#gif: tana m.
classicjdog · 1 year
forbidden door was pretty great
luckily time zones work out pretty well for me as far as aew stuff goes. i see ppl posting about getting tired near the end of basically every ppv, and i’m sure the ppl in the building get super drained, but out here i get to spend a nice chill afternoon watching some wrestling, so that’s nice
mjf v tanahashi was pretty much what i expected it to be. unfortunately tana can’t really, like, GO go anymore, but mjf’s a good opponent for a guy like that so it ended up being decent
i wasn’t really paying attention to kojima v punk. koji’s my guy but punk is kinda wack
the 4-way was a TON of fun! the whole 3-grappleboys-and-1-lazyboy dynamic was SUPER fun, especially since despite wrestling similar styles, garcia zsj and shibata each have distinct characters and vibes. shibata and zsj constantly going at each other was sick, all the different multiman spots were great & i loved the finish
sanada v jungle boy wasn’t quite the show stealer i was hoping it would be, but it was still enjoyable. obviously the jb heel turn has been super telegraphed but i’m glad it happened and i’m excited for it
the 10-man tag was PERFECT. claudio cowarding out of the faceoff with eddie at the beginning was great. hangman/shooter and ishii/takeshita were some super unique character matchups and i really enjoyed them. commentary at some point said takeshita was the mvp for his team and that was so true, he was all over the place and did so much shit it was crazy. EDDIE AND MOX FACING OFF AND GOING BACK AND FORTH WAS SOOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAA!!! I FELT THAT SHIT IN MY GUT!!!! and then the match devolved into chaos and it was absolutely amazing. all the different sequences and character interactions and just all of it was so perfect!! also i already didn’t expect elite/eddie/ishii to win, and out of everyone on that team ishii was the last guy i expected to get the pin, so them winning and him getting the pin was very cool
unfortunately after the 10-man i was on here and on twitter looking at gifs and discussion of it, so i pretty much missed all of toni v willow. i’ll have to watch it when i watch the show again
omega v ospreay was pretty much what i expected. super long drawn-out epic with lots of blood and big crazy moments, and i enjoyed it a lot! probably won’t watch it again for quite a while because, unlike something like hangman v danielson 1 which was super long but i felt just breezed by, this match felt very dense. apparently the official match time was somewhere around 40ish minutes? and it definitely felt that long
i missed most of the 6-man tag for pretty much the same reasons i missed toni/willow, so i guess i’ll have to watch that too
okada v danielson was a bit disappointing unfortunately. it wasn’t bad, it just didn’t live up to their standards. obviously the hype for the match was astronomical so i wanna clarify that even divorced from the ridiculous hype i still thought it wasn’t as good as i hoped it would be. first off, obviously the crowd was drained. they tried really hard to get up for the match but it didn’t quite work out. secondly, even if this had a hot crowd, i think i would rather watch this match happen in njpw with a japanese crowd. i think an okada/danielson match lends itself better to the way a japanese crowd reacts than an american (or in this case canadian) crowd does. but finally, even taking the crowd out of the equation, i think the ending of the match wasn’t nearly as exciting as i think these 2 are capable of. okada is known for having the super slow-paced buildup lead to a red-hot ending sequence, and this match didn’t really have that. though apparently danielson injured his arm in the match? so him hanging his arm limply at his side for the last third of the match or whatever apparently wasn’t just selling, and that’s probably why the match never shifted into that final gear. unfortunate, but that’s the nature of wrestling i guess
all in all, a couple disappointments but the good stuff made up for it because it was SOOOOOOO GOOD
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tenderhowells · 6 years
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i’m so sorry.  for everything.
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runsaground · 5 years
on this page you will find 51 gifs of influencer tana mongeau ( all taken from escape the night, youtube videos & her mtv reality show ). please do not edit or claim as your own. this will be updated with other videos if requested.
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