pickalilywrites · 6 years
hello lily!! i'd be thankful if you wrote something for mikasa & sasha + “your hands are freezing!” thank you
a short and cozy mikasasha for the love of my life  ♡ ♡ ♡
MikaSasha. Modern AU. 
522 words. 
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“Are you sure you’re alright?” Mikasa asks with an amused glance.“I’m great,” her girlfriend assures her, but she shivers once the cold wind blows their way once more. Even though Sasha is wrapped up in twice as many layers as Mikasa, she’s the one who has been shivering and shaking this whole time. Mikasa had tried to convince her to stay indoors – they could always order takeout or make something at home – but Sasha had insisted on hiking out to the restaurant and getting their food there. After all, Sasha had said, the food wasn’t nearly the same without the restaurant’s ambiance. Only Sasha was crazy enough to hike through snow just to eat a bowl of beef stew. “We could head back,” Mikasa tells her, kicking up the snow. It’s not so high that it’s difficult to walk through and it’s not snowing either, but it’s still ridiculously cold. She would have preferred to take the car, but starting the engine in this temperature is ridiculous and Sasha doesn’t have the patience to wait for it. “We haven’t gone that far.” “I didn’t think you were a quitter, Mikasa,” Sasha jokes, but she’s the one that’s shivering when a sudden gust passes by. 
“Okay, let’s just stop for a moment,” Mikasa says. Tired of watching her girlfriend shiver in the cold, Mikasa grabs Sasha by the arm. She yanks the scarf that Sasha had thrown lazily around her neck, untangling and wrapping around more tightly around her girlfriend’s neck before tucking the ends of the muffler into her coat. “Do you feel better?” 
“A little,” Sasha admits. She looks down at her hands, wiggling her fingers. “My hands are cold though.” “You didn’t grab any gloves on the way out?” Mikasa asks exasperatedly. She holds out a hand for Sasha to take. “Here, hold onto mine.” Sasha happily grabs onto Mikasa’s hand only to exclaim in surprise, “Your hands are freezing!” “They are?” Mikasa asks with a frown. She hadn’t noticed. She presses the fingers from her free hand against her cheek. They do feel a little chilly, but she thinks “freezing” is an exaggeration. “I was just trying to help you feel better,” she says a little sullenly. “It’s okay, it’s okay!” Sasha assures her hurriedly. “After all, you know what they say about people with cold hands!” “…that they’re cold?” Mikasa guesses. “What? No!” Sasha laughs. Mikasa never finds out what they say about people with cold hands because Sasha’s so busy laughing that she forgets to tell her. She wipes a tear from her eye once she’s finally done laughing. Sasha smiles warmly at Mikasa and pulls their hands into the cozy pocket of her coat. “How about we just put our hands in our pockets?” “Hm,” Mikasa hums, thinking that it’s so pleasantly warm to have her hand in the pocket of her girlfriend’s coat. “Better?” Sasha asks. When Mikasa looks at her, she doesn’t feel the cold at all. All she feels is Sasha’s fingers intertwined in hers, their hands snugly tucked away in the pocket of Sasha’s woolen coat. “Better,” Mikasa replies.
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hinamie · 5 years
one of your shorter fanarts popped up on my dash and i just realized...how much i've missed him *sobs* and how much i love your art style. bless you 💕✨
AHHH god don’t remind me,,, I miss my boy so much he deserved so much better (but thank u !!!!!!!!! ily lots 💕💕💕)
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swainlake · 6 years
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↳ follower celebration // archive aesthetic for @ginecra
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tywvin-archive · 5 years
you’ve always been so nice to me and seem so genuinely kind that you make my heart go !!! whenever you pop up in my notifications 🤧
mutuals send me a 🌹 and i’ll give you a compliment!
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oceanvs · 6 years
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family edits ➤ daphne greengrass (for @ginecra)
❥ I’m no angel.
want to join?
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incorrectbananafish · 6 years
please share your au thoughs if you are comfortable if that!!!!! honestly youtube au sounds amazing ^^
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DHFKLSDFDKS THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY AAA I’ll make two separate posts, one for each au! I hope y’all are READY
reminder: if you’re not interested in seeing these Not Incorrect Quotes Posts, please block the tag ‘not’!
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aredhels · 6 years
∞ !
You've never met beforeBut still she greets you like a long lost rock 'n' roll(evil twin - arctic monkeys)
put a “∞” in my ask box and i’ll shuffle my music player and give you my favourite lyric from the song that comes up
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jjameslily · 6 years
do you like coffee?! ♡
i’m only allowed to answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’
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poirot · 6 years
☕️ eating ice cream when it's cold is nice. (hope you're doing well! ♡)
yeeeees ! I mean I’m always freezing but I love to eat ice cream no matter what kind of weather is outside because,,, it’s,,, just,,,,too,,,,,delicious !!  (hope you’re doing great as well cuuutie 💖)
send me a ☕️ and an opinion (popular or unpopular) and i’ll say whether i agree or disagree
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noecat · 6 years
black nail polish and waves!
hi hi hi !!!! ♡
black nail polish: what do you do to pamper yourself? 
hmn i generally tend to just do things i want as is,,, but ! sometimes i lov myself extra so m get th Stupidly Overpriced Tea frm th cafe bc it comes in a nice cup n i can just sit there fr an hour or two n it’s Quiet n Calming n i’m undisturbed but not lonely bc there’s always someone at the counter....i’ve not really thought abt it that way until i had to type it out fr this ask but i might just snap,,,! might just go over there again now,,
waves: is there one music genre you can’t listen to? 
i am so sorry aksdjf but. country. idk wht abt it turns me off so so much like ive had friends send me songs b4 bein like “this is actually Good” but like ,,,, even that & listening to things for their sake didn’t really change my opinion much 
asky thingy
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pickalilywrites · 5 years
violet evergarden! (also hello we haven't talked in ages i hope you are doing great!♡)
feri!!! i am great now that you are here ♡♡♡!!!
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | i liked it | LOVED IT | one of my faves
also one i have been meaning to see! i started it w/ my sisters but we were watching in the car before class started and my sister’s phone was too small and we couldn’t read the subtitles so we put it on hold indefinitely (+ my other sister is in LA living her best life :’c) super stoked to actually watch it tho b/c i love kyoani. it’s one of my favorite animation studios not only b/c of the art but b/c of the team behind it? i’m always floored w/ how they’re able to convey emotions w/o having the characters speak? sometimes not even w/ the characters as a focus in the frame and i’m?? speechless? i get overwhelmed watching just b/c kyoani makes me feel things so intensely. always excited for anything kyoani has to put out tbh
send me an anime!
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hinamie · 5 years
tumblr acted up right after i sent you an ask so just in case you didn't receive it -- happy birthday, hina! hope you have a lovely day and i wish you the best! 💕✨
aa tumblr must have eaten the first ask but !!!! thank u so much feri ! 
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snowhitesarchive · 6 years
people on tumblr get too aggressive over minor things like chill guys it ain't worth it :\
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
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tywvin-archive · 5 years
a pensive and a very cool person who is doing their best!
so nice of you! i’m definitely trying my best :)
based on my blog, what do you think i would be like in real life?
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oceanvs · 6 years
liza, happy birthday! hope you have a lovely day!
thank you so much feri!!! i hope you have a lovely day as well
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odlnsonss · 6 years
🍒 hi love! it was a bit hard to choose bc all the urls were amazing but in the end i voted for lcrde!
Thank you, bb! 💕
url: sunflower | rose | magnolia | buttercup | dahliaicon: dusty rose | burgundy | silver | bronze | goldtheme: burnt orange | old books | lavender | rain | jasminecontent: ursa major | orion | cassiopeia | lyra | scorpiusoverall: earth | air | fire | water+compliment: you are so kind and so easy to talk to? you’re wonderful :)
vote for my new url!
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