miranthia · 10 years
tagged by zetobichan <3<#
Name: Kara Birthday: June 2nd Gender: Female Sexual orientation: Lesiban Height: 5’ 6 1/2" Favourite colour: Red, but I'm all about dem rainbows. Current date and time: 01/07/2015, 9:31 PM CST
Last thing you googled: uuuuuuuh I honestly don't know.  Probably something Dragon Age related First thing to comes to mind: Sleeeeeeeeeep Favourite book: PSH who has just one favorite book?! My top 3 favorite series are Redwall, Harry Potter, and Hank the Cowdog (aw yis, hello childhood!) Favourite TV shows: Warehouse 13, The Walking Dead, Lost Girl Favourite drink: Sweet tea! Favourite alcoholic beverage: Amaretto Sours & chepass sweet wine!
Last movie I saw in theatre: The Expendables 3 Dream holiday: Any kind of holiday where I'm with my loved ones!  And like a month's paid vacation from work.  That would be so friggin sweet... Dream wedding: Eh I'm not big on the wedding thing. Dream job: I honestly have no idea any more. A job that I enjoy, that I get benefits from, and that is more than minimum wage; that would be nice.  BUT I am content with what I have at the moment.
Tagging five friends: Uuuuuuuuh ghotimooney cuzimshort rugfraud onebignothingatall shaleene (If you've already done this or don't want to do it then no worries 8D And if I didn't tag you and you wanna do it go for it!
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