#gigadrain and poison
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anonbeadraws · 1 year ago
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What can I say, I like 'em purble 💜
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spanishskulduggery · 4 years ago
Pokemon Vocabulary in Spanish
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Because I’ve been playing Pokemon a lot lately I decided to throw together a vocab list. Keep in mind that a lot of the words are usually direct translations that work really well in English or they’re closer to the original Japanese. I’ll make notes where needed.
Some of these are a little different between the European Spanish version and the Latin American Spanish version. For example, “brick break” in Spain is demolición which is “demolition”, and in Latin America it’s karatazo meaning “karate chop”. Most of these are the same, but some are regionally distinct. I’m going based off of Spain because I’m consulting my game which is European Spanish.
Note: Any official names or names of moves will be Uppercase. Me explaining what they more literally mean will be lowercase so there’s no confusion
Los tipos / Types
Normal = Normal normal = normal, regular
Fuego = Fire el fuego = fire
Agua = Water el agua = water [technically a feminine noun]
Planta = Grass la planta = plant [“grass” is usually la hierba or sometimes words like el pasto, or for a “lawn/grass” it’s often el cĂ©sped] 
Volador = Flying volador(a) = flying, capable of flight
Tierra = Ground la tierra = earth, ground
Roca = Rock la roca = rock [synonymous with la piedra “stone”]
Eléctrico = Electric eléctrico/a = electric
Bicho = Bug el bicho = bug [slang for el insecto “insect”, though el bicho can sometimes mean other things]
Lucha = Fighting la lucha = a fight / wrestling [la lucha libre]
PsĂ­quico = Psychic psĂ­quico/a = psychic
Veneno = Poison el veneno = poison, venom
Fantasma = Ghost el fantasma = ghost [surprisingly, fantasma is masculine]
Hielo = Ice el hielo = ice
DragĂłn = Dragon el dragĂłn = dragon
Acero = Steel el acero = steel
Siniestro = Dark siniestro/a = sinister, shady, underhanded [in older contexts siniestro/a is “left” or “left-handed”]
Hada = Fairy el hada = fairy [technically a feminine noun]
Remember that the Pokemon types themselves are considered adjectives 
Me gustan los Pokemon tipo Agua. = I like water-type Pokemon.
No me gustan los Pokemon tipo Hada. = I donïżœïżœïżœt like fairy-type Pokemon.
Los Pokemon tipo Fantasma son mis favoritos. = Ghost-type Pokemon are my favorites.
El (tipo) Siniestro es débil contra el tipo Hada, Bicho, y Lucha. = Dark is weak against Fairy, Bug, and Fighting.
El (tipo) PsĂ­quico es fuerte contra el tipo Veneno y Lucha. = Psychic is strong against Poison and Fighting.
ÂżCuĂĄles son los Pokemon tipo Acero mĂĄs fuertes? = What are the strongest steel-type Pokemon?
Los ataques / Attacks
Malicioso = Leer malicioso/a = malicious
Cara Susto = Scary Face la cara = face (el) susto = scare, fright da susto = scary
Placaje = Tackle el placaje = tackle [in football/rugby]
Derribo = Take Down el derribo = demolition derribar = to knock down, to bring down
Doble Filo = Double Edge el filo = edge, blade
Picotazo = Peck el pico = beak -azo = [suffix meaning “a strike from”; thus it’s “a strike with a beak”]
Mofa = Taunt la mofa = ridicule, mockery, taunting mofar(se) = to taunt / to make fun of
Arañazo = Scratch el arañazo = a scratch arañar = to scratch
Cuchillada = Slash la cuchillada = a slash or stab (with something sharp) acuchillar = to stab/slash (often with a knife which is el cuchillo)
ConstricciĂłn = Wrap la constricciĂłn = constriction
Atadura = Bind la atadura = binding, ties atar = to tie, to tie up
Atizar = Slam atizar = to stoke, to stir up / to slam, to whack
Impactrueno = Thundershock el impacto = impact el trueno = thunder
Ascuas = Ember el ascua = an ember [technically feminine, las ascuas in plural]
Pistola Agua = Water Gun la pistola = pistol, gun el agua = water [technically feminine]
Destructor = Pound destructor(a) = destructive
Burbuja = Bubble la burbuja = a bubble
Mordisco = Bite el mordisco = a bite morder = to bite
Triturar = Crunch triturar = to crunch, to crush, to mash
Ataque Arena = Sand Attack el ataque = attack la arena = sand [or “arena” as in a stadium]
Pisotón = Stomp el pisotón = a stomp, a stamping (of the foot) [lit. “big trample/step”] pisotear = to step on, to trample pisar = to step on, to step foot on
Golpe Cuerpo = Body Slam el golpe = strike, hit el cuerpo = body
Contoneo = Swagger el contoneo = swaying, swaggering contonear = “to swing your hips”, “to walk with a swagger”, “to strut”
Bostezo = Yawn el bostezo = a yawn bostezar = to yawn
Más Psique = Psych Up [lit. “more/plus” + “psyche”]
Corpulencia = Bulk Up la corpulencia = size/girth/bulk (of the body), corpulence corpulento = large/fat, bulky
Reserva = Stockpile la reserva = reserve, a stockpile reservar = to reserve, to save up
Escupir = Spit Up escupir = to spit [they probably went with escupir “to spit” because “to spit up” in English sounds more like vomitar is more gross]
Tragar = Swallow tragar = to swallow
Rayo = Thunderbolt el rayo = a lightning bolt, a bolt
el rayo = a beam/bolt Rayo Hielo = Ice Beam Rayo Solar = Solar Beam Rayo Carga = Charge Beam Rayo Confuso = Confuse Beam Rayo Burbuja = Bubble Beam Rayo Aurora = Aurora Beam Psicorrayo = Psybeam Hiperrayo = Hyper Beam
la onda = wave [often in the sense of electromagnetic waves, microwave, wavelengths etc.] Onda Trueno = Thunder Wave Onda Ígnea = Heat Wave Onda Voltio = Shock Wave Onda Tóxica = Sludge Wave
el puño = fist / punch Puño Fuego = Fire Punch Puño Trueno = Thunder Punch Puño Hielo = Ice Punch Puño Sombra = Shadow Punch Puño Drenaje = Drain Punch
la patada = a kick Doble Patada = Double Kick Patada Baja = Low Kick Patada Ígnea = Blaze Kick
la garra = claw Garra DragĂłn = Dragon Claw Garra Metal = Metal Claw Garra UmbrĂ­a = Shadow Claw
el colmillo = fang Colmillo Veneno = Poison Fang Colmillo Ígneo = Fire Fang Colmillo Rayo = Thunder Fang Colmillo Hielo = Ice Fang
Vendaval = Hurricane el vendaval = gale, strong wind [el huracán is “hurricane” literally]
Fuego Fatuo = Will-O-Wisp el fuego fatuo = will-o-wisp [ghostly lights]
TĂłxico = Toxic tĂłxico/a = toxic, poisonous
Lanzallamas = Flamethrower el lanzallamas = a flamethrower [lit. “launches/throws-flames”]
Ventisca = Blizzard la ventisca = blizzard, flurry
Cornada = Horn Attack la cornada = goring [being gored by the horns or tusks of an animal]
Bote = Bounce el bote = a bounce, a jump [among other things]
Buena Baza = Assurance la baza = a trump card, “ace up the sleeve”, “secret weapon” [so literally it means “a really good trump card”]
MaquinaciĂłn = Nasty Plot la maquinaciĂłn = machination, plot, plotting, sneaky plan
LĂĄtigo = Tail Whip el lĂĄtigo = whip, lash
Latigazo = Power Whip el latigazo = lashing, a lash, a whipping  [lit. “blow from a whip”]
Azote = Flail el azote = a whip, a flail, a scourge, cat-o-nine-tails / a smack from a whip azotear = to whip, to lash
CarĂĄmbano = Icicle Spear el carĂĄmbano = an icicle
Brillo MĂĄgico = Dazzling Gleam el brillo = shine, gleam mĂĄgico/a = magical
Absorber = Absorb absorber = to absorb
Megaagotar = megadrain agotar = to drain, to drain away, to exhaust
Gigadrenado = gigadrain drenar = to drain
Polvo Veneno = Poison Powder el polvo = dust / powder
Paralizador = Stun Spore paralizador(a) = paralyzing
SomnĂ­fero = Sleep Powder somnĂ­fero/a = inducing sleep el somnĂ­fero = a sleeping pill
Fuerza Lunar = Moon Blast la fuerza = strength lunar = lunar/moon
Rueda Fuego = Flame Wheel la rueda = wheel
Terremoto = Earthquake el terremoto = earthquake
Bola Sombra = Shadow Ball la bola = ball la sombra = shadow, shade
PsĂ­quico = Psychic
Paranormal = Extrasensory paranormal = paranormal, ghostly, spooky
el tajo = a cut or slash Tajo AĂ©reo = Air Slash Tajo UmbrĂ­o = Night Slash Tajo Cruzado = Cross Chop
Sombra Vil = Shadow Sneak la sombra = shadow vil = vile, evil, fiendish
Tinieblas = Nightshade las tinieblas = “darkness” [used euphemistically as “darkness” or “the shadows”]
el pulso = pulse Pulso UmbrĂ­o = Dark Pulse Pulso DragĂłn = Dragon Pulse Pulso Cura = Heal Pulse Hidropulso = Water Pulse
la cola = tail Cola FĂ©rrea = Iron Tail Cola Veneno = Poison Tail Cola DragĂłn = Dragon Tail Acua Cola = Aqua Tail
Hidrobomba = Hydro Pump la bomba = pump / bomb
Hidroariete = Liquidation el ariete = battering ram, ram (of a ship) / striker, forward (in football/soccer, sometimes called el delantero in Spanish) [literally hidroariete would be like “hydro-ram”]
LiofilizaciĂłn = Freeze Dry la liofilizaciĂłn = (the process of) freeze-drying
Testarazo = Head Smash la testa = head [another word for la cabeza] testarudo/a = stubborn, hard headed la testarada = headbutt [another word for el cabezazo] -azo = (a strike with)
Mazazo = Wood Hammer el mazo = mallet, hammer -azo = (a strike with)
Pantalla de Luz = Light Screen la pantalla = screen la luz = light
Reflejo = Reflect el reflejo = reflection / reflex
Avalancha = Rock Slide la avalancha = avalanche [snow] / rockslide [rocks]
Alud = Avalanche el alud = avalanche [slow] / rockslide [rocks] / mudslide [mud] / deluge, spill
Picadura = Bug Bite la picadura = bite, sting (from an insect)
Zumbido = Bug Buzz el zumbido = a buzzing, buzzing noise, droning noise (mechanical)
Chirrido = Screech el chirrido = a shriek, a screeching noise chirriar = to squeak, to shriek, to screech
Descanso = Rest el descanso = a rest descansar = to rest
Ronquido = Snore el ronquido = a snore, snoring sound roncar = to snore
Sonámbulo = Sleep Talk sonámbulo/a = a sleepwalker [in Spanish it’s more “to move around in your sleep” but in English it’s “talking”]
Viento Hielo / Viento Helado = Icy Wind el viento = wind hielo = ice helado/a = icy
Torbellino = Whirlpool el torbellino = a whirlpool, a waterspout
Rapidez = Swift la rapidez = quickness
Ida y Vuelta = U-turn (de) ida y vuelta = “round trip” [lit. “going and returning”]
Infortunio = Hex el infortunio = misfortune, accident, bad luck, a jinx/hex
Otra Vez = Encore otra vez = “again”, “once more”, “once again”
Señuelo = Follow Me el señuelo = decoy, lure
PremoniciĂłn = Future Sight la premoniciĂłn = premonition, prediction
la pĂșa = spike, barb PĂșas = Spikes PĂșas TĂłxicas = Toxic Spikes
Puya Nociva = Poison Jab la puya = lance, spear / a sharp jab nocivo/a = noxious, poisonous
Joya de Luz = Power Gem la joya = jewel, gem la luz = light
Furia = Rage la furia = fury, rage, anger
Enfado = Outrage el enfado = anger, rage, outrage
Cascada = Waterfall la cascada = waterfall, cascade
Salmuera = Brine la salmuera = brine / pickling liquid
Escaldar = Scald escaldar = to scald / to blanche (vegetables)
Pájaro Osado = Brave Bird el pájaro = bird osado/a = daring, bold [not as common but synonymous with audaz and atrevido/a for “bold”, though more in the idea of “daring” and “reckless”... not the same as valiente “brave”]
A bocajarro = Close Combat a bocajarro = “(at) point-blank (range)” / “no holding back”, “blunt”
Agua Lodosa = Muddy Water el agua = water [technically feminine] lodoso/a = muddy, sludgy, murky (water)
Bomba Lodo = Sludge Bomb la bomba = bomb / pump el lodo = mud / sludge
Dragoaliento = Dragonbreath el aliento = breath
Cometa Draco = Draco Meteor el cometa = comet [masculine; la cometa is a “kite”]
Perforador = Horn Drill perforador(a) = perforating, something that makes holes
FrĂ­o Polar = Sheer Cold el frĂ­o = cold polar = polar, of the poles
Canto Helado = Ice Shard el canto = stone, pebble, stone chip, little piece of something / a song, singing, canto helado/a = icy
Poder Pasado = Ancient Power el poder = power pasado/a = past, ancient
Roca Afilada = Stone Edge la roca = rock, stone afilado/a = sharp, razor-sharp
Espada Santa = Sacred Sword la espada = sword santo/a = holy, sacred
Excavar = Dig excavar = to dig
Fuerza Equina = High Horsepower la fuerza = strength equino/a = horse, equine
Llamarada = Fire Blast la llamarada = flash of fire, flare-up
Sofoco = Overheat el sofoco = a hot flash / a feeling of being suffocated or stifled
Lanza Mugre = Gunk Shot lanzar = to throw, to shoot, to launch la mugre = grime, filth 
Tierra Viva = Earth Power la tierra = earth vivo/a = alive, living
Corte = Cut el corte = a cut [from cortar “to cut” / not to be confused with la corte “court”]
Fuerza = Strength la fuerza = power, strength
Surf = Surf el surf = the surf [also surfear “to surf” or hacer surf]
Vuelo = Fly el vuelo = a flight [from volar “to fly”]
Buceo = Dive el buceo = a dive, diving [from bucear “to dive down underwater” as in like “scuba diving” / not to be confused with zambullirse which is someone “diving” off a diving board in swimming]
Destello = Flash el destello = a glimmer, a flash [from destellar “to twinkle” or “to shine, to flash”]
Some Pokemon moves have pretty clear patterns. You might see Ă­gneo/a “fiery/igneous” for fire-related things or just fuego, you normally see umbrĂ­o/a “shady, gloomy, dark” for dark or shadow things, fĂ©rreo/a or de hierro for “iron” for metal and steel moves, or you might see helado/a “icy” for others. Sometimes you see voltio “volt” or voltaico “electric”... things like that.
You can typically spot the patterns and figure out what type they’re talking about if you recognize any cognates in English. So if you know aĂ©reo means “air”, then you can sort of piece together that Golpe AĂ©reo “Aerial Ace” will be a flying move, since it literally means “air strike”.
DĂ­a Soleado = Sunny Day
SequĂ­a = Drought la sequĂ­a = drought
el sol pega fuerte = “the sunlight is harsh” [lit. “the sun beats/sticks/strikes hard”]
Llovizna = Drizzle
Tormenta (de) Arena = Sandstorm la tormenta de arena = a sandstorm la tormenta de arena zarandea a ___ = “the sandstorm buffets ___”
zarandear = to shake, to buffet, to knock around
Granizo = Hail el granizo = hail / hailstone granizar = to hail
Los estados, Los problemas de estados / Status Problems
envenenado/a = poisoned causar envenenamiento = to cause poison / to cause poisoning
quemado/a = burned la quemadura = a burn
congelado/a = frozen
paralizado/a = paralyzed
dormido/a = asleep
daño de retroceso = recoil damage
amedrentar = to flinch, to cause flinching [in Pokemon it’s “flinching”, in regular Spanish it means “to intimidate” or “to instill fear”]
confuso/a = confused
enamorado/a = in love [often caused by (la) Atracción which is “Attract”) estar enamorado/a de = to be in love with
debilitado/a = fainted  [lit. “weakened”]
inmune = immune
Most of these status effects are used with estar given that they’re temporary and states of being
La eficacia / Effectiveness
eficaz = effective
supereficaz = super effective
poco eficaz = not very effective
fallar = to miss, to fail
el golpe crĂ­tico = critical hit
sin efecto = no effect
afectar = to affect no afecta a ___ = (it) doesn’t affect ___
evolucionar = to evolve (Un Pokemon) ha evolucionado = (A Pokemon) evolved (Un Pokemon) estĂĄ evolucinando = (A Pokemon) is evolving
debilitarse = “to faint” [lit. “to weaken / to go weak, to go limp”; when someone “faints” or “passes out” it’s normally desmayarse, but debilitarse does also have this idea in it too] (Un Pokemon) se ha debilitado = (A Pokemon) fainted
Un Pokemon salvaje te corta el paso = “A wild Pokemon appears” [lit. “a wild Pokemon cuts into your way”, sort of like “a wild Pokemon cuts you off”]
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