#give him a sniper rifle and he’ll probably do headshots
hanakihan · 1 year
headcanon: lim taegyu actually practices archery and is a really successful one being proficient with almost every type of bow
it’s just funny to think that someone from jp side of hunters mocked his archery skills, he just silently picks up yumi bow (which mind you is a lot bigger than traditional Korean one and thus harder to balance in hand) and casually strikes several bullseyes
casually throws yumi into one of hunter’s arms
refuses to elaborate
leaves like a true chad
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Three separate anonymous users requested brainwashing for @badthingshappenbingo. One wanted langst, one wanted sh@nce (which I was always going to do platonically no matter what and it’s written like that so this doesn’t end up in the ship tag), and one wanted klance. I tried to put them all into one!
Note: This takes place after S7, and is based on the theory that Haggar might try to control a certain someone.
Check it out on AO3.
This wasn’t Keith. It wasn’t. Those were the indigo eyes that he knew and loved, full of warmth and emotions that others didn’t always get to see. These eyes were blank, hollow, and rimmed with an eerie purple glow.
Some people liked to say that Keith’s eyes were purple, but in that moment, Lance knew that they weren’t. He’d give anything to never have to see actual purple in Keith’s eyes again.
Sweat rolled down his forehead as his broadsword met Keith’s, grimacing at the force of the impact. He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to fight Keith.
He had to though, because this was his fault. Of course it was his fault. Keith trusted him as the right-hand of Voltron. He had never actually said it, but Lance knew it. Keith valued the lives of others, and he would never leave them in the hands of someone he thought wasn’t capable. Keith, who didn’t trust easy, trusted him.
Then Lance let him down. Let someone they thought was on their side get under their skin, not realizing the danger until it was too late, again. First Shiro, now Keith. He was always failing others when they needed him most.
Now he didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t anywhere near the swordsman that Keith was. He was laughably outclassed in that way. There was something sloppy about Keith’s movements though, like a part of him was purposely holding back. Lance didn’t want to hope too much that there was still a part of Keith there fighting against the witch’s control (however she was doing this when Lance knew that she was fighting Allura, and would have had to have all of her focus on her).
Lance grunted as he was forced backwards, stumbling over his own goddamn two feet and colliding to the ground with a grunt. Keith raised the corrupted form of the black bayard into the air, and Lance closed his eyes.
A loud clang made them snap open again, a floating metal hand keeping the blade from meeting its target. A moment later, Shiro (wasn’t he with the Atlas?) came out of nowhere, landing a punch on Keith and throwing him back to the ground. Shiro then grabbed a hold of Lance and dragged him back behind the paw of the silent Black Lion that he had flown there.
Black was Keith’s now, Lance knew that. But he had been honoured that the lion let him fly him, if only to save Keith. It meant a lot, but now Lance was doubting himself again.
“You need to go,” Shiro said to Lance, keeping an eye on Keith.
“It’s not him,” Lance said quickly. “It’s not Keith. Well, it is. But it’s not.” This wasn’t like with the clone. This was physically Keith, but Haggar had done something to his mind in an effort to turn him into her newest pawn, to try and unite the Galra Empire with Keith as the leader, which, honestly, was stupid.
Keith was a good leader for something like Voltron, but he wasn’t a diplomat. No, that strength definitely lied with Hunk and Allura. Sometimes Lance. Keith was getting better, but in his right mind, he would have been the first one to scoff at the idea.
Lance didn’t know what Haggar was trying to do, but he didn’t like it.
“It’s not like me, I know,” Shiro assured him, resting his flesh hand on his shoulder. “I know it’s really him, but you’re hurt and I don’t…I don’t want you to do this. Stay low. Get your rifle out in case we need it.”
Lance’s eyes widened. “I’m not shooting him!” Oh god, he couldn’t do that.
There was a wetness to Shiro’s eyes as he focused. “You think I want to kill my brother?” He inhaled sharply as he got ready to run. “I don’t want to ask you to do that, but think of Keith. He wouldn’t want to do this. He’d rather we take him down and you know it. Wait here.” He leapt out from behind Black’s paw and ran.
Lance closed his eyes as he heard the fighting. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t. He looked up towards Black, who loomed over him.
Slowly, Lance pushed himself up, bayard shifting into its sniper rifle form. With shaking hands, he looked through the scope. He couldn’t stay still, so firing at anything would probably result in him missing. He couldn’t take that risk.
Then something caught his eye. Movement from up above them, someone waiting and watching. Lance stared, a slow recognition slowly piecing itself together. He knew that person.
Holy shit, wasn’t she one of Lotor’s old generals? He knew the other two, Ezor and Zethrid, were dead, and he didn’t want to think about Acxa, but hadn’t she mentioned, in passing, that Lotor had killed the fourth one?
Hadn’t she mentioned that the fourth one’s power had to do with mind control?
Lance snapped out of his haze as he watched Keith toss Shiro across the room. He yelled as the other man slammed into the floor, unconsciousness taking over.
Keith slowly approached him, and Lance found himself moving without thinking. He wasn’t going to let Keith do something that he would regret, and Lance knew that killing Shiro would be at the very top of that list.
His bayard shifted from the rifle back to the broadsword as he swung it up, once again meeting Keith’s own sword. What did Keith say this weapon’s weakness was? Something about the grip being impractical and hard to use? He couldn’t remember.
What he knew was that those glowing violet eyes were staring back at him again, and he fucking hated purple on Keith now.
“I don’t want to fight you.”
“If you don’t fight, then you die. Victory or death.”
“Bullshit,” Lance grunted out. “You, Mr. I’m-Going-To-Run-Back-After-Every-Person-That-Slightly-Helps-Us, don’t believe that.” God he hated the yellow hue that overtook Keith’s normally white sclera. He hated the way his irises turned into slits. He hated the way Keith’s teeth sharpened into fangs. When it did that while protecting them before, that had been something, but now, Lance never wanted to see it again.
He cried out in surprise as Keith managed to knock him to the ground, swooping down with his sword. Lance grimaced as it caught one of his eyebrows before he could push back with the blunt part of his own sword, ignoring the trickle of warm liquid that went into his eye.
“Keith,” he spoke as he tried to force him back. “Please. Your—you’re my best friend.” He had never let himself speak those words before, because yeah, he was close to Hunk and Pidge, but he always found himself gravitating towards Keith. He hadn’t understood it at first, but he did now.
Much to his surprise, Keith actually let up slightly, blinking with surprise. The yellow of his eyes faded a couple shades, the slits of his irises rounding slightly. Holy shit, was that working? Lance had tried to remind Keith of Voltron, of his mother, of Shiro, of the universe, but nothing had gotten through to him.
If this was what did, then not amount of pride or personal comfort was going to stop Lance from spilling everything.
“I can’t fight you,” Lance said, pushing back against the sword. “I can’t. I can’t kill you. I used to be so jealous of you, but then I realized we weren’t that different. Then you were my friend and when you left there was a void I didn’t completely understand, but I get it now. I meant it when I said you’re the future. I didn’t mean for the Galra or anything. I meant for me. You’re my best friend. Even more than Hunk. I love you more than anything or anyone else. Please.”
The irises of Keith’s eyes became round again, the sclera becoming completely white as the points of his teeth started to flatten, and he jerked back off of Lance, the smallest hint of a purple glow left over.
Lance sat up, his bayard once again switching forms. He aimed over Keith’s shoulder, pulling the trigger, landing a headshot on the thing that had been controlling Keith for Haggar. Amost instantly, the glow in Keith’s eyes were gone, and the black bayard shifted, changing back into its normal form.
Keith blinked sevreral times and then looked at him. “Lance?” Though he was kneeling, his body swayed.
Jerking forward, Lance grabbed his arms to steady him. “I got you.”
With wide eyes, Keith looked at the wound that was still bleeding on his face, not to mention all the other bruises and scrapes. He started breathed rapidly. “What did I do?” Keith started to shake as the memories of everything that he had done hit him. “Oh my god. What did I do?” His head snapped up again. “Shiro!”
Lance stood, helping Keith with him and moving over towards Shiro. Keith flopping onto the ground beside the man, staring at him helplessly while Lance checked his breathing. He sighed in relief. “Looks like a bump to the head. He’ll probably be fine.” Almost as if hearing Lance, Shiro groaned and twitched a bit. “See?”
Keith whimpered, hugging himself. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Oh god. I’m so sorry. What did I do?”
Something bitter climbed up Lance’s throat. How could Keith be blaming himself? Someone else was controlling him, and it had been Lance that let him get captured. He wet his lips slightly, grimacing at the iron taste of blood. “Pidge, Hunk? Anyone? We need to get Shiro out. He’s starting to wake up but I think he’s got a concussion.” He looked at Keith, who had his face burned into his legs. “Keith needs help too.”
“You got him?” Pidge’s voice came over the comms.
“Do we need to lock him up?” Hunk asked.
“Got rid of the thing controlling him,” Lance assured them. “He’s Keith.”
As soon as it was confirmed that someone was coming to them, Lance slumped down to the floor. Shiro groaned, eyes blinking open as he looked at the other two. “Lance. Keith.” The relief in his voice was obvious. He definitely knew that this was their Keith again.
Except, was it? Keith whimpered and moved away from Shiro some. Lance reached out to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to pull him close. Keith’s body was shaking again as tears fell down his cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. What did I do?”
Shiro let his own tears fall at the sight of his suffering brother, and at the sight of his two friends (one so much more than a friend) suffering, he couldn’t hold his own back. He held onto Keith with one arm, Shiro with the other, and all three of them sobbed.
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lonewanderer89 · 6 years
Chapter 3: Paradise Fallen
The Wanderer finds himself in a deep sleep after a few day's journey to the Temple of the Union. After a nice hot meal the Wanderer rested his laurels on a makeshift bedding cot. He goes into a deep slumber until he sees a hue of orange through his closed eyes indicating that dawn is upon them. The wander wakes and stretches from his sleep to find Hannibal packing up a few more things in his rucksack next to a campfire, with two mugs with hot coffee over the fire. The Wanderer walks over and sits next to the fire with his pack in hand.
Hannibal: Good Morning old friend. Nice to see that you're awake.
The Wanderer: Likewise, Hannibal. That coffee smells good. Is it done yet?
Hannibal: Almost, not quite there yet give it a few more minutes.
The Wanderer: I just want to ask if you're sure about this. I'd understand if you changed your mind.
Hannibal: I've already committed to it and I can't turn back now, can I ? Besides you can't have all the fun. I've been wanting to take out that hellish place since my escape. I just never knew how. Hell, after that fight with Leroy Walker and his chapter of slavers. I'm sure we made our message clear to Eulogy Jones and Paradise Falls altogether.
Hannibal hands the Wanderer a cup of Coffee for the long Journey ahead of them. He packs the last of his supplies in his ruck. He and the Wanderer both have drink their coffee and head off into the Wasteland to make their way to Paradise Falls and end Eulogy's reign of Terror on the slave trade in DC. The two make their way through the Wasteland coming across a few raiders along the way. The duo made quick work of the raiders that decided to cross their path. Dusk is falling upon them. The Wanderer and Hannibal are feeling a weary but are still able to carry on. The Wanderer pulls out some binoculars and judging from the distance, he estimates that they are about a 2 miles out from Paradise falls. They both take on a prone position and scope out the settlement until nightfall.
The sky is pitch black the wanderer takes a look at his pip-boy and it's 9 PM. He takes out his sniper rifle and begins to take out both opposing snipers and flood lights so that they blind them and they have the upper hand. With each shot the wanderer has his breathing rhythm down to a science. Hannibal being his spotter tells him if he misses anything and gives him a signal for a clear shot. Once they shot all the lights are out and the snipers are taken down, they start to move their way up towards the entrance of Paradise Falls.
They make it to the entrance and before entering they lock and load. The Wanderer hands Hannibal a silenced 10mm submachine gun. The Wanderer uses the Infiltrator as his weapon of choice. The Wanderer takes point and Hannibal comes in behind. They reach about 10 feet from acage where theres a guard in front of it. The wanderer takes aim and gets a clean headshot right in the left eye. The two walk up to the dead slaver. As they walk up to the cage he was guarding they notice there are children in this cage. The Wanderer searches the dead slaver's body, as Hannibal keeps a lookout he sees two more slavers walking the beat and takes them out almost simultaneously. He shoots one in center mass with a 3 round burst. The other he shot in the neck.
The Wanderer finds the cage key on the dead slaver's body. He opens the cage and he signals the children to stay quiet. The Wanderer looks and says: "We're ending all of this. We'll come back for all of you. Just stay put until then, ok?"
Slaver Child: Ok. But one more thing these things on our neck need to be taken off.
Upon closer inspection the wanderer sees that it's a bomb collor placed around their necks.
Hannibal still keeping watch adds 3 more bodies to his kill count totaling 5.
Hannibal: Look, I wanna free them just as much as you do but if we stick around this spot for too long we're gonna get caught.
The Wanderer: You're right, looks at the kids and reassures them that he'll be back.
The Wanderer and Hannibal reload and begin to make their progress while remaining silent. The two get achieve to make Paradise Falls a mass slaver grave and they are successful in doing so. The two reach the entrance of Eulogy's Pad. There's loud music playing but it's muffled by the doors.They reload one more time. The Wanderer takes point, before he kicks in the door. He gives Hannibal the Infiltrator rifle and he switches out for the 10mm silenced submachine gun.
The Wanderer: You have a split second to pull that trigger. Eulogys' probably prancing around with his slaver prostitutes. If luck has it he'll be at the line of sight. If he makes a break for it, I'm sure you'll know what to do.
Hannibal: Thank you for this, this has been a long time coming for him. After all he's done, he has this coming.
The Wanderer: Let's go.
They both kick in each side of the double doors of Eulogy's Pad. Eulogy makes a break for it into his panic room as predicted. As he runs into the hallway. Hannibal takes aim and shoots, Eulogy turns a corner and get clipped in one of his ankles hitting the floor with a loud thud in a fit of agony. Hannibal runs down the hallway and gets to Eulogy. He has the rifle aimed right at his head as he reaches him. As he looks he sees the bullet had hit an artery, Eulogy was bleeding profusely. He lowers his rifle and grabs him by the bad ankle and drags him through the hallway back into the livingroom. As they get there the wanderer has the slaver prostitutes sitting on the sofa, he's using his repair skills to disable the bomb collars, so that they could be removed without it exploding. Hannibal drops the Eulogy's bad ankle on the hardwood floor and he lets out another wail of pain. Hannibal takes a chair and sits looking over Eulogy in his pained state.
Hannibal: Now what I want to know is why... Why have this trade? Why do this when you know the world is already bad to begin with.
Eulogy: Look, man we all gotta make a livin. I grew up a slave and now I make 'em. I get more and sell 'em to those that want 'em. It all boils down to caps, man.
Hannibal: So, you would trade a person's life for caps without any hesitation?
Eulogy: I wouldn't that black and white about it.
Hannibal: What do you mean?! Be that black and white about it?! Where do you get off? I understand this is all you know, but this is still wrong!
Eulogy: Hey man, I made it a point to become the top slaver in the DC Wasteland. I was sold from here to serve countless others and when I was finally released. I made my own trade, I took the game over I didn't discriminate, young, old, strong, weak, whatever. I did it and I made a fucking killing. Then I made outposts, made contracts with other factions that needed some extra laborers. The money was ever-growing.
Hannibal: ENOUGH!!!
The Wanderer: This guy's a rat bastard. Waste him Hannibal. He's a waste of space and breath.
Hannibal: I couldn't agree more.
As Hannibal raises his rifle the Wanderer thinks about something a stops the Hannibal from his final blow.
Hannibal: What are you doing?
The Wanderer: Sorry, Hannibal. I just got one last question for this piece of shit. I know you have a Terminal here. What's the password? And before he wastes you, maybe you can come clean and do something gokd for once in your life. Do you have any hits our anyone?
Eulogy: Eat shit, like I'll ever tell you. But I'll leave you with this, one of your old pals from Lamplight is all grown up... I was gonna take him and....
Hannibal shoots Eulogy in the head before he even continues.
Hannibal: I'm sorry, I had to end it.
Hannibal hands the wanderer back his rifle and proceeds to say The Lord's Prayer. The Wanderer bows his head in respect.
Hannibal: Heavenly father hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The Wanderer: He's still going after the Lamplight kids... I remember there were two here but this was long time ago he was here but I freed them as a favor to those kids.
Hannibal: We need to get into that terminal.
Hannibal searches Eulogy's body and finds a set of keys in his coat pocket and tosses them to the wanerer. He and Hannibal both go and unlock the door. The Wanderer walks to the desk and unlocks the desk and finds a holotape with the terminal's password. The wanderer inputs the password to the terminal and looks at a data file that reads: Current Slave Bounties. As he reads the names of the current bounties, he comes across a familiar name... Robert J. Maccready. Bounty: 1000 caps alive. There's an extra 1000 caps if you bring in his bitch and his little brat with him too. 500 if you bring one or the other
The Wanderer: Macceready?! That little shit's being hunted by Eulogy, and he's got a huge bounty on his head... He must've wanted him bad. He's gotta family too, eh? Well knowing him he's already well in hiding or gone.
Hannibal: Who is this Maccready?
The Wanderer: Long story, in the meantime you got some people to add to the flock Hannibal. I'll get those collars off them, but you're their leader now. Take the capable ones get the armor and weapons off these slavers and have them protect the ones that aren't able to protect themselves.
Hannibal: I can't thank you enough old friend. It was a pleasure fighting alongside you again.
The Wanderer: Likewise Hannibal.
The Wanderer and Hannibal make thier way out of Eulogy's pad with into the cages of paradise falls, unlocking the cages and the wanderer using his repair skills to disable the bombs on the collars of the slaves. The slaves are all standing on the outside of paradise falls. The Wanderer hands all of the slaves molotovs and they each light them. The slaves throw the molotovs into paradise falls and watch as their former cage burns to char and ash.
The Wanderer: I'll be seein ya Hannibal.
Hannibal: Where will you go now?
The Wanderer: The Commonwealth. I gotta bone to pick with Maxon's Brotherhood of Steel. They killed what I had left of my mother and father. I gotta know why.
Hannibal: that's a big bone to pick, please be careful. I wish you luck on your journey, old friend. Until we meet again.
The Wanderer: Later, Hannibal.
The two part ways. Hannibal and the newly freed citizens make their way to the Temple of the Union and thhe wanderer begins to make his way to the Commonwealth. On his pilgrimage to the Commonwealth he thinks to himself... Maccready of all people, I wonder if he's in the Commonwealth as well. If he's smart he would do so to keep his family safe. He's a smart kid, I'm sure he's gotta be there.
(Stay tuned for chapter 4)
@askmaccready @asknotdeacon @askprestongarvey @askcurie @askfsolesurvivor @companionhell
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kokichiomakin · 7 years
Roquill Misc. Child Headcanons
eeooookay so this is mostly going to be headcanons about my personal fankiddo for roquill, lucille ‘lucy’ meredith quill, so just a fair warning 
alright so i’ve mentioned lucy before in my last headcanons post, she’s rocket’s daughter, he carried her to term, she’s a cute little girl with brown hair just like quill and little raccoon ears and a tail like rocket, though ultimately she looks more human than anything, she could be mistaken for human apart from the ears and tail
she’s a snarky little shit who has all the charm of quill and all the inner thoughts of ‘wow, people are dumb’ of rocket, probably rocket’s temper at times too but that’s all okay they all know how to handle it
her codename is bandit because ofc she has a mask just like quill does, except optimized for her ears, and it has a black stripe across the eye part too, sometimes star-bandit to connect her to both of her dads, she’s happy either way tho
the next part is going to be about baby lucy
okay so after the c-section delivery rocket is exhausted but his protective instincts definitely take over and he immediately wants to hold her and if he wasn’t so worn out at the moment he’d curl around her too, she’s his baby, gotta keep her warm and happy
when they get back to the milano they have to have lucy share a room with groot bc not that many rooms, tho groot just ends up wandering into mantis’ room at some point and sleeping there because of the occasional times lucy wakes up and cries
she’s a pretty happy baby, tho, she’s got a pretty smile just like her dad, quill loves her to no end && the minute people they know before see her and have a ??? reaction, quill is immediately on ‘HAVE YOU MET MY DAUGHTER?? SHES AWESOME I LOVE HER SHE’S CUTE AND ONE DAY SHE’LL TOTALLY KICK ASS TOO she bites sometimes tho so don’t touch her unless she touches you first’
just imagine quill just finding this mug that says ‘best dad in the galaxy’ and whoops his now that’s his title anyone who claims otherwise can fight him unless it’s rocket in which case they share there’s also that one post circling around tumblr where the dads and kids have matching shirts, there’s this one pair that has the dad wearing a shirt that says ‘THE ORIGINAL’ and the kid wearing a shirt that says ‘THE REMIX’ and you can bet anything that quill would immediately get both of those He Loves His Kid
rocket is a bit more subtle about it but he loves his little girl more than anything too and immediately nods nods nods every time quill says she’ll kick ass one day with a big smirk he’s the one that constantly wants to hold her and just hug her and he more often than not has the internal struggle of ‘I HAVE A GUN DO I HOLD THE GUN or do i hold my little girl my precious treasure gotta protect gotta hug her’, he hardly trusts anyone else with holding her apart from quill bc ‘no, no, shes mine and pete’s, she’s our cutie and no one else needs to worry it’s ok’ it’s adorable tho he’s very snuggly and his ears tend to twitch happily a lot and he likes kissing her on the top of her head, which makes her giggle she’s also one of the few things that can immediately calm him down from an anger spell which is great he purrs a lot around her too he’s super happy
lucy loves all of her family honestly tho but she loves her dads the most. and groot. of course.
anything that makes lucy cry tho is a Threat and rocket is the first to retaliate against any threats and he will tear someone apart if they even make her sniffle a little bit, and if some jackass got the brilliant idea to try to hurt her in any way, quill might actually kill that person before rocket could because crying? that could be an accident, she can calm down it’s ok i’m good at getting her to smile again anyway. threats? hi yes i’m going to kill you and spread your body parts across several different star systems so you can’t even get a proper burial, asshat, and i might not bother to kill you before i rip you apart. she is protected by a strong family and her dads are the most protective of all
she usually goes to sleep listening to the same music all her family does and quill loves that bc it’s like what his mom did for him it makes him tear up a bit if he thinks about it too much so now both quills are immediately just a bit comforted by the tunes it’s a thing in the family
her first word is gun. rocket is the one to first hear it while she’s just crawling around on the floor and he’s trying to work on weapons at the same time, she just looks up and with a small pause says ‘gun’ and he’s a mix of !! SHE SPEAKS and PFFFHAHAHA OFC SHE’S LIKE ME AFTER ALL and a bit later rocket just. brings her over to everyone. she says ‘gun’ again and he just. grins. quill cracks up. lucy learns to say the words gun, bomb, and prison fairly early in life. there is at least one time when they’re considering taking a contract from someone shady, they accidentally bring her along, rocket’s holding her, she clearly dislikes the person immediately so she looks them dead in the eyes with a hard frown and says ‘prison’ and rocket has to barely contain himself from laughing too hard, they end up not doing it based entirely on lucy shaking her head repeatedly and going ‘prison prison prison’
related mildly: there is probably at least some point where they hit a rough patch flying and lucy is shaken and she promptly screams ‘SON OF A BITCH’ and rocket and quill immediately start cackling and they have to focus on flying and quill just barely shouts back ‘LUCY DON’T SAY THAT DAD SAYS NO’  she still says it at least once in polite company and quill and rocket still end up wheezing with laughter
also the prosthetics thing probably transfers lucy looks at someone’s prosthetic arm, points at it ‘need it.’ rocket just goes SNRRK and is just ‘wELL,, SHE’S RIGHT YOU KNOW--SNRRK--SHE’S RIGHT WE NEeD IT’ while lucy giggles
as she gets older she gets a lot of quill’s confident attitude, she’s very headstrong and heroic but she’s super-stubborn too and has little temperamental fits, she’s a mix of rocket and quill after all. given the opportunity too when she reaches the age where she understands it all she can and will flirt with almost anyone, she is a master of the fingerguns too there is probably at least once when she hits on a girl and just ‘Hey if you ever wanna meet up with a badass space hero....call me, alright? I’m available.’ she winks with the biggest grin, gives the fingerguns, and moonwalks away and her first thought while leaving is SHIT I SHOULDA WINKED WITH THE OTHER EYE?? 
not that rocket would ever really trust someone with her to begin with, he is the dad that sits at the front entrance polishing a rifle if anyone dares to hit on her, she can easily walk up and take it away but then he’ll just pull out a machete and start polishing that instead, this process is infinite because rocket is very good at being protective and has a lot of weapons
unlike her dads who are totally flashy, showy, lucy picks up a pretty good talent in, of all things, sniping, which is most likely found out when a target is running away, and suddenly everyone hears a ‘BANG’ and the target falls over, dead the guardians just look around at each other like ‘did you shoot that? no’ up until they all pause and then slowly look at lucy, who stands there with a sniper rifle, her mask on, and just quietly mumbles ‘....that was what I was supposed to do, right’ rocket nearly tackles her in a hug, laughing, THAT’S HIS GIRL
she’s still very show-off-y, but if she gets serious that’s when she tries to go ONE SHOT, ONE KILL, and she’s successful a good amount of the time, but there are times that she’s not the best like when everyone’s not even sure where a head is to shoot at she’s not too great a close-quarters combat either but she can make do if she needs to, she’s best at holding it on the back lines and maybe sometimes creatively getting in closer on improvisation and planning (sometimes) it’s just that it’s a strong possibility some guy could fall over, dead, headshot, and she just walks up, her special earphones on her ears and everyone can just faintly hear do you remember~ the twenty-first night of september~ 
she never has any formal schooling but she’s fairly smart anyway, rocket made sure of that, but she knows how to pilot spacecraft pretty well and is pretty great at social cues, which is all she needs to get by along with her weapons training, she slowly learns how to build stuff too after a while, this stuff is in her dna but it takes a bit to bring it out
lucy miiiiight have celestial power in her dna very faintly, but it’s unlikely it’d ever be fully triggered, the most it does for her is give her the ability to take far more punishment than above-average much like her dad, she can breathe in space a bit longer than normal humans could and it takes a lot to knock her out
she probably also still instinctively bites at anyone who tries to touch her by surprise, her teeth aren’t sharp or anything but she will bite she can’t help it
she’s also a pretty good dancer because of course she is
i might add more stuff later but i think this is good for now
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