#give him his training arc swords sword.. or a katana idk
gradelstuff · 1 year
Imagine mhui finally putting spinner in the game but they make him the first league of villains R card
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dav3i · 21 days
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General info:
Name: Kiri (duh)
Gender: ok, I’ll stop cuz it’s obvious (hint: female)
Height: 5’ 3” - 5’ 5” (160cm - 168cm, I think?)
Hair/eye color: dark brown
Weapon: Tsurugi/Ken
Personality: mature, stoic, alert, serious, observant (not anymore), straightforward, weird, a bit sarcastic, but can be also very caring too
Likes: …Idk, her family (the team)?
Dislikes: Her enemies/opponents I guess
Despite her personality and height, she is the youngest of the team. She is a good liar and thief, and whenever someone yells at her, she looks at them back with a poker face like a statue because of her lack of expressiveness (although there might be exceptions later on). Didn’t/doesn’t understand certain concepts ordinary people would or should know. Despite that, she is street smart, and is also a good listener for her brothers and sisters…
She was born in poverty, and her parents were probably some kind of criminals too, so she was abounded at a very young age. She doesn’t remember much about them, so she doesn’t care about them. Since then, she had to fend for herself some food, clothes, any other stuff for survival. That made her a thief, building up her stealth. Still, whenever she couldn’t find any food for example, she had to eat nasty animals or stuff from the garbage cans. As she would grow up, she would later give herself her own name: "Kiri"
And that’s just how she lives her life for years until she gets into trouble with the Purple Dragons and messes with them (maybe cuz she stole something from them and screwed up, idk I might have to reconsider that part in the future) , which made her to fight back against several adult thugs. She did beat all of them in the end, but she was very injured due to the thugs’ carrying weapons, and she also had a concussion.
Luckily, the Turtles were on their patrol, probably on search of those Purple Dragons' thugs. Instead, they saw her unconscious body with the rest of the thugs’ bodies. At the time, the Turtles were still trying to get used to the human world, and they couldn’t just bring her into the hospital without showing off as weird creatures or monsters. They thought it would be best to bring her into their lair since they were worried about her and didn’t know what to do. However, Raph was kinda against it (the most), letting a complete stranger into their home. But eventually, they made their choice and took her into their lair.
Yes, they got scolded by Splinter, and yes despite that they have brought a stranger, he decided to take care of her and tend to her wounds. Perhaps it was because she appeared to be young and their age, but with serious injuries, so he took out pity on her. When she woke up and saw the rat, she wasn’t afraid. She was confused and a bit shocked, seeing a large and talking rat. Despite that however, she was thankful for both of the Turtles and Splinter.
He would ask her questions about herself, and to his consideration, he takes her in and lets her stay with them. She later meets the Turtles and they introduce themselves in front of her.
She would see the Turtles training and swinging their weapons at each other, and then would secretly repeat the moves she saw during one of their training sessions. Eventually, she would get caught doing it, but Splinter was impressed rather than angry or irritated, so she got the chance to become a kunoichi. He also told her that she could have just asked him to train her too.
Seeing the Turtles having their own unique weapons, she asked Splinter for one too herself. She thought that wielding swords was easy, so she asked for the same katana’s as Leo’s. Do keep in mind that katana’s are the most difficult swords to use, so instead Splinter offered her a Tsurugi/Ken. Though being Splinter’s student, she gradually became Leo’s student too due to her weapon of choice.
(Current) storyline:
S3, farmhouse arc (mainly the beginning)
There, she would have one on one conversation with the Turtles and possibly April. Raph - worrying about Leo in coma, Leo - his burden, Mikey - his brothers who yell at him, Donnie - his obsession over April, and April - maybe her mom? In “Buried secrets”, she was curious as to why Mikey finds April’s mom suspicious and would later understand as well… (She would be a bit overprotective during their time in the farmhouse too.)
S4, E1 - E14
She wouldn’t be with the Turtles, April and Casey in space, as she would get sucked by the black hole generator. However, when the Turtles met their counterparts from the 1980’s for the first time and got back to their earth in NYC to meet with Splinter (from the past), she (also from the past) would suspect that something was wrong and that they might be a bit different. She would later confirm her statement when she mentioned the recent thing with their Turtles (the ones who didn’t time travel) who didn't know a single thing, but she kept it to herself to not let the other guys worry until the end of the Triceratons’ battle. Instead of going to space like the others, she decided to stay on earth, knowing that the crew must have missed her too.
Broken Foot
Throughout the middle of season 4 she starts to change. During the “Broken foot” episode, she would get angry and disappointed (not too much but still) at Leo and Karai for yet again putting lives in danger and for being inconsiderate about it, then leaves in a bit of frustration.
The Power Inside her
Again, she would start to argue with April for being obsessive over her crystal, but this time to the point of fighting against each other where they were later stopped. Of course, they make up for it, apologizing to each other in the end.
The Rest of S4
She would sometimes start to isolate herself to train or meditate instead of spending with others, especially because of the Super Shredder. It makes the guys worry about it, but she only opens up about it to Splinter. For some weird reason and I don’t know why, I imagined him teaching her some kind of a dance or something (like kata?) personally… (Idk about it now)
The actual reason why she got blind was because of the Super Shredder who inflicted a lot of injuries on her, almost on the verge of death while trying protect Karai (Still in progress)
In here, Kiri is in the hospital while she is still recovering from those wounds instead of Karai. She and Shinigami would join the Turtles, April and Casey together take Super Shredder down. After their victory and Kiri’s recovery, Kiri would also visit Splinter’s grave later on and would sit on the ground for a while to mourn his death. She would suddenly perform that one dance/kata he taught her. She swore on that day to never forget it, so she repeats it every day since it was the only way of keeping her memory of him alive.
In the beginning of season 5, she would be graduated into a kunoichi. Since Splinter’s death, Leo is now the sensei and makes the ritual, congratulating her with the others. Karai also gives her a black kitsune mask as a gratitude gift for saving her and as an apology from their little dispute back in “Broken Foot”. Kiri now constantly tries to improve her sense of hearing and touching (which is why she stopped wearing shoes, but dw she washes her feet) to fight better.
In E5-6, she would be able to meet Sal Commander and Mona Lisa, while in the Halloween Special episodes she would meet Renet.
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Anyways, that was probably a whole lot for you to take it all in (unless you just scrolled away which I don’t blame u), but thank u for bearing with me! I’ll try to upload some more of my stuff that has been living in my head rent-free and try to illustrate what I had written! Please, TMNT writers and experienced artists, lend me your guidance 🙏!
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Chap 25
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/66536767 Taglist: @bluesimani​
Ok, so here’s the next chap!! Just a reminder, next Wed, I have job training so after that, IDK how much time I’ll actually have to write. So ya, updates will be slower n randomer. Ok, enjoy!!
“These look great, thank you, Mari,” Lana said smiling as she looked at the suits Mari helped them make. Mari beamed at the two with a nod. “Well, I can’t let you two go out in something atrocious like the bat family's choices if I can help it. Tikki also blessed it so that it’s not easy to get throu,” Mari added with a giggle. “Go, try them on!'' The two left the living room of Lana’s apartment and changed into the gear they would be wearing as Gotham’s newest vigilantes. Lana exited her bedroom quickly and moved to stand in front of Mari to let her see how it fit. “Perfect fit,” she hummed out with a smile, glad she got the measurements right.
Lana smiled as she looked down at her suit. It consisted of a dark gray, near close to black, under armour that was sleeveless. It went up her neck mandarin style with a gold lining making a couple of ‘openings’ to show her neck. Over it was a purple, sleeveless kimono/robe-esque covering that slowly transitioned to darker and transparent purple at the end at past mid-calf. It had a hood attached and had a gold lining around the front of it that ended mid chest. On her shoulders and down was black that ended, split up in points at the end of the gold. Her shoulders were bare with the gold lining making half-circles starting at mid-upper arm and ended above her elbows. Under the gold was purple sleeves that went to her hands, held in place by a loop around her middle fingers.
Around her waist was a magenta-y colored sash that was knotted with gold wings on either side keeping it in place. On the sash were two purple and red metal fans along with a pouch in the same color. On her back were two silver escrima sticks. On both thighs, were red straps holding two deep red pouches that contained zip-ties and other things that would help her in battle. Black, heeled boots covered her feet. The heels were purple that could be taken out to show a compartment to hold sds, flash drives, and the like. They were knee high with a similar pattern to her color with gold trim. To finish it off, a red domino mask covered her eyes and her hair was pulled into a bun with a ribbon that matched the sash.
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“Excellently made, as always, Angel,” Damian said, causing Mari to blush. Lana chuckled softly as she shook her head at the two in front of her.
Xan came out next and Mari nodded once more with a smile. His suit consisted of a deep gray, loose shirt that was styled like a karate gi. It’s lapel was deep blue with the collar mandarin style. The sleeves were short and big letting him move his arms more. Over it was a black cloak that stopped at his hips with a pin that had a stylized M, and a hood. Under the cloak but over the shirt was a red belt/strap that went from his shoulder to side holding pellets of knockout gas and smoke. Around his waist was a pale gold/yellow sash that held a couple of pouches holding zipties and throwing star-like items.
His shirt continued down on one side to mid-thigh, laying on top of another wrap-like item that was a deeper blue than the lining with gold lines running in arcs all over. On his right thigh was a blue pouch holding tools. Knee high combat boots covered his feet and tucked in the deep gray pants. Black gloves covered his hands, held in place by pale gold/yellow strings. Resting on his back was a red handled katana that was blunted and acted more like a staff. Covering his eyes was a red domino mask.
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“Lookin good, Xan,” Lana said and Xan nodded back to her with a smile.
“That looks similar to-” Damian started but then cut off, but everyone knew what he was talking about. It was similar to the training outfits worn at the League of Shadows.
“They were a….big part of why I’m ready to fight crime. While I don’t like it, I’m more suited to fighting in this style of clothing,” he said and Damian nodded to that.
“Then make it your own.”
Xan smiled at those words and nodded. Mari beamed at the two of them and glanced outside. “Well, the sun is setting so you should be able to run around the rooftops and get used to them,” Mari suggested and the two nodded.
“What are you going to call yourselves?” Damian asked and the two shared a look.
“I’ll go by Huntress,” Lana said after a moment and the two nodded.
“I’m not sure,” Xan replied with a hum, thinking about what would fit. Lana had a smile as a gleam entered her eye.
“We’ll call you Kit until you figure out a name,” she said with a cackle, easily dodging Xan as the two started laughing as well.
“It’s something for the time being,” Mari replied between laughs and Xan looked at her betrayed.
“Come on, Kit! We’ve got to patrol!” she called out running to the balcony and jumping off it. He scowled but followed after her with a shake of his head.
“I’m not being called that!”
“Then pick a name before someone talks to us!”
Mari giggled as she transformed and followed after them herself. “You coming?” she asked and Damian soon nodded after a bit. After Mari left, he quickly changed into his Robin gear and ran after the three.
“There are some places you’ll want to avoid as they are frequented by Rogues. Not all Rogues need to be avoided, but, well,” Robin trailed off and the two nodded.
“It would be good to know anyways. Wouldn’t want to accidentally run into Two-Face or something,” Huntress said and Ladybug nodded.
“I can agree. It was not fun running into a Rogue when first starting out,” Ladybug said with a grimace.
“At least we don’t have to worry about Joker,” Kit muttered and the three nodded agreement. Screaming sounded out causing the four to stop running before turning to the sound. Hiding behind a ledge, they watched as a man entered the bank. The man was wearing a sleeveless black under armour, with a multi-colored knitted scarf, fingerless gloves, and sash. The sash had a few balls of yarn along with a couple knitting needles sticking out. On his back stuck out quite a few more knitting needles. On his feet were purple, knee-high combat boots and covering his face was a black domino mask. Strings went from his gloves to two monsters in front of him, they were knitted too. They had eerie white yarn over their mouths as if in a vain attempt to close it, but that didn’t stop the two from either smiling or frowning. Along their ‘hands’ and ‘feet’ three knitting needles stuck out along with some sticking out of their backs.
“Who is that?” Huntress muttered.
“I’m not sure. Do you want us to take care of it?” Robin asked and Huntress shook her head.
“No, we got this,” she replied standing up with Kit right behind her. “See you in a few,” giving a salute, she pulled out a grappling gun and pushed off the ledge. She shot the grapple back and swung down to the street and landed with a roll. Her right arm behind her, slipping the grappling gun back into place before grabbing an escrima from her back. Her left arm pulled a fan from her sash and flicked it open. Kit landed soon after she did and flicked his blunted katana out of its holder on his back. “New to town? Stealing from a bank isn’t the best way to make friends,” Huntress called out and the man turned startled.
“Who are you?” the man asked as his knitted creations turned to them.
“We’re the newest vigilantes to Gotham. Figured the big Bat could use some help so that he could focus on the big bads. Call me Huntress. But the better question is, who are you? And why did you think you’d succeed in Gotham of all places?” Huntress asked with a shake of her head as Kit snorted next to her.
“And him?” the man asked. Kit grumbled next to her, causing Huntress to cover her snort with a cough.
“Haven’t thought of a proper name….” he started.
“Call him Kit for the time being,” Huntress finished and the man stuck his chin up with a smirk.
“Well, you may have heard of me, they call me The Knitter!” he shouted and the two shared a look before shaking their heads.
“Never heard of ya before,” Huntress said while Kit tilted his head.
“Is ‘the’ part of your name? Or…?”
“I-” the man stopped with a confused look. “You haven’t heard of me? And yes it is!”
“Well, The Knitter, we have not heard of ya before. I doubt any Gothamite has,” Huntress said, twirling her escrima in hand.
“Prepare to be taken down,” Kit continued and The Knitter growled before throwing a hand out at them.
“Then prepare for your doom! My darling creations will knit you into an early grave!” the man shouted as the creatures then ran forward, with a swipe, knitting needles flew at them. Huntress ran forward and knocked aside the needles with her fan and gave a soft grunt as she then hit one of the creatures with her escima. Kit ran after the other one and slashed at it. The creature hit each stroke with a paw, the needles clanging against his sword each time. He jumped back with narrowed eyes before pulling out a small, black throwing knife. The handle was wrapped with a deep blue cord until the end were a hoop was, big enough for his finger to slip throu and twirl.
He threw the knife at the strings as The Knitter yelled out. As soon as the strings were cut, the creature fell to the ground lifelessly. Huntress smirked as she rushed forward and swung her fan, cutting throu the strings as well.
The Knitter yelled out when he saw his creatures fall lifelessly to the ground. He then pulled out a couple of knitting needles and ran at the two. Huntress ran forward and knocked aside the needles easily with her fans. She swung her leg in a sweeping motion, knocking him onto his back. Kit ran over pulling out zip ties and held them ready as Huntress pushed the man onto his stomach and let Kit zip tie him. “The GPD will be here soon and you will be booked,” Huntress said as she pulled The Knitter into a sitting position as the two stood to either side of the man.
The Knitter grumbled angrily next to them as they waited for the GPD. People all around them looked at them shocked, taking photos of them.
Alya soon arrived at the scene with Dick and some other officers. They paused shocked while Alya just moved forward and nodded, sending them a smile. “Thank you…?” she asked, since while she knew who they were UNDER the mask, she didn’t know the names they chose.
“Huntress,” she said and Alya nodded, looking over at Kit.
“For the time being, I’m going by Kit,” he said and Alya stifled a snort at seeing his face.
“Thank you, Huntress and Kit,” she managed with a straight face. She then took the man from them and marched him over to the cruiser.
“Come on, Kit!” Huntress called jumping up and off buildings back to the rooftops.
“You guys did well,” Robin admitted and the two shared a smile as Ladybug held a fist out for them to hit.
“Thanks. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of The Knitter,” Huntress said as they ran across the roofs.
“That may be true. But I have no doubt that you two will have it handled easily,” Ladybug replied with Robin nodding agreement.
“Now, let’s go see what places we should avoid!” Kit replied and the two nodded, continuing to lead them off.
Owl Blocked Again @owlforlife
LOOK AT THIS!!! NEW VIGILANTES!! And a new Rogue???? #weird #butawesome #newvigilantes #newbatfam??? *Huntress and Kit fighting the knitted creatures then another picture of them holding the man down waiting for police*
Ok, so here’s the new chap! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! If the link to their outfit doesn’t work plz tell me. But also, here’s this chaps link to Tumblr that has the outfits already: . Again, I hope you enjoy it, new chaps will be randomly updated due to many things. Until Next time!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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booksandchainmail · 5 years
nanoha vivid liveblog: episode 8
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oh the castle from the op
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and looks like it’s the saint church, makes sense
… this was probably already established, I just forgot
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must be awkward fighting clone jesus in a tournament when youre a nun
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this is a really good point, and also raises questions about vivio’s friends all training together
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some sort of invisibility?
Oh no wait she was the speedster right? So too fast to be seen
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Also, cool device design
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Okay, paying attention during the tournament section of the op this time, and it looks like harry punching with fire, 
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victoria with a polearm and lightning,
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unknown glasses girl with chain circles, chantez with her tonfa (do they spin?), 
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shrine maiden with a katana, 
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miura gets a longer segment, 
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and then sieglinde still hooded
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That is the least trustworthy thing you could possibly say
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called it
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I feel like attacking before your opponent is armed is cheating
Then again, vivio was in a fighting stance and ready to go, so maybe its legit
Also, on a closer look I think chantez’s weapons could also be wielded like swords (edit from later: no kidding she can, her style was listed as dual swords)
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Huh, have we ever seen a non-transforming power up before?
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naruto run
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eye glint! magic is happening her folks
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i will never get over how happy vivio looks all the time when she’s fighting
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dramatic much?
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wait what
(also i promise this looks genuinely worrying when its not a screencap paused on a goofy mouth) 
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oh okay it was a vision? Killer intent or whatever?
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Do not tempt fate like that chantez
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like i said, maybe don’t fight clone jesus in church when you are a literal nun
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it’s the tie club
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awww, they have a family gesture thing
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...okay, those particular kitties are kinda doofy looking around the faces
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agito has good clothes
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thank you for giving this child one soft cute thing, even if it also a weapon
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well fuck now im sad
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oh gods
so they just actually are nerds
okay then
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that’s a really good name that i had completely forgotten from the manga and am now suddenly flashing back to
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this is very fair, and a major disadvantage of being an unarmed fighter. normally that gets mitigated by speed i guess, but no one in this show seems to have trouble swinging giant weapons around, so that might not actually give an advantage
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So golem practice for corona, and maybe some basic review just in case her golem goes down? Though at the level she’ll be competing at, basic skills probably won’t help
More martial arts for rio I guess. It might be better for to be training with her family since she uses their style?
And vivio either needs a weapon, which I kinda doubt based on the shape of this anime, or techniques to counter weapons and range
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With who? I guess it could be chantez, but that seems implausible for the whole “going to be competing against each other thing”
Presumably the tsab group is too busy with work, and hayate has her own candidate, so maybe another number?
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Oh so it was another competitor, and a new character. Bit of a conflict of interest there, but im glad nove has made friends
And holy hells is she experienced
actually, I took a look at the wiki, and nove is technically 17 (barring clone weirdness). Which means she’s younger than this girl, and could totally be participating in this tournament. Honestly, if your teenager’s tournament has coaches who could compete in the age bracket they’re coaching it’s probably a sign you should narrow the brackets. 
That said, I’m guessing nove doesn’t compete because this is a civilian tournament, and even four years on I doubt she sees herself as a civiliain
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So… do you have any strengths?
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... they used to belong to jesus, so if anyone you’re fighting is religious it’ll throw them off?
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Okay, I thought nove was just going to go for some sagebrecht power thing, given the eyes association, but using the cradle would probably disqualify vivio
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~magical girl show technically~
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called it!
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didn’t call it!
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Yeah, nanoha probably has access to a hell of a lot of training materials, plus footage of high power fights
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oh, for chris? didn’t think of that
... the fact that he’s looking for this on his own raises disturbing questions about how sentient devices are
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this reminds me a lot of bnha where baby izuku watches all might, except its just a tiny plushie
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Oh that’s gonna be hard for rio
Though they both have similar personalities I think? And maybe both use flames? So could be a fun matchup
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So that’s sword girl against vivio? And her weakness is weapons, and that girl has a long sword…
Honestly kinda surprised it doesn’t look like einhart and vivio will fight each other
Maybe they’re saving that for past the qualifiers? But honestly with the power levels we’ve been shown, idk if vivio could make it realistically, and idk how much this show will push protagonist plot powers
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So we do have two of our protag group in direct competition, but not a pairing that’s thematic
And no mention of who else is in that group. Probably at least one other important character? Victoria or sieglinde would have belkan relevance to einhart
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theyre also so sweet and kind about violence
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good team name!
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Every group competing at once is probably the only practical way to get through this many people, but it must be annoying if two good/personal matches are on at once
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this year’s contestants are noticeably more anime than the girls in the video from earlier
also, are there any guys in this thing? there’s no mention of it not being co-ed, so i guess were just running on nanoha rules of very few guys existing
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His voice is so deep
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There are at least 367 contestants in this thing? Even with six matches at once, that’s at least 60 rounds, and those things could run for a while
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Oh she’s tiny and excitable, it’s like vivio’s mirror
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also they can’t use devices this round, which makes things fairer I guess. Probably non-device weapons are allowed, otherwise this would bias towards hand-to-hand fighters, but this levels the playing field in terms of money and equipment
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Someone weve never seen before, who’s disparaging towards our protagonist… yeah she’s going down
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she is so nervous
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in utter contrast to literally all of teachers being battle hardened knights
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so she’s kicking focused? a good contrast to all the punch girls
also, im a big fan of miura’s opponent
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MAGICAL GIRL LYRICAL NANOHA: where tiny girls beat up teenagers
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Oh so that’s the personally important matchup they’re going for
also i guess it isn’t one ring per group
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