cultofonion · 5 years
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Beck comes forward.
Following are screenshots of Beck's interaction with Greg. How she was flown out by Greg to be recruited as the third but without telling Kai. Beck ended up writing two apology songs about how she used weed to treat pain, but she was rejected for being a "drug user" nevertheless.
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Also the asshats on lolcow who have been posting her nudes, TAKE THEM THE FUCK DOWN. People like you is why the anti O community gets a bad rep and victims don't fucking come out.
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ohnoonision · 7 years
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The leaked texts between Rebecca and Greg. They are hard to read because they are small and you can’t make them bigger.
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slicerofonions · 7 years
GingerBeckGirl is complaining about her parents taking away her prescription pain medication but tbh there's a lot of factors they did that. Maybe it's not covered by their insurance and can't afford it anymore.
Maybe it's not her parents want her to be in pain.
Bitch you're 20. Grow up.
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johnalexwood · 6 years
"GingerBeckGirl HiImASociopath That's a great thing to be into!"
"GingerBeckGirl HiImASociopath That's a great thing to be into!"
— johnalexwood (@johnalexwood) July 25, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/johnalexwood July 25, 2018 at 02:32PM via IFTTT
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cultofonion · 5 years
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A thread about Beck/GingerBeckGirl. Accompanying YouTube link
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ohnoonision · 7 years
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All of his exes are way hotter after they are gone from him, actually, so they all must have hot mamas and that must scare him. Also, this insinuates that Beck and Greg are dating. Also, Beck’s openly insulting her mother, what a nice person.  Also, Beck’s mother is actually in great shape and looks nice soooo...
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ohnoonision · 7 years
Here is Beck’s sound cloud.  Beck wrote some songs for Greg and Taylor.  In her song “I’m Sorry” she apologizes to Greg and Taylor for how they think she’s crazy and how she’s more than how she’s “dealt with pain” and how she needs to earn their trust again. I’m guessing this was a condition she had to fulfill, like the conditions that Billie had to fulfill. I’m wondering if she was either a cutter and they noticed her scars or something, or maybe she admitted to drinking alcohol or smoking weed. She says she is “weak in the knees” for the both of them. She also says that they are all very similar and have the same interests.  In her song “A Like-Song for Lainey” she says that she is “gay” for Taylor. And tries to win Taylor over. Says she wants to kiss Taylor and that she understands they’ve been hurt and betrayed, and wants to commit to them. She says she is infatuated with Taylor and has a huge crush on them. And that she hopes to restore Taylor’s trust in them, for some reason.   This pretty much confirms that Beck came to be another girlfriend. The fact that she already has had to make an apology video for betraying them is disgusting. So much for Greg and Taylor no longer being interested in a poly relationship!  Songs are downloadable! 
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ohnoonision · 7 years
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Beck sounding sketchy as fuck rn.
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ohnoonision · 7 years
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Gee I wonder why they flew her to them! No idea! 
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ohnoonision · 7 years
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She just sits there and laughs at him, that’s all. Billie 2.0.
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ohnoonision · 7 years
GingerBeck Theories
Rebecca Guertin, is a 20 year old college student from Massachusetts who was a patron of Greg and Taylor. Beck started talking to both Taylor and Greg on Twitter on July 15th, and I have yet to see prior interactions. After trying to get their attention through Patreon, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and creating songs for Taylor, she finally succeeded and received a ticket from Greg to go and visit them for 10 days, even though Taylor had no clue. Here are some theories that are going around about why Beck is there. 
Beck actually is there for Taylor. Beck created a song posted to SoundCloud on July 25th, 2017 for Taylor, called “A Like Song For Lainey.” In this song she says that she is “gay” for Taylor and has a massive hairy crush on Taylor and wants to kiss them and be their girlfriend and fix all their pain and earn their trust. Beck sent Taylor presents. Beck also took a bunch of selfies with a sign that says “I love Lainey Bot” on it, on July 17th, 2017. Laineybot has only ever tweeted to Beck once, but Beck has tweeted to them a small handful of times. However, it is very obvious that Taylor does not have interest in Beck whatsoever. Taylor has not been in any videos with Beck, at least not yet. Beck however is not Taylor’s type, at all. 
Beck is really there for Greg and Greg wanted Back to become their girlfriend. Beck talks more frequently to Greg on Twitter, and he replies frequently. Beck has sent him a couple gifs with “virtual hugs.” Taylor did not know that Greg was going to have Beck come to their house, which is a major breech of trust considering that Taylor wants to protect their kids and doesn’t trust others right now after the whole Billie thing and all the catfishes and girls coming forward claiming to be their exes. Greg was also quick to have Beck in his videos - including getting almost naked and putting Beck’s crotch in his face and sprinkling glitter on her tits. He also has another video where they almost kiss but the camera cuts out.  Greg and Beck have had frequent YouNow broadcasts together, and Beck looks at him like Billie would and also gets close to him a lot, touching their bodies together. In the prank phone calls video, Greg looks at Beck in flirtatious ways in parts throughout the video. Beck looks similar to Sky and Shiloh, and her acting in his videos is very similar to theirs. Beck also makes a bunch of silly faces and everyone knows Greg LOVES that.  Typically Greg goes for naive, uneducated, young girls with zero life experience so Beck is definitely a change, as she is in college and is a little older than usual, but she still isn’t close to his age but is still younger than Taylor. Greg would not spend a large sum of money on a “friend” just to collab a few times and be done with it - He wants her fully. 
Beck is catfishing and trolling them. Beck may be there to irritate Greg and Taylor and collect information on them. Somehow private texts between Taylor and Beck, from Taylor’s phone, has made it online from an unknown source. Taylor at first thought their phone was hacked, but is now convinced that their phone wasn’t hacked. Either Beck, Greg, or Taylor theirself leaked the texts. Taylor did confirm that the texts were in fact real. Beck also clogged their toilet, and was sharing what was happening online as it was happening, which prompted the silly video Beck and Greg made to make fun of the situation. Beck may have done this to seem like an annoying girl and to intentionally turn Greg off, maybe he was making advances towards her that she didn’t want anymore. Taylor definitely seems to not trust Beck and has been keeping their distance from her. There are also rumors going around about Taylor confirming somewhere that they hate Beck and thinks she is a troll, but that’s just speculation for me for now. There are also rumors that Beck has befriended top patrons and friends of Greg and Taylor to try and get information out of them as well. If this is all true, she has gone too far by going to their house and pretending to be a fan. It would be insane and criminal, as funny as it would be, and with how much info she’d leak, it would be crazy and wrong.  
Beck is just there to collab. While having not paid the full $500+ to see them, she did get to go to their house for “being a loyal patron.” Greg and Taylor are in a financial rut and bringing fresh meat into the mix to stir things up may definitely bring in some views and revenue. The recent drama may have been manufactured by all of them to keep people interested in their videos to see what happens next. No one is actually interested in each other and the “I’m gay for Lainey” stuff is just for attention, everyone is in on it. 
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ohnoonision · 7 years
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ohnoonision · 7 years
"n her song “I’m Sorry” she apologizes to Greg and Taylor for how they think she’s crazy and how she’s more than how she’s “dealt with pain” and how she needs to earn their trust again. " OH MY GOD, it's been a few DAYS, how long does this to take upset them?(To be honest, I'm kind of pleased that it appears she's more interested in Lainey then him, take that to his ego.)
The song was made about a week ago, actually! Makes it even worse. If Beck was more interested in Taylor than Greg, I think Taylor would have known that Beck was coming at the time she did and that Beck would have spoken to Taylor about coming rather than Greg shipping her up there without Taylor even knowing when. Taylor has money, too, and could have paid for the ticket. That’s why I think Beck came up for him, and he wanted her there more than Taylor wanted her there.  
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