#gf: are u screenshotting that gay mafia show AGAIN???
yeetlegay · 2 years
there's been so much emphasis on kinn saying "you're mine" repeatedly to porsche & him rebuking this with "I am my own"... do u reckon there will be a scene of kinn being all "I am yours. as you are mine" in the future?
Ooooooh anon. I LOVE this question and it provoked some major brain waves so I wanted to wait until I had some proper time to sit down and respond. I’m really gonna go crazy with this lol—this ask literally just spawned a meta analysis I did NOT have lined up for this week. Anon u are powerful af.
Possession has definitely been an ongoing motif, and there’s a ton to unpack in how it’s shifted over the course of just the 4 episodes we have. So here we go:
Ownership and possession in Kinnporsche: a basic breakdown
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So let’s just run through the highlights of this development. I’m gonna try to limit myself as much as I can for the sake of time and length, but there’s just SO much more happening than I could ever capture in one post, so hopefully this can work as sort of a base for people to work from if they want to go back and dig through the episodes for more of the details.
Kinn and Porsche’s relationship starts off as purely transactional. In the bar fight in episode 1, Kinn is buying Porsche’s skills, albeit temporarily. His goal for the remainder of that episode is to acquire Porsche, at his father’s instruction. He sees Porsche as an object, another tool in his belt, another bullet in his gun—nothing more.
When Kinn finally does get Porsche in his circle, he immediately tries to “claim” him, to put him in his place as a pawn in a much larger game. And Porsche basically says, “Fuck that.”
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But that last scene in episode 1 really cinches the motif and establishes the trajectory of their relationship. I’ve seen some amazing meta written about the chess metaphor (I can’t find any that I’ve reblogged, but feel free to link them and I’ll add them in here!), but to sum up: Kinn’s father views Porsche as an object too, only a much more strategically important one. Porsche isn’t just one of many tools in Kinn’s arsenal. Porsche is the lynchpin for Kinn’s reign as the imminent leader of the Theerapanyakul family. Why does he see him this way? We don’t really know. But Porsche’s recruitment is certainly part of a much bigger design, even if they haven’t fully taken into account that possessing him doesn’t necessarily mean possessing his loyalty.
(I’ll talk a little more about chess at the end of this post.)
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Kinn continues to see Porsche as an object, one that needs a little extra work to fit in place, but an object nevertheless. He literally uses Porsche as a prop in target practice, purely to prove the point that he owns him, that he can command him as he likes, that Porsche is powerless. Even Tankhun plays into this; he dresses Porsche up like a mermaid, makes him a plaything, and then Kinn swoops in for a few taunts to drive home the point that Porsche really is just an accessory, only important insofar as he’s useful.
Kinn does blur the lines a little bit later that same day when he brings Porsche to the tailor to get dressed for the event that evening. At first it feels more like he’s dressing up a doll or other object again, but then their eyes meet. It’s a small moment that marks a bigger shift as Kinn registers his own attraction to Porsche, his growing fascination with this person who continues to rebel against the constraints of his position. It’s one of the earliest moments that he really considers Porsche, reckons with him on an equal level, even if Porsche himself isn’t aware that’s what’s happening.
And then we hit the choking scene, which is where the whole concept of ownership goes a little sideways. Kinn’s statement (“It’s my fault I can’t handle my people”) is a clear signal to the Second Family that Porsche is unimportant, an object to be controlled. But thanks to Pete, we understand what Kinn’s intentions really were, and we see that Kinn’s outward ownership of Porsche (“controlling his people”) was a cover for saving Porsche’s life. And that by extension means Kinn is starting to think of Porsche in a more complicated way.
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I wish I had time to get more into it, but the ending of episode 2 also has massive implications for Kinn's sense of ownership over Porsche. Porsche approaches Kinn, armed with the reasoning behind his earlier actions, and steps into the role assigned to him. He makes him shitty coffee, acts a little more like the bodyguard he's supposed to be, even down to his body language when Tankhun arrives (legs slightly apart, straight posture, hands clasped in front of him). He's not great at it, but he tries. Kinn has earned a small bit of his respect, his trust, and he rewards him with a bit of buy-in on the idea that he is, on some level, owned by Kinn.
Only for Kinn to immediately trade him away to his brother like a baseball card. Oof.
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Porsche's reaction to Kinn giving up ownership of him, giving up his claim, is just bonkers. He doesn't show any apparent attraction to or feelings for Kinn at this point, and yet something in him instinctively fixates on Kinn's "rejection" of him. Especially after being with Tankhun, bored out of his mind, no challenges in sight, he goes full petty bitch when he sees Kinn again. "Who says I'm free?" he asks Kinn. Left unsaid is the implicit "I'm not yours to order around anymore." (Granted, Kinn is still ultimately higher ranking than Tankhun and technically is still his boss, but this is semantics to Porsche. Kinn still gave him away.) It's almost like he's trying to make Kinn jealous. And he's got no idea that's what he's doing.
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The wound tending scene. THE WOUND TENDING SCENE.
Once again we see Porsche in petty bitch mode. I'm still convinced he had a whole Fuck All Men playlist blaring in his ears during that training sequence (ft. Bust Your Windows and Before He Cheats). He's just so pissy about Kinn trading him away on Tankhun's whim.
BUT THEN!!! We have Kinn making one of his comments. "This place belongs to me. So everything in it belongs to me." (Including Porsche.) In the first episode, Porsche rejects Kinn's ownership. ("My life is mine.") But here? He gives a little, playful shrug and doesn't answer. And what's really interesting is the expression on his face. He's pleased. He likes what Kinn said, the way he reasserted ownership over Porsche, even if only to make a point. And immediately afterward, he actually takes the initiative to bring up the mole, showing concern for Kinn's safety. It's an expression of genuine interest and investment in his role that Porsche hasn't made before. And it's a reciprocation of the interest Kinn has shown him, first by trying to pull him from the line of fire and then by turning up to help him clean his wound.
Again, trying to keep this post as short as possible, but it's no coincidence that the next time they're alone together, it ends in a kiss.
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GAH okay well the scene by the pool is pretty straightforward. Kinn doesn't like Vegas playing with his things. Porsche doesn't register this as possessiveness, he just thinks Kinn is being weird. It's interesting to imagine how his behavior would differ if he remembered the kiss; maybe if he did, he'd see Kinn's jealousy a little more clearly. But oh well.
Now I don't even have room to talk about the scene after the sauna where Kinn and Vegas basically have a dick-measuring/pissing contest right in front of Porsche's salad, but that's a whole thing in and of itself.
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I am nowhere NEAR done talking about this scene. I feel absolutely FERAL every time I think about it.
First things first, Kinn walks in and tells Porsche to stand up, which he does with some confusion. He asks Porsche to take his shirt off, and Porsche offers up a very lackluster resistance that Kinn easily overrides. The way Porsche just...gives into him now, lets him grab his arm, touch him, as though Porsche is his to touch, is astounding. Remember that this is their first interaction since Porsche realized Kinn was the person he kissed on the pier. Even with his confusion over that kiss, he still doesn't withdraw from Kinn physically. He lets himself be ordered around by Kinn, touched by Kinn. He accepts Kinn leaning into his personal space without question.
And I think it's telling that what he most wants to ask Kinn isn't "Why did you kiss me?" or "Do you like me?" No, what he chooses to ask in that moment, what he wants to know most, is "Do you want me to be yours?"
Kinn's response to that question, masked as it is, hurts Porsche. Kinn dismisses him, says he's just like everyone else, just another employee, and not even his employee. Porsche all but asks for Kinn to take him back, and Kinn says no.
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Okay, okay, this post is SO LONG, I'm trying to wrap it up, so let's skip ahead to the sex scene. (No time to talk about Porsche asking permission to drink at the bar, but know that I am Thinking About It.)
Firstly, yes, this is undoubtedly dubcon. As I've said before, dubcon and even noncon don't bother me; if they make sense for the story and are handled well, fine by me. It's fiction, the scene is serving a narrative purpose and has compelling implications for both characters' arcs, and at the end of the day a well-told story is what I'm after. So when I talk about Porsche's feelings in this scene, please note I'm not saying any of it makes the encounter fully consensual.
But wow, did this scene crack Porsche's character open. Yes, he's still high and lacking impulse control (though crucially, he's a lot more lucid than he was earlier with Vegas). But he sort of lets loose on Kinn, teases him, provokes him, gropes him, even taunts him with that kiss on the pier, daring Kinn to admit he likes him.
I have to wonder if this is partly a reaction to the trauma earlier, an effort to seek safety in Kinn after he felt so alone and terrified with Vegas. He might be seeking physical contact, affection, protection, a kind of reclaiming if you will. And his altered mental state means he's uninhibited enough to ask for it openly.
What's most fascinating about this scene to me is how happy Porsche looks when Kinn finally gives in, when he's touching him, surrounding him, focused completely on him. Porsche has been craving this connection for longer than even he realizes, and now that he has it, he's relieved, euphoric. He finally feels like he belongs to Kinn, not just in a technical sense but in a physical/emotional sense.
Will he feel this way when he wakes up the next morning? I'm gonna guess probably not, and for good reason. But it still tells us something, that in his most vulnerable moment, he wants this from Kinn, seeks it out from him. He wants to belong to him, in every way he can. I'm sure this has a lot to do with his family, background, etc. but I don't want to speculate too much until we know more.
So to FINALLY answer your question, anon:
I think you really might have a spot-on prediction about where this motif might go. Porsche will be Kinn’s at the end of the day, no question. Not just because he’s in love with Kinn or because Kinn has “claimed” him in some way, but also because this is the whole reason Porsche is there to begin with. Korn chose Porsche as Kinn’s queen from the jump, orchestrated his removal from his old life and brought him to Kinn’s side. He didn’t intend for them to fall in love by any means, but in the end I think he’ll view that element in their relationship as an asset because it ties Porsche to him even more securely, more permanently. Porsche is Kinn’s man, his protector, his advisor, his confidant, and that’s exactly what Korn designed him to be.
So Porsche becoming Kinn’s is inevitable, practically fated, but Kinn becoming Porsche’s in return? Is not part of the design. Kinn saying “You are mine” will come a lot easier than him saying “I am yours” because the second comes with a surrender of power, an acknowledgment that Porsche is his equal. It’ll be a long road for him to get to an emotional place where he’s ready to trust Porsche enough to belong to him, but I agree, anon. I think that line will come in some shape or form, and it might be the moment that changes everything.
(Tagging @luckydragon10, @black-flame-rose, @antique-forvalaka, and @minisculecosmos since I left y'all in suspense over what this ask was about 😂😂)
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