#gglam trio
isingonly4myangel · 3 years
@skinnylittlelo @ladystrallan Found it!
Also for the other people who asked about this, enjoy! 😂
@one-hungry-bookworm 😘
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finalvortex · 2 years
was thinking about sashannarcy couples costumes and somehow what i came up with was "sasha as lake, marcy as jesse, anne as alan dracula"
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sibellicious · 6 years
Monty: "Do you want to tell me how you girls crashed this car?"
Sibella: "Well, we were driving, and there was a deer that Phoebe couldn't see, so I shouted, "Phoebe, deer!"
Sibella: "Do you wanna tell Monty what was your response was?"
Phoebe:... "Yes, honey?"
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awkward-but-nice · 4 years
the gglam trio
exactly whom i had in mind, thank you!
Monty Sexuality Headcanon: a bicon. Gender Headcanon: cis male. A ship I have with said character: monty/phoebe/sibella (and all combinations between the three) A BROTP I have with said character: his (granted, shortlived) friendship with henry was delightful. peak gay/bi solidarity (also, grahame if book characters are allowed). A NOTP I have with said character: monty/henry in any context that isn’t strictly platonic is a big no from me. A random headcanon: a modern man who’s not afraid of housework! in fact he used to help his mother with household chores even back when he was a boy. she also taught him how to cook, and it wasn’t uncommon for him to be responsible for dinner on days when she worked long hours. General Opinion over said character: baby boy, never did anything wrong in his entire life. also, out of all three versions of this character that exist, monty is the most sympathetic version imo.
Sibella Sexuality Headcanon: also bi! Gender Headcanon: cis female. A ship I have with said character: monty/phoebe/sibella A BROTP I have with said character: can i say sibella/phoebe as well? because sibella/phoebe. A NOTP I have with said character: lionel holland shouldn’t be allowed within 6 feet of my girl, let alone be married to her. A random headcanon: absolutely took advantage of monty’s love for her when they were kids. it wasn’t hard to get him to do her homework for her, or get him to share his lunch with her. and she did, in fact, cut off a lock of his hair once, just to see if she could get away with it. General Opinion over said character: beautiful, amazing, the actual love of my life. and the fact that the writers took this vain, selfish, antagonistic character and refused to turn her into a villain like the movie did, and instead humanized her and gave her so much depth and reason for her actions makes me weep tears of joy. finally male writers who are kind to their female characters.
Phoebe Sexuality Headcanon: bi Gender Headcanon: cis female A ship I have with said character: monty/phoebe/sibella A BROTP I have with said character: phoebe and henry, he clearly meant a lot to her A NOTP I have with said character: none that really come to mind A random headcanon: obviously takes interrest in gadening and botany, but also knows quite a lot of beekeeping from her brother. she started taking care of his bees after his death. General Opinion over said character: perfect and lovely, who couldn’t love her? heaven knows. really is such a beautiful character, the fact that she follows her heart and does what’s right for her, even though it will hurt her reputation makes me!!! i mean, she was willing to work with her husband’s mistress to frame eachother, in order to prove his innocence. also, love how horny she is for monty lmao
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talesandfluff · 6 years
thanks to my #1 bud @vivilevone for tagging me!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag people you want to know better
I choose:
In the Heights
The first character you loved:
Definitely Nina, the moment I heard Breathe for the first time I was in love.
My ultimate babe Sibella Hallward and that has not changed one bit.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Vanessa. I didn't think much of her at all the first few times I listened to In the Heights and it took me a little bit to really understand the character and fall in love and it's been all downhill from there.
BOQ, MY DARLING BOQ WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK the book helped IMMENSELY to make me adore him
Adalbert & Eugenia, oh my god. Who would believe they're literally the funniest characters on the show and ever on Broadway?
The character you relate to the most:
Vanessa, no questions asked. 100% Vanessa.
The more you look into it, the more you find ways to relate to several of the main characters but I'd say I still relate to Elphaba the most, that goth nerd aesthetic with the books and the grump and everything
See that's the thing: I find soooo many things that I relate to in each character of the main trio. That's why I love all of them. If I had to pick, I'd say Phoebe, because I'm also kind of oblivious and idealistic, but really, I totally relate to Monty's shyness and awkwardness, and to Sibella's need to hide her true emotions.
The character you’d slap:
NONE OF THEM but if I had to, like Kevin, but I don't wanna slap Kevin, he's a hardworking father who wants the best for his daughter, even if he can be mistaken about what that means.
100% Asquith D'Ysquith Jr, what a little bitch.
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
Vanessa, Daniela, Nina
Elphaba, Glinda, Boq
Sibella, Monty, Phoebe.
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
I definitely loved Sonny a lot more before the fandom made me become so bored with him by being irrationally obsessed with him because he's a boy.
None of them, if anything my love for the characters grows.
Same for GGLAM. Love them all.
A character you did not like at first but now do:
Actually Usnavi. I didn't HATE him, ever, but I didn't really understand him as well as I feel I do now and my love for him has grown immensely.
I think Nessarose fits this best. When you just decide to embrace that she's a total brat and kind of a bitch, you can just accept her as she is and love whatever she has to give as a character. Especially in the book, she's fascinating to me.
I don't think I ever disliked any character beyond the worst D'Ysquiths and I still don't like those. Don't think there's anything here that applies.
Three OTPs:
Vanessa/Usnavi, Vanessa/Nina, Nina/Benny
Gelphie, Nanny/Ama Clutch, Boq/happiness
the CANON ENDGAME OT3, Sibella/Monty, Eugenia/Shingle
I'm tagging @awkward-but-nice, @tacticalgrandma, most of my other pals are not as fandom inclined but like if you wanna do this @flowersfangsandfire, @hameowlton, @ariafsar, @jell-o-shot, @lunabelles. But if not it’s fine.
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shalebridge-cradle · 5 years
What are your favorite songs from Heathers and from GGLAM?
Thank you for your ask. It’s been a while.
From Heathers, I think my favourite song has always been ‘Shine a Light’. While Ms Fleming is in this for herself first and the kids second, I like to interpret this song non-ironically sometimes. It’s one of the few songs in the musical that’s optimistic - even if it’s just to make Fleming look better. Shame about Steve.
From A Gentleman’s Guide, ‘I’ve Decided to Marry You’ is up there for the choreography alone, to say nothing of the duet/trio. ‘Why Are All the D’Ysquiths Dying’ is also one of my favourites.
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deli-counter · 7 years
Musical Theatre Asks I am Answering cause my BFF asked me to
@666lucifersbitch I love you thank you
Best cast recording to listen to during a long car trip? Ooh for the car? I do love Company or RENT in the car. But any musical is car music you know. 
Song you’d blast from the top of a skyscraper? It's all about Urinetown Act I Finale bitch!!!!! Or Bitch of Living!!! OR DIRTY ROTTEN REPRISE
Song that never fails to make you cry? My Man from Funny Girl. I know it's not in the original but if and when they do a Revival with me as Fanny this HAS to be in it
Off-Broadway or Broadway production of Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet? BOTH! Every version of this musical forever. My favorite piece of theatre. 
 If you were to make a your own production of your favorite musical with complete creative rights, what would you change? My favorite musical ever is Sweeney Todd and I'd like to see it set in like a 1920's speakeasy kind of setting. Like the pie shop operated underground in a classy pub setting. Idk. Or a Urinetown that takes place in an abandoned atomic bomb city!!! Like the NukeTowns that they would build from scratch and blow up to test atomic bomb damage!! 
Best song to break something while listening to? I just did Spring Awakening so maybe Totally Fucked is a cop-out, but it's so true. 
 Hamilton or In the Heights? In The Heights has more heart and I was in it so I have a special place for that, but I think Hamilton over all. 
Top three Broadway actors or actresses? I have a hundred but the first that came to mind: Patti Lupone, Jefferson Mays, Phillipa Soo
Hugh Jackman, Neil Patrick Harris, or James Corden as the host of the Tonys? Kevin Spacey 
 Best musical theatre breakup song? As in to listen to after a break up or a song about break ups? My bitch ass is always listening to Someone Like You when I'm sad about boys. Goodbye Love from Rent is classic too.
Stephen Sondheim or James Lapine? Sondheim obv
Favorite romantic or platonic duo on Broadway? I'm picking a trio and it's Sibella, Phoebe, and Monty from GGLAM. But I have a ton of others
“Waving Through a Window” or “For Forever” from the cast album of Dear Evan Hansen? I don't give a fuck about DEH tbh but I admit For Forever is pretty, if not predictable 
 If you were to write a musical, which composer/writer would you like to team up with? Dave Malloy!!!!! 
 What would you say if you met your Broadway fave? THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE AND CAN I BE IN YOUR SHOW 
Best musical theatre location? Orlanda, Santa Fe, Chicago, or the Emerald City? WHAT THE fuck.....Santa Fe cause Newsies and Rent 
Sally Bowles or Roxie Heart? SALLY BOWLES!!!!!! SALLY BOWLES!!!!!! 
 Role you could play at this very moment and absolutely nail? Natasha in Natasha Pierre no fucking questions asked. Also, a VERY good Javert or Jekyll/Hyde. Or Drowsy in The Drowsy Chaperone. 
 Movie stars on Broadway or Broadway stars in movies? Either if they do it well, but maybe Broadway stars in movies cause they need to eat 
What book, movie, or TV show do you think should be made into a musical? Scott Pilgrim vs the World or Madame Bovary 
Tap dance breaks or 10-second costume changes? Both!! At the same time!!! (Turn It Off) 
Best Broadway Elder Price? Andrew Rannells. Saw the original cast and was blown away. He was robbed of his Tony 
 Best meta moment in a musical? Okay does Franklin Shepard Inc count cause Charlie tears that shit up!!!!
 Top three women-driven musicals? Evita, Gypsy, Color Purple. At least that's on my mind rn 
 Are you more excited for Spongebob: The Musical or the Broadway adaption of Frozen? I'd rather fuck a concrete dick or open fire in a Hobby Lobby than consider spongebob the musical 
Best young love song? No One Else or It's De-Lovely bye 
Matilda or Groundhog Day? Matilda!!!!! Always!!!! 
Historical event that should be made into a musical? Something with Amelia Earhart who owns my whole ass 
What non-Broadway singer/actor would you love to see in a Broadway show, and which role would you like them to play? Regina Spektor as Helene in Natasha would be sexi maybe 
If you read fanfic, what’s your favorite fanfic about characters from musical theatre? I don't read MT fanfic but I'd like to 
 Dream cast your favorite musical. Me as seriously every part in Natasha or Urinetown:
Pennywise - Cynthia Ervio
Bobby: Andrew Rannells
Hope: Denee Benton
Cladwell: Jefferson Mays
Little Sally: Lucas Steele in a wig 
Dunno who lockstock would be.... honestly??? probably Norbert Leo Butz
Set design or lighting design? set design cause I do it
Favorite empowerment-themed Broadway song? Here I Am, Don't Rain on My Parade, Rose's Turn, I Am What I Am, I Am Changing, I'm Here, I can't stop
Which Broadway star, from the past or present, would you love to have dinner with? Elaine Stritch!! 
Favorite musical theatre trope? I love patter songs, dark reprises, songs that are strictly ensemble, ORCHESTRA TUNING UP IN THE OVERTURE I could go on
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isingonly4myangel · 4 years
How do you think Monty, Sibs & Phoebs are handling this quarantine situation?
It's rough, but they’re managing and some days are better than others.
Sibella's losing her entire mind, being the extrovert that she is. 
She's done a fair amount of online shopping, mostly clothing and bath products. She started the quarantine doing her hair and makeup every morning, more out of habit than anything else, but now she's given up on the makeup and her hair spends most of her waking hours in a messy top knot. But even now her nails are painted- she did her best to recreate a nail salon treatment for both she and Phoebe one evening. There are newly delivered sheet face masks in the fridge to keep them fresh for later, and even Monty has agreed to do one. She got tired of scrolling through social media weeks ago, and now she really only looks through the Instagram stories of people she's particularly interested in keeping up with. Her sleep schedule is totally jacked, and there are a number of days that find her sitting outside at dawn, sleep having escaped her grasp that night. She's working her way through not only Netflix but also Amazon and Disney+, though her new favourite streaming service is Broadway HD. She's always loved the theatre, and in recent years she's been working both onstage and onscreen. It's one of the things she misses most fiercely during this lockdown, and being able to experience even that tiny portion of live performance offers significant comfort. She's also doing her best to practice her languages, journaling both in French and Italian almost daily. Something new she's found in quarantine is comfort in nature. She likes to sit outside when the weather is nice, she helps Phoebe with the gardening. One afternoon, Phoebe looked out the window to discover Sibella lying on her back on the grass in the yard, music in her earbuds and a smile on her face.
Phoebe, naturally more introverted, is less distressed about staying home but is more nervous about the virus itself. The cleaning regimen in the house is due to her, and every precaution is taken for anyone leaving or returning to the house. She spends a lot of time in her garden, caring for her roses and mint, peonies and rosemary. She loves watching them grow week to week, admiring their progress and new blooms. One of the few perks of suddenly having more free time than she could have imagined is that now she can actually chip away at the stacks of books she's had lined up to read. She always jokes that her to-read list is taller than she is, and she's happy to have the chance to jump into a story that is not her current reality. Though parts of her current reality she still appreciates. Currently she's reading a collection of Elizabeth Bishop, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. She leaves little sticky notes on pages to mark her favourites, and she enjoys reading them aloud to Monty and Sibella. She's also considering subscribing to the Masterclass program, because it seems like it has material that the whole household would be interested in. When Monty plays the piano, she likes to sit next to him on the bench and sing, and sometimes she joins Sibella in the shower. She loves to have her hair washed by Sibella, and though she's never admitted it out loud, the blonde is definitely aware of the fact. Phoebe is also doing a good deal of baking, finally having the time to work her way through the Pinterest board of recipes she's saved. Last week it was red velvet cupcakes, this week she's planning Oreo truffles, as it's currently too hot to turn on the oven.
Monty lands, as usual, somewhere between Sibella and Phoebe. In several ways. He's really more concerned for them than for himself- he spent the first few days of quarantine unwillingly imagining what might happen if one of his girls got the virus, how he couldn't stand to lose either one of them. Just thinking about it at length he nearly drove himself to insanity. He's calmed down considerably since then, and he's decided to just make the best of the situation. There are definitely still moments of anxiety, but he keeps the fear at bay by trying to stay busy. He's beaten three video games so far, and he's making good progress on a fourth. He's particularly enjoying being able to make music- he hasn't been able to really sit down and play, because usually any free time he had was later at night, and there's a lovely old woman living next door who he wouldn't want to disturb. But now he can practice in the afternoon, and none of the neighbors seem to mind. In fact, Doris- the grandmother from next door- dropped a letter through their mail slot one day, telling him how much she enjoys hearing the music, so now when he sits down at the piano he makes sure to prop the window open. Sometimes she leaves little notes on the front porch with music requests, and he always learns the pieces for her. In the evenings, occasionally he and Sibella and Phoebe will sit outside around their little portable fire pit and he'll play his guitar while the girls sing. On some songs he'll even chime in with a harmony. Those are his favourite moments, the ones he gets to share with his girls. He sifts flour for baking endeavours and fills watering cans for Phoebe, listens to reviews of new shows from Sibella, and freezes leftover coffee into ice cubes because he knows the blonde likes iced coffee when it's hot out. He sets the table so they can have breakfast on the patio, pressing a kiss to Sibella's forehead when she admits she hasn't slept yet as she sits down to breakfast. He mixes cocktails in the evenings, makes sure Phoebe can always find her reading glasses. And naturally, the three of them spend a good deal of time in a tangle of limbs and bed sheets.
There are, of course, more difficult days. It's hard to even open the news, much less keep up with it. Sometimes Sibella will spend too long trying to read about what's happening in the world, and she ends up curled into the corner of the sofa, clutching a pillow to her chest while she tries to fight off the hyperventilation. When Phoebe's first mint plant keeled over in its little pot and could not be revived, Phoebe cried for hours, and at a point it was not just about the mint. There are moments when Monty has to hold Sibella and/or Phoebe close, his face tucked into their hair and neck, just to calm his racing heart. Doris's birthday was earlier this month, and the three of them stood on the front porch with tears in their eyes, watching Doris and her daughter press their hands to either side of the window, reaching for each other but only able to touch glass. There are sometimes tearful late-night discussions with the three of them all seated on the kitchen floor. And some days, it all just seems too difficult, and they all stay together in bed well into the afternoon. Some evenings, they have to watch something familiar and comforting, taking a break from their exploration of new content; a couple of weeks ago, all of them sobbed their way through 'Christopher Robin', and last night Sibella begged to watch Mary Poppins (The others agreed, of course, and now there are plans to watch the Princess Diaries series, as Monty confessed to only having seen the first one).
But even when things are difficult, they turn to each other. The three of them work as a team, and they know that if they just hold tight to one another they'll come out of this alright.
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isingonly4myangel · 6 years
So I went a little (a lot) overboard with the setup for this one, but the idea popped into my head and I ran with it. Hope you like it!
Lionel had been furious when Sibella tried to tell him she was leaving. Phoebe had never seen Sibella so afraid as she was that day. But even with a pallor in her cheeks and trembling hands, she put on a smile and kissed Phoebe goodbye. They were to meet again the following afternoon in Salisbury, at the house Phoebe had inherited, after Sibella informed her husband of her departure.
Sibella had excellent grounds for separation from her husband. There had been all sorts of altercations and shouting matches, some witnessed by servants and even neighbours. Sibella was almost alarmingly thin, as he restricted her diet, and she still sported a deep purple bruise across her cheek from the last time he had become physically violent with her. Phoebe was afraid of what he might do to Sibella when she told him she was leaving, but Sibella had told her that she would rather take another hit from his hand than endure being trapped in that marriage any longer.
But Sibella never arrived in Salisbury. After receiving a frantic wire from Phoebe, Monty went charging into town to the Holland house. To his horror, a maid informed him that Mr and Mrs Holland had left for a visit to America early that morning, and were due back sometime late in the following month. Monty was infuriated and Phoebe was tearful, but they both waited for the Hollands’ return.
However, almost three weeks later Mr and Mrs Holland were the topic of conversation at a dinner party.
“Have you heard that Lionel Holland has returned to London?” Lady Ellington asked Lady Sitwell at the dining table. Lady Sitwell replied that she had not. “He is indeed,” continued Lady Ellington. “In the most tragic of circumstances.”
“Tragic?” inquired Lady Sitwell. Phoebe immediately set down her fork, her heart beginning to race as her stomach dropped.
“Yes, quite. His wife.”
“What about his wife?” asked Phoebe breathlessly. Lady Sitwell seemed to take pity on her.
“I apologise, I had forgotten that Mrs Holland is a friend of yours. Perhaps we should find another topic of-”
“No, tell me.” Phoebe turned to Lady Ellington. “What happened?”
The other woman cleared her throat awkwardly, realising that she had made a mistake by raising the subject. “Mr Holland… Mr Holland returned with news of his wife’s death." 
Phoebe felt all the blood drain from her face as tears pricked her eyes. Silence fell over the table as Monty’s fork fell from his hand and clattered against the plate beneath it.
"How?” asked Monty quietly.
“I’m afraid it’s not very pleasant,” Lady Ellington warned him gently.
“How?” he pressed.
“Apparently she became… unstable on the voyage over. She… I’m afraid she threw herself off the side of the ship, into rough waters. They weren’t able to pull her out.”
Monty pushed his chair back and stood from the table. “My apologies, I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse us. Do enjoy the rest of your evening,” he spoke flatly, careful not to reveal any emotion whatsoever. Phoebe began to rise from the table, unsteady and lightheaded. Lady Sitwell took her arm gently to help her to her feet.
“If I may be of any help, do let me know,” she said quietly to the countess.
But no one could be of help to the Earl and Countess Navarro. That first night after the dinner, they lay together in bed, Phoebe sobbing while Monty held her. She was still weeping when the pale grey dawn filled the sky. In fact, she cried for days, barely eating and only succumbing to sleep when her eyes were so heavy and tired from tears that she could no longer keep them open.
Monty wandered around the castle in a dazed silence, almost like a ghost. His shirt untucked and no shoes on his feet, he seemed not to see the servants he passed by even as they bobbed curtsies and nodded bows. He did not shed a tear until two days later, when he began to swear and scream and hurl books and china alike across the drawing room. Mr Gorby found him, on his knees in the middle of the room, surrounded by torn pages and shards of porcelain, his body wracked with sobs. The butler knelt beside him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, remaining with him even after he had collapsed to lie on the rug.
Monty and Phoebe did not leave Highhurst except to attend the funeral, and all visitors were turned away from the castle. No notes or letters received a reply, no comments were given to the journalists who came knocking.
But a month later, Miss Shingle requested to speak with Monty privately in his study. Phoebe did not think much of it until Monty came running to her, up in the bedroom.
“Phoebe! Phoebe, I have news,” he declared breathlessly, having run up the stairs and down the hall to her.
“What is it?” she asked as he came to sit by her on the bed.
“Apparently, Miss Shingle is acquainted with a woman who is friends with one of the maids the Hollands employ. The maid asked to be introduced to Miss Shingle, and she told me of the conversation they had over tea as soon as she returned.”
“What did she tell you?” Phoebe questioned, growing more anxious with every word Monty spoke.
“Miss Shingle told me that the young lady spoke of a torn letter that she came across while emptying the wastebasket in Lionel’s study. Reportedly, a fragment of it contained something that peaked her interest and so she reassembled the letter in secret and gave it to Miss Shingle, requesting that it be given to me.”
“What did it say?” her voice was tinged with panic.
“It was a request for money, from a Mr Christopher Banning. He signed his title as head doctor of the State Asylum at Morris Plains. The address on the envelope was in the state of New Jersey, in America. He was asking Lionel for more money, saying that his wife’s treatment was going to be more complicated than originally thought.”
“His wife’s…” she trailed off in astonishment.
“She didn’t drown, Phoebe, she didn’t kill herself! He had her locked in an asylum in America and lied to everyone about her death!”
“Book passage to New York,” she said, her voice soft and shaking. “There’s only one way to know for sure.”
They were on a ship before dawn the next morning. Six days later, they landed in the harbor in New York in the early afternoon. Checking into the Waldorf-Astoria, they were barely in their room long enough to drop their bags before they boarded a train to take them into New Jersey.
Stepping from the cab, they found themselves in front of a massive and imposing building of pale yellow and grey stone. The sprawling structure was tallest in the middle, at the centre of the circular driveway, its oblong dome obscuring the sun so that rays of light illuminated the edges of the building. Monty asked the cab driver to wait for their return, promising to pay him extra, and the man willingly agreed.
Phoebe followed behind Monty as they entered the building. The room inside was a large entry hall, with several comfortable-looking pieces of furniture and a rug covering much of the floor. At the far side of the room was a woman seated behind a desk. Monty strode straight up to the desk, Phoebe close at his heels.
“Good afternoon,” spoke the woman behind the desk, her pronunciation of the letter r taking Phoebe by surprise. She had never heard an American accent before. “I’m afraid visiting hours for the day have ended, but you’re welcome to come back tomorrow between noon and two o'clock.”
“We are not here on a visit. We’ve come to collect a patient; Sibella, Mrs Lionel Holland,” spoke Monty, sounding every inch an Earl.
“Goodness me, this place has seen more Brits in the last month than in all the time I’ve worked here!” said the woman with a slight laugh. “But I’m afraid I can’t just let you take a patient, not without a doctor’s permission, and that of the person who committed her.”
“I’m sure the doctor will find there is nothing wrong with her health,” Monty began. “As for the permission of the person who had her committed, I’m afraid that is quite out of the question. You see, we have come all the way from London to bring Mrs Holland home, because her husband has convinced all of society that she drowned after throwing herself off the side of the ship between England and New York. He has lied about her death, to all of town including her friends and even her family. There was a funeral held, but they buried an empty coffin, as she was reportedly lost at sea.“
"W-what?” stammered the receptionist.
“A maid found a letter in Mr Holland’s study, a correspondence between himself and a Doctor Christopher Banning, of this establishment. Had she not come across it, no one would ever know of Mrs Holland’s whereabouts, and the story of her death would have become fact as far as the people of London know. We have come to bring her back to her friends, her brother and sister, her mother and her father, and all those who love her.” He concluded his speech, his hands clenched into fists and his eyes burning as if with fire.
“I’ll go and find Doctor Banning, and tell him what’s happened.” She started out of the room via a door behind and to the left of the desk. “Horrible, just horrible,” they could hear her muttering as she closed the door behind her.
A short while later, Phoebe stood by the desk, waiting quietly, while Monty paced back and forth across the nearest section of the rug. Suddenly, the door behind the desk opened and the receptionist entered, followed by an older man, the grey streaks in his dark hair a match for the colouring of his short beard.
“Doctor Christopher Banning,” he said, approaching Monty and extending a hand to him.“
"Lord Montague D'Ysquith Navarro, Earl of Highhurst,” said Monty grandly, shaking his outstretched hand. “My wife, Phoebe, my Countess.” Phoebe fought back a smile as she watched the eyes of the Americans go wide.
“My goodness,” spoke the doctor. “I don’t believe this establishment has ever seen an Earl or a Countess on the premises. Miss James here told me about what’s being said about Mrs Holland across the pond. Dreadful stuff.”
“Indeed, but will you give us leave to take her home?” asked Phoebe, doing her best to sound elegant and composed, and not at all the nervous wreck she was inside.
“Well, I do have some reservations about that. You see, Mrs Holland came to us… somewhat temperamental, shall we say. And though her resistance to treatment is gone, I would not declare her to be well. We encourage patients to keep a daily journal, and in her entries Mrs Holland describes vivid and horrific nightmares. Additionally, she says nothing during our sessions, she does not interact with other patients during group activities, she displayed no response or emotion during waking hours, up until a few days ago.”
“What happened a few days ago?” Monty questioned.
“She had a kind of fit. Began to throw herself into the walls of her room and she beat the door with her hands so hard and so long that she did quite a bit of damage to herself. Something that we see frequently in psychotics. I would not give her that diagnosis as of yet, but she may be heading down a rather nasty path.”
“Well, should this behaviour continue, I can promise that I will personally find her a doctor in London. Unless of course, you would like me to explain to her grieving and heartbroken mother that her daughter is alive and being kept away from her by an American doctor.” The doctor paled slightly at Monty’s words.
“I- I don’t think that will be necessary. You may sign the paperwork to take custody of Mrs Holland. I’ll send someone to gather her things, and Miss James will accompany you to fetch her. She’s on the women’s ward, so I’m afraid only the Countess will be allowed on the floor.”
“Very well. I will sign the necessary papers. Phoebe, go with Miss James. By the time you return, we should be ready to depart.”
The American woman motioned for Phoebe to follow her through a door on the far left side of the room, while Monty remained in the lobby with the doctor.
She’s in her room, resting. She always seems tired after hydrotherapy,” spoke the American woman.
“Hydrotherapy? Therapy with water?” Phoebe questioned.
“Yes. Ideally it’s done in a bathtub filled with ice, but some patients fight with the orderlies about going into the tub. They have to be restrained against the wall and sprayed with cold water from a hose. Mrs Holland scratched one of the orderlies across the face when they tried to get her into the bath, so I’m afraid she is one of the wall patients.”
Phoebe was about to retort that anyone would be reluctant to be placed in a bath of ice, but the other woman continued before she could find the words. “This is her room.” She took a ring of keys from her pocket and picked out a particular one, unlocking the door before them.
The room beyond the door was dim, and Phoebe had to blink hard before her eyes adjusted. There were no windows and no furniture save for a bed unconnected to any walls. On the wall nearest to the head of the bed there was a large wooden cross, the only adornment on the white walls. It took her a moment to realise that anyone else was in the room. The figure in the bed was both familiar and a stranger to her.
“Mrs Holland,” called Miss James. “There’s someone here to see you.” The woman in the bed did not move.
Phoebe stepped forward, almost afraid. Had she not been told that Sibella was in the room, she doubted that she would recognise her. Her knees were pulled close to her chest, her body curled in on itself. Blonde hair was made dark and straight by water, soaking it through.
“Sibella?” she whispered, approaching the bed. The blonde stirred slightly, pulling her body in tighter. “Sibella, it’s me.” The other woman gave a slight whine, turning her face into the pillow.
Standing beside the bed, Phoebe looked down on Sibella in horror. Around one ankle was a metal cuff, attaching her to the bed by a chain. Her wrists were chafed, bleeding in places, and the sides of her hands were bruised a deep purple.“Sibella? Dearest, it’s me, it’s Phoebe.” Kneeling at the side of the bed she began to reach a hand out but stopped herself, drawing it back again.
“No, not today, not again,” the blonde muttered into the pillow.
“Darling?” questioned Phoebe, confused.
“Just bugger off and let me sleep! I know you’re not here! Just once, can’t I close my eyes and not see you?” Sibella began to cry as she spoke.
“Sibella, look,” she put her hand out to brush her fingers against the blonde’s cheek. Green eyes flew open, shocked by the contact. “I’m real!”
“Phoebe?” she whispered in disbelief.
“Yes, my love,” came the reply, tears in her eyes. “It’s me, I’m here. I’m not a dream."Sibella struggled to sit up, her body trembling and muscles weak. Phoebe moved to sit on the edge of the bed and the blonde dropped her head into the brunette’s lap. Both of them sobbing, Sibella held tightly to Phoebe’s legs while the brunette leaned forward and pressed almost a dozen kisses to Sibella’s hair and shoulder.
"Everything’s going to be alright now,” murmured Phoebe. “Can you stand?” she sniffed, wiping tears from the blonde’s face.
“Here,” Miss James interrupted, producing another key from her ring and moving towards the bed. Undoing the lock connected to the chain, she removed the restraint from Sibella’s ankle.
Struggling to her feet, Sibella leaned heavily on Phoebe as they made their way out of the room, followed by Miss James.
Monty sat in a chair in the lobby, his hands clasped together and pressed against his knees, his heel beating a rapid rhythm against the floor. All the release forms had been signed and a small box with Sibella’s few things had been set on the desk.
His head snapped up as he heard the door open. Phoebe stepped into the lobby first, and there was Sibella on her arm, pale and drawn and damp. A pale grey dress covered her from neck to ankle, the shoulders darkened with water dripping from her hair. He crossed the room almost at a run, and Sibella threw herself into his embrace.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured into her hair as she sobbed against his chest. One arm around her waist and the other beneath her knees, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the cab outside.
Sibella lay in the centre of the large bed at the hotel, having traded a nightgown for her hospital dress. Monty and Phoebe lay on either side of her, Phoebe holding her hand and running fingers through her hair while Monty held her tight, his arms wrapped around her waist from behind.
The blonde opened her eyes upon hearing a sniff and a slight hiccup from the woman next to her. Phoebe’s eyes were rimmed red and tears dripped across the bridge of her nose to fall onto the pillow. Taking Phoebe’s hand in both of hers, she pressed it gently.
“What is it, my darling?” Sibella whispered, careful not to disturb the steady breathing of Monty’s sleep.
“I- I thought I’d lost you,” Phoebe murmured through her tears. “I thought I’d never s-see you again, never hold your hand again, never h-hear your voice…” She trailed off, biting back a sob.
“Every night in that horrid place,” spoke Sibella softly. “I dreamt of you. At Highhurst, or still waiting in Salisbury, or coming to take me home with you. And they… they felt so real that I could hardly tell the difference between waking and sleeping. I’m still afraid that I’m dreaming, that I’ll wake up in a moment and still be chained to the bed so I don’t throw myself at the walls again.” A tear escaped her eye and Phoebe reached a hand up to brush it away.
“I’m here. You’re not dreaming. I’m real, and I love you.” Phoebe leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Sibella’s lips. They wrapped themselves in each other’s arms, holding each other tight until sleep overcame them.​
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isingonly4myangel · 6 years
The Trio and all of their children just being content in Highhurst and being cute and all.
I adapted this to be a little Christmas piece, cause ‘tis the season!
As they exited the church, they discovered that it was snowing. Rose gave a delighted shriek and dashed out onto the pathway, spinning in a circle with her head thrown back. Sibella and Phoebe, arms linked, watched her with matching smiles.
Monty stepped out from behind the women and crept up on the girl from behind, swooping her up in his arms as she gave a squeal that quickly turned to giggles. Held securely to his chest, she swung her legs back and forth and thrust a hand out with her palm up to catch any snowflakes that fell near enough to her.
“Thank you for talking me into coming,” Sibella said quietly to Phoebe. “It was a lovely service.” She and Monty very rarely set foot in a church, while Phoebe attended somewhat regularly. It had been the brunette’s idea that they go to the Christmas service.
Phoebe smiled up at her and Sibella found herself momentarily breathless. The warm light from the church behind them fell onto Phoebe’s face, her smile put a sparkle in the blue of her eyes, and tiny snowflakes caught in her dark hair. Sibella had to stop herself from kissing her then and there.
“Shall we go home?” Phoebe asked. The blonde nodded her answer and they set off to collect Monty and Rose.
Highhurst Castle was beautiful in the snow, golden light pouring from every window. Rose sat on the rug in front of the fire, humming a carol to the stuffed bear in her lap, while Monty was in the armchair and the women were across from him on the chaise. Sibella and Monty held cups of eggnog with a heavy-handed splash of rum in each, and Phoebe had joined Rose in a mug of hot chocolate.
Sibella leaned her head against Phoebe’s shoulder. It was her first Christmas well and truly without Lionel, and it showed. She was so much more at ease, no longer worrying about what he would say about her spending Christmas at Highhurst while he was out of town. Her smiles were more frequent and even more dazzling, no longer was there a lingering sadness and fear in her eyes. Even Rose seemed happier without her father snapping at her for behaving like the child she was.
“Mummy?” Rose spoke, ceasing her humming and turning to face her mother. Sibella lifted her head from Phoebe’s shoulder and gave her attention to her daughter. “Can I open a present tonight?”
“No darling, I told you, they’re for tomorrow.”
“Please?” the girl begged, drawing out the ‘e’ sound to elongate the word. “Just the one?”
Sibella sighed, but a smile crept around the edges of her mouth. “Alright, just the one. But a small one!” she called after the girl as she dashed out the door to the tree in the adjoining room.
The blonde laughed, watching her daughter’s curls bounce behind her as she ran. Phoebe placed a hand on Sibella’s cheek, turning her head, and covered her smile with a kiss. Returning the kiss, Sibella wrapped her arms around Phoebe’s waist. Both of them were smiling when they pulled away.
Tomorrow there would be family to entertain with holiday festivities and snow for Rose to play in, but tonight it was just them. The three of them and Rose, all together at Highhurst, full of Christmas cheer and not a care in the world.​
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isingonly4myangel · 6 years
do you have any headcanons for the trio in a modern au?
I do indeed! Thank you for asking, this was fun!
To begin with, Monty is a huge geek. He’s well versed in Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, etc. He’s also well versed in Jane Austen, because of his mother, which is where he first started to pick up his romantic sensibilities and learned that he should always be a gentleman.
The first conversation Monty had with Phoebe was actually about Jane Eyre. She was shocked that a young man that handsome was acquainted with that book, and that was what first interested her about him (other than his good looks and gentleman-like manners).
His father taught him how to play the piano, and though it isn’t something he often does for an audience, he’s quite good. Having inherited a natural musicality from his father, Monty also plays the guitar, ukulele, and sings. But no one can ever convince him to perform any of this, and he doesn’t tell many people that he has musical abilities.
Monty did extensive research when he realised that he was in love with two women at once. He likes to research things that are unfamiliar to him, reading through tons of articles online. Having things about himself or his loved ones that are a mystery stresses him out and makes him nervous. He read articles on love and choices and women in general before finally stumbling across the word “polyamorous”. When he was able to put a name to it, he was relieved that it was a relatively normal thing and that he wasn’t going out of his mind. (He also did some research on women’s periods when he learned that they affected Sibella negatively- he wanted to know what was happening and how to help her).
When our story begins, he’s working as a waiter- a job he’s actually quite good at. He’s patient and very personable, and always gets tipped well.
Phoebe spends most of her free time in libraries and bookstores. Her apartment is covered in books, as she long ago ran out of space on her bookshelves. She’s a dreamer, sometimes jotting down story ideas but she never gets around to finishing them.
She’s also a hopeless romantic, and at first was skeptical of Monty because he seemed like something out of one of her beloved novels, too good to be true.
Phoebe definitely also wears reading glasses which have a slightly magnifying effect on her eyes when one looks at her, and both Monty and Phoebe find it adorable.
She has an entire cabinet devoted to her collection of teas. Adagio.com is her favourite place to get tea because she just has so much fun browsing though their fandom tea section.
Most of her wardrobe is long dresses. She doesn’t often wear jeans or shorts, it’s just not her style. Casual dresses are her normal, with a few vintage-style ones sprinkled in there.
Sibella is literally exactly the same, just updated. She’s still decked in pink, still very fashionable, still has the same hairstyle. She likes to party and shop and keep up on all the latest societal gossip.
She definitely buys 100% of her undergarments at Victoria’s Secret.
She’s high-key obsessed with Lush (The “Sex Bomb” is a personal favourite of hers).
Sibella is a coffee drinker all the way, and can’t quite face the day without a morning Starbucks run.
Her favourite part of watching any awards show is judging and commenting on the red carpet gowns.
She’s an absolute champion at Cards Against Humanity and she goes largely undefeated, until (to everyone’s shock) Phoebe beats her one evening.
Never challenge her to a drinking contest. She’ll win every time with her high tolerance for alcohol and sheer force of will, and she has an uncanny ability to take shots with an absolutely straight face. Vodka is her shot of choice, but she can drink anything. If she’s ordering a drink though, she’ll usually go for a mixed drink, preferably something a little fruity. She also loves margaritas.
Sibella always has a flawless manicure. Most of the time she has them done at a salon, but she has an extensive collection of nail polish, mostly in shades of pink. Though occasionally she branches out into colours befitting each season, because heaven forbid she should be out of fashion. Essie’s “Ballet Slippers” is one of her go-to shades.
Her earrings always match her outfit.
She’s probably done some modeling work, because she’s gorgeous and she knows it. When you google “Sibella Hallward” there are lots of glamour shots of her that pop up, modeling for different companies and magazines.               (One of Phoebe’s favourites is a photo of her in a pink bikini with matching sunglasses lounging in a rather provocative position beside a pool)              (One of Monty’s favourites is from a lingerie shoot she did. The specific photo features pink lingerie with white lace, and she’s wearing nothing but that and some very high pink heels. With her makeup professionally done and her hair falling in soft curls around her shoulders, she’s beautiful and highly seductive).
Of the three of them, Sibella is the biggest Disney fan. Sometimes when she’s in a certain mood for it, she’ll spend two or three days listening to nothing but Disney music. Classic Disney is her favourite, though she appreciates the more modern Disney too. She definitely also begs the other two to come with her to a Disney park (depends on where in the world they are in this AU) until they finally relent. She spends the entire time with a giant grin on her face, taking cute pictures in her rose-gold Mickey ears. Monty and Phoebe enjoy themselves too, but their favourite part is seeing Sibella so happy.
Sibella and Monty watch Game of Thrones together. Phoebe can’t stand it- all those people behaving abhorrently and being so mean to each other. But she can hear it from the other room when she sits down to read as they watch their next episode and always ends up being highly entertained by hearing their reactions to what happens on the show.​
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isingonly4myangel · 4 years
Moments in GGLAM that you fell in love with each individual member of the trio?
Ooh I should re-watch it tomorrow so I can be really precise
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isingonly4myangel · 6 years
The trio get their tarot cards read. :)
Celtic Cross spread, using my Wild Unknown deck. 
I had a lot of fun choosing cards for these characters! My inbox is open, if anybody else shares interests in GGLAM and tarot, or you have any questions, let me know! (Also sorry this isn’t actually a written prompt response, when I have more energy I’ll do one!)
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Representing him, at the top left- The Magician: self empowerment, action; boundless and expansive energy; archetypal “yang” or masculine energy
Card 1: X of pentacles- fulfillment and abundance, moving up in every aspect of life; number 10 signifies completion
Card 2: VII of swords- secrecy, self-interest; indicates a secret being kept
Card 3: V of swords- potential for self-destruction or self-sabotage; power struggles, questionable ethics
Card 4: IV of cups- greed or discontent, dissatisfaction; wanting more than one possesses 
Card 5: The Chariot- strong will, triumph; confidence, achievement, control
Card 6: IX of pentacles- happy and healthy home; positive results of loyalty and hard work; newfound stability
Card 7: Wheel of Fortune- destiny, change of course; the eye of the wheel is fixed upon you and a change is coming your way, something you’d least expect
Card 8: The Lovers- union, desire, joy; tells of a beautiful and strong relationship; The Lovers honour and respect each other and are very open and honest with each other; their love can conquer anything
Card 9 (representative of fear in this spread): IX of swords- dark visions; reveals the deepest shadows of the self; accompanied by guilt, despair
Card 10: III of cups- friendship, love, joy; a strong bond between three people, creating lasting memories
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Representing her- The Empress: the mother of the Major Arcana; creation, nature; her energy encompasses all that is warm and creative; her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate
Card 1: Mother of pentacles- domestic, loving, patient; connected to nature; possesses qualities of a healer
Card 2: VII of swords- secrecy, self-interest; indicates a secret being kept
Card 3: Ace of cups- love’s beginnings; entering a time of health, joy, and/or friendship
Card 4: The Hermit- solitude, meditation; wisdom through meditation and stillness
Card 5: The Star- hope, peace of mind; not involving actions, simply about connecting to the part of you that is hopeful and serene; this force will bring light into your life and infuse you with positivity
Card 6: IX of pentacles- happy and healthy home; positive results of loyalty and hard work; newfound stability
Card 7: Temperance- healing, renewal; implies strength as a moderator; advises focus on cooperation and compromise; healing and balance, harmony
Card 8: The Lovers- union, desire, joy; tells of a beautiful and strong relationship; The Lovers honour and respect each other and are very open and honest with each other; their love can conquer anything
Card 9 (representation of hope in this spread): IX of cups- bliss, harmony; wishes come true, worries and fears are cast away; health and happiness
Card 10: III of cups- friendship, love, joy; a strong bond between three people, creating lasting memories
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Representing her- The High Priestess: mystery, psychic wisdom, intuition; archetypal “yin” feminine energy; paired with The Magician as representing either end of the human existence; ability to find what’s being hidden within a given situation
Card 1: IV of cups- greed or discontent, dissatisfaction; wanting more than one possesses 
Card 2: III of swords- betrayal, heartbreak, turmoil; emotional entanglement and confusion
Card 3: X of swords- ruination, melodrama, overthinking; supposed martyrdom 
Card 4: VI of cups- memories, childhood, nostalgia; complexity beneath the surface
Card 5: Mother of swords- sharp, perceptive; extremely experienced and knowledgable; not easily fooled; understands herself and society well
Card 6: Death- death, closure, transformation; something in life is coming to an end, voluntarily or not; positive transformation through suffering; non-attachment, lacking passion
Card 7: The Chariot- strong will, triumph; confidence, achievement, control
Card 8: The Lovers- union, desire, joy; tells of a beautiful and strong relationship; The Lovers honour and respect each other and are very open and honest with each other; their love can conquer anything
Card 9 (representation of hope in this spread): Strength- fortitude, patience, courage; facing challenges with grace; playing the long game
Card 10: III of cups- friendship, love, joy; a strong bond between three people, creating lasting memories
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isingonly4myangel · 6 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill: The GGLAM Trio (Sibella, Monty and Phoebe)
Fuck- Monty
Marry- Sibella
Kill: Phoebebutnotreallyonlyinstoriescauseshestooprecious 
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