camelliacats · 2 years
you're nobody until somebody loves you (291-300/∞)
100-word drabbles for a range of ships. *Requests always welcome! Repeats allowed~*
Chapters 291-300: [FFN] [AO3] | ←   → | start from the beginning
Pairings/Characters: Magorian/Bane, Tracey Davis/Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, Mandy Brocklehurst/Jack Sloper, Rubeus Hagrid/Olympe Maxime, Gregory Goyle/Millicent Bulstrode, Stephen Cornfoot/Terry Boot, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Kreacher/Winky, & Ginny/Demelza Robins
Rating: K
Words: 1,000 collectively
Additional info: romance, slash, femslash, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, Harry's era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Song by Sammy Davis, Jr., 100-word drabbles by mew. So is unrequited love always unrequited? | Various pairings, eras, etc. Includes het, slash, femslash, cross-gen, next-gen, but nothing too bad. Read it all or only what you like!
291: MagorianBane
      Bane was his favorite soldier. If asked, Magorian would nicker like a foal and offer up wise words about all his soldiers, for he led a hardy regiment that defended the colony well, proudly, efficiently.
      But there was no one else he preferred to have at his back than the midnight-colored centaur. And Bane, in a look over to Magorian, knew this truth.
      Still, they suppressed a secret smile to themselves—a smile of favorites, love, truth, and humor—because they both knew Bane was no colony leader.
      But his love and strength made Magorian happy to shoulder that burden.
292: TraceyTheodore
      They weren't involved. Yes, his surname carried a history, but Tracey otherwise felt a kinship with Theodore. She liked that he determined to keep out of the nastiness that Draco and Pansy got up to throughout the years, especially the former as the shadows drew close to him and began to scare even Pansy.
      Yes, Tracey and Theodore weren't involved in the matters of their Housemates. They kept their noses as clean as could be. They were detached together from the mess that was their slithering cohort. They might escape this pit of snakes and find light outside the castle…
293: PansyGinny
      Pansy was so used to having all the things she wanted. She'd grown up with all the finest riches her family could afford—excursions, robes, magic—none of which they needed but had simply because they could get it.
      That was why it was funny to her how her definition of "rich" changed after the war, as she caught the eye of a certain, brown-eyed, redheaded witch up Diagon Alley on her way to meet Pansy, the same witch who made Pansy's toes curl and heart skip a beat.
      But Ginny truly was the most lavish thing in her life.
294: MandyJack
      Adjusting to life as a ghost is hard. Mandy doesn't get to see her mates often (neither does Jack), but no one prepares you for becoming a ghost.
      Yes, love kept them together when war took their lives, but that doesn't make it any easier. It takes work to adjust to death. Mandy was in Ravenclaw, but smarts are often hard-won, so she's no stranger to putting in effort. And Jack, her brave lion—he stubbornly won't let her do this alone.
      …ah. They have each other. At least they're going through the same things—fright, the unknown, confusion—together.
295: HagridMaxime
      There are plenty of creatures to draw him to France. Specifically, Beauxbatons has their herds of pegasi to study, and Hagrid knows he could spend weeks if not months tending to the winged lovelies.
      …truly, the only frightening thing awaiting him in France is learning proper manners for a proper tea and meal with the sophisticated Maxime so he doesn't look like a bumbling buffoon beside her, across from her, in front of her…! Wherever she sits him, Hagrid worries he'll bumble.
      (But Maxime, at least, seems happy to help when he finally arrives after accepting her invitation to dine.)
296: GregoryMillicent
      School wound down, and he saw another pair of eyes in their year doubting their time spent as a brute in their youth. That was why Gregory opened his mouth around Millicent, only Millicent. If she could reconsider her behavior in their early years, then so could he.
      It was a risk, he knew, with Millicent only ever lending her ear as he emptied his head and heart of thoughts, regrets. She could run off with his secrets.
      But then Millicent opened up, too, when Gregory had nothing left to say.
      Finally, he pictured a life beyond these stone walls.
297: StephenTerry
      Terry had not changed since their school days—no, Stephen decided, he was worse, more stubborn than ever, staying up when he couldn't risk it, researching something though he needed to be at St. Mungo's in the morning…
      At least Stephen had learned Terry's ways and weaknesses by now. A kiss and folding Terry into his arms was the best way to pry a determined Terry Boot from his obsessions.
      (Except Terry had learned Stephen's, too; Stephen stifled a resigned laugh when he woke later that night to find the bed empty and the living room light on once more.)
298: AngelinaGeorge
      She'd been chatting George up more before most everyone scattered and went into hiding because of the war. Angelina commiserated with him when Fred's occasional tangents stretched beyond the imagination of even his twin.
      But now, with the battle behind them, it didn't feel right, bringing up her feelings, their feelings.
      …nevertheless, Angelina kept coming around the shop, because love was persistent even if it might not be returned.
      Hardened by loss, George didn't seem ready to show his kinder side again, and yet, little by little, she saw her visits softened him.
      (She was grateful that persistence paid off.)
299: KreacherWinky
      Kreacher longs for the shadows of Grimmauld Place. Those shadows were a comfort to him, and he doesn't belong here at Hogwarts.
      The school's teachings are wrong, all wrong. Even if house-elves do as house-elves do, his mistress would hate to see and hear what's become of a once-fine institution. They teach things wrong and they condemn the shadows—wrong!
      And this horribly shining, happy compatriot he cannot shake, this Winky—Kreacher only likes her when shadows fall over her face and she speaks of fallen friends…
      Because Kreacher knows what to do with shadows, because he cares for shadows.
300: GinnyDemelza
      After a childhood burnt away by violence and war, Ginny wanted nothing more than to fly. So she sought out the Harpies post-Hogwarts.
      …but it wasn't enough.
      Her friends, family mattered. But they were too grounded in the reality of a post-war world. Ron and Harry were swept up in Hermione's plans to fix the Ministry.
…it wasn't for her.
      Then Demelza joined Ginny in Holyhead. She joined her in the sky, plait flying behind her as they soared.
      …and it felt right, having an old friend, a kindred spirit, a new love, breezing the wide open blue with her.
Remarks for—
Ch294: :') Been too long since I wrote them. A nod to my Maydayverse (overall hc) fic for them, "Zugzwang." Pls give it a read if you missed it!
Ch297: Reads as a piece set sometime after "the broken ones," I think. Sometimes you just gotta let your lovers do their thing…!
Ch300: :') Ginmelza has a special place in my heart. You can never go wrong with Quidditch gfs!
Also, this recent batch of drabbles (291-300) allowed me to write some OTPs I've not rly gotten the chance to write before, even tho I always have loads of stories planned (just never the time). I wanted to do smthg fun since, as with Counting Backwards, I'm pausing ynusly for now. I dearly love both drabble collections, but I've noted as of late how difficult it is, pressuring myself to churn out 10 drabbles nearly every week, and that's stressful as well as distracting! I haven't been able to tackle some of the other HariPo projects I want to finish and get to, but I can do that now with this on hiatus. At some point, I'll prolly expand some of these drabbles, too, much as I have some inspo from CB, but there are so many drafts and WIPs I desperately want to address first, and it's high time I show those stories my love now.
A big "THANK YOU" for everyone who's read and reviewed until this point! I appreciate it so much—thank you for reading and, if you have, reviewing/commenting/requesting! I hope you enjoy the rest of ynusly if haven't read it all yet, but I also hope you enjoy my other works—there's always more content to read from me~
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
And if you want to support ynusly, please swing by its FFN and AO3 versions and consider liking and reblogging these posts on my HariPo fic tumblr!
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camelliacats · 6 years
Definition of a Friend
A freeverse poem, best viewed on FFN or AO3.
Fic: "Definition of a Friend" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Ginny Weasley/Demelza Robins
Rating: K
Words: ~190
Additional info: romance, femslash, poetry, freeverse, Harry's era, 3rd person POV
Summary: It's the line that keeps getting blurred.
A bit of
talent was finally
& it appeared the
Gryffindor team would be
(cue Flitwick's choir)
But a hitch tried to intervene—
Miss Demelza Robins was just a
s h y
She was shy, too much for her own good
Yet someone was set on
beating · it · out · of · her
[er, Ginny would only do so verbally…heh]
Demelza needed to seeseesee
that she was m.u.c.h. more
than just a
·ponytail· in a red ·sweater·
So Ginny did what
Ginny does best—
Let the rallying cry
also a
more energy than Ginny first thought she'd take
(than Demi thinks she's
But cajoling&&inveigling
are f~u~n,
to a certain extent
& convincing her of the
was just a SMALL matter
Everything (Ginny) was proved
when they won those games
& Demi finally !found!
((hidden)) c-o-u-r-a-g-e
nestled within her
Such tremendous feelings…she wants to
hold on to them
for · EVER
&& Ginny hugged her&&pecked her cheek &
gave her her nickname—!
She'd like to hold on to Ginny also for*EVER
X3 Sweet! I'd like to see more of this pairing. I like the idea that Demelza made it on to the team because Ginny was pushy. And the title… Friends or not? ;) We'll see.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: I've such a soft spot for this pairing. Cute Quidditch witch girlfriends in the same year. -w-
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