honestlanscape · 2 months
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Kamdev Ghrita
Shop Here - https://www.gircowcare.org/product/kamdev-ghrita-ghee/
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kinaya-farms12 · 2 months
The Ultimate Natural Skin Cream for Pimples and Acne
Discover the powerful benefits of Shat Dhaut Ghrit, a natural skin cream for pimples and acne. Crafted with organic ingredients, this face cream offers a gentle yet effective solution to clear and radiant skin. Ideal for those seeking an organic face cream that not only combats acne but also nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, Shat Dhaut Ghrit is your go-to remedy for a flawless complexion. Explore more about this remarkable natural skin care product at Kinaya Farms...Read more
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evo4soul · 1 year
Exploring the Mystical Potions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine
In the realms of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the ancient wisdom of healing has given rise to a myriad of herbal concoctions and formulations. These preparations, while not truly magical in nature, hold a certain allure and reverence for their potential to promote wellness and vitality. Let’s delve into the world of Ayurvedic and TCM-based potions, which captivate our…
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snpayurveda · 2 years
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Best Ayurveda Products in Bangalore - SN Pandit
We are really happy to see that thousands of individuals all over the world are choosing to follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle and use it as a form of treatment. We think we must contribute to this expanding "Ayurveda consciousness" and offer secure, effective medications.
Visit - https://snpanditayurveda.com/
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buzz-london · 1 year
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"Bhojana Vidhi" (Rules Of Eating Meal) (1) भोजनाग्रे सदा पथ्यंलवणार्द्रकभक्षणम् | अग्निसंदीपनं रुच्यं जिह्वाकण्ठविशोधनम् || (भा.प्र.पू.खं.5/130) Before starting your meal you should eat small piece of Aadraka (Ginger) with pinch of Saindhava (Rock Salt). It will increase your Agni (Digestive Fire) to boost your digestion, clean your tongue and throat hence activate your taste buds. (2) घृतपूर्वं समश्नीयात् कठिनं प्राक् ततो मृदु । अन्ते पुनर्द्रवाशी च बलारोग्ये न मुञ्चति ।। (भा.प्र.पू.खं. 5/137) Ghrita(cow's ghee) should be included in your meal. First, start with hard foods like roti, etc., then eat soft foods. At the end of your meal, you should consume liquid food like Takra (ButterMilk). Doing so gives you energy and health. (3) अश्नीयात्तन्मना भूत्वा पूर्वं तु मधुरं रसम्। मध्येऽम्ललवणौ पश्चात् कटुतिक्तकषायकान्।। (भा.प्र.पू.खं. 5/133) Meals should be consumed with concentration. First, start with Madhura dravya (sweet food), then in the middle, Amla dravya (sour food) and Lavana yukta dravya (salty food), and at the end, Tikta dravya (bitter food), Katu dravya (spicy food), and Kashay dravya (astringent food). (4) फलान्यादौ समश्नीयाद् दाडिमादीनि बुद्धिमान् । विना मोचाफलं तद्वद् वर्जनीया च कर्कटी ।। (भ���.प्र.पू.खं. 5/134) In soft food, first start with fruits like dadima (Pomegranate), etc., but don't eat fruits like banana and cucumber at the start of a meal as cucumber contains water in it so it will reduce digestive fire. (5) अन्नेन कुक्षेर्द्वावंशौ पानेनैकं प्रपूरयेत् । आश्रयं पवनादीनां चतुर्थमवशेषयेत् ।। (अ ह्र सू 8/46) Two parts of the stomach (half capacity of the stomach)should be filled with solid foods, one part of the stomach should be filled with liquid food and the remaining part of the stomach should be kept vacant for free flow of Vata i.e air. Now the big question is, are we following these rules of mealtime? No, we're not. Nowadays, we have adapted so-called "western culture," where eating dessert at the end of a meal has become popular. In my opinion, it is one of the leading cause of increasing obesity and other metabolic disorders. So start your meal according to Ayurveda and see the results! Reference : रघुनाथसूरि-विरचितम् भोजनकुतूहलम् Bhojanakutuhalam (पतंजलि विश्वविद्यालय की प्राचीन हस्तलिखित ग्रन्थ प्रकाशन योजना के अंतर्गत प्रकाशित) . (Image from Google) -Dr. Atharva Shahane B.A.M.S. (Pune)
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chandigarhayurved · 1 year
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Raised red bumps or splotches on skin that happen when body has an allergic reaction is known as Urticaria or Hives. Allergic reaction happens when immune system comes in contact with allergen. Urticaria last more than six weeks and often return over months or years. The welts often start as an itchy patches which turns into swollen welts varying in size. Urticaria can be uncomfortable and interfere with day to day life and can cause disturbed sleep.
Some of the triggers that cause allergic reaction in the body includes :
Pressure on skin
Allergens like molds, pollens or pet dander.
Scratching the skin
Exposure to hot or cold temperature
Insect like bee, wasp etc sting
Viral infections like common cold etc
Bacterial infections like UTI, strep throat etc
Certain medications like antibiotics, ibuprofen, aspirin etc.
Certain foods like eggs, nuts or shellfish
Raised skin lesions that appears in any area of body.
Severe itching
Reddish, purple or skin colored weals, depending upon skin color.
Rashes of different size and they change shape
Blanching- the hive become white when centre is pressed
Bumps generally last no longer than 24 hours
Lesion appear in batches
Painful swelling around eyes, cheeks or lips
Heat, exercise or stress triggers flare up
Aloe Vera Gel : It has skin soothing , healing and anti-inflammatory properties thus helps to reduce the hives and provide relief from itching. Apply aloe vera gel to affected area 2 to 3 times a day to get relief from itching and redness .
Oatmeal scrub : Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory, skin soothing and skin moisturizing properties. Gently scrub the affected region with oatmeal to pacify the inflamed skin.
Apply Cold Compress : Cold compress helps to calm the aggravated skin . Dip a towel or cloth in chilled water and then apply it on the affected portions.
Apple Cider Vinegar : Mix 1 tsp of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of warm water and apply on affected area with cotton ball to sooth itching and redness.
In Ayurved it can be correlated with Sheetpitta. Excessive exposure to etiological factors like cold breeze, intake of salty and pungent food, contact with cold substances, improper emesis etc leads to the aggravation of vata and kapha dosha. The aggravated vata and kapha in turn gets mixed with pitta dosha and spread all over the body and there they get lodged into external surface of the body ( beneath skin ). There the vitiated doshas leads to development of the condition.
Green grams
Older rice
Horse gram
Warm water
Sugar and its derivative
Cold water
Milk and milk products
Suppression of vomiting
Exposure to cold breeze
Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria
1) Aloe Vera  Gulab Gel :
Aloe Vera Gulab Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
2) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu :
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
3) Skin care tablet :
Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It helps to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablets also act as a skin moisturizer, Improves blood circulatio, reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
4) Neem Capsules :
NEEM capsules 100% Safe and purely Ayurvedic preparation. CAC NEEM CAPSULES is natural and herbal product prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars  Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 capsules twice daily with normal water.
5) Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
6) Itch Care Tablet :
It is pure herbal combination which is purely natural. Skin primarily protect our body from toxins present in environment. Itching is related to various skin problems like dermatitis or irritates such as nickel in jewelry, infected cut. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, acne and due to internal conditions like blood, lungs, and liver. Mainly toxins in skin arises due to excess rakta dhatu and rasa or  plasma nourishes the skin.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
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mycreativitysblog · 2 years
Ghee in Tummy Button
In Ayurveda, ghee is taken into consideration the most efficient solution for balancing pitta. Ghee is extensively used in Indian houses as a staple in food meals, however did you recognize it is used for the treatment of a range of health problems? A great deal of individuals are uninformed of using ghee oil for the tummy switch, and also the best results of applying ghee to the navel. We know what you are assuming, is ghee good for the stubborn belly button? Yes, it is, as well as we are right here to tell you just how.
Desi ghee not only improves the high quality of your food, but it can additionally improve the high quality of your bodily health. By using just a couple of declines of this essential oil in nabhi, you can impact your physical health in numerous ways. Let's see just how.
What are several of the benefits of Ghee for Stubborn Belly Switch?
Earthomaya Ghee moisturises your skin as well as keeps it healthy and also beautiful. Rubbing it in a circular movement in the navel area makes sure that it infects the remainder of the body, owing to the interconnectedness of the navel region to the various other parts of your body.
Are you dealing with hair autumn, or is your hair as well rough and also weak? While you remain to use coconut oil to massage therapy your hair, likewise consider using ghee oil for the tummy switch, which assists reinforce hair as well as decrease hair loss.
Ghee in the navel helps relieve any kind of type of pain that you are experiencing, especially your joint discomfort. The navel is the central part of the body as well as the acupressure point, which spreads relief to various other points in your body.
Considering that the navel is connected to the rest of the body in a very elaborate way, using desi ghee in the navel can aid in remedying the structure of your face and also skin. It helps with acnes, reduces acnes, soft and also much healthier skin appearance, improves chapped lips, and also provides you an intense skin from within. It is a much more lasting and also natural substitute for all the chemical exfoliants and lotions that a lot of us use.
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Another very helpful advantage of ghee in nabhi is its capability to help fight bowel irregularity and alleviate any kind of discomfort or pain in our abdominal area. Your bowel movements clear up as well as girls, this is a terrific relief measure for your menstruation cramps.
Just how to tackle it? Which ghee should you use?
For applying ghee in the navel, get hold of a spoon as well as scoop some of the ghee out from the container. Warmth it and melt it into ghee oil. After that allow it cool and also put it right into your navel while lying down on your back. Use it before going to bed each evening for the best outcome.
We recommend pure desi ghee for this procedure, and also you can select it up from Anveshan. As a food technology company, we are giving back to Indian farmers and promoting the root cause of sustainability. Started by IITians, we are a D2C food brand offering minimally processed food made with Indian traditional means right in our towns. Our cow ghee is pure, as well as one hundred percent authentic.
The navel or stubborn belly button is frequently called our second brain. In the womb, it functions as the network to survival for the expected youngster. While the navel is the site to the solar prana, Ayurveda compares ghrita or ghee to Ojas or vital force.
As stated in the well-known ayurvedic bibles Sushruta Samhita as well as Charaka Samhita, desi ghee has tremendous restorative homes. The denigration of desi ghee in the navel lends numerous wellness benefits and also vigor. It is a ritual that has actually remained in practice for generations.
Relevance of Using Ghee on Tummy Button
Energy Junction
The stubborn belly switch or belly button forms an usual junction for a bundle (72000) of nerve fibers or energy networks in the body. These fibers are sensory and also transmit signals from the navel to the spinal cord. The spine relays signs to the mind. The mind reacts by secreting chemical materials to meet the body's requirements.
Seat of Understanding
Maharishi Patanjali says in Yoga exercise Sutra, "Nabhi Chakre Kaya Vyuh Gyanam". It approximately equates as focusing on the navel makes you gain knowledge of the entire body. In yoga exercise, the tummy button or navel (nabhi) is known as the solar plexus, the gateway to the inflow of planetary as well as solar power. That is why the navel is likewise called Manipur Chakra.
Survival Network for the Unborn Infant
When a baby remains in the mommy's womb, it obtains all its nourishment via the placenta. The placenta is a vascularized structure inside the womb that attaches the baby to its mother via the umbilical cord. The infant gets the called for nutrients from the mom with the umbilical cord. The cable is affixed to the nabhi or the navel of the infant.
Therapeutic Value
Acupuncture as well as acupressure therapies have always utilized the belly switch to heal illness. Yogic techniques like Manduk Asana highlight turning on the nabhi or navel for healing conditions. Ayurveda utilizes Nabhi Chikitsa or lubrication of the belly button to heal the body.
Standard Fighting Style
Martial arts offer relevance to the belly button because its understanding throughout body language gives power and also foreknowledge about challengers' activities.
Benefits Applying Ghee on Belly Switch or Navel
Applying ghee and rubbing the belly switch every night has numerous wellness advantages.
Helps to Get Rid Of Dirt
Cleaning the tummy button by applying ghee removes bacteria as well as gathered dirt. This maintains the tummy and also navel regions clear of any potential disorders.
Rejuvenates as well as Preserves Healthy And Balanced Skin
The navel is connected to the rest of the body elaborately. Rubbing the marine with ghee is good for the face as well as our skin. Ghee put on the navel remedies imperfections as well as supplies radiant, soft, healthy and balanced skin. It additionally enhances chapped lips and also offers a bright skin tone. The outcome is better than all the expensive organic creams on the marketplace.
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Helpful for Digestion and Cures Constipation
Ghee when put on the navel leaks to the stomach. Consequently, the belly takes in all the nutrients and distributes them in the body. Ghee offers lubrication to the body, clears digestive passage, and also reduces the threat of irregularity. It helps in acid secretion in the tummy, which assists to absorb as well as soak up food faster.
Enhances Hair Top Quality
Rubbing the belly button with ghee cures hair dryness as well as provides luster to the hair. Ghee includes active antioxidant compounds which fight toxins that make hair feel heavy and also cause frizz. Vitamins An as well as E in ghee essentially problem the hair.
Eliminates Tense Joints
The joints end up being weak because of aging. Their damage results in arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation, as well as excruciating joints. Navel, being the acupressure point, radiates the benefits of ghee to numerous joints, easing joint pain.
Boosts Fertility and also Relief from Menstrual Cramps
Normal application of cozy ghee on the stubborn belly switch can aid enhance sperm count as well as flexibility in males. It boosts fertility in females along with strengthening the reproductive system. It likewise relieves aches and also discomforts during menstruation.
Exactly How to Apply Ghee to the Stomach Switch or Navel?
For applying ghee to the navel, you can follow this routine. Warmth to thaw the ghee. Allow it cool off. Put it right into the navel while lying down on your back. For ideal results, we recommend using ghee to the navel every night prior to you go to sleep.
Applying desi ghee on the stubborn belly switch holds lots of benefits for our bodies. It aids in moisturising our skin, and chapped lips, boost healthy hair, benefits constipation, and additionally alleviates joint pains.
To get the maximum advantages, you should use pure as well as good quality ghee only. Shahji Ghee has a proven record in making unadulterated and also pure desi ghee making use of the typical bilona approach.
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tfgadgets · 14 days
Beauty benefits of 100 times washed ghee
Shata Dhauta Ghrita stands tall as a h olistic source of beauty. Celebrated for its transformative effects on the skin, it is derived from ancient wisdom. This Ayurvedic remedy is highly potent for skin rejuvenation. Source link
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gomataseva · 1 month
The Benefits of Ayurvedic Ghrita: Health and Wellness at Goseva
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Ayurveda, the ancient science of life and wellness, has blessed us with various powerful remedies, among which Ghrita (medicated ghee) stands out as a golden elixir. Ghrita, infused with potent herbs, is revered for its ability to nourish the body, mind, and spirit. We offer a variety of Ayurvedic Ghrita at Goseva, each made with love, care, and pure A2 ghee from the Gir cow, combined with traditional herbs to address particular health issues.
The Magic of Ayurvedic Ghrita
Ghee, or clarified butter, has been an integral part of Indian kitchens and medicine cabinets for centuries. In Ayurveda, ghee is known as a sattvic food, meaning it promotes harmony and peace in the body. Here are some of the incredible Ayurvedic ghee benefits:
Deep Nourishment: Ghee is a powerhouse of healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, which nourish the body's tissues, enhance brain function, and support immune health.
Digestive Support: Ghee aids digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices. It also helps in balancing the agni (digestive fire), which is crucial for proper digestion and assimilation of food.
Detoxification: In Ayurvedic cleansing practices like Panchakarma, ghee is used to pull out toxins from the deep tissues, making it easier for the body to eliminate them.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Ghee is rich in butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory effects and promotes a healthy gut lining.
Enhancing Absorption: Ghee acts as a carrier (or yogavahi) for the herbs with which it is infused, enhancing their absorption and efficacy.
Kamdev Ghrita: The Elixir of Vitality
Kamdev Ghrita at Goseva is a special formulation designed to rejuvenate and invigorate. This Ayurvedic ghee, infused with powerful herbs, is based on the age-old knowledge of the Ayurved Sar Sangrah and is intended to improve vigor and vitality. Kamdev Ghrita helps balance the vata and pitta doshas, supports reproductive health, and acts as an aphrodisiac, promoting overall well-being and vitality.
Triphala Ghrita: The Guardian of Eyesight
One of the most revered formulations in Ayurveda, Triphala Ghrita is a must-have for those looking to maintain and improve their vision. Triphala, a combination of three fruits—Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki—works synergistically to cleanse the eyes, improve eyesight, and relieve eye strain. At Goseva, Triphala Ghrita is prepared using pure A2 Gir cow ghee, ensuring maximum potency and effectiveness.
Panchagavya Ghee: A Holistic Remedy
Panchagavya, a unique combination of five cow-derived products—milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung—has been used in Ayurveda for centuries as a holistic remedy. Panchagavya Ghee at Goseva is crafted with utmost care, using high-quality ingredients to create a product that supports mental clarity, detoxification, and overall health. This ghee is particularly beneficial for enhancing memory, boosting immunity, and promoting spiritual growth.
Brahmi Ghrita: The Brain Tonic
Brahmi, a powerful herb known for its brain-boosting properties, is the star ingredient in Brahmi Ghrita. This Ayurvedic ghee is a boon for those looking to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and reduce stress. At Goseva, our Brahmi Ghrita is carefully crafted using A2 ghee, ensuring that the herbs' therapeutic properties are preserved and delivered effectively. Regular consumption of Brahmi Ghrita can support mental clarity, focus, and emotional balance.
Phal Ghrit: The Fertility Enhancer
Phal Ghrit is a renowned Ayurvedic formulation designed to support reproductive health in women. It is particularly beneficial for those who are trying to conceive, as it helps to balance the hormones, strengthen the uterus, and prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy. At Goseva, our Phal Ghrit is made using traditional methods, with pure Gir cow A2 ghee as the base, ensuring that the nutrients and medicinal properties of the herbs are fully absorbed.
Panchatikta Ghrita: The Detoxifying Powerhouse
Panchatikta Ghrita, a formulation that combines the five bitter herbs—Neem, Patola, Vasa, Giloy, and Karanja—is a powerful detoxifier. This Ayurvedic ghee is excellent for balancing the pitta and kapha doshas, supporting skin health, and cleansing the blood. At Goseva, Panchatikta Ghrita is prepared with pure A2 ghee, making it an ideal remedy for those seeking to detoxify their body and support overall health.
Why Choose Goseva's Ayurvedic Ghrita?
At Goseva, we are committed to bringing you the best of Ayurveda, with products that are not only effective but also rooted in tradition. Our Ayurvedic Ghritas are made using pure A2 ghee from the revered Gir cow, known for its superior quality and health benefits. We follow traditional methods of preparation, ensuring that each product retains its potency and delivers maximum benefits.
Ayurvedic Ghritas are more than just medicinal ghee; they are a gateway to holistic health, offering nourishment, healing, and rejuvenation. Whether you are looking to enhance your vitality with Kamdev Ghrita, support your vision with Triphala Ghrita, or detoxify with Panchatikta Ghrita, Goseva has the perfect solution for you. Embrace the power of Ayurveda and experience the transformative benefits of Ayurvedic Ghrita in your daily life.
Visit Goseva today to explore our range of Ayurvedic Ghritas and bring home the gift of wellness!
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thepunarvasu · 2 months
phal ghrit   
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phal ghrit  is a revered Ayurvedic formulation known for its nourishing and revitalizing properties. Enriched with herbs and ghee, it supports overall health, enhances digestion, and boosts immunity. Ideal for promoting vitality and strength, Phal Ghrita is essential for anyone seeking holistic wellness and rejuvenation in their daily routine.
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kheoni2024 · 3 months
Ayurvedic Face Cream: Shata Dhauta Ghrita by KHEONI
“Old is Gold” may seem like a cliche, but it is true. In ancient times, princesses and empresses used to anoint themselves with ghee during baths to remain beautiful and desirable. Pure ghee has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe and calm the skin, and keep it picture-perfect. We present to you Kheoni's Shata Dhauta Ghrita that encapsulates the properties of pure cow ghee. The traditional Bilona method is used to extract ghee from A2 milk that contains more nourishment value. Indulge in the true richness of pure cow ghee and experience the healing of your skin naturally.
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kinaya-farms12 · 2 months
Experience the Best Natural Skin Cream for Pimples
Discover the transformative power of Shata Dhauta Ghrita, the ultimate natural skin cream for pimples. This luxurious night cream is crafted using ancient Ayurvedic techniques to deeply nourish and rejuvenate your skin. Known as the best face cream for wrinkles, it penetrates all seven layers of the skin, providing intense hydration and reducing fine lines. Embrace the natural way to radiant, clear, and youthful skin with Shata Dhauta Ghrita.
Shop now:-
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snpayurveda · 2 years
Ayurveda - SN Pandit
SN Pandit provides Ayurvedic healthcare solutions under one roof.
Visit - https://snpanditayurveda.com/
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nowiswhatmatters · 8 months
Ayurvedic Dictionary
Also ‘abhyangam’, massage therapy with warm oil or ghee. Abhyanga uses long strokes over the body with medium pressure. Abhyanga (re)activates the marma points (see below) and moves lymph and toxins.
Digestive fire, enzymes, our metabolism. ‘Samagni’ is normal digestion. You can also have low Agni (slow or incomplete digestion) or strong Agni (fast digestion)
Toxins; the undigested leftover of food eaten. When Agni is low, ama will be created in the body. The presence of ama is one of the first stages of manifestation of disease. A white coating on the tongue (after tongue scraping) or food pieces in your faeces are some indications of ama in the body.
‘science’ or ‘knowledge’ of ‘life’, life science, the ancient system to live a long and healthy life. Ayurveda comprises knowledge about ideal nutrition, lifestyle and medicine according to your unique mind-body type. Also called ‘yoga’s sister science’.
‘tissue’, as in the 7 physical tissues the body is made up of.
‘that which can go out of balance’. Also: ‘fault’. Bodily humour; the 3 types in ayurveda or 3 energies that make up the body and mind.
clarified butter (also ghrita, gritham). Used for cooking, as vehicle for medicinal herbs and massage. Ghee is shelf stable (no need to put in the fridge). All the things that make milk/butter difficult to digest are taken out. Fresh ghee has a caramel like scent (which is why it is often used in Indian sweets!)
property of a food or medicine; also applied to the 3 mental attributes sattva, rajas and tamas (‘the 3 gunas’)
pure cane sugar
the combination of Water and Earth elements, one of the 3 doshas
(also ‘kichadi’ or ‘kidgeree‘); a simple dish of rice and mung beans used as preparation for ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation therapies
bodily waste product, waste matter, excretory substances (faeces, sweat, urine)
energy points in the body. They are similar but not (all) equal to reflex points or accupressure points.
life sap. When food is digested and assimilated correctly ojas is the end product of our metabolism. It is the essence of our immune system; that distinguishable glow of health
‘five actions’, ayurvedic detox therapies to remove ama from the body.
often referred to as ‘fire’ but it is a combination of the fire and water elements; one of the 3 doshas
the nature of a substance; also the body constitution at conception
food offered to God/Spirit; food made with love
action impulse; wanting to act; one of the 3 mental gunas
‘taste’, what we detect with the tongue. Also: ‘plasma’
the collection of ayurvedic rejuvenation practices and treatments
wholesome activity executed with mindfulness eg the sadhanas of food preparation
(‘wholesome’, compatible): what is good for the body
‘purity’, also adjective ‘sattvic’, pure; one of the 3 mental gunas
‘channels’ of the body. They can be physical (found with dissection of the body) or energetic (as in meridians)
‘inertia’, want to stay the same, unchanging (also: ‘tamasic’), one of the 3 mental gunas
the dosha made up of air and ether elements
other name for Vata, ‘air’ or ‘wind’, one of the 3 doshas
current body constitution (can be different from the body constitution at conception); dosha imbalance
‘aftertaste’, taste after digestion of food; not detected with the tongue
‘potency, energy’ of a substance. As in energy of a food or medicine: cooling or heating.
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chandigarhayurved · 6 months
How to Cure Acne Naturally?
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Understanding Acne:
Acne vulgaris is a skin breakout condition which everyone suffers once in his/her life. It is a very common skin condition that causes spots and pimples on face, forehead, neck, back etc. it occurs when hair follicles lodged with oil, dirt or dead skin cells. It causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pustules etc. Sometimes the large pus-filled bumps are painful to touch. Depending upon the severity of the acne it leaves scars and emotional distress on a person. Puberty and adolescent is the time when sebaceous glands activates and causes acne, but can occur at any age. Acne breakout leaves a negative effect on a person skin as well as self-confidence. Popping out the acne is not the cure but only leaves a permanent scar.
Different types of Acne:
Fungal acne (pityosporum folliculitis)
Ayurveda’s view over Acne:
Our aacharyas mentioned Acne Vulgaris as Yuvanpidika. The major cause explained by them is the vitiation of doshas such as Vata, Kapha  along with Rakta dhatu. Yuvanpidika has been discussed under the heading of Kshudra Roga. All these vitiated dosha along with Rakta circulates all over body with the help of Sarotas (microchannels) and causes acne wherever it lodged.
Aachaya Charaka has mentioned hormonal acne as Vivridhadhatu kala at the age of 16-30 years. He explained  this as a starting period of functional state of shukra dhatu (reproductive phase), which modern medical science otherwise explained the hormonal imbalance caused by the androgenesis.
What causes Acne?
Stress increases the level of cortisol that flare up acne
Fluctuation of hormonal levels during women’s period, pregnancy
Picking up acne sores
Eating spicy and deep fried food
Dairy products such as milk, cheese
Air pollution and humid weather conditions
Using oil based skin care products
Lack of exercise
Not drinking enough water
Medications such as corticosteroids, birth control pills, lithium etc
Bacterial or fungal infection
Using makeup products too frequent
Lack of skin care regime
Polycystic ovarian disorders
Lack of sleep
Cigarette smoking
Skin breakouts
Skin discoloration, dark patches, hyperpigmentation or redness
Swelling and inflammation
Pain or tenderness over touching
Sometimes itching
Preventive measure for Acne:
Applying aloe vera                                  
Avoid touching face
Use honey and fullers earth face mask
Drink green tea
Wash your face with oil free cleanser
Apply tea tree oil
Never ever squeeze pimples
Use less makeup products
Eating food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids
Proper sleep of 6-8 hours
Stay hydrated and eat fibrous fruits
How Ayurveda helps in managing Acne breakouts?
Ayurveda heals acne by balancing Vata and Kapha dhautu along with purification of rakta dhatu from toxins. Ayurveda has immense herbs that reduces acne inflammation and their dark spots, purifies blood living glowing skin inside out. Some classical Ayurvedic formula are really effective in Acne such as Mahamajisthadi kwath, kadhiraristha, kumkumadi thailam, mahatikta ghrita, panchtiktaghrit guggul etc.
Beneficial herbs for Acne:
Neem: It is a well-known blood purifier and greatest properties to control blood sugar levels. It can be taken orally but due to its bitter taste it is advisable to apply as a paste over acne.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera soothe the inflamed and painful skin and gives a glowing skin and is a greatest moisturizer.
Amla: Amla is the richest source of vitamin C, which is good for acne free glowing skin. It should be consumed empty stomach.
Tulsi (Holy basil): Tulsi has antimicrobial properties that helps in fighting back pimples and breakouts.
Haldi (curcumin): It is a great anti-inflammatory and healing properties which leaves pimple free skin.
Managing Acne with Chandigarh Ayurved Centre:
1) Neem Soap:
Neem is one of the miracle herbs that offer many health benefits. It is an ultimate acne killer & acts as a powerful healer. The soap is very beneficial in healing the acne naturally. It treats issues like too much oiliness or dryness of the skin, red rashes due to permanent inflammation and painful big acne lumps.
Method of Application – Use as daily bathing purpose.
2) Twak Tailam:
Twak tailam is used for those who have acne-prone skin, skin discoloration and equally good for all skin types. It includes – Wrightia tinctoria, Coconut oil. This oil has been subjected to less intense refining, lower temperature with no chemicals. It has pacifying or cooling properties which further beneficial for improving the skin’s elasticity. In one single step, the skin is deeply cleansed as well as moisturized. It seeps into the pores and hydrates deeply and the molecules present in the oil ensuring the repair of the collagen layer.
Recommended Dosage: For external application over the affected area.
3) Aloe Vera Gel:
Aloe Vera Gel is formed with the pure extract of herb Aloe Vera and the mixture of rose petals. Thus this wonderful composition provides a cooling effect on the skin that relieves from burning sensation, itchiness, etc. The gel helps in maintaining healthy skin and repairing skin damage.
Recommended Dosage – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin.
4) Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu:
The tablets are very beneficial in curing skin diseases as it contains the Pitta pacifying ingredients such as Shuddh guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia), Gajapippali (Piper chaba), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), etc. The tablet is Tridoshahara, thus is very effective in maintaining the hormonal level in the body.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
5) Skin Care tablet:
Skin care tablet is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimba churna, Panchatikta guggulu, Patol patra, Ajmoda, Khadir chhal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Manjistha, Chopchini, Gandhak, etc. Skin care tablet is a blood purifying. It cools and detoxifies the blood, dissolves obstructions in the blood flow that further increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimises the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems. These tablet also act as a skin moistuirizer, Improves blood circulation, Remove blemishes, Reduce itching and burning sensation of skin, Prevent acne and pimples, Relieves leucoderma.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water.
6) Detox Premium Powder:
This is a herbo-mineral preparation that contains ingredients like Parwal Pishti, Giloy satv, Shukta Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Gandhak Rasayan, etc.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti reduces inflammation, flaking, itching of the skin. The Pishti is composed of natural coral calcium processed with rose water.
Shukta Pishti: It helps to balance the Pitta dosha in the body. All signs and symptoms related to Psoriasis patients are managed with this article.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb deal with psoriasis easily.
Kamdudha Ras: This herbal-mineral classical preparation balances Pitta dosha in the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: This herbal preparation is used since ancient times for all types of skin disorders.
Tal Sindoor: It contains ingredients like Shuddh parad, Aloe vera, Gandhak, etc that relieve redness in psoriasis patients.
Akik Pishti: This Pishti reduces all types of Pitta related disorder hence it gives good results in Psoriasis.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
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ohriaayurveda · 8 months
Ghee Cream | Ohria Ayurveda
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Ghee cream is a skincare product that combines the richness of ghee, a clarified butter widely used in traditional Indian cuisine, with nourishing ingredients to create a luxurious and hydrating cream. Indulge your skin in the luxurious care of Ohria Ayurveda's Shatadhauta Ghrita Harshringar Ghee Cream. Immerse yourself in the nourishing blend of ghee and Harshringar, known for their skin-loving properties. This exquisite ghee cream is crafted to hydrate, rejuvenate, and impart a radiant glow. Elevate your skincare routine with the richness of tradition.
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