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segravedad · 7 months ago
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Sebastian Muller nunca pensó escuchar esas palabras en su vida, y ahora, al escucharlas de Alena, se siente como un joven perdido nuevamente. Las palabras de ella, cargadas de dolor, le hacen recordar su pasado. Se ve a sí mismo junto a su hijo, observando cómo la vida se le escapaba. Siente que está atrapado en un mar de pensamientos. ¿Padre? ¿Diez años? Ha perdido diez años de la vida de su hija, el doble de lo que tuvo con su hijo antes de que muriera por aquella enfermedad. Se ha perdido los primeros pasos, las primeras palabras, todo lo que una persona anhela experimentar. Recuerda haberle contado a Alena el miedo que sentía de tener hijos nuevamente, el miedo a ser padre debido a sus genes y enfermedades, el miedo a traer un hijo al mundo mientras construía un imperio. A pesar de todo, Sebastian solo pudo ser padre por cinco años, años en los que estuvo en misiones y en el hospital acompañando a su exesposa. Se siente atrapado en un hoyo del que no puede escapar. Su respiración se hace pesada, y siente que todo a su alrededor se encoge. Su corazón late rápido, y puede sentir a Brutus acercarse, poniéndose a su lado para ayudarlo con el ataque de pánico. Le toma unos minutos calmarse, volver a sentirse normal —si es que eso era posible—, para luego soltar unas palabras en alemán y hacer que el perro se retire, dejándolos solos nuevamente. Aunque no es un hombre religioso, espera que su hija esté sana, aunque por las palabras de Alena parece ser así. Traga saliva. La pena lo invade, una pena que no sentía desde la pérdida de su hijo, una pena por todo lo que ha pasado Alena y por haberse perdido la vida de su hija. Recuerda las palabras de su exesposa: "Tú solo sirves para tus misiones, Sebastian. Te quedarás solo y perdido si sigues así". Ahora lo entiende, se está quedando solo.
Se levanta y saca unas medicinas de un cajón, tomándolas con un poco de agua. Le toma unos minutos estar listo para hablar, para preguntar sobre su hija y todo lo relacionado con ella. Siempre quiso ser padre, a pesar de sus genes y del dolor de perder un hijo, pero en ese tiempo era un adolescente y ahora siente que es demasiado tarde para ser el padre que soñó ser.
—Me fui de tu lado por una misión —comienza, acercándose a Alena. Sus manos descansan en el mesón de la cocina, y parece un gato rabioso queriendo salir de su caja—. No fue porque deseaba hacerlo, debía hacerlo porque era mi deber —se pasa una mano por el cabello, un tic nervioso que ha vuelto—. Con Beauregard debíamos ir a India para un rescate de rehenes políticos, secuestrados por terroristas del Medio Oriente. Fuimos contratados por las Naciones Unidas, debido a que era algo privado y porque éramos de los pocos dispuestos a arriesgar nuestras vidas —hace una pausa—. Planeaba llamarte cuando todo terminara, contarte todo, Alena. Era una promesa que me hice, especialmente porque la misión era peligrosa y complicada. Habíamos pasado por Rusia, Corea del Norte y otros países donde un par de militares corrían peligro, pero todo cambió... Fue un momento de problemas y desesperación, una pelea y un par de armas. Caí muerto a un río en India... Estuve en coma por más de seis meses, tuve que aprender a caminar de nuevo y a usar los servicios básicos. No sabía cómo vivir sin ayuda —siente el dolor fantasma en su rodilla, un dolor que supuestamente se había ido—. Pedí mil veces que alguien pudiera ayudarme a llamarte, pero todo era demasiado secreto. No podía moverme sin ayuda, y la presión de emociones fuertes podría haber empeorado todo, así que me aconsejaron dejarte ir, porque era lo mejor para ambos —se lleva una mano al pecho, el dolor se hace presente—. Y lo hice, Alena. Te dejé porque era la mejor decisión. Mi vida siempre ha sido un infierno debido a mi trabajo, misiones y todo lo que pasa afuera. Meses en lugares desconocidos, misiones tan secretas que aún no puedo revelar, enemigos por todas partes. He estado más veces en cárceles extranjeras que en mi hogar. Ahora me pregunto si todo aquello valió la pena, especialmente ahora que hemos perdido tanto.
Suspira. Cruza sus brazos y levanta la mirada hacia Alena, observando su cicatriz y a la mujer que tanto amó y que le enseñó a amar de nuevo.
—Me duele saber todo lo que has pasado y lo que has perdido en estos años. Me duele saber que me perdí tanto de Elda —hace una pausa, tratando de retomar sus pensamientos—. Es un bonito nombre, para ser honesto. Único como nuestra relación —una leve sonrisa se cruza en sus labios por un segundo—. Entiendo que no me hayas querido llamar, no te culpo. Pero sé que la vida de madre soltera debe haber sido complicada, especialmente con el trabajo que tienes. Sé muy bien que estás haciendo un excelente trabajo con Elda —no es mentira, lo ve en sus acciones, en la preocupación por la mascota que ambos tuvieron y en los momentos domésticos que compartieron; ella estaba lista para ser madre, mientras que él revivía recuerdos del pasado.
Vuelve a sentarse, buscando contacto con la mujer, como si todo su cuerpo gritara por recuerdos del pasado. Observa la mano de Alena por unos segundos, sintiéndose un tonto.
—Lena... Te prometo que te protegeré y también protegeré a Elda. Es algo que he hecho toda mi vida, proteger a los que más quiero, pero sabes que mi vida es complicada y llena de secretos. Lo mío ya no son los gobiernos, porque es mucho más que eso. Lo que tú me dices es algo que veré con mi equipo, y enviaré a los mejores para proteger Willow Creek, especialmente si Elda se encuentra allá —es un juramento que se hace. No cabe duda de que llamará a su equipo y enviará a los mejores, aunque haya cosas que no pueda decirle a Beauregard, La Torre y hasta HazelWood, de alguna manera hará que protejan ese pueblo—. Pero, antes que todo... Me gustaría saber si puedo conocer a Elda —hace una pausa. Las palabras le duelen y le queman al decirlas, pero la idea de conocer a su hija, que debe ser la perfecta combinación de ambos, le hace explotar de emociones—. Quisiera que me contaras más de ella y...
Su móvil satelital empieza a sonar, rompiendo la burbuja que se había creado. Lo saca de su chaqueta y observa el nombre: Malachiah Beauregard. Suelta una maldición en voz baja. —Yo... Realmente necesito tomar esta llamada, tengo a Mal con Cade haciendo una misión en Irak, y necesito saber cómo está todo —dice, levantándose del asiento—. Pero, por favor... Alena, necesito que cuando vuelva me cuentes todo de Elda. Mientras tanto, moveré mis hilos para proteger Willow Creek.
Con esas palabras, se retira del living y se dirige a la habitación principal para hablar con Beauregard.
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En menos de un mes lo había perdido todo: el amor de su vida, sus padres y su trabajo. Solo le quedaba su hermano y el bebé que, a posterior, sabía que gestaba. Había renunciado a todo, había obligado a su hermano a renunciar a todo y seguirla… No iba a renunciar a su hija o a la investigación que casi se la arrebata. Pedir ayuda a la MSS nunca había sido una opción. No tenía el capital para hacerlo. Los Bush nunca habían tenido un gran poder adquisitivo, más bien todo lo contrario, vivían al día. Con el dinero heredado de sus padres y sus ahorros, había podido comprar la casa de Willow Creek que estaba a nombre de su hermano y su hija, lo mejor para ellos. Había aceptado un triste trabajo en el periódico local para pagar las facturas, pero había sido su hermano quién había acabado aportando más a la unidad familiar, se había convertido en médico y su sueldo les había permitido vivir, sin lujos, pero vivir bien. Escucha las palabras ajenas, lo hace, aunque en su interior sigue la batalla sobre si contarle o no acerca de la existencia de Elda. Su hija era su vida, su mayor tesoro. Una parte de Alena temía que, una vez le contara la verdad, el quisiera arrebatarle a su hija y lo peor sería que, no podría oponerse, pues él la podría proteger mucho mejor que ella. Y eso le destrozaba el corazón. Saber que, por mucho que huyera o se escondiera, nunca estaría haciendo lo suficiente para proteger a su hija. Inconscientemente, se lleva la diestra a la zona inferior de la clavícula y acaricia la zona, ejerciendo algo de presión, es allí donde una de las tres balas la atravesó; ahora solo queda una cicatriz y el hábito de toquetearse la zona cuando está preocupada.
Escuchar sus reproches, sus regaños, provocan que algo estalle en ella. Lleva una década cargando con secretos, una década sintiéndose terriblemente sola por no poder compartir con nadie la carga que todo ello conlleva. Sus lamentos mezclados con reproches actúan como sal en una herida, por lo que finalmente exclama: —¡Tú me dejaste! —sus ojos se vuelven a encharcar de todas aquellas lágrimas que no se había permitido derramar. —Yo lo quería todo contigo y tú me dejaste. —reprocha la morena con voz rota. Cierra los ojos unos segundos y sacude la cabeza, su corazón roto no era lo más importante. —Cuando desperté en Haití, me dijeron que estaba embarazada, pero que, dado el trauma, probablemente el bebé no sobreviviera… —no es capaz de mirarlo, no está preparada para ver su reacción. —Durante mi convalecencia sangré, así que asumí que había perdido a mi bebé y… —se rellena la copa y la bebe de un trago; lloró, lloró mucho por el bebé que creía perdido y la fantasía de formar una familia con él, pero no se ve capaz de decirlo. —Cuando me instalé en Willow tuve que volver a ingresar en el hospital, creían que en Haití podrían haber pasado algo por alto, pero… Resultó que estaba bien y mi bebé, nuestro bebé, había sobrevivido… —un suspiro escapa de sus labios, decirlo era quitarse una década de la espalda. una sonrisa se esboza en su rostro. —Di a luz a nuestra hija en marzo de 2014, en unas semanas cumplirá diez años. —informa. Por eso le urge volver a Willow, quiere estar con su hija, quiere decirle que todo está bien y que no se volverá a ir. —Tú lo perdiste todo una vez, me dijiste que no querías volver a pasar por lo mismo y yo… No tuve el valor de decírtelo. —reconoce finalmente. Una vez más, la diestra vuelve a tentar la cicatriz que ha quedado ahora visible al apartarse inconscientemente la camisa para tener mejor acceso. —Lo siento, siento tener que decírtelo y que sea así, pero… Elda es todo para mí, mi mayor tesoro y… Si me pasara algo, si no volviera a casa… —esta vez las lágrimas caen por su rostro cual cataratas; la idea de no volver a su hija se le hace el peor de los destinos. —Yo… Yo necesito saber que tú la protegerías, Sebastian, que cuidarías de nuestra hija. —ruega.
Clava la mirada en la ajena en cuanto se vuelve a sentar, extiende la zurda y toma la mano ajena, dejando un apretón. Alena no había rogado por nada en su vida. No le rogó a él que no la abandonase a pesar de que su corazón se lo exigiera. No rogó por su vida al tipo que la disparó. Pero por su hija haría cualquier cosa y si eso suponía asociarse con él, compartir su preciada investigación… Lo haría. —Supe que esto era mucho más que un simple caso de narcotráfico cuando mataron a mi padre. —toma aire, tratando de volver a ponerse a cargo de sus emociones. —Tengo pruebas de todo, documentación… Sé que el gobierno de Estados Unidos lleva años haciendo esto, es un proyecto secreto, un secreto de estado… Sé que otros países son cómplices. —afirma, con una renovada seguridad. —Haré lo que haga falta para garantizar que mi hija pueda vivir una vida normal, sin esconderse, sin miedo… —sentencia. —Pero no te equivoques, tú me necesitas a mí… Llevo una década en esto, me lo han quitado todo y no descansaré hasta que caigan todos, uno por uno… —suelta la mano ajena y se endereza en la silla, sus emociones vuelven a estar bajo control, escondidas; una vez más, solo muestra la Alena profesional. —Si quieres que te ayude tendrás que hacer lo que te diga, eso incluye proteger Willow Creek y toda su gente.
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jehhskz · 27 days ago
Love Again - Part 2
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she fell first, and she fell harder
summary: you just got back to Seoul, and hopefully you'll get back into his heart too
genre: romance, fluffy cliche, second chances, smut
warning: this fic contains smut, so it was made for adults only, MDNI.
jé's note: did a little something super self indulgent, if you read this, please be kind, it's my first time and english isn't my first language. huge thank you for my girlies for all the support, special thanks to @doitforbangchan & @jeonginsleftcheek for beta reading it, your words made me happy. and it got a little big, so i had to split it into 2, the link for part 1
divider by @saradika-graphics
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After the passport issue, Joo-wan rearranged for you to go with the boys to Japan. At first you were excited, making plans just like you did for Australia, but now you were desperate texting everyone from the staff team to go on your behalf, but unfortunately, everybody already had their own plans they couldn’t cancel. 
You wanted to cry, you didn't want to be near Hyunjin, you didn't want to hear his voice, didn't want to see him, because you knew you wouldn't be able to hold back the tears, like you weren't now, already feeling them falling down on your cheeks. 
You were watching everyone's close friends stories, loving to see the boys partying and having fun, you chuckled seeing the picture Changbin posted of him carrying Hyunjin in their ‘honeymoon’ as he captioned, Joo-wan video dancing to My House by 2PM was amazing, but something you saw in the back caught your attention: Chae-hee going upstairs hugging Hyunjin, your laughing stopped and your heart sank.
Then it was Na-yeon's video with Minho, they appeared in the back again, a new angle, making their way to the stairs, Hyunjin's arm was thrown over her shoulder. But the worst was yet to come.
Heyoon rushed home as soon as she finished her work, finding you crying, curled in your bed, she laid behind you, a comforting hand gently tapping your shoulder as you told her all about it. It all started when you saw the green neon ring, Chae-hee added you to her close friends.
There was a picture of Hyunjin, his back turned to the mirror, you couldn’t see his face, but Chae-hee’s, she was hugging him, head resting on his shoulder and she had her tongue out, looking directly at the mirror as she took the picture. 
Next one was them lying in bed, it was mostly their faces but you could still see the clothes on, he had his eyes closed and a slight smile, Chae-hee was doing a peace sign and winking, she wrote ‘the best day’ on it. 
Then the last one made your stomach twist, it was the day after, Chae-hee made a video, Slow Down by Chase Atlantic was playing, it was blurry at the beginning but it was clearly Hyunjin lying there, peacefully sleeping, then she turned the camera, giggling and blowing kisses, wearing nothing but his robe, the Hyunjin engraved appearing as she stopped in front of the mirror, ending the vídeo. 
Timing's really a bitch. As you saw the grey bar of that last stories coming to an end, you got a new message:
Jagiya: about to catch the flight, missing you 😘
The pang in your heart got worse. 
~ {♡} ~
“Oh my God, Na-yeon!” Chae-hee grabbed the younger by her arms roughly “How many times do I have to tell it's three steps then turn to the right, not to the left!” 
“I'm sorry, Chae-hee. I'll pay more attention from now on” Na-yeon's voice was shaky.
“You better, we are about to debut, mistakes like this aren’t supposed to happen” Chae-hee glanced at the girls, as if warning.
Their music was still playing and the volume was up, so they only realized the door was opened when you stepped in. Chae-hee was still gripping on Na-yeon's arms, her long nails digging on the flesh, she let go of her roughly when she saw you. 
Her grip quickly turned into an embrace, a stupid attempt to fool you or whoever walked in that nothing was happening.
“Oh, excuse me” You said as you rushed to the couch “I forgot my water bottle here” 
Of course, of all the people, you had to run on Chae-hee, you didn't notice her grin when she saw you, so triumfant for the way you and Hyunjin fell apart, but you surely noticed the fear in Na-yeon's eyes, when she glanced at you and then your suspicious were confirmed, there it was: the last strike.
With a last glance before closing the door, Chae-hee smirked, waving at you. 
Enjoy while it lasts Chae-hee, that smirk will vanish your lips really soon, you thought while you waved back and closed the door.
Now, all you needed was to come with a plan to gather proof. And tag along with the Hyung Line for their solo mv's shooting, a full group mv shooting, going to do christmas shopping, attend a birthday party all in the meanwhile keep avoiding Hyunjin. Ugh, the end of semesters can be so tiring.
~ {♡} ~ 
You were acting weird, Hyunjin realized it as soon as you reunited after he came back from Australia, barely hugging him when you met at the company, which at first he thought it was because there was people around, but then you were taking longer and longer to answer his texts, so cold and distant, so different from your usual bubbly self. 
Then, you'd give excuses to not be alone with him and didn't even bring coffee for the boys as you usually did. At first he didn’t pay much mind, you were probably pmsing, Hannah would always get moody around this time of the month, Chan told him.  
But damn, how long does a pms lasts? The weeks were passing and it only seemed like you were becoming more distant, more strange. 
He was looking gorgeous, yeah you thought it all the time, but this time, wearing a crop top, he was just extra good, the sight of his abs making you want to cry, because there was nothing you wanted more than kiss and lick the exposed skin. And he knew it, so the fact you didn't push him inside the nearest storage room was weird af. 
Also, what were you doing typing so fast and with your eyes glued on your phone all the time?
Annoyed, during the break from filming, he grabbed the device from you, his fingers wrapped around your wrist and he pulled you inside a storage. 
“Hey, what are you doing? Are you crazy?” You were surprised as you watched him close the door, lean on his back and scroll through your phone, reading your messages.
“All good… will be great… you know the place?… see you tomorrow… can't wait?” He was reading your texts aloud. 
“It seems like you're being the crazy one here” He stared at you “Are you cheating on me?” 
Hyunjin's audacity was something you always loved, but right now?
It was annoying you beyond limits.
“What?” Your eyes widened as you heard his question, he couldn’t be serious “Are you insane? Of course not!” 
“Then what the fuck is this?” He showed the screen to you, your chat with Min Kyu on display. 
“It's just some work stuff” You shrugged and he rolled his eyes.
“Some work stuff?”
“Just that?” He insisted, hoping you'd tell him what exactly you've been up to, but instead you just nodded and then stayed silent.
“So this is how it's going to be? We've got secrets from each other now” He scoffed, running his hand through his hair. 
“Yeah, I guess so” You crossed your arms in front of your chest “You didn't seem to care when it was your turn” 
“Oh my God, y/n. Is it still about Chae-hee? I told you, I didn’t tell you she was there because it wasn't a big deal!” His tone was hard, he was annoyed you were still holding grudges.
That was what it was for him, no big deal. He cheated on you, he fucked Chae-hee and it wasn't a big deal. 
“Right, no big deal. The party? No big deal either” You scoffed.
“Yeah, it’s nothing serious either, you get drunk and those stuff happens” 
No big deal. Stuff happens.
You clenched your fists, his luck was him being at work, and being called by another staff that was looking for him. 
“Don't think we're done, because we aren’t” His voice was cold, he was clearly mad at you, as if he had any right to be, you thought. 
But he still grabbed your jaw to hold you in place and gave you a quick kiss before leaving to film.
Proving your heart and brain weren’t connected, you kissed him back and it made you even more annoyed.
You were avoiding him the majority of time and would have left if Hyunjin didn’t predict that and walked away with your phone, forcing you to wait until he finished filming.
Hyunjin was mad because you were being a brat for no reason. If there was a person who had the right to be mad at him, it was Felix, and the boy was completely fine.
No, Hyunjin wasn’t a heartless bitch like you were thinking, it was simply that you and him had different pov’s of what happened in Australia. 
Every story has two sides: what people remember and what really happened. 
You knew Chae-hee and Hyunjin's side, now let's go back to that night and find out who was speaking the truth.
~ {♡} ~
“You're so cute, I'm gonna eat bread” Hyunjin threw himself over Jeongin, disheveling the younger's hair. 
“Noo, leave me alone” Jeongin held his hands, and Hyunjin sniffed him, murmuring against his head that his hair smelled good.
“I think you should stop drinking” Jeongin said as he fixed Hyunjin's posture, sitting him properly on the couch. 
Hyunjin nodded and then leaned on his back. 
“No more drinking” He smiled cheekly.
“Seriously, you had enough” Jeongin laughed.
“Inniee, when am I not being serious?” Hyunjin threw his hands up, then looked at Jeongin when the boy opened his mouth to reply “Don't!” 
After a few minutes, Hyunjin seemed to be fine, he told Jeongin he didn’t need to worry and that he would head to their room soon. He wasn’t too drunk, it was okay to leave him alone, so Jeongin thought he could make a quick stop at the kitchen. 
“Hey there” Hyunjin jolted when Chae-hee sat beside him, making her giggle, she held out a drink for him.
“No, thanks. I'm fine” He waved, but she kept her hand still.
“Please Hyun, I insist” She smiled at him “Just a toast, uh? To celebrate the success of the tour” 
He looked at her and then at the cup. 
“Please?” She batted her eyelashes and he thought why not, just a cup wouldn’t be bad, he took it and she grinned.
“Cheers!” She clinked their cups, eyes locked with his as they drank.
Her breath caught in her throat when his face twisted, but she breathed again when she saw he kept drinking.
Just one drink became a few more, until Hyunjin got tired and stood up, he tripped when he took a step. Chae-hee quickly stood up and held him.
“Hey, easy there, buddy” Chae-hee giggled, placing his arm over her shoulder and wrapping her arm around his waist. 
“C'mon, I'll help you” And just like that, she guided him towards the stairs.
Jeongin saw them going, but since he didn’t know about you and him being together and knew about Chae-hee's interest in Hyunjin, he didn't pay much mind. 
Entering the room Chae-hee saw the mirror next to the door and smirked, she turned Hyunjin to stand facing her, hugging him and quickly snapped a picture. 
Too drunk to notice, he plopped down on the bed as soon as she let him go, and she laid by his side.
Chae-hee tried to lean closer to him, but he turned to the other side.
She tried again, using her hand to turn his face to her but he turned back again. Chae-hee scoffed and sat down, crossing her arms, thinking.
“Hyun, why are you being so cold with me? Don’t you like me anymore?” Chae-hee whispered, looking down at him, Hyunjin didn’t say a thing.
The girl grabbed her phone and clicked on the filming icon, hopefully she could take a good screenshot later. She laid back again.
“Is it because of y/n, isn't it?” Hyunjin smiled when she mentioned your name.
“I remember the way you used to look at me, watch me practice…” Her breath hit his neck, making him chuckle slightly and shift away. 
“You wanted to fuck me, didn't you?” She teased him and he drunkenly nodded, Chae-hee smirked.
“Well, I’m here now, this is your chance” Chae-hee shrugged, seeing he didn’t make a move, she tugged him by his shirt, pulling him closer to her, throwing a leg over his, ‘side straddling’ him. 
He groaned, placing a hand on her waist and Chae-hee smirked. 
“Chae-hee?” Hyunjin whispered and she leaned closer.
“Yes, Hyun?” Her voice was sultry, she closed her eyes, leaning even closer.
“I'm gonna…” But he didn’t finish the phrase, because he started vomiting.
“Ewwww” Chae-hee screamed and scooted away from him like a flash “What the fuck??” 
Hyunjin rolled on his back again, his eyes still closed. 
Chae-hee got off the bed with a jump, her face twisted when she looked at the mattress, but then her gaze landed on the Versace robe thrown over a chair and it gave her an idea.
Luckily she decided to wear a sleeveless top tonight, so when she took her jacket off and wore the robe, positioning her phone on the right angle it gave the illusion she was bare under it. Perfect.
Taking a last glance at him, she assumed he fell asleep, because he didn’t shift. So, Chae-hee took the robe off, threw it back on the chair and rushed outside of the room.
She ran into Felix as she was heading back to the stairs, and he believed her lame excuse of the bathroom downstairs being occupied. He was sharing the room with Hyunjin, and was just about to find his drunk friend there. 
~ {♡} ~
It was usual for some idols to have a ‘favorite’ practice room, some would say the aura was different, it gave them good luck and such things. For Chae-hee, her preference for that practice room was because she heard Jong-ho - her staff - saying the security camera stopped working a few months ago.
After you confirmed your suspicions about Chae-hee abusing Na-yeon, you knew you needed more than words to prove it. Learning the camera wasn't working felt very disappointing, but also made sense why that room was always reserved for LuaX. 
You knew Na-yeon wouldn’t have the guts to expose Chae-hee, so you had to come with a plan C, and that's when you texted Min Kyu, being a software engineer, he surely would know what to do. 
Not telling anyone about your plan was difficult, you hated keeping secrets, especially from Hyunjin, but you thought he would think you were just trying to get rid of Chae-hee because you were being jealous, he also didn’t tell you she was there in Australia, and Hyunjin had a lot of chances to, and then… he fucked her there, and couldn’t even man up and tell you he fucked up and apologise or break up. 
Jagiya: where are you? 
To avoid curious eyes, you and Min Kyu met up at the agency on saturday morning, a day you knew the company would be almost empty. 
“Are you sure this will work?” You asked, watching him sat down on the floor, installing a micro camera inside an electrical outlet. 
“You'd be surprise with the quality” He looked up and smirked “Why don't you pick the laptop, I'll move around for you to check?” 
“Okay” You went to sit down on the couch and put the laptop on your thighs “Is this C34 program?” 
“Yeah, just click and it will start automatically” 
“Alright” You clicked and the vídeo player appeared on the screen, you saw the room and Min Kyu walking around perfectly.
“It's great!” You clapped, watching him jumping around and you chuckled.
Jagiya: what do you mean you aren’t coming tonight?
Jagiya: yongbok just told me
Jagiya: why aren't you replying to my messages?
Jagiya: never mind, be ready at 7, i'm coming to pick you up
You: don’t, i’m not going
~ {♡} ~ 
Hyunjin went, and now it was 7:20, you left him on the couch, but he moved to your bedroom, lying in your bed while you were in the shower, because there was no way you’d appear on the holiday festivities of the team wearing sweatpants. Your little jolt of surprise when you walked in and saw him there didn't go unnoticed by him, who laughed even more when you opened your drawer and closet to pick your clothes.
“You can change here, you know?” He said cheekly “It's nothing I've never seen before”
“No!” Your exclamation before shutting the bathroom's door made him chuckle.
You looked pretty, Hyunjin thought when you came back all dolled up, wearing an army green top and dark wash jeans that matched his and black boots. You were putting on your earrings when he got up.
“You're looking good” Hyunjin said as he stood behind you. 
“Thanks, you look good too” He was wearing a light blue shirt that you were pretty sure was from Versace. 
“I know” His cocky grin appeared. 
You looked at you both in the mirror. He wasn’t supposed to be here first place, but damn, why was it so hard for you to ignore him? Why did you have to be the weakest soldier?
Maybe, just maybe… you had hoped it all was a huge misunderstanding, but then…
You saw the photos, the video, how could you still be so delusional if there was proof? 
And why did he keep acting like nothing happened? He didn't have any consideration for you? 
If Chae-hee didn't post, he'd be fooling you all this time. This realization made your heart sink. 
Chae-hee was still a major bitch, of course, but she actually did you a favor, showing you his true colors.
“Where's your car?” You looked around when you left the house, then turned to face him.
“It's home, I’ll be drinking so I’m not driving tonight” His phone buzzed and he grabbed it from his pocket, he smiled.
“Great, Felix's coming” Hyunjin threw an arm over your shoulder and you shivered, but instead of hugging him back, you crossed your arms in front of you.
“Don't you think you're exaggerating?” You couldn’t tell if he was teasing you or being serious. Either way, it annoyed you.
“I mean, I get you're jealous, it was even kind of cute before, but now it's starting to piss me off” You shifted away from him.
“Well, if I'm bothering you so much, why don't you go out with Chae-hee instead?” You saw him roll his eyes, leaning back against the wall “You two seemed to have so much fun together”
“Damn it y/n!” He ran his hand through his hair and then pointed at you “See? That's why I didn’t tell you she was there, because you'd start a tempest in a teapot” 
“Ohh so now it's my fault?” 
“I was thinking about you and…” His tone was raising, but you interrupted him.
“Thinking about me? I think I was the last thing crossing your mind while you were there distracting her!” 
“I told you I accepted to go out because she was crying, she’s about to debut, that’s not easy y/n, I've been there, I know how it feels!” 
“So being the great person you’re, you were just comforting her…” He nodded, despite your ironic tone “Hyunjin's so great, taking his little friend to get ice cream, yeah”
“I know she wasn't sucking just popsicles!” You snapped and his eyes widened. 
“What do you mean?”
“The party, Hyunjin. Stop trying to fool me, I know everything, Chae-hee posted you and her together!” 
Hyunjin had no idea about what you thought that happened at the party, until now. Damn, he barely had any memories from it, aside from some flashes of him dancing, drinking and the worst headache he ever felt on the next day.
“But y/n, I didn’t… I…” 
“Shhh, do us both a favor and don't even start!” You waved him off, turning away, just a little more and you knew you'd be pathetically crying in front of him.
He didn’t have much time to think or even say anything else, because Felix's car was just turning the corner and driving down the street.
You stayed silent the whole drive to the restaurant, staring out of the window and wiping the insistent tears that would escape, glad your mascara was waterproof.
~ {♡} ~ 
Some of the staff and the boys were already there when you arrived. You made sure to sit with Changbin and Chaeryeong, staying very far away from Hyunjin, avoiding even looking at his way.
Joo-wan was grilling the beefs, Seungmin was making sure no one’s cup was empty and you were concealing your sadness really well, enjoying the chat with your friends. 
During the drive there, Hyunjin tried to remember the details of that night, he remembered Chae-hee being at the party, she had some drinks with her, he tripped and then he was already in bed. He remembered her talking to him…
And that was all. He was sure he didn’t do anything, there was no way, but what the hell were those stuff you said you saw? 
That was the question burning in the back of Hyunjin's head… until the alcohol kicked in.
“Alright, alright. Time to reveal our resolutions for next year!” Changbin exclaimed excitedly.
“Are we finally seeing your abs?” Minho teased, making everyone laugh.
“Wait, what resolutions?” Jisung's eyes got wide.
“I have no idea” Jeongin chuckled. 
“Well, you'd know what I'm talking about if you checked the group chat” Changbin said, annoyed and the boys laughed.
“Which reminds me, where's our list from last year? We gotta check if we achieved it or not” He looked over everyone and nobody had a clue.
“Wait, wasn't Han responsible for that?” Seungmin questioned and Jisung grabbed his phone, checking the notes.
“Oh shit, I lost it” He whined.
“Jisung's resolution: stop losing things!” Minho chuckled when Han cursed him.
“Now Chan, what's your plans for next year?” Changbin turned to the older.
“Okay, let’s see…” Chan thought for a moment “Next year I plan on fixing my sleep”
“I'll learn english!” Minho raised his hand.
And so it went, Chaeryeong was taking notes as everyone would list their resolutions. 
“Next year I won’t let people use me as they please” You said looking directly at Hyunjin and despite being drunk, he understood it right away.
“Ohh that's a good one!” Joo-wan high fived you.
“Next year I'll talk to my partner instead of jumping to conclusions” It was Hyunjin's turn, and he stared at you too.
“Oh yeah, communication’s important” A drunk Jeongin nodded.
“I won’t need to jump into conclusions because my partner won’t give me reasons to be suspicious of him” You looked at him again.
“Yes, we love reassuring men!” Nabi, another staff member, clapped. 
Han and Felix exchanged looks.
“I'll wear more crop tops on stage!” Jeongin said completely oblivious to the tension going on.
“I won’t waste my time with a girl who doesn't trust me” Hyunjin scoffed.
“Yeah, if she doesn’t trust you, she isn't worth it” Joo-wan said and Hyunjin right at you as he nodded.
You couldn’t tell what hurted more, Hyunjin's cold tone or him calling you a waste of time. 
“Oh, you'll definitely have plenty of options to pick, let’s just hope you're smart enough to make the right choice and not let bitches use you again” You hissed and Hyunjin scoffed.
“Okay, this is getting a bit personal” Changbin whispered to Chaeryeong.
“Are they dating?” She whispered back at him and he was about to answer when you stood up and left.
“Uhh, don’t think so anymore” Changbin whispered and they both watched as Hyunjin stormed off after you seconds later.
“Y/n!” You froze for a moment when you heard Hyunjin call you.
“Don't waste your time coming after me!” You started walking again, your heels clicking as you stepped determined to the garbage cans. 
“What are you doing?” Hyunjin shouted when he saw you trying to pull the ring he gave to you. His fingers brushed his own automatically. 
“What looks like I'm doing?I'll throw this off!” You hissed, struggling to take the ring off of your finger. You cursed under your breath, it was stuck.
You tried some more, whining but wouldn’t give up until you took it off. Gazing at him, your closed hand reached the recycle bin and you opened, the ring making a clink sound as it hit the bottom. 
“Y/n, what the fuck did you do?” His eyes widened and he shouted, grabbing you by your shoulders.
He let go of you and went to the bin, trying to shove his arm inside to take it back. 
Luckily all the trash was collected earlier and the bins were sanitized. 
“You know what? Why don't you take the opportunity since you're already there and throw yourself too?” You crossed your arms in front of yourself.
“But not on this one, no, no. Let's be organized, dildos belong to that one!” You kept running your mouth, pointing to the plastic ones.
He ignored you, too worried about taking the jewel back.
“Damn it, y/n. It was expensive!” Hyunjin shouted again, he took a few steps back, running his hands through his hair. 
You shut your mouth, reality kicked in, the ring wasn't a simple one you can buy on those little tents on the street.
It was a jewel, original, a whole year of your salary worth it.
Oh shit.
“Oh my God, I fucked up, I fucked up” You cried out, taking large steps to the bin you threw it and leaning onto it.
In your attempt to trying to reach, you were almost falling inside “I'm so fucked up, I belong in the trash too” 
“Y/n, stop…” Han was making his way coming to you.
“Shh, don’t!” Hyunjin stopped him, grabbing him by his shoulder “She started, now she finishes it!” 
“Dude, what if she hurt herself?” Both looked at you, butt up in the air, half body almost all in, struggling.
“Ugh, okay. Fine” Hyunjin walked to you and grabbed you by your waist, easily carrying you out.
“Y/n, enough!” His voice was cold as he hissed at you.
“Nooo, let me go. I fucked up, I need to go to the trash” You cried out, trying to escape him.
“Okay” He rolled his eyes and opened his arms, letting you go. 
“Hunf, too bad there isn't a bin for toxic garbage here” He scoffed under his breath after seeing you sit down in front of the paper recycle bin. 
“Y/nnie, what are you doing now?” Han rubbed his temples, stopping by your side.
Han sighed when he saw you hug your knees and noticed the tears running down your face. C'mon, he was tired, it was late, he just wanted to go back home.
“Hyunjin said I'm toxic, I'm not worth even being recycled!” You sobbed, pointing at him.
“Dude, what the fuck, why are you being mean to y/nnie?” Felix turned to his friend, and Hyunjin's smirk suddenly faded, giving room for the tears appearing in the corner of his eyes.
“Oh shit, what am I doing?” He snapped and when you realized, he was sitting by your side.
“Don't get near me, I'm radioactive, I’ll contaminate you with my toxicity!” You nudged him away. 
“Y/N, HYUNJIN!” Felix's deep voice brought you both attention to him.
“Oh Felix” Hyunjin blushed slightly, giggling.
“Enough of this bullshit, the both of you. Stand up, we're leaving now!” Felix didn't need to order twice, you and Hyunjin quickly obliged.
Hyunjin started following Felix and you followed Han, stopping in your tracks when you realized they were heading to the same car. Han held you by your shoulders, preventing you from running and led you to Felix's car.
~ {♡} ~
Felix drove everyone to his place, and he and Han helped the two of you to get inside. 
“Shit, they are still drunk” Felix complained to Jisung, as he sat Hyunjin by your side on the bed, the other hands playing with the pedants from his necklace.
“I told you it wasn't a good idea to let them drink that bottle of soju. Why did you have that in your backseat, anyways?” Han looked at Felix with his eyes widened, Felix having a bottle in his car was really random, just like that whole night. 
“Are you an angel, Yongbok?” Hyunjin twirled his finger in the blonde's necklace, whispering, mesmerized with the shining pendant. 
“Stop it” He pushed Hyunjin's hand away and took a step back “It was a gift, I forgot it was there until y/nnie found it and chugged half of it before Hyunjin could steal it from her” 
Meanwhile you were a crying rambling mess, trying to calculate how you'd survive without a paycheck.
“Ugh, they are annoying me. Maybe we should push them under the shower, to sober them up” Han sighed, he was really tired.
“Hey hey, nobody's gonna take y/n's clothes off” He pushed the boys off and stopped in front of you, his hands pushing your jacket off your shoulders “Only I can do it” 
“Stop it! Only my boyfriend can undress me” You snapped and pushed him to the side.
He lost his balance and fell on the bed, rolling on it, he groaned dramatically as if you hurted him. You watched the scene unfold in slow motion: Hyunjin rolling off the edge, your hand reaching out to prevent him from falling, losely grabbing his hair, the strands slipping through your fingers and him hitting the floor causing a thud that made you jolt.
“Oh no, Jinniee. Are you okay?” You peaked over the mattress worried, holding your hand out for him who accepted it. 
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you” You drunkenly cried out, helping him get back and lay down. 
Hyunjin murmured something you didn't understand and threw his arms around your neck, swiftly pulling you to him, making you fall.   
“I missed you so much, love” His voice was low and muffled as he had his face buried in your hair, but you heard it loud and clear, your heart jumped. 
“Me too, jagi. Me too” You softly murmured, a hand reaching up and gently caressing his cheek, he purred.
“That’s just like ferrets sleep, you know? I saw it in the Nature Channel” Jisung chuckled to Felix, who picked up his phone and snapped a picture of you sleeping entangled with each other. 
“Although with those biteable cheeks,y/nnie looks more like a quokka” Felix chuckled, he beckoned to Jisung for them to leave the room.
“Nighty nighty, sweet dreams babies” He said cheekly after turning the lights out and then he closed the door. 
~ {♡} ~
It was past noon when you woke up, the rays of light escaping through the curtains annoyed you, so you decided to turn around and then you realized not only you weren’t at your bedroom but also weren’t alone. 
Although his grip on your waist got tighter, Hyunjin was still sound asleep as you turned around facing him. You opened your eyes slowly and sighed looking at him, sleeping so cutely, a strand of his hair fell in front of his face and you gave in the urge to brush it off, fingertips gently caressing him and he sighed.
So cute, doesn't even look like you test my patience 24/7, you thought, still caressing his face. You leaned a little closer, wanting to kiss him, like you used to do before, but then your gaze fell on your hand, the absence of your ring being a hard confirmation that the last few weeks weren’t just a bad dream. 
“You know it’s rude to stare” His hoarse voice made you jolt and you rolled away.
“I wasn’t staring” You scoffed.
“Yeah, right” He chuckled, his eyes still closed as he stirred up like a cat.
You heard knocks on the door and when it opened, Felix appeared covering his eyes.
“Wakey wakey, are you decent?” He said cheekly and you saw Hyunjin's grin when he tossed a pillow at his friend.
Felix grabbed the pillow and threw himself on the bed, between the two of you. 
“I came to say that lunch's ready” 
“Lunch? What time is it?” Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth in surprise.
“It's 1pm” Felix chuckled and leaned forward, disheveling even more your hair “Seems like you had a great night of sleep” He teased.
“Shut up” You used your pillow to hit him.
“My head hurts” Hyunjin complained and Felix touched his forehead.
“Poor baby, c'mon. Let's eat some lunch, you're gonna feel better” He pouted at the brunette.
As a big fan of their bromance, deep down you were loving the private hyunlix session, but you had to stop watching their chat to go to the bathroom. 
Downstairs, Seungmin and Han were finishing settling the table, the delicious aroma of the food made you float towards the dinner table. After enjoying your meal, you offered to wash the dishes, and while you were drying the plates, something small and shining on the counter island caught your attention.
“Is it mine…” Your fingers were just about to touch the ring when Hyunjin covered it with his hand and pulled it to him.
“It's mine now” His smirk didn't meet his eyes as he put the ring on. Felix and Jisung rescued the jewel earlier this morning.
“Yeah, of course” You whispered, looking down, it would be too much audacity of yours to do that whole scene and still want the ring back.
You weren’t even together anymore. 
You weren’t even together anymore,
wow, it's real and official now.
~ {♡} ~ 
Every night after work you grabbed your fluffy blanket, something good to eat and snuggled up on the couch to keep up with C34 like it was Netflix. As if it was a stupid trick of destiny, nothing happened.
Day after day, Chae-hee seemed to be… Lovely, with the girls. 
Hugging them, hyping them up, bringing them water and snacks, that Chae-hee made you wonder if you were overreacting, if what you saw that day was just an isolated event, but what about the other times Na-yeon seemed to be hurt? It couldn’t be a coincidence.
And it wasn't. 
One night, you were smiling, watching Minho and Na-yeon chatting, then he gave her a quick kiss before running out, the girls appeared minutes later. Your smile stayed in your face as you watched them dancing, they were really good.
Their song was catchy and you were dancing on your spot when it happened, Chae-hee pushed Na-yeon down and the girl fell on her butt. You stopped and leaned closer, paying attention you saw Chae-hee was yelling at her, then another member approached and helped Na-yeon get up, you recognized her it was Ha-ri, she said something to Chae-hee and then covered herself with her arms as Chae-hee stepped up ready to smack her.
You clicked a few times and then the video was saved on the cloud. Your gaze went to the calendar, marked with a star was the date of their presentation pre-debut, which meant they would do a pocket show for the big names in the industry, a little warm up before the actual debut, a little something before their names would drop and their faces would be all over the internet. 
~ {♡} ~ 
“Relax, you're gonna do great!” Minho whispered in Na-yeon's ear, he was hugging her when you walked in.
You laughed slightly when he broke away from her, tapping her shoulder.
“Uh, I'm going to meet up with the boys. Keep up, fighting!” You both waved him bye and you turned to face a tomato-like Na-yeon.
“Ohh, special support from the boys? Sounds nice” You said cheekly and Na-yeon waved her hand in a silent plea for you to stop teasing her and you chuckled.
“So, where's the girls?” You leaned against the vanity, absentmindedly playing with the makeup brushes with your fingers.
“They went grab something to eat and will be here soon” Na-yeon sat on the little couch there and you realized her shoulders were trembling slightly.
“Don't be nervous, Na-ye. Everything will work fine, I saw you dancing and you're really good” You smiled at her and she smiled back.
Na-yeon opened her group's chat and saw a picture Chae-hee sent of the boys waiting for their presentation, the older one made a heart around Hyunjin and sent a screenshot of a text where she basically intimated him to come. She sighed, putting her phone down.
“Y/n, can we meet up for a coffee later?” Na-yeon said shyly, fidgeting the hem of her skirt.
“Sure, I would love to! Coffee's on me, let's celebrate your debut” Seeing Na-yeon's shyness, you assumed she finally gathered courage to share what was happening in her group.
Maybe she was finally ready to ask for help? This would be such a sweet surprise to her, you both would celebrate Chae-hee's departure, but you couldn’t tell her that yet.
But Na-yeon didn't plan on talking about the abuse she has been suffering, the reason she invited you was because she thought you were a good person and didn't deserve what Chae-hee did to you and Hyunjin, so she'd tell you what really happened during their time in Australia.
The door opened and you saw the girls entering, giggling and teasing each other, Chae-hee smirked when she saw you.
“Y/n, what a nice surprise. Came to support us?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything” Your smile was genuine, you were really eager to watch them on stage.
You checked on your phone, just a few more minutes.
“Well, guess I'm going. See you later girls, fighting!” You stood up and waved for them, Chae-hee was still smirking, she had no idea.
You met the boys at the auditorium, and it would be a lie if you said it didn't hurt when you saw Hyunjin was there. Okay, all of the Stray Kids were there, but still.
“Hey y/nnie, come sit with us!” Chan beckoned at you, Hyunjin acted as if you weren’t even there as you passed him by.
You sat down beside Jeongin, Hyunjin was two chairs away, you avoided looking at him until the lights were out. 
He had the same idea, peeking over to check on you while you weren’t looking.
“Hello, we're LuaX and we are going to show you our first song, please enjoy it” Chae-hee said shyly, it was insane how different and fake she looked on stage.
Their first mv started being played on the big screen, it was good, they went for a domestic style, mostly of the scenes being filmed by them and it seemed to please the audience. 
Everybody clapped when it ended and then another video started, ‘get to meet the girls from LuaX', some claps and whistles could be heard as flashes of clips from each girl appeared, until it all turned into a full black screen and Ha-ri's name appeared blinking, starting her introduction. 
After Ha-ri, it was Na-yeon's turn and then Chae-hee, you shifted on your seat. It started like the others, showing little Chae-hee dancing in a school presentation, more videos of her dancing as she grew up until the screen went black again and stayed like this for a minute. The staff exchanged worried glances, imagining it was a malfunction.
“What are you doing? Fix it!” Chae-hee whispered between gritted teeth to the intern who was in control of the laptop.
As the boy was about to tap on the keyboard, the image appeared again, but instead of the interview with Chae-hee, what appeared on the screen made everybody gasp. 
Footage of Chae-hee abusing not only Na-yeon, but the others too, yelling at them, harshly stumbling on them during their dances making them fall, gripping them by their arms…
“What the fuck is this? Turn this off, now!” She hissed at the intern and he clicked over and over, but nothing happened. 
Desperate, Chae-hee went to him, palms slamming the keyboard, but the images were still up, so she looked around and ran to pull the plug, the last image appearing was her pushing Na-yeon. 
“I… I can explain… I…” The lights were turned on, Chae-hee stared desperately at everyone watching, but something inside her clicked when her gaze met yours, the smirk on your lips telling her all she needed to know.
She stormed away from the stage, the whispers filled the room, Hyunjin noticed you chuckling lightly, he was shocked. Hong-jo went to hug Na-yeon, checking if she was alright and the girl nodded, then she looked at you and you smiled, she understood it right away too.
~ {♡} ~
“I still can't believe you exposed Chae-hee, I could never imagine we were being filmed” Na-yeon blushed slightly, playing with the straw of her caramel latte. 
You softly chuckled because you knew she was wondering if you saw her and Minho too.
“I had to gather proof because it was a serious accusation” You leaned forward, whispering “But don’t worry, I made sure to save only those parts, all the rest was deleted” 
“What happens to us now? Aren’t we going to debut anymore, is LuaX ruined forever?” She asked after thinking for a moment, was her dream ruined?
“No, no. You, Hari and Ji-soo will debut, don’t worry” Na-yeon smiled, relieved.
“You'll just have to work a lot and harder, because there will be need to erase every single trace of Chae-hee” 
“Thank you, for helping me…” Na-yeon smiled shyly “The girls appreciate it too, they just aren’t here because I needed to talk to you in private” 
“Is there anything wrong?” You put your mocha latte down and looked at her with concern.
“It's about you and Hyunjin” She picked her phone and unlocked it, opening the chat app.
“Oh, Na-ye, I'm sorry but I don’t wanna talk about him today” You looked down and Na-yeon touched your hand.
“No, y/n. It’s really important, listen, please” She said softly and then she clicked play on the audio Chae-hee sent to her a couple days ago.
Your stomach twisted as you heard Chae-hee describing what happened after she took Hyunjin upstairs, followed by her plan of adding only you to her close friends, that way nobody could contest her and you'd break up with him. Hyunjin was telling the truth and you didn't believe him.
“That's why he was acting so nonchalant about it…” You murmured to yourself, feeling the tears coming.
“We had a fight and he said nothing happened, and still I didn’t believe him” You covered your face with your hands, crying.
“Oh y/nnie, it's not your fault, I'd fall for her tricks too” Na-yeon tried to calm you down.
“I didn’t believe him and now he doesn't want me anymore, he said I was a waste of his time” You cried and Na-yeon reached out, gently tapping your arm.
“He's ignoring me, he's probably already dating her now” 
“No, no, they aren’t together, I can guarantee you” Na-yeon shook her head.
“Chae-hee's mad af because she wanted to give him another chance after the er… incident, but he keeps turning her down” She whispered and you felt a little relief.
“He still likes you, y/nnie. Minho told me Hyunjin talks about you a lot” She blushed at the mention of Minho, and omitted the part where Hyunjin's talks about you were all complainings, all that mattered was that he was thinking about you, right?
~ {♡} ~
Hyunjin was surprised, he knew Chae-hee was nice to him because she wanted to pull down his boxers, but he didn’t think she was such a bitch. And he still had no idea what she did to him that night, all he remembered was her helping him get to his room and then Felix changing the sheets and taking care of his drunk ass.
Chae-hee leaving was the hot tea on the halls of JYP, no one knew who manipulated the video, but most of the people praised the one who did, saying if they had the chance, they would do the same. Hyunjin would smirk walking down the halls, he knew it was you right away.
So that was that mysterious work thing you didn't want to tell him. He was still hurt because of that, and a lot of other things too, the top on his list was you not believing him, that’s why he has been ignoring you and pretending you didn't exist, and he thought he was doing a great job at it, but the boys wouldn’t agree since he couldn’t stop talking about you. 
The girls from LuaX were super busy recording their songs again and changing choreographies, but the days were much better now, without a trace of Chae-hee. You were relieved to walk around the company and not run into her anymore, not big on believing in energies and stuff, but the vibes definitely felt better without her there.
Speaking of vibes, yours weren’t the best as you finished packing for Japan. You tried for the last time to change it, but it didn't work, so you were here, zipping up your last suitcase. 
You checked everything in the house one last time, all good, then went out to wait for Felix, you'd both head to the airport together, the boys flew the day before and he stayed because he had an event to attend on the date.
Leaning on your back on the wall, waiting outside on the street, you sighed when you realized your headphone ran out of battery. As you were putting it back inside your purse, a familiar voice shouting your name caught your attention.
“Chae-hee?” You blinked as you watched her hard steps towards your direction. How the hell did she know where you lived?
“You bitch, I know it was you who made that video!” Chae-hee kept shouting and pointing at you, she was coming closer now.
“Yeah, it was me. Did you like my editing skills?” You scoffed, crossing your arms in front of your body and grinning at her.
Chae-hee closed her hand into a fist and groaned as she advanced towards you, in a quick move, you grabbed her fist mid air as it was about to hit your face and smirked. 
“Chae-hee… were you going to punch me?” You pouted, grip on her wrist getting tighter as you shook your head feigning disbelief “I thought we were friends? Close friends even” You mocked. 
“Ughh, let me go!” She tried to pull her hand, and you thought for a moment, you weren’t planning on it, but you saw the car parking near you, so you had to, you needed to take the ride.
Unfortunately, that wasn't yours.
“Bitch!” Chae-hee spat, massaging her bruised wrist after you pushed her away, letting go of her hand.
Chae-hee came ready to punch you again, trying to catch you off guard. 
“Bitch, don’t you ever try to lay a finger on me again!” You said through gritted teeth as you grabbed her wrist again and lifted her arm, at the same time in a swift move you used your dominating hand to punch her on cheek. 
A strangled sound came out of Chae-hee's lips and she fell down, she touched her face, it was stinging really bad and red, you took a step and leaned down, grabbing a fistful of her hair and forcing her to look at you. 
“And just so you know, this one was for what you did to Hyunjin. If you wanna keep that pretty face intact, don’t ever get near him again!” You pushed her and she trembled.
“Now get out of here!” You ordered and she crawled backwards a few steps and then awkwardly stood up and ran away.
You sighed, rubbing your temples, the rush of adrenaline slowing down and you were realizing what happened, your hand hurted.
“Y/nnie, are you alright?” You jolted when you turned around and saw Felix walking up to you.
“Lixie, oh my God. For how long were you here?” 
“Long enough” He chuckled and pulled you into a hug. 
“Oh, that’s embarrassing” You said shyly, hiding your face on his chest.
“Don't be, it was good. You learned it really well” He chuckled. 
When you asked Felix to teach you some taekwondo moves, you were just playing around, but in the end turns out it was very useful.
“Thanks to my Sensei” 
“This is for karate, in taekwondo we say Sabomnim” He pinched your cheeks.
“Then thanks Sabomnim!” You said cheekly.
“That's better. Now, let's go, I don’t want you picking more fights on the streets” He disheveled your hair, and you groaned. 
~ {♡} ~
The moment you stepped in Japan, you changed your mind, you were glad you came, as you looked out of the window, you were excited to go out and explore it all, although fitting your list of places to go and things to do was a real challenge with the busy agenda of the boys.
You and Hyunjin? Well… it was complicated.
In the perfect world, you'd run into his arms as soon as you'd step into the hotel, and you'd tell him all about your talk with Na-yeon and later would be at his room showing how sorry you were for not believing in him. Unfortunately, life wasn't a fanfic and he reminded you that when he ignored you as he passed you by.
But as the days went by, something changed, Hyunjin even quickly grinned at you at the Versace store, during the event he participated and if your mind wasn't tricking you, he murmured to the pinkish fluffly plushie he won, that his new additional's name was now ‘y/nnie’. 
When you texted Heyoon about it, she told you not to get your hopes up - too late. You knew she just wanted to protect you from another heartbreak, one more and you could request a song on that TV show where players who score 3 gols get their favorite song played, but what if this time it worked out?
What's the saying? Third time’s a charm? 
Yeah, maybe you could request a song, after all, but a romantic instead of a sad one. 
~ {♡} ~ 
Few things made you so happy as day offs, sleeping until noon, going to eat out, shopping, today was the day. You smiled as you checked your phone, the time marked 12:20 when you woke up, no alarm, no messages, no notifications, just silence and peace, wow, when was the last time you felt that?
You sat down, lazily stirring up and went jumping to the bathroom, thinking about the stuff you had planned for today. Your day was going great, you checked out almost all of your list, you realized as you placed your purchases on your bed, admiring all the shopping bags laying there.
And to end it perfectly, time to relax, you said to yourself as you walked though the hotel heading to the hot tub. Your smile got wider when you saw the sign written Relax & Enjoy, oh you'd definitely would.
Your eyes sparked when you opened the door, unraveling the coziness inside, the room was large, floor and walls made of wooden with two walls made fully of glass, presenting a beautiful view of a garden, the trees offering privacy to the guests that can enjoy the hot tub or just light up some incenses and meditate on the lilac futon, adorned with fluffy cushions, you wondered if it was okay to take a nap there later. 
You lit some lavender incenses, then kneeled  down, pressing some buttons and stood up again, you let the white robe slid down your figure and you stepped into the hot tub, wetting your foot slowly, testing the temperature before lowering your body down in the warm water, sitting down.
Sighing, would be a lie if you said you didn't wish Hyunjin was there with you, thinking about him made you realize, you haven’t seen or heard from him or any of the boys the whole day. 
“Wow, I can even hear my thoughts, nice” You giggled, leaning back and closing your eyes “So peaceful…”
Being so relaxed, you were almost napping right there, but your peace didn't last long. You didn't hear the crack of the door opening or the footsteps walking where you were, until you heard the sound of giggling and the water splashing around.
“Spoke too soon” You rolled your eyes after opening them and seeing Jeongin, Han and Felix sitting down around you. 
“C'mon, don’t act like you weren't missing us” And there he was, sitting down in front of you, that annoying grin playing on his lips. Your heart skipped a beat.
The whole time, you tried and failed to look away from him, and Hyunjin would often chuckle, not because he thought what one of the boys said was funny, but because he could see his effect on you. The struggle was real, and the boys were noticing too, giggling and exchanging looks.
After what felt like hours, the boys decided to leave, their smirks were unnoticed by you as one by one they stood up, waving you goodbye. You looked at Hyunjin and he shook his head, not making a move to leave, great, you thought.
You laid your head back down and closed your eyes, his soft giggle made you feel butterflies. 
“Heard you punched Chae-hee because of me” Hyunjin broke the silence after some time, you weren’t seeing it, but you knew the smirk was there.
“It was…” You started saying, but he interrupted.
“Really hot…” You looked at him as he approached you “Felix showed me the video, that punch was really good, wish I was there to witness in person” 
“Oh c'mon” You covered your face, embarrassed that Felix filmed the whole thing and especially that Hyunjin watched it. 
“Admit it, you've been wanting to do this since you laid your eyes on her” He teased you, closer now.
You giggled, but nodded, your face still covered.
“I knew it” He chuckled, gently pulling your hands down.
“What are you doing?” You whispered as he held your hands and placed them over his shoulders, leaning closer. You wondered if he could hear your heart beating faster.
“Something you're dying for me to do, since the show last night” He said cocky and before you could say anything, his lips pressed against yours.
Hyunjin's hands went to your waist, pulling you close to him as he teased your bottom lip with his tongue, you gave him entrance and wrapped your arms around his neck, he smiled against your lips when he felt you coming up to sit on his lap, a soft sound escaped your lips as his big hands reached your ass, gripping the flesh hard, pulling you even closer, he groaned as it made you grind against him. 
It felt good, he did it again and again, his hands guiding your hips, while his lips left yours to make a trail of kisses on your neck, going straight to the spots he knew you were more sensitive, licking and sucking on the skin. 
The way you moaned so softly, digging your nails on his shoulder, dragging your pussy up and down on his bulge, adjusting yourself, he knew you were about to come soon and if he didn’t do something quick, he would too.
You whined in protest when he held you in place, stopping your moves and it made him chuckle.
“Oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt your fun?” He chuckled teasingly. 
“Jagiya” He chuckled again, finding your annoyance cute, but he wouldn’t tease you further, not today…
Hyunjin moved you, making you straddle his leg, tensing up his thigh, he helped to adjust you and gave your butt another squeeze, before you started grinding on him again.
You leaned forward, kissing his neck, moans muffled against his wet skin as you kept going, his hands roamed all over your body, until they stopped by the strings of your bikini, working quick to untie them, letting the piece float on the water, hands cupping your breasts, thumbs teasing the sensitive buds. Your legs started getting shaky and your moves sloppy, Hyunjin held you by your hips, guiding your moves as he knew by the way your moans were getting louder and your body tensing up, you were about to come. 
And you did, holding tight onto him, burying your face on his shoulder, you gave it a delicate kiss, lips lightly brushing against his skin, nibbling on it as you came down from your high.
“Let’s move to the fuck futon” He whispered in your ear before lightly nibbling your earlobe, making you shiver. 
“It's not a futon for fucking, oh my God” You murmured under your breath, embarrassed and he chuckled.
Hyunjin gently pushed you off him and you stood up, followed by him and both walked to the futon, you couldn’t help but smile as he sprawled out a towel on it, before beckoning for you to lay down. You obliged, and he kneeled in front of you, hands running up your thighs until they reached your bikini bottom, his fingers hooked on the waistband, watching in awe as his hands slowly pulled the fabric down your thighs until it reached your ankles and then it was tossed behind him. 
“So pretty” He whispered and twiched inside his swimtrucks, that grin appearing.
You wasted no time in wrapping your arms around him when he crawled on top of you, slotting between your legs, he kissed you and his hand started exploring your body again, gripping on your waist, your curves, until it slid down to your thigh, he alternated between caressing and squeezing the flesh, the kiss getting deeper as his touch got bolder, fingertips slowly making their way to your inner thigh, until it reached your middle.
Your own hands explored his body too, feeling his muscles up, pulling him closer, your fingers digged on his biceps as he slid his fingers between your folds, then pressed on your clit, starting to rub lazy circles on it. Hyunjin smirked, feeling how wet you were already, and you moaned against his mouth, nibbling his bottom lip as his finger slid inside you. He pumped it a few times before adding a new one, his lips making a trail of wet kisses to your jaw, then your neck and going down.
“Jinnie…” You moaned a little louder, when he found that sweet spot inside you. 
“Here?” His fingers curled up, and his lips attached to your nipple, tongue swirling around the hardening bud, before he started sucking. 
You nodded, a little breathless, your hand went to his hair, fingers carding through his locks and his free hand slid up, fondling your breast, while he sucked on the other. 
“Don't stop…” You pleaded, hips moving against his fingers that were pumping in and out quickly, his lips latching on your other breast, he kept alternating between them. 
Hyunjin withdrew his fingers and started to rub on your clit, he could tell you were about to come again, from the lightly trembling of your body under him, the way you pulled him closer and kept lifting your hips again.
Just one more rub and you'd be gone, he softly chuckled, when you protested as he stoped his moves completely. You groaned in frustation.
“Ah, don’t worry. You're gonna cum…” He brought his coated fingers to your mouth, slowly sliding the digits inside, your eyes locked with his as you licked his fingers clean off your juices. He smirked and stood up. “...but around my cock”
You watched his hands working fast to get rid of his clothing, clenching around nothing as you saw the pinkish tip glistening with precum. He looked at you, biting into his lower lip as he stroked himself a few times before finding his way back between your legs.
He dragged his cock over your slit, hissing as he coated the length with your arousal. Hyunjin stared at you as his tip teased your entrance, and you nodded slightly, he leaned down, capturing your lips as he slid in slowly, opening you up inch by inch. 
Even though he prepared you with his fingers, it still burned as he got in, your nails digging on his back and your eyes closed, Hyunjin caressed your cheek and started peppering kisses all over your face and your lips, distracting you as he pushed up until he bottomed out. 
The kisses kept going, slowly and sweet. He stood still, letting you adjust to him before he started moving, slowly the burning sensation was disappearing.
“Too big, Jinnie…” Your sweet cry made him push deeper, grinning against your lips.
“Shhh, it's alright. You take me so well, baby” He picked up the pace, going faster.
He held your thigh, lifting it up, the new angle letting him reach deeper, yours and his moans filling up the room. Your nails scraped his back and he hissed with the mix of pleasure and pain.
“So fucking tight” He groaned and you instinctively clenched around him “Oh shit” 
Hyunjin leaned in, sucking on your breast again, earning more moans from you as he moved fast, angling his hips to hit that spot that made you see stars as you moved against him, meeting his thrusts.
He made a trail of wet kisses up until he reached your lips, swallowing your moans, you held him tight against you, clenching more around him and pushing him closer to the edge, so his hand reached between you, finding your clit and rubbing circles against the bundle of nerves. Your sweet moans getting louder and more desperate were like music to his ears.
“I love you” The words easily slipped out of your lips when he broke the kiss, it wasn't a reflection of your foggy mind, consumed by the pleasure he was giving to you. You truly meant it. 
“I love you too” His words made your heart fluster, and you pulled him closer again, passionately kissing him. 
“Jinnie… please” You cried out, breaking the kiss. 
“I've got you, doll. You can cum, now” He rubbed faster.
A thing he loved about you, how easily he could make you cum, it was both exciting and endearing for him, every time he felt you were about to, he would slow down his thrusts and his fingers moves, forcing you to last longer, but now that he was almost gone too, he would let you go all the way. 
“Jinnie, oh shit!” Your legs started trembling, followed by your body, your nails dug on him as you came, almost making him come too, from all the clenching so hard around him. 
He kept rubbing your clit as you came down from your high, his thrusts were getting sloppy and his balls tightening. You noticed when Hyunjin started pulling out.
“Don't you dare!” You said through gritted teeth, wrapping your legs tight around his waist, locking him in.
His eyes widened as he looked at you with surprise, damn, he thought that was hot, he quickly picked up the pace again. Hard, fast, deep.
He groaned against your neck and you felt the warm, white ropes of his release filling you up. You embraced him, legs still wrapped around his waist, keeping him close as he still thrusted a few more times, not letting one drop go to waste. 
The moans were replaced by “I love you's” and the sound of breaths hitched, hearts beating rapidly and in sync, you kissed his hair when he collapsed on top of you, lying his head on your chest. 
~ {♡} ~
You were nervous, after the fog of the moment dismissed. You knew you both would have to talk, you still needed to apologise to him, make everything clear, and all, plus there was a not so small train of thoughts creeping in the back of your head, what if it was a spur of the moment thing? What if he would change his mind after he kisses you goodnight and leaves you at your door? What if he would come back to his senses and ignore you the next day?
Luckily, all those worries were pushed away as he pulled you closer against him, his grip tight on your waist as he moaned, burying himself into your tight heat. 
You hated waking up early in the morning, but that day, you couldn’t be happier to be woken by him. Spooning you, his hard on pressed against your butt, lips teasing your neck, lazily licking and sucking on the skin, and hand shoved under your pajama top, cupping your breast, of course.  
“Damn, doll. This pussy's perfect, just made for me” His thrusts were getting sloppy, and you gripped the sheets, his hand rubbing circles against your clit, making you cry out, calling his name as you came for the second time in the morning.
He came shortly after, gripping on your hips and holding you in place as he filled you up, and as you watched him swing off the bed, admiring his cute little butt as he went to the bathroom, to grab a washcloth to clean you both, you couldn’t help but smile. You could get used to this.  
Turns out, your trip to Japan was amazing.
You realized that as you two spent the last day there exploring and enjoying your time together, like you used to imagine it would be. No, it was better, because this time it was real.
Was real in the way his fingers intertwined with yours, as you walked on the streets; in the sweet sound of his giggles when you said something that he found funny; in the way his eyes sparked when something caught his attention; in the warmth of his embrace, as you watched the sunset in a park before heading back to the hotel. 
And it was perfect, as you received a goodnight kiss, and snuggled up against him to sleep again. 
~ {♡} ~
Every fruit produced here's organic, delivered with love from our family to yours. 
A smiling and sweet old lady said to the camera, as she walked in joining a small group of people standing in the field, holding baskets, each one had a variety of fruit. A girl, wearing a denim jumpsuit, with a straw hat to conceal her face and a basket full of apples, stepped forward.
Take care of your health, start the new year in the right way, with Organic Life. 
You didn't need to see the hat being gone by the wind to recognize that voice, but the scene made everyone in the living room laugh, watching her desperate frown for being recognized, a short desperate shot where you could clearly see she was dropping the basket before the ad ended. 
“So, what is it? Chae-hee's an actress now?” Seungmin wondered, switching the tv channel.
“I thought she was banned from the industry, after everything that happened” Chaeryeong
commented, snuggling up against Changbin on the couch.
“And she is!” Na-yeon picked her mug from the coffee table “That's actually her family's farm, she was forced to get back with them because nobody wanted to sign her” She had a smirk as she said that, ever since Na-yeon knew Chae-hee, the older always told her how much she hated the country life, and that she would leave and never look back. 
“Well, she can be the cows’ idol now” Minho shrugged and everyone laughed.
The group was reunited at Han and Minho's place to celebrate the New Year's. It’s been some weeks since you came back from Japan, you were suppose to be used to reality by now, but as you felt Hyunjin suddenly wrap his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind and nuzzling his nose against your neck, you giggled and realized you were still in a daydreaming state. 
He turned you to face him, everyone gathered in the living room, the last presentation of the night ended and now the singers were starting the countdown. 
10, 9, 8… 
The bright and big numbers flashed on the screen. 
7, 6, 5, 4… You wrapped your arms around his neck, both smiling as you leaned closer. 
3, 2, 1… Your lips finally connected, happy New Year! 
Same night, last year, you were at a party that Heyoon dragged you, closing your eyes and making a wish as the clock hit midnight. Now, one year later, your wish came true.
You and Hyunjin were embracing at the balcony, watching the fireworks.
“Give me your hand” Hyunjin grabbed your wrist and you watched intently as he took his - yours - ring off of his finger.
“I believe this belongs with you” He smirked, sliding the band on yours, then he gazed at you “Just stay away from bin's this time around, okay?” 
“Oh wait, wait!” Han stood up and rushed inside, you watched with confusion. 
Jisung came back a minute later, waving a tiny bottle, you identified what it was when he approached you.
“Super glue?” Hyunjin's eyes widened, surprised.
“Just to make sure” Jisung explained, trying to grab your hand but you pulled back.
“Hey!” You protected your hand, eyebrows narrowing at him before turning to Hyunjin, your tone soft as you talked to him “Don't worry, this ring's never leaving again” 
“It better not, although Jisung's idea isn't so bad” He teased you and you slapped his arm. 
Later that night, the subtle sound of clothes begin discarded on the floor, kissing, giggling and whispering were filling your room. 
“Thank you, for the ring and for letting me love you again” You whispered between the kisses you were peppering on his face, the last being on his lips.
“I'm the one who should thank you, for coming back to my life” He smiled so sweetly, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb, before swiftly rolling you both, lying on top of you and capturing your lips again.
Maybe it's right, maybe wishes do come true, if you wish hard enough.
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segravedad · 7 months ago
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Lukas simplemente sonrió ante el agradecimiento ajeno. “De nada,” respondió. “Ah, Chris McGuire… creo que me hablaron de él,” mintió con clara seguridad. Claramente lo conocía y había hablado con él, pero si deseaba seguir con la charada, debía mentir lo mejor que podía. “¿Sabes? Creo que puedo ayudarlos con eso. De alguna manera, me estoy quedando por acá y debo involucrarme un poco más en la unidad vecinal. Tener agujeros así por las calles es peligroso, especialmente para niños y madres embarazadas,” comentó. Podría hacerlo, ¿no? Estaba en una misión encubierta y debía meterse más en el papel. Niega. "No te preocupes, en serio. Es más, creo que necesito un poco más de compañía, y alguien que me explique cómo funcionan algunas cosas en el pueblo. Hay ciertos lugares y tiendas que me gustaría que me explicaran,” respondió con ánimo. Sin pensarlo demasiado, no dudó en ofrecerle el brazo a la mujer. Soltó una risa. “No te preocupes. Creo que entiendo el sentimiento. Tengo un par de sobrinos que encuentran todo molesto, y ni hablar de que solo quieren estar entre ellos y no escuchar consejos de sus tíos o padres… Pero, ¿qué le podemos hacer? Son adolescentes, y apuesto que éramos iguales a su edad,” comentó en un tono jocoso. “Entonces, ¿vamos? Puedo ofrecerte cualquier cosa, y aunque la casa aún la estoy arreglando, creo que puedo encontrar algo cómodo para ti.”
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la rubia se lleva ambas manos al vientre, dejando escapar un suspiro de alivio en cuanto puede sentir a su revoltoso hijo moverse en su interior. una avergonzada sonrisa se extiende en su rostro, no era habitual en ella ser tan torpe, pero con todo lo que tenía en la cabeza y su avanzado embarazo, era un desastre andante. —estamos bien, gracias a ti, nuestro héroe. —añade en tono jocoso, pero con sinceridad. de haber caído... no quería ni pensarlo. —desde luego, creo que la señora lloyd habló con el ayuntamiento, pero desde que se fue chris mcguire, no nos hacen mucho caso por aquí... —un frustrado suspiro escapa de sus labios; la marcha de su vecino, aquel que era como un hermano, había hecho mucho mal al pueblo en general. la propuesta ajena la toma por sorpresa, ciertamente necesita descansar y la idea de caminar hasta su casa se le hace, literalmente, cuesta arriba. —¿seguro que no es molestia? podría llamar a draco para que me venga a buscar y no invadir tu espacio... —trata de excusarse, pero acaba por ceder, pues la idea de tener compañía un rato se le hacía más que grata. —de acuerdo, a tu casa pues... pero no dudes en echarme si te aburres de mí, últimamente, no soy la mejor compañía para mayores de dieciséis años.
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