#gildedsplendors / kaveh.
astrummorte-m · 1 month
@gildedsplendors. / kaveh, here.
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his eyes are the only warmth his body carries, and yet they seem to burn with a gentle firelight rather than an enraged fire as his sun speaks with such cautiousness around him. he knows, he knows he has never been good at communicating his feelings, but he has always made it clear that he - and aryin - love kaveh deeply.
not just the hot nights, not just the good nights, but every night, every day. every dawn, every twilight.
the tall galaxy ranger steps forward and brushes cold fingertips against the architect's cheeks, wishing for a visible moment that he could feel it. that he could sense the warmth that he knows is there. all he has now is the faint recognition of someone who has sensors for skin and a monitor for a heartbeat. "Ya know I'd never get tired'a you's. Yer my sun, n' Aryin's my moon. I don't know where I'd end up, wit'out'cha both. Don't forget, ya might be one of many - but yer our sun, and I'm your North Star."
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iiryoku · 3 months
⸺ @gildedsplendors liked ( x ) for a small starter.
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❝ Tighnari, you're certain that it's okay that I'm here? I'm not disturbing your work? ❞
Kaveh asked as his crimson depths settled on the forest ranger, taking in the sight of his friend writing something down, in his notebook. Having had a rough day, the architect had asked to tag along, but now that some time had passed, Kaveh wasn't certain, if it had been the right thing to do.
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malumae · 14 days
🖤 kaveh wishes to know
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
filled out below the cut.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful!!!!!! / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
note: riiiight. ren thinks something about kaveh is just so peaceful and calm. he is very clever and ren has yet to see him upset or angry. he feels steady although anxious at times which is why he reluctantly filled that in too.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
note: first impression was actually quite alright. he does remember that time they met and kaveh asked about his weapon which was a great conversation starter from his side. ren liked that, thought it was interesting, found kaveh to seem like a genuine person. current impression is different but not in a bad way. ren says there are things he want to communicate to kaveh but doesn't know how to but he feels comfortable and safe knowing he has time to figure it out.
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reallyrandomtj · 27 days
💋 - kaveh is shutting the general up like this
Send  💋  to shut my muse up with a kiss
It seemed the architect was trying to be a little bit 'sneaky' and 'bold' by approaching the snoozing in public Arbiter General and planting a kiss upon the others lips - likely a revenge strategy as Jing Yuan wasn't shy with public affection towards the blond!
What Kaveh didn't know was that Jing Yuan wasn't asleep at all, he was merely resting his eyes. One of the Generals arms would lift, while their lips were connected, and hook his hand into the others hair - the intention wasn't to grip the strands but use his own physical prowess to hold Kavehs head in one place as the Generals fingers all but lost themselves in those blond locks. Jing Yuan returned the kiss with one of his own, only with more verve, until there was resistance against his hand to which the General effortlessly removed his hand from Kaveh's hair and allowed the other man to jump back to a 'safe' distance.
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"Don't kiss someone and not expect it to be returned, Kaveh. It's like you don't know me at all ~" he chuckled, golden eyes opening to observe the others reaction in its full glory. Jing Yuan would take a moment to sit up and use the hand that was previously in the architects hair to stifle a yawn "Careful Kaveh. I will kiss you again." the General chuckled again, setting a hand under his chin.
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 2 months
Rumor has it that Kaveh isn't coming back, that he's going to stay on the express and travel the stars on his own and he'll forget about you.
Rumor has it. Selectively accepting.
Chenhua's ears pulled back as she glared at the stranger. "You're... you're wrong. He promised me that he'll return, and I believe him." Her eyes began to water as she thought back to the day he departed with the express.
"I... I miss him so much, but our love has gone through so many trials, and it's still as strong as ever. Kaveh will not forget me. I know that fact from the bottom of my heart, and I will wait for him for as long as it takes."
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dasniichts · 3 months
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"Mr. Yang, I do apologize that I have long blond hair but uhm...." Kaveh rubs the back of his neck. "This is awkward." (hsr!kaveh)
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"It's not something I'd call a deal breaker--well, unless you ever planned on growing much longer down your back--" A beat. "Sorry, just... reminds me of something I'd rather forget about."
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wuhei-archived · 1 month
@gildedsplendors, cont.
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for a moment, moze withdraws his hand from kaveh, violets searching rubies for some kind of explanation for the outburst. what had been a simple comment from the wingweaver turned into something else entirely. his brows furrowed, as he contemplates his words. never mind the fact that they were both now entirely soaked. silvery bangs stick to his skin, but he doesn't bother to reach up and push them away. " i'm not like you, " corvus finally replies, turning himself to look elsewhere. head tilts upwards, so that the rain can fall onto his face. " for me, emotions are hard to process, to express. naturally, i will make mistakes when interacting with you, and i'm going to frustrate you more than i do now. " he glances back at the blond. " if you can't handle me, why try and be with me ? if all i am doing is making you want to rip out your own hair, what's the point ? i thought asking you to live with me was straightforward enough. when have i ever invited another over to my home ? let alone ask them to .. reside with me, in the one place where i feel safe ? " now, moze is frowning. his stoic expression falters, replaced by one of .. sadness. " i thought you understood me better than this. "
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scriptospark · 1 month
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@gildedsplendors sent: "O...h." He didn't know anyone else was awake at the moment with it being so early in the morning, but Kaveh's not good with the whole 'sleep' thing. "Miss Kafka, what are you doing on the express?"
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For a moment she had been watching the time on her phone trickle forward, precisely awaiting the time when he would turn the corner. Kafka simply smiles and holds her index finger up to her lips, acknowledging a quieter tone for their talk. She approached Kaveh, closing the already short distance between them.
"Relax~" When she speaks the word itself swirls around in his head echoing into full effect. It wasn't often she used her hypnosis, but this all was risky enough. "I need you to do me... A little favor, don't worry sweetheart, no one gets hurt... But-- you'll need to come with me." Hand is extended out to him, her other concealed behind her back. The moment he took a hold of her hand, they would be gone at the click of a button. Off the express. Back to the Stellaron Hunter base. She WOULD say it isn't the most eloquent way to kidnap someone, but... It was up there.
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protectivemusesmoving · 2 months
Cue Caelus getting smothered in kisses from his very loving fiancee. He has missed him too much!
Caelus is always happy to accept the kisses from his fiancee. Especially since it let's him wrap his arms around Kaveh to hold him close as he moves his face to nuzzle him. "I've missed you too. How was your day?"
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aequitaas · 2 months
"I hope you're not up to no good, Pompom won't be happy at all." - an express engineer is unhappy with chaos
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If Mythras possessed the ability to leap a dozen feet into the air he probably would have in that moment. Or maybe he could, he had never really tried.
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With the sensation of his heart nearly beating out of his chest, Mythras turned on his heel. "Luckily for you I'm not up to no good. You could probably use a little better security though if anyone could just...enter the Express..." He mumbled the last bit under his breath.
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malumae · 19 days
Be honest, would you run away with me, right now? ( hey shieda :) )
"be honest..." for a truthful answer. ( accepting. )
" i thought the answer to this question was already really obvious, no? " fingers comb through raven hair, brushing it back, his gaze searching for kaveh's without any hesitation. where they would go remains a discussion for later but the answer to his question is rather simple. after all, it's not the first time they have this conversation. still, if it manages to offer some reassurance then he will make the effort to say something again.
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" i would go with you right now if you so wish. "
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reallyrandomtj · 29 days
A bouquet of flowers has appeared at the seat of divine foresight with a simple initial. "K".
Receiving bouquets of flowers wasn't uncommon for the Arbiter General; mostly from women who were thankful for their children returning home safety that were under his command or even while he walked the streets. All gestures were accepted and appreciated by the General, but this bouquet caught his attention with the initial he had witnessed after picking them up so he could sit down.
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"I see ~ these were from Kaveh?" Jing Yuan chuckled to himself, fingers to his chin as he decided to think of potential ways to repay the wonderful gesture with one of his own. 'I look forward to seeing you again, Kaveh. Please don't overwork yourself until then' he thought to himself and would go on about his day as normal.
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trashcanknight · 1 month
It wasn't often that Argenti had time to relax, but as he was going to be on the Luofu for a while, he decided that, at least in the evening staying here with Kaveh, letting down his guard was fine. Which meant the armor he always wore had already been shed in favor of much more comfortable clothing, despite that they might end up going out.
Or maybe they wouldn't. As soon as Kaveh returned from work, long after Argenti was done with his own tasks, Argenti had swept him into his arms and both of them were quite comfortable.
"How was your day, my love?"
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 2 months
What arrives to Chenhua's workshop is a parcel from Kaveh. Inside is a few treats from Penacony and a new dress for her. Alongside it is a small letter. "I couldn't help but think of you when I saw these. The stars are so beautiful, and so are the planets. I wish I could have you with me, you'd love it here. One of these days i'll figure out how to transfer a dream bubble. I hope you're well, and that these treats arrive in one piece. I love you from across the stars. - Kaveh."
Unprompted. Always accepting! @gildedsplendors
She had just finished packing up for the day when Orchid flew inside through the workshop's open window, carrying a small parcel with her. Chenhua hadn't been expecting any deliveries today, especially not this late, so she was curious as to who it was from. She gasped as soon as she caught sight of Kaveh's name as the sender, and after thanking her cycrane, quickly took the little package back to her workbench to open it up with eagerness.
There were snacks she didn't recognize and an absolutely beautiful gown, which Chenhua gingerly took into her hands, marigold hues softening as she rubbed the fabric between her fingers. She then read over the letter, quietly mouthing the words to herself, eyes moistening as she finished. Gently setting the dress back down, she held Kaveh's letter in both hands and slowly brought it up to her lips, placing a tender kiss to the page. Despite the few tears that trickled down her cheeks, Chenhua smiled, for she knew her love was always thinking about her even when they were now separated by such great distances. It was such a bittersweet notion, but Kaveh's promise of his return was a constant in Chenhua's mind, and she held onto that promise with unwavering hope.
"I'm... I'm ok, Orchid." The Foxian reassured her cycrane with a sniff as the mechanical bird lightly perched on her shoulder. "I'm just... I'm just really happy."
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dasniichts · 3 months
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3 of 5 smorch
In his defense, certain fellow passengers just seemed to respond well to a little platonic praise. In his defense, he hadn’t expected things to get this far. 
So maybe a little top of the head smooch was a bit silly, but for his age that was practically expected. And maybe in hindsight he should’ve been a bit more aware of the way Kaveh seemed almost ready to burst at the seams as soon as he brushed against the top of his head. Poor thing looked like he wasn’t sure exactly which thought he had to have right now... 
“Uh... good job today?” A blink. “I’d suggest getting some rest now, we’ll have a long day tomorrow.” 
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wuhei-archived · 1 month
❝  i will not be the raven on your shoulder all the time, predicting gloom.  ❞ (kaveh)
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" good. that's aite's job. " he half jokes, fiddling with the drink in his hand. " look, i don't come to chat with you, expecting you to be in any sort of mood. if you're happy, i'm glad. if you're upset, that's fine. if you're mad, i'll understand. i want you to be who you are, whatever that means to you. "
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