ryuuenjoyer · 13 years
You can hardly every find consensual SuNor can you? poor thing.
sadly, it's very hard to come by
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lupineterror · 13 years
I should know this one. you complain (well don't complain, but state) that he doesn't get enough love. idk if I have the right one but Eridan? (idk if that's spelled right).
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idk if this is going to sound creepy but...I MISS YOU!!! I really miss hanging out with you. It is so much fun talking to you.
I miss skipping class to hang out with you and all the random long winded discussions we'd have about pretty much anything, lol. When the holidays are over we should get together for a lunch/dinner and movie date. :D I know we failed at seeing The Lion King 3D, but hopefully we'll have better luck with a movie that's in theatres for longer than 2 weeks!
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ominousapples · 13 years
if you find a link to that fucker you tell me! please!
:"| i don't remember where i got it. i got it last weekend and it hurt. so much. and apparently i downloaded it but i didn't remember i did and when i opened my folders it was there and i thought "oh dude what's this?" and i played it and i was like--
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guizhou · 13 years
ghostpiratenordics replied to your post: sweden! <3
Oh yeah, Germany + Sweden= the unintentionally scary bros. I’ve thought for a long time now how alike they are. They should get along well.
IKR! Sweden is my favorite character so it's not surprising that Germany is my second. They're really alike but Germany's just... angrier.
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squirreltastic · 13 years
Italy, guns
I assume you mean Feliciano. 
Feli can fire a gun, he can defend himself with a weapon. But war is something he doesn't like at all. He's better suited to peace time. We know that chibi Feliciano can defend himself (I'm thinking of Turkey...) so he can be violent and beat people up. He just really hates it. 
I think Romano would be far better with a gun then Feliciano. Far more accurate in his shots. 
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squirreltastic · 13 years
America, love
I have this weird thought about Alfred. That he loves his citizens a whole lot, and whenever some says they hate America but are citizens (either by birth or naturalized) he gets...I guess he feels shame. Like all the personifications, he loves his citizens, he feels a distant kinship and family with his citizens. 
He's capable of great love though. Because for such a long time immigration was a large part of our history, that any one could be a citizen from anywhere (in theory). His love just grows to include so many more people. I bet he goes to the naturalized citizen ceremonies and when those people take those vows he gives them all hugs. When someone wants to be apart of him and his country he just gets all warm and fuzzy and wants to hold them. 
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squirreltastic · 13 years
Prussia, sex
*shakes fist* Alright I'm starting this off with saying I know little about Prussia. I know the Teutonic Knights where a religious group...and from what I've seen in the comic strip he was raised perhaps a little prudishly...but in a oddly perverted way (oh hey it's me!). I wonder what sex jokes sounded like back then...but that's the environment he was in I'd wager, a public religiously strong group that probably had some lude jokes up their sleeves on top of any other corruption in the group itself. 
As sexual freedoms and things became less taboo he would have found it weird. 
"The other day I totally got a BJ from-"
He can joke with the best of them but I think sex for him is still something special and if it came up or he was in a sexual situation he might freak out a little but would eventually realize 'o hai sex' and get into it. 
Oh Gilbert...I don't know shit about you...
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squirreltastic · 13 years
Sweden, food
Ordinary Swedish Meal Time is Berwald...it is him, he is the angry cooking Swede.
A home cooked meal is a everyday occurrence. I don't think he cares much for fast food (though I'm unsure what his feelings would be on places like Starbucks...as long as they had like region specific caffeine levels otherwise that coffee would probably be too weak for his tastes) I think he'd prefer a family meal situation. Surrounded by his loved ones. 
As for his actual cooking style, I will give you that it might be a little aggressive to the outside viewer but this and his furniture crafting, are the only places he seems aggressive in modern times. In truth there is great care done but it just looks aggressive. 
Okay so when he's dealing with the shit that happens to his citizens he gets angry and aggressive in wanting something to happen but that should be a given.
I don't know what his favorite foods would be, but he can make it himself. I think he'd enjoy cooking for his loved ones. It's one of the ways he'd show he cares about them. 
He likes some strange taste combinations (there was this street food...it was like a hot dog in a tortilla shell topped with mashed potatoes and it's supposedly very popular) but as a person that eats hot dogs with maple syrup I can't really judge...
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squirreltastic · 13 years
I cant see you doing anything bloody, so I think you'd use poison. I cant see you flying into a rage so it wouldn't be a crime of passion. I can see you killing a total stranger with poison just to see what murder feels like. possibly as research for a novel. but there would be no anger or ill will in it. you'd make the death as painless as possible.
Yeah I would probably dislike the idea of leaving a blood trail, not that I mind blood itself it's just forensic investigators can tell too much from the way it drips. 
My family and myself, however to have a history of fits of rage. My mom ran into someone with her van in a fit of rage, but it was after...well years of shit. I like to think I have better control then that...
A more calculated event is much better...
Wait wasn't that a plot of a Stephen King novel? No wait it was a Johnny Cash song "I killed a man in Reno just to watch him die" but the idea of getting to kill someone is both horrifying and tantalizing. 
For science research is almost always a fascinating excuse. If I did kill someone on purpose and with forethought I would make it as painless as possible. 
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squirreltastic · 13 years
I believe it was Cole 67 when I first met you/knew of you then we started talking when you where ghostpiratenordics and now you are shizuosdemonstalkerhoard...
I still have everything tagged as ghospiratenordics...so I hope you still have that name being tracked in case your looking for something I'll probably tag this as your current username and GPN for future finding under tags purposes.  
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squirreltastic · 13 years
1) Something I regret: And suddenly a flood of all my life long fails come rushing to me...one of many: I had a puppy once but he kept jumping on the bed so I pushed him off but then he landed wrong and he yelped and I was just like "AHHH FUCKKK" *snuggle* *snuggle* 
but maybe that's shame rather then regret? 
4) Do I have a boyfriend: Currently no I do not. I can't seem to...handle it. I tend to be very bizarre about my 'boyfriend' labels. See My first 'boyfriend' only lasted four days because I got so sick with worry about what it means to be someone's 'girlfriend' so I broke it off...in a note (regretttt) my second...he and I really wanted to date but unfourtunatly he's in Russia and I'm here and while we did call each other BF and GF he wanted me to find someone to love me, here, now, in person so that was a flop (I still love him though...*LONGING* ) and then Tevin. Which was fine until the whole "I'm coming over today" and then he never shows up and doesn't call or text all day- thing. And then he broke it off and I found it to be a fair and logical conclusion to our relationship as I was still pinning over Russia-boy and Tevin didn't seem all that interested in keeping me informed about our relationship, he has found someone else and I wish them the best, despite his problems with telling me shit he was a very sweet man and I wish him the best. I have never been kissed or done anything PG-13 or R rated. *virgin forever* with anyone, but I wouldn't do anything like that with someone that wasn't committed to me anyway. 
I've never done anything more then hold hands and hug with anyone. OTL (Most of my college friends thought that was weird and kind of thought I was like unicorn or something, their faces were halarious!) 
5)Favorite Food: Chicken (prepared in various ways), Chinese food, South Italian food sans fish dishes. Star Fruit! OMG I WANT STAR FRUIT!!!
Gummie bears/worms/if its gummy let me have it! 
ROSETTES *drool* Donuts...
6) Sweetest Thing Someone has Said to me: 'You didn't deserve it, the way he treated you, the things he said, your brother is a dick and you didn't deserve any of it!' 
18) Happiest Moment in my life: I don't think I have one moment. I have things that make me happy like when someone compliments my intelligence or I can make someone laugh with me. They make my mood just go out the roof and I feel such joy. 
21) Favorite blog on tumblr: I don't have one favorite blog. I have some I talk to a lot (like you) that I treasure.
22) The reason I started tumblr: Mel. I needed Nordic pictures and I found myself spending over three hours just right clicking and saving from her blog. Then I saw her personal posts and between her awesomeness and the nordic awesomeness I figured I best get my ass a tumblr and 'follow/stalk' this blog ASAP. Before this I was barely aware of tumblr, other then some mentions on some deviations and I had bookmarked some to check up on every once in a while but I realized Mel updated all the time so yeah. MEL ITS ALL YOUR FAULT.
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ryuuenjoyer · 13 years
what upsets me about some fan fiction is that people seem to think that the only way to explore the darker side of someone's character is to include rape. as though that is the only way to show someone's dark side. I really want to write fan fiction where I look at the darker sides of characters but I wouldn't do that. on the other side, I am now afraid of making any of the characters do anything remotely bad for being ridiculed b/c I made them a 'monster'. sigh.
yes! yes yes
I hate that rape seems to be the only way people delve into the darker side of a character. 
it's a touchy subject, and I hate reading about it 
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squirreltastic · 13 years
ho ho ho
My mom would ask you about Indiana because she's worked there before and she would want to know if you know two know the any of the same people. In fact so would my second oldest brother. They'd ask about your schooling and then probably mention some anecdotes about my failtastic attempt at college at which point a small fight would break out but would be over soon enough. 
At some point my niece would want to show off her cart wheels for you. My other neice might either be shy or try to fish a compliment from you. My nephew will be a baby and adorable and if you want you can coo at him as his mom freaks out about his speedy growth.
 Don't worry if you feel intimidated by the men in my family since they are all over 6 foot they are harmless. I feel the need to mention this because I often forget until I'm around normal people with them that I'm from a family of giants. 
You'd have a gift for you from at least two of my family members. Because my mom would make sure you would. My niece would give it to you and you'd probably have to sit their awkwardly as you might not have gotten anyone anything for obvious reasons. 
I hope you like food. Not necessarily heavy food, but like finger food and cookies. We always have lots of cookies. And Rosettes, well those don't last long but they'll be there for a second before we all scramble for them. I'll get you at least one.
If at my brothers we can play wii if at my Aunts we get to talk about the family history and go outside and throw snowballs at the young-in's and maybe push one or two in snow piles.  
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ryuuenjoyer · 13 years
1. First impression: another follower
2. Truth is: asfhasjksafh awesome epicness!
3. How old do you look: I dunno
4. Have you ever made me laugh: yes
5. Have you ever made me mad: nopes
6. Best feature: your personality and the quality of your blog
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: nope
8. You’re my: friend~
9. Name in my phone: Pirate Nordics FTW
10. Should you post this too? yus
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squirreltastic · 13 years
Hullo. =3
1. First impression: "Hmm she reblogs stuff and gets rebloged from...lemmie go look...hmmm she  never adds commentary. A mystery! Lets look around...*intimidated* Ah shit she's more mature then I am...FUUUU-...but we both think the nordics are smokin' hot..*debates* ehhh maybe I'll swish on under the awesome-dar *clicks follows*" Followed by OH FUCK SHE NOTICED
2. Truth is: I feel like I can't hold a conversation because we agree on so much. =
3. How old do you look: I don't know i've never seen you. I pick you to be around 23-24 though.
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes
5. Have you ever made me mad: More frustrated and that's when we brianstorm stuff it's like 'come on brain don't make me look stupid! THINK OF SOMETHING AWESOME' 
6. Best feature: Enthusiasm. Does that count as a 'feature'?
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No
8. You’re my: Sista from another mista
9. Name in my phone: If I needed to/had it would probably be Cole as a first name, that was your first username that I remember and ghostpiratnordics as your last name. I still have a friend as Kohaku Hoshi as that's her online handle but I call her by her name after all these years. Just in case I forget something. =| Not sure how a username will help this odd amnesia but there you go, even if I know your real name I'll have you as your user name on meh phone.
10. Should you post this too? Up to you. 
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