tatert07s · 1 year
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A melon
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tatert07s · 2 years
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This looked better in my head HELP really bad execution 😭😭😭💀💀💀
Id provided in alt-text
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tatert07s · 1 year
Mutual @herecomesbooboothefool mentioned that I should make Mozhdeh a buff lady when she gets older (based on this comment). And I thought that would be hilarious, so I sketched her out.
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Apparently being buff runs in the Hawke family and we can see that with Carver 💀💀💀💀
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tatert07s · 1 year
Had a realization that Merrill and Ghafar, color-coded together, is the colors of a watermelon. And I always draw the comparison that their daughter is a cantaloupe/honeydew/melon baby.
I kind of want to rename their whole ship to something melon-related now….
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tatert07s · 2 years
Are you still doing left hand doodles? Do GHAFFY taffy and his wife pleaseeeee I will give you one trans fenris dollar on discord
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Merrill and her mushroom husband
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tatert07s · 1 year
Can I have some cute Ghafar and Merrill moments/facts please :]]]
OMG, I’m so sorry I didn’t see this sooner moot JEJSJDJSJ
Merrill got Ghafar to learn the blood magic specialization. Especially with the ritual she did by using her own blood to open the gate for the funeral at Sundermount. He originally thought blood magic was scary and required you to mandatorily use some sort of sacrifice, especially from the rumors he heard about it back from Lothering and the reputation it has. He had no idea he could utilize his own blood to preform the magic. So, Merrill’s understanding of blood magic piqued his interest.
He visits her place on the occasion to learn the different spells
Ghafar also felt pretty disconnected from his own culture. Especially after leaving Lothering, and his father dying. Which he related heavily with Merrill, even though she’s an elf. Merrill found it rather fascinating that a human was going through the same issue as her in terms of reconnecting. They both help each other with trying to reinforce culture and old traditions into their lives (Ghafar helps Merrill by getting the artifact for her Eluvian, as one of them).
Cute things they do together/cute stuff about them (Idk):
• Merrill likes playing with Ghafar’s hair (he has curly fluffy hair underneath the turban, and lets her with his consent).
• In my DA worldstate, some of the locations are Asian inspired. Which includes the village Ghafar comes from in Fereldan (which resembles ancient Afghanistan. Ghafar is a Pashtun-Kurd). So, the language Ghafar speaks is reminiscent to Dari & Pashto; and he refers to Merrill as Jigar/Jeegar. Which would translate to as “my liver.” It’s a word of endearment LMFAOOO 😭 but fitting for my blood mage couple
• Merrill visits the Hawke estate for company. They like to read books together, drink chai, and cuddle 😳. She also stays over for sleepovers. (She also stayed at Ghafar’s place while he was mourning about his mother)
• They also smoke elfroot LMFAOOOO (this was definitely inspired by posts I’ve seen on my feed about elfroot weed). Ghafar uses his father’s pipe, while Merrill’s old fashioned and rolls it up with paper. It’s romantic ❤️
I’d probably include more via reblogs, but that’s like about what I have so far.
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tatert07s · 1 year
Oh yeah btw, to randomly put this here, Ghafar and Merrill 100%, would smoke elfroot. Ghafar would used Mahmud’s (Malcolm’s) old pipe that they managed to save from Lothering. Merrill’s pretty casual and would just roll it up into a joint. This is romance.
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tatert07s · 1 year
I am SO excited you are doing the ship ask thingie!!!!!!! *puts on glasses* okay so- 12 and/or, you decide, 19 for Merrill/Ghafar, please? :]]]]] <3 (sorry for being insane about them) 6 for Shahnoza x Cassandra?
I get it, bestie because Ghafar and Merrill run on hamster wheels inside my brain.
Thank you for the ask!
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12.) I feel like Merrill wouldn’t. She seems pretty independent, and I think she could easily indulge herself with tasks while she’s away from Ghafar, but he would have a hard time being separated from her HELP 💀💀💀. He gets either sad or really bored when Merrill’s not around. He tries his best to not express his despair, but Varric or Isabela always catch him and he’s like, “I miss her :C.” What a drama queen.
19.) Merrill does wear Ghafar’s clothes! Mostly his robes (chapons). They’re too big for her though because Ghafar is very tall (6’5). She actually keeps a couple of them at her place over at the alienage. Ghafar has taken notice that some of his robes are actually missing because Merrill had been taking them in secret, so he commissions his mother, Leandra, to sew her some robes. She’s a seamstress in my worldstate that used to make traditional clothing for her neighbors back in Lothering, but also apparel for her children.
6.) Answered here!
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tatert07s · 2 years
GHAFAR ROMANCES MERRILL??? 😭♥️🥰‼️ How do they get together?? I love him so much haha I’d love to hear about the two of them ♥️♥️♥️
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Okay grab your popcorn or snack, and get ready to cringe at my awful writing LMAOOOO
So, they meet like regular at Sundermount and gets introduced by her clan and Keeper. Merrill meets him and they go try to bring that amulet with Flemeth inside at the mountain top to do that ritual.
What struck Ghafar personally, was Merrill doing blood magic. Which, he found curiously captivating because back in Lothering and while living at Kirkwall, he was under the impression that in order to preform this kind of magic, successfully, you needed to have some sort of sacrifice. He actually had no idea that you can do blood magic from using your own blood as a tool.
In a nutshell, Merrill actually inspired Ghafar to learn this specialization, but wisely. He understands the sort of repercussion it has when this sort of magic is utilized at the wrong hands (especially with having to deal with other blood mages throughout DA2, like the ones from the Circle on that Templar quest). So, he knows the cost it has, and why blood magic is demonized by other people. Though, like Merrill, he believes blood magic is just like any other type of magic. It’s another tool that can be beneficial in terms of combat and doing spells.
Not in the actual game, but I’d like to think that he comes to visit her (on the occasion) to get 1 on 1 lessons, where she teaches him the art of blood magic. (Which, I think it’s nice because it gives them a chance to have conversations about themselves, and gives Merrill the opportunity to learn more about Ghafar and his background).
They get together (to answer your original question, I’m so sorry LMAOOO), after her companion quest, he actually helps her retrieve the Arulin’Holm for her eluvian because he understands how important it is to keep your culture alive, and try reconnecting with it.
He personally understands how vital that is for Merrill, especially since his experiences after Malcolm’s (Mahmud) death; Ghafar felt like he lost a big component of his own culture too. And he only began connecting himself back with it by learning more about his father’s history, but also by wearing his clothing (i.e the turban and his chapan/robe). So, through reviving a part of his culture, he feels more closer to his father :’).
That kinda makes Merrill realize that she and Ghafar are very similar and in touch with their own cultures. ☹️☹️💖
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tatert07s · 2 years
Merrill would play with Ghafar’s curly hair and make a, “D-Oing,” sound effect with her mouth at each strand
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tatert07s · 1 year
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Ghafar Hawke’s facial appearance timeline
He’s had it rough, but he’s a lot happier now c:
(Alt-text provided)
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tatert07s · 2 years
Oh yeah, Ghafar and Merrill have a Ghaferrill baby (her name’s Mozhdeh). He mostly takes care of her because Merrill is busy, and also this baby is sort of his “break” from the events in DA2 😭. He actually brings the baby in Inquisition (dw he doesn’t bring her to the Fade nor at Adamant 💀. He’s not an awful parent JDJJDJD).
I’d like to imagine the whole Champion intro in DAI, with Ghafar going down the stairs and Varric introducing Shan to Ghafar, would be interrupted by Mozhdeh’s cooing. Shan would get distracted by Mozhdeh and tries to play with her. While Ghafar, struggles to explain serious things with Shan and getting mad at her for not listening to him
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