#gia's delusional answers!!
shuastar · 1 day
Hey,can you write something about scoups one night stand ?
a/n: tumblr deleted everything i wrote so now im starting from scratch!! sorry about the delay finals and all.... i hate quarter systems with a passion
tumblr runs on a system of reblogs!! reblog/like/comment!! i <3 interacting
warnings: mdni, rich!seungcheol (implied), rich!reader (implied), lawyer!reader, virgin!reader (implied, kinda), daddy kink, multiple orgasms (implied), innocence kink (kinda implied), NSFW, wrap it before you tap it!!! (even though seungcheol doesn't!!!)
one night stand!seungcheol swears he doesn't usually do this -- get so drunken off someone's scent that he needs them viciously. he swears he's not the type -- and he isn't. he prefers a longer relationship, with commitments and sensual sex -- bed frame rocking gently against the hardwood floor of his penthouse, curtains of the giant windows set on do not disturb, the soft glow of his "sexy" yellow lights glowing against your skin. he swears that's the reason -- the reason his hands start to sweat, just a bit, when you step closer.
one night stand!seungcheol doesn't know how this happened. you were his best friend's sister. his fucking best friend's sister. you were supposed to be young, naive, innocent, kind, anything but the woman he was seeing in front of his eyes. anything but the woman with the low-cut dress and the elegant updo and the gorgeous, gorgeous smile that adorned your lipstick-painted lips.
one night stand!seungcheol remembers when you would drag his (shit-faced) best friend into your small studio apartment, throwing him on the pull-out bed. he remembers standing in the doorway, cheeks dusted a light red (from the cold, he told himself). he remembers you in a old oversized k-pop t-shirt and a random guy's boxers (he couldn't think about that for too long, lest he completely lost his shit), hair pulled back in a messy bun with glasses crooked on the bridge of your nose. he remembers your tired smile and dark eyebags as you half-heartedly invited him to also stay the night with a dry laugh. "aren't you too drink to be driving?" you would ask. he would shake his head no. he only had two drinks. it was mingyu that was out after his 12th soju-vodka-cranberry juice shot. "i'm fine. how're you holding up?" he tried to act nonchalant as he spied the law textbooks sprawled on the floor, disrupted by mingyu's loud movements. you gestured to the room. "as good as it'll get, i guess. wish mingyu could stop forgetting his own keys and coming to my place," you grumbled. seungcheol didn't have the heart to tell you that he secretly stole mingyu's keys because this would be the only way he could see your gorgeous tired face.
one night stand!seungcheol is in denial. he doesn't have time for this shit. he hasn't gone on a proper date in two years because all the girls he meets can't top his own work. being a ceo isn't a walk in the park. he has calls to answer and papers to sign and money to donate. he can't keep up a real relationship because every time he goes on a date, the woman leaves in the first thirty minutes and after he comes back from a five minute work call, the only thing he sees is the back of someone's dress. so why does your smile make his throat close up all of a sudden?
one night stand!seungcheol twitches, almost unconsciously when your fingers graze his biceps. your soft laughter fills his ears and your dizzying perfume (creed eau de parfum) fills the rest of his senses deliciously. he could eat you up. (metaphorically, of course). When you look up from your phone and see him across from you, your eyes crinkle and your lips lift in a smile. you and your senior prosecutor position in some law firm (he should know from many times mingyu's mentioned it, but he was too busy scrolling through your instagram posts). you and your twinkling eyes, gazing up at him like you knew exactly what he was thinking.
one night stand!seungcheol feels like a virgin around you. he's had sex before, he swears. but his knees buckle when the first of your begs leave your lips. you beg. you beg. you beg with doe-eyes, filled with unshed tears of frustration. you beg with pouted lips and if he had any less self control, he would have already kissed it off of you. "pplease?" you whisper, hands wrapping around his broad shoulders. you lay your head against his chest and he can feel your hot breaths fan over his pecs. "seungcheol, please? for me?" you beg, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. you were seducing him. and it was not working. you were his best friend's sister.
one night stand!seungcheol can't help but pull away, for a split second. "y'know i can't," he groans, as he sees your teary eyes and pouty lips, lipstick smudged at the corners from your makeout session only minutes prior. "fuck, don't look at me like that, baby," he rasps, arms wrapping around your silken waist. his hands squeeze at your hips, before creeping upwards towards your dress's falling neckline. "why?" you whine, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. he feels hot -- even with his belt unbuckled, shirt unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up dangerously high. your warm body tempts him so much -- the way you press yourself against him, the way you whine against his skin, the way you grasp for his attention. such a virgin, is his first thought. his perverted dangerous thought.
one night stand!seungcheol has to give in. it's you, for gods sake. how can he say no when you're sucking blues and purples against his neck? your hand roams the expanse of his muscled back, a breathy moan here-and-there as he gropes and sucks on your breasts, now free from the confines of your corsetted bodice. he's so addicted. he doesn't even have enough control to stop his hips bucking up against your fleeting touch. your other hand trails down and down -- down his chest, abs, stopping at the straining tent in his business slacks. your soft touches that scatter around his throbbing cock because you don't know.
one night stand!seungcheol curls into you when you finally take him out of his pants. "fuck, just like that," he groans into your ear, as your fingers wrap around his red-tipped cock, tip dribbling pearl precum into your hands. both of your clothes sit discarded on the floor, and you lay your head against his leg as your hands work their magic on his jupming length. one hand rests gently on your head, the other fisting your white hotel room bed sheets with a foreign ferocity. he's never seen you as anythign else but innocent, pure, perfect. but now, the only thought that float around his mind are perverted and horribly dangerous -- breedable, fuckable, devourable.
one night stand!seungcheol has to stop you in the middle of the best handjob because he doesn't want to cum on your face in five minutes flat. "fuck. c'mere, baby," he mumbles, easily lifting you off of your knees and into his lap, placing you gently on his thighs. his hand brushes stray pieces of hair stuck to your face away. he needs to see you. see your expression, your eyes, your pretty face. "you good?" he asks, just in case. just in case you were in a drunken stupor -- cock drunken stupor. just in case you weren't on the same page. just in case- "oppa," you moan gently, hips canting into his. your bare pussy rubs up against his cock and his grip on your waist tightens exponentially. "seungcheol oppa," you gasp as the tip of his length pokes and probs against your puffy clit, hungry for attention. "please. please, please, please. need it. wan' it. been wanting it. ever since-" you cut yourself off with a gasp as two of seungcheol's fingers swipe against your messy core, dripping with want for him. all of him.
one night stand!seungcheol needs to forcefully hold himself back. he needs to, or else he's afraid he'll rip your pussy open, because his cock isn't even halfway in and there are tears falling from your precious eyes. he mentally slaps himself at the way his cock hardens even more at the sight. "y' okay?" he grunts, biceps straining, breath coming out in pants at the tight grip of your pussy. you won't let up. "hurts," you cry, burying your head into his arms. "won't fit, oppa. can't- how- too big," you gasp as he pushes just a little bit more in. he needs to because it feels like you're cutting off his circulation, makign his brain fuzzy and shit.
one night stand!seungcheol rolls his hips into your experimentally. he's not ready for the pornographic moan of pleasure that escapes your opened lips. you're gone. already. you're gone and he knows because there are tears lining your waterline, your kiss-bitten lips are parted ever-so-slightly, your nails scratch down his back desperately, and your legs shake from their purchase around his waist. "y/n, fuck. fuck, y' feel s'good. so g-good for me. just f'me, yeah?" he mumbles in your ear, like you can hear him through your own tumbling moans. every sharp thrust he gives you feels like you can feel his cock in your ribs. none of you toys could compare. if anything, as soon as you got home, every single one of them was going into the trash. seungcheol's deft fingers crawl in between your bodies and rub small circles against your clit. "ah!" your hips buck uncontrollably and seungcheol groans as his hands pin your tratorious hips to the bed. a shaky laugh escapes his throat. "feel good, baby? tha' feel good f'you?" his fingers rub again, and you feel tingly -- like something was building up in your body. you can't help but writhe in his grasp, nails streaking red down his back. "fuck! oh my- oh- holy- da-" you cut yourself off with a muffled shriek as seungcheol pounds into you, fingers furious on your deprieved bud. your tears finally fall. down and down your cheeks. "shit, shit, shit," you moan and gasp, toes curling at this foreign feeling of pleasure. if you knew sex was this good you would've hooked up sooner.
one night stand!seungcheol's hips falter at your next words. "fuck, daddy, fuck me," you moan, throwing your head back against the pillows and your back arching so sexy off the bed. his arms wrap around your waist almost automatically. his hips cant into yours like on autopliot and the only thing that falters is his breath. you moan out a few more profanities, daddy being one of them. he can't believe his ears. you. calling him daddy. the thought of it alone sends another rush of arousal to his cock. and apparently that proved to be the breaking point of him because he lets out his loudest moan, catching himself before he falls on top of you, hips loosing their rhythm as he chases his high. "oh my g-god," he gasps, hands cupping your jaw. you're no better. "wanna cum, daddy," you cry, wrapping your arms around his neck. "wanna cum so bad, please, please, please. please let me cum -- wan' it. wan' yours. daddy, daddy, daddy..." you moan out the words like a fucking mantra. and he's on his breaking point. you cannot be real. you feel like a character out of his perverted fairy tale. "fuck, wan' my cum, princess?" he moans back. he has no idea what he's saying at this point. he's talking with his dick. 100%. "take it" he grunts, fingers desperate to bring you to your high before his last straw finally snaps. "fuckin' cum, baby. fuckin' cum and take mine like a good girl, yeah?" a couple more stuttered thrusts and he has you convulsing, almost not breathing, on the sheets, body tensing as you reach your third orgasm, shaking and moaning like a fucking porn star.
one night stand!seungcheol lets out a jumble of curse words as he goes right after you, body jerking as he empties out his creamy cum inside your pussy. his body falls on yours, the smell of sex and cologne wrapping around your spent form. he stays like that until you sniffle, hand going up to wipe at your eyes. "fuck, you okay?" he pushes off of you, sitting up to gently scan you for possible injuries. you let out a small laugh of disbelief, a smile curving itself into your lips. "m' fine. jus' sore. a little." you mumble, shying away from his gaze. a deep blush coats your cheeks as you look around for something to cover yourself with. seungcheol pulls you towards him, scooping you into his arms. "where you goin' huh?" his voice rumbles in his chest as he gives you a lopsided grin. "can't let my princess go off alone like this." you groan in embaressment. "i didn't mean to call you..." you trail off "...daddy," you whisper, burying your face in your hands as seunghcheol brings you to the bathroom, turning on the bath water.
one night stand!seungcheol can't help but stare at your sleeping face, gently caressing your jaw, arms, hips, waist, everything. he can't help but wonder what would have happened if he had just dated you to start with. his heart almost stops in its tracks when you turn towards him and inches closer, snuggling into his beefy embrace.
one night stand!seungcheol and you have to face the consequences of the night: your brother. but as your brother yells and pulls at his hair and blaches and walks into a glass wall, you and seungcheol stare at eachother, giddy lovesick smiles painted on your faces.
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Blog #2
Today started off with me working out walking around watching 80’s rock band edits. Just fueling my love for Kirk Hammett, how so bad I wanna just be able to flirt Bon Jovi, and wishing I was Debbie Harry (also the fact that Anthony Kiedis had a crush on her when he was younger). Later on in the morning, I tried to make Iced Coffee and failed like a dumbass but I just settled with some left over pineapple coconut water I had in the fridge. School was alright I did some work, organized some things, made a account with I Am Gia, and asked my old situationship to do some work for me so I don’t flunk Algebra. Nothing exciting. Oh and my friend told me her little boo thing ghosted her like outta no where for no reason at all. Mine you he did this Sunday and today was Tuesday and they go to the same school. I recently got ghosted too so maybe its the water in this town or the mercury retrograde even if that’s still going on…..
While writing this, I just forgot that I have a crush still on the boy I have been in love with since like 4th or 5th grade. Yet, there’s a problem he has done some bad things, like the problematic teenage boy shit that a lot of my friends have stopped fucking with him for and by a lot of my friends I mean like 3? Idc though he so handsome and just ughhh. I wouldn’t dare start convo with him or anything but god if I had a chance I would definitely take that chance, no lie. It’s like all of the crushes at this hell of a school I would always look at him, it’s weird, insanely. I wish I had a answer maybe I am just delusional and dumb that’s why, idk. I remember he and I were talking on IG months and months ago about what he and his gf were going to do once they graduate and I was sick. He claimed he loved her but he cheated on her during the summer and always telling people what they do sexually. But supposedly they broke up, an he def moved on to this senior girl I have been seeing him so kudos to him. Hopefully I have my own person soon, I have been praying for one.
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spookysanta · 5 years
this kid. (g.d.)
Summary: Grayson and GiGi spend quality time while he’s in recovery.
he’s so swollen :( anyway i wrote this in an hour.
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"Daddy," whispered Giavanna on Sunday afternoon, desperately trying to reach her little arms to Grayson's body on the bed to pat him awake. "wake up."
"Gia, leave Daddy alone, okay? His head hurts." (Y/N) pulled the toddler from the bed by her tiny hand; and, for the record, GiGi does not like not being able to snuggle with her daddy in the morning. More than she despises frogs and squirrels, which is a lot.
She started to fuss. "Mama, want Daddy!" She whined.
"I know, baby. But you have to—"
"Put her on the bed." Grayson mumbled in pain as he tried to sleep. "Just let her lay down."
"Are you sure?"
"Mhm." He nodded slowly, still not entirely relieved of the pain his septoplasty brought; he has to admit, though—he knows the pain could be so much worse without the drugs he'd been numbed on for the past three days. "Just let her lay down. She'll behave, won't you bun?"
"Yesh. I be good."
"Good." He held his arms out to take the little girl and (Y/N) was briefly mortified that his strength wouldn't be up to par because he'd been so weak recently. But let's be honest here: it's Grayson Dolan. He laid her body next to his on the bed and she snuggled up to him with her cheek on his collarbone. "You have to be quiet, cookie, okay?"
"Kay." She looked at (Y/N), who was currently looking at the two loves of her life in awe. There’s nothing in this world that could’ve prepared the two of them for this beautiful little girl, but she gives the utmost gratitude to the Big Man upstairs for making their family come to life. “Mama, lay down.”
“I can’t baby, I have to get Daddy’s meddies.”
She whined again, causing Grayson to sternly tap her on the bum. “Shh.” He instructed. She attempted to sit up and protest his swat but he laid her head back down on his chest where she was before.
“Sorry, Daddy.” The baby muttered. “Mama,” she started again in the best whisper she could muster. “Mama, come lay down!”
“I will, later, alright? Spend time with Daddy; I’m sure you’ll help him feel better.” (Y/N) left the room after that to get Grayson’s “meddies” (as GiGi so affectionately calls it), keeping the door slightly ajar just in case her clumsy husband or her even clumsier child had an accident.
GiGi’s palm rested on Grayson’s left pec, feeling the slow rumble of his heartbeat. “Daddy,” she whispered, moving her hand in different places to see if his heartbeat resounded in the rest of his body; and to her surprise, it did. “you’re thumpin’.”
“Hm?” He had to make sure he heard his child correctly—who he was almost certain is completely delusional.
“You. You thump. Like.. bump bump. Bump bump.”
“Where?” His eyes halfway opened in intrigue.
She gently patted the skin where her hand was, “Here.”
He chuckled, groaning inwardly at the pain. “That’s where my heart is, bubba.”
“Yeah.” He poked a finger at her chest in the same spot. “Yours is right there, too.”
She hummed. “Mama has one?”
“Yes. She has one, Uncle E has one, Grandma has one. Everyone in the world has one.”
“And “aminals”?”
“Yeah. Animals have hearts, too.”
“Even Giz?”
“Mhm.” This time he couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh even though he knows he’d regret it. For some reason unbeknownst to the Dolans, their bird, Gizmo, cannot stand GiGi. They can’t seem to figure out the source of the issue, but the child and the parakeet never can cross paths. “Even Gizmo has a heart.”
“Hmph.” She didn’t like that answer.
He fought the urge to laugh again, and that had to have been among the most difficult things he’d ever done, because God, was this kid funny.
A few moments passed before he felt her shuffling in his arms, and eventually, felt her breath—which smelled like bubblegum toothpaste—on his face. “Yes, cookie?” He asked her, not even opening his eyes to see if she was staring at his nose, because she was and that’d been all she’d done since he’d gotten out of surgery. “Can I help you?”
“Your nose is big, Daddy.”
“Thank you.” She poked it with her fingertip. He swatted her hand away, “Don’t do that.”
“Because it hurts.”
“But Daddy,” she whined. “wanna touch.”
“Why do you want to?”
“Funny-lookin’.” She giggled to herself. “You look funny.”
“I look funny, baby?”
He was silently praying it was almost time for her nap because not only was she starting to get whiny (and a bit pesky, goven his condition), but she was also persistent; and she won’t quit asking until she got to do what she wanted or was scolded—whichever came first. But it was hard to scold her, especially with the twins’ mom, Lisa, around, because in Grandma’s eyes, the baby could do no wrong. And, in true Grandma fashion, she made sure to get her only grandbaby what she wanted even if it was on the sly.
A snort was heard from the entryway of the bedroom. “Hi, Mama.”
“Hi, baby.” (Y/N) replied, entering the room to set Grayson’s medication on the nightstand with a bottle of water and a sandwich to eat. “Here, G.”
He sat her up next to him, then propped himself up in the bed, grabbing the medication and water. “Thanks, babe.” He took the pills, then took the plate of food and set it in his lap.
“Mine?” GiGi asked, pointing to his sandwich that she knew wasn’t hers.
“No.” Grayson grunted as he took a bite.
“No no, baby,” (Y/N) chided, shaking her head. “it has tomatoes.”
“GiGi no “yike” dat.” She scrunched her face in the exact way that her daddy does it.
Oh, another thing she despises—tomatoes. There have been way too many instances where GiGi thought she could handle tomato soup and it being upchucked onto the hardwood floor.
Ugh. Grayson and (Y/N) prefer to not thing of those days.
But out of the corner of (Y/N)’s eye, she could see him picking the tomatoes off one of the halves of his sandwich. This is a perfect example of how she always gets what she wants.
She ate twenty minutes ago, but she really wanted that sandwich because Daddy had the same one and she has to be like him.
“Brielle.” He chanted her middle name, holding half the sandwich in front of her. “Here. No tomatoes.”
She took it, taking a bite. “Tanks, Daddy.” She replied with her mouth full of meat and lettuce. “Love you.”
“You’re welcome, bug. I love you, too.”
God, this kid.
Or should (Y/N) say, these kids.
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Mount Everest Ain't Got Shit On Us (Fezco x Fem!reader, part 12.)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you’ll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like a scary example of what will happen when you don’t obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
A/N: This is a situation that basically happens every time I hang out w/my fellas and ex-boyfriend.
Warnings: The Green Luck.
Word Count: 1.2 K
Read the rest here, babe:  PART 1  PART 2  PART 3  PART 4  PART 5  PART 6  PART 7  PART 8  PART 9  PART 10  PART 11
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
Tagging: @charmed-asylum, @jeyramarie, @pantherxrogers, @analia-analia-analia
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Every minute, every single second, someone does something for the first time in their lives. It's almost fascinating when you realize that is exactly how many people there are in this world.
Right now, when you're reading this small paragraph, a baby who was born just started breathing. Somebody started to attend yoga classes. Another person is trying to smoke their first cigarette, somebody else is living for the first time because of ecstasy, high as a kite on some sofa at a party in the living room. Another person went with their partner to therapy. A woman got beaten up by her man and she's trying to reason with her own mind.
There are just so many things that are happening in one particular moment and when you realize that, your mind is surely swayed away. You feel like a small ant in such a big ant nest.
Even you had your first times that needed to be tried and broken down. And at the moment you didn't like Rue's sudden burst of energy. That surely was her body's last hurray before death. Or just an addict's happiness from taking a hold on some drugs. Those were probably two exact things.
“Man, just don't be fuckin' afraid, alrite? I will tell ya what ya should do.” - She looked you in the eyes. The thoughts about murder crossed your mind in a million ways. Rue could be so stubborn and persistent it was fucking you up at times. - "I see ya smokin' occasionally on parties and shit and this is just the same, girl."
She was waving her palm with her fingers holding a joint. Rue just confidently invited you over at her house when Leslie and Gia left the town. Of course that the crazy bitch had to buy some pot. And she bought it from Fezco, of course. And that dumbass was right next to you. Fez and Rue were capable of amazing co-working skills when Rue wanted to.
And they talked you down, accompanied by Fran and Jules, to try weed. You were really under pressure. For the very first time ever. They loosened you up with vodka and then it was your time for the big thing.
"Ma little sis ready to fuckin' try the green luck. Oh, girl, I'm so proud." - Fran spoke from somewhere under the bad, because she had a few shots five minutes before that and she was really done for after just those few ones. She declared that she's seeing the ceiling move and for the last minutes, she just laid there. - "Holy fuck, dat us some fuckin' great material Fez."
"Oh yea sis, dat shit is somethin'." - Rue giggled all of a sudden. You leaned into Fezco's chest, just nuzzling into there and took the joint. It smelled terrible, but that smoke's taste was really strange. The first shot was just gross, it almost made you cough. It tasted like... It smelled just the way it tasted.
Slowly, you took the joint out of your lips and looked at it closely. You felt absolutely nothing being different on you, your stare got stuck on your own fingers. Why was everyone making such a big deal out of smoking weed? It certainly did nothing to you as far as you could tell. Fezco was asking you something, so you immediately turned your head to him.
"I'm askin' ya if everythin' fine, baby. Ya watched da joint for da last ten minutes." - He laughed and took it out of your fingers carefully and continued with smoking it. You frowned with no clue what Fez was talking about and when you wanted to answer, your lips curled up without you wanting them to.
Something felt so funny and even if you wanted to stop that feeling, it seemed that your laughter can't be stopped. It took you record minute and thirteen seconds to turn into crying mess laughing its ass off.
At the start, you at least had your intentions to sit straight, but as the time passed, your body curled into a tight ball and your head fell onto his lap. Your mind was freezing down because you completely felt how impropriate you're acting - but you couldn't do shit about it.
It was just like if you drank a bit too much - your mind had the feeling that you're fine, but your body was responding in the weirdest way possible. At times, you were worried that you might piss your own pants because of how much you were laughing.
That joint circled through the group two or three times, you couldn't tell. But the biggest bullshit was suddenly fascinating to you. You couldn't bare yourself to take your eyes off the ceiling or Fezco's left shoe. Also, the conversation flow was too fast for you to catch on. Your ears heard the words which were spoken, but before you formed the words to answer, your brain shut down and the conversation continued.
While everyone looked fine, only laughing a bit too much, you were straightaway fucked, incapable of even speak straight. You were zoning out every three minutes - and that was only about ten shots from the joint. You couldn't even imagine what bongo would do to you. It would destroy you just like that.
“Okay, young lady, ya had enough as far as I can see.” - Fezco smoothed you over your shoulder gently when you laid down on his legs and watched Rue's face in a huge-ass shock with your mouth opened up and eyes completely empty. 
“No. I am completely fine.” - You answered after a few long moments, being spaced out. Your voice was monotone, not changing a single bit when you spoke and your words were separated five minutes from each other. 
“I see dat. We can take Leslie's bed. Come on, let's go to sleep, baby girl.” - His legs carefully wiggled from under your head, so you didn't bump the floor with your head. 
He was leading you to the bed for almost an hour. Your legs felt like two stones glued directly to your ass, the room around you was spinning gently, like if someone put it on the sea's surface. The bed felt almost never-ending - it was warm, fuzzy and soft. The blanket was smelling nice and it felt really heavy on your body, it felt like you were so fucking tired at that moment. 
And Fezco felt burning hot on the small places where your body touched yours, he was soft except his beard and his short hair. To what feeling could you describe being high? It felt like being slightly delusional and seriously tired when you have flu and high fevers. The reality felt really far away. You couldn't seem to reach it with your hand, even if you only wished to be the normal you again.
And you never fell asleep so fast. You always had the tendencies to fall asleep faster than normally when he was around you - but this was like a hit into the backside of your head. 
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