#gino sepulveda
mdpthatsme · 3 years
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G: Hey, dude...um...maybe we can talk?
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N: You are talking. G: I just wanted to apologize for what happened. I was surprised and that’s no excuse. Just I...that’s not me, OK?
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G: Dev’s been my best friend since we were kids. He’s always been kinda private about his...um...lovers? Except this one girl...she messed him up something bad. But anyway, I am sorry for what I said. 
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N: OK. G: You know I remember you from when Amos beat you up. I know you got a lot of reasons not to trust me or the others, but you are special to Dev. Just know I got your back.
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mdpthatsme · 3 years
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N: You left him! G: This is gnoming messed up, Amos.
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E: Nothing we could do about it. The police were onto us. We got out. He didn’t.
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N: I don’t believe you.
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E: I don’t care what you believe. You’re not a part of the gang. Get out and take your weird friends with you.
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mdpthatsme · 3 years
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N: You’re back!
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N: Um...where’s Dev. E: Who needs him. Can’t even outrun one uniform.
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N: What are you talking about?
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mdpthatsme · 4 years
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D: Hey Gino...I gotta ask ya something.
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G: What’s that? D: Well, before I do I gotta show ya something.
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D: Now do ya got a problem with that? Because if you do then we got problems.
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G: Uh...umm...no homie.  I...I’ll let Ed know you’re coming.
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D: You do that.
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mdpthatsme · 4 years
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D: All right, Ed. We’re here. What’s ya news?
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E: Quick to the point, cuz? Where’s my hello? A: Just tell him what he wants, Ed.
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E: I told the Dragons the Leones had another job for them. They agreed to meet.
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D: What time? E: In a couple of hours. D: Not a lot of time, Ed.
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E: I figured ya in a hurry to get your girl back, cuz. Or am I wrong? A: I’ll go with, Dev.  D: Thanks. Then you’re coming too, Ed? E: Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
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mdpthatsme · 4 years
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G: What the woohoock?!
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D: Uh, hi, Gino!
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G: I am going to pretend I didn’t see what I saw and just say that Amos wants you. Ed found the Dragons.
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D: Yeah I’ll be right down.
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mdpthatsme · 4 years
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E: We got the Dragons’ location. A: You see Dev yet?
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G: I’m guessing none of you have knocked on his door. [silence] G: Fine I’ll get him.
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G: Homie, you up yet?
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G: Sleeping in. You better be dressed.
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mdpthatsme · 4 years
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G: Dev! You...you’re back! K: Sorry, they just showed up. Couldn’t keep the news in.
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D: That’s OK. Miss me, Gino? G: You know it, homie...Amos missed you too, but he won’t admit it.
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A: I barely even realized you were gone. I mean...you’re so short any ways.
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D: I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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K: Well, I did see him with that Lacey girl again. Maybe that’s where he’s gone. I: Would he really go back to her after she broke up with him like that? G: I don’t know what’s going through his mind.
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I: Well, you’re his best friend, Gino. Would he really just abandon us all over a girl?
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K: He has always had a thing for blondes… A: Ed’s not taking it well, especially since his auntie’s murder.
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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G: When the cops are being shot up, who do you call for help? E: Cuz, when have the cops ever helped us gutter-rats? [chatter and laughter] E: Hey, Dev, how bout a drink, cuz? D: Yeah, on my way...
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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G: Where have you been, Dev! The club is going crazy! D: Nice to see you too, Gino. Did you bring what I asked? G: Of course, but what happened?
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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G: Hey, homie, just heard...how are you? D: What? I’m fine. Just gave my heart to that bitch again so she can just rip it out and tear it to pieces again. G: That’s tough, homie, but why don’t we drink and forget about her for awhile. D: Ya know what’s worse? Somewhere between there and here I lost my hat!
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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G: I gotta be honest, Dev. I mean it. Amos wants to fight with you. D: It’s just miscommunication, Gino. I’ll straighten it out. G: Miscommu...Devante, homie, come on! G: Why does he keep pushing at you, huh? He wanted you to stay. You stayed. Now he’s acting like you wanna run this club when you wanted out! I don’t get it, man. Why is he being so paranoid? D: I’m gonna talk to him later. We’ll straighten this out. Just let it go, Gino. I don’t want you in the mix of this. G: You’re my homie, homie. Ain’t no one changing that.
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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G: It’s total bullshit that he’s keeping things from the club. I: Did you know, Eddie? E: Well yeah, but I didn’t know it was a secret. D: I’ll talk to him later. G: I dunno if that will help, homie. Amos wants to pick a fight with you. [chatter] E: I think we’re gonna head up.
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