito in a business like yours. White hired, red-coat wearing demon hunters with a big-ass skull-faced sword like yours ain't exactly a dime a dozen.”
Dante merely smiles in response, waiting until Morrison withdraws his touch to speak. Morrison's a good man and no doubt one of the best friends he's ever had, but he has a policy when it comes to people: never let anyone too close.
It only ever ends badly, after all. He's long since learned that lesson the hard way.
“I know. But I've been doing this a long time and I'll make it now just like I always have. Might even be better with your help. Never had someone to do that for me before. It was always clumsy old me and maybe a contracted helper or two who didn't know half the stuff you do trying to make a man disappear from one place and reappear as a new one someplace else. So I'll be fine.”
“Communication wasn't as easy back then either,” Morrison warns. “Information travels mighty quick in the modern age.”
Dante shrugs again. Technology's always changing- if he got so caught up in how that might impact him, he'd never get anywhere. And even if he does he has Morrison. He'll be fine, really.
This time it's enough, as Morrison gives uo with a few shakes of his head.
“Fine, fine. I know which battles I ain't gonna win, and I ain't the type of man to pick a losing battle when I don't have to. Here're your papers, Mister Tony Redgrave. Don't lose ‘em- forging is a sensitive business, and I don't want to have to make copies because you forgot where you put ‘em, capisce?”
Morrison shoves an envelope toward Dante's chest. Dante takes it graciously, leaning back to jimmy open one of the desk drawers and put the envelope inside. There's no need for him to check the contents now; Morrison's a professional, and he's never short of perfect. Everything Dante needs but doesn't already have is sure to be in there and sure to be exactly as it needs to be. Checking would just be an insult at this point.
“Capisco,” Dante responds with a salute, earning a few grumbles about proper pronunciation and being shown up that Dante politely ignored despite the fact that they both know he can hear them loud and clear. If Morrison actully didn't want Dante to know his thoughts and opinions, he'd have kept them silent. Dante's got eyes like a hawk and ears like a… an…elephant? Do they hear well? Or are their ears just big? He's not really sure, but he can hear just about anything within a distance far greater than a human so the point is he hears it, Morrison knows, and it's part of their relationship-slash-game to pretend he doesn't even though they both know he did.
One day I want to write an AU where Dante and Vergil were actually born a few hundred/thousand years pre-story, which is something Dante tries to hide while Vergil doesn't. I have 2 main ideas for it- DMC1/3 Fusion AU and DMC4 AU. These got long, so I'm putting them under the cut!
In the DMC1 AU, it'd be sort of like a combination of the anime, DMC3, and what you see in DMC1. Dante'd look like he's in his late 20s for this one. He and Lady would meet because they've both been hired for the same job, then encounter each other on some odd jobs before they end up working together on a big one. Maybe Arkham killed Kalina Ann when Lady was a teenager, but didn't manage to enact the rest of his plans right away so Lady's been chasing him for a decade, hunting demons in hopes of finding a lead. Dante meanwhile just likes the human world, so he goes from place to place hunting demons until it gets too suspicious he's not aging and he has to leave. This AU'd have branching paths at the big job they take take together: the Temen-ni-gru or Mallet Island. In both cases Dante and Vergil haven't spoken for a while. Vergil's gone silent for years or even a decade or two in the past, but he'll have a bad feeling about this particular silence (for good reason).
The main difference between the two would be who Arkham allies with. In both cases, Lady isn't aware of how old Dante is, or just *who* he is until partway through. She knows he's part demon, but with the way he acts she assumes he's actually in his late twenties and the kid of a demon that was probably fairly powerful, but unknown. But the truth would come out partway through, which...would maybe change things, maybe not. It would be a shock regardless.
Back to the branches though, in Mallet you could go with the plot where Arkham is trying to revive Mundus, so Dante intervenes. This one would have a Nelo Angelo bit (making Dante feel terrible because he'd just allowed Mundus to do whatever he wanted with Vergil for who knows how long, all because he hadn't bofhered to check up on his unusually silent brother). I might have a sort of B-plot involving Lady, Arkham, and Trish to accompany the Dante, Mundus, and Vergil angle.
With the Temen-ni-gru, it would be your classic Arkham+Vergil relationship, but with a much older Vergil he wouldn't be tricked by Arkham this time. Arkham would think he has Vergil in the palm of his hand until he clearly doesn't and Vergil deals a fatal blow as soon as Arkham pulls off his betrayal. I think Lady would be pissed Vergil stole her kill, but ultimately have to back down for the Dante vs Vergil fight because with that many extra years under their belts, she'd be no match. Seeing them would be an interesting contrast though, because Vergil so clearly clings to the past (he'd be in a more Renaissance style than Dante) while Dante's all about the present and human world. This one...I think would be harder to resolve than the other one, because I'm not sure how Dante would convince someone so set in his ways (again, hundreds of years old at a minimum) to change, but it could be fun to play with.
As for the DMC4 AU, this one would be a case where Nero is still a teenager, and Dante's really surprised because oh boy, who in the *world* managed to convince Vergil to sleep with them when he'd been so uptight for centuries? And Dante's excited to have a family member and can't help but mess with them.
I think in this one it might also be fun if Fortuna was aware that Sparda had children because then you'd have a case where people potentially worship said children, whether or not they realize it's Dante. Maybe Vergil ruled Fortuna for a little while after Sparda left and that meant people knew he existed. Dante hadn't been aware he'd apparently come back, but Nero's proof enough so he's really going to have to have a talk with Vergil the next time he returns from his travels. I'm not set on whether the people of Fortuna would know that Sparda had twins, or if they'd just know about Vergil and thus be in denial that Dante could possibly be the son of Sparda because he's *so* different. In either case eventually people (or at least Nero and Kyrie) would have to reconcile Dante with the figure they'd been worshipping and that would be hard (and for Dante, hilarious). I think in this one I might make Lady part of a bloodline that has fought alongside Sparda since he split the Human and Demon worlds, sort of like the Castlevania series with Alucard and the Belmonts, while Trish would be someone Dante recruited a few decades to centuries ago (importantly, she's younger than him).
In this one I think part of the driving force would be that Dante wants humanity to be able to protect itself/prove its worth, or for Nero to protect them/prove his worth, because if they/Nero don't then Dante's worried Vergil might instead deem humanity a scourge and do something bad.
The plot of DMC4 revolves around humans using demons to fuel their own power, and in this case I think Dante will have found out about what Fortuna was doing too late to erase what they've done, so it's a case where humans need to prove that there are more good humans than bad humans so Vergil doesn't slam down the hammer. Dante can encourage them in the right direction, but he can't carry them the whole way. If he does then Vergil will deem his interference proof of humanity's weakness and do...Dante isn't totally sure what, but he doesn't like how Vergil's been the past few decades and he's increasingly been feeling like Vergil might decide he's had enough of the human world and side with the members of the demon world Dante *knows* have been slipping through the border to speak to Vergil. And while Dante doesn't think he'd *lose* to Vergil, the battle would lead to immense destruction and would weaken them enough that Dante's fairly sure Mundus or some other demon would take advantage of the chance to invade the human world while they're in no state to defend it.
...Anyway! That's two/three ideas for first that I will...maybe get to, one day, once I finish the million other fic ideas I have. I just really like the concept of "totally goofy guy is actually super old" or "frustratingly unserious guy is actually one of the guys you grew up worshipping, somehow." I think there's a lot of room for fun there.
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