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celticcrossanon · 6 months ago
Celta, I think true justice would be to have the Sparkles' lies and scams exposed. Gingerbrat's true "military service" and how he really behaved during his 10 year Army stint (including if he beat women or not); the truth about Nutmeg's past— how many real/annulled marriages, prostitution, ability/inability to have kids and the fake pregnancies. To have all that exposed and see the Sparkles as the grotesque people they really are... that would be poetic justice for everyone the Sparkles harmed.
Hi Nonny,
I would love for all that information to come out so we can have the rumours settled once and for all and the truth exposed. As you said, it would be the best justice for everyone who has been harmed by the Harkles, for them to been exposed as they really are, with no more lies to hide behind.
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abyssmalice · 2 months ago
[ @kushtibokt ]
free opportunity to call tonitoni a bunch of names
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"................" On a technical standpoint, this is a very boring insult, and an even boring-er pet name or nickname or anything really. There's barely any creativity here! Just describing her based off her hair and her attitude is like—it's simple. Too simple. She's been called worse and more 'unique' things than this.
But something about it still bugs her. "Your skills at naming people are just as bad as your taste in shirts with big holes in them. Get better."
never call me that again | meh | idk how to feel about it | i'm ok with it | i like it | i love it | please call me that all the time
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doraj19 · 6 years ago
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My spoiled little turdlette 💩 Georgie. He stands up to push me where to brush him. 🙄 He will push the brush from side to side or down. Such a diva, that one. . . . . . . . #gingerbrat #cat #brushyourcat #otherwisetheywakeyouuppuking #haftawashsheetseveryday #whyme #hairballhell #spoiledrotten #SpayshulCat #brushmeheremama #admirememama #spayandneuteryourpets (at Crow’s Nest Capitol Heights) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTU_r3B8Rh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y2ryp16gh1bb
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agrimscythe · 6 years ago
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#gingerbrat #catsofinstagram #cats #catstagram #cats_of_instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BttxxBihrBL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qtk4iv3h08jj
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little-redlamb-blog · 7 years ago
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When toys are left laying around... * #whenthecatsaway #guitar #bored #tattoo #redhairdontcare #gingerbrat #zerofucksgiven #prkrecovery #isthisblurry
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housebeleren · 5 years ago
Throne of Eldraine Preview Highlights
Oh, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. And if you read that in tune, sorry not sorry, but that’s where my head’s at right now. But it really is. It’s preview time! And not only that, but it’s preview time for one of the most flavorful and gorgeously illustrated sets in recent memory. I’m beyond stoked with what I’ve seen so far in Throne of Eldraine. So today, I’m going to run through some of the highlights from the preview season, focusing on Standard and the normal set, since I’ll go over Brawl cards when I review the set for Commander.
Starting with this guy:
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Oko, Thief of Crowns, Purveyor of Thirst, Lord of Abs, and Champion of Queers, is here to say, “EAT THIS, BITCHES!” Seriously, Oko is the hotness, and the gay nerddom collectively gasped and dropped their drawers when this art came out. On top of that, as per the first few pages of the book (SPOILER if that matters), Oko very quickly dominates Garruk into submission, decides to call him “Dog,” and insists that he be called “Master.” So, um, yeah. Oko is officially admitted into the queer canon. Praise GAWD.
As a card, I’m liking it on first blush. Has some immediate utility potential in EDH, as it can blank basically any hard-to-answer threat in colors that don’t always get pure removal, but it’s going to be hard to get more than one use out of him, so I doubt he’ll be a format staple. For eternal 60 card formats, there’s a shot that a Modern deck could make use of him, probably dependent on how many other good uses there are for Food that come out. As for Standard, I’m sure there’s tons of potential, especially enabled by the next card powering him out on turn 2:
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I’m starting high on Gilded Goose for Standard. This is as close as we’ve gotten to a Birds of Paradise in years, and that shouldn’t be underestimated. Remember, people were unsure at first if Aether Hub would be able to fix mana more than once, and turns out, it totally can. I think there’s definitely a Food deck somewhere in here, using this, Oko, and some other payoffs that may not have been enabled yet. But yeah, Llanowar Elves is rotating out, but 1-mana ramp isn’t dead.
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Okay, I know I said I’d focus on Commander cards separately, but this card is so exciting. First, the flavor is just insane. I love the Monkey’s Paw theme here, and they did such a good job conveying it. Second, it is not hard at all to break parity on this, and I’ll have tons of thoughts when I get to the Commander post. For Standard, I could imagine it being possible for a Control deck to make it happen.
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Loving this twist on The Abyss. In some ways, it’s actually better, since it can punish other control decks that try to hide behind Planeswalkers. It also makes it so token decks are punished appropriately by it, and the owner can’t hide behind tokens to keep it in play indefinitely. And if they have no nonland permanents at all, then you immediately get its sacrifice trigger. It’s a beautifully designed card, and I expect it to see Standard play, particularly in variants of Esper Control as a sideboard card for control mirrors and against certain other decks.
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Of all the cards in the set so far, this one is the most immediately an obvious staple. Non-Rakdos decks have been missing a Hero’s Downfall effect, especially with Vraska’s Contempt rotating out, and I immediately see this card slotting into Monoblack decks, all forms of Control decks, W/B lifegain decks, Rakdos decks, and the likely upcoming Knights deck that Eldraine is promising. In other words, I think most Black decks will be interested in this, and that’s to say nothing of the homes it may find in Commander.
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Wow, okay. First of all, I am BEYOND stoked that this card has quickly become the subject of Monty Python memes galore. If by some tragedy, you aren’t familiar, please educate yourself here: https://youtu.be/ZtYU87QNjPw
Aside from gorgeous artwork depicting a strange woman in a pond distributing swords, this card seems busted in Commander, and may find itself homes in other formats as well. I’m unsure about Standard, but there might be something. But it’s such a great card I had to highlight it.
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Sea Monster! I love me some Sea Monster realness, and Nessie here is beyond cute and deserves all the hugs. Beyond that, I can potentially see him as a Control finisher, particularly against decks like Simic Flash, where casting this in response to them tapping out at the end of your turn is a much more viable option than trying to land a 6-drop Planeswalker. Maybe it’s a sideboard only card, but I’m definitely going to keep it in mind for my Dimir Control deck post-rotation.
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Love this design. First of all, the flavor is off the charts, with the “Can’t be blocked except by creatures with haste” being one of the best lines I’ve seen on a Magic card in a while. Second, I actually think there’s Standard potential here, in the Red Cavalcade of Calamity deck that’s currently my second most hated deck of the Standard 2020 format (after Simic Flash, which is a deck designed for and by sociopaths). But yeah, there’s a home for this guy somewhere. My only quibble is that 1/1 doesn’t seem particularly ... brutish. Gingerbrat seems much more apt.
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Hallelujah praise Kefnet! Opt is the glue that makes Blue decks in Standard work consistently, and I’m very happy to see this is sticking around. Sure, it’ll keep Simic Flash good, but it will also serve Blue-based control decks, and ensure that Izzet decks have a chance of finding a place in the meta. (Seriously, Izzet decks were basically doomed without Opt). It’s not an exciting preview for a lot of people, but it’s a sign to me that Play Design is doing a great job at making sure this format stays fun.
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Oh, and the Monty Python references keep on coming. Again, here’s what they’re getting at: https://youtu.be/ZmInkxbvlCs
I don’t know if this card will be playable, but damn if it isn’t funny.
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Control decks are going to jam this into their sideboards, make no mistake. Even a one or two of in the mainboard could make sense in decks without access to Thought Erasure, but it’s a little risky to jam if the metagame moves away from Black too much.
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I can’t imagine Red decks won’t be interested in this. It seems incredibly versatile, as a well-costed threat or as reasonable removal. Or, y’know... both, because Adventures are totally cool like that. And the Rare cards with the mechanic generally have potential to be straight 2 for 1s. I’d even consider this against Control decks with lots of Planeswalkers, as this can take out a minused Teferi, Narset, Liliana, or Ugin with no trouble.
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Hot damn, literally. This seems like it’s either going to be a major card in an archetype that doesn’t exist yet, or it’s going to be a big pile of nothing and end up in the bulk bin. I mean, it can ramp you super quickly to Drakuseth or Boss Chandra, and those are pretty reasonable options. Beyond Standard, I absolutely see this having a home in EDH, for decks that also run Mana Geyser and the like.
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I’m loving Grumgully, mostly for his potential in non-Standard formats. He has enormous combo potential (mainly around Persist), and I really want to see an Against the Odds episode built around this for Modern. That’s all.
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I saved Questing Beast for last, not because of any particular reason, but just because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk about it at all. But I think I have to. This card is beyond pushed. It will be a nightmare bomb in Limited, and it’s sure to see tons of play in Standard as a very direct Planeswalker punisher. Oh, you tapped out for Liliana for 6? Cute Zombies, I’ll just blaze past them, hit you for 4, and take Lili down far enough she can’t use her removal ability, all at once. Ugin, same problem. Narset? One hit & done. Dovin? Good luck with that damage prevention ability.
And on top of everything, it stays untapped so you can’t even retaliate effectively. Basically what I’m saying is there’s no way this card isn’t going to be a powerhouse for Standard for the next 2 years, but especially as long as War of the Spark is still legal. Planeswalkers have a new worst enemy.
Anyhoo, that’s it for today. My picks for most interesting and impactful cards previewed thus far. Excited to get my hands on some packs and start playing with them!
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rockstarnate · 9 years ago
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#goodmorning from shoelace! He's just completed his morning routine of running laps through the house... #shoelace #cat #kitternhead #catsofinstagram #gingerbrat #mischiefmanaged
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celticcrossanon · 8 months ago
Gingerbrat was warned repeatedly by his father, brother and QE2 at the Sandringham summit that he would lose all of his privileges as well as his taxpayer funded security if he quit being a full-time working royal. I don't see why it is so hard for Hazbeen to comprehend simple terms that he would lose his privileges and taxpayer funded security if he quit. It's really irritating how he is still trying to get his taxpayer funded security back and weasel his way back into the Royal Family. Ugh.
Hi Nonny,
I think that Harry doesn't understand because he doesn't want to understand. He puts no effort into understanding what is going on because as far as he is concerned, it is always going to be the way he thinks it is or he will throw a tantrum/make a fuss and wait for people to fix it for him. He is facing the word 'No' for what could be the first time in his life and he is not taking it well. Hence his repeated attempts to get security, get half-in half-out, come back as a working royal etc. I think he is hoping that if he makes enough fuss people will get tired of him and give him what he wants. He must be quite puzzled as to why this is not working this time around.
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celticcrossanon · 10 months ago
Rose Hanbury has finally had her lawyers say on the record she never had an affair with Prince William. That poor woman was put through the wringer for no reason at all except that she happened to sit next to Gingerbrat at a state dinner. I really hope that karma goes after all those people who put RH and her family through hell these past few years.
Hi Nonny,
I feel so sorry for her. Unfortunately, I think all this is going to do is feed the media stories about the made up affair. Whoever decided to malign and slander two innocent people for their own selfish ego should roast in hell for all eternity and suffer the same thing sevenfold in this life.
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celticcrossanon · 1 year ago
Wow, CC! UK Express has an article "Prince Harry did not speak to King Charles to wish him a happy 75th birthday yesterday." Written by reporters Emily Ferguson, Callum Hoare and Nathan Kay. The article is SO delicious! Apparently, King Charles is finally showing his Scorpio side in that he reportedly has "a grudge" against Hazbeen and refuses to take a phone call from gingerbrat until Hazbeen apologizes to him! *High Five!* Did Christmas come early this year? LOL. Hope you feel better, CC!
Nov 16th Ask
Hi Nonny,
I would hope that King Charles has learnt by now that anything he says to Harry will be fodder for the next day's news, so declining to take his son's calls may be the wisest move for him. That being said, it is sad that Harry can't call his father to wish him a Happy Birthday without there being all this fuss about it, and that being said, the fuss is what I would expect from the Harkles who are desperate to maintain a royal connection.
The article is according to a 'well-placed source" and "separate sources". I'm not familiar enough with the tags that come with leaked news to know if this means it came from King Charles, or Queen Camilla, or an aide/advisor, or someone else. "Buckingham Palace declined to comment." means that there is no official comment on this matter, but they haven't denied the news, so I suppose that means believe what you like???
article mentioned in the ask:
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thegingerpowers · 6 years ago
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on the other hand, we can often get away with rolling our eyes or sticking out our tongues at you..  
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thegingerpowers · 6 years ago
The other night my Sir asked me a question. When I answered he said I wasn’t polite and needed to say it again in a nicer way. I repeated myself - but with a  British accent. He was not amused.
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thegingerpowers · 6 years ago
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Who? Me?
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thegingerpowers · 6 years ago
A tumblr poll...
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thegingerpowers · 6 years ago
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thegingerpowers · 6 years ago
That moment when someone compliments you and you’re torn between saying “Thank You” or “I know.”
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