glove23 · 2 months
My beautiful mutual... you have been with me since early 2010s... u are an angel to me........
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spiritlizart · 5 years
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both certainly fit him very well 💙
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kiridork · 4 years
Your hunter hunter posts.. i am going to kiss you on the mouth
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Gin and tonic discourse GO
Well normally I would say I would rather have a mikes hard bc gin and tonic tastes like what the word “wacky” sounds like to me BUT mikes hard also has connotations for me bc NAMING NO NAMES the last time we drank it with a small group of ppl at our old apartment ppl used our bed while we had to wait in the living room and I will literally never let the person I’m still friends with from that live it down but also we had a killer hangover the day after and I’m pretty sure to some extent even after trying to sleep it off we were still drunk for sure. Couldn’t even drive to McDonald’s I think we had to make someone else drive for us it was crazy. Not to say I’ve never had an issue like that w gin and tonic. Bc I have. And the hangover was worse. But also I was like alone so it was kind of a loserish situation to be in tbh. We used to drink alone all the time before rehab. I’m just thankful that this second go around in rehab is NOT drug related so epic win for that! Anyway here’s our group therapists therapy dog orchid she’s a Italian greyhound and looks like an alien made out of pipecleaners imo:
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misanry-moved · 5 years
What happened w zorasdomain?
they had like a legend of zelda blog (i think) and they were pretty popular but right before they left their blog they wrote a long post saying they were actually a republican :/
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charlottewellss · 6 years
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blog aesthetic/moodboards ☆ @velicities
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Are you ever going to restock the killua charms? Please restock the killua charms!
yes!! i’m planning on opening restock preorders this weekend for all out of stock charms! im ordering all restocks and new charms in mid november and paying for the fastest shipping so hopefully ill get them stocked soon!
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wretchedbitch · 5 years
Okay okay i did a fair bit of pondering and very legitimate research before i chose a character i think suits you but i GOT IT i think... alright ready..? .. Aggretsuko. Im not gonna explain it cause I'm either spot on or dead off and theres no explanation needed if thats the case
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feriowind · 8 years
More older gon! More older gon! More older gon! (please & if you have time of course 🙏) do you think hed have freckles and tanner skin from being in the sun so much?
hahaha yea i’ll draw more older gon at some point!
and mmm i personally dont draw gon with freckles (he does get tan tho) but i know its something other people do. :o i guess i imagine gon to be like okinawan
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zelda-tunes · 7 years
Your Questions, Answered!
Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry for my 40,000 follower giveaway!  I’m totaling up all of your responses, and I will put eveyrone’s usernames in a generator and announce who wins the gift cards tomorrow.
For now, here are the answers to the questions submitted with the entries :)
1. What was the first zelda game you ever beat, either just the story or 100%? completion (@pkmndaisuki) &  What got you into the Legend of Zelda series? (@phaazehunter)
The first Zelda game I beat story wise was Twilight Princess, and the first (and only) one I 100% completed is Ocarina of Time.
The first Zelda game I was introduced to was Ocarina of Time on a GameCube with my friend.  I thought it was really cool, but I didn’t get the game for myself until a lot later in my life.  I had a friend like 9 or 10 years ago that had Link’s Crossbow Training and we had a lot of fun playing it with her :) But the game that really got me into the series was Twilight Princess because it was the first game I finished by myself and got to experience in its entirety!
2. What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game? (@freemyedgar @ghosteabee @momowithcheese @princce7 @soniclozdplove @sonoranyoshi)
My favorite is still the first game I completed, Twilight Princess! It holds a special place in my heart because it introduced me to the entire franchise, and really got me into playing video games in general. 
3. What is you favorite Zelda Tune? (@cmdreddo  @ghosteabee @ladyginoza @lilylynxbane @rinarraven @princce7 @radiantshadowpixie @thehylianbatman) & What is your favorite track from BOTW?(@14eves)
I have a lot of songs I like, so it’s hard to choose.  I think my all time favorite has to be the Song of Storms, but I also really like Deku Nut’s Palace and Hyrule Field from TP
I also love a lot of the music from Breath of the Wild! I really like the theme song, the Molduga battle theme, and Korok Forest
4.  How long have you been playing Zelda games? What are some other games/series that you enjoy? (@clockworkwraith)
Since 2009/2010 I think? That’s when I got Twilight Princess and really got into the series
My other main series that I play are Fire Emblem and Pokemon, but I’ve played a lot of other games from other franchises like Skyrim, Assassin’s Creed, Final Fantasy XV, Mario Kart, and some others
5.  What Zelda moment is your favorite/you feel like you have a close connection to? (@kanikkers @postmanlinksbootyshorts​ @pumpkins-milk) &  What's a nice memory you have from listening to/playing a zelda game? (@eyesofsaturn)
My favorite actual in game moment is during the credit scene in Twilight Princess when Midna breaks the Twilight Mirror, cutting her off from the world of light and Link forever.  It was very emotional, especially since it was the first game I had finished! I was not prepared
Other memories: I have an inside joke with my dad for Zelda because of Twilight Princess.  When I first started playing the game (he actually bought it for me to try) I could not figure out what I was supposed to do in Ordon Village....so I just started throwing Cucoos everywhere.  My dad said I should “Just go fishing” and it turns out that’s something you need to do!  Whenever he sees me playing Zelda now, he tells me to just go fishing :)
I also bonded with my friend while playing Skyward Sword and doing one of the silent realm trials at Eldin Volcano.  I had collected all of the drops and all I had to do was get back to the magic circle, but I accidentally jumped off a ledge and into one of those puddles that awakens the guardians.  Because I had collected all of the tears, I could only finish the trial if I made it back to the starting point.  We spent a good amount of time screaming at the screen and button mashing to avoid the guardians...and somehow I was able to get Link back to the circle without getting hit.  He walked into the circle without any stamina left with a guardian right behind him, it was nerve wracking!
6. How has 2017 treated you? You doing okay? (@escapist-colony) & How have you been this holiday season? (@ quiethealer)
I’ve been doing great! 2017 has been a very long and busy year, but now I’m enjoying a much needed break from school.  I need to start working on my research projects again soon, but for now I’m catching up on some video games and finally finishing DLC pack 2 for BOTW
7 How long ago did you start compiling Zelda music? For the blog or just for yourself. And do you tend to buy the few official cds or just listen on YouTube or something? (@naside)
It’s been a long time...I think I’ve been running this blog for 5-6 years now? That’s really when I started compiling Zelda music.  
I have many of the official CDS for the OSTS! But my new laptop doesn’t have a CD slot so I’ve mainly listened to soundtracks on YouTube since I got it
8. How did you get into making this amazing library of Zelda music? (@duct-taped-shoes @nordictwin) & Have you heard of Zelda Reorchestrated? (@thisiscompletelyboring)
I actually started this blog because of Zelda Reorchestrated!  I loved listening to their covers, but then they announced that they were ending the group and disabling their website because they didn’t have many funds left.  I wanted to make a library with the songs so if the site did disappear, it would be saved somewhere else for me and others to access.  I didn’t have much space on my old computer when I had the idea...but I had tumblr so I thought I would make a new blog for it!  I started by uploading ZREO tracks and OSTS from the games, then remixes....and the rest is history
9. When is your birthday? (@renoku)
March 21!
10.  Do you play any instruments? (@fallska)
I learned how to play the recorder in elementary school and the trombone in 6th grade, but other than that I don’t play anything :/
11.  Do you prefer the older Zelda soundtracks or the newer more orchestral ones? (@allexsummers)
I’m always a sucker for orchestral tracks.  Something about the sound of live instruments is so magical and inspiring.  But I still like the theme of the old games as well.  I think all of the soundtracks fit each of their respective games really well, which makes them all the more better.
12.  What character would you have liked to see on Hyrule Warriors? (@flamestrikereaglesus)
How could they not let the Groose loose? I think he would have been a really fun character to play as.  I think I would have liked to play as some of the other sages from Ocarina of Time like Nabooru or Saria
Also Malo and Malon :)
13. Who is your favorite character and which version if there is more than one? (@gaylevalentine9)
I have too many favorite characters that I like to choose from.  I really liked Princess Hilda in A Link Between Worlds though?
14.  If you had the gift of your dreams and there is no way to get another copy regardless of how hard you tried but someone who also wished to have that gift...What do you do? (@cxrruptedhxpe)
I think I would try to share it lol
15. If you could have any food item from a Zelda game in real life, what would you want to munch on? (@livingmeatloaf)
Get drunk on Moo Moo milk
16.  Which Zelda game you feel has the weakest soundtrack? (@clementinegay)
That’s a tough one...I enjoy all of the soundtracks, but out of the ones I have played so far...Skyward Sword might have the weakest, because I can’t remember a lot of the songs from it honestly.  It has some great tracks like Fi’s Farewell and Skyloft, but I think it has kind of a forgettable soundtrack overall
17.  What's your favorite region out of every Zelda game (i.e. Lake Hylia, Snowpeak, Dragon Roost Island, etc) and your favorite region based song? (@veydal)
I think my favorite area from the games is Zora’s Domain--it’s just so serene and beautiful!  I also love the theme song for it, but my favorite is tied with the Hyrule Field themes and Death Mountain themes
Thanks again for all of your questions! Stay tuned to hear about the winners of the give away tomorrow :)
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glove23 · 2 months
You are kiki to me btw <3
I am shaking your hand
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How are you guys :0
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Back in Colorado on the rehab farm ✨
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What photo edit apps do you recommend?
anything meant for food or your face works just as well for art. things like snap chat and snow dont really have good quality though so ig anything that doesnt ruin the quality of your art. if used unsparingly filters can end up making your art look really bad imoim sorry that i dont have any specific reccs, i actually havent used many of them. instagram filters are good too, i use them sometimes, but only a select few
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wretchedbitch · 5 years
i LOVE you
aya u make my heart sOAR 
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askwithakiss-blog · 8 years
Trick or treat!
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GON: They’re a bit sugary, so be sure to brush your teeth! Peeps-- or, should i say, BOOps? hehe!
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glove23 · 2 months
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. pats u on the head. tiny bestie
I have been since I was like. 12-13
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