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kirsctein · 9 months ago
last chapter of if i knew you tomorrow ;;^;; i'm not ready
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/healthy-tongue-secrets-revealed/
Healthy Tongue Secrets Revealed.
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Tongue problems can be very discouraging because of the way they come and go. Just when you think they might be clearing up, Bam! they’re back again.
How I Discovered the Secret of a Healthy Tongue
I am a lot like you, I once suffered from Geographic Tongue and even worse.  I hope you won’t think I’m bragging, because I’m not. I just want to explain how my unique background enabled me to discover the Secrets that can give you a Healthy tongue.
You see, many years ago, while attending a prestigious private engineering college in upstate New York, I was trained in the methods of top-notch research. Just before graduation, I was even recruited by the CIA, although I didn’t know it before I went to the interview (did you know they actually hold “covert” interviews not disclosing who they are until you get there?) and eventually I turned them down. My colleagues went on to become top researchers for companies like IBM, Kodak, Colgate and, yes, even the CIA.
But shortly after graduation, my situation took a strange turn. I developed Crohn’s disease and started wasting away. I couldn’t eat without excruciating pain. Whenever I ate anything solid the pain would be so bad that I literally rolled on the floor in agony.
It was a terrible experience. I was sure I was going to die as I slowly went from a healthy athletic 135 lbs down to a scrawny, emaciated 98 lbs with strange patches all over my tongue.
I was desperate to find a solution and frankly at the time, my tongue was the least of my worries. But with my life literally hanging in the balance, I focused my remaining strength and turned my research expertise on finding a solution.
I made a Wonderful Discovery While Struggling to find a Solution…
But a strange thing happened while I was researching what makes you healthy and the factors involved in disease. I made a rare and unique discovery so enormous, that I am excited to share it with you!
I found that certain nutrients made a difference in the condition of my tongue. And over the last twenty-five years I have refined my findings and in addition to my Crohn’s disease being a thing of the past (which the Doctors say is impossible) I have only had rare bouts with Geographic Tongue (mostly because I forget I have it!)
I have raised two wonderful kids and spent many happy and healthy years since then. I was able to return my abilities toward work and today I make my living researching and finding solutions to complex computer problems both in the U.S. and Internationally. Over the years, I have continued to hone and refine my research skills in order to find a variety of solutions in all types of circumstances.
I had to Help a Friend in Need
Then a few years ago, Allison, a friend of mine at work, began losing weight. At first it looked good on her (I thought she’d gone on a diet or something) but before long I knew there was a problem. One day while we were discussing her problems she showed me her tongue and all those painful memories of wasting away and anxiously searching for a solution to my problem came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something to help her.
It turned out that Allison had fibromyalgia which caused severe pain whenever she ate (which reminded me of my battle with Crohn’s). Naturally, she did not enjoy being in pain, so she would stop eating before she had gotten enough calories to maintain her normal weight. And somehow this resulted in geographic tongue.
Since the doctors weren’t much help, I knew I had to do something!
So I began compiling some of my old research into a report that I could give to Allison. In addition, I turned my finely honed research abilities toward finding even more information for my friend.
Allison was absolutely thrilled with the secrets I put together for her…here is what she had to say when I emailed her the information in my report.
WOW!!!!!! This looks great and exactly what I’m dealing with… and there is actually a name to it!
I really like my doctor, but it makes me wonder why he doesn’t know this!…
Sometimes I feel you are the only one who really knows what I was going through because you experienced it!–
I became Obsessed with Finding all the Pieces of the Puzzle
Even after I gave the information to Allison, I just couldn’t rest. As I found more and more pieces of the geographic tongue puzzle, the project expanded and seemed to take on a life of its own.
My report eventually became a book that covers many different tongue problems, because as I looked at them, I began to see how they all fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.
As I explored the many various tongue problems I found many common denominators and that is why I tell people,
“You really need to read the whole book to understand the secret, and get the big picture on how it relates to health in general.”
Did you know Your Tongue is like a “Health Meter” for your Body?
One of the mysteries I uncovered while doing my research was that your tongue is actually kind of like a health meter for the body. It seems obvious to me that a healthy body would have a healthy tongue and a weakened body has a sick tongue.
For thousands of years doctors have been asking patients to stick out their tongue and using the signs and conditions they observe to help determine the overall state of the body, but… modern medicine has forgotten most of the reasons doctors over the ages have asked you to stick out your tongue. Now when a Doctor says, “Open wide”, he is usually not even looking at your tongue at all, but looking down your throat for signs of “strep’ instead!
If “Your Eyes are the Window to your Soul”…
Your Tongue is “the Window to your Digestive System”
Here’s a fact for you, that you may not have thought about: your tongue is actually the first organ of your digestive system. Your tongue moves the food around so your teeth can chop it up into more easily digested chunks and mixes it with saliva. Plus your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Being the first organ of the digestive system and being visible from the outside without fancy scopes and machinery, it is in the unique position of giving us a look at the state of your digestive system.
As I said, the tongue is sort of like the health meter or “gas gauge” for your body. When your body needs something it starts a chain reaction that results in the tongue showing the symptoms. The symptoms could be a white coating, or cracks, or even bald patches with white rings (as in Geographic Tongue). Think of your tongue like a “Gas Gauge” indicating when your body is low on something.
I can’t be out of Gas, the Gauge must be broken
Can you imagine… a crazy lunatic looking down at his gas gauge and it is reading almost empty. At this point he gets extremely upset and starts yelling and screaming and says, “There must be something wrong… I just put Gas in the car 600 miles ago! That gauge is always saying empty!” Or perhaps he says, “I must need a new gas gauge, I shouldn’t need to put gas in it again this week!” or maybe “It isn’t fair”.
No, that’s ridiculous, you understand that a logical person, would realize that the gauge isn’t the problem, you just need to go to the station and get more gas.
Right? You know that the gauge is there for your protection, so you won’t run out of gas and your first response is that the gauge is right and you just need more gas. Only after a lot of evidence to the contrary would you consider doubting the gas gauge.
The same is true for your tongue, once you know the secret of reading it, you can know what you need to do to return your whole body to health.  I’m sure you can see that just like it is no use blaming the gas gauge for an empty tank…
You shouldn’t blame your tongue for alerting you to a problem with your body!
As a matter of fact, You’re going to become as excited as I am when you discover how paying attention to your tongue can actually point you in the direction of optimal overall physical health.
Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places
Do you remember the old Waylon Jennings song “Searching for Love in all the Wrong Places“? Well, that is exactly what the medical establishment is doing in regard to Geographic Tongue. And it makes me downright angry when I hear Doctors say “Oh, Don’t Worry about it” or “It’s Benign” or the three most hated words when it comes to Geographic Tongue “No Treatment Necessary”.
There is a simple easy solution for Geographic Tongue!
As a matter of fact, it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to resolve! When you read the book you will see how the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks!
The problem is that Doctors spend very little time studying nutrition and a lot of time studying disease. And Geographic Tongue is not a Disease! It reminds me of an old joke (even though Geographic Tongue is not funny).
One night a guy named George is walking home after dark. The street is entirely unlit  except off in the distance he sees a man crawling around under a lone lamppost. As he gets there he realizes the man is searching for something. George says, “what are you looking for?” the 2nd man says “an engagement ring I dropped”. This is terrible what was going to be a happy occasion is now a disaster, so George stops to help, and after a few minutes George asks “where exactly did you drop it?” The 2nd man replies, “oh, up the street a ways.” George is amazed and stands up and shouts, “Then why are you looking here?” To which the 2nd man replies, “Because the light is better!”…
That is the way it is, if you look for a solution for Geographic Tongue in the Disease category, you are simply looking in the wrong place! Once you know the right place to look… the solution is obvious!
Imagine yourself getting out of bed two weeks from now…
The morning starts much like any other… The alarm clock rings…You get out of Bed… you walk to the bathroom mirror and stick out your tongue… but there the similarity ends… This day is different… you stare in amazement and relief because there for the first time in a long time you see your dream come true…  a healthy new pink tongue…
No more bald patches… no more white lines…  just a beautiful pink healthy tongue.
You almost can’t believe your eyes… it is almost too wonderful… for a moment you might think that you had a “tongue transplant” in your sleep, or your eyes are playing tricks on you. But it’s true, your tongue can be so healthy you won’t even recognize it!
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switchstrategyblog · 7 years ago
Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016
Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016
Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016
Once You Jump, There’s No Going Back
Most aren’t willing to step off the edge of their little entrepreneurial world. Which is why most never capture lighting in a bottle.
Most never get to experience the weak-kneed tingle brought on by a breakthrough that increases response rates by 22% (with that little headline twist you crafted). Or how combining two seemingly unrelated services into one offering doubles profit margin (and you had them both all along). Or the sheer joy of watching your new bonus offer (the one you created in a frenzy of frantic notes at 3 a.m.) sell more subscriptions in a month than ever before. Yes, that’s how a breakthrough can feel. But, why don’t most experience it?
Because breakthroughs don’t happen in a vacuum.
They aren’t found on a dusty bookshelf of your home office.
Or at four minutes, thirty-two seconds into your favorite podcast.
Breakthroughs (the kind that overfill wheelbarrows with cash) happen when you connect at the edge.
It’s there you bring your one-of-a-kind uniqueness and connect with something (or someone) new, unexpected, disruptive.
And once that happens, you won’t look back.
Which is why the GKIC Info-SUMMIT is your ticket to the edge.
Your Ticket to the Edge
This year, the GKIC Info-SUMMIT 2016 will be all about making connections at the edge. It’s three packed days of sheer opportunity – the opportunity to connect…
With your customers / subscribers / prospects using strategies, techniques and language that can differentiate you in ways you never thought possible. With your peers – informally sharing insight, experience, and ideas you won’t find in any book or seminar but can be the match-to-gas you weren’t expecting. With synergy… partnership possibilities are around every corner, on every couch, in every hallway at Info-SUMMIT. Do the math…. 1+1 = $
You’ll come to stop wondering and start asking. You’ll come because yesterday’s hot idea is today’s crowded middle. You’ll come because who you meet can be worth more than what you learn (and you’re going to learn a ton).
Only 1 letter separates “Tell Me What You Know” from “Sell Me What You Know.” Yet they’re worlds apart.
A single letter can change everything. So can driving the perfect prospect to your landing page. Or an unexpected Joint Venture handshake. Or the blueprint to make a lot of money from what you already know. Attending Info-Summit 2016 will change everything too.
Hey Friend,
You know that addictive feeling every true entrepreneur craves… the mishmash of anxiety, fear, excitement, and anticipation churning in your gut like some witches’ brew. Welling up from deep inside, it’s the feeling of true discovery, of calculated risk, new insights, savvy refinements and startling reinvention.
And it hides in the dimly lit edges of your world.
In a place where breakthroughs are born and true success has a chance to flourish. In a place called the GKIC Info-SUMMIT 2016. And it will be here that Dan Kennedy shares three hyper growth strategies most will forget, but you mutate into magic. It’s here you discover inspiration not from the stage, but from the story sitting right next to you. It’s here the roadmap to converting your life experience into a monthly revenue stream is handed to you under one condition – drive hard and fast.
But don’t worry, it’s a place you don’t have to go. You can choose to keep your slippers on, sip warm milk, and probably be OK (just stop reading here). Or, if OK isn’t good enough, we can invite you to step off the edge…
Probing the Edges is the Only Real Option
You know, things ain’t gettin’ easier when it comes to connecting with your market. Sure, we all want the magic that gets us noticed like a redhead in a sea of blonds. We crave a potion that can keep subscribers mesmerized like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert. And we’d love to sell our stuff on demand, a true Pavlov with a bell.
But so do 38,967 of your closest competitors.
Entrepreneurs of every shape and size are starting to see the darkness at the edge for what it really is – opportunity. Getting out of the crowded middle, where most businesses (on-line and off) fight for every scrap of the market’s fleeting attention isn’t a matter of elbow room, it’s survival. Not convinced? Consider the following…
According to the Content Marketing Institute, both B2B and B2C marketers are throwing more budget dollars into content marketing – a whopping 14% for B2B marketers in 2016 alone! And 76% of those B2B marketers plan on producing more and more content.
Because inbound marketing (where good content brings ‘em in) delivers a staggering 54% more leads than traditional outbound marketing tactics (HUBSPOT State of Inbound Report). And it’s those leads that are driving up page views, subscribers, memberships, and sales for savvy entrepreneurs (yeah, like you).
This leads to one simple conclusion – a lot more folks, using a lot more marketing dollars, will be gunning for your prospects, clients, subscribers, leads and sales. It’s happening now. Question is, what do you do about it?
Probe the edges. You’ll like what you find. Your competitors won’t.
Info-SUMMIT is how – and where – you do it.
But Maybe This Isn’t For You
Like every Info-SUMMIT, there is going to be an overload of actionable ideas, strategies, and opportunities. More than you could possibly handle. But, if you’re the type that just collects binders on a shelf and really doesn’t implement, perhaps you should just save your money. Cheaper to buy a book and stay home. Hate for that to happen, but you know best. If you’ve never been to Info-SUMMIT (or any event), and are the type that just won’t ask for help or hates to be around other super positive people, sure, we get it. For someone new, the Info-SUMMITsm can be an eye opening experience (yes, opening your eyes is a must). Maybe Google has the answer. From 2007. If you’ve been to events before and have the “been there, done that” mindset or think “there’s nothin’ new under the sun”, maybe the edge is not where you should be. No sense getting smarter when you’re already there. Better to just use the money at Starbucks. If you’re still reading and have decided “hey, this MIGHT be for me”, then we need to do something a little unusual at this point in our conversation. To be able to absolutely convince you not to miss this event and to show you how you’re going to get pushed off the edge, we need to take your future, smart self to the event and see what it would really be like. So here we go…
You’ve Just Time Traveled to Nov 2nd 2016 (and your hair is still perfect)
As you make your way down the wide hallway of the beautiful Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa toward the event concourse, you can feel an almost tangible vibe in air. The intensity grows with every step, and you feel the jet lag starting to slip into excitement. You push open the doors labeled HALL 103 and step inside. The energy in the room sparkles in the lights, dances in the chatter of anticipation. With barely a minute to spare, the crowd erupts.
It’s go-time at the Info-SUMMIT and every butt is on the edge of its seat (including yours)…
The lights drop. The mic jumps to life. And out strolls Dan Kennedy. Sure, you’ve seen Dan before (after 40+ years on the stage, most realentrepreneurs have). And you haven’t seen Dan before. You realize why.
Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016
Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016
The post Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016 appeared first on Top Info Scout.
Dan Kennedy – Info Summit 2016 published first on http://ift.tt/2gY0vxh
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seanmeverett · 8 years ago
Diary of a Madman, Page 39
11,000 people peering inside, you’re one of the chosen.
I. This Week’s Analyses [Retail]
Elon Musk Finally Catches Up To Biologic Intelligence [FEATURED]: we show off our commercial one-pager and a page from our pitch deck.
Amazon’s Miraculous Pillar Business [fountainhead]: analyzing the subtle aspects of Amazon’s ROIC-based business strategy.
The Changing Dynamics of Reality Retail [fountainhead]: our thesis is that a personal and human experience matter for non-commodity products.
Operating System for Future Luxury Retail [fountainhead]: bridging the offline and online gap.
Facebook F8 2017 Predictions [fountainhead]: how’d we do?
II. “Cockamamie Bullshit”
Below is the chart that Nick Bostrom put together in his AI book, Superintelligence. It tells what is required to emulate real Biologic Intelligence. While the rest of the industry is focused squarely on #1, over the last 6 years, we’ve emulated #2, #3, #4, some of #5, and #9.
I had a potential investor a few weeks back reply to our pitch deck, without even making it all the way through, that what we’ve done is, and I quote, “cockamamie bullshit”. Truth be told, he’s heavily invested in #1 below (and has told his LPs the same) so for someone to come along and say he’s been disrupted? Well, as you might imagine, that just ain’t gonna sit well with some of them thar old-timey folks.
And no, I’m not afraid to call out bullshit when I see it. The truth is a wonderful thing. If you still don’t believe in the power of Biologic Intelligence, or you think we’re the only group talking about it, then let me introduce you to this little organization called DARPA. You know, the ones who CREATED SELF-DRIVING and protects the United States of America with advanced technology. That little group.
They released a new proposal a few weeks back looking for and describing everything we’ve been saying publicly for the last year. A few relevant quotes:
Current artificial intelligence (AI) systems only compute with what they have been programmed or trained for in advance; they have no ability to learn from data input during execution time, and cannot adapt on-line to changes they encounter in real environments.
At the same time, current ML systems are not intelligent in the biological sense. They have no ability to adapt their methods beyond what they were prepared for in advance and are completely incapable of recognizing or reacting to any element, situation or circumstance they have not been specifically programmed or trained for. This issue presents severe limitations in system capability, creates potential safety issues, and is clearly limiting in Department of Defense (DoD) applications, e.g., supply chain, logistics, and visual recognition, where complete details are often unknown in advance and the ability to react quickly and adapt to dynamic circumstances is of primary importance.
The human brain does not constitute the only biological system relevant to the L2M project. The project will also look to lower animal brains, and even organisms without brains due to reduced complexity, yet remarkable behaviors.
Of course there’s much more. Especially when they get into the nitty gritty:
Sounds exactly like what we have in our one-pager:
The future is not cockamamie bullshit. You only get that kind of heated, angered response when you become a threat to someone’s buggy whip business. That’s a signal you’re onto something big. As one of my very good, long-time startup friends told me recently, “keep punchin”.
III. Three Interesting Things
One: For Sale. We’re selling 3 products that we’ve reviewed. Email me if you’re interested:
$290 Bang & Olufsen H9: bluetooth wireless headphones with noise cancellation in the Argilla gray. Comes with velvet gray case, wired headphones and charger.. Regularly $500.
$290 Apple Watch, Series 1: 42mm Stainless Steel with 3 bands: black rubber, blue leather, milanese loop. Regularly $1,000 that you can’t even get in Stainless Steel any longer.
$175 Bose Headphones: bluetooth wireless headphones with noise cancellation in silver. Comes with the protective case and charger.
Two: The Moon Collective. One of our friends deep in the space industry is putting together a small collective of the smartest people and organizations to jumpstart the New Space Economy. We’re providing a bit of help.
Read this draft overview and see if you’re compelled. Email me if so.
Three: Compassionate Technology. Give our friend Olivia Jeffers a look. Smart as a whip and she’s publishing some great stuff.
IV. Newsworthy News
Energy: you can harvest water from the air.
Trading: you can arbitrage potato chips now.
Feminism: Math is doing well.
VR: Lytro’s new camera is as big as 3 humans.
Apple: gettin a new GPU and joining the Space Tech party.
Space: Helium-3 matters for colonization. Self-organizing microsats and 3D printing from Mars dust. Searching for ET.
Facebook: changed their story from VR to AR #throwback.
Communication: everyone struggles explaining their business.
Coffee: it’s clear now?
Self-Driving: CarOS is the new battleground. Where did we hear that before? #throwback
Self-Flying: VTOL is life.
AI: spending is up, up, up.
Market Size: AI & Robotics (2020): $153B, Sensors (2022): $240B which means Sensors are 2x larger than AI & Robotics.
China: goes to Hollywood and to space.
Retail: Amazon Basics could be the greatest Trojan horse into developing economies ever.
Cannabis: getting capital for the top startups.
Crypto: new app increasing the value of Ethereum, from Coinbase.
Manufacturing: the Vibration Institute exists for IIoT.
You’re a mad man until the rest of the industry releases a product to a massive set of the population.
— Sean
Read The Rest
In one list or: 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Join The Fountainhead Movement for exclusive access to bleeding edge think pieces and technological inventions.
Humanizing Tech is a premium technological think tank for building humanity’s future. It covers Biologic Intelligence, autonomous robotics, self-learning AI, superhuman augmentation, personal hedge funds, editable DNA, SAAS space platforms, personal power stations, and video as an app. This newsletter is a peek inside the Editor’s mind.
Diary of a Madman, Page 39 was originally published in Humanizing Tech on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Stories by Sean Everett on Medium http://ift.tt/2palYTi
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