#give Peri his brother back :(
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suki-na-kumo · 8 months ago
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Peri deserves a happy moment with his big brother
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doodletrash · 8 months ago
I was rewatching old fairly odd parents episodes (I'm actually rewatching the whole series)
While watching I noticed in Superbaby, Cosmo and Wanda couldn't wish their baby back to them because Timmy's mom and dad loved Superbaby and magic couldn't bring him back.
This made me realize that Cosmo and Wanda were able to make Timmy disapear meaning that no one truly loved Timmy and I though that was horrible. Because Timmy's parents don't care about him at all, like they're terrible parents. (I'm pretty sure Cosmo and Wanda love Timmy, but in that episode I'm pretty sure they still thought of that love as temporary so they COULD wish him away)
This episode makes a lot of things really sad BUT on the bright side I discovered something this episode could do. At the end of the episode Superbaby is willingly returned, but no one's memories were erased so while Timmy may not able to remember his FAIRIES he can remember his super cool awesome little brother Poof because his memories still have him as his little space brother.
Bringing this on to my point, Peri visits Timmy often and Timmy doesn't question it because Peri isn't a stranger to him. Peri is still his brother except he remembers his adventure with him as being adventure's with his space baby brother.
Timmy still remember Peri bcuz I said so and I don't like seeing Peri sad
Honestly I'm obsessing so much I might make a separate blog for Fairly odd parents
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rockandtoon · 8 months ago
Season 2 Theory: Hazel accidentally restored Dev's memory with her rule-free wish.
Hazel's wish was basically "I wish my brother and my friends get to keep their memory of fairies/magic". Hazel respected Dev for giving up everything in order to save the Godparents, so she's possibly open to considering him a friend again.
Imagine memory wiped Dev gets home, then gets his memory back seemingly out of nowhere a few minutes later. Everyone seems to have forgotten his takeover of Fairy World, and Hazel is back to handwaving magical happenings. He's confused and afraid to ask what happened in case Jorgen decides to fix his apparent mistake. Dev accepts he's not getting Peri back and tries improving himself (with varied success).
Sooner or later, everyone realizes he remembers and have to decide to investigate what happened or hide it from Jorgen.
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sunshine-zenith · 8 months ago
I mean. If A New Wish takes place roughly 20 years after the original series (which seems to be the case since Vicky was 16 in the original and is said to be 36 here), then wouldn't Peri be RIGHT at college age?? Why is he immediately going into childcare instead of spending some time partying at the club.
Like I kind of get why he keeps getting distracted by his parents- he literally hasn't seen them in years and there doesn't seem to have been any contact between them during that period. Who was raising him while Cosmo and Wanda were gone. Is he still the only fairy born within the past ten thousand years. Did he cope at all with suddenly losing his brother forever, or is he just repressing it like he's apparently subconsciously been doing with Vicky and who knows what else. Peri and Dev can go to therapy together
This ask got me seriously thinking about the timeline between FOP and FOP:ANW, especially in relation to the Cosma-Fairywinkles
So Wanda and Cosmo’s ten thousand year long vacation obviously involved time travel, and from how both Wanda and Peri words things, it sounds like he wasn’t there with them, at least for the last part of it — she specifically says they lost track of him during those ten thousand years and he specifically call it their (his parents’) vacation, not our vacation. That said, this trip, again, obviously involved time travel, meaning that while ten thousand years passed for Cosmo and Wanda, they might’ve only been gone for a few months for Peri. While that’s still a super long time, given how old Cosmo and Wanda are, it might not be that long for them (ex I was talking about school timelines with an older coworker, and she said that while an extra year is a long time for someone in their 20s, like me, for someone in their 40s-50s like her it’s nothing)
That said, even if the vacation wasn’t that long from Peri’s perspective, Peri specifically notes he hasn’t seen them since they got back from it — we don’t actually know how long Cosmo and Wanda were living as a “normal retired human couple” but it’s been long enough that they at least know some of the local celebrations (the lightbulb-ice cream parade)
Wanda and Cosmo don’t seem like the type of people to abandon/neglect their kid, especially after something as presumably tragic and traumatic as their sibling completely forgetting about them, so I’m just gonna assume that they either didn’t start their vacation until Peri was old enough to be on his own, or that they took Peri with them and Peri broke off from them early on when he reached the age of majority
Cosmo specifically notes the year 2001, which is a reference to when the original show started airing. This also technically establishes 2001 as the year Peri was born, since Timmy doesn’t age over the course of the series (ignoring timeline shenanigans from later in the series that ended up being reversed anyway) (also Peri is officially Gen Z rep)
I’m gonna say that ANW takes place in 2023-2024, since that’s when it was animated/aired, so about 22-23 years from the original series, which works with Vicky being said to be in her late 30s-early 40s and AJ looking to be in his early 30s (plus for all the fantastical elements these shows include when history is concerned — ie every they do with dinosaurs — this writers do seem fond of establishing political events in the series as matching the real world — ie Cosmo getting emotional over Obama and wanting to go back to those days. Establishing the show as being 2024 instead of 2021 gives enough distance in universe from quarantines that the writers can get away with not mentioning it. If it was meant to be set in 2021, I feel like the writers would include some kind of reference — a throw away line establishing it as something that did/didn’t happen in universe)
We don’t know how fairies age, how long it takes them to reach the age of majority, but yeah, Peri just feels very Young Adult coded, and him being 20-23 just kinda works with his character. He comes off as someone fresh out of school working their first real job and being blindsided by how different it is from what he expected/studied. Assuming that he aged like a human up until adulthood and assuming that Cosmo and Wanda waited until he was old enough to study on his own (18) in a safe environment (a fairy academy presumably), that means it’s potentially been 2-5 years since he’s seen them and that he spent his adulthood/adult education without them — no wonder they still see him like a kid while he wants them to treat him like an independent adult, he was basically still a kid going off to school when they last saw him while he had years of his own to give the adult thing again (again, in a hard but semi-sheltered environment that would be a school in fairy world). It’s possible Cosmo and Wanda are overcompensating for the thousands of years they missed (for them)/missing important events like graduation (for Peri)
It makes me think of the fact that the writers specifically named the robots that care for Dev and fulfill his demands (ei what ends up being Peri’s job when he comes along) “au pairs” — an au pair is basically a cross between a foreign exchange student and a nanny, someone (typically a young adult) from a different country who moves in with a local family and helps take care of the children and house in exchange for a living situation, and many au pairs specifically take on the role while studying at a local university. That’s not too far off from what Peri/a Fairy Godparent’s role is
All that out of the way… yeah Peri should be in the club. BUT who would he even go out with? Yes he had similar aged peers in the original series (Foop/Irep and Goldie), but we don’t actually know if fairies started having kids again after he was born. If he had classmates as an adult, they would likely be fairies much older than him returning to school, so people he might not easily relate to
Thinking about it, it starts to make sense why Peri was given such a hard case for his first godkid — fairies can chose to go into retirement but for the longest time couldn’t have children, so there wasn’t anyone to take up the jobs they leave behind. In the original series there was a fairy godparent shortage that probably only got worse as fairies working that job got to the point of “okay, this is my last child, I’m done after this.” Peri was possibly one of the only fairy godparents available (who else would go to Dev? Cookie? The fairy still pissed off at Cosmo and Wanda and going after Hazel? Please, she’d probably refuse before even looking at Dev), plus he didn’t have anyone experienced to give him advice going into things, so he couldn’t, say, negotiate for an easier kid to start with or something before taking up the job
Peri is a young adult with almost no one to relate to, choosing a career that he views as “the family business” to make his parents proud, choosing a career he automatically has a unique relationship to because of the timing of when he was born and who he grew up with, who has a strained relationship with his parents because of years of (unintentional but still) no contact (not to mention the very real family loss of having their other kid/his big brother basically go away forever and completely forget about them in the process, which can’t be easy to navigate), who’s working a hard job with no experience and seeming no resources
He really was doomed from the get go, wasn’t he
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giglio-nero-e-bianco · 5 months ago
FOP AU, Coraline? But instead of other parents they could have godparents, and there could be so much angst
Hazel could have Cosmo and Wanda replacing her parents and Peri her brother in the other world, Cosmo being the "other mother" or main godparent in this case, instead of the neighbors there could be just four different places: the main building where the whole family lives and three smaller buildings that are Cosmo, Wanda and Peri's respective areas
She could go there because she feels like her family is drifting apart and she doesn't want that, so the other world could have her godparents being super close to her, giving her everything she could wish for, and she could have even more if she just gives up her name and life, but she doesn't want godparents and godsiblings, she wants her real parents and brother with her
This could anger Cosmo and Wanda, revealing their true selves as their anti-fairy versions and they could trap her in the mirror, where Hazel would find the ghosts of Timmy and Dev
Timmy got there first because his parents were just awful, he accepted staying if the fairies could give him a little brother, that way he could feel like their new found family was starting to come together more naturally, after Peri was "born", Timmy finally gave in, resulting in his name being taken and his life being eaten
Dev came after Timmy, his father being absolutely neglectful, time had passed so the one that welcomed Dev was Peri, giving him the sweet words of a father and all the attention he could wish for, Dev ended up craving that love so much he gave up his name, resulting in the loss of his life after they ate it
Timmy and Dev help Hazel escape, and she promises to get their names back
Anti-Wanda has Timmy's name on her, Anti-Wanda is pure brute force, so Hazel has to outsmart her in order to get Timmy's name
Peri tries to trick Hazel into thinking he's on her side, but she already knows Dev's version, so Peri gets angry and reveals himself as Irep, Irep isn't as strong as anti-Wanda so Hazel has to trap him to get Dev's name back
Now she has to leave, but has to get through anti-Cosmo first, he'll try to take Hazel's name by force while she tries to run away, anti-Cosmo although being really smart, is far from strong, but he's still an adult and Hazel just a kid, but with Timmy's and Dev's help she's able to get the upper hand on him and she's finally able to escape
Once free, she goes to free Timmy's and Dev's souls
After that, she has a heart to heart talk with her parents and brother, and after they cry and hug, Hazel asks for the door to get sealed over again
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astrolotte · 7 months ago
listen guys I love Peri a lot too, I think there's a lot about his character worth studying and that he's a good guy but you all have GOT to stop blaming Dev here when Peri is arguably more at fault!
Sure, Dev was mean to him, but Peri was mean back! And Peri is an adult while Dev is a ten year old child, Peri should have the capacity to not complain about him directly to his face, especially considering Dev has been emotionally abused all his life.
Ultimately, I don't consider it to be either of their faults. Sure, Peri was bad at this, but he straight up didn't have any experience except for Timmy, where he took up the role of a brother instead of a parent, a VERY different dynamic. Peri should've gotten like at least 3 different godkids before someone like Dev, to give him a feel for how different kids can be, and how you need to deal with different situations in their own ways. And that's just the lowest I'd advise going, he should've definitely had more.
So I blame the system for throwing him to the wolves fresh out of schooling, especially considering, iirc, Fairy Academy is canonically pretty terrible, as it's more like a military academy than an actual school. He had no proper experience, no way of knowing how to help a kid that doesn't seem to want to be helped...
But if you're going to blame anyone, blame Peri. Not the child that he was supposed to help, the child that he failed.
Mind you, 10 year olds literally don't even have fully developed minds yet, of course his sense of morality is a bit twisted. His brain isn't fully grown!
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mistressroxielove · 7 months ago
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Hey everyone~ I'm back, and this time with a new fixation!
Long story short, I've discovered the new Fairly Oddparents reboot, absolutely loved it and was inspired to make this AU idea for the show! With a slight reimagine/redesign of the characters as well. And the first one I decided to do was Peri!
Here's some more info about my AU:
Fairly Odd Parents AU/Rewrite
Au Name: FairlyOdd Brother
Perri (previously known as Poof) recently graduated from Fairy Godparents School and is eager to start granting Wishes for his very own godchild! Only problem is that with his lack of experience Jorgen is weary of giving him an assignment and keeps finding excuses/reasons to not give him a godkid. Realizing it might be a 1,000 years before they give him a chance to be a Fairy Godparent, Perri decides he needs to be a little bold and perhaps, bend Da Rules, to get his foot in the door so to speak. And his answer comes to him from a new neighbor in his human home, a family with a sweet shy 10 year old girl who is absolutely miserable. Perhaps Perri might be able to offer this girl a little comfort and fun as her new Fairy Godbrother!?
(Basically the same premise of the show, except Perri’s first godchild is Hazel, and through a technicality in the rule book, becomes her god brother instead of her godparent.)
ALSO please note this AU is more of a slight reimagine of the original show, meaning I did tweaked / changed some of the characters personality to match the new story I made for them. Nothing majorly different, but again just a heads up before you read on. Hope you like it~
Name: Hazel Wells
Age: 10
Sex: Female
Physical Description: 
Basically the same as the show's design, I slightly changed her shirt to become a sweater with a turtleneck. I sorta did that by accident when drawing her, but I ended up really liking the look and thought it matched the semi new personality I gave her so I kept it. 
-Hazel is a very sweet and kind person with some quirky interest, more or less similar to the canon version of her in the show
-The big difference between my Hazel and the shows is that she’s much more shy and awkward than in the actual show
-Feeling very out of place in a new city/school with her brother off at college and her parents working much more than usual has left the poor girl more shy and anxiety ridden than usual. 
-She still likes rocks and manga like in the show, but in her old school she was bullied and made fun of for her interest, so she’s more shy/embarrassed to admit what she likes
-But she still tries to be a good person and do the right thing whenever she can, just again she hindered by her shyness and fear of being bullied and made fun of, just wants to fit in and be an average kid
Other fun facts:
-Was bullied a lot in her last school, her parents and teacher tried to help her but despite their best effort it did little to stop the problem. It wasn’t until her older brother Anthony started to walk her to and from school that helped deter the other bullies from picking on her. Though Anthony meant well for helping his little sister, his method of helping her did little to teach Hazel how to actually stand up for herself and how to deal with bullies in general. Now without him around and her parents busy with their work, she is unintentionally thrown into a new situation with no social skills on how to defend herself from other people or how to even make any friends (she didn’t really have any of those back home). But perhaps with the help of a certain periwinkle fairy she might be able to learn to socialize and how to defend herself from bullies, and hopefully become just an average kid with friends and learn to thrive in the new city. 
-Essentially Peri is the one to teach and encourage her to be more bold, as he’s the one to really get her to make wishes freely and to try new things and to teach her to not be afraid of anyone or anything, slowly with his help she becomes more and more like the canon version of Hazel in the show. As Peri ends up being a good role model to her.   
Short summary of how she ended up with Peri:
Moving into a new city feeling all alone. Since her parents are excited to be here with both of them finally getting their dream jobs, Hazel tries to act ‘mature’ about the situation and tries to put on a brave face for her parents. But in reality is having a hard time in her new environment, as she finds herself in a new school and too shy to make friends, let alone talk to anyone. The only person talking to her is Dev who is supposedly ‘famous’ or something. (she doesn’t recognize him and doesn’t really acknowledge him, much to Dev’s surprise). 
If that wasn’t bad enough her parents are working much more at their new jobs and have essentially left her to be watched by the neighbor next door, a strange though friendly guy named Peri. She and Peri get along okay, and she’s mostly pushed through with the reminder that her brother will be visiting this weekend, and surely once she talks to him she’ll know everything will be just fine.
But things fall apart when being watched by Peri she gets a call from her brother stating due to the weather he won’t be able to visit this week and won’t be able to come up until at least his next break, Which is a couple months away! Distraught by this news Hazel prepares to pack up and leave to try and somehow get to her brother on her own, only to be stopped by her ‘babysitter’ who tries to reason with her and talk her out of it. Despite his usually persuasive ways she’s simply too upset to think straight and in a fit of frustration wishes she could just fly to Anthony. Which, similar to the actual show's first episode, causes Peri to turn her into a fly!  
The part of the episode happens similar to the original first episode, with Peri trying to get Hazel home before her parents come back from their work. He eventually does but again similar to the first episode Hazel gets stuck in a venus fly trap as Peri tries to get her to wish to turn back into her original form. After the talk with the ant Hazel realizes her mistake and finally wishes to become human again before her parents could discover what went wrong.
After the commotion, Hazel goes to Peri’s apartment to question who he is and what the heck just happened. Peri tries to deny it but during their conversation he realizes that technically speaking…..Hazel did have good and caring parents. They weren’t the reason why she was sad and miserable, she was miserable because her brother wasn’t with her anymore and she desperately missed him. And technically speaking, there was no rule or need to ask Jorgen or the fairy council to become a kids Godbrother. He only needed their permission to be a Godparent. And besides……..he more than understood the feeling of missing a big brother.
After talking and realizing just how miserable this poor girl was, Peri decides to take a gamble and formally introduce himself to her as her new Fairy Godbrother! In similar fashion to how he introduced himself to Dev in the original show. Making a promise to take Hazel from being a shy and scared girl into a brave and bold kid with lots of fun and magic along the way. 
Hazel, after the smoke and glitter shimmers away for the first time, feels pure joy at the sight, and for the first time feels confident and even excited for the future, and what this city and the people have to offer her! 
Sooooo ya, tell me what you guys think! Any questions or suggestions for the AU I would love to hear, good to be back!
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stringsbasement · 8 months ago
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
I would love more to hear about this.
cosmo and wanda's form of affection comes in constant and excess validation for every little thing peri does. they're clingy and suffocating with their love, and as much as peri grew to dislike it, he can't help but become dependent on this validation; it makes peri absolutely terrified of doing anything wrong which might disappoint them, and everyone else who perceives him
timmy might be the only one that would treat him normally. timmy's rough around the edges, but i can also see him being a jerk in the typical big brother style. being purposely annoying and rude, but loving and genuine enough to be real with peri when he needs it
they compliment each other— the worst godchild to ever exist, and the ultimate golden child
timmy doesn't expect anything of peri. he thinks he's special because he's family, not because he's a fairy baby, or because of some vendetta against his parents. and peri doesn't think timmy's a horrible person who ruins everything he touches. they see each other's flaws, and loves each other because of them
in "timmy's secret wish," peri is the first and last to successfully defend timmy's court case. (which, i mind you, he did by going poof poof poof in the speeches he made after timmy's other defenses utterly failed. he was able to just... do that. the judges didn't need to hear a single thing more because they all automatically trust him) (even if they did send him to the hocus poconos right after lmao) he's literally the only reason timmy's free at all. i have no doubt there's plenty of other, off-screen occasions where he uses his "status" to protect timmy
on the other hand, timmy enables peri into his antics, allowing him to just… goof off. have fun; cause chaos to his heart's content. he does things that he wouldn't otherwise, and it'll always be timmy who takes accountability so he wouldn't feel bad for it
so when timmy leaves, it undoubtedly affects him. it affect his freedom. it wouldn't matter how old he was— they were together for the first 8 (technically 50+) years of his life. that stuff sticks, subconsciously or not
so it comes time cosmo and wanda has to do something about it. what to do when a child's missing their brother?
hazel's case was straightforward. she needed companionship, assurance to ward off her fears, and a healthy dose of fun to loosen her up and take her mind off things
but what can you give a child who already has everything he could want? you give him as much love as you can, but wait, he pushes you away for it. shoot. so now you give him space, but he grows ever more distant, and when you realize you might've given him too much space, he's already off on his own, out of your reach
so you decide to go as well. you retire and take a long vacation with your partner, and you have faith that your child is doing something he loves and that he'll come back to you in his own time
and when that child is finally, utterly alone... there's nothing he can do but regret
peri wouldn't have much, if any, close friends he can truly confide with. not if he pushed them all away too
(with the way that fairies, pixies, and their respective antis are the dominant species, i'm guessing that the main reason is because other species don't live nearly as long. so usually, fairies rely on each other as forever companions. except no one but irep is even within peri's age group, (irep, who is antagonistic towards him on a good day,) which we know is an issue because of "poof's playdate," where they felt the need to turn other fairies into babies to get peri some socialization)
for hazel, she was able to acquire close friends over time through her own efforts. it's apparent in the finale just how much hazel has grown over the course of the show. at the start, she had difficulties overcoming her dependence towards her brother and coping with the changes in her life, but she adapted and turned that into her strength. she put herself out there and formed new bonds that, in the end, was the reason they were able to save fairy world
right off the bat, hazel and anthony parallels peri and timmy
anthony moved onward with life, while timmy wanted to stay a kid forever. the difference between them is that anthony knew he had a home to come back to, a family that will always be there to support him when he returns. timmy felt that once his memories are gone, he'll have nothing, because his fairies didn't just help him cope with his life, they replaced it entirely, to the point that timmy has no legs to stand on if they were to disappear
timmy loved too much, and cosmo and wanda had too much love to give. it ended up hurting them instead
cosmo and wanda learned that lesson, but peri didn't.
(i already have more ideas for him and dev and oh do they wound me...)
peri becomes a way hazel gets to see what it would be like if she never let go of anthony, and peri would see a glimpse of his younger self in hazel, who is happy and content with the life she was given despite the way things had to be
(peri and hazel understand each other the most, which is exactly why they wouldn't get along. i can imagine an interaction between them with hazel calling peri out, and him ignoring her)
when the cosma-fairywinkles reunite, cosmo and wanda's overbearingness after their reunion takes on a different light. it would be two parents trying to connect with the only child they have left when all he wants is for them to go away
(if cosmo and wanda tried to address timmy's bad influence in the past, it would be like pouring salt over a still-open wound. in peri's perspective, it's like they're trying to ruin timmy's image now that he's gone to so peri can get over him. it's kid logic. peri is too caught up in himself to remember that cosmo and wanda was with timmy first. they all love him. they all miss him)
peri had reinvented himself and has become someone else. someone cosmo and wanda might not like. he has run through every single reaction and still wasn't ready for immediate and unconditional acceptance. "i go by peri now!" and they don't even think to question it, they just love him like they always have. like they always will
and maybe it's in that moment that peri begins to think that his fears might have been for nothing
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ebbpup · 7 months ago
Give Peri his brother back. *Le Sob*
Fun fact about when Peri & Irep become human! They will slowly but surely start to forget their lives as a fairy & an anti-fairy! Those memories are replaced with more human memories or removed from their minds completely ^-^ This means that eventually, not only will Peri have little to no memory of Timmy, but he will also struggle to remember his parents with all memories of them being altered!
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oohlips123 · 25 days ago
Late to the party again, but here a little one shot for Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish!!! Do I care if it completely follows canon or makes much sense? Not particularly!!!
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Feeling the weight of the past few days finally plant themselves squarely on his shoulders, Peri let himself give in and fall face forward onto the small coffee shop table. With his head cradled in the crook of his folded arms, he mumbled.
"My first assignment, and I blew it. Ugh, I'm such a failure."
Hearing a chuckle from the man sitting across from him, Peri looked up in despair at his companion.
"Yeah, I hear ya." The other man said, taking a sip from his coffee mug. "First cases are always the hardest."
Setting down the cup, allowing his buck teeth to rest prominently on his face, Timmy continued. "I almost got my first client a 50 year sentence for a misdemeanor. At least you don't have that on your record."
Leaning back and covering his face with his hands to hide his embarrassment, Peri elaborated. "But, I messed up. It wasn't Dev's fault I couldn't get my act together. He's a really good kid, just a bit... Overzealous."
Thinking back on some of the wishes the man sitting in front of him had made, Peri would even say Dev was tame. "I was supposed to be there for him, but just when I thought I was getting through to him, that jerk got his ear."
Peri wipes at his eyes, stopping the tears of frustration from spilling over.
"I just wish they'd let me try one more time so I can do it RIGHT." Peri sighed, staring up at the ceiling in self-pity.
"Well, why can't you?"
"Huh?" Peri's head shot forward to look at Timmy in confusion. Timmy, like the smug butthead that he is, smirks and takes a long sip of his coffee.
Timmy sets down his mug again, and when he looks at Peri, the fairy is brought back to the days when he was a newborn. When the man in front of him, his brother, was still a lonely kid with an imagination to rival the magic that brought his deepest wishes to life.
"Why can't you take the kid back? Yeah, you may need to get some supervision from a more experienced employee this time, but I don't think there'd be a problem with you continuing as the lead on his case. Especially if the kid likes you."
"But, they told me that he wasn't allowed to have fai- uh, me as a representative any more. He broke Da Rules."
And Tommy just laughed. Like Da Rules were just suggestions, and he's already thought of some crazy way to circumvent them. "Sounds like you both messed up. Here's a bit of advice: Rules are only an issue if you let them be. If their issue is how the two of you handled "the rules," you just have to make sure the rules sound like they're on your side when you present your case."
Peri felt his heart flutter in time with his disguised wings. He felt a familiar (and dangerous) rush of adrenaline, just like from his earliest days alive. Where his godbrother made anything possible. "But Da Rules, our, uh, "company policies," got a complete overhaul recently because yo- someone kept finding loopholes. Dev will be long gone by the time I can present a case to Jorgen!"
"No matter how air tight someone THINKS something is, there's ALWAYS a loophole." Right now, Timmy looked like he did back when he was 10, not even bothering to hide that mischievous glint in his eyes. "I've been told I have a knack for getting things to go in my favor. If you're anything like me, and I have a feeling that you are, you'll figure it out."
Timmy reached across the table, ruffled Peri's neatly done hair. Peri swat at the offending hand, fixing his swirl as the other man laughed.
Why does he do this every time I see him?! I'm not a kid!
And like he could read his mind, Timmy flicked his forehead with a chuckle. "Don't let the rules run your life, Peri. If you want to help this kid, you fight for him using everything you've got."
*Beep beep beep beep*
"Ah man..." Timmy frowned as he looked down at his watch. "Looks like my breaks over. Got to get to work now." Grabbing his briefcase from beside his chair, Timmy stood up and made his way to the door. "Feel free to call if you need someone to talk to. Maybe even stop by my place if you feel up to it! The Mrs. has been curious about my new "little brother," as she calls ya." He winked as he downed the rest of his coffee. "I'll even make sure Tammy and Tommy are down for a nap if you call ahead."
Peri called back, slightly flustered and the sudden change in the conversation. "Uh, sure! Yeah! I'll definitely do that!"
"Awesome. See ya later, Peri." With one foot out the door, Timmy called back. "And say hello to your parents for me!"
And with a wave goodbye, Timmy Turner was gone.
"'Don't let the rules run my life' he said."
With an all too familiar POOF, Peri's copy of Da Rules appeared in his hands.
"Guess it's time to stop thinking like a fairy, and start thinking like Timmy."
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suki-na-kumo · 6 months ago
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msnihilist · 5 months ago
The exact photo that Peri wanted to see was right in front of him when the puff of fairy dust faded. It was taken the day of Timmy's freshman year prom, when he was gangly and awkward and brushing his bangs out to try and hide his acne. He hadn't had a date that year, so he had been planning to go with Chester and AJ in a group. 
It was before Mom and Dad had fully realized that Timmy wasn't going anywhere until he was eighteen, and they insisted on staying home for the evening so that Timmy could have a normal night out at his normal high school with his normal, human friends — making good, normal memories that wouldn't be taken away from him.
Timmy probably still remembered that night. But he didn't remember Peri’s favorite part.
For Peri, the best part of the evening had been when Timmy finished getting his suit on and Mom fussed over getting his hair perfect so that she could take a photo.
“Wanda, it's fine! It's not like I have a date tonight, anyway.”
“That's no reason not to look your best, sport.”
Then Dad had interrupted with a laugh, camera in hand. 
“We're never going to get a picture before AJ and Chester get here if you keep it up, Wanda. Timmy looks great!”
And Peri had chimed in—
“Can I be in the picture?”
At the time, it had made sense to Peri that, if he didn't get to go to the party, he could at least be in the photo with his big brother. 
“Of course! I couldn't possibly get my photo taken without you, Poof.”
“You two look so handsome together!”
“Say cheese!”
Peri ran his fingers over the frame, his gaze unwavering even though he had this photo committed to memory. He couldn't place why it was one of his favorites, it just was. He gently knocked his scepter against it, and watched as the moments leading up to the photo being taken played like an old film.
Timmy was grinning as he hefted Peri up into his arms, supporting his back and being careful of his wings. He was always so careful.
“Your tie,” Peri had said, and his clumsy four-year-old fingers yanked on the pink tie around Timmy's neck, making the wrinkles worse. 
But Timmy just smiled, and the crinkles at the corners of his eyes were ones that Peri never wanted to smooth away. He caught Peri's hand in his much larger one, quickly letting go to point at Cosmo with the camera. 
“Make sure you're looking at the camera, Poof. Give it your best smile!”
Peri did smile, but it hadn't been for the camera, or even for Mom and Dad — it had been for Timmy, holding him with ease, always making room for Peri and making him feel cherished.
Wanda’s cooing and Cosmo’s chatter faded as the memory came to a stop. Mindlessly, Peri reached out and played it again. And again. And yet again, his eyes glued to Timmy’s face all the while. 
He wished that the memory was a film; something that he could touch. He wished that the memory was a stream that he could dip his fingers into, feel it all again like it was the first time and not a lifetime ago.
Peri didn't realize that he was crying until tears dripped onto his scepter and his shaking hands. His vision blurred violently and he turned away from the photo, rubbing his face with his sleeve. 
When they lost Timmy, it had ripped their little family to shreds. There wasn't supposed to be only three of them. They had so many photos of Timmy, and yet, every photograph that didn't contain him felt so, so much heavier.
“If Love Is The Answer, You're Home” CH.7: The Trouble With Moving On
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occatorcreator · 11 months ago
Second Chances
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2 - Lonely Purpose
Purple seeks out a new purpose in the wake of his mother's passing and makes a new life in the world of Minecraft. Through it, he ends up crossing paths with a group of stick figures in need. Content Warnings: Character death, grieving, canon typical violence
Purple returned to the city to bury Orchid. There was no body to bury, but a grave was something Orchid requested in her end-of-life plan, and Purple would honor her last requests. 
It didn’t change the hollow feeling he had standing before her grave. He had cried all of yesterday, and his eyes felt raw and painful, but he couldn’t summon any more tears. So he simply stewed in his emptiness.
He was the only one there for her funeral. 
I mean, of course he wouldn’t show up, Purple thought. I should be glad to not see him… it would just be awkward. As if he cares that his ex-spouse is gone.
The lawyer reached out to Navy regarding the death. Navy should have learned of Orchid’s passing and Purple’s destitution. But of course how could one reach someone who left without any contact for over a year? Purple would be a fool to hope to see him here.
So, why was he so upset that Navy failed to show?
I can’t be here, Purple turned away, the numbness turning into an unexpectedly painful vise in his chest. He left his mother’s grave and the cemetery behind as quickly as he could, bolting down the sidewalk until he had no energy left to run.
He leaned against a wall, watching as stick figures passed by with faded interest. He stood as still as a statue, watching passerbys go into the stores. There were parents holding little kids by their hands, groups of friends chatting close to each other, lovers holding hands and laughing...
Everyone was lively and moving around like usual. The day was bright and sunny, birds were chirping. As if this wasn’t the worst day of Purple’s life. 
A group of teenagers passed by him. When Purple watched them, he recognized all of them as old friends from school. All but one. A tall, lanky orange hollow head towered over them and chatted with arms waving animatedly. Their eyes briefly met Purple’s and for a split, terrifying second, Purple thought they were going to try to rope him into small talk.
But they didn’t, they just waved and continued walking with their group. A couple of others looked back at Purple, and Purple tried not to notice their confused and judging gazes. The teens turned a corner, but Purple caught his name whispered among them.
“Hold on, was that Purple back there?” 
With heavy limbs, Purple followed behind them. He moved silently, trying to be discreet in the fact he was following them.
It has been five months since I dropped out, Purple realized. It had to be summer break now.
“Do you know them, Peri?” The orange hollow head asked.
“Yeah, he disappeared before you transferred in, Second,” the stick figure Purple knew as Periwinkle said. “He was in my financial elective...”
“And he was a total scumbag,” a dark violet stick figure jumped in.
“Saffron,” Periwinkle admonished.
“What? It’s true!” The oddly named Saffron said. Purple recalled her brazenness. She was Periwinkle’s annoying younger sister and highly protective of her softhearted brother. Any slight against him, no matter how small, earned her ire.
“What did Purple do?” Second asked.
“Ah, Purple is someone you wouldn’t want to get close to,” added a brown stick figure beside them. “He acts friendly at first, gives gifts to buy your affection. But he’s highly controlling. The moment you don’t do what he wants or if you inconvenience him, he dumps you and goes after the next sucker.”
Chestnut… Purple grimaced at his ex-friend’s bitterness. He lagged behind, increasing the distance between them.
“I think that’s being a little bit uncharitable,” Periwinkle added, “I think he really admired you, Chestnut.”
“Ugh, don’t even joke about that, Peri?” Chestnut said, punching Periwinkle in the arm. Her disgust was hard not to hear from this distance.
“Why are you even defending him? Do I need to remind you how Purple borrowed your prized umbrella?” Saffron said, “and you never got it back even after asking about it?”
“I never forgot that…” Periwinkle nodded, and Purple saw his shoulders slump. “Gosh, it still hurts to think about it. I spent so much money getting that, it was one of a kind.”
“Exactly! And now it’s gone because of him! You’re being too nice!”
Second, sensing that their friend group was getting agitated, coughed in their hands.
“Anyways, I asked Mango this morning, and he said I can go to the arcade with you all!”
Saffron pumped her hands in the air while Periwinkle clapped. “Awesome!”
“Yeah, enough about Purple,” Chestnut said, not leaving much alone, slinging her arm around Second’s shoulders. “Be grateful you never met him. He’d be horrible to you too.”
“Chestnut,” Second scolded.
“Sorry, I’ll stop,” Chestnut finished.
Then they chatted about arcade games. Purple didn’t catch anything else as he stopped in his tracks, watching as the group retreated. He couldn't stand to listen anymore as he felt like he was close to decking one of them.
Why… was the whole school glad I was gone for months? Purple thought,  clenching his fists. Was I really that awful to you?
He and Chestnut certainly had a falling out, but he swore his attempts at being her friend were genuine. Complimenting and giving gifts- how else was he supposed to make friends? It wasn’t his fault they had incompatible personalities! Not everyone can be so blaisé about everything! Was it a crime to expand his social circle?
Not like those sticks liked me for long… Purple thought, recalling how he fell out of that clique faster than he did with Chestnut.
Periwinkle was nice; Purple did intend to only borrow the umbrella since he had none that rainy day. But of course, with his horrid luck, he ended up breaking it on the way home and feared how Periwinkle would react. How was he supposed to know that it was a special one of a kind?
Stupid idiot’s too obsessive over umbrellas, Purple grinded his teeth. If he and his sister blow a gasket over a lost umbrella of all things, then no sane person should deal with them!
He felt raw and scratched, scoured by their claws. How he hated them. Truly hated them all. Especially that Second kid- what a stupid name. While he didn’t know anything about them, he hated how the three people who he couldn’t befriend clung to them so easily. He hated how Second had to only look at him to ruin his horrible day even further. He hated that they had some parent to come home to after fun at the arcade with friends while Purple was all alone.
I hate you! Purple thought with bared teeth. I hope you all suffer like I did! Hope your days are as rotten and horrid as mine!
I hate all of you!
Alana reminded Purple that he could stay on the desktop for as long as he liked. That arrangement worked out for Purple because he had no reason to leave the computer. He didn’t want to return to school, and he had no desire to find a job and be a cog in some miserable system in the city. On the desktop, he had more freedom to do what he wanted.
And he just wanted to lie in his bed and wallow in his sadness.
He let the grief drape over him. It made his limbs heavy as lead and turned his mind to static. Food and activities were bland; he had no desire to do much of anything. Aside from Alana, there wasn’t anyone checking on him. He had no idea where the villager caretaker went or if they were somehow deleted, but he couldn’t even begin to care. 
How odd it felt to be purposeless. How the drive and desperation to find a cure for his mother vanished with her body, leaving behind exhaustion and nothingness.
The only time he felt anything other than despair was when he dreamed. The dreams were both cruel and relieving. He dreamt of being a prince in a grand castle. His mother and friends were there in that castle to greet him and go on fun adventures. Waking was painful, as it brought those sweet dreams to an end and dumped him back to the cold, lonely reality. The more he slept, the longer the dreams went and more intense the pain of waking became.
I wish I could stay in my dreams…
But then one night, they changed. Instead of continuing the fantasy, he dreamt he was in a void. A light shone above, with pink petals floating down around him.
Orchid petals? Purple thought, holding a hand out to catch a petal. Mom?
Instinctively he looked around, trying to find Orchid in the pitch dark, only to flinch when he saw Navy standing before him in the gloom. 
“Why are you here?” Purple raised hands up defensively. He had not dreamt of his father once in his fantasy world. It was as if he was banished from his dreams.
Yet Navy stood before him, staring. The stare was all too familiar, that cold, guarded stare before he walked out of Orchid and Purple’s life.
“What?” Purple demanded, “what do you want? What right do you have to judge me?”
Navy said nothing. He should have said something by now. 
“Be gone with you!” Purple waved, “Do what you always do and just leave me already!”
To that, Navy’s gave a disappointed sigh.
“You can’t even keep your promises,” he said, “that’s it, I guess. I’m leaving.”
He turned and walked away into the void.
“What?” Purple never recalled him saying that before. He didn’t understand. “Wait!” Purple took a step forward. “What do you mean by that? Answer me!”
Navy kept walking; Purple couldn’t catch up. Despite telling him to leave, he still chased after his father.
What promise am I breaking?
When Purple awoke, he remembered his mother’s dying breath: she’d asked for Purple to take care of himself.
Sleeping in bed, shutting myself from the world, Purple’s heart hammered. I’m not keeping to that promise.
And he loathed that a dream version of Navy could be right! 
For the first time since he left his mother’s grave, the drive fueled him. He thought he lost it to grief. That dream, his father’s words criticizing his ineptitude, gave him something for his churning anger to sharpen itself against.
I’ll take care of myself, he thought, no, I’ll do better, I will thrive. He’d prove his father, those teens, and everyone who ever doubted and looked down on little Purple wrong!
He would be great.
Purple crawled out of bed. His muscles protested at the exertion he was unused to after months of laying around. He forced himself to hold his head high.
“How about…” Purple said as he spotted the remains of his and Orchid’s castle. “I finish that castle of mine.”
Purple wanted to play Minecraft legitimately. No cheats, no spawning things. He was going in to play like any other player. He had a new goal for his playthrough. He aimed to become a true king of Minecraft.
He started with only the essentials and got to mining. He had his basic goals set for making his kingdom: get enough cobblestone and wood to build his castle and starting houses, locate some villagers, and… well he hadn’t figured out step three yet, but the first two were going to be huge.
There were enemies. Fighting them wasn’t as bad as Purple initially feared. If anything, felling the zombies, creepers, and skeletons, then the tougher ghasts, endermen, and wither skeletons, made Purple feel powerful.  All those rusted fighting skills he neglected were sharpening and, for once, he enjoyed the combat. With the right equipment and enchantments, enemy encounters hardly concerned him.
He found some zombie villagers too and, desiring to build a village the proper way, successfully escorted and cured those zombie villagers. And, oh, how he was praised for his heroics! The cured villagers bowed to him as their savior, Lord Purple!
Not the pathetic Purple I was before now, huh? Purple thought, puffing his chest in pride.
But the joy never lasted. The glory he got from fighting turned dull as the enemies were no match for his sword. The villagers had children. Seeing happy little kids running around while their happy parents watched, filled Purple’s hollow heart with venom. Their praise towards his greatness suddenly felt shallow and fake, especially knowing how much he loathed to see them prosper when he still felt horrible.
It didn’t help that the next day, all those kids grew into adults. The very sight of this rapid aging caused Purple to retreat into his castle and remain there for three days. He glared at the wall, unable to sleep and failing to calm himself down. Once again, all the motivation deserted him, and a part of him wanted to burn this fake village and false castle to the ground.
“Why?” He asked a portrait of a bizarre wither skull formation, “why is it that I’ve accomplished so much more than I did in school, and I still feel this way?”
The skull painting did not answer, but Purple suspected it knew fully well why. 
Purple imagined his mother telling him that he was pushing himself too hard, but the thoughts of her words just made him curl further in a miserable ball. How could he enjoy even the false, temporary victories of a game when she wasn't there to see them?
Only Navy’s words spurred Purple out of his funk on the third day when he fell asleep. You can’t even keep your promises... 
“Right. Castle and village is done. I need a new goal,” he said and eyed the skull painting. It was such a peculiar piece that he wondered if it was a hint that if he made something like that he’d summon something like an iron golem. Something evil.
If so, if I make this and defend the village from this beast, Purple thought, then I’d be a legend to them!
Plus, he’d like a challenging fight for once. Time to visit the nether and grab some skulls.
“Ugh, finally!” Purple said as he successfully pried the third wither skeleton’s skull off and it didn’t disintegrate to ash. “I swear, hunting for skulls is such a pain.”
But he finally got three skulls and the soul sand. He was done with his nether trip. Time to head back and figure out what he’d summon-
Bang! Bang!
The nether caverns echoed with the sound of rhythmic thumping. Purple felt the walls around him tremble as the thumping grew louder and louder. He looked around, clutching the wither skull to his chest, as he tried to find the source of the noise.
“The hell is going on?” Purple gasped.
Suddenly, there was a scream. Purple only had a split second to turn towards that scream before a stick figure dressed in armor landed right on top of him and knocked him to the ground.
“Yeouch!” Purple wheezed. His health went down to half from the impact, and he shoved the stick figure off of him. Before he could get a good look at them, more screams were heard, and additional stick figures landed next to him, narrowly missing his battered body.
Why is it raining stick figures?! Purple looked bewildered between the group of stick figures. The green, blue, and yellow stick figures lay on the ground, their health at half a heart. The blue and yellow sticks were dazed, diamond armor shattered to pieces around them, while the green stick figure only had a cracked diamond helmet left.
The green one was moving, able to rise up because his fall was cushioned by landing right on Purple. He coughed, pushing himself on shaky arms and legs.
“Yellow? Blue? You-” he paused when his gaze met Purple’s. “-alive?”
Purple stared back and, unable to think of a better response, waved.
The stick figure, he presumed named Green given the naming convention, waved back. “Um, hi?”
Bang! Bang!
Purple and Green looked up at the ceiling where the noise came from. In the gloom, Purple could make out the stick figure shaped holes they fell through. A fine layer of dust fell from above.
“I take it you didn’t mine straight down,” Purple mumbled.
“Oh no!” Green forced himself up and ran to shake Blue and Yellow violently. “We don’t have time! Come on, get up!”
“What’s going on?” Purple asked, shouting over the thumping.
“Um, it’s a bit of a long story!” Green yelled back as he lifted Blue to her feet. She was waking, as was Yellow, but neither of them were in any good condition to stand for long.
“Condense it then!” Purple pulled out a potion of healing and threw it on them. The cloud restored their health to full instantly. The three stick figures leapt up, looking at their now healed bodies in shock.
“Woah! How did you do that?” Blue asked.
“Not now,” Purple waved his hands and pointed at the continuous banging above. “What is going on?”
“Ok! We found this game icon on our desktop!” Green explained, pulling out a sword. The tip cracked apart and caused him to pause as he tried to fix it.
“And we were building things with the stuff that came out,” Yellow picked up. They pulled their ax out, only to despair as it crumbled apart too, “taking turns and all that.”
“But when we gave the game icon to Red,” Blue said, staring ruefully at the busted bow in her hands. “She attacked us.”
“Attacked you?” Purple asked.
“Yeah, she wasn’t acting like herself!” Green rushed, “She just went wall eyed and hoarded the icon. We tried to stop her but…”
Bang! Purple heard blocks from above fall to the lava.
“She’s now piloting a giant block stick figure and ended up shoving us down here.” Yellow finished. 
“I don’t think we have much time before she follows us here,” Blue added, clutching her head. “Oh, what are we going to do?”
Yeah, that seems like your problem, Purple thought, heart hammering wildly. He wanted a fight earlier, but given the sounds of what was coming, he opted to flee. He turned about to run before Green snatched his arm.
“Let go of me!”
“Please! You don’t have to fight for us, but we don’t have weapons or armor!” Green said. He clasped his hands together. “Please, can you lend anything?”
“I don’t have any extra swords!” Purple exclaimed. “I barely have enough potions after all the fighting I did!”
Bang! The other stick figures looked nervously at each other, rifling desperately through their belongings and finding little to help, fishing rods, crafting tables, jungle trees…
Yeah, they’re screwed, Purple thought, looking for his way back to the desktop.
 “Look, I'm just going to head to the portal,” Purple said, “and if you guys have any sense, you’ll join me! Hopefully, Red will be too big to enter!”
The others looked at each other with mixed expressions, confusion, nervousness, and disdain.
“We can’t do that,” Green said, “she would be stuck here if we did that!”
“And how do you know she couldn’t smash her way through?” Yellow added.
Purple stared at Yellow and found himself glaring when he realized it made too much sense.
Ah! What do I do then? Purple thought, looking down at his wither skull helplessly. But as he stared at the empty eye sockets, Purple found an answer in them.
“Hold on,” he said, “I think I have an idea to help you with your problem.”
The plan was half baked given that they only had seconds to execute it. Yellow and Green set it up so they were ready to lure Red to the nether fortress while Purple and Blue made the wither skull statue.
Red came down from above and the very sight of the behemoth in obsidian blocks was almost enough for Purple to return to his “let’s flee to my village” idea.
“So, you are sure this thing we're summoning will be enough against her?” Blue asked.
Purple nodded even though he hadn’t a clue if the summoning would even work. “When we see their signal, just put down the last wither skull.”
Blue bit her lip, glancing from the obsidian stick figure chasing down Green, back to Purple.
“Is there a risk it would kill her?”
Purple blinked. “Aren't you trying to fight her?”
“Fight her, yes, not kill her!” Purple could see a glossy sheen form in Blue’s eyes. “I don’t know what will happen if she dies here.”
“She’ll respawn at her last checkpoint,” Purple said, but his stomach clenched. Assuming you have a respawn point set to begin with.
That didn’t give her any relief. Blue wordlessly sniffed and wiped her eyes.
In the distance, Purple saw the fishing rods fly and snag the head of the obsidian tower. “Ok, now!”
Blue placed the last head down. Upon doing so the statue turned into a three headed skeleton that let out a horrific howl. It glowed blue and was blinking rapidly.
Oh no…
“Uh, what do we do now?” Blue asked.
“Run!” Purple yelled, grabbing Blue by the hand and running away from the fortress. He cupped his hands and shouted at Yellow and Green. “Run!”
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They could hardly react to the warning before a thunderous kaboom sounded behind Blue and Purple. The Wither was airborne, screeching and hurling hissing skulls right at them with wild abandon.
This is dumb! This is so dumb! Purple thought as he and the others scattered to dodge the projectiles. Why did I think summoning a giant enemy to fight another giant enemy was a good idea?!
The Wither did not discriminate. It targeted the stick figures as well as the obsidian figure. Its skulls landed right on the head and exploded it to bits. The explosion sent the red stick figure inside flying across the Nether.
Ah, I’m glad I didn’t summon that thing by my village! Purple thought. That thing is tearing through obsidian like tissue paper! 
Blue raced down the walkway and held out her arms to catch Red before she landed. Yellow jumped from a ledge above to snatch the Minecraft icon that was knocked out of Red’s hands. 
Despite receiving a skull missile to the face, Red was alive and kicking. She wasted no time in kicking Blue’s hold off of her and tearing after Yellow. Her expression was flat, yet her movements feral. She twitched and then lunged at Yellow, clasping at their leg. They fell to the ground with a thud and tossed the Minecraft icon further down the path.
“Oh, come on!” Purple lunged down and snatched the icon. Turning around, he saw the Wither gaining, and, in panic, he held the Minecraft icon. He visualized something stronger than obsidian, and, out from the icon, he blocked the attack with a wall of bedrock. 
He protected the group of wrestling stick figures from the impact, yet his action only earned Red’s attention. Locking her fixed expression on him, she let go of Yellow and charged at Purple.
“Ah! Green, catch!” Purple tossed it just as Red pounced on his back. “Get to the portal!”
Green caught it, and started running, using his fishing rod to move across the Nether’s gaps with ease. Red, no longer interested in Purple, raced after Green. She nearly closed the gap between them with her inhumane speed, only for her to be hit down by a skull volley from the Wither above.
“Red!” Yellow and Blue exclaimed, racing to her pick her up. Even injured critically, she continued to wrestle against them, eyes locked solely on Green and the Minecraft icon.
How is she not even down? Purple thought,  smacking the Wither’s volleys back as Blue and Yellow dithered.
“Come on! Leave her and get out of here!” Purple yelled.
“No buts!” Purple turned and shoved the three over, pinning Red down to the ground. “To the portal now!”
It took a stern look and the Wither’s fast approach to cause the two to run off. Not like Purple could hold Red down long enough, as she shucked Purple off and raced after them. 
I can’t let her attack my village! He thought as he ran in pursuit. He lunged his sword at her, narrowly missing her back.
“Stop! Don't kill her!” Green shouted.
Of course that idiot waited by the portal! Stunned by his stupidity, Purple wasn’t ready for Red’s quick roundhouse kick to the hand. His enchanted sword clattered far away from him, and Red ran towards the stick figures just waiting by the portal.
“No! Stop!” Purple abandoned his sword, equally as stupid as Green. “Get in the portal! Hurry!”
So many things occurred at once- Red collided into her friends, knocking them into the portal frame; Purple bowled into her back, which shoved the group through it; and as they entered, the Wither hit the portal, closing it completely behind them.
The group fell sprawling on the desktop, gasping and grunting. Purple clutched his head, wincing at the sharp pain of hitting the ground. Before him, Green, Blue, and Yellow were slowly getting up. Green held the icon. It was shuddering in his hands, glowing a bright white before suddenly fading, as if the portal did something to it.
Red lay limp on the ground. Then suddenly she jerked and writhed. A translucent outline of a Steve player avatar leapt out of her repeatedly before finally falling to the ground. As it let out a dying breath, Purple caught sight of its dead, white eyes before it poofed away. 
Red was limp once more.The other three looked at her, expecting her to get up, but she remained still on the ground. They dropped the items they carried and crowded around her. Blue lifted her head up.
“Red? Red!” Blue jostled the stick figure.
“Come on, speak to us!” Green begged. Purple felt something form in his throat at the familiarity of his desperation.
“What’s happening to her health?” Yellow gasped as they held her hand. 
Indeed, all the hearts of Red’s health turned black and were ticking down. An effect called “withering” was applied on her.
It’s going to kill her! Purple realized and whistled loudly. The sound spooked the three grieving stick figures, but not as much as the sudden crowd of villagers appearing out of nearby houses did.
“Lord Purple? You’re back?”
“I need a bucket of milk, stat!” Purple hollered and clapped. “Don’t waste time! A stick’s dying here!”
And no time was wasted. The villagers were quick to mobilize and toss a milk bucket to Purple. He snatched it and quickly tossed it to Blue.
“Feed it to her!” Purple quickly exclaimed, “It’ll cure her ailment.”
Confusion gone, Blue brought the bucket to Red’s lips. Indeed, the milk stopped Red’s decaying heart meter just in the nick of time. With only half a heart left, the withering effect faded, and Red let out a shuddering cough.
“G-guys?” She croaked out.
“Red? Is it really you?” Yellow asked.
“Um, yeah,” Red looked around, dazed and then pained, “I’m so sorry for what I did…”
“Shh, no, no,” Blue hushed before pulling her into a hug. Green and Yellow also wrapped their arms around the two.
“I thought we’d lose you…” Green said, muffled.
Purple watched from the sidelines as the four hugged each other. He watched until his heart couldn’t bear the sight of it.
How lucky they are.
“You’ll have to share how you saved these folks,” a villager said as they stood next to him. 
“Yeah…” Purple couldn’t meet their eyes, “maybe later.”
He did a good deed, a brave one even! And yet he still felt horrid.
If only milk could cure a heartache too.
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sunshine-zenith · 7 months ago
I remember someone pointing out that even by anti-fairy standards, Irep's cube shape was unusual, and that it might have something to do with Anti-Wanda craving/eating rectangular objects all throughout her pregnancy lmao. And even if he can change his head shape- I'm assuming that changing his name to Irep specifically to match Peri was also a choice and he's just really committed to the bit.
But I do hope he comes back, if for no other reason than I'm fairly certain they were on good terms by the end of the original series; or at least, Peri didn't hate Irep, and was actively trying to befriend him. Did they pull a Hazel and Dev and that friendship only lasted until Irep got jealous of Peri again and then the cycle just. Continued infinitely. Why is Peri gloating and laughing in Irep's face these days.
Like I don't think Irep has really changed through the years, but Peri definitely has and it's clearly impacted their relationship.
I just wanna applaud those last few paragraphs because you helped out to words another thing I was thinking about — Peri grew up, and he looks it. Irep hasn’t, if anything he’s gotten less mature. Him still looking like his infant self could be a reflection of that, either by the writers out of universe or as a subconscious manifestation in universe (or, yeah, it could be all those couch cushions lol)
He did specifically call Peri’s name change irritating, so I’m imagining there’s some bitterness on his part at least
I do desperately hope that if we get a season 2, we get something to fill the gap between Irep and Peri’s infancy and adulthood — a flashback, some sort if magic hijinx, even an off hand comment. Outside of their parents, they are each other’s most long lasting relationships, and there was some serious growth by the end of the original series for both of them
When Cosmo and Wanda said to Dev that Peri was waiting for him to call and that he thought they were just “on a break,” it made me wonder if something similar happened between him and Irep — like at some point, they had their own falling out (possibly closer to what Dev and Hazel went through throughout the series’s than Peri and Dev), and Peri just Waited. He waited for Irep to cool down, to call. He put in so much work to befriend Irep, got to know and treasure him, and he was possibly in denial for the longest time about losing his friend (which, again, would just be another loss for him — he lost his brother, he ended up low/no contact with his parents for a while, and now he’s lost his first ever godkid. Having lost Irep would be another thing for him to deal with along the way)
That might even be why he acted so smug about Jorgen putting Irep in his place — it could’ve been a little bit of that years old hurt leaking out, combined with the fresh hurt of his godkid basically rejecting him. Maybe not the most mature way to handle things, but hey, Peri was going through it that episode
I would love to see them possibly reconcile, as a way to officially close the arc from the original series (but that would require them to handle the whole Letting Peri Almost Die From Magic Build Up thing. I give Dev a lot of leeway with that since he legit had no idea, but Irep had to know he was basically committing manslaughter, even if he didn’t think through the fact that if Peri dies, he probably also dies. Dude needs to at the very least give Peri an I’m Sorry for that one first)
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valleymyristica · 4 months ago
what is each character's greatest fear? (dev, dale, hazel, peri, cosmo and wanda)
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Oh, that's quite an interesting question
You really are spoiling me with all theses lovely questions of yours, thank you! Always such a joy! Hihi
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Hehehe, subject to change, I'm sure As for now, I'd say Failure Just failure. He has to live up to his dad's expectations He has to make himself worthy of that love He knows dad loves him, it has to be true, so all he has to do is give dad a reason to show it. He knows love is unconditional, that's what the TV said, his favorite manga said the same too. He knows that. Which means that it's displays of love that are conditional. So, he just needs to give a reason for it to be displayed, that's all. It's simple, understandable. He's a good son. He's not a failure. Hehe hey, I got good news It won't stay like that He won't have to fear being a failure for long That's nice, right?
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[ THE DUNGEON ] Remembering Losing profits! Nothing else! Just, can't be going around losing money Can't have that CAN'T! It's fine He's good at business He won't ever allow himself to loose profits It's fine He's fine He got money He is safe
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The normal things a happy kid may fear, like death, it's always so scary when in happened in the shows she watches. Then there was this really sad scene in PML that made her cry. She doesn't want to lose anyone like that. Especially not her family, especially not her brother. She really does miss him, and in a way, she fears that he won't ever come back again. What if everything is so cool in collage that he doesn't want to come back? What if he's changed and doesn't want to spend time with her? What if she's not enough? She wants to be that good and mature kid they all see her as, she wants to help. But, what if she can't help when she wants to? What if she losses a friend? She doesn't want that, so that too is a fear. But, you know, such a thing would never happen here, heh, right?
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HAHAHHAHAHAH HAHHAHAHHHAHHA Oh, you'll see It will come And it will break him It'll be a nice and serine time Don't worry about it But for now, he just wants to be the best he can be Prove that he's a good fairy godparent Prove that his decision was right Prove that he has grown Prove that he can do things on his own He just wants to prove himself to them What does that tell you about his fear? Oh, he cares too much about what others may think Good thing that will change
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His greatest fear is simply loosing his wife And loosing his sweet boy He has all these lovely people he cares about His biggest fear is loosing them He- He doesn't like being alone
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Not being wanted Not being of use Being hated Discarded And of course, seeing her family in pain or distress She like Cosmo, cares for her family so dearly
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░░░░░, Being unable to help Having others force their help on ░░░
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holodraws · 7 months ago
Heyyy everyone, I've been scrolling through fairly oddparents posts and got so inspired I thought up ideas enough for 4 aus lol
Hopefully I'll draw smth for them soon
Those are all WIPs!
1) Whimsy au. Redesign of fairies and other magical creatures to make them look more, well... Whimsical! They would have different clothes, wings and maybe tails. Along with Cosmo having feathery bird-like tail, Wanda's being more fluffy and Peri's a mix of both.
They also have wands made of different wood all having specific properties.
Inspired by, well, what I know about fairies from other media and @cubbihue 's itty bitties au
2) College Peri au
He transforms into human at a very young for a fairy age and is kinda shitty about it. He has many give-aways, such as - longer ears, sparkly hair, sometimes he forgets himself and starts floating.
Why does he do it? Well, from a very young age, Peri has been involved in human culture, growing up along his older brother Timmy and he absorbed a lot.
He deserves some friends hus own age so I want him mingling with colledge young adults, like Anthony and his girl friend.
Peri is mischievous in this one, tot using his magic sneakily to win in uno for exampl. He will maybe get caught by Anthony? Anyway Anthony will know about magic but wouldn't know that Hazel knows too.
Anthony and Hazel pretending around each other that they don't know about fairies etc
Peri partying with humans he and getting drunk way too easily and accidentally doing magic stuff lolol
3) Uncontrollable magic/ kinda "evil" Peri au?
Been seeing some evil peri posts and I love them. Also remember posts about his magic being suppressed, love that two. So here's my take at combining those concepts kind of.
Born to the Cosma line, an ancient and powerful one, Peri surpassed dven his parents. It happens sometimes with magical beings when a kid is even stronger then their parents.
Being that powerful means his magic was suppressed pretty much as soon as they knew just how devastating it could be. So, since early ears he doesn't remember.
No one really taught him how to use it and maybe he's even oblivious himself.
But it wouldn't be for long ohoho.
Kinda blue exorcist inspired.
When his magic gets out it's uncontrollable, raw, threatening and he can hardly control it or who he becomes when it does happen
4) Dad Peri au. Peri accidentally becoms human when Dev wishes for him to be his father.
Dev with purple hair? Maybe
Peri losing his memories of magic? Gang trying to bring them back?
So that's what I thought up today
Sorry if it's too similar to someone else's idea, oh well, I sure hope it's not. Ohoho aus are so coool I like reading them and thinking about them
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