#girl I respect found out I like the sound guy and went hey. don't stare so much.
shaking sobbing
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joedirtymadre · 5 months
argument with satoru?
GOJO X READER! ANGST! (Send more requests 🫶)
Respect - Part 2
You wouldn’t normally consider yourself the jealous type, but lately it’s been difficult to just sit back and allow a bunch of random girls flirt with Satoru. No matter where you two go, there’s always some random girl popping up to flirt with him.
You’ve tried to talk to Satoru, but he always brushes it off. Explaining how he’d never choose those girls over you, and how he would feel bad ignoring them. But in the end you’re the one being ignored…
You groaned and ruffled up your hair as you headed to the mall. You guys planned a little shopping date to help you pick a dress for a family member’s wedding coming up. You made it to the entrance of the mall and scanned around, you received a text that your boyfriend was already inside waiting by the water fountain.
You made it to the fountain and instantly found him… along with the small crowd of 4 or 5 girls surrounding him. You slowly walked up, coughing loudly. You were then faced with 5 ugly stares, “Hey Satoru,” you smiled nervously. “Hey babe, I’ve been waiting for you,” he smiled as he politely walked past the group of girls. “Ready to go?” He asked. You nodded and you both headed towards the clothing store, you slowly turned your head back towards the group of girls. Seeing each one with a nasty glare.
… The Shop…
“Try this one (Y/N)!” He smiled as he handed you a light blue dress with a thigh high slit, and an extremely low v-cut. “I don't think that’s appropriate for a wedding,” you pointed out. “Probably not, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you wear it,” he winked. You felt your face heat up, “Stop messing around,” you frowned. “Oh come on~” he smiled slyly. “If I try it will you start looking more seriously?” You asked. “Yes ma’am!” He said as he saluted. “Ok, ok, hand me the dress. I’m also going to try these other 2 I found, ok?” You shared. “Alright I’ll be waiting out here,” he said as he sat on some waiting couches outside the wardrobe.
You quickly changed into your first dress, a dark plum dress with a sweetheart neckline and off shoulder sleeves. “This is nice,” you smiled as you spun around in front of the mirror. You slowly stepped out in order for Satoru to see it. “Oh wow!” He smiled as he sat up. “It’s nice huh?” You asked excitedly. “Yeah you look really cute,” he said. You smiled at his compliment, “Ok I’m gonna try on the other ones. Your boyfriend nodded and sat back on the couch.
You tried on an emerald green dress next, but you realized it was too baggy. So you quickly took it off. You then slowly put on Satoru’s pick. Once it was on you stared into the mirror, “I don’t think this dress fits me too well,” you frowned. “But let’s see what Satoru thinks,” you shrugged and slowly opened the wardrobe door.
You were met with an empty couch chair. “Satoru?” You softly called out, wondering if he got tired of waiting and went to look at some more dresses. You decided to go back and change into your clothes to go look for him, until you heard some laughs. “That sounds like…” you trailed off as you walked to the other side of the wardrobes and noticed your boyfriend laughing with another girl.
She was in the same dress you were in, but she filled it out much more than you did. You stood there awkwardly, hoping he would notice you… “S-Satoru…” you called out. He finally turned his attention towards you, “Oh hey (Y/N),” he smiled. “Hey…” you replied. “Sorry about that, she asked me if I could help pick which dress looked better,” he explained as he walked over to you. “O-Oh… but that’s what you’re doing for me,” you replied. “Yeah but… I mean I can do both,” he said.
You looked over to the other girl, who had a smug expression on her face. “Yeah, sorry for stealing him for a bit. But you never got to tell me how this dress looks on me,” she smiled as she walked over to you two. “Oh that’s right! Well… I’d have to say that one looks really good on you. You look beautiful,” he smiled. You stood there, crushed. “Wow, thank you,” she smiled, as she looked at you through narrow eyes.
“Oh and honey, from one girl to another… you don’t fill that dress out at all… it doesn’t suit you or your complexion,” she said. You hugged yourself, trying to hide yourself from your judging eyes, you looked over to your boyfriend hoping he had something positive to say. “Yeahh… seeing it on you I guess it doesn’t suit you that much,” he said. Crushed. You slowly nodded and headed back to your wardrobe.
Inside, you ripped the dress off of you and tossed it on the floor. Throwing your clothes on as quickly as you could. You occasionally wiped the hot tears that ran down your face. Fuck dress shopping, fuck girls, and fuck Satoru. You were embarrassed, humiliated, and felt unloved. As soon as you had your clothes back on, you busted out of the wardrobe room and towards the exit.
Once stepping outside of the dress shop, you heard your name being called. “Hey! (Y/N)!” You heard, but that only made your pace move faster towards the mall’s exit doors. “Wait! Where are you going?” You heard, with footsteps close behind you.
You finally made it out of the mall, but was quickly grabbed. You ripped yourself out of their grasp. “What?!” You asked, as you let the hot tears run down your face. “Woah… What happened? Are you ok?” He asked as he moved closer, causing you to step back. “(Y/N)?” He asked, confused by your behavior. “D-Don’t touch me,” you stuttered.
“What? Why, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Just get away from me!” You yelled. “Why? What did I do?” He asked, visibly getting upset. “Are you fucking kidding me? First, I tell you to stop engaging with so many girls, and when I get here you have a whole crowd of them around you. Next, you went off to help another girl, and when I pointed out how you came here to do that for me, your girlfriend, you go off telling me how you can do that for the both of us? Are you serious?! And then…” you trailed off, feeling a massive lump in your throat. “And then… your girlfriend gets humiliated by someone else, and you stand there and agree with her…” you cried. “Why wouldn’t I be upset?” You asked as you rubbed your eyes.
“I keep telling you how you allow so many girls to actively flirt with you makes me uncomfortable. But then you go off and agree with one when she says I don’t look nice in a dress? A dress you chose?” You asked. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t think-“ you interrupted him. “Yeah because you don’t think, you never think about me and my feelings. Only about yourself,” you glared. “How would you feel if you allowed a group of guys to come up to me and flirt with me all the time. Or go off with another guy when we’re supposed to be spending time together, because ‘I can help everyone’?” You asked.
“It’s like you’re just giving me more and more reasons to just leave…” you sighed. “No! That wasn’t my intention!” He said as he grabbed your shoulders. You noticed his eyes, how terrified they looked. “Well that’s how it looks to me, and… good job. You succeeded, because I don’t want anything to do with you after today,” you glared as you pulled yourself away from him. You turned to walk away, but was pulled from behind into a hug.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I didn’t take your feelings seriously. I didn’t think it was a big deal, I thought you knew how much I care about you. How I would always choose you over any other girl,” he said as he tightened his hug. “That’s not what you showed me today, and I’m tired of having to sit back and take all their hurtful glares and judgment looks towards me… because of you,” you said softly. “I can’t be with you anymore,” you cried.
“No! (Y/N) please listen to me, I love you. So please don’t leave me, I’ll stop messing around with those girls. If it’ll make you happy,” he said. Those words… you finally snapped. “Well I would’ve been a lot happier if you would have stopped the first time I told you, but no… you don’t want to be ‘mean’. And what do you mean, make me happy?? Why aren’t you doing it out of respect for our relationship, the fact that you allowed them to flirt with you shows how little respect you had for me,” you yelled at his face. “I’m done, I’m over this,” you said as you spun around.
“Don’t talk to me outside of special assignments or class,” you glared. “(Y/N)…” you heard as you walked off towards the train station. Wanting him to be out of your sight, maybe even out of your life…
You sat down once inside the train… if only I could disappear… go away so I’d never have to see him and that stupid face again. You were pulled out of your thoughts as your Blackberry rang in your pocket (2006 phone 😎). You pulled it out and saw ‘Sensei Yaga’ on the cover. You quickly picked up the phone.
“(Y/N), are you busy?” He asked. “No…” you sniffled. “I see, well I was planning to wait until you arrived back at school, but… there’s no time. I need an answer within the next few seconds,” he started. “Ok?” You replied, confused. “We received a call from the states, they would like to receive a student. In hopes to train and mentor other sorcerers over there, and I recommended you,” he explained.
“America? Oh wow, thank you sensei… but…” you trailed off. America? That’s so far, and that means you’d have to leave your home, your friends, your… Your mind quickly flashed to Satoru. “I-I… I accept,” you said, determined. This is your opportunity to leave, to move on and find something new and better. “Very well then. By the time you arrive back to the school we’ll have your necessities packed and ready to go,” Mr. Yaga said. “Ok, I’ll be right there,” you replied. You quickly hung up the phone and leant back in your seat and let out a deep sigh.
Who knows if you’re making a huge mistake in leaving, but… you can’t stay here, not if he’s around you all the time…
“I’m off to the states…” you whispered to yourself and you sat patiently for your stop.
Maybe part 2? 👀
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bellarkeselection · 8 months
hey! I have a submission/request for a fanfic for whenever you can get to it.
While Monica and Kayce are separated, Kayce and a female farm hand (who has been around for a few years) end up having a drunken night together. Feeling ashamed, she ends up drinking in the pasture (clearly hasn’t learnt her lesson) with Rip. She ends up having a night with Rip as well. Well a few weeks later she finds out she is pregnant and doesn’t know who the father is. She tries to hide the pregnancy for a bit until she can find out the paternity but something happens and she has to spill the beans to them
Two Baby Daddy’s
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None of us say that we are going to help someone cheat on their husband or wife…sometimes these things happen. But what I didn’t expect was having two possible baby daddy's to the infant growing in my belly…let's go back to the beginning though shall we?
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I rolled over on my side feeling a soft bed mattress underneath me. My gaze found a familiar tousled locks of brown curly hair that could only belong to Kayce Dutton. I sat slightly up on the pillows just staring at him. “You sure know how to show a girl a good time, Dutton.” I kissed his head climbing out of the covers shrugging on my clothes that we had thrown around the room the night before.
I snatched my hat off the door handle leaving his bedroom and went straight to the barn. Climbing on my horse the work day wasn't bad and the guys were playing poker and drinking beer by the end of the night. I walked outside of the building leaning against the wooden fence drinking from my beer hearing footsteps coming up behind me. “You didn’t talk much today. Care to explain why?” Rip came walking up to me.
“The cattle don't care much for talkin’. And I just didn't have anything good to share except that I am a coward who can’t tell the guy I like how I feel without a whole lot of alcohol.” I take a long drink feeling the buzz in my head starting to appear.
Rip leans on the fence watching me. I had been a loyal farm hand for years. He respected me as much as John does. “Everybody makes mistakes in their life. You just have to man up and take responsibility for it.”
“That sounds like a good idea. But I'd rather do the opposite it and just make the pair go away for a few hours. What do ya say, Wheeler?” I swayed my hips at him holding the beer bottle in my freehand trying to gain his attention.
Rip stood there for a moment debating in his head. He knew Beth would tear down whoever slept with her man even though she didn't much care for labels on relationships. “Beth wouldn't like that very much if we hooked up.”
“Hey, it's not like I'm just some random girl. I am her best friend and you could just say you did it to make me happy for a night. She won't sink her claws into me over that.” I slowly walked up to him running my freehand down his chest ever so slowly. “What do you say. One more girl before you make Berh your wife forever?”
Y/n, I….hell with it.” Rip decided to change his mind cupping my face and smashing his lips onto mine before his brain told him this was wrong.
Moving my hands up his chest I moaned into the kiss enjoying the feeling. The bottle in my hands dropped to the dust and dirt underneath our boots. Rip tugged me closer to his chest deepening the kiss. “We should get out of here before they come looking for us out here.” He warned me of the cowboys fighting inside the bunkhouse over who was really winning the poker game.
Dragging me to his cabin Rip kicked open the door and I jumped up into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. He carried me to his bedroom, sitting me on the bed. We each quickly removed our clothes before I held his face in my hands pulling him down onto me and the bed.
That night was two weeks ago and it brought more conflict than I ever wanted in my life.
Walking down the hallway of the main house and to Beth’s room I knocked three times before she opened the door knowing it was me. “Did you get what I asked you for?”
“Yes I did. My father knows I can’t have kids. So you better be more discreet about this.” She moved out of the way, letting me inside the bedroom. She reached into her purse handing me a pack of pregnancy tests.
Taking out one I went into the nearest bathroom while she stood guard inside with me, blocking the door shut with her body. “Thanks Beth…..oh I’m so screwed now.” Holding the test in my hands it took a few minutes before we had an answer.
“Do you know who the father is?” She questioned me, arms crossed over her chest.
Lifting my head up I felt my entire body shiver at the thought. I hadn’t told her about me and Rip yet since it was just a one time thing. “I uh….I slept with Rip. But I also slept with Kayce a few days earlier.”
“If you were anyone else I would kick your ass. But because you are my friend I will help you hide this until you find out who the father is.” She responded to me helping me to my feet before we went our separate ways.
Weeks later -
Climbing down from my horse as quickly as possible when I got into the barn after work saying that I wasn’t feeling too good and so Rip let me heed back earlier. Stumbling into the dirt I rushed over to one of the empty stalls that we kept the horses in. I bent my head over the wall and puked whatever was in my stomach. “Y/n, woah hey. Hey are you alright?”
“Kayce?” I croaked through the fact that I was trying to catch my breath still.
He was holding my hair back out of my face when I slowly turned around to face him. “Rip said you weren't feeling well so I thought I'd come check on you.”
“Thanks Kayce. But I'm fine.” I pushed away from him, snatching my hat up from the dirt ground and dusting the dust off of it.
Kayce stared at me and stepped forward grabbing me by the forearm when I attempted to leave the barn. “Hold on a second. There's something I need to talk to you about. Beth, just told me she wants me and Rip to come down to the hospital with you.”
“Shit Bethany. What the hell are you doing?” I cursed under my breath.
I have been keeping this a secret for a few weeks now. I needed to keep my job after all and not ruin my friendship or whatever that I had with the Dutton standing in front of me now. I had gone to the hospital yesterday evening asking for a paternity test to find out who the father of the baby was. “Do you want to explain why she would want me and Rip to go to the hospital with you?”
“Kayce, I…it’s because-”
“Y/n, are you feeling better? We managed to finish the job earlier so the boys are going out for drinks if you want to come with us.” Rip's voice entered the barn and he dismounted his horse seeing the two of us.
Glancing over my shoulder, my chest tightening in a panic mode. “Rip?”
“Is something going on here I need to involve the boss in?” Rip points his finger from me to Kayce.
Clutching my hands into fists I sucked in a sharp breath. The two men were just staring at me now. Thanks to Beth I supposed I have no choice but to explain the situation if I don't want them to both be angry with me later down the line. “There's something I need to talk to you two about…I'm pregnant.” Lifting the sweatshirt I had on you could see a growing belly underneath the shirt I was wearing.
“You're pregnant. How far along…do you think it's mine?’ Kayce covers his mouth with his hands.
Rip blinked when I focused my attention on him. “Or it could be mine.”
“Yes, That's why I took the test. The reason Beth told you Kayce is because the doctor has the results now.” I whispered avoiding their gazes on me.
Rip headed towards the doorway and we followed him to the truck. Beth came with us since she knew I needed a friend when we entered the room and the doctor came in with the results. “This will be a very interesting conversation for the father. So I will say congratulations to you Y/n. The father has the same blood DNA as Mr. Dutton.”
“I'm gonna be a father again?” Kayce breathed out.
Beth pushed the doctor out of the room and Rip followed her out into the hallway leaving us alone in the room. “Thanks for the help. Now let them yell at each other then kiss alone.”
I remained in my seat, hands covering my mouth with my hands so terrified of what I would say to him. There were two options he could say to me. He would either be happy or not want anything to do with me and our baby. “Kayce, I don't know where to start. I should have told you how I felt before now. It shouldn't have been alcohol to make me have the guts to tell you that I've had feelings for you for years.”
“It was because of Monica and me why you didn't say anything wasn't it?” He turned his head at me and we were looking the other in the eye. “I'm sorry I didn't see your feelings earlier…I love Tate. I guess he was right that I was too chicken to tell you the truth.”
I blinked through some tears needing to hear the words from him to believe it. “Kayce, how do you feel about me?”
“This is how, Darling.” He got to his feet, getting down on his knees in front of me. I gasped feeling him press his lips down onto mine slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back until we needed air and he was panting for breath. “I've always had feelings for you. I won't leave you and this baby.”
I gasped sniffing through happy tears. “You won't. But what about Tate?”
“He's gonna be thrilled to have a sibling.” Kayce chuckled, kissing my forehead. “I love you Y/n.”
Laying my head against his chest I smiled when he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me. “I love you too, Kayce.”
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erensproudsimp · 3 years
Work out
Armin Arlert x reader Oneshot
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Summary : I woke up, thought of gym sex and wrote it
Word Count : 2.3k
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"Come on y/n, going to the gym is not that bad plus Mikasa would be joining us too", Annie encouraged you.
"Working out seems so much of trouble that I certainly don't want to partake as I'd rather spend my energy to binge watch anime", you replied flatly eyes not moving away from your phone.
Snatching your phone Annie said with a serious face, "Y/n how do you expect to pull any of your anime crushes looking like a potato? "
"Hey! Give me my phone back and even if I do look like a potato Sasha would love me and don't bring my husbands in this topic!" you ran after her to retrieve your phone.
"Alright then, I'll pay you a KFC meal if you come for one day to at least try it out", Annie suggested.
"I don't know why you're so adamant about taking me to the gym but if there's free food involved, I'm in", you gave in.
"I just want you to stay fit you know and we're starting tomorrow so go to sleep", your roommate said preparing her gym bag.
"Whaaat nooo", you complained unaware of the impact that a stranger you're going to meet will have have on you.
The next morning both Annie and you hopped into Mikasa's car to go to the private gym owned by Mikasa's family and family friends.
"That's actually a relief to be able to work out without fearing strangers looking at you", you reassured yourself.
"Yeah it's gonna be really comfortable and I also would like to introduce you to some of my friends y/n, I know you're gonna like them", Mikasa added.
"Well can't say I'm not excited to meet them", you replied looking at your phone reading a fanfiction.
Couple of minutes later you reached your destination. From the outside the building looked very modern with transparent glasses through which you could see the inside and barely any life around made the place peaceful.
When you went inside, Mikasa took you both to the changing room where you left your stuff on the shelf to change your outfit.
Putting your towel on your shoulders followed by Annie, Mikasa led the way to her friends who were lifting weights.
"Hey guys", Mikasa said to get their attention, "This is y/n and Annie and this is Eren and Armin", she said pointing at each person respectively.
"Pleasure to meet you two", Armin said as Eren nodded with him.
You swore that the moment you saw the blonde boy, your heart skipped a beat. He was so effortlessly gorgeous.
"Same here, hope to have a good gym buddy relation with you two", Annie replied as you were lost in your reflection. Snapping yourself from your thoughts, you agreed with her.
After that y'all left the boys to let them do their previous activities and went to train yourselves. With your unfit body you were tired from the first exercise itself and was laying on the ground trying to catch your breath.
You failed to understand how could Mikasa and Annie keep going but you were not going to give up and decided to look at it as a new challenge for yourself.
Picking yourself up, you went to do something easy as a starter which was skipping ropes.
Little did you know that the blonde guy had been sneaking peeks at you from time to time smiling to himself.
One hour later, everyone decided to take a break to refuel their energy.
"So, what are we going to eat", you questioned.
" Why not soup? I've been craving miso soup for a while," Armin proposed, everyone settling on soup.
Getting into the car, Eren drove us to the nearest fast food restaurant. Inside you sat between Annie and Armin. Filled with anxiety of Armin being so close to you, you fidgeted with your hands to keep yourself stable. Armin noticed your restlessness and asked if you were okay but you couldn't possibly tell him that you were crushing hard on him so you just replied with a 'I'm fine' and concentrated on your food.
"What are your majors?" Eren asked you and Annie to make conversation.
"I am doing engineering and y/n's an art student explaining why she's so lazy", Annie responded.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Annie, I am not lazy", you said passive-aggressively looking at Annie with murder in your eyes.
"Says the girl who could barely run to take her phone from me yesterday", she coughed smirking.
"No- I - bye-", you stammered making Armin erupt into a fits of laughter. His laugh gave the impression as though angels came down on earth to bestow you with blessings which in this case was the cute sound of his voice. You didn't realise that you were staring at him until Armin spoke, "Is there something on my face?"
"Yes," you said casually swipping the little ketchup stain near his mouth with a tissue. His cheeks were a light pink colour because of your action and he thanked the heavens for not letting his friends noticing what just happened.
"Th-thank you", he bashfully thanked.
"Sure", you said looking away to hide your blush.
Finishing your meals, y'all returned to the gym to continue training then took your leave after two hours. Saying your byes to the boys, Mikasa gave you both a ride to your dorm.
Throwing your body on your bed you heaved a sigh of relief that you were able to survive this first day of going to the gym.
"Tired already y/n ? Too bad we're going to do this routine everyday", Annie commented.
"I guess time to fill the fridge with energy drinks", you jumped out of bed to buy bundles of different brands of said drink.
The only thing that would be keeping you going about working out was that you were able to see Armin everyday.
Due to your classes running late one day you reached the gym at 06 00 pm. Everyone was still there; you greeted them and went to use the treadmill. At around half past seven your friends were hungry and decided to go to a nearby takeout to bring food to the gym because you didn't want to come out of exhaustion.
"You guys go ahead, I would keep y/n company", Armin told them.
Soon you were left alone with Armin and not knowing what to say out of shyness you excused yourself to the bathroom.
There you freshened up yourself to make yourself look more presentable to your crush. Luck was in your stars as you were wearing leggings that gave your ass a nice curve with a matching colour sportsbra.
When you came out, you saw that Armin was missing. You assumed that he too went to the restroom and decided to do squats. A little while later the man indeed returned from the wc. His breath was caught in his throat when he saw you.
He came up to you and asked if you needed any help regarding your training.
"Actually I do, would you assist me in doing sit ups?" you requested.
"Yeah sure, I'll hold your shoes while you're doing them," Armin accepted.
Laying your body on the mat, you watched Armin going in front of you to your feet and held them down. You began to lift your body with your hands on the back of your head as you realised how close your faces were being when you were raised up. You never realised how broad his shoulders were until then and you gulped hard.
"How much do you plan on doing?" Armin asked.
"I'm setting a limit of thirty but let's see if I manage to exceed it." He nodded. Gosh, how does someone manage to look cute and hot at the same time?!
At your 15th sit-up you lifted up your body to make eye contact with him as you were with the previous sit-ups but this time it lasted longer because you stayed still. Both of you gazed into the eye of each other without saying a word your faces becoming closer. You didn't realise what you were doing. It wasn't long until both of your lips touched each other. When your senses were brought back to you, you pulled back so quickly. For a second you saw a frown on Armin's face.
"OMG! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do this, I swear," you apologized frenzily.
"It's okay, I don't mind at all," Armin just chuckled at your reaction. He came closer and tucked your hair to your ear.
"Have you ever realised how beautiful you were?" he whispered in your ear making all your blood rush to your head.
"I - I- mmph," you were cut off by Armin
colliding his mouth with yours. He sucked on your lower lip asking permission to let his tongue enter your mouth. You opened it a little only for him to stuck in his whole muscle.
You left out a small moan feeling his tongue roaming everywhere while his hand untied your hair and was playing with it.
He had the most tender lips that you ever felt in your life. Giving you a forehead kiss, he held your face in his hands stroking it with his thumb.
You crawled to sit on his lap as he continued to shower you with affection. His head pats were so gentle, you were melting under his touch. He bowed to gain access to your neck and gave it a subtle lick and then proceeded to find your sweet spot kissing you everywhere. A small mewl left your lips when he kissed a certain spot. The man was proud of himself to have found it and attacked it with hickeys. At this point you were shaking on his thighs and in his embrace.
Your hands reached the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off him. His sweaty body glowed in the light yet he looked so heavenly. You couldn't help but lick his collarbones leaving your saliva on his skin.
The fear of getting caught by your friends during this sinful moment turned you on.
Armin's hand gave your ass a tender squeeze before making you lay your whole body on the mat as he left a trail of kisses from your neck your stomach. He grabbed your waist to kiss your on your bellybutton.
"Is it okay if I remove it?" he said hinting at your leggings. You lifted your lower body to help him remove it and threw it away. He gave your core a kiss then carried you in bridal style to place you on the bench press.
He spread your legs and buried his face between them. You wouldn't have never expected such an innocent face to do such unholy things to your body in your life. He sucked your clit which sent electrics all throughout your body. He ate you out as though you were the most tastiest meal he's ever had. You crushed his head with your thighs but he didn't seem to mind that as he continued doing his job. You were pulling his hair so hard screaming his name making sure people passing nearby could hear how good he was making you feel.
His soft hands ran through your thighs making small circle motions on them to soothe you.
"Ar-Armin, I-,"
"It's okay love you can spill it on my face, I want every single drop down my throat," Armin panted.
What he said set off a trigger and the knot in your stomach snapped. All your juices went on Armin's face and he ensured to have swallowed everything.
He retreated away from your opening swipping your cum with his fingers and licking them off. While you were collecting your breath, Armin took off his sweatpants and let his hardened dick free.
"Do you mind if I -," he insinuated with his dick at your entrance.
"Please Armin don't hesitate," you were practically begging him. You expected him to slide it in but instead he was stroking your folds with his swollen member. This felt so good it sent you in a rollercoaster of immense pleasure. You could feel his veins pulsating against your own pulsating clit.
While he was caressing your cunt, his hands went to grab your boobs and fondled them.
His up and down motion continued as he was mixing his precum with your wetness.
Your overwhelming neediness pushed you to grind on him as he was moving so slowly. With instinct you lifted your hips as shivers were sent through your spine. Noticing this Armin picked up speed and with his hand rubbed your clit hard. He bent over to give you a kiss on your nose then to make out with you.
"Ah-ah, y/n-I'm going to cum," Armin moaned.
"Cum with me Armin," you breathed.
Suddenly he picked up more speed and thrusted faster. His dick was moving so quick on you, the lewd sound of your pussy's liquids filled the gym. Armin held your hands and intertwined your fingers. He let out a grunt as he came on your stomach and you on the bench.
He looked at you with such love in his eyes and reached out to wipe your tears and kissed your hands.
He fetched your leggings while he also cleaned the bench leaving no marks of this incident. Since your legs were shaking so much you could barely walk, Armin carried you to the bathroom.
After you went to pee, he made you sit on a stool and he tied your hair back in a ponytail. Hugging you from the back he asked, "Are you feeling okay now beautiful or do you need anything?"
"Water?" you replied.
"Anything for you," he went to fetch the requested item.
Just at that moment your friends returned.
You thanked the universe for not making them arrive while you were making love with Armin and you kept your cool acting as though nothing happened.
Thus, this was the start of a wonderful relationship.
Thank you for reading. :)
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impalas-r-important · 3 years
Branch Out - Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N left everything she's ever known, and Dean just wants to be left alone. With both of them trying to heal from heartache, they might just end up finding what they need in the last place they'd ever look.
Word Count: 6550
Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually, maybe?)
Warnings: I don't think there are any for this chapter, but if you think i should add one, feel free to let me know!
Read Chapter 1
Branch Out Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Saturday was a welcome break from work, but there was no sleeping in. A delivery truck brought your bed frame, a small kitchen table, and a coffee table early in the morning and you were over the moon about not having to sleep on the cold floor anymore. You figured the tables would be fairly easy to put together, so you left those for last. You emptied the box with the bedframe and did your best to carefully lay out all the pieces so they would be easy to find as you went along. Before you started, you grabbed your radio and shuffled through your CDs, deciding on The Eagles to be today’s soundtrack.
You threw half of your hair up in a bun to pull the small pieces from your face, rolled up your sleeves, and looked around for the instructions. You couldn’t actually remember seeing any kind of paper as you unpacked the pieces, so you dumped out the box. Nothing. You looked under every piece of wood, and in every corner of your tiny house, but came up empty handed.
“Fan-friggin-tastic…” You grumbled and stared down the lumber and hardware, trying to make sense of this now seemingly impossible puzzle.
Hours had passed, and you had only managed to put together a pathetic amount of the bedframe. The stupid bits and pieces that were strewn across the floor taunted you with every wrong part you picked up. Before any vital pieces ended up getting thrown into the fireplace out of frustration, you decided it would be best to take a break and make some lunch. You needed to make a run to the grocery store and stock your fridge and shelves, but you’d need to wait until you got your truck back, so you kept your fingers were crossed that Bobby would be able to get to it today.
You settled on a protein shake and a banana for your meal and were sitting on the kitchen counter when two quick knocks at the door interrupted your thoughts. You turned the music down a notch and wove your way through the maze of wood that had taken over your living room. You were expecting to see Sarah standing on the other side of your front door but were surprised to find Dean. One hand was slipped into his coat pocket and his shoulders were slightly rounded, showing that he didn’t really want to be here right now.
“Oh,” you did your best to not sound massively surprised but did a bang-up job, “hi.”
“Hey,” he cleared his throat, and a tuft of breath flew from his mouth in the cold air, “I just wanted to say sorry for being kind of a dick last night. I’m not really a people person and I’m definitely not used to having neighbors.” His eyes, which were glued to the ground made their way up to meet yours. “The bars were good though. I ate them all last night. I figured you’d want this back.” He extended his arm holding the plate you had placed the treats on to take over to him.
You tried your hardest to stop the smug smirk that was pulling at the corners of your mouth. “That’s actually a disposable plate.”
“Oh,” he looked down at it, “it’s one of the fancy plastic ones though, so I wasn’t sure if you wanted it back or not…” It was definitely not fancy, but the thought of him scrubbing the sticky blueberry mess off of a cheap plate was completely endearing.
“Well, good as new then.” You smiled and took the plate back from him, making a mental note to only give him paper plates from here on out if the situation arose. You stepped just inside the door and tossed the plastic onto the kitchen counter.
Dean raised an eyebrow as he snuck a peek at the mess that was you house at the moment. “Whoa, did a bomb go off in here?”
You looked around with a sigh. “No, but I’m about ready to blow the whole place up and just start over.” Stepping out of the way, you signaled for Dean to come in out of the freezing cold. He stomped his boots off on the front porch and stepped inside. “I didn’t bring any furniture with me when I moved, so I ordered some online. This mess,” you motioned vaguely around the room, “is supposed to be a bedframe but some genius forgot to put the instructions in the box.”
“How long have you been at it?” Dean stepped closer to the junk yard that had become your living room.
You really didn’t want to answer that question because you figured he’d just tell you what you were doing wrong. “Not that long.” Lying had never been something you were good at. Dean took one look at the guilty look on your face and saw right through it.
“So, all morning?”
“All morning.” You admitted and crossed your arms in shame. For a short second, you could have sworn that you saw a hint of a smile on Dean’s face. He was probably laughing at your miserable handy work.
“Well, for starters, you should put the bedframe together in the bedroom. Not the living room.” He walked around the wood pieces and began organizing them into piles.
“The bedroom is really small, so I figured it would be easier to put the big pieces together out here and then put the whole thing together in the bedroom.” You watched with some distain as he easily began to piece together the headboard. “You don’t have to do that, you know…”
“Do what?” He asked but didn’t look up from his crouched position on the floor.
“Help.” You shrugged. “I heard you loud and clear last night that you aren’t looking for friends.”
Dean paused for a moment. “Maybe I’m just staying for the good music.”
“You like The Eagles?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“One of my dad’s rules to live by is that you should never trust people who wear socks to bed or people who hate The Eagles.”
“Your dad sounds like a smart man.” There it was again, an elusive smile from the self-proclaimed loner. You were sure you saw it this time. “But I do have to say that no one beats the mighty Zep.”
You could respect a guy who loved the classics. “Wow, the good taste in music almost makes up for the crabby attitude.”
Dean knew you were teasing and gave you a fed-up look. “Do you have a drill?” He asked.
You picked up a screwdriver from the counter and held it up. Dean shook his head. “No, an actual drill.”
“I have a hammer…”
A chuckle escaped from Dean’s chest. “You were planning on hammering these screws into your new furniture?”
“I was working with what I had. Don’t judge me.”
Dean stood and amusedly shook his head as he made his way to the door, leaving it open while he walked to his truck and pulled a drill from the toolbox that was in the bed. As you watched, you noticed that your driveway had been cleared of the snow from last night’s flurry and couldn’t help but find that odd. You didn’t hear a truck outside your house this morning.
Dean skipped a few steps up the stairs and hurried inside, taking off his coat once he had shut the door after him. “Can I put this here?” He laid his it over the back of a chair that had been here when you moved in.
“Yeah.” You took one more peek out the window at the plowed path to your house from the road. “Hey, weird question, but you wouldn’t happen to know how my driveway got cleared, would you?”
“You ever heard of a snowplow?” His words dripped with sarcasm, but you were well versed in the language as well.
“A snowplow? Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell. What’s that?” You exaggerated every word, but Dean still looked up at you with furrowed brows before realizing that you were joking.
“I just didn’t realize the plows would come this far up the mountain. I promise I’m not as dumb as I look.” Kneeling a few feet away from him on the floor, you held the piece of wood his was trying to secure in place steady.
“The driver is a buddy of mine, He’s a good guy so he probably just wanted to help out the new girl.” Dean explained. You couldn’t help but feel lucky that you had found a place that was full of kind folks. The headboard was put together in a matter of minutes and Dean carried it into your bedroom with ease before picking out the pieces for the footboard.
“Thank you, Dean. I know this is probably not how you wanted to spend your Saturday afternoon.”
“I like to build things. I built my cabin, so a bedframe is a piece of cake.”
“I guess that’s pretty impressive.” Casually playing that off made Dean slightly smile again. You could tell he was feeling a little more comfortable.
“What are you doing up here all by yourself anyway?” He quickly wiped any traces of emotion from his face.
You shrugged. “I just needed a new start and this place fell in my lap, so I jumped. I might be a little in over my head, but I have to start somewhere, right?”
“Why’d you move?” You thought it bold of him to ask the hard-hitting questions but admired his straightforwardness.
You took a moment to carefully word your response. “Sometimes you just need to take yourself out of an unhealthy situation even if it’s the only thing you’ve ever known.”
Dean was surely picking up on your lack of details. “I can respect that.” His eyes fell to the bruise on your arm that he had first noticed a few days before. You self-consciously rubbed the sore spot and felt grateful for the phone ringing that stopped the conversation from progressing any further.
You looked to see that Bobby’s shop was calling and brought the phone to your ear. “Hey, Bobby.”
Dean watched as you slowly paced back and forth by the window. He had felt ridiculous this morning for washing a stupid plastic plate just so he could have an excuse to come over and apologize, but he was glad that risk paid off, even if you did think he was clueless.
As he put the last few screws in the footboard, Dean couldn’t help but overhear the conversation you were having on the phone. You sounded a little disappointed and Dean assumed that Bobby had called with bad news.
“How’s the truck?” Dean asked once you had joined him on the floor and began picking up the spare screws.
“Apparently my truck is an ‘old piece of crap’, and the only battery Bobby had that would fit ended up being a dud. He ordered a new one, but it won’t be in until Monday.”
While Dean agreed that your truck should probably be retired, he felt empathetic that you’d had so many problems with it since moving in. “I’ll give you a ride to work.” The words flew from his mouth before he really thought about what he was saying. That wasn’t normally something he’d offer to do. “If you want, that is.”
“Dean, I can’t ask you to do that…” You were sure at this point that he thought you were just some helpless stupid girl that didn’t know how to do anything for yourself.
“Well, you didn’t ask. I volunteered.”
“Still, you’ve done so much for me in the short time that I’ve been here, I feel like I’m just mooching off of you at this point.”
“I’ve barely done anything.” Dean brushed your statement off, but you knew you were right.
“You gave me a ride on my first day, fixed my battery, you’re here wasting your Saturday helping me put together furniture, and now you’re going to give me another ride to work on Monday. That sounds like mooching to me.”
“Your house and City Hall are both on my way to work. I haven’t been the most welcoming person in the world, so let’s just call it even.”
You could tell that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so you got up and went into the kitchen. You opened the cabinet and pulled out another plate of blueberry pie bars and took them to Dean. He gladly accepted.
After pulling back the plastic wrap and shoving a whole bar in his mouth, he mumbled, “Now we’re definitely even.” He rubbed his hands together to brush the crumbs off and finished his bite. “You had these the whole time and you weren’t going to share?”
“That recipe makes a lot. I figured I’d take half to you last night and the other half to work on Monday, but my co-workers aren’t here helping me put together furniture, so bon appetite.”
He put another in his mouth and nodded in approval. “You can keep the plate this time.” You couldn’t help but tease Dean. He stopped midchew and gave you a jaded glare which you did your best to ignore and instead focused on suppressing your laughter. Dean was still trying to hide his smiles, but you caught a glance anyway.
“It’s not a waste, by the way.”
You tilted your head in confusion.
“You said I was wasting my Saturday by helping you out. But I don’t mind.” He briefly looked up at you but continued before could say anything else. “Help me move these.”
After carrying all the pieces into the bedroom and putting them together, Dean helped you lift your mattress onto the frame, and you threw yourself onto the bed.
“So. Much. Better.” You closed your eyes and inhaled through your nose before giving a comfortable sigh. You knew your back would appreciate the little bit of give that the frame allowed. Dean was leaning against the door and you caught his eyes as you sat up. He quickly looked away when you noticed him staring.
“I saw two other boxes out there. Do they need to be put together too?” Dean almost seemed excited to dig into the next project.
“Yes, but if you have somewhere you need to be, I think I can handle it.”
Dean checked his watch. “It’d give me a good excuse to not go to Jo’s party tonight.”
“Jo, that’s Bobby and Ellen’s daughter, right?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, parties aren’t really my scene.”
“I’m with you on that one.” You were quite the introvert yourself and could relate to the feeling of social dread. “Well, if you’re sure, then be my guest.”
You followed Dean into the living room, and he dragged the bigger of the two boxes over and began to pull out the contents. A growl from your stomach and a glance at the clock told you that it was dinner time.
“Are you hungry?”
Dean shrugged. “A little.”
You opened your cabinets and fridge as if there would be more food than there was earlier. “I’m low on supplies, but I’ve got stuff for turkey sandwiches. Is that okay?”
“Sounds great.”
You threw together two sandwiches and Dean already had half the table put together by the time you were done. You handed his plate to him and sat down on the floor against the wall next to the fireplace. Dean shook the wood dust from his pants and joined you.
“So, accounting, huh? Was that always the dream job?” All of Dean’s questions were posed as if he was only making nonchalant small talk, but the way he intently listened told you that he actually cared about your answers.
“No, but it pays the bills, and I don’t mind numbers. I don’t always love it, but I really like the people I work with here.” Dean was still working on a mouthful of food and you figured it was your turn to ask the questions. “Did you always want to be a lumberjack?”
Dean scoffed. “I’m not a lumberjack!”
“That’s debatable. Sarah said you work at the sawmill, I’ve only ever seen you wear plaid, and apparently you’re the wood whisperer.” You motioned to the almost completed table.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t go prancing around the woods with an axe on my shoulder.”
“Whatever you say.” You figured if he wanted to share more details with you, he would.
“I don’t just work at the sawmill, I run it.”
“How is it being the head-honcho?” Although you did a lot of paperwork for you job, you didn’t envy the workload of a CEO.
“Awful.” His answer was blunt and straightforward. “My dad pulled me into the family business a few years ago and I took over when he got sick.”
“I heard about that. How is he doing now?”
“He’s good. I think he and my mom are hoping to move back soon.”
“What would you be doing if you weren’t working at the sawmill?”
Dean was a little caught off guard by your question. “Why does it matter?”
“Because you can’t go through life hating most of it. That’s just going to make you miserable.” You were speaking from experience.
Dean’s eyes examined yours as if he was trying to find an ulterior motive behind your questions. “I worked as a mechanic for a long time and loved it. I always thought I’d take over for Bobby when he retired down at the shop.”
“Maybe when your dad gets back you can switch over?”
“Yeah, maybe.” Dean’s hesitancy to open up when his dad was brought up told you to drop the subject.
After you both were finished eating, he stood and offered a hand to help you up. “Let’s get this thing finished so you don’t have to keep eating on the floor.”
You spent the rest of the evening handing Dean the hardware he asked for and listening to oldies. Maybe he wasn’t the most talkative guy in the world, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence that fell between you two. It was actually nice to be in the company of someone who wasn’t going to push for every detail of your life story.
After breaking down the empty carboard boxes that were the remnants of a long afternoon’s work, Dean pulled on his coat.
“Thank you for all your help today. The place is finally starting to come together.” Although you were still without a couch, your home started to look more livable.
“Don’t mention it. So, I’ll see you Monday morning then?” He asked before he reached for the door handle.
You nodded with a smile and handed him the plate of blueberry bars. He excitedly took it from you and gave a soft smile.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Dean.”
Monday morning slowly crept up after a Sunday spent mostly in bed. It had snowed most of the day and night so you bundled up as much as you could. A peek out the window showed that your small driveway had been plowed again. You put a reminder in your phone to get a thank you gift for the plow driver who was a guardian angel in disguise. Dean pulled up just a few seconds later and you hurried out to his truck.
“Mornin’.” He greeted.
“Hey yourself.” You buckled your seatbelt and extended your hands towards the vent like you had done the last time Dean gave you a ride. His truck was much newer than yours and the heater worked like a charm.
“What’s on your agenda for today?” He asked as he backed out onto the road.
“Expense reports. They’re as thrilling as they sound. And also, I’m covering the front desk solo. Sarah texted and said she woke up with a fever, so she’s taking a sick day.”
“I’ll have to ask Sam how she’s doing.” A few minutes passed as you slowly made your way down the slick road. “So, listen, it’s supposed to snow all day. I’ll come and grab you after work and take you down to Bobby’s place.”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that. It’s like a ten-minute walk.”
“It’s a good excuse to make sure I don’t get pulled into some long boring meeting at the end of the day.”
“Well then in that case you’re welcome.” You gave a cheeky grin which was returned.
Thankfully, the ride to work was short. Driving in the snow gave you serious anxiety so the sight of City Hall was a welcomed one.
“What time should I come pick you up?”
“I’m off at four, but I can stay later if you can’t get out that early.”
“Four is great. One of the perks of being the boss is that I can make my own hours.”
Ellen waved to you as she walked in, so you quickly said goodbye to Dean and joined her. Dean waited to make sure you got inside okay before taking off.
“Did Dean give you a ride today?” Ellen looked at you skeptically.
“Yeah, my truck is still in the shop, so he volunteered to drop me off on his way to work.”
“Hmm. That’s weird.” She took her hat off and shook the snow from it. “It’s been years since I’ve seen Dean socializing with anyone that’s not in his little circle.”
“Honestly, I think he just pities me because I’m new and clueless when it comes to snow.” Shrugging your coat off, you set it on the back of your chair and placed your bag underneath your desk.
“I never thought I’d see him speak to another girl after what Cassie did to him.” Ellen shook her head and raised her eyebrows.
“Cassie?” This was the first you’d heard of her.
“Yeah, she broke his heart pretty bad a few years back.”
Garth appeared from around the corner and called Ellen back to his office. You knew that Dean had a rough few years but hadn’t heard many details aside from his dad getting cancer, which was a hard enough situation on its own. While you wanted to know more, you didn’t want to dig for info where it was none of your business. If Dean wanted to tell you about Cassie, he would do it on his own time and you would just have to respect that.
Dean arrived at the sawmill and made his way to his office on the upper level of the plant. Not ten minutes after he began his day’s work, Sam entered and sat down in one of the chairs across from Dean’s desk.
“Where were you Saturday night? I thought you said you were going to Jo’s party.”
Dean shrugged. “I got busy and didn’t realize what time it was.”
“Busy with what? I’m sure there’s not that much to do up that mountain of yours.”
“Just busy.”
Sam was used to his brother’s antics at this point and knew it was futile to push for details.
“How’s Sarah doing?” Dean asked, hoping to delay the morning managers meeting as long as possible.
“She’s alright. Woke up with a fever, so she’s just going to sleep it off.” A lightbulb went off for Sam and he frowned. “Wait, how did you know that Sarah’s sick?”
“Crap…” Dean thought to himself. He knew he was busted. “I don’t know. I just heard it through the grapevine.”
“I didn’t tell anyone about her and I’m pretty sure the only people she told were the people at work…” Sam thought long and hard for a few seconds until he realized what must have happened. “Y/N?”
Sam had always been too smart for his own good and Dean had always hated it. “I gave her a ride to work while Bobby has her truck. That’s all.”
“Is that what you were busy with on Saturday too?”
Dean sent messages to Benny and Cas, instructing them to quickly come up to his office to start the morning meeting and hopefully get Sam off his back.
Sam took Dean’s silence as a yes. “What did you guys do all night then?”
“We had a pillow fight and painted each other’s nails.”
Sam had a special bitch-face reserved for Dean and was throwing it his way now.
“We put together furniture and ate sandwiches on the floor. There, now you know. Happy?”
Cas and Benny walked in together.
“Hey fellas, what’s the news?” Benny greeted.
Dean knew from Sam’s devious grin that the end of this conversation was nowhere in sight. “Dean wasn’t at Jo’s party because he was with the new girl in town.”
Cas quickly turned his head and looked at Dean as if he had lobsters crawling out his ears. “This Dean? Our Dean?”
Sam nodded and Benny laughed as he took a seat. “I heard she’s real pretty! It’s about time you find a good one. Nice job, brother.”
Dean groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “Listen, I helped her out with one thing. I barely know her, so cut the crap or I will fire all of you asses.”
Cas, Benny and Sam all exchanged mischievous looks but dropped the subject to avoid Dean’s angry side coming out for the rest of the day.
The day was slow for you, but it gave you plenty of time to finish verifying payroll hours for everyone. Sarah’s energetic personality was definitely being missed as you began to feel drowsy around two thirty. The bell to the front door dinged so you stood to find Sheriff Mills and her son.
“Mom, you promised that you wouldn’t have to work today.” The little boy moaned.
“I’m sorry, honey. The Mayor just has to meet with me for a few minutes and then I promise I’m all yours, okay?”
“Hey guys! Can I help with anything?” You greeted.
“Y/N, hey. How are you settling in?” Jody gave a warm smile and did her best to ignore her son who was tugging at her sleeve.
“I’m finally getting everything set up, so I’d say pretty well. Who’s this handsome fella with you?”
The little boy blushed a little as you leaned on the counter and smiled down at him.
“This is my son, Owen. It’s technically my day off, but do I ever really get a day off as a Sheriff?”
Owen continued to pull at Jody’s sleeve and beg to leave.
“Hey Owen, do you happen to like hot chocolate?” You had always been good with kids and figured you try to help Jody out while she met with Garth. You were pretty much done with your work for the day anyway.
Owen nodded shyly. “Well, I don’t want to brag, but I make a mean breakroom hot chocolate. You want to help me make some while your mom meets with the Mayor? If that’s okay with her, that is.”
Owen looked to his mom for approval and she nodded. He ran behind the front desk and Jody mouthed a silent, “Thank you,” to which you smiled and led Owen back to the breakroom.
After making two steaming cups of hot chocolate, you took pushed together two empty desks and taught Owen how to play paper football. After showing him how to fold the paper and a few practice rounds, you began to keep track of points. The winner would take home a medal that you made from paperclips and an eraser.
Time flew by and before you knew it, over an hour had passed. You heard someone come in the door and looked over to see Dean. He had arrived a few minutes early and decided to wait for you inside rather than in the cold car.
“Am I crashing the party?” Dean leaned on the front desk.
“Dean!” Owen side-stepped the desk and ran to wrap his arms around Dean’s waist.
“You’re just in time for the final round of paper football. You in?” You held up the small piece of folded paper with a playful grin.
“Step aside, let the master show you how it’s done.” Dean ripped off his coat and set it on your desk. “What do I get when I win?”
You held up the eraser necklace and Owen excitedly added that he helped make it.
You and Owen were neck in neck in the first round, but you scuffed your last shot on purpose and made a big stink about it. Dean ruffled Owen’s hair as he knelt down at the end of the desk and lined up his shot perfectly. Owen held his own but missed his last shot and Dean knew that he could win if he made the next one. He set his paper up perfectly and you couldn’t help but giggle at the exaggerated sigh of concentration that he let out. Dean’s eyeline moved from the game quickly up to you as he gave a quick wink and under-shot his chance on purpose, giving the win to Owen if he made his next shot, which he did.
Jody paused before entering the room and watched from just out of sight as Owen jumped up and down in triumph. Ellen joined and leaned on the wall, watching as you helped Owen up onto the desk and presented him with the make-shift medal that you had thrown together. Dean put Owen on his shoulders and did a victory lap around the desks while squeals of delight filled the air.
“Are my eyes deceiving me, or is Dean Winchester acting like he’s been properly socialized?” Jody tilted her head to look at Ellen who was smiling knowingly.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him like this. Ever since a little bird flew into town, he’s seems to be a little less crotchety.”
Jody and Ellen watched the smile that you and Dean shared once he put Owen down.
“Mom!” Owen ran over and proudly showed off his medal.
“That’s great, hon!” Jody looked up as you and Dean approached. “You guys are lifesavers; I really owe you one.”
“We had fun, huh?” You nudged Owen with your arm causing him to blush and avert his eyes. You smirked and turned to Dean. “I’ll go grab my stuff and then we can head out.”
Dean knelt down and held his hand out for a high-five. “Good game, kid. That’s well-deserved.” He pointed at the eraser hanging around Owen’s neck.
“I like Y/N. She’s fun… and pretty.” Owen whispered to Dean. Jody instructed her son to grab his coat and said goodbye to everyone.
Dean was leaning against your desk when you came out from the back.
“Ready?” He asked.
“Ready.” You smiled in response.
Once you were in Dean’s truck, you asked, “how do you know Owen so well?”
“When my parents moved away, Jody kind of took me and Sam under her wing and made sure we were taken care of. We were over at her house for dinner a fair amount, so Owen and I are pretty good buddies.”
“Jody seems sweet. I like her.”
“She’s one of the good ones. A lot of people here are. Ellen has always been a surrogate mom to me as well. My dad and I don’t always get along, so Bobby and Ellen kind of adopted me when I was pretty young.”
“I’m sorry about your dad.”
“Don’t be. We all have our issues.”
Dean pulled up outside Bobby’s shop just a few short minutes later. “I’ll come in with you and make sure everything’s working okay. I gotta talk to Bobby anyway.”
You and Dean rushed inside out of the cold and Jo looked up from the front desk. “Hey Dean!”
“Hey, Jo. Your dad around?”
“He’s on the phone but should be done soon.” She turned her gaze to you. “You must be the new girl.”
“Yeah, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to finally meet you.” You offered a smile to Jo, which was not returned.
“We’re just here for her truck. You got the keys?” Dean picked up on Jo’s attitude and tried to hurry the conversation along.
She shuffled through the box of keys that was on the desk and pulled one out, reading the tag to make sure it was the right one before tossing it to you. You caught it easily and thanked her.
“What do I owe you?”
“We’ll send you the bill.”
“Oh, okay. I guess I’ll just head out then.” You turned to Dean. “See you around. Thanks again for the ride.”
Dean nodded with a shy smile and watched as you got in your truck and left. He wasn’t sure why, but part of him was hoping that the truck wouldn’t start up, so you’d have to ride back with him, but he knew Bobby was too good of a mechanic for that. The rumble of your engine starting up signaled your official exit and Dean hastily made his way back to Bobby’s office to avoid Jo’s impending interrogation on why he had ditched out on her party.
You had gotten to work a little early the next day and were at your desk when Sarah came in.
“Hey, how you feeling?” You had texted her the night before to see if she needed anything, but she said Sam was doing a great job at playing nurse.
“Much better. I think it was just one of those twenty-four-hour bugs. How was yesterday?”
“Slow and quiet. It was weird without you here. Jody brought Owen in and we had a paper football tournament, which was pretty fun though.”
“I’m sorry I missed out!”
Ellen walked out from her office and sat at an empty desk next to you and Sarah. “Are you still good for Thursday, Y/N?”
“You bet!”
“What’s Thursday?” Sarah wondered.
“Ellen, Garth and I are heading to Baker for a convention on the new tax regulations for this year. We’ll head down Thursday morning and come back up on Saturday night.”
Sarah’s face dropped. “No, not this weekend! Saturday is Dean’s birthday and we’re throwing him a surprise party down at The Salty Hunter. I was going to invite you both today!”
“Oh, shoot…” You felt bad that you’d miss Dean’s birthday when he’d been so helpful to you lately.
“Well, maybe we can try to be back for the party?” Ellen suggested. “We’ll head out as soon as we can.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Sarah pointed a finger at you both.
“What’s The Salty Hunter?” You wondered.
“That’s the bar on main street. Rufus, who owns it, used to be a hunter so he named it after himself. He’s a character but a good guy.” Ellen explained.
That night after work you went grocery shopping and then headed home to make some dinner and watch something stupid to unwind before bed. You changed into pajamas and a t-shirt and settled down at your new table. Before you could take a bite of your pasta, someone knocked on your door. You peeked through the curtains to see who it was and saw Dean standing outside, shaking his leg to try and stay warm.
You unlocked the door and the wind helped it open. “Get in here, it’s freezing!” You ordered and Dean gladly complied.
“How’s the truck working?” He rubbed his hands together to thaw his fingers.
“Like a charm. Bobby really knows his stuff.” You grabbed the blanket that was slung over the back of a chair and wrapped it around yourself as you sat and offered Dean the other chair at the table.
“So, uh,” he traced the woodgrain pattern on the floor with his eyes as if he was afraid to look at you, “I don’t know if you have any plans on Saturday, but some friends and I are getting together down at the bar if you want to get to know a few more people. It’s nothing big.”
“This little gathering wouldn’t happen to be for your birthday, would it?” You raised a knowing eyebrow. “Sarah told me about it today.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, but it’s not really a party or anything. I just thought it would be good for you to get out of this tiny cabin. I’m not even supposed to know about it, but Sam told me.”
You were surprised that Dean went out of his way to invite you, and the gesture made you feel even worse that you might not be there.
“I’m going to try my absolute hardest to be there. Ellen, Garth and I are actually going to be at a tax thing from Thursday until Saturday but we’re making it our goal to be back in time.”
“Like I said, it’s not a big deal, so don’t stress about it.”
“Birthdays are a big deal, so don’t play it off all casual. Plus, I already have the perfect present picked out for you, so it would be a shame if you didn’t get it.”
An inquisitive look lit up Dean’s emerald eyes. “The perfect present, huh? You sure you know me that well?”
“I am one hundred percent sure it will be the best present you’ve ever gotten from me.” Considering that you’d never given him a present before, you weren’t wrong.
Dean pushed his jaw slightly to one side and pressed his tongue to his canine while fighting a grin. “You’re funny, you know that?”
You scrunched you nose and stood from your chair. “Have you eaten? I’ve got extra.” Before he answered, you were already dishing him up a plate of spaghetti.
“No, I just got off work. Late day at the office.” He dug right into his food when you set it down on the table. “Are you planning on getting a couch or something?” He looked out into the barren room.
“No, I think I like empty, minimalistic look. It’s very modern.”
At this point, Dean had a pretty firm grasp on your dry sense of humor and just shook his head. He scarfed down his food and went back for a second plate while you cleaned up the kitchen a bit. He washed his own plate when he was done and placed it in the drying rack.
“Well, I didn’t mean to interrupt your night. I would have just texted you to invite you, but I don’t have your number.”
You held out your hand and Dean reached into his pocket and gave you his phone. It was an old, sturdy Nokia flip phone and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Look at this dinosaur. I haven’t seen one of these since… I don’t know, middle school?”
“It’s not that old.” Dean tried to defend himself. “I tried the fancy smart phones, but I hated them. Who needs a phone for more than just calling and texting?”
You flipped it open dramatically and saved your number before handing it back to him right as it began to ring. “It’s Sam, I should probably get this. Thanks again for dinner. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“You didn’t. I always make way too much pasta anyway.”
Dean gave a grateful smile and a small wave as he answered the phone and left.
Chapter 3
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (3)
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Chan being an ass.
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Over the next two days, Chan found himself spending nearly all of his time with you. You had warmed up to him a lot, but was still a little cautious. He had to build up trust...somehow.
Spending time with you was excruciatingly boring. All you seemed to do was draw, and sitting next to you while you did was getting tiring.
However, whenever he would come close to giving up, something would happen to put him right back on track- whether it was Miyoung smiling at him from across the hallway, tucking her hair behind her ear like she always did...or Minho, shamelessly asking her out for a fucking date. Right in front of his salad.
No, literally.
He watched in horror as Minho chuckled, speaking to her on the phone in that raspy voice of his that was the fakest shit Chan had ever heard.
"Yeah, okay, babe. Bye~" Minho cooed, cutting the call and putting his phone down, resuming his meal as he dug into his chicken nonchalantly.
"Babe?" Changbin asked, smirking from the opposite end of the table.
"Hmm, yeah. Got a problem with that?" Minho asked, seemingly replying to Changbin but staring right at Chan as he said it.
"No." Chan lied, voice a little shaky.
"Oh, but don't embarrass him like this, Minho. He's only been wanting to ask her out for like, two years...yet you did it in five minutes." Hyunjin said, laughing.
Chan's grip on his fork tightened. He prided himself in being a patient person, more or less...yet these two definitely had the potential to turn him into a cold-blooded murderer.
"Where are you taking her?" Jisung asked, mouth full.
"To the carnival, tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to win her one of those giant plushies. I've always been good at those games."
"How romantic~" Jisung smiled. "You know we'll be there too though, right?"
"Uh huh." Minho grinned at Chan. "Don't worry! I won't leave my best friends for a girl. We'll be right there with you, the whole time."
"Sounds great. Don't know if Chan will like that idea, though..."
Minho tilted his head, tutting.
"Channiee~ you know I'll back off if you get the book, right?"
That was it. Chan stood up, spoon and fork clattering onto his plate as he left the table, fuming. His stomach growled with hunger as he pushed open the café door, walking out onto the street with his bag slung over his shoulder.
He'd just have his dinner at home.
"Wow. You really pissed him off." Jeongin noted.
Minho rolled his eyes, stabbing his chicken with the fork. "I swear, he has such bland taste in girls. Miyoung is the most brainless creature I've ever met."
"Why would you put up with that, then? And why do you seem so intent on irritating him lately?" Felix asked, frowning.
"I'm not really putting up with anything. She's hot, and she has a smoking body. Brains don't matter when you look like that."
"You know Chan likes Miyoung for more than her appearance. Although I can't, for the life of me, imagine what that might be..."
"You didn't answer my question."
Minho sighed, raising an eyebrow at Felix.
"I just don't like the way he's been lording over us all lately. He acts like he's our 'leader' or something. I feel like I can barely breathe around him- at least this gets him out of the way."
"See? It's a battle of the alphas, after all." Jisung guffawed, high-fiving Hyunjin.
"So this is all just some power struggle?" Felix asked, disbelief lacing his tone. "Why the fuck did you drag an innocent girl into it, then? She has nothing to do with any of it-"
"Eh, she just gets on my nerves. Two birds with one stone." He shrugged.
Felix shook his head. "You're an asshole."
He smirked. "I know."
Chan knew exactly where to find you.
True to form, you were on the same park bench as always, legs crossed as you listened to music with your eyes closed.
You opened one eye slightly as you realized who it was. Taking the earbuds out, you smiled.
"Oh hey...I didn't expect to see you again until tomorrow morning."
"Yeah well, I kinda knew you would be here."
You patted the spot next to you, and Chan hesitantly sat down.
"Where's your book? You're not drawing?"
"It's too dark for that." You pointed out, a lopsided smile gracing your face.
"Why are you here then?"
"My mom and her date went to this fancy restaurant." You explained. "And I didn't want to be all alone at home, so I just came out here."
"Ah. This place is just as pretty at night..."
Chan sighed as he watched you play with your hair. It was kind of cute, how you tried to mask your nervousness by occupying your hands with meaningless actions.
"So what will you be having for dinner, then?"
"Probably ramen out of a packet. I hope we still have some left..."
Chan pressed his lips together. "Would you...um, would you like to come join me for dinner? At my house?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Oh..." You blushed, looking down. "I mean, yeah, sure-"
"Great!" You looked up, the smile on Chan's face so kind that you almost teared up.
God, Y/n, get yourself together...
You had no idea why he was being so nice to you at first, and had been wary initially...but the last few days had changed that. He seemed to enjoy spending time with you, and that was somewhat of a novelty- a person showing interest in you, that is.
Chan grinned at you, grabbing your wrist as he pulled you up. "Let's go!~"
"This is my room."
You gasped. "Wow, it's so big!"
"Yeah." He chuckled. "It used to be a gym, I think...but my parents let me change it up."
"That's so cool." You went over to the posterboard, smiling as your eyes ran over all the polaroids and memorabilia Chan had collected over the years.
"My room isn't as personalized as yours...but this makes me want to give it a makeover." You smiled, going over to the window and marvelling at the size of it.
"Wow...you must get a lot of sunlight in the mornings..." You said in awe, pressing your nose up against the glass as you looked down.
"I do." He said, mind blank as he watched you fangirl over his room. You were so overly enthusiastic about everything...he wished he could be the same.
You turned around, that wide smile ever-present on your face. As you opened your mouth to say something else, you were interrupted by the sound of your stomach growling.
"Ah, I almost forgot. I brought you here to feed you." He winked, opening his door as he stepped back out.
"Come on, we can visit my bedroom some other time~" Your cheeks heated up at his words as he went back downstairs.
"Wait for me!" You followed him quickly as he made his way to the dinner table.
"Where are your parents?" You asked as you sat at the table.
"They're on a business trip, princess, and my siblings are at their friends'. So...we have the house all to ourselves." He winked again, and you quickly looked back down at your empty plate.
You thanked the maid as she served the food. It was pasta, and your stomach growled again as soon as you laid eyes on it.
"Wow, you're hungry, huh? Sounds like there's a baby bear living in your stomach~" He teased. You giggled, shaking your head as you took a bite.
"Oh wow, it's delicious."
"It better be, my parents don't pay her for nothing." He said, starting to eat.
There was silence for a while as the two of you filled your empty stomachs...but somehow, it wasn't awkward. Chan looked up at you from time to time, chuckling at how fast you ate.
"Slow down, babygirl."
Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. That pet name, fuck.
Chan raised an eyebrow, picking up on how affected you were by it.
"Hmm, you like that name?"
You shook your head vehemently, going back to your meal- but your cheeks never stopped burning.
He hadn't expected to see you so flustered, when he'd literally just called you a name.
Wrapped around his finger, indeed.
"It feels weird hanging out without Chan." Jeongin sighed, adjusting the pillow under his chin as he lay on the mattress in Felix's basement, watching as Changbin and Jisung faced off in Call of Duty.
"Yeah? I feel like it's better. I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells." Hyunjin shrugged, prompting Minho to smile widely.
"See? He gets it."
"I don't know, Chan being here sure keeps these guys in line." Seungmin flicked his thumb towards Changbin and Jisung (the two of them mock-wrestling as the latter suspected that the former had cheated), not looking up from his book.
Changbin looked up from the headlock Jisung had him in.
"Oh shut up. Guys, I don't really understand why we pick on some random girl in school when we have our very own nerd right here." He sneered.
"There's a difference between being a nerd and having brains...something which you clearly don't know much about. I'll cut you some slack." Seungmin smirked.
"For fuck's sake, stop fighting." Jisung said as he poked Changbin's side, squeezing harder.
"Oh, the irony." Jeongin groaned, rubbing his forehead as he watched the two roll around on the floor.
Felix sighed as he buried his head in his hands, too tired to follow the conversation anymore.
What had happened to them?
"You should come over again."
"Yeah...I will. Some other time. My mom's expecting me, unfortunately." You said apologetically.
"At least let me walk you home?"
You paused, smiling slowly. "Alright."
The two of you walked side by side, the cool night breeze ruffling your hair.
"What are your hobbies?" You asked after some minutes of silence, curiously.
"Well. I like swimming, and also football." He paused, wondering if he should tell you more or not.
"I...I also like making music."
"Woah. That's amazing. Next time, you should show me some of your songs."
"Uh, yeah, sure. Some of them are kinda private, though..."
"That's okay. You only need to show me what you're comfortable with letting me hear." You said.
Chan smiled softly, nodding. For a second, it crossed his mind how you were willing to respect his privacy...and yet here he was, trying to violate yours by attempting to steal something that was clearly precious to you.
Miyoung. Think of Miyoung, He reminded himself.
You suddenly stopped, turning to him with a grin.
"We're here. Thanks for walking me home!"
"No problem..."
"See you later~" You waved as you walked backwards, turning around to open the gate.
"Hm?" You twisted your neck to look at him questioningly.
"Uh...I was wondering, would you want to come with me to the carnival tomorrow? It'll be fun-"
"Yes! Sure!" You said, a little too eagerly.
"Great. It's a date."
"Yeah." He smirked. "See you then, babygirl."
With that, he walked away, the image of your flustered face in his mind.
Miyoung would be his in no time.
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topsytervy · 4 years
The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ finds the right time to tell you how he feels in his own JJ way.
This is Part 2 of Not The Right Time so if you haven't read Part 1, you can read it here.
Word Count: 2,819
Warnings: mentions of drinking, cheating, a non-descriptive fight, teensy bit of blood, small nod towards suicidal thoughts at the end, cliche and cheesy writing, swearing, poorly proofread so probably spelling and grammar mistakes, I think that's it.
Ever since your breakup with Brett, JJ had been doing everything in his power to make sure you knew it had nothing to do with you and Brett just couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
It was hard for him to see you like that, all heart broken and sad, but at least he was able to see you. Kie, Pope, Sarah and John B had tried visiting multiple times during your post breakup hermit phase with little to no success.
A knock on the door sounded throughout the house as JJ finished preparing lunch for you two. 
"Hold on!" He hollered, finishing up your sandwich before heading over to the door.
He opened it to reveal the other four members of your group. 
"Hey." JJ greeted his friends.
"Can we see her today?" John B asked. 
"I can ask but her 'social battery's low'. Her words, not mine." JJ sighed. 
"It's just that it's hard for us to not see her, J." 
JJ looked at Sarah. " At least you don't have to see her completely shattered everyday and have to sit and watch her eat three times a day to make sure she actually does eat."
Pope looked past JJ and saw the sandwiches on the table. "Can I sit with her today?"
JJ looked at Pope before nodding and gesturing towards your sandwich. "That one right there."
Pope smiled before grabbing the sandwich and knocking on your door, hearing a faint come in afterwards.
You looked to see Pope entering, a small smile on his face. "Hey. Heard about your low battery and I figured you'd want to see someone who's not JJ but not the whole peanut gallery."
You smiled lightly as you sat up. "Thanks, Pope. I love JJ but he can be a bit...overbearing sometimes."
"And this is one of those times." Pope nodded.
You sighed as Pope gave you your sandwich.
"He's just concerned about you. We all are." 
"l know."
"How about I tell you about some books I've been reading?"
"I'd like that Pope." You smiled as you bit into your food.
It's not that JJ was bad at comforting or anything like that. In fact, ever since you were a kid, you always went to him for comfort when you were upset. It's just that JJ always seemed to want to rush your mourning period. 
JJ didn't like seeing you sad so the less time you spent crying and moping, the better for him.
"Morning, Y/N/N." JJ smiled lightly as he drew back your curtains.
"J, get out." You mumbled into your pillow.
"You gotta get up, sweetheart." JJ practically sang, walking over to your bed and grabbing the comforter.
Your grip immediately tightened. "Don't J." 
"I know it's only been a week but come on Y/N. Let in some sun. If not for you, do it for your children." He nodded towards your plants as he laid down next to you.
"I can't get up." You told him.
"Sure you can. You're a bad bitch who isn't going to let this break her. I'm not going to allow you to bury yourself in work and hole yourself up in your room forever just because some dumbass doesn't realize when he's got the greatest girl to ever walk the earth."
You stared at the blonde next to you. "JJ. I can't get up cause you're in here and I'm only in my underwear.
JJ rolled his eyes. "Y/N, all due respect, that's no excuse cause I've seen you naked many times before. the time you broke your ankle in the shower being the main one cause I had to help you in and out of the shower multiple times."
You blushed at his words before shoving him. "Just get out."
JJ did as you requested but not before tossing you some clothes.
So when a few months had passed and you seemed to be back to pre-breakup Y/N, JJ was happy to hear Kie mention a party.
Everyone looked at you and you shrugged. "Why the hell not?"
JJ, John B and Pope all exchanged smiles as Sarah and Kie pulled you up from your seat, saying something about making you so hot that the sun would quit and you'd have to take over the job of keeping the earth warm.
JJ watched as you left, sighing as he let his head fall against the back of the couch.
John B looked at his best friend. "Don't be a helicopter JJ tonight."
A look of confusion found its way onto JJ's face. "Helicopter JJ? What the fuck does that mean?"
Pope sighed. "It's like a helicopter parent except you. You tend to hover over Y/N/N at parties and get a bit...protective at times."
"I do that with Kie and Sarah too." JJ scoffed.
"Not really." The boys responded.
"You don't follow Kie's movements as much as Y/N's." Pope started.
"You certainly don't freak out as much when you lose Sarah or Kie but you almost had a panic attack when you lost Y/N that one time at the store and literally had someone page her." John B added.
"You hide some of Y/N/N's clothes when we're going out because you don't like the chance of her wearing something that could cause a guy to like her and cause you to lose your chance with her."
"I once saw you shield her eyes at prom when people started grinding on each other."
"Okay! So I'm a bit more protective of Y/N than the other two. Sue me." JJ cut the two off.
"Point is that this is her first party in months. Let her get a bit too drunk and make out with some hotshot Kook against a tree." 
"Hell, let her get some dick tonight." John B shrugged.
Pope and JJ looked at their curly haired friend before JJ shook his head.
"Fine but she's not getting dick from just anybody. I have to approve of him." JJ said as he stood up and left the room,
The two other boys sat in silence before Pope spoke.
"You know what? I count that as progress and when we make progress with JJ…"
"We have a beer." John B finished, getting up to go get each of them a can.
You and the rest of the pogues made it to the party and found yourselves a home by the bonfire. Rafe, Topper and Kelce had stopped by to say that they were happy to see you again and Kelce was happy that his beer pong partner was back because Rafe and Topper just didn't compare to you. 
JJ stared at you, the fire illuminating your features as you laughed at something Kie had said, red cup in his hand that was half-empty. He brought the cup to his lips and finished his beer before turning to you.
"Refill, Y/N/N?"
You nodded before turning to the rest of the group. "JJ and I are making a refill trip. Who else needs one? Speak now or get it yourself." You announced as you stood up.
JJ smiled at your words before also getting up, ready to grab some cups. Pope and Sarah held out their cups while Kie and John B shook their heads.
You took the cups that needed a refill before you and JJ made your way through the crowd of people towards the keg. JJ cracked some jokes with some of the others around the keg and you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face before you nudged him with your shoulder.
You two started refilling the cups you had before you were interrupted.
"Haven't see you at a party in awhile, Y/N." 
You and JJ turned your heads to see Brett standing there, two cups in his hand.
JJ rolled his eyes before looking at you, seeing you avert your gaze back to the keg.
"Why don't you go back to your whore over there Brett." JJ deadpanned. 
You smacked JJ's wrist. "Don't call her a whore, JJ. It's rude."
"I'm just stating my opinion."
"Oh so she does still talk. I was just confused when she didn't say hi to me when I greeted her." Brett said.
"Can you get the fuck away from us? She clearly doesn't want to have a conversation with you." JJ snapped. 
"I would love to know what you have to say, Y/N, or are you gonna let JJ over here keep talking for you." Brett aimed at you, ignoring the blonde who was getting more agitated by Brett's presence. 
"I have nothing to say to you." You shrugged, going to grab the cup. 
"We should talk." Brett went to grab you but JJ grabbed his wrist.
"Don't touch her." 
"What are you gonna do about it, Maybank?"
"I've got two fists that have been itching to meet your face for months now and tonight might be their lucky night if you keep it up."
"JJ, lets just go." You whispered, placing a hand on his forearm.
JJ looked at you before grabbing his and Pope's cup before following you back to the group.
"Hey, JJ!" Brett called causing JJ to look back.
You gasped as a fist made contact with JJ's face. JJs hand immediately flew to his eye, gingerly touching his eyebrow. He pulled his fingers away to see blood and he chuckled before swinging his own fist.
It wasn't long before JJ had Brett on the ground, pissed beyond belief. Brett managed to get a few more punches in but JJ definitely got way more in by the time you managed to pull him off of Brett with Kelce's help.
"JJ! Calm down, man! He's not worth your time!" Kelce hollered, pinning his arms to his side. 
"JJ, look at me. It's done. It's over. You're good now." You told him.
Brett stood up with a scoff. "He could have fucking killed me." 
"I fucking should, you cheating son of a bitch!" JJ spat, Kelce's grip tightening on the blonde boy when JJ attempted to lunge forward.
"J, let's just go home. We've had our fun."  
JJ looked at you before relaxing causing Kelce to release his hold on him slowly. You grabbed JJ's hand and pulled him away from the small crowd that had formed around him and Brett.
You two said goodbye to your friends and walked back to JJ's truck, you climbing into the passenger seat and him into the drivers.
It was a quiet ride home, Twenty One Pilots playing softly through the speakers the entire time. JJ referred to them as his therapy band, often putting them on after a hard day at work or after a fight so it wasn't really a surprise that he had one of their CDs in. 
Once you got home and inside, JJ locked the door before turning towards his bedroom.
"Um, excuse me. Where are you going, JJ?" You asked, grabbing his wrist.
You shook your head. "We gotta clean you up. Bed can wait."
You tugged him into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit as you instructed JJ to sit on the toilet lid. He complied, bouncing his leg up and down as you put a little hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball.
"That's your first fight in a while." You commented, grabbing his chin lightly and forcing him to look at you.
He grunted in response as you started cleaning the few small cuts on his face. "The prick deserved it for what he did to you. You'd have to be fucking nuts to cheat on someone like you."
You felt my heart flutter at his words and I sighed. "I just hate seeing you like this, JJ. All scratched up." 
JJ chuckled as he shook his head lightly. "Oh, Y/N, sweetheart. This is nothing compared to the beat down Brett just got and what my dad used to dish out when I was living with him."
JJ saw your face drop at his words and your eyes begin to water.
"Hey, Y/N. It was just a small joke." He told you gently as he grabbed your hands with his. 
You shook your head and went to pull away from him but he just pulled you back, looking up at you as if he was a parent trying to comfort their child.
It weirdly looked like all those Super Nanny time out scenes where the kid looks down in shame as they apologize and the parent is dipping their head down to make eye contact with the kid. You know what I'm talking about?
"I don't like it when you do the whole 'my dad hit me harder thing', J, whenever you try to play off your pain and injuries." You mumbled, a tear slipping out.
JJ wiped away the single tear, mad at himself for upsetting you. "I'm sorry but maybe the waterworks are a bit much. Hmm?"
"I'm sorry. It's just that you shouldn't fight my battles for me. I was going to just walk away from him."
"I'm sorry, are we ignoring the fact that I was walking away? He threw the first punch and I made sure he would think twice before doing that again."
"I just don't like you getting hurt because of me." You sighed. 
"Hey, I'd rather get hurt than have you get hurt."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and his went around your waist. 
"I always liked your hugs better." You hummed.
JJ felt himself smile. "Yeah?"
You nodded. "You wanna know something, J?"
"I always felt like you paid more attention to me than Brett. After a year of dating him, he still didn't know my favorite flowers or that I was allergic to bees. Those are the two simplest things to learn about your significant other. You know that I can't even stand the smell of fish sticks anymore or that I can't watch the Freaky Fred episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog or I'll have nightmares." 
"That's because I care about you a lot." JJ whispered, kissing your temple.
You ran a hand through JJs blonde locks and sighed. "I wish I dated you instead."
You froze. You could not believe that you had just told your best friend that. You also could not believe how easily those words left your mouth and how much truth there was to them. You did wish you dated JJ instead and not just because of how attractive he was. He always treated you way better than Brett and was more intune -and concerned- about how you were feeling.
JJ also froze, praying that he heard those words correctly and that it wasn't his mind playing a sick joke. He had been waiting for the right time for months and his gut had been telling him all day that today was the day but he fought the urge, afraid his gut was lying. But this...this must be the sign.
"Do you really mean that?" He asked, fighting a smile in case you meant a guy like him and not actually him.
You paused before nodding. "Yeah, I do."
You felt his arms tighten around you and his face bury itself in the crook of your neck.
"You remember all those months ago when you made a big deal about me liking someone and you asked me why I hadn't made a move yet and I told you it wasn't the right time?" JJ words were muffled by your skin.
He pulled away to look at you. "I think now's the right time." 
And then he pressed his lips against yours. You were quick to kiss back and it held the adoration you felt was missing long before you and Brett broke up.
You pulled away, placing a hand on his cheek which caused JJ to close his eyes and lean into your touch.
"Thank you for being in my life." You whispered, taking the forgotten cotton ball in your hand and pressing it to the scratch above his eyebrow.
JJ smiled. "No. Thank you for being in mine. You helped me through the toughest times and gave me a reason to stay."
"I wouldn't have objected to leaving the Outer Banks with you."
"I meant like stay here, like on Earth." He mumbled.
You stared at him before kissing his cheek. "Thank you for staying here with me."
JJ opened his eyes and grinned as some hair fell in front of his eyes. "As much as I love our little moment, can we move the cleaning process along cause I kind of want to climb into bed with you in my arms tonight."
You smiled, pushing his hair out of his face. "Sure thing, Jay-Bird. That sounds amazing."
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niawritess · 4 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 1
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(25 November)
2:14 PM
"Good afternoon, Rose!"
You greeted the owner with a smile as you walked into the Café, she greeted back smiling warmly as you made your way to the counter. Walking into the kitchen, you wore your apron and tied your hair into a high ponytail before stepping out.
"You're early." Rose said taking off her apron revealing her red top and black jeans with her hair in a loose bun.
"Yes, last class got cancelled." You replied standing beside her as you began helping her with cups and she giggled. "You must be happy then."
"Yes, very!" Your excited tone made her laugh and you joined her as you had told her before that you don't like history class.
Rose, the Cafés owner whom you met outside of a coffee shop coincidentally and shared some ideas about it. However, you ended up working in her Café when she offered you the job. You accepted it after disscussing it with your family and it's been two months since you are working here.
Your family didn't wanted to let you work because it's quite well off, but you wanted to experience it and Rose seemed to like you where you were unable to say no to her, so respecting your decision they agreed. Accepting the offer was great desicion of yours as you have been enjoying your work, though it gets a little hard but you love working here so, it's worth it.
Rose has been nothing but a best owner and the best company you could ask for, with her way of handling the Café, its been doing really well in only three months. Her coffee tastes the best although you don't drink but the smell you get from her coffee is different from others.
She can be strict when it comes to work but she's the most kind hearted person you've met as she has been treating you like her little sister and you have got comfortable with her in such a short time.
"By the way, should i go with something simple or something fancy?" She asked and you looked at her with a puzzle look, then you wided your eyes.
"No way! You agreed!" You exclaimed turning body towards her.
Rose's mom keeps pressuring her to go on a blind date because she's turning 30 soon, you couldn't believe when she told you her age because she looks younger.
She nodded. "Mom said its her friend's son so, It won't harm me if i go."
"Well, she's not completely wrong. You should try it, it won't go bad as you're thinking."
She sighed. "Hopefully."
"If it doesn't go well, don't feel down about that, i'm sure you'll meet someone someday." You spoke before smiling playfully. "And if not, you can just travel around and meet someone like Big Boss there."
She laughed shaking her head. "Geez girl, you never forget to make me smile with your words and you're still young. "
You shrugged. "And go with simple look, it suits you ma'am."
She rolled her eyes which made you chuckle because Rose hates ma'am word, she literally told you on your first day to call her Rose since ma'am word makes her look old.
Hearing the sound of doorbell jingling, you both turned around to greet the customer but only to see your co-worker Baekhyun walking in a casual plain grey sweater and blue jeans, his jet black hair were down covering his forehead with a bag slung over his shoulder.
"Good afternoon, Rose ma'am!"
Rose scowled and you chuckled while Baekhyun just looked at both of you confusingly. He went in the kitchen and came behind the counter wearing his apron.
"Why were you laughing?" He asked standing beside you.
"Mr. handsome, how many times i have told you not to call me ma'am." Rose groaned sitting at one the of tables, opening her bun and Baekhyun chuckled.
Rose calls Baekhyun Mr. handsome sometimes because when he stepped in the Café first time, she was already giving him heart eyes and even told him that if he was older than her, she would've asked him out. You wouldn't deny it that he's got that looks and good personality even in that casual shirt and jeans he's pulling it off and not to mention, some girls even asked his number but he turned them down politely.
Rose stood up after finishing her coffee and wore her coat before making her way to the door but turned around to look at both of you.
"Look after the Café for me cuties and the key is in the drawer so, make sure to lock the door before going, i'm off then." She waved before walking out.
"Good luck Rose!" You shouted and she did a okay sign before disappearing from your sight.
"Where is she going?" Baekhyun asked as his eyes shifted from the door to you and you sighed. "Blind date."
"Oh, she agreed."
Byun Baekhyun, your senior in College. He started working after the month you joined, honestly you were a little surprised to see him but never asked anything because it wasn't your business.
He's a cheerful and a friendly guy who is also close with Rose. Well, both of you are close with Rose but not with eachother, you guys talk but never had a proper conversation personally except if it is related to work or Rose.
You both don't know much about eachother except your names and that he's your Senior. Though your departments are different but you've heard about him a lot since he and his group of friends are really popular. He doesn't know that you also go to same college as him and you never tried to told him since you never found it necessary as it wasn't related to your work.
"Hey Y/n, can you pass me that cup?" He held out his hand where you placed the cup in his hand without looking at him and your heart stopped for a second when his fingers brushed against yours.
You immediately pulled your hand back and looked at him to see his eyes were already on you. Sound of bell jingling erupted causing you both look away and you greeted the customer with a smile.
"What would you like to order?"
"Your number?" He asked and you blinked tilting your head to stare at him weirdly.
Did he just...
"Sorry?" You frowned wondering may be you heard wrong.
"I'm sorry." He chuckled nervously. "Actually, i've been noticing you since few days and wanted to ask if i can get your number?"
You stared at him surprised as it was the first time you were getting asked for a number and were puzzled as how you should react while Baekhyun's head turned towards your direction upon hearing that.
You blinked before forcing a smile. "I'm sorry but i can't, your order please?"
"I'll take the order." Baekhyun suddenly stood beside you and signaled you to go which you did as you started making drinks for other customers.
"Hey, i'd like to talk to her." The customer said again and you were about to open your mouth to refuse him.
"I'm her Boyfriend, you can tell me." Baekhyun said in a calm yet deep voice looking in the customer's eyes with a serious expression .
You froze with your heartbeat speeding before you tilted your head towards him with your enlarged eyes.
The customer got flustered by his response as he apologized awkwardly before dashing out without ordering and then your gaze met Baekhyun's gaze where an awkward silence followed.
"Uh, thanks." You said looking everywhere but him and he just nodded before getting another order while you made your way to the washroom only to see your red cheeks.
"The hell?" You looked at yourself in the reflection weirdly before shaking your head to shrug off your thoughts.
Walking out from the washroom, your eyes stopped at Baekhyun who was serving the order to the table where your mind went back to that scene and your heart skipped a beat making you shook your head to brush off the thoughts.
"Y/n! Stop thinking about that, he just helped you, that's it! Get back to work!" You muttered under your breath, making your way behind the counter.
7:25 PM
You were wiping the table while Baekhyun was doing the same on the counter before glancing at the clock to see its almost closing time. After wiping the table, you advanced towards the kitchen and took off your apron there before walking out.
"Its closing time." You glanced at Baekhyun and took your jacket before taking off your band from your hair, letting your hair fall.
Baekhyun nodded before glancing at you before his gaze stopped at you where he didn't realized that he was staring until you felt his stare and looked at him.
Your forehead creased. "Why?"
He snapped out." Uh..no..nothing."
You frowned but nodded then he took off his apron going towards the kitchen while you took the key from the drawer. He walked out and turn off the lights by the corner while you turned off the lights which was above the counter but when you did, it kept flickering and eventually stopped.
You didn't think too much about it but still you'll inform Rose tomorrow to get it fixed, maybe the bulb's expiry date is close. You both went out before grabbing your bags and locked the door before you held out the key to Baekhyun and he gave you a quizzical look then his corner of lips turned up making you roll your eyes.
Taking the key from you, he put in a pot which was hanging from the corner of the door, you can't reach it since you are little short and Baekhyun is taller than you.
You both looked at eachother and Baekhyun was still smiling then he chuckled causing you squint your eyes at him where he stopped but a little smile was still on his face.
"Then, see you tomorrow, good night." You smiled lightly before stepping backwards and he nodded. "Good night and be careful."
You nodded and turned around to walk but when you look over your shoulder he was still standing there as he gestured you to go which you did while Baekhyun watched your figure getting disappear then he also went back.
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3rachasaucy · 5 years
good little girl (pt. 2) || mark lee
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Word Count: 2.4K
Type: angst, fluff, not really mature themes but maybe you'd disagree 🤷🏼‍♀️
Warning: cursing, mentions of alcohol & getting drunk, i can't think of anything else
Description: Mark is hopelessly hung up on you after you left him
A/N: this is pt 2! in order to understand, pls go read pt 1 (just scroll down a bit on my blog & it's one of the newest posts)! sorry this took so long 🥺 i genuinely wanted to post it so long ago, but it was midterm season & i was drowning 😅 but, i finally got around to finishing, so here it is! i hope you all enjoy & pls remember you are perfect the way you are 💕💕💕
Mark sighed as you walked passed him on the sidewalk, talking with some girl he didn't know. He hated how you acted as if he wasn't there and even more how upset it made him. Why couldn't he just get over you? He had kissed plenty of girls and been over it the next day. What was so special about you?
"Hey, why don't we go to a party tonight?" Jeno suggested, noticing his friend's downcast expression. "Yeji's having dinner with her mom, so I'm free."
It had been a minute since Mark went to his last party. He had been so preoccupied with his thoughts of you. Maybe a party was what he needed; other girls to get his mind off you.
He certainly was getting over his upset feelings, which were being replaced by frustrated ones. "Let's do it. A party sounds really good right now," he finally said. He was ready to make bad decisions and regret them on a later date.
For now, he just wanted to stop thinking about you. It was obvious you didn't care. You kissing him that night must have been a mistake. He wished he felt the same way.
"And, you know, maybe Y/N does like you. Yeji said so herself that Y/N's always wanted a boyfriend that her parents adore, so maybe her fear is just that they won't like you."
Jeno was clearly just trying to make him feel better, but it wasn't working. So, what? Mark had to be a completely different person just to be with you? He wanted you to like him for him, not for someone his parents wanted him to be.
As they walked by the library, he glanced at his reflection in the windows. Was it his hair? The bleached blonde look may be off-putting. His clothes? They could be worse...nothing was wrong with leather pants here and there. He remembered the cigarettes in his pocket. That was a bad habit he had always wanted to quit but never had the motivation to do so. Maybe you could be his motivation.
He had a sharp tongue, too. Respect was always something he tried to work on. Personally, he felt that he should only give his respect to those worthy, but that wasn't South Korea's culture and he was expected to respect all his elders/superiors. His partying ways, well, those seemed to be dying out on their own due to you.
Was he really willing to change some of these aspects of himself for you? It seemed silly, but he was going crazy because of you, so might as well add more to that list...right?
Jeno decided Mark had been at the party long enough. It was 11 PM and his friend was drunk and kissing yet another random girl. The party was a bad idea. Mark wanted you, so what was he doing? If you saw photos of the party and happened to see Mark kissing some girl in the background, it would be over.
Even if Jeno was just as unsure about your feelings for Mark, he still wanted to make sure the boy had a fighting chance.
"Why doesn't she want me?" Mark whined, his head slumping on Jeno's shoulder. "Am I that awful?"
It wasn't Jeno's first time seeing Mark drunk, but it was definitely his first time seeing an upset Mark drunk. He felt clingy and pouty...and childish. "You're not awful. Some people are just scared of love," Jeno reminded him, trying his best to keep Mark from slumping over completely. He needed to get some coffee into him. "I thought you were the same way."
Mark snorted. "Yeah, me too, but then stupid, good little girl Y/N came along and ruined me. Why does she have to be so perfect?"
Obviously, you were far from perfect, so it was amusing to hear Mark say you were despite everything. "You really like her a lot, huh?"
"It's like how you feel with Yeji. You know that feeling, right? Just thinking about them makes your chest tighten with happiness. That's how I feel about Y/N," Mark confessed quietly. "It's dumb, but she makes me feel like I'm not as bad as other people think I am. I like that feeling."
Jeno understood well. Before he was dating Yeji, he was in Mark's shoes, but Yeji helped him realize he had just acted that way to fit the image society had of him. He imagined it was the same for Mark.
A sigh left Mark's mouth followed by a loud groan before he whined out, "Where are we going? I'm tired!"
"Getting some coffee to sober you up and wake you up enough to get you home," Jeno told him as they arrived at the coffee shop. He glanced inside and found it was empty, which wasn't surprising. Then, you appeared. Crap. That wasn't good. "You stay here, okay? I'm gonna grab something really quickly. If you leave, I'm telling Y/N about all the girls you kissed."
Mark merely whined in protest before slumping against the wall. Jeno made sure he was able to stand on his own before rushing inside. "Welcome!" you greeted before turning around. "Oh, hey Jeno. You're alone?"
He felt nervous. "Why wouldn't I be? Yeji's with her mom."
"I know that, but I just thought you'd be having a guys night or something."
Right, that made sense. He needed to chill out. "Anyway, what can I get for you?" you asked just as Hyunjin, Yeji's cousin, left the storage room. "Oh, did you finally clean up your mess?"
He narrowed his eyes at you after greeting Jeno. "I wouldn't have spilled those coffee stirrers if you hadn't scared me," he reminded you, poking your side in a playful manner.
You were flirting with him. That wasn't good. Jeno checked to make sure Mark hadn't seen you. Luckily, the coast seemed clear. Jeno turned and you were staring at him. Did he look suspicious?
"Jeno...your order?" you questioned.
Ah, right. Duh! "Um, whatever has a lot of caffeine in it," he finally said and you nodded. "Something sweet, I guess."
Turning, you went to prepare his order. "What do we do, Y/N?" Hyunjin questioned. You turned and looked at him, confusion and concern evident on your face. "What do we do when he asks for something sweet and the sweetest thing here is you?"
Jeno wanted to hit him, but he didn't since he was Yeji's cousin. "Shut up!" you giggled, elbowing him.
"Oh, wow, isn't that cute," Mark said from the doorway, making Jeno jump. Shit. "Honestly, fuck you, Y/N."
What was he doing? "Dude, shut the hell up," Jeno hissed, trying to get Mark to leave, but the older boy refused. "Seriously, don't do this now."
Mark, unfortunately, was drunk and stubborn. "Here I've been suffering because you left me after we kissed but you've been flirting with Yeji's cousin. Don't you have a fucking heart or a little bit of decency? If you don't like me then fucking tell me instead of acting like I don't exist!"
You and Hyunjin were both stunned. Hyunjin felt uncomfortable and a bit apologetic. "There's nothing between me and Y/N," he tried to tell Mark.
"I don't care what you say. You expect me to believe you're just friends with her after I just watched you flirt?" Mark asked. "Can't say I blame you...she's perfect."
Jeno saw Mark's vulnerable state as an opportunity to get him to leave. "Okay, let's go," he sighed. Luckily, Mark complied. "Sorry about this, Y/N. He's not in the right state of mind."
The two left, leaving you still stunned and holding a coffee cup.
Yeji and Jeno went over to Mark's apartment the next day to confront him about everything. It wasn't meant to be intense, they just thought they should talk to him. When they got there, however, he was gone. According to the building's security guard, he had left after Jeno did. That worried them.
They called you to see if you knew anything. "No, I haven't seen him since last night. Why? Did something happen?" you asked before they explained. "That's not good. I'll go check the other apartment and keep you guys posted."
So, you left to see if he was there. You were really hoping he hadn't done something dumb and gotten himself into trouble.
When you got there, you could hear muffled voices. One of them had to be Mark. The other, however, was a mystery? Was it a girl? Mark said they didn't bring just anyone there to keep it private. You hated how worried you were at the thought of it being another girl.
Even so, you input the passcode before entering. "I fucked up!" Mark cried out, storming down the hall as you entered.
A tall guy was standing in the living room. "Oh, hello," he greeted. He looked you up and down before smiling. "You must be Y/N."
You nodded, still confused. He walked over and held his hand out. "I'm Johnny, Mark's friend. I've heard a lot about you," Johnny informed you as you shook hands. "I'm glad I finally get to meet you."
"Is Mark okay?" you asked, still confused.
He laughed. "Definitely not. Let's just say he did something he's regretting pretty instantaneously." You nodded. "Mark! Your girlfriend is here!"
You blushed at that. "Fuck!" Mark cried out from the bathroom.
Johnny turned back to you, still smiling. "Well, Y/N, it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope I can meet you again to better get to know you," he said. "For now, I'll leave you to handle the boy. Have a good day."
"B-bye, it was nice meeting you," you managed out as he left. The bathroom door opened again and Mark left with his hood on, the drawstrings pulled so you could barely see his face. "Mark, what did you do?"
"N-nothing! Don't worry about it," he told you nervously. "Why are you even here?"
Right, you needed to text Jeno and Yeji. "Jeno and Yeji went over to your place but found out you left in the middle of the night, so they were worried."
He nodded. "Okay, well, I'm alive, so you can just text them and be on your way."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "What the hell did you do, Mark?" you asked, stepping closer to him. "You didn't get a face tattoo, did you?"
"No!" he cried out, backing into his room to avoid you. "Just leave me alone!"
Of course, you just had to know what he was hiding. You could see he was about to trip over his mattress, so you used that to your advantage. The moment he fell backwards on the mattress, you tackled him.
He squirmed beneath you as you reached for his hood, ignoring his protests. Your eyes widened once the hood was down. "Mark! Your hair!" you gasped. Your fingers went to his now black locks. "What did you do?"
Clearly, he dyed and cut his hair, but why? "I did it for you. I thought you wouldn't be so embarrassed to introduce me to your parents if I looked more presentable. Now I look like an idiot who changed for some girl that doesn't even like him."
"Mark, I liked your hair and I don't want you to change who you are. I do like you, Mark."
His eyebrows furrowed. "You do? But...you left me," he reminded you.
You nodded. "Because I was scared. I mean, my boyfriend getting along with my parents is important to me and I also want a boyfriend who only loves me, but I wasn't sure you could do that," you confessed. "But that's different now."
Sitting up, he held onto you to keep you on his lap. "What do you mean?"
"Yeji told her mom about us and, it just so happens, our moms are friends. Her mom told my mom everything and my mom called me this morning to tell me to stop being stupid and date you." You laughed at his surprised reaction. "I guess I was so scared that I didn't think to talk to my mom. She told me that she thinks you sound like a sweet boy. She said any boy who treats me like a queen is good in her book and that I need to stop stressing and do what makes me happy."
Mark's heart was pounding faster than ever as he asked, "What does this mean?"
You smiled, running a hand through his freshly dyed hair. "It means that, if you'll accept me and forgive me for being a bitch, I wanna be your girlfriend," you confessed, making him smile wider than he had in a while.
"I'd love nothing more," he told you softly before connecting your lips. He had missed your touch and taste and wanted nothing more than to just melt in it. He briefly broke the kiss. "And don't use that language, okay? You're supposed to be my good little girl."
Giggling, you nodded before saying, "And only your good little girl."
"Shit, things are getting real PG-13 in here," Jeno said from the doorway, making you and Mark jump. "Damn, I really didn't expect this."
Yeji squealed happily. "This is great! Think of all the double dates and our joint wedding!" she exclaimed, making you laugh. Her eyes suddenly widened. "Mark! Your hair!"
His hand instinctively went to the black locks. "It was an impulsive dye job. I thought if I dyed my hair, her parents might like me and we could date," he confessed.
"That's so sweet! You dyed your hair just for our little Y/N? He's a keeper, babe."
You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess he is," you said, making him smile.
Jeno was so glad things worked out, especially after the night before. "Come on, we came to take you to breakfast, but I guess it can be our first brunch double date," he said, making Yeji clap happily.
They led the way and you followed but were stopped when Mark tugged at your wrist, pulling you into him. "One more for the road," he mumbled before kissing you again.
You smiled into the kiss and he decided it was one of his new favorite feelings ever. One thing was for sure, you were his good little girl and he was your not-so-bad little boy.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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You guys really thought that I would create a family for my husband to simply end like that? NO WAY IN HELL wait, hold on, you guys cried?
Everyone who passed even a centimeter close to the yakusa house felt a strong wave of hatred and sorrow, so imagine the ones who were living on there....
It has been already three days since the fight with Endeavour that killed the yakusa boss's, Overhaul, wife. Not his coomurates neither the heroes could find the body, not even allowing him to make a decent funeral...
Chisaki was numb yet so full of rage... But he couldn't just lost his guard now like he had when he received the news, breaking down along with his two children on the floor...
Kai left his office, not having the strength to ented your shared bedroom, eyebags equivalent to shinsou's or even worse, and found his teenager son staring at the coffee table, in his (E/C) didn't show any hints of any emotions... he was just sitted there, with his forearms resting on his knees. While his younger daughter found herself just laying on the couch staring at the ceiling with red puff golden eyes...
He didn't know which hurted more to look, Kaito who carried your eyes or Kin which even though licked both his hair and eyes had the same facial expressions as yours...
"You two need to hydrate or at least eat something. Unless you want to..." he stoped on his tracks noticing his brute words and how it could affect them.
While Kin nodded and lift herself just to grab a cup of water, the little girl seemed to drag her feet along with her, Kaito didn't even moved a muscle.
"Kaito." Said sternly Chisaki, earning a death glare from his son.
Two could play the same game.
"Go. Eat something." He pointed at the direction of the kitchen and his son scoffed.
"I thought you were already planning that bastard's death instead of being around here." Mumbled the young man.
Chisaki eyes darkened as he glared down at his son.
"Those things can't be done without an actual plan. Unless you want everyone on here arrested or even worse." He growled.
Kaito seemed not even woried about the way his father was acting as he sighed annoyingly and went to the kitchen.
The atmosphere between the three was tense... Kaito seemed to lost all that angel part of his, while Kin didn't even say a word after her outburst...
He himself wasn't one to talk, he was impatient, more aggressive with his subordinates and even got into a few arguments with his older son.
He really was trying to control himself since it was his child over there, but the way Kaito always seemed to bring that topic up seemed like he had just stroke a nerve on him with a scolding needle.
He arrived where his two children were and found Kin just staring at the cup in front of her on the table with her chin burried on her tiny arms... He went to her and apprehensively patted her head, it wasn't going to change things he knew but this was better then watching his daughter im this state.
Kaito himself took an angry bite of an pre made sandwich as he leaned on the board. Chisaki arched an eyebrow at him which only resulted on a annoyed shrug from the boy.
"You didn't want one Kin?" The little girl shook her head.
It has been three days... and he couldn't di this anymore.
How was he supposed to raise two childs on his own? And most importantly, after one of them saw you moments before dying while the other was just too young to take it well the news...
"Dammit..." he whisper to himself feeling his eyes start to burn.
Kin got up from her chair and made her way out of the room quietly. Leaving both Kai and Kaito alone on the room again.
"I want to kill him." Kaito said while Chisaki sighed in annoyance, pitching his covered nose.
"He is the top one hero Kaito. You can't do that without a plan." He growled.
"Well, at least I want to do something instead of letting the man who killed my mom walked freely on the streets. Different from others..." Chisaki slowly took his hand away frrom his face as he sended a one eye death glare at his son.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Why aren't you doing something? Many people died because of you, but now when a hero kills your wife you just stand here? I find this quite... wrong."
Both glared at each other before Chisaki spoke, his words sounding like venon...
"Listen, just because you are in pain, it doesn't mean that you can just threw away the damn respect that me and (Y/N) taught you. Second; you're just a spoiled irritading rascal who thinks that could do a better job than me who worked on the yakusa for years already? Did you want it to make me laugh?" Kaito's confidence completely dissapeared at seing the way his father was looking at him, especially hearing the tone of voice he was using.
"I understand your point of view son of mine, but have you even thought about being on my shoes? I spend more than your age on her side and you have the audacity to even mentioning that I wouldn't do nothing to avenge her death?" He punched the wall near him, making it crack slightly.
"You're NOT the only one who misses her and want a damn revenge, understand that?!" He shouted making Kaito jumped on the spot. Chisaki was never one to yell, but when he did it was just as scary as the death look he gave it sometimes.
"Dad I-" he tried to apologize as he saw his father covering his face.
"Get out." A simple command, and just as fast as he sayed his son left the room.
Kai hadn't look on Kaito's face since then... it was already night and the two didn't even bother to look at each other.
When Kai was trying to concetrate on making strategic paths to the number one hero agency he heard a loud scream of his daughter, which seemed to be coming from outside.
He already thought the worst and started to take his gloves off, and it only agravates when he heard the shout his son had let following after.
Those damn good for nothing guards, if something else happened to his family he swears he will.... he will...
He stoped dead on his pace when he oppened the door and saw his two children on the floor crying in glee as you hugged them tight to your body.
It can't be...
"Mommy you're okay! You're here!" Kin shouted in glee as she nuzzled in your chest, the snot on her nose evidently sticking to it.
"Mom, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." cried Kaito as he buried his face on the crook of your neck.
"Hey you two I'm alright really. Sorry for taking too long my precious." You said hugging your children close as you fighted back the tears.
Kai stared with wide eyes the scene before aproaching slowly... He stopped in front of you, staring down with disbelief as he trembled.
"This better not be a sick joke." He said breathless as you looked up at him and almost cried at seing the pained look on your husband's face.
"Kai..." you said looking at him as he fell to his knees, not even caring about the dirt on his pants.
"How..?" He asked already letting one or two tears fall as be felt the warmth of your hand on his skin.
You were actually here...
"That man helped me with my injuries after the attack, he has a healing quirk..." you pointed to the elder watching from afar the scene accompanied by two man on each of his side from the yakusa.
"I was unconscious those three days my love I'm so sorry." You teared up before Chisaki just oushed you three to his chest.
"Don't you dare apologize over something like that..." he growled as he let those tears fall shamelessly "Angel... my sweet angel." He nuzzled his covred nose on the top of your head as he silently cried and hugged you close.
"Dad..." kaito kaito sudden said "I'm really sorry."
"Enough of that. Is just over that thing. It never happened." He simply said as he burried his facr deeper in your hair while he let out a tiny sob.
He was owning this poor sick man all of his life for that. The yakusa in general would be owning him...
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 26 of 30]
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Summary: Erik and Yani’s time comes to an end...
NSFW. Mature. Smut.
"Every morning, every evening
Oh love, love, love, love, loving you
I can hear you when you're calling
Oh, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Take me with you
Take me with you
You'll break my heart and soul
If you left me behind
Take me with you
Take me with you
Don't want to stay around when you're gone…"
Blundetto Meets Booker Gee—"Take Me With You"
Yani dropped Erik off at the compound after ten in the morning. He stood in front of the compound gate and allowed the retina scan to gain him access onto the property. Meandering down the walkway to the main house, he ran into Jerome who dangled precariously close to the end of a tree branch hanging over the middle house roof. The iguana's eyes were shut tight in a peaceful looking pose, and Erik took a moment to watch the creature snooze in the sunlight.
To think his woman adored that overgrown lizard.
Erik called the reptile's name and Jerome opened one eye.
"Lazy ass," Erik said.
Jerome closed his eye again and ignored him.
Erik thought about taking a swim in the cove but decided to sit and meditate on the balcony overlooking the sea. Climbing the stairs, he saw Linda sitting on a lounger holding a mug of coffee up to her lips. Dressed in a beach robe with her wet hair jumbled about her head, she turned to look at Erik.
He gave a deep sigh. He was not prepared to see her again.
Their conversation the night before was uncomfortable for him. When Yani told Erik that Linda was in love with him, he scoffed at the idea. Linda? In love with him? She was a woman with a sex drive as high as his, and she often stayed out late sowing her wild oats like him. He knew she liked him, respected him, trusted him…but love?
Thinking on it, he knew she still had the hots for him, but that was because he put that thang on her so long ago and it was only natural that she'd want to have sex with him again if she could. He did enjoy it…for what it was. Just sex. He had no deep affection for her because his heart had already made a connection to Yani.
He should've been stronger, more discerning with where he laid his pipe. Hooking up with Linda had been a flippant mistake on his part. He assumed that she was a confident woman who played the field too. She had fucked him while she had a man and didn't regret it. Allowed Erik to humiliate her boyfriend in another country. He had no clue that her wanting to sleep with him on different occasions was her way of showing love for him. He thought it was just lust and horniness. Boredom from the other mercs and not having access to other men while they were stuck in various places doing the bidding of Klaue. If Yani hadn't been in the picture, he and Linda would probably be fuck buddies as well as colleagues. But love? Nah.
Perhaps her drinking too much all the time was a way for her to cope with his lack of interest in her. She could be hard to read. Perhaps her overconfidence and need to one-up the other mercs was her way of trying to impress him. Make him notice her more. She acted like Yani was beneath her and made fun of him when he came back from trysts with his woman.
To see her so upset in the kitchen of the middle house, her eyes blazing with anger and jealousy, was a sight to behold. It was a complete crack in her façade.
He knew what Yani said was true when he went to get his overnight bag and he found Linda crying on the balcony, her chest heaving and her eyes shiny with tears. He had never seen that woman emotional like that before. Didn't even know her powerful aura could even shed tears. She held her own with the deadly male company, her brilliant mind a joy for him to tangle with during their free time together. Nothing about her was ever soft with him and so he treated her like one of the guys at all times. To see her weeping because of Yani threw him.
"I wish you looked at me the way you look at her."
That's what she said when he tried to slip away with Yani.
He took the plunge and sat next to her.
"I tried to play it cool with you, Killmonger. I thought that's what you liked about me. I thought…I thought we had so much in common. I thought you would see me as something more…"
He let her talk. Tried to be a good listener.
"I didn't know," he finally said.
"You know how to read people so well, but you couldn't see how I felt about you?"
"We work for Klaue. He takes so much energy to keep up with. Maybe I just didn't want to see that. Or even deal with that. I don't feel that way about you. I'm not looking for that right now."
"I'm just one of the guys…"
"I tried to play it that way for a long time. But those nights together in South Africa…before the raid…shit. As wild as it sounds, those were some of the best nights of my life. Talking under the stars all night. Arguing about shit in front of the fireplace and drinking so much together. Laughing so hard with you. Watching bad movies together. I thought of us as friends and then I just…wanted more. I should've told you then, but I thought we'd have time here to relive that magic like we had in South Africa. But once I got here, I realized that you wouldn't be with me like that. And then when Neal said you were fucking her…"
She wept and Erik could only sit and listen to her. No words of comfort came to him except sincere apologies for not loving her.
Staring at her on the lounger in the morning light, her eyes looked better. Less red and less puffy.
"Hey," he said. He sat next to her again.
She sipped from her mug.
"Back early," she whispered.
"A lot to do today before y'all head out."
"Yeah. I'm not sure if the Sweden adventure is a good fit for me."
"You quitting the team?"
"Doesn't seem to be a good idea since our misunderstanding."
Her head bowed down and she stared at her coffee mug.
"I acted a fool last night. None of the guys will take me seriously again. They'll look at us like a soap opera."
"It's a four-unit team now. Limbano and Klaue don't care—"
"But I do."
Her eyes regarded him with deadly seriousness.
"I love you. I can't change that, Killmonger. Yani saw through me like an open book and I was so pissed at her. She apologized for the fact that you didn't love me. Ain't that some shit? Apologized to me. That's fucking rich…"
"You're a big girl, Linda. You can work around feelings—"
"I can't. Not when it comes to you. Best to leave the team. Keep the drama at bay."
Erik felt the itch of panic in his belly. They needed Linda. It was too late to vet a new hacker or even a new team member. Tahir wasn't available. None of the other mercs were trustworthy.
"Yani is just a distraction for me."
"I made a mistake mixing business and pleasure with you. That's on me. I've had other women on this island too. You ain't the only one out there getting it in."
"Don't play me, Killmonger. You love that girl—"
"I love fucking her. Pussy too good to turn down. It's there when I want it. Think I'm gonna pass that up? She was just showing off yesterday. Tryna get a rise outta you because you always dog her out. And you fell for it. I got a million things to deal with that are far more important. Like getting this C.I.A. money. Getting into Wakanda so I can ghost this life."
Erik prayed that his words would get through to her.
Linda gazed out at the water.
"You don't see yourself when you're around her."
"The fuck that mean?"
"You glow—"
"Girl, please—"
"You do. Look like a big ole puppy—"
"Shut up."
She laughed.
"You're not a good liar. So stop trying to convince me otherwise."
"When we get to Sweden, you'll see how ridiculous you sound right now. Good pussy will make any nigga glow. You didn't see me shining with you after I hit it?"
Linda stood up.
"Good luck with Wakanda—"
Erik grabbed her arm and pulled her back down next to him. Klaue would rake him over the coals if this woman left them.
"You never said anything to me, Linda. How am I supposed to know your true feelings when you don't say shit? We gotta keep focused on the job at hand. We need you. Don't fuck up a fortune. You smarter than that."
"It's not easy for me. I'm not this person. But here I am."
"Do the job. Make these coins, Ma."
"I can't—"
He pulled her into his chest and let his lips nuzzle her neck. Her body shuddered against him.
"I can't even look at you without wanting to cry. And I hate it. Fucking hate it. I'm better than this."
"I know you are."
She pushed back from him and he pulled her even closer.
"I can't force myself to be where you are. Don't hold that against me. It's not fair. I need you. I need your skills. You'll love being a multi-millionaire more than you love me, I promise."
She laughed into his neck.
"Come with me," he pleaded.
He stressed the word "me". Not "us" or "the team". He had to make it about them. Corral her into his control. She was making it hard. Linda had pride and she was so damn stubborn.
He ran his fingers up and down her back. Her robe loosened up and he stuck his hand inside the material so that his hand touched her side. She was naked underneath and her sighs from his touch danced in his ears.
His hand dipped lower and rubbed her hip.
"Don't be stupid girl. I'm 'bout that work. Always have been."
His fingers rested in the cleft of her thigh and hip, dangerously close to dipping down…
Linda pressed her face into his chest, her breath hot on his shirt.
"Okay," she whispered.
Erik's eyes closed with relief.
"We'll have fun in Sweden like we did in South Africa. Maybe you'll open your mouth and talk to me honestly for a change?"
"Whatever," she said pulling her robe tighter together.
He walked a fine line of manipulation. Gave her enough to draw her in, but not enough to commit to anything with her.
"I'm so embarrassed about everything."
"Who cares? Forget it. It's done. We'll be gone from here and it won't matter."
"My feelings won't change."
"That's all you, Ma. I told you my position. You packed up?"
"Yep. Bags in the S.U.V. Separate flight times and airline carriers confirmed."
He stood up.
"I'ma take a nap. See you at departure?"
She sank back into the lounger and curled her legs under herself. She looked a whole lot better. Relieved.
Erik strolled into his room and after he locked the door he jumped on his bed and covered his face with a pillow. Fuck. So close to losing her over some bullshit. He texted Yani with his cell.
Will contact you soon when everyone is gone.
"Dat's mi fuckin' friend, we is trouble!"
Yani was loud and grabbing onto her friend Lesonne's arm as she screeched out words to a group of women who tried to provoke a fight with Yani's other friend Milah. She spilled a little of her rum drink on her white pants as she swayed against her other girlfriends Aisha and Caypri. From the side of her eye, she saw Erik at the bar stirring his glass of brown liquor as he spoke to the male bartender leaning over to listen to him.
Since she didn't have to drive, Yani decided to drink to her heart's content. She was so ready to hear Kendall perform live. The audience was bigger, the venue was bigger, and his popularity had grown to greater heights since his travels to Florida and New York. He had quit his gardening job with Klaue and moved into an apartment with two other rappers, finally getting his very own bed to sleep in. He no longer rode his motorcycle since he now had a new car to tool around in. Nothing too flashy, a two-year-old red Honda S2000. It was enough to make Kendall feel like he had arrived.
The boisterous women who had the nerve to accost Milah for looking at one of them a little too hard peeped Yani's whole crew, including Twyla who arrived on the scene late with her newest boyfriend. They hesitated to go any further with their backchat. Flouncing away with her girls, Yani tossed her empty drink and headed out to the dance floor and joined her cousin Dulan in swinging hips and throwing up party hands. She kept an eye on the bar as Erik was approached by different women. He was engaging but focused on his liquor and his view of the stage where Kendall would perform.
Yani danced with her friends among a group of men who tried to show off for them. Two were from St. Croix and Yani was stuck with a Trini who wanted to talk her ear off asking questions about Kendall. She eased off the floor and stood to the side to watch the action. Tapping her left heel with her arms folded across her chest, she enjoyed the gyrating bodies.
"Booty out here jiggling."
She felt Erik ease behind her, his right hand caressing her waist and pulling her back against him.
"I'm not even dancing, hush."
"It don't take much to make them yams bounce, Ma."
He kissed the side of her face and she reached up and stroked his new locs. She thrust her backside against him and he eased back.
"Nah, you not getting me in trouble right now."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the floor with her and he held his drink above her head with his left hand.
Yani felt up his chest while enjoying the stares of others as Erik let her nails rake up and down his pecs that strained against a white cotton shirt. They both agreed to wear all white and her own form-fitting pants and shirt complemented his outfit. The lights of the club made them glow on the dance floor.
Erik sipped on his drink and watched her bring back old dancehall moves, her butterfly a bit raunchy for the crowd. Her friends swarmed around them making the affair more hyped. The energy in the room was high octane and so ready for good live music. Erik finished his drink, tossed the cup, and moved them deeper into the dance mix.
Her eyes took in Erik's face and the happiness she saw there made her spirit burst. The man could dance his ass off and entwining her fingers with his made her feel possessive of him. When dub mixes came on, she usually left the dance floor, but Erik made her appreciate dancing to the dank sounds, especially when she rubbed up against him and he matched her move for move. Winding on him, he gripped her hips and let the room see how he handled all of her. She noticed a lot of women watching him work her body over with dreamy expressions on their faces. There were a lot of stone faces from the men though.
They touched one another openly as they danced, and several times she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him while they swayed.
"Having fun?" he asked after releasing her lips.
She shook her hips and he slapped her butt playfully before pulling her close again and lifting her off of her feet to swing her around in another direction.
She couldn't keep her eyes off of him, nor could she stop touching him. His hands rested on her lower back as she gazed up at his face. His eyes darted about taking in the couples on the floor and his dimples flashed whenever she squeezed on his ass. He smelled so good that she constantly nuzzled her face into his neck so that her nose could take in his scent.
"Why you keep licking on me?" he asked.
Her tongue flicked along his neck and he leaned back from her.
"Tickles…" he whispered.
He lowered his mouth to hers and they kissed for the thousandth time that night.
"Hey, Killmonger…"
The woman's breathy voice caught Yani's ear as Erik released his mouth from hers and swiveled his neck to see who was talking to him on the dance floor.
"Still around I see," the woman said.
Yani sized her up.
She was only a few inches taller than Yani, a yellow-brown gyal with cat eyes and wanton lips. The woman danced with her man, but her moves were for Erik. Big titties… way bigger than Yani's…were thrust out for the world to see and her hips were made for men like him. Yani didn't like the way the woman licked her lips at Erik before her eyes fluttered to see what he had on his arm. She recognized Yani but chose to act like she wasn't there.
"Harlee," Erik said.
His tone made Yani's lips scrunch up with annoyance.
He had fucked that woman and it had been good to him.
"Tend to yuh man," Yani said to her with some attitude.
Harlee smiled and Erik pulled Yani closer into him.
"No disrespect, Black Mermaid," Harlee said.
Yani sucked her teeth and Erik slapped her butt.
"Stop being mean," he said.
Harlee moved with her partner further behind some other dancers.
"Her meant disrespect. She didn't have to say one word while I'm here."
"Waving her titties in yuh face. She letting me know she fucked my man to get mi vex."
"Girl, stop."
"For true, man. But me nuh vex. For real. She rude. Yuh rude! Frog face, bitch!"
Yani felt spittle fly from her lips. Erik only smirked and twirled her around.
"Thought you had taste," she teased.
"She not ugly. Don't tell that lie."
"She not cute."
"You trippin."
"Step your game up. Yuh suck them titties good?"
Dimples. Big pearly white teeth flashed at her.
"Yuh did. That's the only thing cute on her."
Yani was amazed that she could joke about a woman he had sex with, but the way Erik held her let her know it was so long ago and probably a one and done hook up. She just wanted to be petty and he let her.
"You were still being mean to me when I got with her."
She caressed his chest again and he ran his fingers up and down her spine.
The movement on stage let the patrons know it was about to be showtime. Erik clasped Yani's hand and led her back to the bar where the best view was while Yani's friends headed to the left of the stage.
Posted up against the bar counter, Yani leaned into Erik, his hard body supporting her frame. She turned around to hug him a bit and his right hand drifted down to grip her right butt cheek. He rubbed it knowing people were watching, thirsty locals wishing they were in his place and squeezing soft handfuls of the Black mermaid. She tilted her head up and puckered her lips. Erik lowered his head and their lips touched. Yani slipped her tongue in his mouth and felt dizzy tasting cognac. His fingers rested on the cleft of her ass. She tried to keep her tongue in his mouth but his lips traveled up her neck and he nibbled on her earlobe.
"You 'gon take care of Daddy tonight?" he whispered.
"All night," she sighed.
"You 'gon sit that fat pussy on my dick all night?"
Yani's lips quirked and she felt her eyes water. His words were hot in her ear making the nerves tingle from his breath. Erik's hand dropped down and cupped her mound. He didn't care who saw him do it. The tips of his pointer and index finger tapped against the outline of her opening.
"…get you all wet wet. Let Daddy fuck you in your ass?"
His fingertips pressed a little too deep into her slit and she felt like she was about to cum in front of everyone. His soft taps along her pussy lips had her wiggling on his hand.
She could feel her clit thumping with his tongue dipping into her ear.
The lights on the stage flashed and the music switched to Kendall's "Fiyahbun". Yani's voice filled the entire club as they heard her sing the chorus. A big grin spread across her lips as she saw Erik giving serious appreciative stank face to the thunderous bass carrying her voice all around everyone. A few patrons stared at her as they sang along with her vocals. Yani twisted around to face the stage as she listened to the new remixed version of the song.
"Baby, you sound wavy as fuck," Erik shouted above the music.
"Queen Mary, ah where you 'gon burn? Queen Mary, ah, where you 'gon burn?"
Yani moved her neck in time to her own voice, impressed with the new version.
"Queens don't vibe, hear me now? With no fuck niggas!"
She felt Erik moving his hips dancing to the song. He gripped her waist and rocked into her as she let her ass cheeks rub against him in time to the music.
"Shit is dope," Erik whispered into her ear.
There was something epic about swaying with her man to her own song. The heat from his mouth on her ear had her turned on all the way. She wanted him to drag her to the car and fuck her in the backseat while listening to her voice in surround sound crooning to him.
The speed of her voice was slowed down in reverb creating a haunting sound as Kendall took to the stage. So much swag. So much confidence. So much command of the stage. Yani felt like his first performance over a year ago where he had an anxiety attack and almost vomited on himself was a fuzzy memory. The young man controlling the stage and audience now was acting like a seasoned professional while her voice backed him.
"Queen Mary…fiyahbun…fiyahbun…fiyahbun…"
Her voice seduced the audience and Yani stood still watching the crowd react to her singing as Kendall rapped a few bars on top of her lyrics. Kendall had asked her to perform live with him, but she wanted this night to be about him.
The last echoes of her voice faded as the live band behind him fired up and played the intro to his latest track. A mash-up of all the sounds they grew up with as children. There was nothing like live musicians feeding into the energy of their vocalist, and Kendall gave them all a taste of his true vocal prowess. He sang the chorus himself and his backup singers, top-shelf beauties who swayed in sync behind him, backed him up smoothly as the funky sounds reached a crescendo.
"Your cousin done come up!" Erik shouted.
"Mmmhmmm, him choice. He ah star now!"
Kendall's set was a glorious triumph and Yani felt so proud of her cousin. She hooted and hollered for him along with everyone else and when he finished, Yani knew for certain he was going to make it big. The charisma and talent and star power were right there in front of everyone.
A new performer took to the stage and Yani clung to Erik's arm as it wrapped around her chest holding her close. The seductive female vocalist put everyone into a sexy state of mind after Kendall's fiery intro and Yani arched her back and thrust her backside against Erik once more.
"Stop teasing'…" he whispered trying to ignore her ass by being still.
The crowd around them was busy holding up cell phones to capture the performers on stage and Yani felt bold bouncing her thickness on him openly.
His left arm pulled her tighter against him.
Her mouth formed a tight "Oh" expression when his right hand slipped down into her pants, bypassing her panties. She gripped his arm in a panic as his fingers dipped into her slick opening.
"That's what you get for teasing me. I'ma play in this pussy now…"
Yani tried to squirm away from his hold, but he clutched her in a solid embrace, his fingers wiggling against her walls.
"People can see…"
"Think I care?"
Yani's eyes swept to her left. One man around Erik's age was the only person not watching the stage, his horny eyes glued to Erik's fingers turning her out.
Erik's teeth gripped the sensitive tip of her ear. Yani panted, her eyes darting about. Only the stranger to her left was paying attention to their public debauchery.
"A man is watching—"
"Let him."
Her eyes tracked back over to her left and the stranger's lips were pursed, his eyes fully taking in all the pleasure she was receiving. When Erik's fingers flicked her clit, Yani's body jerked back and her mouth flew open again. Her eyes latched onto the stranger's and the illicit connection made her pussy pulse around Erik's fingers. She widened her thighs and Erik went deeper and she moaned much to the stranger's own pleasure at watching her. The man's right hand held a drink, and he let it drop down in front of the clear bulge that poked out in front of his pants. He tried to be sly about it, but Yani could tell he was rubbing himself while watching her get fingered.
Tight circles teased her hard clit and when she felt the uncontrollable release of her orgasm clutching Erik's fingers when he inserted them once more into her gushy slit, the stranger's eyes closed tight.
"Jesus, man…yuh killing me…" she hissed.
Erik pulled his sticky fingers from her pants and grabbed her hand. She straggled behind him as he guided her out of the venue and to Klaue's S.U.V.
Erik opened the back-passenger door of the car and helped her get in. He jumped in after her.
Pulling down his pants and boxers to his ankles, she could see his rock-hard erection waiting for her. She kicked off her heels, pulled off her pants and panties for him and crawled onto his lap.
"Ride this dick."
He held her up by her waist and she lined her wet opening with his tip.
"Fuck yes!" he shouted when she slid down to his balls.
They had the car bouncing with their fucking and Yani couldn't stop squealing when held her still and pounded his dick up into her hard and fast.
"Lemme cum in your pussy—"
"Why not…oh shit…pussy wet as fuck…fuck…Yani…I wanna cum in this pussy—"
"Cum in my mouth. Mi wahn see the rest of the show…yuh fill mi pussy up too much…ooh love…right there…I feel it deep…shit…yuh soak my panties up and I'll be a mess all night."
Erik grabbed her throat.
"I'ma bust in this fat pussy—"
Yani pushed on his chest.
"Pussy too good baby…"
He choked her tighter.
"Don't… mi nuh wahn walk around with soggy pants."
Erik burst out laughing and released her throat. She lifted off of his dick while he kept laughing.
"For real, man. Yuh like ah volcano. Cum heavy…then it flows back down."
"You don't like it?"
"I love it… at home."
He kissed her and she stroked his length.
"Too much," she whispered.
His eyes regarded her with humor until her thumb circled around the fat head of his glans.
"Let's go home," he said.
She rolled her eyes.
"Open your mouth."
Yani shifted next to him and put her face down by his tip. She let him tap his dick on her lips before she separated them for him.
He had her slurping on his dick while he cradled her head. She moved to her knees in front of him, head steady bobbing. He hit the back of throat roughly and she released his length to catch her breath and rest her mouth.
"I make too much cum?"
His thumb toyed with her wet lips and Yani nibbled the tips of his fingers before dropping her head back down to his lap.
His eyes burned into hers as she sucked around his frenulum. The tip of her tongue teased his slit. Playing with her nipples through her shirt, Erik closed his eyes.
"You should let me soak them panties…"
She groaned on his dick and he let the back of his head fall on the headrest.
"You know how to take all my cum…lick my balls…"
Her face lowered further and she suckled each nut sack for him.
"Yeah…put those balls all in your mouth…"
She sucked, licked, kissed, and fisted his erection until he lifted her back up and made her ride his dick in reverse. He squeezed her breasts and thrust up into her.
"I just want to hit it a little bit more…fuck this pussy right…get you ready for more later…"
The loud sound of him slapping his body into hers filled the car. She threw her head back and took it, the build-up of a new orgasm tightening the nerves in her clit that was feeling the strong tugs from his pounding. She loved what he was doing to her. She loved the liquor still coursing through her. She loved it so much that it made her mouth reckless.
"You fuck Linda like this?"
He slowed down.
"What…why would you ask…"
Her mind thought of her and Erik on the dance floor together, all the eyes of the other women watching him, watching his tight body rub against her front and back. She liked the longing she saw. All that desire. It was the same look Linda had on her face, and Yani wanted him to remember her pussy that had him begging to cum in it. Linda wanted what she had, and Yani wanted Linda's sex with Killmonger wiped from his mind.
"Answer me."
"Whose pussy yuh wahn cum in?"
His moans thrilled her ears and the hard needy gasps he emitted every few seconds let her know he was desperate to spurt inside of her.
"Yours girl…yours…," he grunted.
She leaned forward and shifted her weight. Erik shouted and slapped her rump.
"Godammit! Bounce on that dick!"
"She nuh give it to yuh like this?"
She slowed down and flexed her walls around him, doing her best to hold his erection as tight as she could.
"Fuck her, Yani…stop talking 'bout—"
"This be yuh pussy forever, hear me? No one love mi like yuh do, man. No one…"
Erik stroked the back of her neck. She turned around to bounce on him face to face. Her wrists draped around the back of his neck.
"Love me always, Killmonger?"
Wet kisses joined them together even more and she leaned her face against his as he held her tight giving her everything he could in the backseat of the vehicle.
"I'ma cum…lemme cum in you, baby."
Yani sat still and just let her pussy muscles work Erik's thickness.
"I told you I wahn see the show."
"You betta lift up then cuz my balls are tight and I'ma—"
"Hold it—"
"Girl…the fuck…I can't just—"
"I wahn feel your dick all thick and juicy in this pussy—"
"Yani…I'm fuckin' serious…you betta—"
"Big dick…all in your fat pussy—"
Erik's eyes rolled back and he lifted Yani up from his dick. Her labia rested on his length as a hot lava flow of cum shot all over his chest and dripped down to her mound drenching them both.
Erik fell back against the seat gasping and stared down at the semen overflow. He touched his shirt.
"Damn, I messed up my shirt," he said.
Yani glanced down at his lap and lifted up. She felt his semen pooling under her ass. She gave a big sigh and stared back at him.
"Hey, I didn't cum inside you, so don't blame me for what happens outside your pussy."
The smirk on his face made her giggle and slap his chest.
"Guess we're going home after all," he said reaching for his pants.
They picked up Sydette from her parents.
Since they had left the club so early, there was no point waiting until morning to get her. Yani held her sleeping daughter in her arms as Erik drove them to the compound. She took a deep breath when they walked into Klaue's main house.
"You alright?" he asked.
She nodded.
They were back in their home again.
It was Klaue's property, but only the three of them made the house a real home.
Erik showered first and while he dressed in clean loungers, Sydette woke up and walked out of her room looking for Yani. Erik watched her while Yani showered, and instead of the nasty sex he thought he would have with Yani again, the three of them piled onto the bed together.
Sydette slept between them and Erik just stared at Yani's face as they watched one another. It felt good to have them both back with him.
He had food prepared for their last two days together. The next day would be a cove day and swimming with sunbathing. The following day had even more chill around the house time until he had to fly out. He planned a surprise birthday party for the three of them. He would miss both their birthdays again, so he wanted to have a celebration to end his time there.
Yani's eyes watched him so intensely that he reached out and stroked her cheek. She didn't want to sleep. So afraid he would suddenly disappear probably. They held hands on the bed until Sydette half woke up and crawled onto his chest, her head resting under his neck. Yani tried to pull her back between them but Sweet Pea whined until Erik made Yani leave her alone. Yani stroked her daughter's shoulder until she dozed off herself.
He listened to both of his girls' breathing and tried to stay awake for a long time so he could remember that sound.
He woke up in the middle of the night with Sydette shaking his face.
"I have tuh go bathroom, Baba," she said.
He helped her down from the bed and walked her into her room's bathroom where her potty seat was. The bright lights in the room woke him up fully as he waited for Sydette to finish.
"Make sure you wipe yourself."
She reached for the toilet paper next to the adult toilet and he had to keep himself from chuckling when she did her best to clean herself.
"Throw it in the big toilet," he said.
He helped her wash her hands after flushing the toilet.
"I wahn juice."
He walked with Sydette into the kitchen and found an unopened bottle of apple juice waiting. He poured a little inside a plastic cup and handed it to her.
"More, please," she said holding the cup up to him.
"It'll make you pee again."
"Yes, it will."
"I hold it."
"No don't do that. Just a little bit."
He poured just enough for her to get three good sips.
"Thank you," she said handing him the cup.
"You hungry?"
His eyes took in her small form. He felt a small lump in his throat as he thought about the exact moment he first saw her on his bed fast asleep. No teeth. Tiny curls plastered to her scalp. Chubby belly making her shirt ride up. She could only babble and point back then, but now…
"We all good now?" he said swallowing hard.
Sydette nodded.
He wanted the best for her. If Yani ever married or formed a new relationship with someone, Erik wanted this little girl to know she was loved and would never want for anything. He didn't want Sydette to forget him, but she was so young. Erik tried to think of the many people from his past that his own parents knew and sometimes there were blanks when he tried to go back to when he was two.
Sydette was just nine months when he first stepped on the island. She would be two so soon.
Her face stared up at him, probably wondering why they were still standing in the kitchen.
"Back to bed, Sweet Pea."
Erik guided her to the master bedroom. She fell back to sleep quickly against Yani's arm and Erik got up to go stand out on the bedroom balcony. The roar of the surf sounded loud and he stood there until dawn broke. The hours were winding down too fast for him.
When sunlight struck the room, he turned to see his love wide awake and watching him. Sydette was still asleep. Yani held out her hand to him and he walked back inside. Spooning around her he gave her kisses for over an hour until they both slipped away into the other bedroom to make love. He held her legs with his arms as he balanced her on the edge of the bed. Plunging into her, the only sound they released were soft sighs and the wet suction of her walls gripping and releasing him. She slathered his morning wood with so much frothy slickness that he had to bite his own lips to keep from yelling and waking Sydette. He didn't spill into Yani until they were under the covers spooned together once more, his hips rocking into her backside as he fondled her breasts. He bit her neck during his release and the new mark was deep enough to stay for a few days. A harsh shout escaped Yani's lips when he sank deeper to drown her with all of his seed.
A loud "Fuck!" jumped from his mouth and he pushed his face into her shoulder to laugh. He could never be totally quiet with her. It was impossible.
Sydette came looking for them and luckily, they were under the covers and already finished when she found them huddled together.
"Waffles?" Sydette asked.
"I guess I'm making waffles for breakfast," he said.
He had gumbo simmering on the stove early in a large crockpot and made them cranberry chicken sandwiches and salads for their time spent on the beach at the cove. Yani was relaxed on a beach chair and deep into a new medical journal on global pandemics while Erik built sandcastles with Sydette and dipped in and out of the water when the mood struck him.
They ate at their leisure until the sun was high overhead.
"I'm so full," Yani said rubbing her belly, "I won't have room for gumbo."
Sydette was tipped over on a blanket fast asleep, her fingers still clutching a pink plastic shovel.
"Here, put this over her."
Yani unwrapped a rayon beach cover she wore over her waist and Erik draped it over Sydette to keep her skin from burning.
"I should move her to the shade—"
"She's fine. It's not too hot right now. Give yourself a break."
Yani stood up and stretched. Her eyes surveyed the water and Erik watched her take off her blue bikini and wade in. She dove under a lazy wave and floated on her back. Her deep brown body drifted away from shore. He felt that automatic pull to go to her. Eyes checking for Sydette, Erik stood from the blanket they shared and followed Yani out into the water. He circled her and she tread in place.
"Sneaky face," she said.
He splashed water on her and she splashed back.
He ducked under and grabbed her legs pulling her down.
Rising back to the surface together, Yani wiped droplets from her face. They moved closer to shore until he could feel sand under his feet. The aura around her face had him entranced. Without make-up she was a natural beauty, her youth so apparent to him. A decade older he wondered how he would've been with her had he been in his twenties again. That time in his life was wild. Certain women from his past came to his mind and he was so glad that this woman swimming before him came at a time when he could really appreciate her. He broke a lot of hearts, but he could always say that he was honest with the women he hurt. So many tried to scoop him up. Lock him down. Domesticate him. He was a dog. A good dog. But still a dog. He may have run all through Yani and felt no guilt when he stepped. That's just how it was. His Uncle Bakari told him he had his father's nature. His Aunt Serah concurred whole-heartedly.
Maturity brought reflection. Wisdom.
He was old enough finally to have someone like Yani for the short time he did. And it was worth it. She made him remember his heart again. Made him feel once more. He was losing that side of himself through anxiety. Depression. Killing. All the anger he held deep inside.
"I like it when you smile at me," he said.
"I always smile at you."
"Not that first time I came here. You yelled at me."
"This is all my territory. Can't have some strange man out here."
He imitated her voice in a teasing high-pitched whine.
"Hey! You out there! What are you doin' here?"
Yani splashed water on him.
"I didn't say it like that!"
"Yes, you did! Gave me stank face and everything! Hand on your hip. Sucking your teeth. Pointing your finger at me—"
"Yuh lie, man!"
Her soft laughter warmed his spirit.
His Black mermaid.
"The second time I saw you…you were naked and the water fell from you like… jewels. I walked away from you…"
Yani wiped seawater from his cheeks. He kissed her hand.
"My father…my Baba…he said the first time he saw my mother he knew she was his life…"
He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He held her and floated for them.
"Thank you," he said.
"For what?
Erik looked away from her bright eyes.
"This chance…"
A wave pushed them and Yani let go of him. They tumbled closer to shore. Water splashed in her eyes and she turned away. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Erik kissed the back of her neck. Tracing his fingers down her shoulders, he cupped her breasts and circled her tips with his index fingers. Yani turned suddenly and jumped on him, knocking him back into the water. He felt the drag of the tide sucking sand back under his feet and he reached out for her. Lifting her high in the air, he tossed her out toward the sea and the big splash blew back on his face.
"Mama! I wahn play!"
Erik saw Sydette bouncing on her feet, the water licking her toes at the shore.
"Come out here, Sweet Pea," he said.
"It's not that cold," Yani yelled.
Sydette hopped on one foot and then the other. She was so cute in her little blue bikini.
"Come get me!"
"Swim out here," Yani called.
Sydette hopped up and down.
"Baba! Get me!"
Yani grabbed his arm when she saw Erik moving toward her.
"Let her swim," Yani cajoled.
Erik was torn. Sydette's hands were spread out toward him. They heard the whine in her voice and watched her stomp her feet with annoyance.
"Baby girl, swim to us. I'll meet you halfway, okay?"
Erik waved her toward him.
Sydette took a tentative step forward and tested the water again with her right foot.
"Be a big girl, Sweet Pea. Show me you can do it."
It was obvious to her that no one was coming, so Sydette ran really fast toward them.
"Ow…ow…ow!" she huffed out as if the cool water was really hurting her.
A small wave pushed her back and she went under only to pop back up dog-paddling toward them. Erik stepped toward her, keeping his promise and moving halfway to her. Her body was buoyed up by a new wave and he reached out his right hand.
"A little further, Sweet Pea," he encouraged.
The closer she got, the more determined her face was until she reached out to grab his hand.
"There ya go! Big girl!"
Erik held her against his chest as she wiped her face.
"I did it, Mama!"
"Yeah yuh did!"
Yani kissed her forehead and Sydette jumped from Erik's arms to hers.
They played in the water together until rain fell upon them. Sydette looked up toward the sky and stuck out her tongue to taste the rainwater.
"Well, at least we were able to get a few hours down here," Yani said as she gathered up her bikini.
They packed up their lunch basket and towels. Erik carried their beach chairs and once more found himself trailing Yani and Sydette. Yani bent down to adjust the bikini top that Sydette wore that matched her own.
"Queen Mary what yuh bun…" Sydette sang.
Yani glanced back at Erik with a big grin on her face.
"Who taught you that, Sweet Pea?" Erik asked.
"Auntie Twyla."
"No bad words I hope," Yani said to him.
Taking shelter from the rain in the main house, Erik made tea while Yani cleaned up Sydette.
"Are you yawning?" Erik asked when Yani padded into the living room wearing an orange baby doll dress.
"Water made us sleepy. I'm going to lay down with her. Want to come?"
"Y'all rest. I'm gonna chill a minute. Check on this gumbo. Take a nap with the baby. I'll wake you up later. Okay?"
"Not too late," she said.
Yani kissed his nose with a loud smooch and sashayed back to the master bedroom.
Erik checked their food and debated about making cornbread. He baked a small cake for their birthday celebration and let it cool on the island counter.
His personal cell rang and he saw Marisol's avatar. Padding back into the living room, he closed the hallway door that led to the bedrooms. He accepted Marisol's call on the viewscreen and lowered the volume.
"Yo, what it do cuz?"
Marisol's eyes didn't look playful like they normally did. In fact, they looked tense.
The Portuguese accent on his family nickname let him know no English was going to be used.
"What is it?"
"Change your mind," she said.
Marisol's face loomed large on the screen. She was in her apartment alone.
"Don't start—"
"I'm begging you—"
"I'll call you when I get to my next spot—"
"You make me carry this burden. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want you out there doing that shit anymore."
"Lower your voice."
"Don't tell me to lower my voice, JaJa."
She burst into tears and Erik stood up from the couch and moved in front of the viewscreen.
"Grandpa Dante told me that you are planning visits to everyone soon. That some kind of Tour of Duty?"
"I visited you and Aunt Serah back in December—"
"He said everyone, JaJa. Like a farewell tour. You're going there now, aren't you?"
"I'll talk to you later—"
"Don't you hang up on me!"
Her shriek was more explosive with her face so large in front of him.
Yani stood in the open hallway door. Her eyes were wide staring up at Marisol's crying face.
"Go back to bed, baby. I'll get you in a few minutes. I need some privacy right now—"
"You're Yani, right?"
Marisol's English was good, but when she was stressed or excited, her accent came out thick.
Yani stepped further into the room.
Marisol's eyes gazed at Yani with compassion.
"Yani, I said go back into the bedroom—"
The rumble in his voice made Marisol's eyes focus hard on Yani.
"Yani, talk to him. Convince him to stay there…with you. Please! He's about to —"
Erik shut down the viewscreen.
He kept his back to Yani.
"Killmonger. What was she talking about? Who was that?"
"My cousin. She is upset with me because…"
The words wouldn't come the way he wanted.
"Finish. Why is she so angry? Scared?"
He heard the fear in her voice now too.
"We've had a disagreement for the last six months and it makes her upset to talk about it. It's personal Yani. Nothing to do with you."
"She knows my name. Looked at me like she knows me well—"
"I was with her and my Aunt. Before Sydette was sick. I told her about you. Us. Just forget it!"
"Why are you so angry right now?"
"I'm not angry Yani. Just irritated. That's all. You know family shit gets people agitated. Give me some space right now and I'll come in the room in a minute—"
Her arms went around his waist.
"She's scared for you. She was crying over you. Yuh going off to do something bad. Like before…"
She touched his keloids. He rested his hands on top of hers.
"Don't go," she whispered into his back.
It was the thing he didn't need to hear. The thing he dreaded coming from her. It was bad enough to see Marisol crying over him. He didn't need Yani falling apart too. Not now.
Twisting around in her arms he held her against his chest.
"Let's go lay down."
She shook her head furiously.
He eased her backward and she went along with him.
"Happy birthday, baby."
Yani couldn't help but grin ear to ear when she saw Erik walk into the dining room with a blue and white frosted cake. Three light blue candles flickered on top. Sydette sat on Yani's lap and clapped her hands when she saw the birthday treat. He placed the cake in front of them on the table.
"Make a wish," he said.
Yani's eyes held his gentle gaze and she looked away before she said something to make herself start crying again. She closed her eyes and made a bargain instead. Something she would keep to herself.
When her eyes went back to his, he was watching Sydette touch a tiny corner of icing and taste the sweetness.
"Happy birthday to you…" he sang, and Sydette joined him.
"Blow?" her daughter said looking at Erik with excited eyes.
"Go ahead," he said.
Yani blew the candles out with her and Erik clapped his hands.
He didn't bother to bring out plates, just three forks. They dug into the cake and watched Sydette smear frosting on her cheeks trying to eat a forkful that was bigger than her mouth. Chocolate was their favorite and the small cake was gone in a matter of minutes.
"Dang, I forgot the ice cream," he said jumping up and running back into the kitchen. He returned with small bowls of vanilla ice cream and they ate that quietly together.
They watched a little television, Animal Planet, and Sydette sat wide-eyed watching giraffes run wild in a pack until she yawned and sprawled out on Yani's lap. An hour later Erik lifted her daughter from her lap and carried her into her room.
Yani stretched, took a moment to use the restroom, then waited for Erik to return. She was still rattled from Marisol's call. Couldn't get that woman's face out of her mind.
Erik sprawled out on her lap in Sydette's place and she stroked his hair. His eyes eased shut and his body relaxed on her. His bare chest enticed her to touch it and his warmth was nice to feel.
"Where are you going, Killmonger?"
He ignored her at first, turned his head toward her stomach and tried to pretend he didn't hear her.
"I have the right to know this time. Yuh never come back…I have the right to know…"
"Let us have this last night in peace, Yani. Please."
"You gave us so much. I don't want to spend the rest of my life…"
She felt his body tense.
"I don't want to start a fight or upset you—"
"Then leave it be."
"I want to…for you…but…"
He rolled over and looked up at her face.
"Don't make me hurt more than I already do. Don't hurt yourself more by asking. You're right about me. I'm a killer. That bad man. I just want to be a good man for these last few hours. Be a good man for you…"
He stroked her cheek and she held his hand against her chest.
"You can be a good man for always, love…please…"
He turned away from her and watched the tv.
"I'm sorry…I'm sorry…"
She touched his temple and smoothed back a few of his locs. His eyes shut tight and he reached back to touch her cheek.
"I'm the one that's sorry, Yani. I can't give you what you want. There ain't no promises I can give that can make you feel good or make you think we have a future. I have nothing—"
"You have me."
"I have you," he whispered.
She bent down and rested her plump lips on his fuller ones and let the skin there lightly touch before she opened her mouth to let her tongue taste his.
He fondled her nipples through her dress as they kissed.
"Take this off," he said tugging on her dress.
She did what he asked and he rested back on the wide couch.
"Sit on my face."
Always direct. Demanding.
She crawled above him and sat her vulva on his lips.
The heat from his mouth had her sighing before he even licked up and down her folds. She felt her labia plumping up fully, and when the tip of his tongue flicked her clit, she was already dripping onto his lips.
He flattened his tongue and Yani wiggled her waist to get the full lavish flourishes of his wet mouth. Leaning forward, Yani exhaled hard into the couch. He ate her pussy like it was a fine art to be mastered. His hands reached up and held her ass cheeks as he plunged his tongue into her opening. Hot puffs of breath from his mouth excited her more as deep groans had him stop every few seconds to gather himself. She lifted up and gazed down at his face as she writhed above him. She felt his hands release her ass as he pulled down his loose sweatpants and freed his erection. His right hand gripped his length and tugged hard.
She dropped her ass onto his face and he moaned into her pussy.
His tongue traced patterns into her folds and her keening above him spurned the movement of his hand jerking off his dick. That wide tongue of his, interchanged with his big lips rubbing all over her labia, made her cry out his name. She pressed her pussy hard on his mouth.
"I'm cumming!" she yelled.
Erik groaned so loud and his body went stiff under her.
When she looked behind her, she watched him ejaculate all over his hand.
"Fuck! I want to cum in your ass Yani."
She crawled off of his face and sauntered into the master bedroom. When she returned to him on the couch, she handed him a bottle of lube and some tissue to wipe up his semen.
Lying next to him, she allowed his hands to roam all over her body before he squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers. He kissed her with slow deliberation as his fingers took their time inserting into her anus, massaging her there. He slickened up his new erection with even more lubrication. Yani leaned forward while gripping the couch cushion and lifted up her leg a bit so he could get his tip pressed into her anal opening. She held her breath and relaxed with a deep exhale as he inserted three inches into her.
"You okay?" he asked.
Rubbing her waist, he waited for her consent before he pressed in further. She could only handle about four inches at that moment and he eased back out to use more lubricant. When she was ready, he pushed back in until she was comfortable with more from him.
He gave short thrusts that she liked and inserted his fingers into her pussy. Stroked from both openings, the tightness pulling her close to the edge of another explosive release, Yani endured the nasty words spilling from his mouth and into her ear as he fucked her good and long.
"…just letting me fuck you in your ass like this…"
"…nasty…I'ma put cum in you like this…"
"…'gon nut all up in you like this…deep in this ass…fuck girl…letting me do this shit…"
She chewed on the sensitive skin of her lips.
"Who else you fuck like this?"
"Just you…and Chez…"
"Goddamn, I'm in there deep!"
His head fell forward onto her shoulder and she knew he was done whenever he couldn't speak anymore. His fingers had her pussy sticky. His dick had her anus stretched with pleasure. Slow. Deep. Gentle. Just how she liked it with him and only him. "I feel your balls, Killmonger…"
"All in this ass…tight…ah fuckkk—"
His orgasm rendered him speechless and he jerked against her as he spurt hot jizz.
"…nasty bitch…cumming in your fat ass…"
Yani felt tears of sexual release drip from her lids as her pussy spasmed around his fingers. When he removed his slick digits from her, he held her tight and kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. They were both covered in sweat.
"You can bring a nigga to his knees, swear to God."
Yani grinned and held onto him as he brushed his lips over her clavicle. She felt his penis soften and he pulled out from her.
They watched tv a bit longer until Erik removed himself from her and took a long shower. She took one after him and when she finished, all he wanted to do was lay in bed with her for the rest of the night. She asked him no more questions about his destination.
She focused on the now.
"What are you two doing?"
Erik sat still on the floor with his back against the vanity mirror drawer. Sweet Pea stood in front of him with her left hand on his forehead and her right hand smearing bronze lipstick on his lips. Yani clutched her stomach and laughed hard when she saw his entire face when Sydette stepped back from her handiwork.
Bronzer, cinnamon eyeshadow, false eyelashes, and liquid foundation rounded out Erik's features.
"Makin Baba pretty Mama, see?"
Sydette returned to her work tracing the lipstick outside the lines of his mouth.
"How I look?" he asked.
"A hot mess," Yani said.
Erik stood up and looked in the mirror. Sydette crawled onto the vanity chair and patted his arm.
"I have tuh finish your lips. Put more on…"
She held up the lipstick and he bent down so she could add a little more.
"There," Sydette said.
"All done?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Clown face—"
"Hush, baby girl worked hard to perfect this look. You just jealous cuz you can't get your face like this."
Erik ran his fingers through his hair to fluff out his locs.
"I look good, don't know what you hatin' on. Jealous."
He walked into the living room and grabbed his sandals by the door.
"Please tell me you not wearing that face—"
"We're going for a walk. Join us if you want."
Sydette still held the lipstick in her hand and rolled it along her mouth. Yani took it from her.
"Fifty-dollar lipstick…for playtime," Yani said.
"You can afford it. Let's go Sweet Pea."
"We pretty, Mama."
"I see."
Sydette held Erik's hand and they walked around the compound.
They visited Jerome and watched him chase off another iguana from the pool. Moving through Klaue's prized flowers, they observed butterflies resting easy and caught a gentle breeze on their faces as they walked down to the cove.
Yani trailed behind them, still laughing at his overly made face, and Erik just acted like it was normal to have a face beat to the two-year-old Gods of cosmetics. He picked up seashells with Sydette and dipped his toes in the water with her. She chased him when they returned to the house for lunch.
"You are really going to keep that look?"
Yani served them leftover gumbo and cornbread. She kept shaking her head each time she looked at him.
"Hater," he teased.
They napped together on the couch until it started raining again, the soft patter of water striking the roof. They played with Sydette's toys until Yani couldn't take it anymore and made Erik clean off his face. He could hear Yani's snarky laughter while he did it.
Yani cooked their last dinner together, made him all the island foods he loved, and Erik ate until he was stuffed.
As the sun made the journey down from the sky, Erik grew somber.
They put Sydette to bed early and Erik read her a book and stayed with her until the little girl fell asleep.
Yani handed him a glass of white wine and they sat outside on the lounger to watch the stars pop out across the dark velvet sky.
Yani crawled onto his lap and he held her close, nuzzling his nose into her neck. A dragonfly drone flew past the balcony, its movement a little off-kilter. The battery was probably running down.
Yani wiggled on his lap, hungry for him once more, and he stripped out of his loungers for her and gave her the dick she craved. In his favorite spot. In his favorite position with her.
"Fuck, I don't want nobody else in this pussy…." he chuffed into her neck.
Lifting her up, Erik stood with her legs slung over his biceps. His eyes watched the water far down below as he thrust. The mewling from her throat had him on edge and he locked his legs in position to hold her up while his length pumped up into her. He needed to work his back into it and carried her on his dick back into the house and into their bedroom.
Her legs spread wide and her toes pointing toward the wall, Erik pressed his muscular thighs into her thick ones as they both watched his dick plunge in and out of her gripping folds.
"I'ma be in this pussy all night. You know that, right?"
She nodded vigorously, her lips pressed tight as they heard the sloppy noise coming from their engorged lower parts.
"You want all of Daddy's cum now, huh girl?"
"Want me to fuck you in your ass again?"
Her head fell back onto the pillow with her mouth dropping open and when his dick slid out, he saw more sticky wetness spilling from her slit. He sank back in again hitting the side of her walls. The bed was bouncing with his thrusts. Yani's eyes went back to watch their joining.
"Oh shit…Yani…ah fuck girl…I love you…"
"Say my name again."
He groaned as he slammed into her hard to punctuate the pleasure he received hearing his real name drip from her lips like honey.
"Erik…love…you feel so good. Making my pussy feel so good…God!"
"I see you squirtin' baby. I see it!"
Yani's legs shook even as Erik pressed down on her thighs to keep them flat on the bed.
"You tryna make me nut right now? Huh?"
He dug in her deeper and she took it like he knew she could.
Forcing her onto her hands and knees, he made her face the wall mirror so he could enjoy hitting it from the back and watching her face while he did it.
"All night, baby," he whispered.
All night indeed.
Every position.
Every nasty word he could think of in six languages.
Yani was panting, screaming into the sheets, squirting and cumming from every angle he could twist her into. Front. Back. Side. Diagonal. He held off from ejaculating, wanting to marinate in her juices for as long as he could, trying to savor and remember every moment of that night with her in their bed.
"Ah…baby…'bout to make a big mess…"
She held her breasts, her fingers circling her areolas.
"Wish I could suck milk out them titties again."
His head dropped forward and his right hand clutched her left breast and held it.
"These big titties…"
"Cum in my pussy, Erik."
His eyes narrowed looking down at her face.
"Want me to cum in your pussy, baby?"
He moved slow, so slow that her legs wrapped around his waist to get more friction from him.
"Tell me you love me again," he begged.
Yani clutched onto his back, her harsh pants tingling his ears. He knew that look and reaction from her. She was at the tip of her orgasm. A large one.
Her big eyes looked up at him as she clung to him, the look on her face taking him back to the first time they ever made love.
"Yes, baby. I'm here."
Her voice hitched and Erik froze with her as her vaginal walls quivered against his length.
He couldn't breathe.
Tears slipped down her face.
"I love you, Erik. I want you here with me forever—"
Her head fell back as her pussy spasmed tight.
"Erik! Erik!"
"I'm cumming with you! Goddamit I'm cumming so fucking hard!"
There was no shame in his yelling out loud. Every hard spurt into her pussy made him yell out her name and how much he loved her. She only clung to his body as all of her softness pressed into the hardness of his body. When he felt the last of his semen leaving him, he bit into her shoulder and squeezed her tight. His toes cramped up and didn't want to let her go.
Their bodies cooled with the hot sweat evaporating from their skin.
Pulling her on top of him, Erik cradled Yani in his arms until she needed to go pee. He listened to her take a quick shower before she returned to his embrace.
"All night, remember?" she whispered to him.
"I remember. But a quick respite."
He shifted down until his head was on her stomach.
Yani whispered how much she loved and needed him until he fell asleep cradled in her arms.
Sydette's crying woke him up.
"She's probably having a bad dream," Yani said.
Erik shifted and Yani pushed him back on the bed.
"I'll take care of her. I get back and yuh give me some more."
Her eyes twinkled.
Jumping off the bed, she pulled on her panties and threw on one of his t-shirts.
"Big nipples poking through," he said grabbing his dick.
She kissed his lips and bounded out of the room.
It was late. If Sydette was up, she'd want to get into bed with them unless Yani could get her back to sleep fast.
He rubbed his belly then scratched his balls waiting for her.
His mind wandered to trivial things until he noticed things were too quiet.
"Yani. Everything okay?"
His hand swiped the security cam feed and he immediately sat upright. There was nothing there, which was impossible because he should see an image of Yani and Sydette…
Erik slid his hand to his bedstand drawer and pulled out his Glock. He slipped his loungers on and crept to the door.
The hallway was empty.
He checked Sydette's room. It was empty. He checked the hall bathroom and Klaue's bedroom on the far end of the house.
Easing toward the living room, Erik noticed a light pop on. He stepped into that light and saw Huntsman sitting on the couch with Sydette on his lap, his own Glock pressed into her little chest, his other free hand covering her mouth. Across from him standing near Klaue's wall of African masks was Shipley strong-arming Yani with his weapon pressed into her temple. His left hand fondled Yani's nipple.
Neal stepped into view with an AK-15 pointed at Erik.
"Now see, you shouldn't have been here, Killmonger," Huntsman said.
"Let them go," Erik hissed, keeping his eyes on Sweet Pea who had big shiny tears in her scared eyes.
"No. We can't do that. It's too bad though. Now they get to die with you."
Chapter 27 Here
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
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@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bugngiz @stariamrry  @honeytoffee @meilintheempressofdreams
@tyees @eye-raq @writerbee-ffs @chocolatedream30
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woosung - i don’t know you
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«i don’t know you, but you make me
wonder who you are»
Everybody on campus knew him. The one and only Kim Woosung. Majoring in music and arts, vocalist and guitarist in his own band The Rose and every girls' heartthrob.
[y/n] wouldn't admit it though. She hated the fact that she developed a crush on him so quickly. But who wouldn't? Just a look at him would help you understand why every girl on campus had a crush on him.
5'10'', nice built and a smile that could heal all the diseases in the world. Only thing [y/n] didn't like what his personality.
He was known for being a player. If he liked someone, she would be going home with him by the end of the day. He was also very cocky and flirty. Not that that behavior annoyed [y/n], she found it very attractive, but not coming from him.
Everybody talked about him, it's just as if the whole world turned around him. And he definitely acted that way to her.
She just hated him. And liked him at the same time. But she would rather fail all her classes than admit it.
– Are you fantasizing again? – her friend Sangyu asked –. About a certain someone, maybe?
– What the heck Yu, of course not. You know I don't need no man – her friend laughed –. I was just thinking about what I'll eat for lunch later.
– If that's what you say. Well, here's me. See you later at lunch! – they said their goodbyes while each of them went to their different classes.
[y/n] was studying linguistics. She loved languages and was very good at it too.
She entered the classroom and sat down. The room was still kind of empty since class didn't start for another 15 minutes, so she decided to kill time by playing with her phone.
– Hey, is this seat taken? – she turned around when she heard a voice. She directly smiled.
– Of course it is Hajoon, was saving it just for you – she winked, making him blush, to what she laughed.
Lee Hajoon. He was studying music and also linguistics. That's how they met. They just sat together at one of their first classes and hit it off.
There was one bad thing about him though. What, you may ask? He was friends with Woosung.
– Are you free tonight? – he asked.
"Of course I'm free", she thought. It was kind of sad though. To be a student who had nothing to do on a Friday night.
– Why are you asking?
– We are playing some songs tonight at The Red Cat and I would really appreciate it if you would come – she sighed.
She saw it coming. It wasn't the first time he asked her to come to one of their concerts. But she always had an excuse. She just couldn't go and have to look at Woosung the whole night. She would probably fall deeper for him if she did.
– And don't say you can't. I know you don't have anything to do.
– You're right, like always – they laughed –. Okay fine, I'll be there. But with one condition.
– I knew it. You just couldn't go to make me happy – he faked a tear.
– Shut up! I'm bringing Sangyu with me, and I want you to finally try and talk to her.
Hajoon had the hugest crush on Sangyu, and so did she. So [y/n] thought it would be a great idea to finally set them up.
Bad idea. During the first half, it was fun. They danced to their songs, and to [y/n]'s luck, Woosung's voice was that of an angel, making it difficult for her to stop looking at him.
They decided to take a break, and Hajoon luckily kept his promise and talked to Sangyu. Sadly [y/n] didn't really think it through, since she was now alone in the middle of the bar.
She sighed and decided to get herself something to drink.
– What can I get you miss?
– I would like a Sex On The Beach please – she answered politely.
– I could give you that for free.
She froze. They never talked but she would recognize that voice anywhere. Kim Woosung was flirting with her.
She was fangirling inside, but she wouldn't show it. That would only increase his ego and she wouldn't give him that.
– Not interested, sorry – she smiled at the bartender while paying for her drink.
– You sure?
– Oh hell yes I am – she stood up and walked towards a free seat in the back of the bar.
She sighed with relief when she didn't see him coming to her. She could breath normally again.
– It's me again – someone whispered in her ear.
– What the hell dude? – she said while getting away from his face –. What part about "I'm not interested" did you not understand?
– Come on, every girl wants a piece of this.
– Yeah well, not this one. So please, just leave me alone.
To her surprise, he smiled apologetically and left. She was expecting him to be more stubborn, so that was a nice surprise.
Great. Now she would spend the whole night thinking about that gesture, and wondering, was he really a player or was it just rumors?
Sangyu came back after a while and they enjoyed the rest of the night. But [y/n] kept thinking about Woosung. And so did he.
– Don't you think that's weird? – [y/n] turned around when she heard her friend Jinsoo. She was lost in her thoughts. And yes, they were about a specific someone.
– What is?
– Haven't you been listening? – Jinsoo made an annoyed gesture but started to explain again –. Woosung hasn't been seen with a girl since last week. And that's really weird coming from him.
[y/n] shrugged, implying she didn't care. But well, we all know she cared. In her mind there was every possible scenario about him.
– Maybe he fell in love? – suggested Sangyu, to what Jinsoo laughed –. I'm being serious. I've been hanging with Hajoon and the band these days and I can tell you Woosung is a really nice guy. All the stuff about him being a player is a lie. But believe what you want.
She stood up and left Jinsoo shocked and [y/n] surprised. [y/n] then said goodbye and ran to her bus who had just arrived.
Luckily there were some seats available, so she sat down since she had a long way to go. Her apartment was 20 minutes away from campus, but she enjoyed the bus rides.
She put her earphones and listened to her favorite song. But when she looked up, her eyes met with another ones. Woosung was sitting in front of her. She quickly looked away, so she couldn't see how he smiled sweetly at her.
Woosung had been infatuated with her since that night. He kept thinking about her. He liked her loose jeans and her casual hair, he liked how her eyes disappeared when she laughed heartily, he liked how kind she was to people.
He was dying to know her, but he supposed she wasn't interested after their conversation at the bar. And that made his heart ache a little bit.
[y/n] did her best in not looking at him for the first half of the ride, but it was hard. Really hard.
A couple of stops later, two elderly women came into the bus. Woosung and [y/n]'s reaction was to instantly stand up and offer them their seats.
It was a sweet gesture, and that made both of them fall even more in love with the other. And to top it off, they were now standing next to each other.
Finally, it was [y/n]'s stop. She was battling inside about if she should smile at him or not. His small gesture made her think maybe Sangyu was right, and he was indeed a nice guy.
The bus came to a stop. Woosung saw that it was her stop, which made him a little bit disappointed since he still had a couple of stops before him.
She sighed. And quickly looked at him, smiled and exited the bus, leaving a surprised Woosung behind.
Friday night and Sangyu dragged [y/n] along to a bar. The guys would be having a special performance there, and since Hajoon had asked Yu to be his girlfriend, she needed to go. And of course, that meant [y/n] had to go too.
– Just promise you won't leave me alone afterwards to make out with your boyfriend – Sangyu smirked.
– I won't, relax – they both laughed.
The boys entered the stage. Everything went quiet. They took their respective places and Woosung took the microphone.
– Hello everybody, we are The Rose! – a lot of girl screams could be heard from the back of the bar, which made [y/n] cringe a little –. First of all, thank you all for coming, it means a lot to us – his eyes were searching something in the crowd –. Hope you enjoy it!
They started playing their set and the mood changed. Their songs were so upbeat and fun, [y/n] couldn't help but move her head along to the music. Her eyes met Woosung's a couple times, making her blush.
After a couple of songs, it was time for the last one.
– Well, now it's time for our last song – some whining sounds were heard –. I know you want to hear more, but I guess that means you'll have to keep coming to our concerts – everybody laughed, including [y/n] –. Now this last song is a new one, what means we haven't played it before. Honestly, I just finished it yesterday – his eyes met [y/n]'s –. It's dedicated to a special girl out there, so let's hope she likes it.
It was the prettiest song [y/n] had heard in her entire life. And to make it even more beautiful, Woosung kept staring at her the whole time.
She listened to the whole song, which made her heart want to explode and her feelings want to come out. That's why she left the bar after they were done.
She just needed some fresh air to try and sort her feelings out. She couldn't be falling for him.
Woosung saw her ran out and without a thought, went straight after her. He found her staring at the starry sky just in front of the bar. He walked up to her.
They stood next to each other for a couple minutes, without saying anything. And they both liked the silence. It wasn't awkward. On the contrary, it felt nice.
– Are you okay? I saw you ran out and I wanted to make sure everything was fine – [y/n]'s heart jumped –. Was it the song? If it was, just know that I didn't mean to hurt you or anything like that. I just wanted to express my feelings. And it would be totally fine with me if you didn't feel the same.
– Why do you have to be so goddamn nice? – her question surprised him. But she wasn't done yet –. You're supposed to be a player! You're not supposed to act like this and make my heart flutter at every word you say! I'm trying to forget you, goddamn it. I can't fall in love with you, I just can't!
He took her hand in his and looked right into her eyes.
– Why can't you? – she looked away, but he took her chin in his other hand to make her look at him –. All that stuff about me being a player, is a lie. I haven't taken a girl home since last year. I don't play with their hearts, I'm just straight to them. It's been a while since I liked someone. But you just make it seem easy, and right. I know we don't really know each other, but I'd love to. So, let me travel you.
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wreckofawriter · 6 years
Fine Line
Word count: 2,459
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Pureblood!Reader
Warnings: A bit of swearing
Summary: When Y/N sworn enemy stands up for her she is left confused by a confession.
A/n: Sorry I havent posted in a while I have been unbelievably busy.
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Not my gif btw credit to owner
“There was a fine line between love and hate you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the moment they crossed it would be the one least expected. You’d fall in love and crack open a secret door to let your soul mate in You just never expected such closeness one day to feel like an intrusion” - Jodi Picoult
You had heard the saying there is a fine line between love and hate too many times for your liking, your friend seemed to repeat it daily to you. Personally, you did not agree with that statement, they were completely different feelings. You believed it was like saying there was a fine line between yellow and purple which is far from true.
As you watched him stalk toward you, your previous accusations were confirmed.
“Oh look if it isn’t broken hearted Y/L/N” He sneered when he reached the tree you were sitting in.
“Malfoy” You scoffed back dropping to the ground. You landed in a crouch stood up and straightened your robes. “Here to insult me or hex me?”
Despite both being Slytherins and born from respectable pureblood families your hatred was strong for each other, ever since you fought over a cabin on the Hogwarts Express first year.
“I just wanted to know why you weren’t sitting with your boy toy recently.” He challenged. Usually, Malfoy was bad but ever since you had started to date Jacob he had become intolerable.
“None of your business.” You started promptly.
“He broke up with you didn't he.” he mocked, laughing “What he couldn’t handle looking at you all day.” He’s gargoyles behind him laughed.
“I would kick you in the teeth, but what's the point in improving your looks.” You retorted, swallowing the pain of the fresh wound he had just poured salt into. He scoffed his permanent smirk disappearing for a split second before returning. “Did you have a reason for this charming visit.” You asked sarcastically.
“Not entirely. Just to see how the break up went.” He mused picking at his perfect fingernails.
“Well then, if I through a stick will you leave?” This one got to him, and his cocky demeanor dropped.
“Did you just call me a dog Y/L/N?” He questioned dropping his hands and clenching them in fists.
“In fact I did.” You said turning curtly your hair whipping his face, gathered your books and turned to leave. You simply wanted to be in bed.
When you returned to your room you found your best friend Celo sitting on her bed a book held in her hands about two inches from her face. You let out a giggle at her position and confused expression.
“What?” she asked
“I just want to know why you are trying to enter that book like its a portal.”
“It's an exciting book.” She shrugged.
You laughed again, “You coming down for breakfast?” you grumbled scuffing your shoes on the ground.
“Yeah give me a sec,” she glanced at your sad demeanor, “You don’t seem like to want to."
“Not only do I have to deal with Jacob but Malfoy is being a dick again. Godric, I hate him” You sighed.
“You know there's a fine line between lo-”
“If you finish that sentence I will hex you.” You interrupted.
Celo rolled her eyes. Unlike you, she wasn’t blind to Dracos pathetic attempts (if you call insulting you attempts) to flirt with you. He was terrible at it, but Celo was convinced to get you to notice. She always pointed it out when she caught him staring at you, she tried to tell you that you were the only one who could get to the Slytherin boy with your insults, but it was no luck you were blinded by your hatred.
You began to gather your stuff your mood getting momentarily better until you saw Jacobs sweater lying in the ground and sighed. It had been a week and you still didn't have the heart to touch the damned thing.
“You know I could move it if you wanted.” Celo pointed out.
“Nah,” You sighed. You almost left it where it lay but you couldn’t, you just couldn’t. “I will.” with that, you summoned all the courage you had and snatched his sweater off the ground. With this sudden rush of adrenaline, you decided you would return it to him. Right now.
“You know what, I’m going to give it to him.” You stated.
“I don’t know if that's the-”
“I don't care he treated me like shit and I will not keep his sweatshirt because I am scared of a measly Ravenclaw.” You yelled.
“Alright” Celo sighed knowing that once you decided to do something, there was no stopping you, you were definitely put in the right house.
You walked into the great hall loudly, stomping your feet. You always had a loud way about you, when you walked into a room everyone knew it. You weren’t afraid of Jacob or his smug Ravenclaw pose either. Heads turned as you walked straight up to Jacob and his smirking friends.
“Y/N, I thought I made it clear we were over.” He scoffed.
“I was simply returning your sweatshirt.” You growled.
“You can keep it. Give it to the next guy you sleep with.” He mused playing with his fork.
“You Jacob Tahlin, are the reason God invented the middle finger,” You sneered as you threw the sweatshirt at him.
“Don’t worry you will have your finger shoved down some other dudes throat in no time.”
Your eyes went wide. Mouth dropped open. Anger ran through you like boiling water. Then you took a step closer and slapped him. Hard. Backhanded. So hard your ring had pierced his skin.
“You bitch!” he shouted his hand pulling away from his cheek with blood on his finger tips. He then began to get up and face you, but before he could even set down his fork he had a wand to his throat.
“You take one more step and I will not hesitate to kill you.” seethed a familiar voice through clenched teeth.
You watched as the platinum-haired boy pushed Jacob backward so his legs were against the bench he had been sitting on. The smirks were wiped off his friend's faces.
“W-woah there Malfoy, d-don’t get your p-panties in a knot.” Jacob stuttered clearly nervous.   As he put his hands as a sign of surrender. Every eye in the hall was on the scene playing out in front of you.
“You listen to me Tahlin.” Draco spits his mouth filled with venom, “If you even look at her the wrong way one more time, I. Will. Kill. You.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Jacob asked suddenly regaining his snarky attitude.
“Who am I? I’m the guy who can turn your life into a living hell with the snap of his fingers.” Draco continued still learning and closer and closer to Jacob.
As you observed you saw Jacob slowly move his had towards his robe pocket. Your body filled with fear and anger once again. You snatched your own wand from your robe, “Stupify!” tumbled from your lips.
Jacob shot straight backward knocking over the bench and flying over the table. Every single eye in that room was on you but the only ones you could focus on were a pair of bright silver ones which stared at you wide with surprise.
“Miss Y/L/N!” you heard McGonagall shout but you couldn’t take your eyes off of the Slytherin in front of you. “You are coming to my office right now!” she gasped. “Someone please help that boy.” She yelled as she dragged you out of the hall.
After a long hour lecture about fighting in school, losing your house 35 points and gaining a month of detention you were finally let go thanks to Snape demanding he needed you to come to a class which you didn't have for another hour. He, of course, let you go the second you left the classroom.
As you sat in the library you couldn't help but think of Draco. Ever since this morning, you wondered why. Why would Draco step in front of you? Why not laugh and watch as he did with everyone else? Why help you? Your thoughts were cut off by the very boy on your mind.
“Y/N?” You looked up to see Draco standing in front of you.
“Hey Draco,” you mumbled as you lay your head on your crossed arm in front of you. He sat in the chair next to you taking the same position you were in and faced you. For a minute or two, you just sat there in awkward silence staring at each other, where all you could think about is how his eyes shone, and his hair looked so smooth and how amazing it would be to kiss that precise jawline to his soft pink lips.
"So umm..." Draco muttered.
“Why?” you spoke.
“What?” he said blinking twice as if he had just woken from a nap.
“Why did you do it?” you continued, searching his face which still looked confused. “Ya, know, step in front of me, stop Jacob. We aren’t friends, well to be completely honest I didn't think you liked me at all and I definitely didn't like you. So why?”
Draco turned his head so his chin was resting on his arms instead of his cheek and he was facing away from you. He stared straight ahead not daring to look at you because he knew if he did, everything he had managed to hide for five years would come tumbling out.
“Draco?” you asked. He sighed still not looking at you.
"Draco?" You asked again.
“Remember first year when you fought me  for that stupid train cabin?” He asked his eyes locked on a far away bookshelf.
“Of course.” You said “I also remember winning that fight” you chuckled.
“Yeah.” He said smiling but not his usual smirk a genuine smile showing his perfect pearly smile. “I think that's when it happened.”
“Yeah, I think that's why I started to dislike you too.”
    This time he laughed. He actually laughed. The sound was addictive, you wanted to hear it’s sweetness again. “I remember when I saw you, and Merlin where you small, smaller than me by far, and I thought to myself ‘This will be easy, this girl will leave the second she sees me.’ and boy was I wrong” he was still smiling as he talked. “I remember walking up to you and telling you and your friends to leave, and you said, ‘Make me.’ and when I told you to again, you said, ‘Right now I need something only you can provide.’ ‘and what's that’ I said. And you replied with ‘Your absence.’ I and I think that is the exact moment, I fell in love with you” He was now looking straight down at the table the color creeping up to his cheeks. You weren’t sure what to do with his sudden confession so you just sat there staring at him your mouth open slightly.
    “At first I convinced myself you were just a pretty and I was being ridiculous but then I started to notice things. Like how the only time you cried is when you were reading a sad book. Or the way your Y/H/C hair flows like a waterfall down your back. Or how when you know your brilliant insult got to me your eyes would shine. Or how you could always turn a bad situation into a good one. Or how you would never call anyone a mudblood. Even when that stupid prick of a boyfriend of yours was screaming at you this morning. You didn't even think of the word.”
He looked at you now waiting for your reaction. But you were too stunned to say anything you just stared. “When you started dating him I felt like my heart was ripped from my body. Every day I would see you sit with him. Laugh with him and I couldn’t function. I wouldn’t go to meals anymore. My grades drop and my happiness along with them. I’m sorry I was such a dick all these years. I just couldn't deal with the fact that I was in love with you.” He sighed, looking at you again your eyes were wide your mouth still slightly ajar.
“Clearly, I’m an idiot and you definitely don’t feel the same so I will be going now.” He said standing, “I am truly sorry for being so rude, you didn't deserve that.” And with that, he walked away. Leaving you confused and bewildered. You just sat there for a minute processing all the information that had just been given to you.
“Fuck it.” You muttered standing and running after him. “Draco!” you yelled sprinting down the hall. You tripped on your robes and stumbled to the ground causing a few bystanders to giggle. You flipped them of striped your robes and continued after him.  Just in your skirt and blouse, you ran. You managed to see him just before he turned a corner.
“Draco!” you yelled again picking up your pace as you turned the corner you ran as fast as you could to catch up with him. When you finally reached him he kept walking. “Draco.” He kept walking. “Draco!” Still walking “God dammit Draco look at me.” You said grabbing his shoulder. He turned and you saw the last thing you would never expect; his eyes were rimmed with red and puffy a tear still sliding down his pale cheek. “What? He mumbled looking at anything but you. “Here to rub it in my face Y/L/N?” He asked furiously wiping his tears.
“No, I’m here to do this.” You said and without thinking twice you grabbed his tie and pulled his lips onto yours.
It took less than a second for Draco to respond to you; his lips moving in sync with yours as he moved his hand to your hips, pulling you closer to him. He deepened the kiss sliding his tongue into your mouth as you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him as close to you as possible. Everything else seemed to disappear, it was just you and him. You felt your heartbeat quicken a spark ignite inside you and you know that he felt the same.
Finally you broke apart both of you gasping and out of breath.
“I love you” He whispered shyly looking down at you; his grey eyes piercing yours, his cheeks flush.
“I love you too.” You said as you began to lean in to kiss him again. You placed your lips on his but were interrupted.
There was a loud thump as Celos books hit the ground, “Holy shit” She said, “I knew it, I knew it, I fucking knew it!” She was jumping up and down. “I told you there was a fine line between love and hate.” She said excitedly. And for once you actually agreed as you pulled Draco in for another kiss.
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weirdo-writes · 4 years
The original https://my.w.tt/2u6SO1Ooi8
So uhh apologies if the reader seems op but like... 👉👈
"Ugh frickin rain" you muttered to yourself.
You made your way to a little cafe where it's said to be where passione stays most the time.
You were from the hitman team, your job? To get some information about the boss.
The door of the cafe opens with a ringing sound. (those little bells that go on doors)
You quickly sneak your way towards the restrooms. Your stand [Transit of Venus] let you time travel anywhere, anytime as anybody, but that was after you had heard the voice, she used to only be able to let you sing like a siren allowing you to control others.
You had traveled to a different universe a while back a universe where it was mostly animals, but the thing was, they could talk.
You managed to find your universal counterpart, it's name was Caramella. You used your stand to bring Caramella to you, "what is it this time?" You whispered the plan to her as she nodded. She changed into a more normal looking cat (according to your universe).
She walked out of the bathroom and started to track the team. You had equipped a tiny camera on the cats collar allowing you to whisper commands to the cat and letting you watch what was happening.
You went to leave the cafe to go to the alley in the back when you smacked into somebody.
"Judging by the looks and height this is Bruno Bucciarati...". 
"Many apologies M'am I wasn't looking where I was going!"
       "Hey he's pretty cute for somebody that's apparently the bad guy"
"Keep it together Sonata(nickname)"
The voice in your head spoke nobody knew about him, you two fell in love and were put in a situation in which he was deemed the villain.
But that was many years ago.
"Sorry sir I was lost in my thought, I should be going now I'm kinda in a rush. I hope to see you soon!"  You faked a smile after all it wasn't too hard you had to do it often. The fake words you spit out made you feel sick, you hated lying to an innocent person but you were required to.
You quickly left to go to the alley.
"Just in time!" You whispered as you pulled out the laptop.
Thank goodness you were being protected by the roof otherwise your computer would have been soaked.
Caramella's POV/3rd person
(underline is Caramella's thought/speech)
"This is Giorno Giovanna he will be joining our gang, I expect you respect him." Bruno finished talking and held his arms out presenting Giorno.
"Excuse me Bucciarati, Somebody wants to see you." A waiter had walked in, he seemed worried.
"Giorno Giovanna? He smells familiar..."
Caramella thought as she sniffed.
There had been some tension in the group right before Giorno and Bruno had arrived but it had come to a sudden halt.
You walked out into the open near a man with a purple shirt(?) "it doesn't matter if I'm seen after all I'm just a cat aren't I? And judging by the height.... he's definitely Abbacchio"
"maow mew meow"  Caramella said as she pawed at the man holding a teapot. (I could make him piss on you but nah)
"What in he world is he- oh I see...."
  You leaped onto the table finally noticed by the rest of the gang. You laid down and started to purr on command. You were picked up by somebody dressed in orange and black was this Narancia?
You were being pet on your head by the boy. You then focused your eyes on the purple wearing male.
"Here you go..."  he says as he hands the "tea" to Giorno. Your eyes shifted over to Giorno then back down to the cup. You drowned out their speech and jumped out of Nara's arms over onto Giorno's shoulder. (God jump)
You pawed at his hair moving it around causing him to glance to his side.
Thats when you saw it.
"*beep* Caramella, Don't let him drink that...*beep*"(earpiece from y/n)
You hopped down away from the star on the boy's shoulder and onto the table. Giorno picked up the cup and raised it. He froze, "what's wrong?" Abbacchio teases. Giorno sets it down to regain his thought.
His hand reaches for the cup when you quickly slid your paw into the handle. "Awww it's holding like a human!!!!!" Narancia says in awe. You ignored him and you smacked the cup off the table. "What the-.... *whispers* damn cat." Abbacchio sighs.
"*beep* That Star.... we need to get more info..*beep*"  y/n's voice was quiet enough not to be heard.  Bruno came back into the room
You jumped back onto the table and meowed.
"Uh- who's cat is that?"
Narancia replies "Mine now!"
"Hold on it has a collar." The man you assumed to be Fugo said. He reaches over towards you grabbing the collar. "Bucciarati did you happen to run into anybody suspicious today?"
"It depends, why are you asking?"
Fugo take off the collar and hands it to Bruno.
"There's a little light on it, and I don't know about you but I've never seen a light up collar."
You leapt from Fugo's arms and ran over to the window pawing it asking to be let out.
"Sorry kitty but you're staying with us." Bruno says.
Y/n's POV
"Aughhhhh crapcrapcrapCRAP!"
You decided to act innocent and play the victim, "Say sonata? You don't think Giorno could be-"
"I think it is..."
You walked up to the doors of the cafe and went in.
"Caramella! Caramellllaaaa!"
You noticed that most of the customers had left due to the gang's commotion earlier.
You went to the room Caramella and the gang were in. "Caramella? CARAMELLA!"
"Caramella there you are you little rat!"
You scooped the cat up, "sorry about her, if she smells any kind of sweets she goes to the source." 
"So this is your cat, no?" Bruno said.
You quickly nodded with a plastered smile on your face.
"Did you know your cat has some sort of tracking device on it?"
"Yup i use it to find her when she runs off!"
"Well I'm afraid we're going to have to remove it."
You begin slowly walking backwards, ready to call out your stand.
Giorno finally glances at you and freezes.
"You seem familiar, Do I know you?".
Abbacchio perks up, "You say you know her?".
Narancia,Fugo and Mista stand there watching this go down.
"Perhaps" You go up and grab Caramella's collar and run out of the room.
Narancia calls out [Aerosmith] and starts to chase you down with it.
The rest of the gang follows.
"There's no way I'm using my stand, my cover isn't fully blown yet is it?"
"Sonata are you serious...."
You ignored the voice and continued running.
You slammed open the cafe's doors.
"Oof!" You had tripped on the steps to the outside. You were about to hit the ground when you suddenly ended upright at the bottom of the STAIRS. (hint hint nudge nudge)
"Thanks..." "No problem Sonata".
You were too slow a hand grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back,
It was Abbacchio.
"Alright alright I admit defeat..."
"Who are you and why was there some sort of tracking device on the cat?"
"Okay first off it's a camera, and secondly the cats name is Caramella, mine on the other hand is Y/n..."
"Y/n...." Giorno thinks about where he knows the name but comes up empty.
"Awwww I wanted a cat..." Narancia whines.
"Car-a-mel-la four syllables AND a cat..."(idk I hardly remember learning syllables).
You cleared your throat ready to drop a hint at Giorno as to where he knew you from. (Italics and bold is the voice speaking using y/n's body)
"Well I'd better not waste my only option to speak, So Giorno, You said you knew me?"
You brushed off your shirt and fixed your hair.
"Anyways luv I'd like to talk more but I gotta go" maybe just maybe you could pull it off.
"Yeah no..." Abbacchio pulls out his stand [Moody Blues] and punches you knocking you unconscious.
"What the, Where am I?" You muttered
"Oh she's awake!" Narancia runs toward you holding a dark blue object.
"Oh Caramella." You pulled the cat away from Narancia.
(Did I mention Caramella has an English accent) "Thank you sooo much y/n I was beginning to start suffocating."
"Huh? IT CAN TALK?!" Narancia's mouth hung open as he stared at you and the cat.
The rest of the gang found their way over to you and Caramella.
Bruno makes his way to the front of the gang
"Okay first off, who do you work for? Secondly
Are you a stand user?"
"Who I USED to work for is not important, and what's it to you?"
"So you are?" "What makes you think that?"
"Well you know what a stand is for starters and we all saw you trip on the steps and somehow end up on your feet."
"Okay yes I am a stand user."
Abbacchio cuts in "and what are your abili-"
"Yeah Sonata's not gonna answer that"
Abbacchio's face changed into one of confusion
"Okay for a moment there I thought you spoke but that sounded waaaay too masculine for a girl." (Did u just assume my gender >:0)
You ignored him and carried on with your current task, Identifying where you were.
"Okay light rocking, it's pretty dark, this seems to be a bedroom of some sort, ah a boat of course!"  You said out loud to yourself
"You're definitely pretty weird..." Fugo said
"They seem kinda cute." Mista whispers to Fugo. Fugo smacked Mista's arm, "HEY THAT HURT!"
"I like their cat..." Narancia says as he tries to reach for the cat again. You pulled Caramella away but then Caramella gives you
"The Look™️" so you handed her over to the small boy.
"I think one of us should watch her." Abbacchio states in a stern tone.
"I'll do it!" Mista shouts.
"Yeah no." Fugo says
"I can!" Narancia says "actually we need to work on your multiplication." (Bruh)
"I'm sure I co-" Giorno gets cut off
"I can't I need to steer the yacht, speaking of steering I should go back." Bruno says as he walks away. 
"I guess I will." Abbacchio says.
You sat on the bed staring into the darkest corner of the room. Watching, waiting for everyone to leave. Giorno hasn't left yet he stayed there staring at you.
"You can leave now."
"Actually let him stay."
Abbacchio raised an eyebrow at your words.
You look over for Caramella only to find that Narancia had taken her. You snapped you fingers and your stand brought Caramella to you, "C'mon!" You heard Narancia shout in the distance.
You caressed Caramella's Fur, and stared at Giorno. Giorno walked over to you,Abbacchio just watched.
"I should have known it was you, that birthmark, those Turquoise eyes, your blond hair..."   you felt tears begin to form but you couldn't cry in front of them, forget it.
"It's just where do I know you from?"
"That I can't tell you"
Abbacchio seemed to be really interested I your conversation with Giorno. A golden stand came out and began to flip off Abbacchio as you continued to cry.
"It's fine Sonata he'll find out"  the voice says using his stand to comfort you. 
Abbacchio stares clearly offended.
You stopped your crying and spoke once more "since you wanted to know what my stand could do it can do this." 
Of course you weren't going to show him your stand ability you were going to use the voice.
"Okay let's do this"
In a flash your hair turned blond and your eyes turned red, you still stayed a female though you weren't going to let them know what all you could do.
"I- you look." Giorno pulls out his wallet and opens it.
He pulls out a picture and gasps.
Abbacchio grabs you and starts to question if you could change your appearance any more than your hair and eyes.
"You're... but you're a girl... He's been dead"
Giorno stutters his sentence out.
"Lemme cut right to it, I am Y/n but also "Him".  I'm like this because I... well I, I fell in love with him."
"But that would make you older than Bruno"
"Hehe wayyyy older..."
"It was back then I decided to befriend a guy named Jonathan and I then met "him" . I got along just fine with everybody but I was drawn to him, he seemed to trap me in a maze and I never found the exit. Eventually there was this mask and hear me out it turned you into a vampire, now I ended up joining his side and using the mask on myself, we ruled together, we fought Jonathan and eventually Jonathan supposedly won but unknown to him he was still alive. He ended up taking Jonathan's body only to die in the boat Jonathan and his wife were on.
Later after a long time of hiding from the sun I found out that Jonathan's wife, Erina survived and had a daughter which then gave birth to Joseph Joestar. I'll admit he was pretty cute. No he wasn't. Shut up.
I ended up befriending the lad and found myself in yet another bizarre situation. Fighting three ancient men... that created the stone masks... so I ended up helping one of them for my own benefit, you see there was this stone that was needed to make vampires immune to sunlight and I needed that. So I helped him achieve it but only if I got to use it as well.
Long story short I became immune to the sun, but he in the other hand was defeated along with the rest of his comerades. I then ended up watching Joseph from afar. He ended up having a daughter which then gave birth to Jotaro Kujo. I soon found out that the same man from my childhood wasn't dead but instead hiding away.
I then pretended to run into Joseph and tried to join him. He turned me down but that didn't stop me. I then began to watch him as he and  four others travel the world to save holly(holy) Joseph's daughter. I was then discovered by one of the Vampire's servants, I was shot with an arrow. I then acquired my stand [Transit of Venus], but I was then knocked unconscious and controlled. Sorry...
I ended up finding myself in perfect condition laying down in front of these crusaders.
They then let me join their team.
We ended up losing many people on our way to Egypt, I really only cared for one of them.
(Your choice)  We then found the Vampire, I had to fight him. everybody else was either unconscious or dead so I had no choice.
My heart was begging me not to hurt him, that's when I found out my stand,
[Transit of Venus] could fuse/morph. It was a random ability.
I then acted as if I killed him but I really didn't. We morphed and I ended up getting two stands, somehow along the way his ability ended up changing into time travel.
So with our stands together we could time travel, teleport, morph and control people.
I never use it that often because I'm afraid I'll hurt somebody I love. But that was that oh and I ended up helping the next Joestar generation kill a murderer."
"The fu-" Abbacchio begins to say
Until you cut him off again.
"So yes I am Dio"
It not healthy to write at 3:00 am but I was really inspired
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Synopsis- After months of being fanboys, Hyunjin and his friends arennew fansites for the girl group, Hue, and after several misadventures, the group is starting to recognize them, Hyunjin in particular, as the most memorable fanboys they've met.
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"None of these photos came out right, they're all blurry," Jaemin slammed his laptop shut in anger, "how am I supposed to be the best Cerise fansite out there if I can't even catch her in moment? Look! Her hair looks amazing, but her face is all blurry because Lil-"
A pillow hit the boy in the face as Hyunjin looked up from his laptop, "Don't blame Lilac! It's not my fault your camera is 4 years old and there's dust inside of it."
"At least he didn't drop our gift to them. Starbucks aren't cheap, that order had to be like 30 dollars," Gai pointed out to the group, fixing the TV signal, "I'll never forget the look on Bai's face when that black coffee with 2 sugar packets fell the group."
"To be fair, it was only 20 dollars because Cerise isn't supposed to have caffeine since she was in the hospital back in February and the doctor told her to cool it."
"Stop being such a fanboy," Hyunjin swatted Jaemin's hair as he collected the pillow from the floor.
Hyunjin, Jaemin, Gai and Jongho were having a monthly meeting for their favorite girl group, Hue, and this is their first meeting as official fansites of the girls. Gai's bias was Emerald, Jaemin's was Cerise, Jongho couldn't decide between Cierra or Bai and Hyunjin immediately fell for Lilac, as known as Y/N. The boys sat around the tv as Hue's interview started.
"Color the sky! Hi, we are Hue!" The girls cheeted in unison, each dressed in their respective color.
"We are so proud of our Shades. Because of you all, we have our first win for 'Borealis,' and we couldn't be anymore thankful," Cierra, the group's leader, dressed in a black tanktop, black shorts and fishnets with boots, spoke.
"We also have another announcement!" Cerise, the main dancer dressed in a short pink plaid skirt and a matching t-shirt, pointed to the camera.
"Yes, we do, Cerise!" Emerald, the main rapper clad in a green outfit similar to Cierra, continued the prepared speech, "we're inviting several fansites to an exclusive fanmeet!"
"That we are!" Bai, the maknae in a white, off the shoulder dress spoke, "Lilac is going to announce the 40 fansites who are coming to this special event happening in 2 days at Thalian Hall."
As soon as the girl in the purple v-neck t-shirt with matching high-waisted shorts and garter belts came on the screen, Hyunjin was mesmerized. A chorus of birds spinning around his head as he imagined his life with Lilac.
"Oh, Lilac! I love you so much!"
"Hyunie! We're getting married! Please call me Y/N!"
"Oh Y/N, my bride! My princess!"
He broke out of his daydream as Jongho started shaking him.
"We're going to the event! This time as official people! We're going to get passes and get to see them up close!" Jongho yelled in Hyunjin's face.
"We can make up for all those fanmeets where Hyunjin destroyed a set piece!" Gai cheered, running to clean his camera.
"Or accidentally hit a bodyguard!" Jaemin kissed the TV screen when Cerise showed up, disgusting Jongho as he patted Hyunjin on the back, "or all the times we tried to give them little gifts, only for Hyunjin to get them taken or ruin them."
"Bro! This is our chance! We actually get to talk to the girls for a little bit and even hold their hands! We finally get to have photos that we can edit! We can make our own gifs!" Jongho cheered, jumping up and down on the sofa.
Hyunjin sat stunned, he has an opportunity to make up for his slip-ups. He still doesn't forgive himself for accidentally spilling a unicorn frappuccino for Y/N down a bodyguard's back.
'Hopefully she has forgotten about that incident'
"Ok, guys," Hyunjin opened his laptop on the table, hyping the group up, "if we're going to impress the girls, we should practice!"
"Color the sky! Hi, we wre Hue!" The girl group announced their presence as the small 40-person audience cheered.
"We are so proud of you Shade, that we had to do something special," Cyan spoke in the microphone, a small amount of feedback fading in and out.
"I already see a few familiar faces out there," Emerald waved her lightstick in the air, "Emmy's World, who has been to every event since pre-debut! A legendary Shade, if I do say so myself."
The crowd laughed as the sound of shutters and the bright flashes went off, capturing the girls in every moment. Hyunjin watched as the crowd had different techniques to get the girls' attention. Emmy's World had a sign above their camera that said "Emerald, over here!" Another fansite called Light Cream for Bai had a polar bear plushie taped to the top of their camera and Jaemin was dressed head to toe in hot pink for Cerise, becoming the fansite Neon Flamingo.
Hyunjin felt like he was disassociating, this isn't his real life, it's just a dream and he's going to wake up soon, Gai is going to freak out because he found a cute picture of Emerald that actually allowed editing, Jaemin will be attempting to DM Cerise and Jongho will be making a pros-cons list of having a double bias.
Hyunjin heard his fansite name, Field of Lilacs, through the speaker. He walked to the front of the crowd, shooting photos of Y/N as she posed in a purple mid-thigh skater skirt, her off-white lilac-hued button up tucked into the skirt.
"Hey," Y/N pointed at Hyunjin, "you're the coffee guy, right?!"
Hyunjin wished to shrink in on himself as he felt everyone's eyes on him, some burning holes into his head. Hyunjin kept his head down, looking at the pictures he took, ashamed of the fact he's known as the coffee guy. He wanted to run away, but he continued to take photos.
A wave of guilt came over Y/N. Maybe she shouldn't have brought that up, she just wanted to make the cute guy with the light blue shirt knew he was actually one of the fans the girls knew and talked about all the time.
'Does he feel bad about the coffee? It was just an accident...'
Y/N whispered to Emerald, no one could tell for Y/N had hid her mouth by her hand. After Emerald had talked to one of their managers, Y/N kept her eye on Hyunjin, who felt awkward the rest of the event.
"Guys! Holy shit, we have so many good photos! Look at Cyan!" Gai flipped through his camera roll as Jaemin and Jongho were looking at each other's photos.
Hyunjin sat on a bench outside the event hallway, kicking his feet as he played with the camera strap. The other three boys were running around like chickens with their heads cut off when Hyunjin was approached by a tall man.
"Ms. Y/N is asking for you," the bodyguard towered over Hyunjin, the intimidation factor causing Hyunjin to go wide-eyed, "Nothing bad. She just wishes to talk to you privately."
Hyunjin took a glimpse at his friends, who were still comparing photos and talking about their favorite moments, "Uuhh, yea, sure."
The pair walked down the hallway, heading towards a double door which led to the Hue tour bus and the five members standing outside the bus, making sure they have all their luggage.
"Thanks Davey," Y/N dismissed the bodyguard as he patted Hyunjin's back, the boy lurching forward, Y/N's hands catching his shoulders and helping him avoid falling.
"Umm, sorry," Hyunjin kept curled up in himself.
"No, oh my God, I should be sayimg sorry to you. I didn't realize you were embarrassed by the whole coffee situation," Y/N apologized, feeling genuinely awful about the situation, "I know some of the fansites were plotting your demise by the way they were staring at you."
Hyunjin sported a small smile, "honestly, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting it from my ultimate bias."
"Oh?!" Y/N dramatically put her hand over her heart, "little old me?! Your ultimate bias? I think Neon Flamingo may be my favorite fansite."
Hyunjin and Y/N started laughing, the awkwardness fading as they continued to stand around each other. They shared glances at each other until Y/N reached into her bag, pulling out a piece of paper and a purple pen.
"Here. It's my personal profile," Y/N handed Hyunjin a piece of paper, hiding it under Bai's camera, "be careful, if it gets out, Davey is going to blame you and he knows your face very well."
"I can buy him a coffee if it would make him feel better," Hyunjin adjusted the bag on his shoulder, easing his fidgetiness.
Y/N and Hyunjin stood in comfortable silence as the three other boys started shouting for their missing friend.
"I should probably go as well, we have rehearsals tonight," Y/N softly smiled at Hyunjin, "it was really nice actually getting to talk to Mr. Disaster."
Hyunjin chuckled at the nickname, realizing he's still holding Bai's camera, "if you don't mind, may I get one photo?"
"I don't think Bai would mind," Y/N took the camera, putting her hand on Hyunjin's waist as she extended her arm out.
The camera flashed and she kissed Hyunjin's cheek, the photo printing out as she handed it to Hyunjin. Hue's manager started yelling for all the girls to get in the bus, Y/N running and waving back at Hyunjin.
"I'll see you later," Y/N shouted as the door to the bus closed, leaving Hyunjin with the photo of the pairing.
Putting the small photo in his phonecase, Hyunjin unlocked his phone, opening an app and adding Y/N. After a short bit, his phone pinged with a notification he never thought he would see.
"LilacLovesHue has added you!"
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Have A Drink On Me
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warning: Slow burn .. 18+
Standing in the mirror, you looked closely at yourself. Your addiction to body piercings growing throughout your years now made you self conscious, especially living with the Winchesters. They were perfect. It took everything you had not to find your own place when they would bring their dates back to the bunker, mostly Dean. Your crush on him was enormous and imaginary. There was no way a guy like him could like a clumsy mess of a person like yourself.
The mirror on the dresser made you want to throw it across the room. Until there was a knock. "Come in," you answered and rolled your eyes at your reflection, hiding the worry on your face.
You were thankful to see the kind smile in Sam's eyes when he walked in. Completely opposite of Dean. "Just wanted to say that Dean and I wanted you to know we were going out later,and we wanted you to come with. Ya know.. if you didn't have plans."
Sam was the sweet one. He respected your privacy and needs to wonder without having two bodyguards leaning over your shoulder all the time.
Just when you thought you were totally a lost cause.
Dean, on the other hand, when the three of you would end up at the bunker he would always find a way to disappear from any room you were in. He either had weapons to clean, go on beer runs, or he would fiddle with the car until you found something else to do. Were you really that pathetic?
"That's nice, Sam, but I don't know if I'm up for an adventure tonight," you declined softly and gave him your best fake smile. "I'm not really feeling it."
He looked like he wanted to question you but decided against it. Sam knew if you wanted to talk you would. "Oh, okay," he cast his eyes down his narrow body to his feet and huffed. "We leave at eight if you change your mind." With a single smile your way, he turned and shut the heavy door, leaving you with your thoughts again.
Dean's P.O.V.
By lunch the three of your were starving and everyone had different ideas for a meal. "Hey Y/N, I bet you haven't had Dean's sandwiches yet," Sam winked at you from across the table. "They're the best." Dean turned to his little brother with wide eyes.
What the hell is he doing, Dean thought to himself. Sam knew for a while that his brother had a crush on the girl that was two years younger than his baby brother. Every once in a while Sam would catch him staring at her while she would research the things they needed for a hunt. Her tiny hands running across the keyboard. Or Dean would stare in awe as she took on the largest of creatures that go bump in the night. Dean knew things could go bad if he ever went there with her. How could he ever come close to hurting you like that?
I would always find ways to keep myself busy. Just long enough to keep my mind off Y/N. Running through the garage, playing with weapons, and above all avoiding eye contact. Staying away from her but wanting to stay beside her was like fighting a war between my head and heart. I always wanted her, but I knew my consequences if something bad ever happened.
"Mmm..no. I don't think I have," Y/N's beautiful smile spread in my direction. Her smile, Jesus Christ, her smile! If I could keep that smile on her face all day, I would. Then the way her eyebrow piercing would bounce when she laughed or the one on her tongue would sneak past her lips when she would wet them.
"Well, prepare to be amazed," my laugh came out short and fast and I took off to the kitchen. I had to get out of there before little Dean got fired up and my stomach knotted when I heard her feet shuffling behind me.
"Jus' wanted to watch the master chef himself," she smiled at me, her eyes wide and shining. Man I could take her right here if she were willing. Why the hell would she want this, though? Y/N didn't belong in this world. She belonged in a fairytale, with her prince charming, where they ride off into the sunset. Even if I could make her happy, how long would it last?
Well, if this is my shot, I'm shooting it. I grabbed her hands the way I always wanted to and spun her until she was by the refrigerator. "Help me get the stuff out, sweetheart," I grinned and watched her search for everything she wanted on her sandwich.
Y/N had her hands full with stuff and just as she handed me the sliced cheese, it slipped from our hands. We both bent down for it and my hands crossed her small fingers, and I pulled away. I took the rest of the ingredients and worked fast, trying to busy myself from her watching beside me. "And here you go," I happily set the neat sandwich down on her plate, the crust cut off like she requested. If only she would request me to do other things for her..
She licked her lips again before sinking her teeth into the fresh bread. Watching her face light up was pure sweetness. Oh, dear God, I want to be that sandwich. I want to have those little bite marks all over me. My mind was screaming with the urge to ask her out right then. What would she think? Would she laugh? Would she say yes? "Okay, I'm going to make Sam's and let you finish that," I trailed off as my geek brother walked through the kitchen doorway.
He looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, asking if I asked Y/N to go with us yet. "No you," I mouthed back at him." The panic had formed into beads of sweat, luckily only I knew about.
Y/N was completely oblivious to our conversation and Sam put his hands up in surrender and shook his head, "She already told me no."
"Deannn.." Y/N moaned as she took the last bite of her sandwich and the sound didn't go unnoticed by the boys. She was still slumping over the counter top, sandwich in one hand and chip in the other, and her eyes rolled in the back of her head. "That was amazing," she sang lovingly.
Dean closed his mouth that had fallen slack. Did she just make that sound for him? I need to leave right now, he thought to himself then scolded after looking at Sammy with red cheeks. "Hey, are you going out with us tonight," I spoke in a rush. Never had I been so nervous around a girl before. Maybe because she wasn't a girl. Y/N was a woman.
Reader P.O.V.
Throughout the day you flip flopped the idea of Sam and Dean's offer in your head. Why in the hell were they so caught up on you leaving the bunker tonight? And what got into you today at lunch? Following Dean's path like a puppy, praising his name over a damn sandwich?
You tucked away all the embarrassing moments and sat up from your place in bed. "Okay," you sighed to yourself and put down the TV remote. "If you are going to do anything, you have to do something with yourself first."
The water and steam in the shower relaxed your muscles a little. You watched the bubbles form on your skin from the body wash and the soft, pink loofah while the sweet smell of the shampoo soaked through your locks of hair. Then, Dean's name appeared in your cloudy brain. Not here. Not now. You cringed at the thought of him seeing you like this and started to scrub that thought out of your head like the bubbles on your body.
When your shower was completely over and you stepped out into the open cool air of the bathroom, you found yourself looking in the mirror again. Your eyes wandered from every hole that had been made by a needle in a piercing shop. One night wouldn't hurt anyone. Would it? You went to work, removing the stud earrings, the tongue piercing, all of it.
Your hair and makeup do over came to an end and you glanced at your straight hair and even eyeliner, proud that your features came together for one night. The red dress that had been a gift from Donna and Jody as a birthday present sat in back of the closet for the longest time. Now, the tight fabric clung to all the right places and the black lace up heels complemented your red toes. It's now or never, you thought and walked out of the comfort of your room.
Sam's P.O.V.
"Where is she? Y/N should be here by now," Dean fidgeted in his seat in the library chair. Having to admit that his brother's nervousness about seeing the woman of his dreams all dressed up and the possibility of her liking him too gave Sam the little hope he always held onto. "Do I look okay, Sammy? Too much?"
Sam smiled and laughed at his older brother. All his life he had looked up to Dean. When it was Sam that was nervous about a girl, he didn't talk to his father about it, he went to Dean. Now, seeing him like this, it was Sam's turn for the pep talk. "You look fine, just chill dude. She'll be down in a minute."
"What if I can't do it? What it I look crazy or some lunatic comes up to her before I get a chance to," his brother was panting now and Sam could tell he was about to back out of going. Oh HELL no. He will not ruin this for him nor her.
"Dean, it's okay. You really don't know how much she's into you, do you?" Sam's calm voice flowed through Dean's ears.
Dean looked at his younger brother as if he had two heads. "What are you talking about," his voice went high for a moment and it made Sam giggle.
"Oh, you are hopeless," Sam sighed and played with his thumbs, enjoying this very much. "Buddy, my room is closer to hers and I promise you these walls may hold a very strong power to protect us, but these walls are also very thin," Sam grinned and bit into his lip, wondering if telling Dean this was a good idea.
He watched as his brother's emotions unfolded in the small leather chair. "What? What the FUCK, Sam? Why didn't you tell me this sooner," Dean's out burst made Sam's head fall back with laughter.
Before Sam could say another word Y/N's heels let them know she was getting closer.
Reader's P.O.V.
You padded down the bunker's hallway, until you reached the opening of the library. Before stepping into site, you could hear Sam's laughter booming over something Dean had said. These boys, you smiled to yourself.
Your heels clicked a few more strides before stopping in front of the wide table where they sat. "Y/N, you look amazing," Sam smiled and stood from his comfortable chair. Dean had been fiddling with the collar of his shirt but made a double take at you and your new dress. His eyes traveling from your lace ups to your eyes, taking in as much as possible.
"Whoa," he smiled that handsome smile and stepped closer to you. His hand reached out to grab yours and he kissed the top it. You smiled and felt your cheeks turn crimson because his eyes never left yours.
The two of you were so caught up in each other, you forgot Sam was watching the whole thing. "Are you two finished now," he poked fun at his brother and winked at you. "Because if I'm going anywhere, I'm leaving now."
Dean waved him off and turned to your side, holding out his elbow for you. You questioned him silently but took his arm and when Sam was farther away he leaned into you, "Y/N, you look beautiful tonight," his green eyes shined and so did his smile. The two of you had reached the car where his younger brother was and Dean held open the door for you.
When everyone was comfortable the Impala pulled away from the bunker and the night began. "Two more minutes and we should be there," Sam announced from his place in the passenger seat. You looked up from your phone and you met Dean's stare. How long had he been watching you? You licked your lips for show and rubbed your knees together, never taking your eyes off his.
You forced yourself from looking at him and you sat up straighter to see the parking lot of the bar you had just pulled into. Dean was the first out the car and quick to open the door for you. You smiled at his thoughtfulness and took his hand to help you out. "Have a drink, on me. Please," Dean found himself looking at your lips the whole time he ask.
Smiling your best ten of ten smile, the kind that reached your eyes, you nodded and followed him to the bar door.
Some how, somewhere this felt right. It sure felt right an hour later when the two of you escaped back to the bunker and into your room. You never would have thought that Dean could have been into you. But now, balls deep inside of you and the bruised and wet skin, gave you the satisfaction of your earlier thoughts.
"So good," you moaned against his lips when he thrust harder into you. Your nails clawed into his back, taking in every inch of him. The bed moving with every stroke turned you on even more. "Dean..." you threw your head back as he found that perfect spot between your neck and shoulder and bit down, coming hard.
Dean brushed his nose against yours, still holding himself above you, "Mine." Your heavy panting and heartbeat slowed when the words left his lips. Your hands still holding his above your head. "Yours," you smiled and kissed him, his tongue fighting yours and he bucked into you again, making you whimper.
Hahaaa... so sorry for the wait, yall. But the suffering is over. I hope you enjoyed it! All mistakes are mine. Please tell me what you think. Feel free to comment and share! ❤💋
@waywardbaby @imperiusimpala @leatherandapplepies @idreamofplaid @plaid-lover-bay25 @waywardnerd67 @maddiepants @sammyimpala-67 @oldfreakything @idabbleincrazy @the-magic-rabbit-99 @tumbler-tidbits @shatteredabby @destielhoneybee @cosicas-cuquis @heycasbutt @flamencodiva @coffee-obsessed-writer
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