#girl who warrior posts at 5am after waking at 3
skarmoree · 5 months
it goes like this:
You wonder how to feed your Clan. Twolegs are destroying your home. You ask for aid. You ask for a space at the table. You ask for mercy. It is denied. There is nothing you can do but leave. Leaving will destroy you. There is nothing you can do but leave.
It destroys. It destroys and you survive and you live and you persist. And then it destroys more. There is nothing left. There is a ghost of a legacy. The stars send someone to help. The stars are the only ones that try.
(what's legacy mean to a dying group if not the constraints that impeded salvation?)
Rebirth. A legacy of those you never knew. Whispers from older generations about what used to be. Finding a place. It will destroy you again. You fight. You win. You have to fight again.
Eventually you have to stop fighting. Eventually you will grow too tired to continue. This looms over you. How can you stop. To stop is to give up. To stop means to be destroyed again. You will not allow it. The legacy is preserved in you.
They turned their backs. Covered their ears. Covered their eyes. They do not take your exile as a warning. They forget you instead. Those that turned away from you and drove you out are driven out themselves. They are not shown mercy. There was nothing they could do but leave.
The stars send someone to help. The stars lead. You follow. You follow and ask for a place at the table. You get it this time. A mercy is only a mercy for however long it lasts. The Twolegs will come again. A history nobody is around to remember will repeat. It will destroy you again.
You wonder how to feed your Clan. When the time comes, will mercy still be extended to you? Will you still have a space at the table?
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