#gigi there is no game
voidoftheeyes · 4 months
Back on my There is no Game shit
Have my take on The User
Game and Gigi star gazing!!
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ripchaos69 · 2 years
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My poorly made human versions 
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gigizetz · 2 months
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mariamluv · 20 days
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tornqdowarnings · 2 months
the hawthorne brothers wouldnt last an hour in the asylum where they raised avery
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jamcarven · 5 months
Gigi’s silhouette looks like Emma Myers lol
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lyrakanefanatic · 14 days
me when i think about jameson believing that no matter what he does to show how invincible and untouchable he is, it will never be enough, and just his self worth issues in general:
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me when i think about libby going back to drake time and time again because of how tightly he had her wound around his finger, and how he serenaded her with sweet lies so she could forget about how abusive he really was:
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me when grayson hurts himself, and his relationship with others, due to the tremendous amount of guilt weighing down on him every single day:
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me when avery has a difficult time trusting people because nobody has ever given her a reason to, and her realizations throughout the series that she will never fit into the society that the will thrust her into:
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me when xander casually jokes about how lonely he is, and how he will never be the same as his brothers, so he had to make a “team” for himself:
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me when max feels the need to travel across states to be close to her friend for support, when her family disowns her for having a boyfriend, and when she was alone and scared and didn’t want to bombard avery with her problems:
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me when rebecca will forever live in her sisters shadows no matter what, and the fact that she can’t be her own person due to it:
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me when i think about gigi and savannah growing up and trying to win their dad over by being smart and the “best” versions of themselves, all so that he’ll stop seeing them as the daughters who will never live up to colin, his “true son”:
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me when i think about eve being doomed from the beginning, and just how tragically desperate she is due to the environment she was raised in:
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me when i think about how nash forced himself to believe that maybe, his mother would finally stick around, even though it wasn’t true, and also just his belief that there was nobody in this world that could actually love him and was right for him:
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honorary mention:
me when i think about how lyra must hate her birthday. ☹️.
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swiftreader1989 · 2 months
Can Lyra Kane please be a party girl at some point in the book, I just need to see what that dynamic is like with Grayson Hawthorne
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the-inheritance-games · 4 months
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I updated the side by side, and I flipped savannah, the queen of diamonds, so she staring down her man, the ace of diamonds!!!!
ngl I knew savannah was gonna be next, this is the Grayson siblings book, and I KNOW that Grayson is gonna have an aneurysm trying to fend off rohan and slate to stay away from his sisters 😭
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loveisembarrassing25 · 2 months
My (maybe unpopular) inheritance games opinions:
Grayson is THE comfort character.
Jameson belongs with Avery.
Xander is the best Hawthorne.
Lyra would fit better with Rohan.
Nash and Libby are the healthiest couple.
Eve is THE worst character.
Savannah is just girl boss.
Skye is an absolute terrible mother.
I'm glad Grayson has Acaia instead of Skye now.
(also please someone remind me who's Slate again and why are we shipping him with Gigi? I haven't read the books in a while but I'm busy rereading tbh)
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archaicbluefire · 27 days
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clarissaweasley-10 · 19 days
If they call Avery Kylie Grambs ugly or average then l am a cross between a pufferfish and Willy Wonka.
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cherrys-writings · 8 months
Thankyou for replying so fast!can I request grumpy x sunshine dating hcs with grayson hawthorne where reader is the sunshine in the relationship?:)
Grumpy!Grayson x Sunshine!Reader
Thank you for being patient! Once things got rolling I may have gotten a little carried away, but we can never have enough Grayson Hawthorne
Sunshine Reader works at a nonprofit animal shelter. You happened to be working when Grayson came in to assess if the place was worth the foundation's donations 
Grayson being impatient with you at first, how could you not know he was the representative sent to evaluate the place for a grant from the foundation?
He couldn't help but admire your dedication when you ramble about animal personalities, way off track from his original question
Before you were together he thought you were stupid for being kind and optimistic all the time
He still doesn't get it
Grayson is slow to warm to physical contact
Calling him sunshine 
He loves when you touch his face, the way you run your thumbs across his cheekbones 
Telling people "he's smiling on the inside"
The easiest way to pull Grayson from his thoughts: nose boops  
Grayson pretends to be annoyed (he loves the little grin on your face but how do you always know when he's too in his own head)
Grayson being a Hawthorne, pulls out all the stops (kinda over the top and doesn’t know when he’s being too much)
You tell Gray that he’s all you want
He cries, how could he not? Someone he’s head over heels for chose him, told him that he’s enough
Everyone thinks the two of you are adorable
Cuddling touch starved grumpy Grayson, he never knew how much he needed it
He's practically addicted to cuddles
Teaching him to find beauty in the smallest things
In my head (and I hope this happens in The Grandest Game) Grayson builds a relationship with the Graysons (if you felt weird reading that I felt weird writing it)
Savannah having the exact same initial reaction Grayson did
Gigi being your cafe buddy
Attempting to tackle hug Grayson 
Dragging him along for walks on rainy days
Grayson giving in and walking without an umbrella because “it’s not fun with an umbrella”
Nash telling you it's like some part of Grayson has woken up since being with you
Everyone afraid of the absolute murderous look you get when he says Eve keeps trying to contact him  
Both of you give flowers to each other
Grayson confiding that he hasn't felt this happy in a long time 
"Sugar, why are you crying?"
Reassuring Grayson they're good tears 
Grayson slowly being more emotionally expressive 
You convincing Grayson to volunteer at the shelter 
The Brothers welcoming you immediately
Teaching Gray that he doesn’t have to be constantly suspicious of everyone
Becoming besties with Libby, the level of sunshiness is almost too much for everyone
Got some smut and hurt/comfort in the works.
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thejudeduarte · 3 days
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I actually CACKLED when I read this
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enelo · 2 months
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goddess of victory
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reyreadersblog · 2 months
GENUINE QUESTION: can Grayson Hawthrone flirt? Like when he dated E*ily..what did he do? Did he just angrily stared at her💀? Or how will he flirt with Lyra ?
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