#girl my poor undernourished brain
oumiyuki · 7 years
The Daily Life of Loving a Really Cute but Dense Vampire Ch4
Chapter 4 - The Vampire Side Of Life
This chapter, let’s see some of the others after school ended for the first day.
May you enjoy! :D
Nico was going to enjoy her quiet walk home before having to handle the kids at home, but Nozomi decided to say hi.
“Nicocchi. Wait up.” Nozomi took larger strides to catch up to Nico who tried to ignore her. “How was first day of school?”
“Fine until now.”
“Really? I thought it was really interesting too.” Nozomi giggled to herself.
“Ugh…Is it so hard to ask for silence?” Nico looked to the sky exasperatedly.
“Oh, you didn’t want to chat?” Nozomi looked over to see Nico frowning.
“What tipped you off?” Nico groaned.
They continued walking in silence for a minute before Nico broke it.
“Why aren’t you saying anything?!” Nico accused with a stamp of her foot, stopping in her tracks all together. Nozomi’s eyebrows rose but just gave her usual grin.
“You wanted silence, no?”
“Ugh, but you wanted to talk. So talk.” Nico grimaced. Nozomi stayed silent. “Fine, I’ll talk. Are you trying to get close to Ayase before sucking her dry?”
“What? No! Of course not, Nicocchi. Why would you even think that?” Nozomi was appalled that Nico would even suggest something like that.
“Why else would you want to be vice class president? Nobody wants to be vice class president!” Nico flailed around as she continued her accusation.
“Oh. Well, I thought it’d be nice to try something new in high school. Elichi being a nice person is a bonus.” Nozomi winked at Nico who pretended to gag.
“Sure, I believe you.”
“Why won’t you, Nicocchi?” Nozomi faked a hurt look.
“I ain’t forgetting how you play nice with the deer before you devour them whole!” Nico shook her head at the memory.
“You make me sound like a monster. I just sucked its blood. And…playing nice is a tactic. Doesn’t differ from how you attack your prey too.” Nozomi had a small pout, not entirely sure how to defend her actions.
“Right…Whatever. Has long as you’re not going to suck human blood, I’m fine.” Nozomi giggled.
“Nicocchi cares after all.”
“Who’s caring?!” Nico crossed her arms and looks away.
“A certain class idol perhaps~” Nico glared at Nozomi who had a huge grin on, now that Nico is on the teasing end. “Since we’re on this topic, do you think Honoka-chan is one of us?”
“Huh? Honoka? Vampire? Do you need a head checkup, Nozomi? There’s no way someone as dumb as Honoka can be a vampire.” Nico couldn’t believe that Nozomi would suggest such a possibility.
“You can never guess, Nicocchi. She was speaking of blood-”
“She’s just weird. If she was a vampire, our existence would be known to the world already.” Nico still refused to believe, seriously, how can someone with so much dumb energy be a vampire. Vampires should be more collected, wise and low-key.
“You’re trying to be an idol.”
“That’s a cover! So no one would second guess! And idols are amazing! Hmph!” Nico crossed her arms and huffed. No one should speak ill of idols in front of Nico, or at all. Nozomi chuckled.
“Well, Honoka-chan might have someone keeping her in line?” Nico’s eyebrows rose sky high at Nozomi’s implication.
“You mean Sonoda is vampire?” Nozomi shrugged.
“You never know~”
“Uh…Don’t beat around the bush, psychic. If you think they might be vampires, do you want them to reveal their identity? Or we can both don’t know the truth of each other. It’s not like it’ll cause lots of harm.” Nico is starting to lose her patience, she had better things to do then discuss possible vampires; like take care of her siblings or watch more idol videos.
“Well, I just didn’t want to repeat fifth year gym class.” Nico’s eyes widened, a spark of rage flashed within.
“Accusing the poor girl who just happened to be more athletic then you to be a vampire.” Nozomi grinned mischievously.
“Well, it’s not my fault that I was in front, she happened to overtake me, and then tripped me-”
“You lost your own balance.”
“I was undernourished! She then goes off and wins first place.”
“It wasn’t a race, was it? Just running.”
“That’s not the point! And she doesn’t eat!”
“A lot. She does not eat a lot because she watches her diet.”
Nozomi chuckled. “She tried to call you a vampire too, and you were stumped. That was a sight to see. If only I had my camera.”
“… Okay, fine. We’ll find out if Sonoda and Honoka is a vampire. Happy?”
“Maybe~” Nico sighs and mutters under her breath.
“Why do I always have to do the hard work?”
“Let me know if you need help.” Nozomi grinned.
“You’re usually more trouble than help, so I’ll pass.” Nico walked off.
“How mean~” Nozomi went on her way too, already deciding that she’ll help out wherever she can.
Hanayo and Rin are walking home together as they only live two blocks away from each other.
“Kayochin! Today was so much fun right?” Rin speaks with a bounce and hands thrown up high energetically.
“Ah~ I can’t wait for tomorrow! Let’s make lots of friends nya!”
“Friends… New friends..?” Hanayo looks down uncertain of whether she can make new friends on her own.
“Don’t worry nya! The whole class was so friendly and open! And there’s always me nya! We’ll make friends together! Okay, Kayochin?” Rin flashed a huge smile to Hanayo who laughed softly before nodding.
“Mmph, even if I can’t make new friends, I just need Rin-chan.” Hanayo smiled to Rin.
“Aw~ That’s so sweet, Kayochin!” Rin hugs Hanayo tightly.
“Ah, Rin-chan…” Hanayo hugs back lightly, afraid that she might accidentally use too much strength.
“But don’t be so pessimistic nya! If anything, I think Honoka-chan will be friends with us!”
“Mmph…” Hanayo smiled back to Rin to show that she’s no longer feeling negative.
The girl who loves blood and was really helpful earlier…I hope we can be friends…
“I’ll be heading home now, Kayochin! See you tomorrow nya!” Rin points straight ahead to where she has to go. Hanayo nodded.
“See you tomorrow, Rin-chan. Take care.” Rin laughs heartily.
“Don’t worry nya! It’s just a short walk to home! Bye bye nya!” Rin runs off, leaving Hanayo smiling as she watched her bestfriend run home.
In the house where the aroma of freshly cooked rice floated around, Hanayo’s mother calls for Hanayo.
“Hanayo, dinner is ready. Is two bowls enough for you?”
“Um…I think two bowls will be enough for tonight.” Hanayo walked into the kitchen.
“Well, the rice cooker has more if you need seconds. And your favourite blood topping is in the shelf if the one on the table runs out.”
“Okay, mum.” Hanayo took the bowl of rice from her mum to bring to the dining table. “Let me help.”
“Thank you, Hanayo.” Hanayo’s mother passed the bowls to her daughter before taking her own serving.
“Ah~ Blood O topping on hot, steamy rice~ This must be paradise~” Hanayo tucked into her meal with an expression of bliss; what can be better than rice and blood for Hanayo.
Honoka reaches home half an hour after she waved goodbye to Kotori. It did not take so long to reach home because she took a wrong turn and followed a kitten into another alley, nope it did not.
Honoka opened the door to her house and greeted her mum who was manning the counter of their family business “Homura Manjuu”. Theirs is a special business that caters to both vampires and humans with blood manjuus and normal manjuus respectively.
“I’m back, mum!” Honoka opened the door with the same amount of force she did with her classroom’s door. However, no slam was heard. After years of having such a rambunctious vampire daughter, you would know to have your doors have an automatic slow down plus reduce impact feature.
“Welcome back, Honoka.” Her mum greeted but gasped when she saw her daughter. “What happened to you? Did you get into a fight at school?” Honoka’s mum left the counter to take a closer look at Honoka’s scratched up uniform and slightly ruffled hair.
“Ah…No, I was just playing with this really cute kitten in an alley…somewhere close to home?” Honoka was not sure where she was, but she made it back home, that’s what matters right? Honoka’s mum sighed.
“Honoka…Go take a bath and clean up.” Honoka’s mum pushed lightly on Honoka’s back to usher her upstairs.
“Okay~” Honoka happily obliged, she felt kind of sticky anyways. Rolling on the floor with the kitten made even a vampire dirty.
“Luckily we bought ten pairs of uniforms for Honoka. We are down by one on the first day already.” Honoka’s mum smiled wryly as she shook her head, returning to the counter.
Honoka entered her should’ve been unoccupied room to get her change of clothes, but to her surprise was greeted by her blue haired childhood friend. Umi sat in a seiza position and gave Honoka a stern look when she opened the door.
“Umi-chan? Um, welcome?” Honoka smiled nervously, wracking her brain immediately, thinking if she done anything to anger Umi today. She did a lot, but those were not why Umi was here.
“Pardon the intrusion.” Umi stood up, her stern gaze changed into that of furrowed eyebrows. “What happened to you, Honoka?”
“Oh, I was playing with a cat.” Honoka laughed sheepishly while scratching the back of her head. Umi sighed heavily.
“I’ll cut to the chase-”
“Ah, can I go get a bath first? I’m kind of sticky…hehe.” Honoka smiled expectantly.
“Alright.” Umi turned to sit on Honoka’s bed. “The cat is still alive right?”
Honoka who was taking her clothes halfway spun around with her jaw agape. “What?! Of course it is!”
Umi quirked an eyebrow from Honoka’s bed, while Honoka pouted.
“Good to know. Now what about a bath?”
“Boo…I don’t go around sucking everyone’s blood, Umi-chan. And I wasn’t feeling hungry then.”
“Lucky for the cat, now go bathe. We need to talk.” Umi had an amused smile on, she takes pride in being able to make Honoka speechless.
“Talk about?” Honoka picked up her clothes and disappeared through the door for the bathroom.
“Our identity. And even if you can still hear me, you shouldn’t just disappear like that.” Umi talked to the table, she could vaguely hear a laugh and ‘I wanted to make it fast.’ over the sound of the shower. Umi had better hearing than humans too, but unlike Honoka who seems to catch on to anything, Umi chooses when she wants to focus her hearing, it was a handy skill against the cicadas in summer and crickets at night; those almost drove her crazy when she was younger.
Honoka was done with her shower in about five minutes.
“You sure you scrubbed yourself properly?”
“Sure did! Here you can check!” Honoka plopped herself beside Umi on her bed while stretching out her arms for Umi to inspect causing Umi’s cheeks to light up from the sudden close proximity with Honoka.
“I don’t want to. And since you don’t smell bad anymore, I’ll give you the pass. Now give me some breathing space, Honoka.” Umi moved herself while Honoka kept her arms and laughed.
“So what did you want to talk about?”
Umi stared into Honoka’s eyes which sent Honoka the message that the topic is serious so she focused and waited for Umi to start talking. “Hm. Did you reveal to Kotori about being a vampire?”
Honoka’s eyes widened. “To Kotori-chan? No. Why?”
Umi scrutinized Honoka’s expression. “You didn’t accidentally reveal your identity?”
Honoka shook her head rapidly. “No, I didn’t. I know we need to keep our identity a secret, Umi-chan. Have some trust in me!”
Umi sighed. “It’s not that I don’t trust you… I trust that you have a high chance of spilling the beans. Like maybe, look, I can jump three stories high.”
Honoka pouted. “I can jump higher than that…”
“That’s not the point, Honoka.”
“Well, I didn’t. And I don’t plan to jump so high in front of Kotori-chan.” Honoka smiled proudly.
“Alright, just remember to be careful.”
“I know.”
“On another note, you sure made friends fast.” Umi smiled softly.
“Are you lonely, Umi-chan?” Honoka looked earnestly at Umi.
“What? No! Why would I be lonely…” Umi looked away.
“I just thought since we spend most of our time together, and today I went home with Kotori-chan instead, you might be lonely. But if you’re not, that’s great!” Honoka leaned back on her arms.
“Right… You’ve got another week before we go to the woods to fill ourselves up again, right?”
“Mm…Yup! Should we hunt a lion or a bear next time?” Honoka kicked her legs excitedly.
“I prefer deers, so…”
“Aw~ But bears are much more fun to fight with.”
“If we didn’t had to keep our fangs in shape, I’d rather we don’t hunt.” Umi stared into the distance.
Honoka faced Umi with an understanding smile. “I know…” They both shared a moment of silence which did not last long.
“But you like how fresh the blood taste when we sink our fangs in, no?” Honoka commented with a teasing tone. Umi’s face dropped.
“No comment.” Umi stood up to leave the laughing Honoka.
“Leaving already?”
“To prepare for school.”
“What’s there to prepare?” Honoka genuinely did not know.
Umi turned around to give Honoka a look of ‘you’re seriously asking’.
“Oh.” Honoka smiled widely. “Thanks for the reminder!” Honoka hopped onto her feet to see Umi off.
“And pencil case for you.”
“Oh~! Definitely that! Thank you, Umi-chan!” Honoka hugged Umi from behind as thanks for reminding her about her favourite pencil and necessary school materials.
Umi tried to shake Honoka off half-heartly. “You’re making it hard to walk.”
“Are you taking away some manjuus?”
“…Yeah.” Umi smiled at the thought of Homura’s blood manjuus, it was her favourite. Honoka chuckled and rushed past Umi.
“I’ll help pack! Is one box enough?” Honoka skipped to the counter to let her mum know.
“Yeah. One is enough.” Umi smiled as she walked over.
“Type A?” Honoka asked with an open box and a manjuu in hand.
“Two type A, B and O each.”
“Oh~ Umi-chan sure can eat everything!”
“I’m getting some for my parents too. Though it’s true that I’m not picky.”
“Hehe, but other than our manjuu and blood, you don’t eat anything else.” Honoka skipped over after packing Umi’s order.
“You know human food is tasteless to our taste buds…Or could make us gag.” Umi frowned at the memory of trying to eat human food.
“I eat bread!”
“There’s something wrong with your taste buds.” Umi took the package from Honoka.
“No there isn’t!” Honoka protested while Umi chuckled as she made her way to the exit.
“You love bread.”
“That I do!”
“And even then, it has to be strawberry filling.” Umi smirked as she stepped outside.
“Strawberry jam bread is delicious!” Honoka shouted and stuck her tongue at Umi before running back up to her room like a child. Honoka could hear Umi’s clearly amused laughter from her bedroom.
And we get a peek into the vampire side now! Since Kotori is busy fantasizing about Honoka in her room.
This chapter here should’ve shown more about our vampire friends. (I miss Kotori already. :P)
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signeficunt · 7 months
finding out what junkorexia is was the biggest mistake of my life
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