prezaki · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your photoset:Thiiiiis is probably old news to everyone else bUT...
did you just say george was a voyeur
yes, i did
that's a canon thing he does
peep on akira via hidden camera
i can't fucking believe
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magi-exchange · 11 years
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to: ghirakwi
I really have to apologize for the poor.... everything on this drawing. What is coloring and proportion weh. My tablet's on its last leg so to speak, and I was arguing with it every step of the way to getting this picture done, so I had to cut a lot of things I normally would have done, and it's a lot lower quality than I'd have liked to have given.
That said, I did have fun making it and I hope that you like it! Merry Christmas!
Ficlet to go with the artwork under the cut. It's my first time writing Sinja so bear with me!
They pressed their lips together, melding into each other like two halves of the same whole, and while their tongues performed their passionate dance, hands slithered past clothes, seeking the skin beyond the fabric. It was intense and fiery. The alcohol was fast surrendering their sobriety and better judgment to lust and heat- a path neither could return from once they had tread.
How long ago it seemed that he had once been so intent on killing the man he now entangled himself with…
Jafar let a lock of Sin’s hair pass through his fingers as their lips broke apart, but as he pulled his hand back towards himself it abruptly stiffened, and the moment once so spontaneous and passionate became very still, and very tense. He felt his pupils dilate in an instinctively familiar manner as their eyes met, and for a moment, both of them sat frozen in place.
It seemed such a simple matter, with his hands inches away from Sin’s throat, to crush the life out of his king. Their weapons and vessels had been discarded somewhere on the floor, and with the drunken stupor that the alcohol had over them, he was undoubtedly more coordinated than the other. They had bared themselves and were both vulnerable, both defenseless, but the king was more so. Far more so.
And yet, as they stared each other down, in that simple moment that felt like an eternity, Jafar watched as Sin’s lips curled into a soft smile.
He knew the thoughts that passed through the assassin’s mind, knew the risk in allowing such intimacy between them, but as always he was confident. He was confident because he knew, as they both did on some level, that his advisor wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t.
In their years together Jafar had become entangled in the great destiny that surrounded his king. He had lost himself in the radiance that was his determination and kindness, and in losing his meaning as a murderer, had pledged his newfound life to the man who had helped to forge it… The old part of him was still there, just beneath the skin, but in Sin’s presence those instincts always seemed to be lulled away into a gentle slumber…
Sinbad was the one man he couldn’t kill. He never could.
…But that fact did not change their fate.
Jafar let his hand relax on the other’s chest, and his gaze finally softened.
“…When you fall…” He murmured, eyes sliding closed as he leaned in for another kiss.
He’d do it then for sure.
But the smile the other wore only widened as their lips touched, and as Jafar’s mouth opened to let his king in, he was forced to devour the breathy reply of, “I’ve already fallen for you…”
The gift of love was something neither of them could ever hope to return.
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daichisuga · 11 years
me: yoo this jean is really .. pretty tael: neighs seductively me: TAEL DON'T START tael: im sorry that was an old joke im just beating a dead horse
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prezaki · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your post:I’ve just spent like an hour on my floor staring...
kicks you while youre down
you didn't want the pictures yesterday, now live with it
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inthenyxoftime · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your post: i loved you and hated you for years
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magi-exchange · 11 years
Secret Santa to Booksong!
From: ghirakwi
Alibaba would be insulted to not have his name written down in glorious tales to come. His life had become quite the outstanding turn out, fitting for only the most fictitious kings and heroes of fantasy. After finishing the majority of his adventures, Alibaba was many years older and with enough power and allies to earn back his home country as well as his place on its throne. He’d not wanted originally to rule over Balbadd as a king, fearing the country would revert back to its sad state as it had been under his father and brother, but eventually, he’d adjusted the idea of it enough in his head to accept it.
The glorious palace, the expensive clothes, the fine dining, the harem--Alibaba was rather proud of all he’d built and accumulated through the years. Nothing leading up to it had been easy, however, and letting go of those action filled adventure days was the most difficult part. Yet the fact that none of his friends he’d gained took the peaceful time as an opportunity to settle and left him behind only made it worse.
But it was soon to be put to rest. Even though Aladdin had left to only who knows where a great time ago, Alibaba had gotten word that month that another would soon visit the palace.
“It’s been too long, Morgiana. The years have been generous to you!” Alibaba laughed, trying to pass off his own embarrassment that had come over him upon seeing the girl--the woman for the first time in so long. While he could undoubtedly tell that this was the same friend he’d ventured across the world with, she was also very different than how he remembered.
Morgiana was much taller now, though not enough that she could pass up Alibaba who’d also had quite the growth spurt into adulthood, and her figure much… fuller. Pleasantly so, he would add; far more muscular and thicker than any woman in his harem. But that was how she had always been built, and he figured it’d be strange to see her any other way. First and foremost, Morgiana had always been a warrior, which was something he’d learned to grow proud of in finding a friend in her.
She appeared less surprised than he was, simply smiling as she always had. “You seem to be doing far better off here, Alibaba.”
And nothing made a king appreciate his country more than when he was able to boast. Alibaba all but dragged Morgiana to his whim without delay, distracting himself from the strangeness in his chest that whirred when he noticed her differences by focusing on Balbadd. The last she had seen of it was back when Kou still had its rule enforced over the port, and before that was years earlier as well. With ten years to develop, Alibaba was definitely pleased to show off all his hard work.
“And here, you probably don’t recognize these--well we never visited this area any of the times we were in Balbadd together, but take a look! These trees were all gifts from Reim, from Titus! Have you heard from them, recently? We’ve been exchanging mail, apparently the three of them have been very happy once things have calmed down! Well, either way, he said these plants were supposed to produce fruit, but I haven’t seen any yet,”
“Alibaba?” Morgiana quickly cut in at the end of his breath, stepping ahead so that she could face him. He stopped in his tracks as soon as she spoke. Only then did he realize that she hadn’t said a word to him this entire time. “Are you… nervous?”
“Nervous!” He let back his head and laughed loudly, earning himself a quizzical stare from Morgiana. “As if I could be! I’m not a child anymore, Morgiana; I’m king! I’ve never been nervous ever since.”
A smile rose to Morgiana’s face, appearing almost bashful in a way that certainly hadn’t suited her younger self. Ah, there he went again. Alibaba carefully watched as she strode a few paces ahead of him before he joined her side again, not caring to describe as carefully the scenery around them. Somehow, it ended up feeling more… peaceful that way.
Without having to give the last ten years of history to every new object they passed, Alibaba turned his attention back to Morgiana who seemed more at ease with taking in the country at her own quiet pace. It was all simply nostalgic, nothing else. They’d grown significantly on their own and were just now able to catch up on all they’d missed together. Even if so much of her had changed, he couldn’t help but have his eyes constantly wander to her wrists, beyond relieved to see her silver shackles of his household still properly in place as ever.
“They’ve gotten worn,” she began unexpectedly, catching Alibaba off-guard in the silence. Had she noticed him staring? Morgiana’s eyes were fixed on his face--he supposed that she had. Better caught staring at her household vessel than anything else, he figured. “When I travelled back to my continent again-when I was looking for more Fanalis-they ended up with all these scratches and marks on them. I’m almost amazed they held out this long,” Morgiana wondered aloud, sounding as if she were speaking more to herself than anyone else.
“I’m glad, though. It’s a lasting sign of the friendship between the three of us at that time, right?” Alibaba nodded in agreement, though the look he was met with was more confused than anything.
Morgiana cocked a brow curiously. “Aladdin had never been a part of your household, though. Shouldn’t that make it our--”
“Ah, Morgiana, quick, over here!” Before she could continue, her wrist was grabbed and she was suddenly being yanked forward by the king who’d just spent the entire day working up his image of royal elegance. It’d felt more like a child trying to pretend they were an adult with their younger siblings, much like how Alibaba had been in the past. This open childishness was almost more charming though.
Morgiana let herself be pulled along, easily keeping up with Alibaba’s steps. While he was more familiar with the area, she’d always been the most able on her feet. Without even questioning him, she was soon led off the stone path they’d just been having a peaceful stroll on, now into the grass that better suited her still bare feet.
When the ground hardened again, the trees that Alibaba boasted on cleared as well as they reached an opening. “This area used to be completely blocked off. The land was all but dead from old buildings the Kou Empire had established, but I cleared it. After all, just look!” Alibaba laughed proudly, his free hand settling on his hip haughtily while his eyes fixated on the sight more than anything.
The clearing was a cliffside just over the ports of Balbadd, ships sailing in and off the docks even now. The water curved along the small stretch of the country, gleamed over by what little of the sun was left after their day together. He stared it over in absolute awe, as if there’d never been a thing more beautiful to have graced the world. Yet in truth, the view wasn’t anything terribly spectacular, not after everything Morgiana had been able to see in her time. After travelling the world, it became difficult to find as much wonder in something like this which seemed to be able to view from any other coast.
However, Alibaba built it. She could notice the pride welling on his face at his own work, with just the smallest gleam of adventure in his eyes from when they were much younger. “It’s beautiful, Alibaba,” she agreed though having kept most of her attention on the man himself.
He whipped his head around to face her, a grand grin spread from ear to ear. “Isn’t it!” From there he simply set to trailing off once again, giving ever great detail as to how the ship system went around Balbadd and how the economy had improved with all the rigorous enthusiasm of the citizens. Morgiana tried to listen more this time, honestly, though it was difficult to keep focus on so much in one day.
“And that’s why,” Alibaba announced loudly, breaking Morgiana from her distance, “it’d be best for you to become a queen!”
Morgiana’s face paled with the realization that she definitely should have been listening. His face hadn’t changed the entire time while speaking, still smiling just as he’d been at the beginning right at her. “You--what did you just say about queens?”
“You should be one,” he shrugged as if he were being casual though even she could see a tint of red over his face. Oh, there was definitely something he had been talking about… something she should’ve stopped before it got here. “You’ve got all the qualities of the perfect one! I mean, you’re the strongest woman--the strongest person I’ve ever met, you’re smart, you’d make a great ruler!”
Alibaba turned his entire body to her, then, and Morgiana’s first instinct was to take a step back. This situation was one she definitely hadn’t been prepared for on the first day of meeting after so long, and she was stopped by another hand on her other wrist. “Alibaba, I know we never broke up back then, but I just-I just got here, it’s been ten years, you know!”
He let out a small laugh that was more forced than anything, seeming more bashful once Morgiana actually began pointing the obvious parts of it out. “I’m not saying we get married tomorrow or anything, Mor. You didn’t think I was serious or anything did you, aha!” From how he glanced to the side and avoided her eyes, she had a bit of a feeling he was.
Alibaba made a move to retrieve his hands he found wrongly placed, only to have them grabbed by Morgiana rather tightly. “Alibaba!” she began to smile, hands sliding from his wrists to grab his fingers. “I do... want to remain in this country, with you. All these years, my household vessel has felt uncomfortable being so distant and--so have I.”
His face went blank at first, almost in disbelief at the sudden outburst. Had Morgiana always been this straightforward? After a few moments trying to collect his thoughts, Alibaba finally moved to flip his hands over so that they were locked together with hers. “I want you to stay here, Morgiana. Balbadd needs some stronger generals than Olba and Toto!”
She nodded, eyes cast down at their laced fingers. “Then I’ll remain in this country, to continue serving by your side just as always, from here on out.”
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mamifish · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your photo: macaroooooonnnnnnsssss papa brought home...
ur allowed to donate some to me
i would but ur too far away
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daichisuga · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your post: HENRY BROUGHT BACK AN ARM TO GET SOME “INSIDE”...
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prezaki · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your post: ghirakwi replied to your post: Before skype calls...
i feel like i usually talk so much on calls but with u we talk equal amounts and it’s great let’s call more luna
we're both people of the 'will not shut up' variety who just keep getting back to their point persistently instead of being silenced, so we even out rather well, that's true
topic switching and all is actually less awkward than in text too, amazing
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inthenyxoftime · 11 years
i loved you and hated you for years
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mamifish · 11 years
going around associating peentoast with ktb first and then a more likely character but mAMI IS ACTUALLY MAMIYA
eheee thanks taeru!! i’m glad i remind you of this cutie
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daichisuga · 11 years
@tael i am!!! and i got gaius already tho i .... killed him first........ but it's so fun omg i had no idea the battle system would be like this but i love it ; u;
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inthenyxoftime · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your post: someone give me domination tips
shoot them in the leg and they’ll really depend on you then
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mars8374-blog · 11 years
ghirakwi replied to your post:
Leans close to whisper in ur ear while stepping on ur family
ejaculates everywhere how do u know my inner desires 
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