nikkilee20 · 4 years
Giftedly Black Feature # 11 4.17.20 : The Fantastic Naturalist: Jasmine Nelson
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Photo Courtesy of Jasmine Nelson Ⓒ 2020
1.GB:Tell us a little about who you are.
JN:At Umber, we are motivated to bring peace of mind to women who struggle with Hirsutism and PCOS. These hormonal imbalances promote excessive male pattern hair growth and affects 8% of women. Our purpose is to deliver a product that tackles the physical appearance of these conditions, and gets rid of the unwanted hair.
I personally have struggled with Hirsutism since the age of 15. I am very familiar with the psychological effects that come with it. Before going into my adult life, I have felt uncomfortable in public. I had developed low self confidence, and felt like I was the only person with this abnormity. Over the years I have tried a number of strategies to fix my issue:  home remedies, products, and hair removal services which all fell short and were temporary.
I wanted to create a product that can work for women with the same struggle, especially for women of color. Through research I discovered that strong, thick, or coarse dark hair is much harder to remove then the lighter thin strands. I have always noticed products in local stores that are marketed to people who are not of color. This information alone pushed me to make a change. Both the Hirsutism /PCOS and women of color communites deserves a solution that is designed for us, I want to bring a product that is dependable and brings successful outcomes.
2. GB:What does being Giftedly Black mean to you?
JN:The meaning of Giftedly Black can describe one who exudes beauty, positivity, and a light into another’s life. I believe that if one has a talent, skill, or gift, then this person should put it in to action, and to help make a change. This action consists of energy that will affect people near and far. You can have a gift and keep it to yourself or you can share with the world your gift and that gift ends up becoming something that teaches the next person.
3..GB: Social Media handles for connects of reference?
JN: UmberJLenay.com
Instagram UmberJLenay
Linkedin Jasmine Nelson
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Photo Courtesy of Jasmine Nelson Ⓒ 2020
5. GB: What is it you want to achieve in life?
JN: My target goal is to help women benefit through my products. If I can provide a way for someone to no longer go through the stress that comes with Hirsutism, and live a much happier life, then that by itself is an accomplishment. To look good and feel even better can be a treasure. Everything else can fall into place. I want my customers to spread that word about our products, the ultimate goal is to reach as many people with Hirsutism and PCOS as possible. Time keeps ticking and so why not experience life to the fullest. Create happiness for myself and others. Also to provide the best life for my children, like any mother would.
6.GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
JN: What sets me apart from others is the fact that I have so much to offer. I am woman first, mother second, and black woman all the time. I have many answers to the why our products have been working in various ways. Every person has a unique make up but there are common threads in general with those who experienced Hirsutism. I have narrowed down ingredients that have been great to so many people. We have used our products, we test our products. We have testers that have been able to keep our knowledge base updated and full of information that helps us refine our products. We don’t use random fillers in our products, each ingredient we use serves an important purpose. I want the reader to know that, we here at UmberJelany aren’t using just any ingredient that sounds good just to sell it. We are doing our part and would like to do more.
7.GB: What is one thing that you desire most in your selected field?
JN: I desire an honest foundation which leads to success. Honesty always plays a part in our everyday lives, no matter where you live in the world. We have to have ethics. We have to be sincere with ourselves. You can be sure that, when you continue to stand firm and keep pushing forward, you will see positive things happen. You will also feel success and fine tune your thoughts as you keep moving forward in life. We here at UmberJelanay are trying to share that thought and enthusiasm with our customers directly through the use of our products.
Try It, Love it, Share it!
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Photo Courtesy of Jasmine Nelson Ⓒ 2020
GB: I first met Jasmine while attending California College of the Arts in San Francisco. She was full of wisdom, out spoken, and incredibly intelligent. From our first conversation, I understood Jasmine was someone that I could speak to  about family ,relationships, the growing pains of becoming an adult and never feel judged. I truly am grateful for my friend and all the fruit for thought she has shared with me.  Giftedly Black salutes you Jasmine continue to broaden your horizon by making and an impact in the world through your holistic endeavors. 
        Welcome to the Birth of A New Era.
  Welcome to all shades of Black.      
We are Giftedly ourselves.                                 Giftedly Black .
By:Dominique Angelica Seward
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nikkilee20 · 4 years
Giftedly Black Feature #9 4.7.20 The Candid Camera Woman Candace Christian
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Photo Courtesy of Candace Christian © 2020
1.GB:Tell us a little about who you are.
CC: Whew... wow... my purpose. That’s a really broad question. I feel that in my life I’ve worked to achieve a level of comfort in order to do what I love. I’ve constantly put myself out there to work in the film industry cause this is not a industry to take lightly. You don’t get opportunities doing nothing, you have to work. My purpose in life would be to achieve success, live well, experience life and leave a impression through my art.
2. GB: What does being Giftedly Black mean to you?
CC:Being giftedly black means to me that I have been enriched in my life looking through this black lens and in turn are enriching others. This experience is mine, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
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 “Haitian Rockband” Photo courtesy of CANDACE CHRISTIAN © 2020
3.GB : Social Media handles for connects of reference?
CC:  IG - _cchristianofficial
FB - facebook.com/cdcproductions/Website -https://cchresten123.wixsite.com/candace-christian
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Photo courtesy of CANDACE CHRISTIAN © 2020
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Photo courtesy of CANDACE CHRISTIAN © 2020
4.GB: What is it that you want to achieve in life?
CC:My goals are to own my own Production Company and Produce my own indie films. I want to be able to give jobs to people and make art the shows vast diversity. If I was to gain fame or notoriety that would be okay but what I’m more after is connection, longevity, and investment for the future. What I’ve overcome is my fight with trying to achieve stability in this industry, I’ve made my peace.
5.GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
CC:  Wow another hard one. There is only one me I lead only one life. My vision will always be different from the next cause my journey is different. If I can challenge you or make you think with my art... I’ve achieved what I set out to.
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Photo courtesy of CANDACE CHRISTIAN © 2019
6. GB: What is one thing that you desire most in your selected field?
CC:I use to think getting a Oscar would be the top. It is for some people but I think just getting my work out all over the country in movie theaters. Having a major distributor back my movie.... thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat.
GB: I first met Candace while working for MTV on the set the reality show Jersey Shore. We were both production assistants that instantly vibed.  Candace is a down to earth creative whose artistic endeavors depict the calm all while making you explore various facets of nostalgia, through use of bright colors that complement one another. She is  cool, calm and extremely talented. We wish you all the best here at Giftedly Black, the world of film and television  awaits your wonderful ideas.
                           Welcome to the Birth of A New Era.
   Welcome to all shades of Black.      
We are Giftedly ourselves.                                 Giftedly Black .
By:Dominique Angelica Seward
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nikkilee20 · 5 years
Giftedly Black Feature #8  9.6.19  The Silent Assassin,Illustrator and Writer Chanel Hunt
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Photo courtesy of Chanelle Hunt © 2019
1.GB:Tell us a little about who you are.
CH:  My purpose has always been to try to bring a new perspective to old ideas. It could be said that is what most artists and designers strive for, to take ideas that have lasted in our collective consciousness for years and try to update them, make them fresh again. But for me, it’s not just enough to update an idea I want to get to the root of the matter. To see what made the concept worth exploring in the first place. And then from there, I want to insert my own elements that have never been seen before. Even if its something as simple as portraying more women of color in areas where they have little representation such as fantasy, or to show different body types where we often see much of the same. At my core, I want to make the intangible tangible. I strive to make the vision in my head a reality. There are moments where I come close and other times where I miss the mark but anything worth doing is worth doing well.
2. GB: What does being Giftedly Black mean to you?
CH:  To me giftedly black means that are ethnicity, our color is not something to be ashamed of. We are a gift to the world. In the media, we’re so often shown things that hope to reinforce whatever insecurities we already have. We’re shown that we’re not good enough, that if we had lighter skin maybe we would be farther along in the world, that that is what is needed to be the best. But we have contributed so much to the world through science, math, and art that our talents, our skills can never be truly denied. We should take pride in who we are, that we come from rich and storied backgrounds with beautiful and vibrant culture that isn’t just regulated to what you see on BET. We are wonderfully made.
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Photo courtesy of CHANEL HUNT © 2019
3.GB : Social Media handles for connects of reference?
CH:  Chanelhunt.com , instagram.com/chanelhuntno.5/    twitter.com/chanel_hunt
4.GB: What is it that you want to achieve in life?
CH:  I hope to move people with my art to delight them or get them thinking. I struggled for a long time with my own art, wondering if I was good enough. I spent a lot of time throughout my college career feeling inferior to my classmates. They had come from backgrounds where they had more intensive art classes than I did and it greatly showed every time we had a critique. There were times where I considered giving up but through encouragement from family and friends, I realize we all have our race to run. I don’t have to compare what I do to anyone else because what I make is just as valid as the next person. Of course, improving my skills also helped with those feelings but at the end of the day we are all individuals and no one can do what you do, the way that you do it.
5.GB: An obstacle you have overcome/struggle?
CH: I’d have to say my biggest struggle is money and location. If I don’t have the money sometimes i can’t make it to auditions. Sometimes I have to work a survival job and that doesn’t allow me to be where i need to be or do what i need to do. I believe, I have to harder. No matter the struggle.
6.GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
CH:I would say my approach to whatever concept I come across. I’m always thinking how I can push this further, have we ever seen things from this perspective, something has been done the same way so many times let’s try something completely different. Also as I mentioned earlier I do try very hard to represent people in my work who get very little representation.
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Photo courtesy of CHANEL HUNT © 2019
7. GB: What is one thing that you desire most in your selected field?
CH:I desire to work on projects that will make people think. But I also hope to have the opportunity to bring my own stories to life whether it be through comics or through the written word with my own illustrations to back up the text.
GB: I first met Chanel when I was 18 years old while attending California College of the Arts . As the years progressed our sisterhood strengthened. She is reliable, assertive and all around a pleasure to know. Her relentless ambition to create and grow as an artist continues to inspire many and evolve with time. We wish you well Chanel the world of illustration awaits you creative ingenuity.
                            Welcome to the Birth of A New Era.
    Welcome to all shades of Black.      
We are Giftedly ourselves.                                 Giftedly Black .
By:Dominique Angelica Seward
0 notes
nikkilee20 · 6 years
Giftedly Black Feature #6: Meet the Fearless ARTIVIST Jasmin Thomas    5.30.18
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 Photo courtesy of Jasmin Thomas (C) 2018
1.GB:Tell us a little about who you are.
JT: Since before I can remember I have been using my hands to create things; I believe this talent has made it easy for me to get through life but also has made it easy for others to see my story. There are many things on earth that cannot be explained and usually that means it was made by a higher being; and therefore should be protected. Being Gifted I do understand the responsibility I have of protecting and nurturing this talent. I must use it to guide, to provide comfort, and to teach.
2. GB: What does being Giftedly Black mean to you?
JT: In order to be successful as a Black artist I must work 10 times harder than any other race." -Jasmin Thomas Black woman tend to be good at expressing their emotions; We definitely were designed to give off mood. I use other mediums to express my feelings and attitudes; In my most recent art use my own body. With various different costumes that I customize myself; I hand my audience temporary lenses to view the world as I see it.
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Photo courtesy of Jasmin Thomas (C) 2018
3.GB : Social Media handles for connects of reference? 
JT: Instagram: @im_la_jitt / Facebook: Jasmin Inez 
4.GB: What is it that you want to achieve in life? 
 JT: My goal right now is to make the world beautiful again using art. Creating pieces that inspire other beautiful art, that tells stories, that brings about conversations that eventually bring about change. I want to be remembered as not just an artist but as a Rebel and liberator.   
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Photo courtesy of Jasmin Thomas (C) 2018
5.GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
 JT: I always thought that my understanding of colors is what sets me apart from other artist. Colors control so many things in the world; and so by mastering them you can unlock the truths to the universe. Anytime Color is emphasized it brings about certain emotions; My art is usually boldly colored I paint with Yelling yellows, Ostentatious Oranges, and Bashful Blues. In my fashion I combine color with detailed texture and patterns to really show the effects of environmental influence. Just like learning to be original I use Color to help attract the audiences eye and gain full undivided attention.  
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Photo courtesy of Jasmin Thomas (C) 2018
JT: I have struggled with acceptance most of my life. I was an outcast in middle school it was very hard to stay out of the negative spotlight of my peers. I tried very hard to "fit in" so I would eventually like many others start to dress and act like them. It never worked; all it did was made them tease me more. Ever since then I have been on a journey of self acceptance, learning about the things I like and who I am. That's when I discovered that originality attracts people; it's what makes me unique. "I always told my sister it's ok to be an outcast it's gods special way of saying he has other plans for you." -Jasmin Thomas
GB: I first met Jasmin while in college and instantly felt like I found my spirit animal. Courageous and tiny Jasmin  I was impressed with her grit , honesty and genuine persona. I remember having many  conversations with Jasmin  involving colorism, specifically with in the African-American communities.  Our beliefs mirrored one another. We agreed that we should build one another up , rather than tear each other apart despite our appearances. She is truly my sister and friend. We wish you all the best Jasmin continue to shine brightly and create new masterful works.
                              Welcome to the Birth of A New Era.
      Welcome to all shades of Black.       
We are Giftedly ourselves.                                 Giftedly Black . 
   Written by Dominique Angelica Seward (c) 2018
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nikkilee20 · 7 years
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Photo Courtesy of Brenda Lucas (c)  2018
1.GB: Tell us a little about who you are.
BL:My purpose in life is to know and love GOD. My mission is to help others do the same. Many often believe that means a boring and restricted life. When actually, It means a life with no limitations! By getting to know God, my creator, I’m learning who I am. He opened my eyes at a young age to know “what I want be when I grow up.” And He has lead me on a beautiful path to bring me closer to Him and shaping me to be more creative, authentic, bold, loving and full of His unwavering strength. What better way to fulfill your purpose in life but through Christ. My mission, to help others do the same. Many people roam this earth not knowing what their calling is in life or even not knowing what they’re gifted at doing. Not every gift or talent is obvious. Often times we get lost In searching for where we belong, not realizing that God is the perfect guide with such unimaginable love to offer. Through my gifts that I now see and through others God will reveal in the future, I want to help others see their purpose and mission. Hopeful that our goals are all the same. LOVE! #GODISLOVE
2) GB: What does being Giftedly Black mean to you? 
BL:Giftedly black, to me sounds like a declaration. I Am Giftedly Black! Being proud of who you are and dare to share it with the world. Loving on something most look down on, but spreading light, for the world has its own darkness.
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Photo Courtesy of Brenda Lucas (c) 2018
3) GB: Social media handles for connects or reference?
BL: Instagram: @i_am_brenda_
Facebook: @imbrendamusic 
Official site: iambrenda.net
My music is available everywhere tidal, Spotify, etc...
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Photo Courtesy of Brenda Lucas (c) 2018
4) GB: What is it you want to achieve in life ?
BL: Goal: To be an independent artist; starting my label to represent me and any form of entertainment. To begin outreach; helping and providing for the less fortunate.To get in the works my magazine that will hopefully be in front of you by 2019.
5) GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
BL: What makes me unique is my authenticity. I’m going to tell the truth no matter how much it hurts me or anyone else. That’s how you be great! I’m owning true R&B and allowing real issues and true power to reign in my lyrics. Let me be great!
6) GB: Any desires?
BL: What I desire most is to truly help change lives. I want people to learn to love each other more and support each other and I want to help people to let God use them and to see the authority in that. 
GB: This International Women’s Month we celebrate and salute women like Brenda. She is a force to be reckoned with and a woman of action. Independently beautiful through her artistry and internal spirit she is a piece of art.  Continue to move mountains and inspire us all Brenda we are rooting for you Queen!
By Dominique Angelica Seward
  Welcome to the Birth of a New Era.
               Welcome to all shades of Black.
We are Giftedly ourselves .
                                  Giftedly Black (c) 2018
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nikkilee20 · 7 years
Giftedly Black Feature #3:  Multi-talented Musical Genius Frankie Midnight  1.6.18
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GB: Tell us a little about who you are?
FM:I believe we are all created with a destined purpose and many hidden skills to complete that purpose. I believe my purpose is to influence and inspire creative liberty and artistic expression. My skills are within entertainment such as music and performance art, I believe it is my duty to use these skills as a testament of one's creative ability and power of creativity. Our creator is THE creator and we were given a privileged gift to create. To manifest an idea into our reality.
2. GB: What does being Giftedly Black mean to you?
FM:Being Giftedly Black is very important. I try not to look at race when it comes to creativity but to do so is naive when the ugliness of the world constantly shows us a beautiful truth, only to separate us as a human race. I'm proud and spiritually privileged to be born black.
3. GB: Social media handles for connects or reference?
FM: Website : https://www.frankiemidnight.com/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/frankiemidnightcreate/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/midnightcreates/
KickStarter : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1556109705/new-indie-artist-frankie-midnight-and-album-love-s
Youtube Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW_GkxdHwwE
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 Photo Courtesy of Frankie Midnight  (c) 2017
4) GB: What is it you want to achieve in life ?
FM: In this physical world, there are many obstacles. Unnatural roadblocks. Deliberate walls and unfortunate circumstances. My dream is entrepreneurship in music and artistic liberty. To be in a position where I can LIVE, not survive. A life where I can solely produce my own creations.
5) GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
FM: What I feel sets me apart from another is my faith in the ultimate creator. Creator of the mind, body, soul, conscious, breath, overall existence. Some call it "God", or "Allah", or whatever. I feel, it's one energy source we are all from and apart of. I don't know the true name but I feel it and I'm moved by it. I'm fueled by my desires and converted to belief by my personal knowledge of self power and accomplishments . Being faithful has worked for me  and I will continue to remain humbly appreciative. I say that to say, the connection to that energy source which we are made of and is the fuel of our power is within us. We just have to look inside of ourselves to get in touch.
GB: I've personally known Frankie for 15 years now . He constantly grows more powerful as an individual and musical artist everyday.  Frankie is a living testament of unshakable faith and natural aptitude to conquer any and every thing that comes his way.  He is a man of his word, a man of influence, and most importantly my friend, the talented musical genius who I cherish deeply.
by Dominique Angelica Seward
Welcome to the Birth of a new Era.
            Welcome to all shades of Black.
    We are Giftedly ourselves.
                       Giftedly Black. (c) 2018
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nikkilee20 · 7 years
Giftedly Black Feature #2:  The Sleepy Gallows Studios 12.7.17
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Brittney Galloway Animator, Storyteller, Driving Force
GB: Tell us a little about who you are?
B: My mission is start an animation studio with my sister, Crystal, and tell untold stories of under-represented people. To tell the stories of their gods, legends and victories. I want people to see the magic of many cultures through animation.The Sleepy Gallows Studio will make shorts, feature films, and shows so that children of color have heroes that they identify with. My art reflects how much magic is still on earth.
2) GB: What does being Giftedly Black mean to you?
B: Being Giftedly Black for me is realizing my gifts and making something either joyous, beautiful or both to release back into the world.It would be wonderful to see young black people view my work and feel they have a place in animation or filmmaking. My sister and I started our webseries with 2 laptops, no animation software, paper, pens, and a scanner. I use my art to uplift others and inspire their gifts.
3. GB: Social media handles for connects or reference?
B: www.sleepygallows.com  Instagram: @sleepy_gallows,@blgalloway
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 Character  Concept Art- Courtesy Sleepy Gallows Studios (C)2017
4) GB: What is it you want to achieve in life ?
B: My life goal is to make an animation studio and produce stories that often go untold. Hopefully that's what the Sleepy Gallows will become. We want to stay in realm of whimsy and bring native American, African, African-American, and Indian (from India)mythology, legends, and triumphs to western film and animation in ways we haven't seen before. I really love fairytales/mythology and legends that blur truth and fiction. I want to broaden what our ideas of a fairytale can be.
5) GB: What sets you apart and makes you unique as an artist?
B: My use of shapes and color are pretty unique to me . My senior year at California College of the Arts, I started doing paper cutout art.  I did a stop motion with characters made of diamonds and patterned paper. That enabled my current art direction of patterns, shapes, and motion. I also love crafting, making cards,envelopes, and unique paper gifts.
6) GB :What is one thing that you desire most in your selected field?
B: In the field of animation I want to see more diversity (super cliche right?) I want more women and people of color, to write,direct, and produce their stories. I want more poc cast and depicted on tv. I want all types of stories, less romance and more platonic love. I want adults to feel like children. I want a lot and I hope to be a driving force in the change.
 Chapter 2: The Arrangement (Animation) -Courtesy of Sleepy Gallows Studios (C)2017
GB:We wish you all the very best Brittney! Keep being a dominant force for change!
Welcome to the Birth of a New Era.
                                                Welcome to all shades of black.
We are giftedly ourselves.
                                                Giftedly Black. (C) 2017
by Dominique Angelica Seward
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nikkilee20 · 7 years
Giftedly Black: Introduction
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​​Jessica Allen, Actress, Dancer, Model  Photo Courtesy of Dominique Seward 2016-2017
    Recently I had a revelation or  an awakening after quitting my full time job. Forty hours a week, five to six days a week really wasn't my thing. I spent thousands of dollars on my education, studied hard, and graduated with distinction. Yet I still felt an emptiness and longing to purse my desired craft of filmmaking. I thought things through and became very anxious. Then a idea hit me like lightning!
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Inestin Dantee Petit-Homme , Actor, Model, Student              Photo Courtesy of Dominique Seward 2016-2017
"Giftedly Black", a blog that features young African-Americans, ages 14-36 from all kinds of backgrounds . I understand that there were several platforms that featured blacks such as, Black Girls Rock , Black Entertainment Television and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. However, it wasn't about glorifying the idea of black people. It’s about celebrating the unsung heroes that the vast majority of media did not acknowledge.
Here are our first two featured millennials : Jessica Allen instagram:@msjessicadallen 
Inestin Dantee Petit-Homme instagram:@_livelifeandante
                                                                Welcome to the birth of a new era.
                                                          Welcome to all shades of black.
                                                    We are giftedly ourselves.  Giftedly Black.
by:Dominique Seward
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