#girls said love is red and they were right
The Sweet Defender
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Word count: 1.5k
Pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
Summary: A quiet and shy Y/n, Max Verstappen's sweet-natured girlfriend, surprises everyone by fiercely defending him against his father's harsh criticism, revealing her hidden strength and deep love for Max.
You were sweet in a way that made people soften around you. There was a kindness in the way you carried yourself, from the way you greeted everyone in the garage with a small, warm smile to how you always remembered little details about their lives. You made people feel seen, even if you rarely said much.
The mechanics would tease Max about how lucky he was to have such a sweet girlfriend. “Max, how did someone like you end up with her?” they’d joke. And Max would grin, ruffling your hair playfully before pulling you into a side hug. He always said you were his calm amidst the storm, the one person who could make him feel grounded, no matter what was happening around him.
You blushed easily—whether from Max’s teasing, a compliment from someone in the paddock, or even just catching him looking at you from across the garage. You didn’t like drawing attention to yourself, preferring to be the quiet presence in Max’s life, always supporting him from the shadows.
In the world of Formula 1, where everything was fast-paced, high-stakes, and often brutally competitive, you were a breath of fresh air. You didn’t come to the races to be seen or to be part of the glamorous world of motorsport. You were there because Max was there, and you cared deeply about him.
Your shyness was something everyone respected, never pushing you to speak up or step out of your comfort zone. It wasn’t that you didn’t have opinions or thoughts—you just preferred to keep them to yourself unless you felt it was necessary to say something. You always felt more comfortable observing, being the one who listened rather than the one who spoke.
But despite your quiet nature, everyone knew there was something strong about you. It was in the way you cared for people, the way you never hesitated to step in if someone needed help, and the way you looked at Max with such unconditional love. You had a soft heart, and that made you special.
Max would often call you his "sweet soul," a term of endearment he used whenever he saw you doing something that reminded him of your kind nature—whether it was making sure the team had enough water during a hot race weekend or asking how someone’s family was doing after a long absence. He admired your gentle spirit, always saying that you made his world feel less chaotic.
Everyone in the paddock adored you, seeing you as this quiet, sweet girl who somehow balanced Max's fiery personality with her calm and soothing presence. You had this unassuming beauty that radiated from the inside out, your kindness making people feel at ease around you. You were cute in the way you nervously tucked your hair behind your ear when someone addressed you directly, or how your cheeks flushed when Max wrapped an arm around you during post-race interviews, never comfortable being in the spotlight.
But today, something had changed.
The paddock was loud and chaotic, as it always was on race weekends, but today the tension was unbearable. Max was storming through the Red Bull garage, his face flushed with anger, frustration pouring out of him with every word.
“They didn’t set the car up right. It’s not even close to drivable!” Max’s voice cut through the air, sharp with disappointment. “How am I supposed to compete like this?”
You stood a little distance away, your hands clasped nervously in front of you, watching him pace back and forth. You hated seeing him like this—his frustration rolling off him in waves, but you knew better than to interrupt him when he was this wound up. Besides, you were never the type to speak up in these situations, even if your heart ached for him.
Then, Jos arrived.
As soon as Jos stepped into the garage, you could feel the atmosphere shift. Max’s body tensed, and you knew this wouldn’t end well. Jos walked straight up to him, not bothering with pleasantries, his voice already raised.
“You’re not good enough today, Max,” Jos said coldly. “You call that driving? You let everyone down out there. Again.”
Your heart clenched at Jos’s words. Max, already on edge from the race, stood frozen, his eyes cast down, taking the verbal onslaught in silence. He didn’t argue back, didn’t defend himself—just stood there, his father’s criticisms raining down on him.
“You used to be better than this,” Jos continued, his voice hard. “Maybe you’re getting too comfortable. Maybe you don’t have what it takes anymore. You think people care about your excuses? No, they care about results.”
It was too much.
Your hands started shaking, the pressure building inside you as you watched Max’s face. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this by his own father, the man who was supposed to support him, not tear him down. And as you stood there, something snapped inside you.
“No!” you shouted, your voice loud enough to startle even yourself. You felt the eyes of the entire garage turn to you, stunned by the sudden outburst from someone who was always so quiet. But you didn’t care anymore.
“Stop it!” you yelled at Jos, your voice trembling but firm. “You don’t get to talk to him like that! You’re not a good father. You never were.”
Jos turned toward you, his expression one of shock and disbelief. No one ever spoke to Jos Verstappen like that. Especially not you.
“You push him and push him, but have you ever once thought about how much you’re hurting him?!” you continued, the words pouring out before you could stop yourself. “Do you even care about him, or is it just about the wins to you? About your ego? Max is incredible—he’s kind and patient, and he doesn’t deserve to be yelled at because things didn’t go perfectly today!”
The entire garage fell silent. Even the mechanics stopped what they were doing, their eyes darting between you, Max, and Jos.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, but you couldn’t stop now. “You’ve spent years breaking him down, telling him he’s not good enough, and I don’t know how, but despite everything, Max is still a good person. A better person than you ever were to him.”
Jos’s face twisted with anger, but before he could say anything, Max stepped forward, placing himself between you and his father. His hand reached for yours, squeezing it gently, grounding you.
“She’s right,” Max said quietly, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. “You’ve pushed me my entire life, and I’ve never said anything, but… it’s enough now, Dad. I’m not a kid anymore. I’m not going to let you tear me down like this.”
You could see the emotion in Max’s eyes, the weight of everything he had been holding in for so long finally bubbling to the surface. He wasn’t yelling, wasn’t angry—he was calm, but there was an undeniable finality in his voice.
Jos looked taken aback for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He opened his mouth as if to argue but then closed it again, seemingly realizing there was nothing he could say.
For the first time since you’d known him, Jos Verstappen was speechless.
Max turned toward you, his eyes softening as he met your gaze. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the buzz of the paddock.
You nodded, your chest tight with emotion. You could feel the weight of everyone’s stares on you, but at that moment, all that mattered was Max. The anger that had driven you to speak had faded, replaced by a deep sadness for all that Max had endured. You reached up to touch his cheek gently, your thumb brushing over his skin.
“I couldn’t just stand by and watch him hurt you like that,” you whispered back, your voice trembling with the remnants of your outburst. “You don’t deserve any of it.”
Max pulled you into a soft embrace, and you could feel the tension in his body slowly easing away. For a moment, everything else faded—the race, the disappointment, the frustration. It was just the two of you, holding each other in the middle of the chaos.
“I’ve got you,” you murmured, your cheek resting against his chest. “Always.”
Max’s hand tightened on your back, his breathing finally evening out as he held you close. And despite everything, despite the chaos and the tension, in that moment, you knew that nothing else mattered as long as you were together.
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nathaslosthershit · 16 hours
Oh Brother(s)! (LS2) (Leclerc!Reader)
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Logan Sargeant x Leclerc!Reader (Part 2 to Red, White, and Williams' Blue but can be read as a standalone) Summary: All Logan Sargeant wanted was a nice and productive conversation with the love of his life’s three annoyingly protective older brothers, was that too much to ask for? Request: Hi Natalia! Finished reading: Red, White, and Williams' Blue (LS2) (Note to self: my official comfort fic🥹), is it okay if I could request a part 2 to it? (If you do part 2’s)? Nothing specific just maybe seeing how they’re relationship is going? (You can add whatever you want to it, but that’s my idea as of now) Thank you!!! A/N: Its my fic and I get to do whatever I want with it so I say Logan Sargeant is happy and employed. I miss him so bad. This was also such a sweet request because I too really like that fic. 
“What are we going to do with him?” Charles asked his brothers, keeping his eyes on their victim sister’s boyfriend. The three Leclerc brothers were standing menacingly with their arms crossed in the living room.
Logan sat in a chair placed right in front of them. They said he wasn’t allowed to stand, and they weren’t going to sit. They didn’t want Logan thinking there was equal power between him and the brothers.
What family was he trying to marry into?
Right, that's why he was here, he came to ask Enzo, Arthur, and Charles for their sister’s hand in marriage. It felt so medieval but they were fiercely protective of her and he didn’t want to give them reason to object at the wedding. 
“Can we at least turn the lights on?” Logan begged.
“If the lights are on you won’t be scared.” Arthur replied.
“No, I think as long as it's the three of you I am talking to, I'll be frightened.” Logan didn’t actually think this, he had plenty of normal, stress free, calm conversations with them but he knew they would get an ego boost at hearing ‘how scared he was’. 
“So, you want to marry our baby sister?” Enzo asked. 
They keep asking that question as if they don’t know thats exactly why he is there.
“Considering I started this conversation off with ‘I want to ask your sister to marry me’ I think that is a safe assumption to make.”
“And you haven’t asked our maman? Why would we say yes when you don’t have the decency to go to the matriarch?” Questioned Arthur.
Logan had to come up with a good excuse for that.
“I had… I wanted to ask you all first, you are her brothers and she respects and cares what you all think. Plus I knew I’d have an easier time asking Pascale than you three.”
“Drop the attitude and maybe we will say yes.” Charles commented.
This was ridiculous, he had been there 45 minutes and still had not gotten an answer. 
“How can we trust someone who doesn’t understand why we are protective of our sister?” Enzo spoke up.
“Of course I understand but this is-”
“A perfectly reasonable response to the question you asked us.” Arthur stuck up his nose as he said this, pissing off Logan even more. All he wanted to do was marry this girl.
“But if you guys keep speaking over me than-”
“Now you are trying to silence us? We are only looking out for our baby sister and you are getting mad?” He could tell that the brothers were mostly teasing him, but he had officially run out of patience. 
“Okay! Thats enough. All three of you sit down on the couch so I can say my speech.” Logan commanded, getting up from his chair as he pointed to where he wanted the brothers to go.
Surprised, and a little intrigued at the outburst, the three sat down with nothing more than a few angry huffs.
“You all have known me as the man who is dating your sister for three years. In all of that time, was I ever rude or disrespectful to any of you?” 
The three monegasques shook their heads.
“Was I ever rude to your sister? Did I ever treat her with anything but the utmost love and care?” 
The brothers shook their heads again.
“So, I have always been nothing but kind and respectful. I have never given any of you a reason to not like nor trust me. I have been faithful and nothing but loving towards your sister. I have a career and a well paying job so you all have no reason to think she wouldn’t be taken care of. What can I do to just have you give me a simple answer?” Logan finally took a breath. He had a better speech prepared, one that had less yelling, but he didn’t have the patience anymore.
The three Leclercs stayed silent. Logan began to sweat. Maybe the yelling wasn’t the most helpful method of asking them for their permission.
He then let out a breath as the three in front of him began to smile.
It was a ‘we are totally fucking with you and are amused by your outburst’ smile.
Fucking hell, he knew it and still let them get in his head.
“Sorry Logan, we couldn’t resist. Had to see where your patience ran out for future reference now that you are a part of the family” Charles laughed while standing up to pat Logan on the back. 
It took a second to register what he said.
“So- so you all agree?” Logan asked, not sure if they were still fucking with him.
“Yes, mate, we knew you were here to ask our permission to marry her the moment you asked to meet up with us.” Enzo replied.
Behind the American, he heard feet approaching and based on the fact he saw all the color drain from the brothers’ face, he knew who it was.
All of the brothers felt their stomach drop as their sister walked into the room. She had heard everything! They had ruined their baby sister’s proposal.
The three boys began to freak out, their made up excuses overlapping with each other making it hard to hear a single word. 
Logan ran up to go hug her, spinning her around in excitement. This made everyone else go still. Why was he not upset? They had just ruined his big moment by being overprotective idiots.
At the confusion clearly displayed on their faces, their sister spoke up, “Logan may have already asked me a month ago, we just couldn’t see you in person until now so we waited to say anything.”
“I also just needed a little confirmation that you three wouldn’t kill me for proposing before I got permission from you guys. Although, to be fair, I did ask Pascale before I did anything.” Logan said
“So it was all a lie? You didn’t want to ask us first because we are the most important people?” Arthur asked.
“Are you guys serious? He has no reason to ask you three idiots first. Or at all! You are overprotective babies.” Their sister answered. 
As the Leclerc boys all spoke over each other for the second time, arguing with their sister's comment, Logan kissed his fiancé, the two blissfully unaware of what the brothers were screaming about.
And far too in love to care.
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ariescancer2 · 2 days
Ride it like you own it| B.C
Synopsis: Chan always needed someone who could ride him.
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Riding Chan was something new since you and he recently started but when he saw you for the first time he swore to god. This man fell in love with you at that time he was hard as fuck.
At the after party of the Met Gala, you and him crossed paths. You, a rising American singer, had captured the music world's attention with your debut album "Dopamine," which soared to the number 1 spot on the Billboard charts.
As the night unfolded, he couldn't help but admire your captivating presence. Adorned in a stunning Versace dress from a timeless vintage collection, you exuded an irresistible charm that left a lasting impression. It was a moment frozen in time, where two worlds collided in the most enchanting way.
Rest was history after swapping numbers you were laying all bare in his bed your eyes looking at his ardor eyes that were filled up. With the urge to take you right here.
“Sit on it come on angel,” he said as he took your hands in his fingers touching the inches of skin and sending a quiver down to his crest. You let out a delicate whimper as you put your hands on his chest.
He was laying down as he helped you to sit on his cock.
Your cunt drenched up to his hardened thick cock. The cock sagged into your tiny hole. It took a bit of stretching since he was big he had to finger you and eat you out a lot of time before making you ride him.
“come on princess I know you can take me”
Damn, he was the right cause once he was finally inside you. It was like you could see the stars. Usually, Chan was the one who was the dominant one in the relationship.
Chan was on the pillow.
”oh channie look at you being my pillow prince” you smirked he groaned and his eyes rolled up as you lifted your hips on and off. As a beam of electricity surged through his body, he felt a jolt of energy electrifying every nerve and fiber within him.
Your pussy holding his cock like a lifeline his nails dug up to your skin leaving some imprints on your thighs. His cock curled up inside as you hopped.
The wails and the skin-slapping chimes scatter around the diminutive space. Thankfully, his roommates were out for the night, leaving the apartment quiet and empty. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting gentle light on your skin.
You looked so ethereal right now.
Your messy hair and sticky skin as you were sitting on him like a goddess.
“Oh god baby you look so beautiful “
He cried as he was close he could feel his precum leaking inside you.
He didn't want to finish right.
He yearned for this blissful moment to last more.
He panted as you rumbled your hips, his cock hitting your walls. “That's right baby” he cried cupping your breasts, fondling them a little.
You rolled your hips more as he almost leaked himself inside you.
“Come on change inside me right now” you moaned and licked his nipple as you bent down a little you gently kissed his soft, warm lips, savouring the tender moment as your breaths intertwined in a sweet, lingering embrace.
“Shit baby I am close” A small tremble escaped his body as he felt his face getting red he leaked himself inside you. You felt your insides getting wet because of his white cum jerking inside you.
He laid his head on your shoulder “fuck… only you can make me feel things like this” he peck your shoulder a little leaving the trails of wet kisses.
“I love you Chan” you huffed and beamed at him.
He halted bussing you and chortled a little “I love you more baby girl”
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cvnntagious · 2 days
☆ Cowboy!Matt Sturniolo…
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You followed your dad to the door with his lunch in your hands, Roosters singing from outside the little rundown farmhouse you lived in. It was barely light out, the dirt road at the end of the driveway quiet and unoccupied. There were few out and about at this time, only part of the South likely just stirring awake, but your father was a busy man. He had a few errands to run before he could get to work in the fields.
“You go ahead an’ make sure you see Pastor Rick today,” The farmer’s deep, gruff voice boomed through the small house, “He been expectin’ y’up the hill all week.”
You smiled, watching your dad throw his big black coat on. “I know, daddy. I will,” You replied, sounding more giddy than intended as you handed him his lunch.He only nodded his head, a grunt in response. His large boots banged against the wooden floor as he turned around, lunchbox in one hand. “I’ll be a while,” He then stated, opening the janky door with the other hand, “Don’t go doin’ anything I wouldn’t approve of.”
“I never do.”
“I know you don’t, Smart girl.” With that, he reached that same hand back to pat the top of your head — a simple, yet affectionate action.
The door closed in your face, and you, dressed in blue jean shorts and a modest white t-shirt, scurried back over to the kitchen. You opened the door to your fridge, grabbing out the extra lunchbox you’d tucked away the night before. It wasn’t long before you could no longer hear the sound of your father’s loud truck, making its way down the road and into town, conjuring up a dust trail along the way. For extra measure, you peeked at the driveway through the small window in the kitchen.
With the truck long gone and a smile on your face, you turned and bolted out of the back door with the neatly-made meal in your tight grip. Your braids flew in the wind, and despite having to run across the whole field, you’d quickly made it through the large doors of the old, red barn loudly. The animals stirred in their pens, catching the right person’s attention.
That’s when a familiar face popped up from behind a large horse in its stables. “Y’know your daddy don’t allow you in here, little miss,” He said, dropping the sponge he held in a bucket of buttermilk below him to watch the pretty girl in front of him take a few steps towards him.
You stopped in front of him, giggling as you shook your head. “Like you care,” You teased, handing the farmboy his lunch with a toothy grin. The pretty southern twang of your soft voice had him smiling eagerly with you, unable to help himself. Then, you took the large cowboy hat off of his curly brown hair, placing it atop your own head before you placed a tender kiss on his cheek from your tip-toes.
“--Missed you,” Matt mumbled in response.
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w/c : 501 ! a/n : this's really short and has no smut, but it's just an introduction, so i'll be writing more later on. send in promts if you're liking this au so far to get more ab cowboy matt! I also wanted to give a quick warning that this au will have religious themes, but it's not meant to offend anyone, and will have no religious corruption fetishizing.
-love, your grandma cvnty ☆!
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robo-writing · 16 hours
I saw your requests were open, so I have to ask for… pain 😔
Can I request a Logan x afab!reader HCs or full fic about how reader is getting older and he kinda isn’t yk? Like going from when they first met, to readers deathbed, and how he has to live without them for the rest of his life 🫶🫶
Also take care of yourself DRINK WATER 🥰
Oh yeah, it’s angst time.
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It's sooner than later that you'll be alone Synopsis: You live a long life, but not as long as Logan's. Warnings: 3.2k words of gut-wrenching angst, mentions of blood, grieving someone after they're gone Author's note: Hope you're happy anon, I cried five times writing this <3
He had first met you in your twenties—twenty-three, to be exact.
Young, bright eyed, naive. You were kind, where he was not. You were hopeful, where he was jaded and angry at the world. He loved your innocence, how you always saw the best in others—suppose that’s what made you such a good counselor to the children. You listened—really, truly listened—made anyone that walked through your office doors feel welcomed.
Maybe that’s why he found his way to you. When the nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep and the voices wouldn’t let him think, he shuffled to your bedroom door without a goal in sight, bare feet padding against the polished floors. His knuckles meet your door, seconds passing by before he asks himself why the hell he’s even here in the first place.
Before he could walk away he heard your feet shuffling, followed by the click of your doorknob.
He felt guilty for waking you up, eyes red and face puffy, but you didn’t even question why he was at your door, just rubbed your eyes and opened the door wider for him to walk in.
It was silent at first. You offered him some water, passed him a blanket, and just sat there. You never pressured him to speak, and he didn’t feel compelled to. Maybe five minutes later he said something and you just nodded in his direction, encouraging him to continue.
For the first time in a long time, he talked. And you listened.
It became a ritual between the two of you, staying up late at night just to chat. It wasn’t always about his past, sometimes he just needed to let it all out, and you were the perfect outlet. He felt like you didn’t judge him, and that’s all he ever needed.
Eventually he wanted to hear you too—he preferred it that way. Talking about lesson plans and movies, little things that seem mundane but made him feel less like a patient and more like a friend. You were a welcome distraction, and an added bonus was that you were really cute when you were talking.
He was the one who made the first move. He remembers every detail, from your pajama shorts to the over-worn tank top sliding off your shoulder, your eyes bright as you went on about a new baking recipe you wanted to try. Sat on your bed, looking so relaxed he couldn’t help but stare and marvel at your beauty.
“Logan?” You ask, waving your hand in his face. “Hello? Earth to Wolverine?”
The moment you called out his name he was already making his way to your bed. The mattress sinks beneath his weight, and you let out a soft noise of surprise before he plants his lips against yours.
Yours are soft compared to him—everything about you screams softness, innocence and purity, and he’s not sure if a man like him even has the right to be next to you, much less kiss you. He’s certain his soul is filthy, tainted—a layer of black that’s sure to muck up your own if he keeps this up. He knows this deep in his heart, but greedy man that he is, he keeps his lips locked to yours.
Once, and then never again. He can’t be with a girl like you, and he knows it.
You hold him by the neck and pull him back when he tries to leave your embrace. Maybe it’s pity, he thinks, the way your hands tug him by the shirt and cling onto the fabric. Maybe you’re only entertaining him, stringing him along just to laugh in his face, mock him into ever thinking he had a chance. If you are, he doesn't care, because at least now he’s got a taste of what he could never have.
The two of you finally separate, a silk-thread of spit connecting the both of you, looking at each other with a mixture of shock and confusion. What happens after this? How does he return to what you had before—how can he, when he now knows your chapstick tastes like cherries?
He makes a move to leave, but against all odds your hand is still clinging onto his shirt. In that moment he knew he was the luckiest man alive because you begged him to stay in that cute voice of yours, begged him not to leave when his hands made their way up the front of your shirt—begged him for more when his lips wandered lower.
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By your thirties you already had a shiny ring on your finger, one that he can say he proudly put on your finger. A gold band adorned by diamonds, it shines in the orange light of the sun, staring at you from its red-velvet housing. 
It’s the first time the X-Men see him cry, tears running down his face when you run into his arms screaming yes, yes, over and over as he holds you in his arms, sunset illuminating your features. He always thinks of you as beauty personified, but watching you admire the diamond-studded band with awe—the one thing that signifies you as his—he can’t help but look at you like icarus does to the sun.
The wedding was small—neither of you minded. Hank was the ringbearer, and Charles walked you down the aisle, and when your vows were said and done the priest could barely finish the ceremony before Logan lunged forward and kissed you, dipping you at the altar accompanied with a cheer from the people you consider your family.
Scott has the video saved on his phone. He pretends it pisses him off, but he had Jean send him a copy later. Sometimes he watches it when he thinks you’re asleep, but little does he know you are very much awake.
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In your fourties’ you have a house together, somewhere upstate where no one can bother you. A cozy wooden home where it’s just you and him, relaxing by the fireplace and watching tv every day. When he’s not helping the X-Men he works at a local lumber yard, the highlight of his day being when he comes to work, grabbing his equipment from the truck. 
His co-workers jeer at him every time, call him whipped like butter, but they wouldn’t understand what he feels. He certainly doesn’t seem to care, especially when it’s your kiss pressed to his cheek.
He can safely say his life is perfect. It’s domestic, it’s everything Logan ever dreamed of, everything he thought he could never have—and it’s all thanks to you. He wakes up every morning grateful to you for giving him the greatest gift he could ever receive: serenity. 
Between the fairytale ending and his rose-colored glasses, he doesn’t notice it, not until you’re in your fifties and he’s—he’s not.
You’re aging, and he’s staying the same.
You still love each other and he’d never, ever, think about leaving you, but the realization sticks with him. He thinks about it late at night while you sleep next to him, pressed against his side. Your scent, your touch, he memorizes it all because he doesn’t know when he won’t be able to feel it again.
In your heart you know it too, but you don’t say anything—you don’t want to scare him away. He’s only just begun to get used to normalcy, and you don’t want to take that away from him. You don’t want to watch him fall into the honeyed trap of isolation again, return to that shell of a man you only just helped him shed.
So when you’re watching tv together, he makes sure to cradle you to his chest extra tight. When you’re sitting by the fireplace, heat radiating off your skin, he makes sure to memorize the way the fire illuminates your face. When you’re whispering his name after a night of love-making he etches the sound deep into his synapses, memorizing each syllable.
No matter what, he’ll remember you.
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By your sixties you’re faced with an awful truth, one neither of you want to admit but your smile lines and crows feet stand contrast to his barely aging face. You get stares when you mention he’s your husband, some curious, some judging. You were called a cougar once by a shopper, finger pointed accusatory while Logan told her in no uncertain terms to go fuck herself.
He was there to reassure you then, but he can’t be there all the time. You don’t tell him that this wasn’t the first time you were accused of being a predator, and you don’t plan on doing so. 
Maybe this counts as acceptance, faced with the truth in the worst kind of way, but at least the both of you can say it out loud now—
You’re going to die, and he’s going to outlive you. It’s just a fact, but it still makes the both of you terrified.
Your seventies are rocky—you want to enjoy the time you have left, but Logan wants to make sure you’re safe. In his eyes you know he has only love for you, but you can see the fear in them too, how he coddles you every day. Your bones are starting to ache, you’re getting slower. Where you used to go on hikes with him you now choose to stay home, your stamina not like what it used to be. He thinks you don’t notice how he watches you carefully around the house, how he’s so eager to help you. You’re flattered, but also annoyed—it’s a short-lived train of thought when you look at him.
He still looks at you like he did when you first kissed. 
He still loves you, and you still love him. For now, that’s all you need.
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He finds you on the floor in your eighties—eighty-three, to be exact.
The moment he sees your resting form behind the counter he sprints into the kitchen. There’s broken glass, a trail of blood running from your temple, and you’re completely out of it, eyes closed shut. He calls your name, shakes you, but nothing. He knows you’re still alive, he can hear your heart beating but he can feel how weak it is under his clammy hands, the soft thump nowhere near as strong as it should be.
He doesn’t know what to do—he’s long since been familiar with blood but this time it’s you, and he’s panicking. He doesn’t know what to do.
The ambulance arrives, longer than usual because you live far away from the city. Maybe if they’d gotten there faster they would have been able to do an infusion. Maybe if the phone wasn’t so far you’d be able to call 9-1-1 before you passed out. Maybe if he was at home he would’ve been able to see the early signs—
“Sir? Are you alright?”
He looks at the clock on the bedside wall: 7:38 pm. 
It’s well into the night, five hours have passed since you were admitted, and an hour since you died.
He’s been staring at your body for who knows how long. The doctor pronounced you dead, said you had a heart attack and hit your head on the way down. An accident.
A fucking accident.
“Sir, was she related to you?” The young nurse asks, contemplating whether or not she should even speak. Wordlessly, he nods.
“I understand you’re grieving,” she continues, standing at his side. Her words are full of empathy, none of which he needs but lets her speak anyway. “I saw on your hospital logs you share the same name, I can’t imagine how it must feel to lose a loved one.”
He nods again.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how old was she?”
“…eighty-three.” He answers. “Her birthday was in a month.”
She shakes her head. “That’s a shame.”
“It sure is,” He says, reaching out to touch her hand. It’s cold to the touch, a cruel reminder. “It sure is.”
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You would’ve been eighty-four now.
He still lives in the same house but it’s not the same without you. It’s lifeless, empty—all the love you poured into the decor now just an awful reminder of what he lost. He thinks about tearing it all down sometimes but he knows you’d probably kick his ass if he so much as touched your crystal vases.
Your side of the bedroom is untouched, he moved all his stuff to the separate one the week after you died. It hurts to sleep there knowing you’re gone, but sometimes he’ll sit by the nightstand, a drink in hand and stare at the empty spot where you would be. Sometimes if he stares hard enough, he can see you through tear-rimmed eyes, hear your laughter through the dull buzz of the alcohol.
He misses you. He’s not sure if he’ll ever stop.
He doesn’t know what possesses him, but he opens your closet. It’s an indulgence, a moment of weakness—he promised he wouldn’t touch your stuff and here he is, rummaging about. 
Coats, dresses, shirts, all memories flooding back to him as he moves past them. The black dress you wore on your first date, the sundress you wore for your anniversary—
When his fingers brush against the lace, his heart lurches. He doesn’t need to see it to know, but he tugs anyway, revealing your wedding dress hidden deep inside. The most beautiful thing you’ve ever worn.
He takes the gown between reverent hands, as if the fabric would fall apart, disintegrate if he was anything but cautious with it. It still smells like you.
He finds the box labeled “wedding” next to it, and without hesitation pulls it from its corner. Wedding invites, flowers, old videos, everything that you could have taken as a memory, you had it. You even kept the cake toppers.
What surprises him though, is a notebook. It’s tiny, leather bound and slightly worn, every page a new entry. He flips to the first page and his heart nearly stops.
Dear Logan,
If you’re reading this, I’m probably dead.
His eyes widened. When did you write this? The small book suddenly feels like lead in his hands, it’s a struggle to pull his eyes back to the ink-stained pages, but he does so anyway.
I hope I managed to give this to you before I pass. I wish I could explain to you how much I love you, and how much I worry about you. You’re a stubborn asshole, could never see the good in yourself but I did—I still do. I’ve known you for thirty years now so I’m willing to bet you’re probably reading this drunk, blaming yourself for my death.
He doesn’t know when he started crying but your words make him laugh through the pain, wiping the palm of his hand against his cheek. He used to say you were secretly a telepath, always able to read his mind. Seems it’s a talent that extends beyond the grave.
Anyway, rambling aside, I wanted to give you something to remember me by. You’re going to live longer than I am, we both know that: but maybe my memory can live along with you.
His hands are shaking, fingers stumbling through the next page with bated breath.
Entry one, not sure how I should start…I’ll figure it out later. Your beard grew out a little so I offered to help you shave…
I think I did a shit job but you didn’t seem to mind, or maybe you were trying to save my feelings? I don't know which one. In any case remember to take care of yourself, I might be gone but like hell if I’m gonna let you let yourself go!
Attached with a paperclip is a photo of the two of you in the bathroom, you smushing his face while he stares at the camera annoyed, or at least it seems. There’s a hint of a smile on his face.
He remembers that day. You were cuddling him and complained his beard was scratchy. He let you sit on his lap while you gave him a trim, you said your lines were crooked but he didn’t give a shit—he had you all to himself, and that’s all he needed.
A small huff of laughter escapes him, even in the afterlife you’re still bossing him around. He flips to the next page���
Entry two, don’t isolate yourself! I know you Logan, that lone wolf shit doesn’t work and you know it too! When’s the last time you talked to the other X-Men, huh?
Your words rattle in his head, feelings of guilt blooming. They call occasionally, but he never picks up. Charles is the only one he ever gave the time of day and even then the mention of your passing is a sore subject. One time Scott showed up at his house, helped him clean up a bit before leaving; he never said thank you.
His eyes flick to the phone on his nightstand before continuing to read. 
Entry three, don’t starve yourself! I left a couple of my recipes in the last pages, just in case you missed my cooking…
Entry four, I have a secret album of us on my phone. The password is…
Entry five, stop being so hard on yourself…
Entry after entry, all stories with advice for when you’re gone. Clean up after himself, don’t try to find peace at the bottom of a bottle, remember to find a hobby…every single page, accompanied by a description of what you did that day. Went hiking, went on a dinner date, stayed at home and watched tv—almost an entire year's worth of reminiscing in the form of a tiny brown journal.
By the time he got to the last one the sun had begun to rise. His eyes burned with exhaustion, but the thought of stopping never crossed his mind.
The big three-six-five, happy anniversary! It’s been a year since I started this project and I think I should end it here, so I’ll end it with the best advice I can give you.
Logan, you need to move on.
I know it hurts, but I’m gone, and you can’t spend your life chasing after a woman who isn’t here anymore. You deserve more in life than to grieve. I love you more than anything in the world, which is why I’m telling you it’s okay to move on.
I’ll always be with you, so don’t think that you need to feel guilty. I know you love me, and I love you.
I’m giving you permission to forgive yourself, and let me go.
He re-reads your words. Once, twice, even three times before they really sink in. I’m giving you permission to forgive yourself, and let me go.
At that moment it all comes crashing down on him. Your death, the funeral, the pain and longing, the grief—all of it. Everything he’d ever tried to push aside by drinking, culminating into this single release of emotion.
He cries. A full-bodied, pathetic display, he sobbed while holding your last memory to his chest until he was red in the face, until his lungs burned. He sobbed until he had no more tears to give, then sobbed some more.
Even in death, you were still listening.
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starlovesganyu · 1 day
Hi Star! Can i request a reader taking care of Genshin/Star Rail girls when they’re sick or injured. And if you can include Furina that would be awesome!
taking care of them!
taking care of them when they're sick or injured!
thanks for the ask!
various characters x gn!reader
characters: firefly, seele, kafka, keqing, kujou sara, furina
warnings: none
not proofread
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
firefly -`✮´-
• will try and convince you that she's perfectly fine, not a trace of sickness present in her body, even though she has a burning fever
"i'm not sick! it's just a little hot in here..."
• she'll be adamant until you tell her to do a couple pushups (she collapses after the second one)
• if you bring her some soup, she'll be so excited to try your cooking that she ignores all of your warnings and burns her tongue
• will love to just to talk with you about recent events or look through your camera roll to pass time
"awww...you were so cute when you were a baby!"
• she'll actually stay in bed until you say she's all better! (only because she loves getting pampered by you)
• once she's all better, she'll text silver wolf about being taken care of by you just to make her jealous
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
seele -`✮´-
• will try her best to hide any injuries from you when she "walks" through the door
• she knows you're busy, so she doesn't want to add more to your plate </3
"i'm fine! it's just a little scratch...it'll be fine in the morning!"
• once you capture her (easy since she can't run), you'll realize that it's not just a "little scratch"
• will try and tell you not to call natasha under the pretense that "it's not necessary", when in reality she's just scared of doctor visits
• even though she is barred from her work, she does enjoy the extra time she gets to spend around you
• that being said, keeping her from going back out while she's still injured will be one of the hardest tasks of all time
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
kafka -`✮´-
• lucky for you, elio's script mentioned kafka getting sick for some reason
• she'll enjoy watching you scramble around and try to act almost motherlike, when usually, it's the other way around
• her heart will melt when she spies you trying to make her a meal
• you just look too cute, eyebrows furrowed as you try and make sense of the recipes while frantically running around to make sure nothing's burning <3
• seeing your face light up when she compliments your cooking makes her fall in love with you all over again!
• even though she's sick, will still tell you to come cuddle because how do you expect her to go days without holding you in her arms?
• no way you'll get sick right? it wasn't in the script!
you get sick :(
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
keqing -`✮´-
• she rarely ever gets sick, so coming home to her coughing in bed will definitely be a surprise
• her face will be very red, maybe because she's sick, but more likely because you gently placed your hand on her forehead to take her body temperature
• will try to convince you that she's fine and can manage herself, not needing you constantly fuss over her like she's a little kid
• but, when you bring her some water, she'll quickly gulp it down before sheepishly asking you for another glass
• when you settle down next to her with a book, she'll insist that she's okay, that you can leave her alone, but immediately regrets it when you get up to leave
"w-wait...actually, if it doesn't bother you...could you stay for a little longer?"
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
kujou sara -`✮´-
• you always tell her to be careful before she leaves for training, so when she comes home holding her shoulder in pain, she already knows you'll be all over her
• she'll try her best to downplay her injury by tenderly raising her arm, but it backfires when she can only move it a couple inches
• will obediently go visit a doctor with you, but only because she hates seeing you so worried. it breaks her heart </3
• will apologize over and over again and promise to be more careful in the future
• you'll constantly have to stop her from doing tasks she shouldn't be doing while she's still recovering, like lifting heavy things or shooting targets with her bow
• will definitely hurt herself trying to give you a hug
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
furina -`✮´-
"i, furina de fontaine, never gets sick!" *intense coughing*
• will be pretty surprisingly energetic, treating you as if you're her servant, commanding you to do everything for her
• internally though, she's incredibly grateful you're here for her, she's just never been good with voicing her feelings <3
• to make up for it, she'll take you out on a nice dinner date when she's all better!
• she hates the taste of the medicine prescribed by sigewinne, so you'll have to sneak it into a slice of cake
• she may fake being sick even after she's gotten better just to have you continue to take care of her, and it'll be very convincing-she's not the best actor for no reason!
• eventually drops the act because she can't bear not hugging and kissing you any longer <3
a/n: thanks for reading!!!
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Sugar Rush
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Family is More Than Blood Masterlist
Summary: Carol needs advice on how to ask you on a date.
Warning: fluff, some amount of angst, mention of past abuse from the Red Room and Dreykov, Val is a good friend, everyone loves to tease the reader, gay panic
Word Count: 5.3k
Maybe Carol was overthinking it. This wasn’t foreign territory to her. It was easy for her to get a girl into bed with her. Yes, it built her a reputation as a playboy, but no one got hurt. In her eyes, she was entitled to a bit of fun after all the hell she’s been through. But you were different, so Carol needed to be different. Carol found you attractive. She believed anybody was an idiot if they failed to see your physical beauty. However, it was your heart that drew her in.
Her time was between patrolling the stars and helping the Avengers on Earth. Somehow, you were all Yelena talked about when she was at the compound. Since the fall of the Accords, Yelena has painted this picture of you. Her older sister gave herself up to Dreykov, so she and Natasha could be free. Carol was intrigued by you. She wondered how someone who was captured by the darkness so young and for so long was good.
It was easy for you to capture Carol on your web; she knew you had no idea what you were doing. At first, it was the way she caught you staring at her when she got done meeting with Steve. The blush on your cheek was Carol’s new favorite color. Then, it was the way you confronted the Widow after exposing her to the red dust. You opened your arms to her without hesitation. You comforted her and reassured her that it was not her fault.
At the bar, where you thankfully agreed to get a drink, it was your smile as you tried to hide it. The way your eyes lit up when you talked about your sisters. Even when she spoke of her life, you hung on every word she said.
What she told your sisters was true. She wanted to be your friend. If it led to more (which she hopped), then she would be grateful. But it would be on your timeline; she wouldn’t force you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with.
So here she was, on her ship and lost on what to do. You were visiting the compound for a few days, and it linked up to when Carol was coming back to Earth. Your friendship was growing through text messages or short phone calls. Carol wanted to plan something fun to do together. She called Valkyrie for help. Was it wise to call her ex-girlfriend and her first girlfriend since Monica? Unsure, but there weren’t other people she could ask. Besides, she and Val ended things on good terms; they were better off as friends. “Oh captain, my captain,” Val teased when the call connected and her hologram came up. “What do I owe the pleasure?” Carol rolled her eyes.
“Am I interrupting?”
“Oh, you are, but being a king is trying work,” she sighed dramatically. “What do you need? You never call.” She winced and made a mental note to be better at that.
“I need advice.”
“Is this about the Black Widow you fancy?” Val asked.
“I don’t fancy her,” she stood up from her bed and moved around her ship. “Also, who says fancy anymore?” Val laughed. “But yes, it’s about her,” she picked up a toy for Goose and threw it. The flerken ran after it. “I want to plan something but don’t know what to do.” Val hummed.
“Is the endgame to sleep with her?” Carol slapped her hand against her forehead. “What?” Val asked while laughing. “It’s a valid question, and depending on the answer, I could give different options,” Carol sighed, picked up the toy Goose brought back, and threw it again.
“Yes,” she admitted. “But not right away. She’s special, Val, and I don’t want to fuck this up like I normally do. If I do, I will have two very pissed-off Black Widows after me,” Carol paused. “3 if her mother decides to join in on the hunt,” Val laughed so hard, she almost fell out of her chair. The sound made Carol smile. Val was a pain in her ass sometimes, but she was grateful for her.
“Goodness, I forgot how funny you are.” Carol wasn’t sure if that was a compliment, so she kept her comments to herself. “So we want friendship to possible lovers’ date ideas, right?”
“Yes,” Carol sighed, shaking her head. She was starting to regret asking Val.
“And she’s the one who gave herself up for her sisters,” Carol hummed. “Heroic,” Val was silent beside the click of her pen, and she leaned back in her chair. So Carol kept throwing the toy for Goose. “Take her to an arcade.”
“An arcade?” Carol questioned, froze mid-throw, and looked at Val’s hologram. The flerken yelled at her, so she threw it at him. Val was leaning on her desk with her hands crossed.
“Yeah, she’s probably never been to one. You guys can be all cute and competitive; then you can woo her by winning her a prize.”
“I hate you,” Carol deadpanned, but it wasn’t a bad idea.
“No, you don’t, or you wouldn’t have called me,” she had a point. “Let me know how it goes.”
“Thanks, Val,” Carol smiled. “I’ll come visit soon.”
“Bring the new boo thang,” Carol hung up before Val could say anything. Sighing, she sat down in her chair with her hands over her eyes. She felt a little silly, acting like a teenager with a crush. But she was nervous and a little anxious, and these were feelings she wasn’t used to. Goose ran over and jumped on her lap, rubbing his head against her hand to get the captain to pet him. Carol smiled.
“Maybe I should take you with me. She does want to meet you,” the flerken meowed. “Do you promise not to eat any of them?” Immediately, Goose jumped off her lap. “That does not provide me with any confidence.”
“Hey stranger,” you turned around from your spot in the kitchen to see Carol. While you were in Russia, you missed your sisters. You missed spending time with Wanda, but you missed Carol the most. These feelings were something you were still trying to understand. While apart, your friendship was forged over text messages and phone calls. You worried your friendship wasn’t going to work in person.
“Did you bring him?” You asked. Carol shook her head but chuckled at your frown.
“Stark doesn’t like Goose,” she said and took half of the sandwich you made. You could give two fucks about Stark’s feelings. You wanted to meet the cat or Flerken or whatever. “Goose tried to eat him last time.”
“Good,” you shrugged. “He probably deserved it.” Carol laughed and took a bite. “Is it good?” The captain nodded with a smile. You rolled your eyes and took a bite of your half. She was right. It was good. Another thing about the compound is that your food was never safe.
“Do you have plans for tonight?” Usually, you would spend it with whoever wanted to watch a movie or play video games.
“Nope,” you said. “Do you want to do something?” You watched her smile grow, and you enjoyed it.
This is the first time you’ve done this. You only looked at someone and enjoyed their mannerisms by analyzing every detail for a mission. Slowly, you were unlearning those behaviors while leaving with the Avengers. Wanda liked tea before she went to bed. Steve always had a sketchbook next to him. When Yelena was nervous or anxious, she played with the rings on her fingers.
You liked learning about Carol. When she was reading over a mission report, she was spinning a pen between her fingers. Her eyes would light up when she was asked about Monica or Goose because she loved them both. She was playful, snarky, and wasn’t afraid to tease your sisters or Tony. “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” She asked.
“Do I get to know where we are going?” you countered. Carol shook her head. “It sounds like you are kidnapping me,” the captain smirked.
“Do you think I could kidnap you and get away with it?” You shrugged. It would be a challenge, but it would be fun. Besides, she could not get very far. Carol laughed.
“Do you trust me?” It went against your training to trust anyone, but you wanted to trust her.
“Yes,” you answered.
“Good, wear something casual, and I’ll pick you up at 5,” she winked at you, leaving you alone in the kitchen. You shook your head with a smile and ignored the way her playful gesture filled your stomach with butterflies. Instead of focusing on the upcoming hang-out with Carol, you began to clean the kitchen. It was a simple task that kept your mind busy and present. You were so distracted that you didn’t realize someone else entered the kitchen.
“Why are you cleaning?” You jumped at the sound of Wanda’s voice. “I am going to brag for years that I was able to sneak up on you,” you rolled your eyes at the witch and splashed water at her before drying your hand. “That was uncalled for.”
“Are you hungry? I can make you something quick,” you said, ignoring her question by opening the fridge and pretending to look through it. But you felt her eyes on your back. “Stop that,” you said.
“Then answer my question,” you sighed and closed the fridge. Wanda sat on a chair, and you leaned against the counter. Thankfully, Wanda gave you time to collect your thoughts. It seemed wild that these people cared about you when you hadn’t been in the compound for long. It was a feeling you were getting used to. You’ve been on your own for so many years. Sighing, you twisted the ring your sisters gave you for your birthday.
“Carol asked if I wanted to hang out tonight, and I said yes,” you said slowly.
“You guys hand out all the time,” Wanda said with a slight tilt of her head. That was true. If you weren’t with Wanda or your sisters, you were with Carol.
“Her asking me felt different,” you told her. “I think she asked me on a date.” A smile grew on the witch’s face.
“Finally!” She threw her arms in the air. “I’ve been so tired of listening to her thoughts whenever you guys are in the same room.” You felt your body heat up.
“She thinks about me?” You questioned.
“All the time,” she answered honestly. “Some thoughts aren’t very PG,” you groaned and snapped a towel at her. Wanda laughed and took your weapon of choice. “I will be fine,” she said. “Besides, she is in your mind just as much, if not more.” You flipped Wanda off as she took an orange from the fruit bowl and left.
You tried to keep your thoughts at bay around Wanda. Yelena told you the story of how they met the witch. You trusted her, especially since your sisters did, but your mind was filled with so much bloodshed you caused that you did not want to subject her to that. Of course, she was right. Carol always seemed to be on your mind. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing after all.
“An arcade?” you questioned and looked at Carol. You stood at the entrance, amazed by the sounds and lights.
“Yeah, I thought it would be fun and a little competitive.” Carol walked over to the counter and bought two game cards from the high schooler. You were busy looking at the lights flashing and the sounds of the games. “Is this okay?” she asked and handed you a card that looked like an ID.
“I’ve never been to one,” you followed her to where the prizes were. They had candy, stuffed animals, and fidget toys. Above everything else were the more expensive prizes like game consoles and household products. You weren’t sure what a kid would do with an air fryer. “There was one in the mall in Ohio, but I wasn’t allowed to go in.” You were so jealous of the kids that were running around being kids.
“Is this okay?” Her question snapped you of your thoughts. She looked concerned.
“I’m gonna kick your ass in that shooting game I saw.”
You won the shooting game, but she got more tickets than you. Combined, you had enough for a small teddy bear that she gave to you, and after the arcade, she took you to dinner for food. You had a great time. Not that you feared you wouldn’t, but this felt different. You weren’t afraid to hide your glances at her as you watched her concentrate on the silly games. She was adorable, and the smile on your face hurt your cheeks.
“Hey,” Carol’s gentle voice pulled you out of sleep. “We are back at the compound.” You opened your eyes and blinked away the sleep.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” you rubbed your eyes and Carol smiled.
“It’s fine,” she said and turned off the car. You looked cute.” It was reflexes when you punched her arm softly, but you felt your body heat up at the compliment. Her laughter followed you as you exited the car with her teddy bear in hand. Out of the car, you heard the weather—the pounding of the rain against the walls. There was the distinct sound of thunder.
“It’s raining,” you said.
“Yup,” Carol closed the door of the car. “We seemed to have followed the storm.” A smile grew on your face. “Why are you smiling?” You loved the rain. You loved laying in bed and listening to the weather back in Ohio. Sooner rather than later, Yelena would end up in your but that moment of peace you cherished. Without answering, you placed your prize on the car’s roof and walked to the garage door. The hum of the garage opener filled the silence. Then, the smell of petrichor filled your lungs. “What are you doing?”
You glanced over your shoulder with a mile and walked up the driveway. Immediately, the rain soaked your clothes. A gasp left your lips as the temperature of the rain startled you. Soon, your body got used to the cold. “You are going to get sick,” Carol said with a smile and crossed arms.
“I can’t get sick,” it was a half-truth. It was more challenging for you to get sick. “You can come keep me warm,” you smirked. You held your breath as you watched Carol think it over. Maybe you were being too forward. Perhaps all she wanted was to be friends. The captain shook her head. With a smile, she ran up the ramp and into you. You laughed as you wrapped your arms around her neck, and she spun you in a circle. Carol placed you on the ground. Your laughter died down, and you stared at her lips.
You couldn’t remember your first kiss. It was before Ohio, you thought - a short kiss between you and another Window. As you got older, kissing was used as a tool. You would make out with a target and slip a sedative in their drink. Now you wanted to kiss someone and have it mean something. That scared you. Would kissing her change what you already had? You would rather stay friends than ruin it.
“Tag your it,” you said, tagged the Avenger, and ran off. Running seemed like the more straightforward thing to do.
Carol sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet from the shower, but she had time to dry and style it. Her phone rang when she changed into gray pants and a white sports bra. “Hey Val,” she said, placing the phone on speaker. “I find it rude that you aren’t at this party.” Val laughed.
“Maybe Stark shouldn’t plan something so last minute,” Val had a point. “Turn on your camera. Let me see what you are wearing.” Carol rolled her eyes and placed her phone against the lamp to turn on the camera. She was finishing buttoning her white shirt when her friend’s face appeared on the phone. “I like the gray suit,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “Is she going to be there?”
“Not sure,” Carol stood in the bathroom to dry her hair and brushed it out. “She’s returning from a mission. Nat isn’t sure if she’ll be back.”
“But you are still trying to look hot,” Carol shrugged.
“Always good to be prepared,” she returned to the closest to put on her gray vest. It was more than just looking good. She felt confident in this suit. After the almost kiss in the raid, she needed all the confidence she could get.
“What’s wrong?” Val asked. “If you keep frowning like that, you will get more wrinkles.” The captain flipped her friend off. “So what’s the matter?” Carol sighed.
“We almost kissed last week, and we haven’t hung out since then,” she told her. “I don’t want to force her into something she isn’t ready for. I’d rather be friends than lose her.” Val was watching her closely.
“You aren’t forcing her, Carol,” she said. “If she did not like you, she wouldn’t hang out with you. " That was true, but Carol was worried. She is her own person.” You were, and Carol was lucky to see glimpses of the person you were becoming. “Goodness, you have it bad for her.”
“Shut up,” Carol mumbled, but she did not deny it. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Let me know how it goes!” Carol waved and ended the call. She had it bad for you, and it was so worth it.
“There she is!” Yelena cheered. Carol watched the blonde run over to you. Something short-circuited in Carol’s brain. It wasn’t her proudest moment; the way her jaw dropped, a bit of her drink fell down her chin.
“Damn, you got it bad, Danvers,” Steve laughed and handed her a napkin. Carol snatched it out of his hand.
“Language, soldier,” but he wasn’t wrong. It was hard not to look at you. She saw the politicians glance your way. The red dress highlighted your figure with a thigh slight and spaghetti straps. She could tell you were wearing little makeup, but you never needed it, in her opinion. Steve chuckled.
“Maybe you should tell her how you feel,” he said. “You never know what could happen”. Carol looked at Steve and then back at you. Natasha and Maria joined the small group around you. You caught her looking, and you waved. She raised her glass to you with a smile. It was embarrassing how often she thought about kissing you or holding you in her arms. But she promised your sisters and herself she would take it slow and not force you.
“Yeah,” she whispered. “Maybe you’re right.”
God, you hated parties with politicians. The dress wasn’t helping your situation, but when Sonya discovered your slight crush on Carol, she suggested the red dress. It was working. Her eyes were on you as soon as you arrived, but she hadn’t moved toward you. You sat at the table with your back to the wall, nursing a rum and coke. Yelena was with Sam and Wanda. Natasha was talking with some politicians whose names you couldn’t remember. You weren’t worried. She could handle herself around men like this. Men who valued power over personal values. It was hard to find a good politician these days. Maria and Steve were with her.
Honestly, you were so exhausted - mind, body, and soul - which wasn’t helping your mood. The past three days were late nights chasing down Widows, exposing them to the red dust, and then helping them settle. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep for a week, but luck was not on your side. Tony was having a party with a few politicians. You could have gone back to Russia, but it was packed with Widows, and you would get no rest with Alexei being annoying. So, the compound was the best option. Even though Yelena wanted to see you at the party. “Well, well, well,” a man said, walking over to you. He was drinking an old fashion. “Mind if I join you?”
“It’s all yours, sir. " He smiled and took the empty seat. I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.”
“David Palmer,” he extended his hand for you to shake. Before you could introduce yourself, he cut you off. “I know who you are,” you said, keeping your smile on your face and tapping into your training. To everyone here, you were a businesswoman from Boston. The fewer people who knew you were with the Avengers, the better.
“Who am I, Mr. Palmer?” You asked and sipped on your drink. You saw Carol looking at you over the man’s shoulder.
“You are Dreykov’s spider,” he whispered as if he were telling you a secret. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but you kept on smiling. It was only a matter of time before you ran into someone who knew your past. You wished it wasn’t happening here. You circled the liquid in your glass and leaned back in the chair with your right leg crossed over your left. His eyes trailed up and down your body.
“If I am who you think I am,” you said. “What will you do with that information, Mr. Palmer?” He sipped on his drink and looked around the party.
“Do they know?” He questioned. “Do they know everything you did for him?” Natasha and Yelena knew a fraction of what occurred between you and Dreykov. But you wanted to keep that a secret for the others, especially Carol. “I’m guessing they don’t because you are among the heroes here.”
“What do you want, Palmer?” You asked. You were done with being nice. He wanted something. It was the only reason he was here. David placed a hand on your thigh. You fought your instincts not to break every one of his fingers. You hated the way his hand felt on you.
“Just one night with you,” he said. “Or I won’t go to the press. No one will know that the Avengers are harboring a killer.” His hands squeezed the flesh of your thigh. “You can imagine how bad that would look for them.”
They would lose their credibility with the public. Everything would be questioned. As for you, well, you could not care. You had to protect them, but you hated the idea of sleeping around to keep a secret. “Thank you, Mr. Palmer, but I’d have to decline your very generous offer.” You removed his hand and stood up. Before you could walk away, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back, flesh to his chest.
“Do you think you are better than us, slut?” He asked. You’ve dealt with men like this before. Men that weren’t used to hearing no. “You are a nobody without the men that made you. So get on your knees and start serving me.”
Before you reconnected with your sisters, you would have done it. You would have gotten on your knees and pleased him because that was how you were trained. You were different now. Your life was different, and you hated the way this man touched you. You twisted out of his hold and grabbed a pressure point on his wrist. The man crumbled to his knees. The irony. “It’s not nice to grab someone if they don’t want to be touched.” You felt the eyes of everyone at the party. You were causing a scene.
You quickly turned around, put your half-finished drink on the bar, and walked to the stairs to the roof. Even with the Red Room gone, that place was still haunting you.
You liked the way the cold weather felt on her arms. It was like a gentle embrace, a crisp and refreshing touch that awakened your senses. The air’s chill contrasted with your skin’s warmth, creating a delightful shiver. There was a sense of tranquility in the coolness, a quiet calm that settled over everything. Each breath you took felt clearer and purer. “What did he say to you?” Carol asked, walking up behind you.
“Nothing, I haven’t heard before,” you answered, not looking at her. Even when she stood next to you.
“You can tell me if it would make you feel better.” You shook your head.
“I don’t want you to look at me differently,” you admitted. She was quiet as you both stared into the vast darkness.
“I could never,” you glanced at her, and she looked at you. “Do you need a hug?” she asked. You nodded, and she was quick to pull you into a hug. Her warmth was intoxicating. Your body relaxed, and muscles loosened as if you had shredded a heavyweight. Her hug felt safe, a sanctuary where you could feel relaxed and at ease. “I almost punched him,” she broke the beat of silence that passed between you and her.
“Better you than me. He’s a slimy piece of shit,” her chest vibrated as she laughed.
“Oh, I know. I hated how he looked at you,” so did you. It was like you were a piece of meat to him. Then again, it wasn’t a look you were unfamiliar with. You pulled out of the hug to look at her better. “You do look stunning in this dress, by the way,” you smiled and fixed her tie and gray vest that you had messed up from the hug.
“You don’t look half bad yourself, Captain.” You liked the way her cheeks blushed. “I wore this for you, by the way,” you walked away, fingers running across the metal railing. You felt her eyes on your back.
“Wait, wait,” she jogged to catch up. “What did you mean by that?” You shrugged as she gently grabbed your wrist but immediately let go of you. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you.” You frowned at her statement. You offered her your hand, and she took it. “Why did you wear this dress for me?” She asked. You concentrated on the way your hand felt against hers. Her hand was rough but warm. It showed years of hard work.
“I wanted you to notice me,” you whispered.
“Notice you?” Carol questioned. “I am always noticing you. I can’t keep my eyes off of you,” a small squeak left the back of your throat. Carol smiled. “Do you want to go on a date?”
“Like a date-date?” You questioned. “Not as friends, but maybe as something more.”
“Do you want to be something more?” The question stumped you. But Carol was patient and played with the ring your sisters gave you on your finger. Did you want more? Did you want to go on dates? To fall asleep in her arms? To wake up to the feeling of her lifts on your skin? The idea terrified you. Before Carol, you ‘dated’ two other people. One was a girl in your class in Ohio. You both were too young to understand what it meant. The second person was a Red Room guard who trusted the man’s loyalty. He failed, so he was killed. There was a brief moment when you thought you were in love with the Winter Solider, but Carol could be different.
She would be someone without the influence of the Red Room, someone who understood a life of fighting, someone who could like you and look based on the scars on your body and the blood on your hands. “Yes,” you finally said. “But I’m not sure if I’ll be good at this,” Carol smiled and hugged you again. Immediately, you slummed into her warmth.
“I’m in the same boat,” she chuckled. “We can learn together.” Her lips briefly touched your forehead. The spot tingled, and it made you smile.
Your eyes closed as soon as your back hit your bed. Carol walked you to your room, kissed you on the cheek, and wished you a good night. You were frozen to the spot for a split second, and touched your cheek. Finally, you entered your room, showered, changed, and flopped onto the bed. The exhaustion of the past few days was catching up to you. But your eyes were forced open when there was rapid knocking on your door. “Come in,” you called out. The door opened. Suddenly, a body jumped on you, and blonde hair covered your vision. You groaned. “Get your fat ass off of me,” you pushed your sister off, and she fell onto the floor with a grunt.
“First of all, I am not fat,” she stood up. “Second, you are just jealous of this ass.” You rolled your eyes, and she sat next to you. “We wanted to make sure you are okay.” You pushed yourself up to your elbows and saw Natasha. Your sisters were changed and freshly showered.
“Stark threw that jackass out, and Maria is working on getting him removed from office,” it was a start, and you were grateful they were taking it seriously. But you knew it was only a matter of time before another dirty politician took his place.
“I’m okay,” you told your sisters. You watched Natasha close the door and sit down next to you. “What he said to me is stuff I’ll always hear.” You were numb to all of it. You’ve been called a monster, a slut, a killer. Everything from A to Z was thrown at you. It was something you were used to.
“I thought Carol was going to kill him,” Yelena said. “Steve had to stop her.” The mention of Carol made you smile, biting your lip, which Natasha noticed.
“What happened on the roof?” You shrugged, but the smile gave you away. Natasha nudged your shoulder with hers. “Come on, tell us.”
“She asked me on a date,” you said slowly. “And I said yes.”
“You said yes?” Yelena questioned. You nodded. There was silence before Yelena squealed and put her arms around you. She shook you from side to side.
“You and Natasha could go on double dates,” Honestly, that was the last thing you wanted to do. You pushed Yelena to the floor again. “Stop doing that!” You laughed and looked at the redhead. You weren’t sure why you looked for Natasha’s approval.
“I’m so happy for you,” she squished your cheeks. “Look at you dating. I love seeing you all happy,” you pushed her hands away and glared at her. That was payback for your teasing with Maria.
“I hate you,” you deadpanned. Natasha smiled. She stood up and moved to the top of your bed. “What are you doing?” You asked.
“You need sleep,” she answered. “Melina said it had been a long few days.”
“Alright, Mom,” you crawled up to the headboard. “Are you going to tuck me in?” She flicked your forehead. “Fuck off!” You said and rubbed the spot she flicked.
“Move over,” Yelena said, pushing you to the bed’s edge.
“I’m gonna need some room, too,” Natasha added. Yelena pushed closer to you, and Natasha laid down next to her. “You need a bigger bed.”
“I wasn’t expecting sleepovers all the time,” you said, closing your eyes and slowly falling asleep to the steady beat of Yelena’s heart. Then you felt Natasha’s hand on your shoulder. You opened your eyes to see Natasha looking at you.
“I hope you know we don’t think you are any of those things that man called you,” she whispered. “No one here does.” You forced a smile.
“Thank you, Nat,” you whispered. “Now go to sleep,” she chuckled, and you closed your eyes. It did not matter what they thought of you. You knew who you were. You knew you were a killer. The blood on your hands runs deep. No matter how often you tried washing your hands, the blood remained.
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cvnt4him · 2 days
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...mikah presents to you...
ೃ࿔ 𝑐𝑣𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔱𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯!
fun fact! it's 𝑐𝑣𝑛𝑡𝑠 first time doing a kinktober due to this account being created this year! hopefully you all enjoy what cvnt has in store<33
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ʚ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑣𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑠; ɞ
❝i hope you all enjoy what my incredible brain comes up with! I am very excited to finally share with you my very own experience with something so important in the fanfic readers/writers community. I hope whatever I manage to bring out is up to your standards and are enjoyable to your liking.—
— Of course, minors [BELOW THE AGE I SAY] and ageless blogs I cannot control you. I will say DNI for my own very purposes however, you all have brains and know right from wrong. do not interact with such things you know you should not. with that being said, may the festivities begin! enjoy your kinktober everyone‹3❞
[ages 17+ are welcome.]
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those in orange will have "dark themes" and/or "extreme" kinks.
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔫𝔢; no nut november. shoyou hinata
ᯓ ❝ in hopes of besting his peers in a challenge hes never participated in, he tries his hardest to last throughout the entire november. how does it all turn out?❞
contains ➪ riding, sub!M, brat taming? slight choking, m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔣𝔧𝔳𝔢; save a horse—ride a what?! izuku midoriya
ᯓ ❝ you meet a well-known cowboy around town! he seems awfully sweet and charming. He gets you out of a pretty sticky situation; little did you know it came with a price.. ❞
contains ➪ bondage, ass slapping, choking, sir kink, size kink [slight] m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔫𝔧𝔫𝔢; wardrobe malfunction. izuku x kirishima
ᯓ ❝ you're on your way to check up on your friends to see if they've gotten all suited up in their Mirko outfits for the photoshoot, you see one of them had a bit of trouble..izuku being the helpful guy he is, he offers the red haired foe a hand,.. things get a little..too handy in the meantime..❞
contains ➪ m!sub, soft!dom zuzu, mm4f, anal, oral m recieve, fingering, spit mention, slight hair pulling
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔧𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫; rainy days seem as if they'll never end. sugawara koushi.
ᯓ ❝ as fall approaches the days get drowsier, slower in some sort. rain and color changing leaves decorate the town. just your luck, your umbrella gets stolen. a charming and handsome fellow helps you out and offers a date that ends a bit too well.... ❞
contains ➪ soft sex, praise, reader is called a 'good girl' m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫; whore's don't deserve anything. tsukishima kei
ᯓ ❝ you were a foreign exchange student. everyone seemed to love you the second you joined the club, not him however. he hated your body, your looke, the way you walked, talked, and acted. You were insufferable and a damn idiot! the worst part is....you seemed to turn him on...tutoring you would've been his last option however, he wanted to finally get you alone. give you a piece of his mind and maybe a little more..❞
contains ➪ chubby!reader, victim complex, head pushing, forcing, slight noncon, degrading, bullying, oral m recieve, dumbification, m4a
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢; bunny boy. izuku midoriya
ᯓ ❝ in this world of hybrids and humans, hybrids are known as pets, animals. despite the similar features they have to humans they are still considered pets. They walk around on leashes or with collars and act as sworn protectors to their owners. you adopt a cute little bunny boy! His names izuku! You two grow up together and are rather inseparable. However...it's izukus first rut, he doesn't know what to do! will you help him?❞
contains ➪ sub!m, virginies, heat/rut, hybridAU, handjobs, bunny shenanigans?? m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔣𝔧𝔳𝔢; situationship. kuroo tetsuro
ᯓ ❝ you're a reporter there alongside one of your longtime friends and partners to help interview volleyball players and bring people together through sports! You get a little too chatty with one of the players and that just doesnt sit right with him....❞
contains ➪ public sex, hair pulling, ass slapping, slight choking, spit, m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔫𝔧𝔫𝔢; separation anxiety. asahi azumane.
ᯓ ❝ your husband finally gets back home from a business trip and surprises you with a lovely scenery! He confesses he won't be leaving your side anytime soon!!❞
contains ➪ fluff infused smut, gentle sex, slight praise m4f
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔧𝔯𝔱𝔶; separation anxiety. izuku midoriya.
ᯓ ❝you meet a cutesy little teacher for the first time by saving a local eatery. The hostages thanked you and he couldn't help but admire you, you're an upcoming hero who doesn't get too much action, he made sure to pull a few strings to get you the recognition you deserved. He spoke to you once and felt as if you'd put him under a spell, he couldn't be apart from you..not now not ever. when he found out you were getting married to some bozo, well, that didn't sit right with him at all...❞
contains ➪ obsession, stalking, masturbation, bondage, mentions of kidnapping, m4a
✧ 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔧𝔯𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢; was your mic muted? kenma kozume.
ᯓ ❝ you were dating a well known streamer, it was his whole entire life to play video games and people loved watching him play. you were familiar with his schedule and the way he did things to a certainty, it slipped your mind that he might've been streaming today and you were a little...rowdy. there's no shame in wanting to spend time with your significant other!! you asked for a little action and he happily obliged not warning you there were others...❞
contains ➪ oral m recieve, reader gets called good girl like once or twice,
Lost in the woods.. kirishima x bakugou x reader fantasy AU
Fucked by masked men?! MHA edi
includes, midoriya, bakugou, kirishima, sero, shoto, shinsou,
Fucked by masked men?! HQ edi
includes, hinata, bokuto, kageyama, ushijima, kuroo, tsukishima.
These will come a little later!!
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ᯓ all rights reserved © cvnt4him 2024-???. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate, repost, or rewrite what I have already written. Taking inspo is perfectly fine w appropriate credits!ᯓ
Don't forget to let me know what you think!
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lockes-woods · 22 hours
i would love to see your take on an enemies to lovers trope. shanks x afab reader, with a very sweet confession at some point, and some smut at the end with aftercare. 😊
A/N: This was so much fun to write ^-^. I did alter it a bit to be Friends to Enemies to Lovers. Also side note while this one shot is on the longer side, requests very in length. If anyone makes a request in the future I can't guarantee they'll be this long.
Warning: PIV, Oral (reader receiving), battle scene (violence mentioned), Shanks being a cocky bastard.
I think that's all the warnings, please let me know if I missed any
WC: ~5,100
This couldn’t be real, could it? It had to be a fever dream. There was no way you were here now with him doing this. But it felt so real. While there was a small possibility that you had sustained a concussion in battle, it didn’t explain the feeling of featherlight kisses he was spreading across your thighs as he opened them further to accommodate his broad shoulders. Each kiss was accentuated by the scratches of his stubble.
“Fuck,” he moaned at the sight of your ruined panties.
“This all for me love?” he asked, making eye contact with you for the first time since you had stumbled back to his captain’s quarters. You could only whimper pathetically in response as he tugged down your underwear, tossing it somewhere over his shoulders. You whined again as he spread your lower lips with ease, your stomach fluttering at every hot exhale of his breath on your clit.
“Fuck, please” You moan as he pauses his movement to backtrack and begin to suck a hickey into your plush thighs.
“Please, what love?” he asked, smirk ever-present on his face.
“You’re really gonna make me say it?” you huff.
“Oh, no of course not baby,” he said teasingly stroking your slit with a smirk, “I’m gonna make you beg for it.”
You hated that you found that so attractive. When did his smirk stop making you want to deck him, and instead make you want to drop to your knees to please him?
“We’re gonna be here for a while then,” you replied stubbornly. He only hummed in response, nipping at your clit. His smirk only grew as your thighs trembled trying to snap themselves together. If his shoulders weren’t purposefully angled in the way you would have fully squeezed around his head to keep him anchored to that spot.
“Come on love, why don’t you make it easier on both of us and admit you want to be here.” He started, pulling back from your pussy. He crawled up your body, lips now hovering over yours as he balanced himself on his right hand. A whine escapes you as you look up into his red eyes, gaze unwavering. You bit your lip to suppress a moan at the feeling of his swollen member lying hot and heavy against your thigh.
“Fuck, Shanks I-” you tried, face warming at his unwavering attention. You didn’t know why you couldn’t just say it. He had, if he hadn’t there was no way you would have let him drag you back to his quarters. Why did you always have to be so stubborn? While you knew factually it was a side effect of growing up on the sea, especially as a young girl, you couldn’t help but feel frustrated at yourself. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to center yourself, before blinking your eyes open to the sight of red eyes you would never get tired of seeing.
“I-I love you,” you responded in a small voice, your reply causing a smile to split across his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite hear that love,” he joked, smile never leaving his face. A laugh broke through him as you slapped his chest, playfully glaring up at him. As his laughter died down, he looked down at you in a way you could now distinguish as love.
“I love you too, baby,” he said pecking your forehead, nose, then lips. “There’s a better chance of hell freezing over than I ever stop loving you,” he confessed, pulling at your heartstrings. If you had told 12-year-old you that’d you be in this position with Shanks, she would have laughed in your face.
Your sides hurt from laughter as you watched a semi-disembodied Buggy chasing Shanks across the deck, cards flying around them. The three of you were always playing pranks on each other. Today it was Buggy’s turn to have the short end of the stick. You and Shanks had been cheating at cards for an entire four rounds before he was let on to your trick. There weren’t many things to do at sea. Well, at least there weren’t any things to do when there wasn’t another ship across the entire horizon. Pranks were the main way the three of you passed the time, outside of your morning training with Rayleigh. While the three of you were apprentices to the entire crew, you specifically were chosen by Rayleigh for your swordsmanship and courage.
You were from a small poor island. At the age of ten a deadly crew of pirates had attacked your island out of frustration after finding no riches and limited resources. The Oro Jackson intercepted the attack, not before you were made an orphan. Roger’s crew only intervened because of the crucial restock they had arranged with your island’s elders. Rayleigh found you amidst the flames stationed in front of one of the only remaining buildings still standing where the women and children had been evacuated. You were standing guard with nothing more than a carved wooden sword. Four of the enemy pirates littered at your feet in various stages of consciousness. The next morning when the flames had finally started to smolder, he made you an offer of apprenticeship; under the guise that you were a boy. When he asked for your decision and name you immediately responded yes, with the name of your now-deceased father. You knew a chance of getting off the island was far and few between, there was no way you were going to let this opportunity pass.
After dinner amends had been made from the earlier prank and you were all back in each other’s good graces. It was a calm uneventful night. You turned in early, because of your morning shift as the lookout. You had a restful night, waking up earlier than needed so that you would be able to grab a shower in the communal washroom. While it hadn’t been easy to conceal your gender, it had only gotten exponentially harder as you started puberty. You began having to wrap your chest to compress it from other’s view. You knew it was only a matter of time before you would get your first period. You shook that thought from your head, you would deal with that when it came. If you were lucky there were two maybe three people up and using the washroom at this time. You took the stall closest to the wall as you always did so that you could redress quickly and have easy access to your clothing on the hooks to change in the stall. For the most part, no one questioned your behavior, chalking it up to shyness.
You hummed to yourself as you finished washing the soap off and turned off the shower. You stuck your hand to grab your bag and were met with nothing. Furrowing your eyebrows you stuck your head out, all the color draining from your face as you were met with the sight of only your towel remaining. Your breathing became erratic as you processed what was going on. It was gone, you didn’t know how or why, but you knew this was it. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as you mentally prepared yourself for the inevitable conversation to come from Rayleigh and Roger. There was a high chance of you being dumped at the next developed island. This is the end of your story as a pirate. You took a deep breath to collect yourself and wipe away the tears. If you had to go you were going to go out with your head held high. You took one last breath as you slipped into the towel and rolled over the top to keep it snug and in place around your chest. You slipped on your shoes that had thankfully been spared and made your way down the corridor and out into the lower deck. You were immediately met with Shank’s unmistakable red eyes and his signature smirk. His laughter only lasted a second, before he was able to process the situation. His smirk immediately dropped from his face, a blush forming instead as he took in your barely covered form. You walked past him purposefully shoving against his shoulder and harshly yanking your bag from his grasp as he stood there motionless. You kept your gaze straight ahead as you made your way back to the apprentice quarters. Buggy was thankfully fast asleep, as you quickly clothed yourself, binding your chest for what could be the last time.
You made your way up to the crow’s nest and completed your shift on watch. As you suspected Rayleigh was waiting for you at the base of the crow’s nest, an unreadable neutral look on his face. He nodded to his right, and you nodded in response, wordlessly following the first mate to the upper deck where you normally trained. You did a double take as he unsheathed his sword and widened his stance, your own sword lying on a nearby bench. You collected it, mirroring his stance, as you began to fight like it was any other day. By the time you were finished, you were covered in sweat and superficial cuts. You fell back onto the bench exhausted, taking a large swig of water from your canteen before Rayleigh sat down next to you. He turned after taking a drink of his own water before addressing you.
“You need to work on letting your emotions control your form,” he started, critiquing you like it was any other day, you blinked up at him confusion clear in your eyes. He continued allowing you to ask questions and discuss further tactics. One the conversation began to drag you went to stand up, assuming that what had happened earlier hadn’t gotten to him yet. Your stomach dropped when he stuck a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“About the incident this morning,” He started, voice level, he paused taking in your panicked look.
“I’m so sorry,” you blurted out, feeling tears begin to prick at your waterline.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he said giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze, “But there will be some changes.”
“What kind of changes?” you asked after taking a deep breath.
“Shanks and Buggy will be moving into the main sleeping area, the small room you share with them is now yours.” He started, “Also to avoid any more awkward run-ins you will be assigned a half-hour time slot in the bathing area, you will not be allowed in there at any other time.”
You nodded, blinking away your tears.
“Other than that, we expect you to continue to work and pull your own weight just as any other crewmember does.” He finished, you sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before you asked about the cause of your anxiety.
“When did Shanks tell you?”
“Shanks didn’t tell us, at least not directly.” Rayleigh started.
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“A more senior crew member overheard him and Buggy arguing over what to do about your situation. They only broke down to give us information after we explained that we already knew what was going on.” He explained.
“Oh,” you said, in shock.
“I’d give your fellow apprentices a bit more credit,” Rayleigh said, smiling down at you. He gave you an affectionate ruffle of your hair before making his way back down to the main deck.
A guttural moan escaped you as Shanks sealed his lips around your clit and flicked at it with his tongue intermittently. While you had only just begun, you were already gone far enough to not give a fuck who overheard what you two were up to. If him sweeping you up in his arms and carrying you back to his quarters like a princess didn’t clue them in you didn’t know what would. You let out a helpless whine as his eyes trained upwards to meet your gaze. Even now, drowning in pleasure, his mischievous look pushed you over the edge at the same time he began to curl his thick fingers into places you could never reach on your own. You threaded your fingers through his hair, grip tight as you held him flush with your cunt. You threw your head back in pleasure, eyes closed tight, shamelessly grinding against his face as you succumbed to your first orgasm of the night. He aided your release, steadily fingering you just shy of overstimulation. Your grip loosened as you came down from your high, your entire body going lax under his ministration. Once you were back enough to be present in the moment you tugged gently on his hair ushering him back upwards. He followed your silent command as he shifted up, now hovering over your face.
You couldn’t help but hold onto the redhead’s face gently running your thumb over various scars he had accumulated over the years, placing gentle pecks across each imperfection that made him him. Your focus trained on the bridge of his nose where a healed scar lay. You were intimately familiar with the marking; you were the one who gave it to him after all.
Heavy pants escaped your throat as you stood toe to toe with your opponent, swords locked together in a battle of strengths. Your arms were burning, filled with lactic acid. Your gaze was locked into your opponent’s golden eyes as you tried to form a plan, knowing you had mere moments before he would inventively be able to overpower you. You took a deep inhale as you attempted to execute a maneuver that you had been practicing for years, but only completed successfully half of the time. You suddenly stopped all pressure applied to your sword, Mihawk’s eyes widened as he fell forward into you from all the inertia, he had built up during your head-to-head fight. So far so good you fell back into a bridge pose releasing one of your hands from your blade before knocking Mihawk’s side with the butt of your sword causing him to fall to your left. You quickly twisted your body to follow him down, kicking at his grasp on his sword, sending it flying. You straddled a now disarmed Mihawk, with your blade pressed snuggly against the swordman’s throat; knees pinning his arms down. Your own face hovering over his with a satisfied smirk. You shared a breath as each of you panted as you attempted to recover from your long-drawn-out fight.
“Well?” you asked in a presumptuous tone, with a shit-eating grin. Mihawk stared up at your gaze unwavering as he let out a long sigh.
“You win,” he said through tight lips.
“And?” you asked, a smile never leaving your face.
“I owe you dinner.” He said again, voice edged with annoyance. You had spent enough time with the swordsman to know his irritation lay with himself losing more so than you being the specific one to pin him. Satisfied you pulled back onto your feet offering a hand, which despite his bitter mood he accepted. You felt heat rise in your cheeks as he held your warm hand in his cold grasp. While you had only known him for a short while, you begrudgingly had developed a little crush on the sixteen-year-old prodigy. You weren’t entirely sure what brought on your attraction. Sure, he was pretty and well filled out with muscles he was not prudent about showing off, but you had never had a crush before; at least none that you would admit to anyone else about a certain redhead. You knew it was normal for a fourteen-year-old to harbor silly crushes, but it did not help with your hormonal fluctuation.
“Where would you like to go?” he asked, after retrieving his sword and positioning it on his back, you sheathed your sword as well as you let out a hum.
“I think I saw a place that has poke bowls earlier. If that works for you?” you asked, making your way out of the field back towards town. He grunted in response, leading the way. You’d be offended if it weren’t for your knowledge that he was even more withdrawn after sparring as he analyzed what he did right or wrong. He had been on the ship for the better half of two weeks under the temporary guidance of Rayleigh. You walked the entire way back to the poke restaurant in a comfortable silence. Your focus on the main task of not making a total fool out of yourself. Mihawk finally broke the silence after your food was delivered and you began to dig in.
“How were you able to complete that move at the end?” he asked.
“If I’m being honest, it only works about half the time, the conditions have to be perfect along with my timing.” You answered before taking a large bite of fish that had been seared, but not fully cooked through. He nodded pensively, also beginning to eat.
“How did you go about making the move itself?” Mihawk followed up.
“It was an accident the first time,” you started taking a sip of water, “My arms gave out while sparring with Rayleigh and I ended up stumbling backward. I lost my sword, but did successfully catch myself and pin him; at least for a few seconds.” Mihawk hummed in response. You ate dinner in relative silence only speaking when discussing and critiquing each other’s form.
“Well, we should probably get back.” You said pushing out, away from the table, Mihawk hummed in agreement.
“I wouldn’t want your boyfriend to get the wrong idea if we’re late,” Mihawk mentioned, off hand as they headed down to the road towards the marina.
“My what?” you asked, confusion clear in your voice and the look on your face.
“Shanks, the redhead,” he answered, equally confused, “He and the blue-haired one made a big show about how I should only touch you when necessary, during sparing.”
Your mood immediately snapped from content to fury. You couldn't explain exactly why, but this felt like the maddest you've ever been.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have something I need to take care of immediately.” You said through gritted teeth, before taking off in the direction of the Oro Jackson. Your anger fueled your speed as you made it back to the ship in half the time it would normally take for that distance. You didn’t have to look far as Shanks and Buggy sat on the main deck playing cards. Shanks was facing away from you, while Buggy got a good look at your face. He immediately broke into the smallest piece he could handle at the sight of you, running away in multiple directions. Shanks turned, confused before you locked eyes, he dropped his cards, getting up with his hands held out in front of him in a defensive stance.
“I can explain,” he started backing up as you advanced towards him. He backed up quickly, his back hit the banister of the ship.
“Oh, and what exactly is there to explain,” you asked through gritted teeth.
“He asked if you were single and Buggy and I agreed it would be best for you-” he started before you cut him off.
“Oh, and what’s best for me?” you asked, venom clear in your voice, “I know you’re both idiots, but this takes the cake.” Before Shanks could even think of a rebuttal you kicked him in the shin hard, fueled by hormones and rage. He immediately dropped down holding his leg, before you punched him in the Adam’s apple with your right fist, and followed up by winding back and landing another punch on his eye with your left fist. You finished him off by grabbing his collar and slamming his face down on your knee. The cracking of his nose silenced the deck. He crumpled to the ground holding his freshly broken nose, blood leaking out of it and down to his shirt.
“Next time you two come up with a hair-brained scheme leave me the fuck out of it.” You said in a chillingly calm voice before you marched off to find Buggy. You were too in your head to acknowledge Roger and Rayleigh’s comments as you left the deck heading towards the sleeping quarters.
“Remind me never to cross that girl,” Roger said, gazing down at Shanks’ injured form.
“I doubt you’ll need a reminder,” Rayleigh responded, torn between being proud of his apprentice and being strict with the model for how their crew mates should treat each other.
Shanks left you breathless as he pulled back from an intimate kiss, he had poured all his love and devotion into. You couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of his hot member resting between your folds.
“Shanks, please” you asked, desperation clear in your voice,
“Are you sure ready?” he asked teasingly, as he grasped his member purposefully running the tip up and down your soaked slit. You gave him an unamused look before reaching up to grasp the back of his neck to tug him closer.
“If you don’t fuck me in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to leave and find someone else that can.”
Shanks's gaze sharpened, he wasted no time and immediately breached your entrance with the head of his cock. You moaned, throwing your head back with your eye shut tight as he eased himself into you, rubbing at your clit to distract from any discomfort you had as he fucked his large member into your tight cunt. You shared a moan when he finally bottomed out. He stayed there for a second to allow you to adjust.
“Baby?” he asked slowly pulling out only to thrust back in, “Keep your eyes on me,” he started between groans, “Wan-Fuck, want you to look at me when I make you cum.”
You followed his direction and blinked open your eyes trying your hardest to stay focused on his eyes while you were being split in half on his cock.
“Shanks,” you moaned grinding up against him.
“Fuck, I know baby. I know it’s a lot to take, but you’re taking it so well.” He grunted, thrust gaining speed, his lips drawing down your neck leaving nips and hickeys in his wake. You squeezed impossibly tight around him the coil in your lower stomach snapping. You moaned loud and desperately as he fucked you through your orgasm. Now whining at the overstimulation he just kept going, chasing his own high. You locked your ankles together behind him as the pain turned to pleasure again. With one well-timed out push, you managed to roll him onto his back. He groaned as you took charge, riding his cock like there was no tomorrow.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby, that’s it. Fuck, good fucking girl.” He began to babble as he reached the peak of his high. You could feel his hips stutter as he continued to thrust up, seconds away from orgasm.
“Where-fuck, where do you want me to cum” he panted.
“In me please,” you begged dropping down hard against him. He couldn’t help but moan in pleasure as he fucked rope after rope of cum up into you. You fell down, limp against his chest as you shared a breath, pecking each other’s lips one last time before fully collapsing against each other. You couldn’t help but smile contently as you listened to his steady heartbeat. You felt whole for the first time in what felt like a lifetime as you embraced your Shanks. In that moment, you weren’t two of the deadliest captains to ever grace the sea, you were two young lovers who were content as long as you had each other in your arms. Outside of your overwhelming content feeling you couldn’t help but feel remorse over the years lost over a petty disagreement and misplaced anger.
It had only been a month since Roger’s death and the disbanding of the Oro Jackson. You, Shanks, and Buggy stayed close, that was until Buggy and Shanks had a falling out causing the Buggy to leave last night without a word. You and Shanks sat side-by-side gazing out into the ocean, but instead of the normal content silence, you were surrounded by an anxious fog of uncertainty.
“I think it’s time for us to move on,” Shanks said, finally breaking the silence.
“In what way?” you asked, gaze not leaving the sea.
“I think it’s time I get my own crew. All I need is a first mate,” he said smiling down at you. In a move you still regret your grief flipped into rage.
“What do you mean first mate?” you asked, giving him a chance to explain himself as you tried harder and harder not to lose your cool.
“I’m gonna need someone I can rely on anything for,” he started, not feeling the shift in your tone, “Plus where am I going to find one of the best swordsmen to ever grace the sea?”
“You’re joking,” you said giving him an out that he unintentionally glazed over.
“Why would I be joking?” he asked, tilting his head at you in confusion.
“That’s all you think of me?” you said emotion high in your voice, “I’m not your equal, just something reliable to make your job easier.” You asked, before cutting him off before he could even begin to try to respond.
“Fuck you,” you said through gritted teeth, standing up.
“Wait, where are you going?” he called out after you.
“Somewhere, I’ll be appreciated,” you yelled over your shoulder making your way from the beach back into town. You were able to join a crew temporarily to get away from the island, and away from Shanks, as fast as possible. You gathered the best crew you could find, building an armada of ships, and making a name for yourself as a true captain of the sea. While you kept tabs on the redhead, it would never soothe the ache in your heart. You would occasionally find comfort in stranger’s beds you had never let yourself get as close to anyone again; too scared to experience that kind of heartbreak. The look on his confused face, as he tried to process how he had insulted you, fueled you. Spite was a hell of a motivator as you both, or rather just you, competed for the higher bounty.
That day was the last time you saw the redhead, that was until today. You were surrounded by Marine ships. You had fallen for a trap, now fighting for your life to survive the planned attack. The bounty on your head is redeemable no matter if you are dead or alive. Your pride was cast to the side as you tried your hardest to save as many crew members as you could, even if it cost you your life. Your stomach dropped as a marine ship became within range and threw down a board onto your ship’s banister, ready to board. This was it, all you had worked for and all you had sacrificed boiled down to an early death. You had just begun to prepare to barter your life for your crew’s when a cannonball ripped through the marine ship closest to you, just barely missing your own ship. Your eyes widened in disbelief as you took in the jolly roger of the red-haired pirates. Its own fleet gained speed as it took down another two marine ships in the process.
You weren’t sure if it was just because of your near-death experience today, but the sight of Shanks’ ship was enough to cause tears to prick at your waterline. You shook your head as you focused on the task at hand. The fight wasn’t over. Another marine ship came to board your ship on the port’s side, while Shanks’ main ship settled up next to yours on the starboard side. Both the Marines and Shanks’ crew boarded your ship bringing the fight to you.
You unsheathed your sword, taking out as many marines as you could. In the midst of battle, you found yourself back-to-back with Shanks, falling back into a maneuver that you had learned as children.
“Captain,” he greeted.
“Captain,” you greeted back, slicing through a marine before stabbing him to finish him off, “What are you doing here Shanks?” you called out over the chaos.
“What am I not allowed to drop in for a visit?” he asked cheekily knocking out a marine who tried to rush you with the butt of his own sword.
“Cut the crap,” you yelled out, “You didn’t come here to risk the lives of your crew just to aid me.” You dismissed.
“Oh, and would it be so wrong if I did?” he called back, “You know most of the time you wouldn’t question a man risking anything for the woman he loves.”
“Shanks,” you said in a softer tone, just loud enough to be heard. His statement had you pausing and losing focus, to the extent that a marine almost got the drop on you. That was until Shank’s first mate shot him through the head behind you. You found yourselves face to face as the fight left your ship as your and Shanks’ crew raided the now defeated marine ship.
“I never stopped loving you,” he said, reaching down to cup your face, rubbing away an enemy’s blood from your cheek as he gazed down at you softly.  
“Shanks,” you said, trying and failing to process what he was saying.
“I’m sorry,” he started, “I never meant to question your abilities, I was just too dumb to tell you I wanted you close so that I’d know you’re safe.” There was no stopping it now as tears pooled in your waterline.
“I forgive you,” you said, leaning up to thank him with a chaste kiss. After what felt like a blissful eternity, you two pulled apart as a mass of loud cheering erupted. Your face felt like it was on fire as both the red-haired pirates, and your crew cheered at your kiss.
“Is there any way I can thank you?” you asked looking up at him through your eyelashes, earning a groan from the captain.
“I can think of a few ways,” he answered, smirking down at you. Before you knew it a celebration erupted by both crews. You sat next to Shanks, taking in his warm presence for the first time in ages. The auxiliary booze had been brought up. You both had your share of drinks, leading a tipsy Shanks to pick you up in his arms and race towards his quarters.
That’s how you ended up here, now, in the arms of a man you could never stop loving.
A/N: Thank you so much for taking the time to read! I really enjoyed how this fic came out considering I was trying a new pacing method. I hope you're doing well where ever you are.
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evilfrogcereal29 · 2 days
this is made with a fem!reader in mind, I try to write everything kind of GN, so sorry, but gender is kind of important for this specific piece cause reader's mistaken for a man and doesn't correct anyone to hide their identity
Tw: drinking, swearing, google translated russian, probably a bit ooc Nikto, I make him a lil softer than he probably is.
Nikto x Disguised(?)!fem!reader
- "You're pretty small for a guy"
- you were more than used to that sentence by now, and you never once saught to correct or challenge anyone on it. Who cared? There where more important things than whats in your pants, and it was better that everyone thought you you a man anways.
- You were very private about your identity, you had friends and family back home you didn't want getting wrapped up in this shit. You've seen how petty people can be for just a little bit of revenge.
- you wore a full suit of gear that masked your feminine form, including a helmet with a built in voice changer. (You sounded similar to that of a metro-cop from half-life 2, but with way more clarity)
- You didn't even push the man narrative, everyone just naturally started using he & him for you, unaware of your past or who you really were.
- You were, for the most part, one of the guys. Your file even stated you as male. A serious oversight by the higher-ups.
- So then why was Nikto currently pointing a gun amd looking at a woman in *your* armor?
- *Funny timeskip that i added here because I thought it'd be a bit confusing jumping between these two bullet points*
- You often frequented the showers late at night, it was the only time you could wash yourself uninterrupted by others prying eyes.
- You never realized how often you and Nikto barely evaded seeing eachother. You’d finish, disappear from the showers back to your room, and Nikto would come in, with the same idea of a late shower as you within a few minutes to as soon as 30 seconds after you departed.
- Tonight though, maybe by fate, you both got the idea at the same time, unfortunately for Nikto, you walked just a little faster.
- Nikto almost immediately turned around when he heard the water running, there was no point. Yet there was also frustration, and an overwhelming urge to confront whoever it was. Who the hell was showering at this hour?! He’s never had this problem before, who was deciding to give him problems tonight?
- He cracked the door open, head peeping inside, his eyes widen big at you- whoever you were- in his fellow solider's suit.
- Now it should've occured to someone as intelligent as Nikto that this *was* his fellow solider, but he had known you for a while, and had never suspected anything before, he would've known if you weren't anyone you said you are...right? Had you truely bested Nikto?
- He pulled out his gun right as you seemed to notice him, letting out a yelp. You were a confident 'man' on the battlefield, but now, you were red in the face, caught in a web of lies you didn't even mean to string.
- *Timeskip from earlier ends here :3 there will be more timeskips tho because my ADHD ass LOVES giving context*
- "ублюдок, ты кто? Where is our teammate? What did you do to him?" He growled, cocking his gun and aiming it right at the girl's head.
- Your eyes are wide, as big as half-dollars, and threw your hands up into the air.
- "Nikto its me! Its me!" You plead. Only receiving a sneer and angry grunt
- "You think I'm a stupid man, маленькая девочка?!" He yelled, stepping closer, finger twitching on the trigger, his bloodlust rising.
- The running water is the only thing breaking the terrifying tension in the room, you're mind is racing, how do you get this killer off your back. You needed to prove who you were. Think! Think!
- "Please don't shoot- let me prove it, I can prove it's me Nikto. I-..." You feel your cheeks heating up, god this was fucking embarrassing, and Mr. Emotionless here is the last person you wanted to slip up with. Even if you did prove yourself, he might kill you just because he felt a little angry that you didn't tell him personally. You gulp at that thought.
- Nikto grins under his mask, amused, truely, his gun lowers a bit.
- "Go on." He muses, "tell me something only HE would know." He smirks, thinking about how he's going to lay your body in the shower and watch the blood seep down the drain.
- *Time skip backwards again here, cause I love me some backstory :3*
- Your mind races. You and Nikto weren't 'friends' per se, but you had a past, you had met him right around when he had come out of rehabilitation after his sickening torture. He was worse back then, he would snap on teammates. He snapped on you, pinning you to the wall once, eyes dilated and filled with a primal kind of rage, he pressed down on your neck.
- "Мы сломаем твои кости, как стекло, маленький муравей."
- You had picked up some Russian from being around him and other fluent operators, knowing a decent amount, and in that moment you knew just enough to fear for your life.
- Thankfully Minotaur was in the area, and while he enjoyed watching a good scuffle bewteen two soldiers, he knew very well that this one would end with you dead, breaking up you two with very careful wording and while staying a very far away distance from the still ravenous, blood-thirsty Nikto.
- Surprisingly, you didn't completely avoid him after that, not like you could, the allegiance seemed to love put you two on the same team. Something about the variety of both your skillsets.
- It was true, you had to admit. You and Nikto worked very professionally on the field, quick and easy kills, communicating everything with head & hand gestures instead of talking. It was preferable for the both of you. And always ended with success. So maybe thats why you always ended up near eachother. Still, you always tried to give the Psychotic man the benefit of the doubt. Knowing the story of his past, as told to you by Rodion, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy for the broken man.
- It eventually built up to you having a very personal moment with Nikto.
- You were on a long-term mission, you'd been deployed in Yakutsk, Russia. Yes, one of the coldest fucking places in the entire country. Reaching nearly unalivable conditions- In your opinion- but of course Nikto never complained, he liked the cold after all.
- You had shacked up in an abandoned home on the outskirts of the city for the night. You laid on the one of the dirty mattresses left there by the old tenants, whoever they were.
- You shivered and shook like a rabid animal. Unable to sleep from how cold you were. Even in your full body of armor, it wasn't doing enough. You had those crap emergency blankets but even they, and the addition of the thin poo-stained mattress beneath you, didn't help with the very persistent cold that seemed to seep in through every crack of the home possible.
- You can only assume Nikto is fast asleep, at least, until you hear a soft humming, one that turns into soft singing, its gruff, and deep, but as you continue to listen, you find it rather soothing.
- "Здравствуйте, девочки Здравствуйте, мальчики Смотрите на меня в окно...." He sang, tapping his foot to a beat in his head. It seemed there *were* moments where nikto wasn't being mentally tortured by his own mind. Instead, filled with a melody from childhood.
- You rolled over and saw Nikto sitting criss-cross on the other mattress, his mask was slightly lifted up, but it was too dark to make out anything but the outline of his chin, and there was something in his hand, a bottle of Vodka.
- Now that you found weird, Nikto usually wasn't one to live up to the stereotype, in fact, he barely drank at all. Sure, he did drink lots in his youth, and still did a few lines of coke or toked off the occasional blunt when the offer somehow came up, but he was sworn off alcohol for the most part, especially vodka or anything strong, it gave him extremely awful headaches, he was hangovers bitch.
- You finally sat up after a few minutes, alerting him to your presence, his singing ceased and he pulled his mask back down over his mouth quickly, shooting you a dangerous glare.
- you frowned through your helmet that you kept on, blinking tired, dissapointed eyes at him.
- "Don't stop, I didn't know you could sing like that Nikto... Or that you drank-"
- "Господи, заткнись, сука. ты ничего обо мне не знаешь" he said defensively, you couldn't recognize every word but you recognized every swear, flinching at his vile language, but recognizing the slight slur in his words. A sign of inebriation.
- "Nikto...? You're drunk?" You try to ask, but he follows it up with a quick and defiant 'no' and more swearing. You let him, knowing better than you argue with the bullish man. Let him stop seeing red, than you could keep talking.
- "So.. what about tonight made you finally want to drink, I thought you liked the cold?" You ask, tilting your head.
- "I'm not drinking cause I'm sad." He corrected you coldly, setting the bottle down beside him, "The opposite actually."
- Nikto was...happy drinking? You didn't think normal people did that, but than again Nikto wasn't normal so- you supposed it made sense.
- "Whats the occasion?" You ask after a moment of consideration, and now that you thought about it, it was a bit rude, let the man be happy. occasion or not.
- "Everything is... Quiet tonight. I think we're just happy to be somewhere that feels like home." he says, tapping the side of his head.
- You're happy for him. He deserves moments like these. You find yourself scooting closer, settling down beside him when he doesn't shoo you away.
- "Tell me about your home, Nikto." You ask politely, taking him by surpise, catching him in a moment of vulnerability in his nostalgia and drunk-ness. The usual softness in your real voice, even with the voice changer, was present.
- He goes on to describe his early life to you, albiet, in bit and pieces, it's obvious he's holding back, relinquishing some details while stating others blantly. He also just doesn't remember much. Everything from birth to 5 years old is a blur for him. He just remembers his older brother and mom, and a vague outline of a father figure, but he left before Nikto's 6th birthday, Nikto can't remember his face or the sound of his voice anymore.
- He pointed out the song he was singing earlier, he listened to it often when he was a younger man. It reminded him of his mother and brother, of sitting at the dinnertable eating warm meals as a family whenever they scrounged up enough money to have the luxury of doing so. The laughter and love they shared, even if things around them were lackluster.
- He details early life in the military, his becoming of a spy and his... Eventual Downfall and capture.
- "One job, I got messy... I wasn't looking where I was going I..." He trailed off. He stopped telling his story and you reached a hand out, resting a hand on his shoulder.
- "Its okay. I get it. You don't need to tell me anymore if it hurts." You reassure, seeing the way he tenses under your pitiful touches.
- "I deserved it." He tried to continue, but you interupted him
- "None of that now. Just shut up and think about the now." You scold, noticing the wide eyes stare Nikto gives you.
- No one has ever told him to shut up before. He felt the heat rise in his cheeks underneath his mask, thank god he was wearing one.
- "Sorry." He muttered, and now you both sat there a bit stunned and quiet. The moment you were experiencing together left the both of your heart's racing, wondering a million things about the other.
- You because you had never seen such a soft, apologetic side of Nikto before, a man with no regrets, no empathy. He seemed so... Human?
- And Nikto because he couldn't believed he was being so soft and apologetic with someone. He always had his walls up. His mental fortress guarded with maximum security at all times. But you caught him when the Vodka- 3/4th a bottle of it that he found stashed in a drawer somewhere in the shack- had him weak, and you didn't take advantage of him. Didn't judge or even really cast much pity towards him. He didn't like being pitied. Fucking hated it actually. But here you were, rubbing his shoulder, which wasn't exactly an *unwelcomed* gesture, and sitting in silence with him. The voices were at bay tonight. Right now. It was just him, or whatever was left of Andre.
- "I used to walk 4 miles to school every morning in the freezing cold, and almost got hit by a pickup truck and stolen by a pack of wolves doing it." He suddenly blurted out, the previously warm vibes of the room returning as Nikto casted the past out of his mind. You were right. He was being too emotional, he should focus on the now.
- And right now, the booze brought him back to fonder memories, ones of childhood mischief and near death experiences.
- You looked at him with wide eyes and couldn't help the burst of laughter that followed, something that Nikto didn't find insulting, in fact, he was smiling too, underneath that mask.
- "You think that's funny, just wait til I tell you where I got my first tattoo..." He chuckled with his thick, russian accent.
- You and Nikto shared stories all night. And never once did Nikto question it, like when you told him you took ballet, or when you ripped your prom dress, or even when you told him about your first boyfriend. He shrugged it off. He wasnt exactly as straight as a board either. And the military exposed him to people from all walks of life.
- Of course, Nikto still thought you were a *man* at this point. A very effeminate acting man, but a man none the less.
- *Time skip ends here SORRY IF U HATED THAT SJSHSK*
- But now Nikto's world was flipped on it's head, as you combed through your mind, you find yourself going back to that silly song he sang. Trying to recall the words.
- "Здравствуйте.... дев-вочки.." you started, cringing at your poor pronouncations of the words and shrilly little singing voice.
- Nikto's eyes widen in recognition, all former sneers and snickers long gone. He wasn't joking anymore, and it seemed you weren't either.
- "Здравствуйте, мальчики..." You continued, your cheeks growing impossibly red, "С-Cмотрите на меня в окно.."
- "That's enough. Stop. Stop it." Nikto demanded, aiming his gun right at you again, "how do you know that? That night?"
- "Cause it's me Nikto! I'm a girl!" You exclaimed, getting annoyed yourself. You practically just performed for the bastard, and now he was still trying to shoot you, just like you figured.
- There was a moment of silence. And Nikto stood there, as if needing to process everything that just happened.
- "Put on the helmet." He demands. And you don't defy him, placing your helmet on, the change in your voice is like night and day,
- "I didn't think it mattered this much, I'm sorry." You said genuinely. Your voice deepened to it usual state, confirming your indentity.
- There a few more moments of silence before Nikto coughs, grabbing your attention. He straightens himself. Lowering his gun and putting the safety back on. There's a sense of embarrassment in his movements, he's tense, and avoiding your eye contact.
- "It...it doesn't matter. We'll just shower tomorrow morning." He says and hurries off. Another vulnerable moment with you, what was wrong with him?! He hated himself right now. For having never realized, and for having threatened you.
- Nikto did hold you in high regards, not that he would ever tell you or another soul. He respected your dedication to the work, and after that night in the cabin, a mutual but unspoken trust was formed bewteen the two of you. You never had a moment like it afterwards. Well. Until now.
- You don't dare go after Nikto in that moment, but you want to. It's late, and if you woke everyone else up and made them aware of the situation, only god knows what would happen. So you shower and head off to bed, replaying senarios in your mind, planning what you'd say to Nikto first thing in the morning.
- Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you see it, he beat you to it.
- You were still sleeping when a heavy-handed Knock came to your door, sending you scurrying out of bed for your gear. You reach for your helmet until you hear the voice on the other side.
- "Hey... Its Nikto...let us in, please." He says, his voice gruff and demanding as usual but theres something else there....Pleading? Hoping?
- You freeze, fiddling with your helmet before deciding its not worth it. You quickly move to open the door, making sure noone else is around before ushering Nikto in.
- He takes a moment to look you up and down. You're not wearing any gear now. Just some plaid pajama pants and a white tanktop.
- He sighs, shaking any stray thoughts from his head. "We should talk. About last night." He finally states, and you agree with a simple nod, motioning for him to sit next to you on your bed.
- It feels like last time, except the cards have been flipped, this time, it was your secrets that were being spilled, and Nikto had the questions.
- "Why?" He asked flatly, "why hide your gender?"
- "Why hide your face?" You fire back, rolling your eyes at him like it was obvious, "for privacy, same reason as you, as Krueger. We don't want anyone knowing what we look like, our identities" you said, using another member of the allegiance, Sebastian Krueger, as an example.
- Nikto's eyes dart down in thought, and he nods, "I see."
- Theres more silence, it seems that was a recurring theme between you two, long bouts of silence. Never once did either of you try to force conversation. It came naturally.
- Nikto really appreciated that about you in this moment. It allowed him to get his thoughts straight, arguing with the voices for a bit before he opens his mouth again.
- "No one has to know." He says, like its that simple, and stands up. He starts for the door and you move to follow, a hand on his bicep.
- "Nikto wait- that's it?" You ask, confused, but what did you really expect? Nikto wasn't the type to gossip. If information needed to be gathered and brought back his superiors, he would. But that wasn't what he was asked to do.
- "да, that's it." He said standing the in the doorway with finality.
- He shut the door behind him with a click and you stood there dumbfounded. Did any of that really just happen, or was all of this one big dream you were about to wake from?
- You pinched yourself with a winced and cursed under your breathe. This was reality. Could you really trust Nikto with this secret? Without blackmail? Without shame?
- Apparently, yes. As you would come to find out. In fact, you soon realize that this whole incident only made you and Nikto somehow closer.
- In battles, during tight situations, he was always there. Freeing you from the enemies grasp, carrying you with a bullet wound in your back. He was your personal guard.
- He wasn't being more protective just cause he knew you're a girl, he knew you were deadly. He's seen what you're capable off. No. You come to learn Nikto does this as a display of affection. Subtlety showing his appreciation for keeping his secrets, and in return, he keeps your's, and keeps you alive as well.
- After one particularly long mission, you're walking alongside each other, covered in dirt and grime, heading to the showers as the sun set and everyone heads for bed.
- You two showered together now, of course, broken up by thin curtains. It was a bit intimate, but it was an easier agreement than an already insomnia ridden-Nikto getting up at ungodly hours of the morning to shower.
- As you're walking together you nudge him gently, "good work today. You still fight well for a guy your age." You tease. Nikto knew full well you were hiding a shit eating grin under than helmet of yours, grimacing at you.
- "Yeah, good work to you too... For a girl." He says back venomously, earning him a playful punch.
- "Bastard! Don't be so loud about that!" You scold while whisper-yelling, but Nikto can still hear the smile in your voice. And knows its in jest.
- "It would be a shame if the others knew what a pretty little woman you really were."
- "It would be a shame if the others knew about the smiley face tattoed on your buttcheek."
- Both of your faces are red and concealing mischievous grins. This was you and Nikto's relationship now. Learnings eachothers secrets, and using them to pick on eachother. Playful banter.
- Everyone around base notices what you two are doing...just FUCK already you two... Damn. The tension is killing everyone.
- You and Nikto will probably end up together after a while more of this, its inevitable. You're just unjudgemental enough to deal with his freak, while also being one of the only solider's on base willing to put up with his terrifying, intimidating aura for long periods of time!
- Nikto always kind of liked you, as a man, and even now as a woman. And sharing your secrets only solidified that attraction in his mind. You were his милый, and he would keep you and your secrets safe for as long as he lived.
The song Nikto was humming is Кино - Алюминиевые огурцы, and was inspired by a comment on my post about Russian and Austrian musc left by @weepingmagazinesandwich and once I heard that song I knew I had to use it in a writing piece its just so sweet. The two playlists were made btw I just never publicly posted them (also cause Nikto's list is chronically short, and Krueger's playlist is already almost hours long) so- idk if y'all want those posted but lmk👍 I hope you enjoyed this- whatever you'd call it. Idk what to call the reader in this. Disguised!reader sounds so silly.
I have a sfw agere krueger drabble comin out soon, and I just started writing big chunks of the hubby!gromsko x reader hcs.
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vintagepresley · 1 day
Lil' Speckled Pup
Here's a little Jodie Tatum blurb I wrote tonight. It's not much but just a little something to help me get back into writing. It's honestly not that great because I was struggling and getting distracted, lol. But this is inspired by my conversation with the Jodie ai and the movie. You guys know I love Jodie, lol. He and midge are so cute. So the reader is basically midge in this blurb.
Being a woman in the army you didn’t get put on too many important jobs until your sargent wanted you up in the Smokey Mountains with Josh Morgan for some important project. You jumped at the chance to get away from your desk. You’d never been up to the smokies, but had heard how the people could be sometimes. You had been on an important mission there and helping Josh for a few days now. One person in particular took an interest in you in there, Jodie Tatum. He looked just like Josh which confused you at first. But you tried to avoid every situation you could with him because he just stared at you like a lost little puppy. You tried to not let it affect you or the job you were there to do. You arrived once again up in the mountains and when you did you were taking in the sites and the area as you always did, it was beautiful up in the smokies, and you were taking a few notes here and there. Josh had been related to the Tatums so it was easy for him to talk with them and get them to trust him. You stood back and let him handle it as you continued to take some notes. That was until an unexpected presence emerged. 
“Ah’m the champion wrassler ‘round these mountains.” the southern voice says. 
You furrowed your brow and looked over to the man, he was tall, muscular, and blonde in a red flannel and jeans, it was Jodie. This was the first time you actually spoke to one another. “I’m sorry? ” you say confused, looking at him and then at Josh. 
“Ah’m the champion wrassler!” he repeats. 
“You stare at him now still with a confused look on your face. “I see.. And who made you champion?” you ask, 
Jodie gives you a look like he’s slightly offended by your question. “Nobody made me the champ. Ah made mahself the champ. Ah trained long and hard for a decade to get where ah am. Nobody can beat me, least of all some pretty city girl like you. 
You put your hands on your hands and furrow your brow at him. “I never said I wanted to fight you and I don’t plan on it.” you say with an annoyed tone. 
Jodie smirks a bit at your response. He didn’t actually think you’d want to fight him, he just wanted a reason to talk to you. The first time he spotted you in your army uniform and was immediately taken with you. He had never seen a woman like you before and he had been with a lot of women, but none had made him feel like you did. He made himself so concerned with you that he forgot all about Josh. He steps closer to you. You step back when he does, staring at him. Jodie smiles now and he can’t stop staring at you. You furrow your brow because you don’t know why he’s just staring at you and you clear your throat. “Something wrong?” you ask. 
Jodie continues to smile, staring at you and just admiring every single little thing about you. He shakes his head. “No.. Just admirin’ yer beauty.” he says with a grin. 
You roll your eyes at his comment. “I’ve got work to do.” you mumble as you walk past him. But he follows you and quickly gets in front of you. You jump back a bit as you look at him. “You let me by! I’m on an important mission, you ol’ moonstruck ape!” you shout. 
Jodie grins at her. 
“I knew the first time I laid eyes on you that you was meant for me.” he hums. 
“Well you’re not for me buster! I’m coming through!” you shout. 
“Ain’t no need for ya tryin’ to fight me. I told ya I’m the champion wrassler of those whole mountain, ma’am.” Jodie grins. 
You look at him and put on a smile as you walk toward him. “Well… Maybe you’re right..” you say sweetly as you get closer to him and then you grab him and flip him over onto the ground and then you try to run but not before you hear him yell out in pain when he lands on his back. You gasp and turn back thinking you may have hurt him and you run over to him with tenderness in your eyes. Jodie sits up on his elbows as he looks up at you. He’s in shock that a woman of your size was able to flip him over that way. His heart was pounding and he suddenly realized just how attracted he was with you. If he wasn't already in love with you he surely was now. You both share a tender look to one another and you kneel down toward him. 
“Are you hurt?” you ask concerned. 
Jodie smiles and shakes his head. “Nah..” he mumbles, staring at you for a moment. You didn’t know what was happening or what you were feeling at that moment. You had done everything you could to avoid him anytime you saw him and his advances. But in this moment you felt you couldn’t. He leaned up a little more as he smiled. “You pretty lil’ speckled pup.” he mumbles before pulling you down to him in a sort of animalistic way, his lips pressing against yours and part of you wanted to fight it off, fight him off, but something about him stopped you and you returned his soft passionate kiss until you found yourself on top of him and Jodie pressed against the ground as the two of you shared a deep, long, passionate kiss and his big arms wrapped around your torso, holding you close.
You didn’t know what you were feeling for him, but whatever it was refused to let you stop and pull away. Something about the big luge drew you in and maybe even fell for him just as much as he had fallen for you. You were sure you’d regret the whole thing once it was all over.
I'm not sure who to tag so i'm just tagging two people who feel how I feel about Jodie, lol.
@deke-rivers-1957 @smokeymountainboy
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thefallennightmare · 13 hours
Mercy-Chapter Six: Teaser
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Just when I thought I had no plans on updating Mercy anytime soon, I remembered how much I love it and the story behind it deserves a little bit of love right now. Please enjoy a little snippet from Chapter Six below the cut! Not sure when it'll be posted. There are only 2-3 chapters left for this series!
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I stood in the middle of the bedroom in a broken daze, trying to gather if what I'd just seen was the truth. My skin was slick with sweat as my heart pounded in my ears. I felt like there was a hand wrapped around my throat, cutting off my oxygen until I was able to give my answer.
Gentle fingers skimmed through my feathers causing me to let out a shaky breath. Then when those fingers grazed up and down my arm and that warm breath fanned over my ear, I melted into the touch because I was actually able to feel his touch. It was the first time in weeks since I fell that I was able to feel skin on mine when I wasn't dream walking and in my weak state, I let a moan slip from my lips.
"Malach," his nickname for me weighed heavy on my shoulders as I tried to fight back the urge to give him all of me.
"You're lying," my voice shook as I kept my eyes trained hard on the sight in front of me, still not believing what I was seeing.
His hands cupped my cheek, his touch a blaze against my skin, and I was forced to look into his ice eyes.
"I'd never lie to you. It's always been you and me, even in the Kingdom. I was made to be your king," Lucifer said.
No, not Lucifer.
With everything he showed me tonight, I knew that he was telling the truth. Andy never hurt me; he'd give me everything I wanted. A life where I didn't have to hide. I could be my true self without the worry of being found.
With my eyes lingering on his lips, the fire inside of me burning as bright as his red wings that enveloped around both of us, they were so large, I gave him the slightest nod.
"That's my girl," he mused while closing the distance.
TAGS: @happi-goth @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @blueskylinesx @shadowseve @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @malice-ov-mercy @respectfulrebel @themortaljessica @crimson-calligraphyx @blackveilomens @lyschko666 @iknownothingpeople @collapsedglasshouses @iamamatus
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pjsk-headcanons · 23 hours
this is a long one and kinda of just me protecting, but i love the idea of colorblind shinonome ena. i just think that artists with colorblindess are really cool
idk my biology so i think that for ena to be colorblind her dad /would/ have to be colorblind too since colorblindess is a recessive genetic disease (?) and is like extra rare in woman (like 1 in 200 women by what google just told me), but me personally i love the idea that her dad /isn't/ colorblind and that this would only be another thing he used against ena to prove that she could never be an artist (also mtf ena wouldn't need her dad to be colorblind so ;) ). also she hates akito bc what do you mean he is a guy and doesn't have colorblindess but she is a GIRL who likes art and SHE is the one who got it. she curses her genes everyday.
she has the red-green type of colorblindess but also gets confused by colors that just look really similar like dark purple/dark blue, red/dark pink/wine, brown/dark green, pink/grey, etc. that was a pain in the ass for her while switched from traditional to digital painting bc sometimes the monitors change how colors look so she had to work so hard to learn color theory and make sure her monitors were always calibrated right.
i'd like to think that nightcord found this out in the most random away bc like sometimes she would be shading something that's blue with purple and they would be like "yeah that's just her intention she wanted to do that". only like a year after nightcord was formed one of them said something about one of her drafts being colored weird compared to the last one and she just said "oh sorry it was the colorblindess. i'll fix this" and they were "the What?"
airi, akito and the niigo girls became color translators to her, whenever they show them something with abigous color they automatically tell her what it is and it's something really small but she likes it :] she finds it sweet :] she'll never tell them that :]
+ extra projecting bc one of my friends loves to tell people who don't know me that i'm colorblind whenever he has a change bc he finds it amusing and mizuki would do the exact same thing. they would be shopping with idk an and mizuki would be like "omg that purple dress is sooo cute!! ena can you see it's purple? an did you know ena is colorblind??" (this friend also follows the acc btw, hello ace, are u reading this ?)
(also I only saw it after i sent my last hc but u r so right 🦊 anon shiho is an tomo kinnie and she would love momoka)
- 🪷🐰
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lilsoftext · 3 days
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-chris sturniolo x female reader
-summery: jealousy on the stream
Chris and Matt were in the middle of a live stream, the banter flowing easily between them as they engaged with their fans. They sat side by side, gaming controllers in hand, talking to the chat while they played Call of Duty. The stream had already been going on for about an hour, and thousands of fans were tuned in, excited to watch the brothers compete against each other.
Everything seemed normal until the door creaked open behind them. Chris’s focus shifted instantly as Sof walked into the room, fresh from the gym. She wore black gym shorts and a black t-shirt, her skin still glowing from the workout, and her horse necklace—the one she got from her childhood friend—glistened against her chest. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her bloody red nails stood out as she brushed a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.
Chris smiled immediately. His entire mood lifted the moment he saw her. “Hey, Sof,” he said, standing up from his chair without hesitation. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a kiss. The chat went wild, spamming hearts and excited messages like “CHRIS AND SOF!!!” and “WE LOVE SOF!”
Sof returned his kiss, her arms draped around his shoulders as she smiled. “Hey, babe. How’s the stream going?” she asked, her voice soft and breathless from the workout.
Chris grinned at her, his hands resting on her hips. “It’s better now that you’re here.”
But as Sof smiled and stepped back, Chris noticed something off. Matt hadn’t said anything. Instead, he was staring at Sof in a way that made Chris uneasy. His eyes lingered a little too long, and Chris felt a small spark of jealousy flare up inside him.
“Hey, Sof,” Matt finally said, standing up and walking over. He gave her a hug too, his arms wrapping around her waist for just a moment longer than necessary. “Good to see you.”
Sof hugged him back casually, unaware of the tension between the brothers. “Good to see you too, Matt. What are you guys doing on stream tonight?”
“Just the usual,” Chris replied, though he couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Matt. His brother’s gaze hadn’t left Sof, and it was starting to irritate him.
Sof stayed in the room for a few more minutes, laughing and chatting with the two brothers before she excused herself. “I’m gonna go shower,” she said with a smile. She turned and left the room, her scent of sweat and perfume lingering as she walked away.
Both Chris and Matt watched her leave. But while Chris’s gaze was filled with love, Matt’s seemed different—more lingering, more intense.
As soon as Sof left the room, Chris sat back down in his chair, trying to refocus on the game. But he could feel the tension rising in his chest. He tried to ignore it, but Matt wasn’t making it easy.
As the stream continued, Matt cracked a joke—something harmless and about the game. But Chris couldn’t stop the irritation that had been bubbling inside him. “Yeah,” Chris muttered, his voice sharper than it had been all night, “so funny when two brothers like the same girl.”
Matt’s face froze. He stared at Chris, his hands hovering over his controller. “W-What do you mean?”
Chris didn’t answer right away. Instead, he reached over and muted the microphone, making sure the stream couldn’t hear what he was about to say. Then he turned to Matt, his eyes narrowed with barely contained jealousy. “You need to stop looking at Sof like you want her.”
Matt blinked, clearly caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. “Chris, what are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Chris snapped, his voice low but dangerous. “Every time Sof’s around, you can’t keep your eyes off her. It’s like… I don’t know, like you’re into her or something.”
Matt leaned back, a defensive tone creeping into his voice. “Dude, you’re overreacting. Sof and I are just friends. I wasn’t looking at her like that.”
“Yes, you were,” Chris shot back, his hands clenching around his controller. “It’s been happening for a while now, and I’m sick of it. She’s my girlfriend, Matt. Mine.”
Matt sighed, rubbing his temples as if he was trying to stay calm. “Chris, I swear, I wasn’t trying to make it weird. Sof’s great, but—”
“Don’t,” Chris interrupted, his voice hard. “Just don’t.”
Matt didn’t say anything after that, clearly realizing that this wasn’t a fight he was going to win. The tension between them was thick, and the atmosphere in the room had become stifling.
After another thirty minutes of strained gaming and awkward silences, they ended the stream. Chris didn’t bother saying goodbye to the audience like he usually would. Instead, he immediately stood up and headed toward his bedroom, his heart pounding with frustration and jealousy.
He opened the door to find Sof just stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a white towel. Her skin was still damp, and her hair fell in wet waves around her shoulders. The sight of her made Chris’s heart skip a beat, and all the frustration he had been holding onto melted away.
Without saying a word, Chris walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. He buried his face in her neck, breathing in the fresh scent of her shampoo and letting his hands run up and down her back.
“Chris?” Sof asked, her voice filled with surprise. “What’s going on? You okay?”
Chris didn’t answer right away. Instead, he tightened his grip around her, his heart aching with a mix of jealousy and love. “I just… I needed to hold you.”
Sof’s expression softened as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Chris, what’s wrong?”
He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking with hers. “It’s Matt. He’s been acting weird around you, and it’s been bothering me for a while. Tonight, on stream… it felt like he couldn’t stop staring at you. Like he wants you.”
Sof blinked in surprise, clearly taken aback. “Chris, Matt’s your brother. He wouldn’t—”
“I know what I saw,” Chris interrupted, his voice trembling with emotion. “I don’t like it, Sof. I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
Sof sighed softly, pulling him closer as she kissed his forehead. “Chris, you don’t have to worry about Matt. He’s your brother. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.”
Chris shook his head, his grip tightening around her waist. “I don’t know, Sof. I just… I get so jealous sometimes. The thought of someone else wanting you…”
Sof smiled gently, brushing her fingers against his cheek. “Chris, you’re the only one I want. You know that, right?”
He nodded, though the jealousy still lingered in the back of his mind. “I know. I just don’t want to lose you.”
Sof leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, her hands cupping his face. “You won’t. I’m yours, Chris. No one else.”
Chris felt the tension begin to ease as he kissed her back, their lips moving together slowly, tenderly. When they pulled apart, Sof gave him a reassuring smile. “Come on. Let’s just go to bed.”
He nodded, feeling more at ease as they climbed into bed together. Sof lay on her back, and Chris immediately wrapped himself around her, resting his head on her chest. He could hear her heartbeat, slow and steady, and it calmed him down more than anything else could.
They lay there in comfortable silence for a while, Chris’s arms wrapped around her protectively as he whispered, “I love you, Sof.”
“I love you too,” Sof whispered back, stroking his hair softly. “Don’t worry about Matt, okay? It’s just you and me.”
Chris nodded, letting himself relax against her. Slowly but surely, the jealousy faded away as they cuddled up together. As he drifted off to sleep, Chris felt an overwhelming sense of peace wash over him. With Sof in his arms, nothing else mattered.
Tomorrow, he’d deal with Matt. But tonight, all that mattered was that Sof was his. And nothing—no one—could change that.
i hope you enjoyed it. if you have any request, leave them down below.
lilsoftext <3
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savvyreyes4587 · 9 hours
The Red Woman
PM!Dazai x Fem!Reader
Nakahara Chuuya x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're alive and well but a new problem pops up and Dazai chose to get involved.
Author's note: A small filler chapter to make up for my disappearance, this one is written through my arm pain, lol! So enjoy!
Warnings: lots of manipulation, child manipulation(is that thing?), reader's past… I think that's it?
Taglist: @v15aexe @hotwomanlythings @zaushimo @mintyymao @destinyisastar @lilyosamu
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"Now, my little Weaver. Let's try this again." The brunette told the small girl in front of her, so young, so naive so… vulnerable.
"No, Viktor, she can do it! She did it before, she can do it again." Then her angry red eyes turned to the girl who tried to make herself smaller under her gaze, afraid to anger the bad woman even more.
"Now, do it, my sweet child." Evelyn said in that sweet as honey tone, one she mastered to give a false sense of saftey but abuse can resemble affection to people starved from it and the time weaver… she was starting.
The girl crawled on the mat carfully, her eyes still on the ground, not wanting to see the evil lurking beneath her red orbs, she even sometimes felt like she could be killed just by looking into them.
With her small voice that was barley heard from how small she talked… allowed to talk, she wandered, her young mind, pure, innocent.
"What if I hurt someone again?" She now settled beside her 'mentor', her knees pulled to her chest, her arms resting above them as a protective wall, even if she knew nothing she could do could protect her.
Evelyn smiled a smile that resembled that of a mother's, one filled with love and understand, two things she lacked yet she stilll took the weaver's smaller hands into hers and turning her to look into her eyes.
"Now, now. What did we day about off-rails experiments?" Her tone was soothing, calming and utterly pretty, which made the weaver believe taht not all evil came in a bad shape… some of them were so pretty.
The weaver answered, her eyes drifting left and right as her cute voice sounded. "We forget about them and move on to the next try."
"Exactly and besides, we're not experimenting on someone this time." Eve told the little girl in a cheerful manner, ignoring the disappointed looks Viktor was giving her.
The little girl's eyes shined with hope and happiness, sitting down on her knees and looking up at the woman and she was the happiest Eve saw her since she got her. "We're not?"
Even shook her head. "No and wanna know something else?"
The girl nodded her head frantically, excited to know another good thing as her body buzzed with excitement.
"If you do this successfully… I'll take you to see your sister."
Evelyn lips tugged upwards, glad to her manipulation worked. "Really."
And for the first time in months, the weaver smiled, unlike any other time she smiled because she desperately wanted to see her sister… she missed her sister.
Eve spoke again as Viktor shuffled behind them to get something. "Now, all I want you to do is change time around…"
Viktor placed something in Eve's hand. "…this apple."
"Apple?" The weaver was curious and kind of nervous… she never experimented on something not someone… what if she failed… shs wouldn't get to see her sister.
Eve hummed, placing the apple right in front of the girl, it looked delicious that the weaver wanted to leap and take bite of it after her meals were lessened after her lazt failure….
"I simply want you to make time pass only for the apple… not us."
The weaver looked at her, unsure before she looked up at Viktor behind her… Viktor was nice, she liked Viktor, he gave her sweets when Eve wasn't around and he smiled at her reassuringly.
Then she let her hand out of her cocoon, and brought close to the apple and closed her eyes--
"No, eyes open, remember?" Eve snapped quickly and the girl opened her eyes widely, terrified from the sudden change in the angry red woman.
With an agonising effort, a purple rope appeared from under the girl's skin, moving around her arm like a snake, going around it im circles until it decorating her arm like a second skin before it wrapped around the apple.
The weaver fought against the utter pain that followed each time she let a rope out, but a whimper escaped her and if Eve heard it, she simply didn't care and kept on watching the rope with fascination.
The girl was shaking slightly, terrified of what the red woman would do to her if she failed again or worse, what she would do to her sister.
Slowly, the purple halo wrapped around the apple the same way it did the weaver and then it was almost unnoticeable but something in the apple was changing… it was rotting as if it had been out in the open for weeks, only it was here for seconds.
The weaver's ability was evolving rapidly recently and this was as much proof as needed when the apple rotted completely in her ropes hold in the matter of seconds and Eve laughed in shock.
A few ragged breaths left the girl as pain hit her for overusing her ability but she then soon realised that she actually did it… she managed to work her ability on an object, the experiment was successful.
"Good job, my little weaver!" Eve opened her palm for a high five with a smile and the girl couldn't resist as she mirror her grin and hit their palms together sweetly.
She could see her sister…
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Your head was pounding as if someone was banging on it with a hammer, unnecessarily hard and opening your eyes took effort when they felt like they were glued shut somehow.
So weak, always so weak, Weaver.
That had your eyes snapping wide open and frantically looking around, searched for her, afraid that she was here somewhere, ready to kill you for talking.
"Hey, hey, calm down." Dazai's voice sounded beside you, his bandaged hands pushing down on your shoulders, forcing you to lie down on and in instant your mind was set at ease looking into his chocolate brown eye.
She wasn't here… he was and he was the one that saved you from a certain death and your body acted on its own will as your hand grabbed his wrist, pulling on it in a suffocating grip.
His gaze went to your hand, something weird happening to his heart at the thought of you seeking him, for protection or for anything else but he didn’t care, as long as you were close he never cared.
One of his cold hands covered yours and he murmured gently. "It's okay, Belladonna. You're okay."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and let your grip flatter before letting go of his wrist with a nod but you were still not sure, something was wrong with you… it felt like she was still there with you.
"What happened? After I passed out I mean." You asked with a sore throat but something about that event was nagging at you deeply and you needed to know why.
Dazai stared ahead without an answer for a while but you knew how he processed by now, he needed to remember all aspects before uttering a single word to you.
"That girl escaped, her subordinates saved her after Hirotsu-san knocked her out and then they retreated." He announced his eye having a once over on your face, looking for something and you manged to catch on rather swiftly.
With a shake of your head, you spoke firmly, partially because you were offended by his unspoken accusation. "I don't know why my ability didn't work on her either, so don't you dare accuse me--"
His eye sliced to yours and you shut up the second it did. "I wasn't going to accuse you, you're smarter than betraying the mafia in the first few months anyway."
He then stood up and went over to the window in your 'hospital' room, unmoving as his gaze stuck outside and you sat up the in the bed.
"Then what is it?" You asked, now more curious than ever because accusing would have made sense but whatever is playing out in his brain now… isn't.
"Last to my knowledge and correct me if I'm wrong even though I'm mostly not, but no one really knows your ability up close, right?" Not a glance was spared your way as he talked, still lost in his haze outside.
Your brows dipped in confusion as you sorted through your memories, the ones you remembered anyways, and came empty handed. "No, no one did."
Dazai hummed and his silence returned which had you irritated now, you needed answers.
"What's happening Dazai?" You pressed on through the unease filling your whole body, fueling it with nerves.
He now turned to you again, his eye belonged to that of the demon Prodigy. "They sent someone who could counter your ability, someone they knew could do that which means they know your ability-"
He raised his hand in demonstration. "-like the back of their hand."
Your mind went blank, sweat forming on my forehead as you took his words in. If that was true then only a handful of people knew your ability…
"The one leading them is someone you know, Bella. The one leading them is someone who knows you and to my knowledge only one person does that so it's either him or…"
He trailed off but you knew what he meant… what he wanted to hear and what you dread.
"It's not Keisuke… it's her." You whispered harshly, fist tightening over the blanket covering you as you remembered her… the red woman.
"Who is 'her'?" He leaned down, hands cornering on each side of your body, trapping with his body while his eye was breaking into your soul.
"Evelyn Sable." You said her name, spoke it after she threatened you that she would seal it shut if you told but you weren't afraid because that man in front of you was many things but one thing wasn't one of them… he was no coward… and he loved a good challenge.
He nodded in a scary way before pulling back with that smirk you knew meant trouble, only this time not just for him.
I'm coming, Sable.
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jamroses · 1 day
Maybe in another life
Word count: 1.3k Warnings: None ? Summary: Todd meets Neils sister Diane, and convinces the other Poets to have one last meeting so he can introduce her to them. Tags:Dead Poets Society, Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Gerard Pitts, Steven Meeks, Richard Cameron, AnderPerry Note: THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING AND PUBLISHING A FANFICTION??? HELP ME?? SORRY IF ITS HORRIBLE ?? CONSTRUCTIVE(!) CRITISM IS ALWAYS WELCOME <3
The days following Neil's death were silent, no one knew what to say. Barely a word was spoken between the boys, they had gotten some time off to deal with the news, and prepare for the funeral. 
Todd was lying on the now empty right side bed, Neil’s mother had come in the day before to clear out all his stuff and had even told him he could keep something of Neil’s to ‘remember him by’. 
Todd had chosen the script of ‘A midsummer night's dream’ and a sweater. A knock sounded on the other side of the door and Todd rose from the bed, 
“Come in.” Meeks walked in, 
‘‘It’s almost starting, are you ready to go?’’ Todd nodded and followed Meeks out the door and through the corridor. They walked silently, side by side through the halls toward the church next to the school where the service would be held. 
They slid into the bench next to Charlie, Knox & Pitts who were already seated, Todd looked around and saw Neil’s parents sitting on the front row, right beside Nolan. The headmaster rose from his seat and stood up on the podium. 
“The death of Neil Perry was a tragic accident.” Nolan began, 
“Liar.” Todd muttered under his breath. 
“He was a fine student, one of Welton’s best, and he will be missed.” Nolan continued, “We have contacted each of your parents to explain the situation. Naturally, all are quite concerned. At the request of Neil’s family, I intend to conduct a thorough inquiry into this matter. Your complete cooperation is expected.” 
After the service, everyone slowly made their way out to the courtyard. Todd walked behind his friends, 
“You guys go ahead, there’s something I need to check on.” 
He started towards the cemetery where they had just buried Neil. When he got there he saw there was already another person there, a girl, she couldn’t have been any older than he was. 
Todd slowly approached her, and stood a few feet apart from her, looking at Neil’s grave. The girl didn’t seem to notice him at first, as she continued to rearrange the white roses that were placed around Neil’s grave. Todd thought he had seen her before, but he just couldn’t figure out why she looked so familiar. 
After she had finished what she was doing, the girl turned her head to look at Todd.
She noticed how heartbroken he looked, how pale his skin was, how red his eyes were from crying. 
“Did you know him well?” She asked him, Todd looked up, “Neil, did you know him well?” 
“Oh yeah, we were roommates, you?” Todd looked at her, who was it that she reminded him of? 
“Yeah, he was my brother.” Todd looked her in the eyes for the first time since they met, 
He took in her features and realized she looked just like him, hell she could even be him. 
“Yeah he is, was, a year and a half older than me.” Todd was staring at her as if she were a ghost. 
“You look just like him.”  
“Yeah I get that a lot.” She smiled sadly. 
“I’m Todd Anderson by the way.” He held out his hand for her to shake, “So you’re that Todd!” She shook his hand, 
“I’m Diane Perry.’’ 
The bell in the tower struck, indicating that dinner was about to be served at Welton. ‘‘I uh 
have to go, dinners about to be served.’’ 
“Todd said.” Diane looked up, “Yeah I should probably make my way back as well. It was nice meeting you.” 
Diane started making her way back down the small path that led to the village, 
“Wait!” Todd called after her, she turned around, “Do you want to meet the other boys?” 
She smiled, “I’d love to.” 
“Okay, uh, awesome, meet me back here around 8:30.” 
“See you then Todd.” Todd waved and as he made his way back to Welton, he felt that everything might be okay.
Dinner was silent, no one looked at each other. “Guys, meet me at the cave tonight at half past 8?” 
Todd suddenly spoke, everyone looked surprised. 
“What, are you crazy? Why would we go back there?” Knox spoke, 
“Please guys, I have a surprise.” 
“I am never going back to that place.” Charlie said. 
“Yeah, I’ve got homework to do anyway.” Meeks agreed. 
“Come on guys, please. Just one last time.” Todd pleaded, he really needed this to work. “No, and now I don’t want to talk about it anymore!” Knox raised his voice, clearly sounding upset. Todd was starting to lose hope, “For Neil, please.”
Charlie sighed, “What’s this surprise you have for us anyway?” 
“Come to the cave tonight and you’ll see.” 
“Well it better be good.” Pitts said, getting up from the table and getting his stuff together. 
“This is the Last time I will be going back there. Understood?” Knox also got up, 
“Great, awesome, don’t forget, half past 8.” The remaining boys all got up and made their way back to their rooms. 
“What’s taking him so long?” Knox was getting impatient, “It’s 8:45 already!” “Dude relax,” Charlie tried to calm him down, “He’ll be here soon.”
“If he’s not here in 5 minutes I’m leaving.” Pitts decided, Meeks nodding in agreement.
Just then, Todd walked into the cave, “Sorry I’m late guys, had to pick up the surprise.”
“It better be good,” Knox grumbled, still upset. “So where is this surprise anyway?” Charlie asked, just as Diane stepped into the cave.
“She’s right here.”
The boys’ jaws collectively dropped as they looked at the girl before them, the girl who had the Same brown eyes, the Same brown hair, the Same nose, even the same smile as him. No one dared to speak a word. Scared that if they did, she might disappear.
Todd broke the silence by introducing her; “Guys this is Diane, she’s Neils sister.” Diane nodded and Todd continued, “Diane this is Knox, Charlie, Meeks and Pitts. A.K.A the Dead Poets Society.”
“I heard you guys have meetings? Where you read poetry?” Diane looked to Meeks, who seemed quite smart to her, and would probably explain it best.
“Yeah, we take turns reading poetry, some from the greats, some original pieces.” Diane nodded, “I actually have a poem I prepared to read tonight.” Diane cleared her throat, ready to start when Charlie interrupted,
“We’ve got to open the meeting first.”
Pitts agreed, “You can’t just start reading poetry.”
“Well then would someone open the meeting please?” Diane looked around and realized that as soon as she asked the question the cave fell silent.
Pitts had taken a sudden interest to his shoes, Charlie acted as though he had never seen a cave wall before in his life, Meeks felt the need to clean is already clean glasses thoroughly and Todd just stared off into the distance, as if he wasn’t even here.
“He always opened the meetings.” Knox spoke.
“Excuse me?”
“Neil, he always opened our meetings.” Knox got up, “Listen Todd, I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish by bringing her here. But we’ve all gotta move on.”
“What are you talking about?” Todd got up as well, “I understand you’re just trying to help.” Knox continued; “But you gotta face the reality, Neils dead, we might all be facing expulsion, and Keating is being investigated. I’m sorry, but I’m leaving, I can’t take this anymore.” Knox made his was out the cave,
“Knox! Wait! Come back!” Todd tried to chase after him.
“It’s no use,” Meeks spoke, “he’s gone.”
“He was right though,” Pitts also got up, “We shouldn’t be doing this.” He started making his way out the cave too.
Todd felt all hope he had that afternoon disappear, everything was falling apart.
“I’m sorry Todd.” Charlie looked Todd in the eyes, “Maybe one day we’ll return.” Charlie put on his coat and followed Pitts outside.
“Meeks, please, you can’t leave.” Todd pleaded, feeling his eyes fill up with tears. But Meeks had already gotten up, and was halfway out the cave,
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