#geten is overprotective
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lostiolite · 8 months ago
Hiya!! How about general relationship headcanons with Geten? Love him sm🙏
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Hes kind of like a an overprotective dog, you and redestros personalised gaurd dog 😊
He gives tsundere vibes, but mainly because he obviously has never been in a relationship before, and isn't really the best at understanding his feelings, so he tends to be sort of Standoffish.
Love language
Giving: acts of service and gift-giving i think are his instinctual way of showing love, hes strong and has alot of power within mla. Will buy you something or have some underlings assist you. Despite his twinkish build, hes strong. He'll take heavy groceries on one arm like its nothing, he enjoys helping you out on a personal level like this.
He isnt good with words because he has a tendency of being blunt. He wont hesitate to tell you how much he adores you, or how much he hates that friend of yours. Hes affectionately insulting, "you look... so stupid, anyways i bought you that thing you were looking at earlier". Its clear your different, because the way he insults you is different than how he insults other. He dislikes it when others are being silly or stupid but when its you, it makes him happy. He wants you to have an easy life, to be treated like royalty, thats how high he holds you.
He likes touching you, playing with your hair or laying on you, it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. When your in his arms he enjoys the feeling of protecting you.
His attention is always on you / or redestro, hes really perceptive so even if it seems like hes in his own world, he's taking note of everything.
I feel like hes very literal and sort of extreme, this also ties hand in hand with his bluntness. You could make a small comment of somthing being cute and he will shower you with presents of said thing. this will lead to miss understandings, the two of you could have a disagreement and you could somthing about him being an asshole or somthing and he assumes you hate him and youre gonna leave him.
Definitely yaps to redestro about you, maybe curious/trumpet as well when he wants to be more "romantic"
Speaking of romance i dont think its really his thing, he doesn't see the need to go on fancy dates. Spending time with you is more than enough for him.
Receiving: please praise him. Let him know how highly you think of him, not in a self absorbed way, but also in a self absorbed way. It makes him feel usefull. I feel like once he starts getting involved with you romantically hes gonna start doing some inner reflection and realize he isnt used to love and probably isnt the best partner. Feeling usefull to you helps leviate his insecurities, even if not for the right reason. It takes him a while to comprehend that you like geten himura not iceman the mla comander.
Touch him, hug him, kiss him, cuddle him please. (Maybe im just self projecting cus i love physical touch) likes laying down on your lap/chest/you in general. Scratch his head please. Makes him feel warm fuzzy and embrassed but a good embrassed. He'll think about it while working and start smiling like an idiot.
Gushes to redestro about you, like a middle school girl talking about her crush.
Tbh if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have confessed to you, or realized his feeling for you in the first place.
Redestro is fond of you, making geten even more content with being in a relationship. Hes kind of dedicated his whole life to work, redestro was his only personal relationship, and he wasn't sure if he would be allowed to pursue one with you or how it would work. Thankfully the old man gave him the ok to confess and even pushed him to do so.
Oh. my. god. Imagine him making ice sculptures for you. It could range from little hearts to miniature versions of you, him and redestro like a little family.
Listens to your music cus he hasn’t really had a chance to find his own taste. Plays the romantic songs over and over again thinking of you.
If you like baking or making food he will cherish it and brag how his s/o made him food. Probably shares it with the rest of the commanders, I feel like some part of him has an attachment to them.
I don’t think he can cook, maybe the most would be a sandwich made with cheese and ham.
Buys you your favorite foods to eat together sort of like a picnic, but not a romantic picnic, just a nice picnic.
I feel like he would enjoy feeding you and being fed by you, something about you holding the fork/chopsticks/spoon for him to eat and vice versa makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Let’s you have the second bite of his food, requests to have a bite of yours, again something about it feels warm and fuzzy to him.
Quirks and children
If you've got a strong quirk he would be really proud. He'd be intrested if you wanted kids, afterall two people with strong quirks are bound to have a strong child. If you didn't want kids i dont think he'd really care, he could always like give him sperm (without Intercourse) to a surrogate for somone else to train if the mla wanted him to continue his bloodline.
If you've got a weak / no quirk he'd be apprehensive first meeting, you not seeing your worth. Hes mad that he fell in love with someone weak, feeling that he shouldn't be with you. Though its redestro who again convinces him to go for it, that if he loves you he should try. Im not sure he'd be a good father, especially if you wanted a child being quirkless/weak. But it lets him realize his whole "only the strong should have power" ideals are kind of fucked up. He still wants his children to have somthing good about them, so unlike him they would probably go to school, not just school but like top teir ones.
Give him a few years before having kids, hes not ready, let him mature. He isnt used to being empathetic or social cause he was robbed from it at an early age to train.
I think redestro kind of understands that he and geten were kind of shoved into power without any choice in the matter, and would encourage geten to let his children have more freedoms and a normal childhood.
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queenofcandynsoda · 4 months ago
Children of the MLA Leadership
Except for Geten, I refused to believe that none of them had children prior, especially Redestro and Trumpet.
For Redestro, he would definitely want to continue the Yotsubashi bloodline. For Trumpet, being a politician with kids helps with the public image.
The reason why I believe they would have children is that they want to raise a "new generation" and want them to live in a "liberated society" so they can use their quirks freely.
I already made a beautiful wife and young children for Trumpet. The wife's name is Shigemi Hanabata (花畑 茂美), also known as Preach (せっきょう/Sekkyō). She is a member like him and has a useful quirk called Propaganda (宣伝/Senden), an emitter type that causes people to believe everything the user says as long as they either trust or find them attractive. Their children have mixed variations of Incite and Propaganda, one of them being called Excite.
I read Mirrond's The Reason why the Second Meta-Liberation War is going to be Weird and saw their OC who is Redestro's teenage daughter named Ko. I found her to be cute and entertaining. This gave me a few ideas regarding that. Redestro is a doting overprotective dad to his teenage daughter whose quirk is similar to Stress but with anger. The name would be either Wrath or Rage. She even has her own codename.
For Curious and Skeptic, I have put that they are a couple that kept their marriage a secret from the public so Curious would be out of the public eye once she started showing. In the MHA AU, where Curious came out alive albeit with a broken leg, they have a baby boy whose quirk has not manifested yet but will come sooner than expected.
Hopefully, I will make more posts about this because this has so much potential.
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jusananimehoe · 5 years ago
Hi there! I'm so happy to finally see some Geten content! Would it be okay for me to request some best friend!Geten with a fem reader where Geten notices Dabi becoming attracted to Reader? Geten and Reader are completely platonic but his protective bestie instincts/general dislike of Dabi kicks in and he refuses to let Dabi be alone with her while rubbing in how close he and Reader are at the same time.
Not going to lie, this mad me laugh because I could absolutely see these two losers being this petty! Enjoy xx
What in the…     What exactly does he think he’s doing?
It wasn’t unusual, per say, for you to be conversing with that pathetic fire-user, as lieutenants, you both kind of had to, you were in the same squad after all, it was necessary. But why Dabi currently had an arm swung over the back of your chair as the two of you chatted, well, there was no explanation for that. There was no reason for the way he was leaning into your space either, it made Geten want to throw something, probably ice.
You were strong, and Geten knew it, you were his closest friend after all, you two had trained together for years, so he knew you that if it came down to it, you could handle Dabi, but as much as he adored you, he was also painfully aware that you were prone to being, just a little too kind, per say, maybe a touch oblivious, to the interest of others. You were beautiful, he wasn’t so blind that he couldn’t see it, and he had no real issues with you dating, but this, well, this he could not allow.
Dabi was the epitome of weakness, could barely handle his own quirk, was surly, snarky, bitchy, and frankly, the most aggravating person Geten had ever met, all of the above meant he was no-where near being good enough for you. Judging by the sweet smile on your face though, the thought hadn’t even occurred to you. What am I going to do with her? He bit back a frustrated groan, and then strode into the room, not missing the flash of annoyance in Dabi’s blue eyes as he approached.
You, on the other hand, turned that warm smile on him, jumping to your feet instantly to approach him, after all, you hadn’t seen him in a few days, he’d just been so busy. His hands moved of their own accord, circling around your waist and dragging you into a tight embrace, drawing soft, kind laughter from your lips. He wasn’t an overly affectionate person, so you were probably a little surprised, but he was kind of planning on killing two birds with one stone here.
He leaned closer, pressing his nose into your neck even as his eyes found Dabi’s, the two of them glaring at each other viciously, if looks could kill. Geten grinned at him then, pressing closer to you, whispering something softly to you that the fire user couldn’t hear, smirking again when you burst into giggles at his joking, another rare surprise for you. You hummed happily in his arms, pulling back just enough to twist your neck back to glance at Dabi, eyes shining with happiness, “isn’t it great that Geten’s back Dabi? I haven’t seen him in days”! Yeah Dabi, isn’t it great, see how comfortable she is with me, how content?
Your little pout was ridiculous, and it had Geten snorting and rolling his eyes, but he pressed closer to you again anyway, leaning your foreheads together affectionately, apologizing softly to you for being so busy, he had missed you actually, you were so much easier to deal with than all these other idiots he was surrounded by. A glance in Dabi’s direction had Geten grinning again at the smoke pouring from between his staples, so I was right. Geten didn’t even try to hide the smug look on his face as you snuggled closer to him, after all, you were an affectionate person, you were probably enjoying the rare cuddles from your best friend. It wasn’t even his fault, he couldn’t be blamed for it, the annoyance on Dabi’s face had him on cloud nine, he just couldn’t resist leaning forward to press a soft kiss against your forehead.
You squealed in surprise, shoving him slightly but staying in the embrace, “Geten your lips are freezing, oh my god”. You were grinning at him though, amusement was dancing in your eyes as you watched his expression carefully, “what on earth has gotten into you, hm? Not that I’m complaining”. Your smile was warm, and it was being pointed at him again, much better than at the other loser. He’d clearly have to find you some other male, one worthy of your affections, but until he could, he’d have to improvise.
“Maybe I just missed you, is that really so hard for you to imagine”, his smile was playful, teasing you, even as you swatted at his shoulder, leaning your weight against his chest, it was familiar to both of you, though friendly affection was usually saved for more private times, though it couldn’t be helped this time. “You’re my best friend after all, my other half, the yin to my yang, you know”? Your dazzling smile was worth the sappy bullshit. Dabi’s curled lip was also worth it.
“There’s some stupid romance movie playing down at the cinema, come on, I’ll take you, my way of apologising for blowing you off all week”. The movie would be shocking, no doubt, but it was worth it to see Dabi’s jaw clench, gritting his teeth probably. Your brilliant smile was also a worthy payoff too, he supposed.
“Oh my god, yes, let me get my jacket. We’ll go right now”. You went skipping excitedly from the room, not even sparing a glance back towards Dabi, good. Turquoise eyes met pale blue in a furious stare off, Geten didn’t blink, even as the fire user stood and stomped over to stand in-front of him, he might be taller, but Geten was defintley stronger.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, brat”?
Geten smirked back at him again. “I’m saving my best friend, from you. So, stay away from her, if that little show just now didn’t prove it to you already, I’m the only one she needs”. Geten couldn’t help the little grin growing wider on his face now, “you saw the way she clung to me back there, didn’t you? She has me, which means she defintley does not need you”, he spat the last part in Dabi’s face with a snarl, even as the fire user stiffened, clearly considering whether or not it would be worth it to hit him, you chose that very moment to burst back through the door.
“I can’t find my jacket anywhere”, was your miserable proclamation. Geten found himself shrugging out of his parka without even considering it, holding it up carefully so you could slip your arms inside the sleeves, staring at Dabi even as you smiled, thanking him for being so sweet, before snuggling into the thick fur in the hood. She doesn’t need you, freak.
“Come on you, we’ll miss the movie”, his hand stretched out to you and you took it immediately, if only a little surprised by the gesture before pressing against his side as the two of you left the room, your avid chatter filling the silence comfortably, even as the heat in the room increased to uncomfortable levels, though if you noticed the little show of dominance behind you, you made no comment, just pressed closer to Geten, blinking up at him sweetly as the two of you left the mansion.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years ago
MLA (Meta Liberation Front):
Geten, Trumpet,
LOV (League Of Villains):
Shigaraki Tomura, Dabi, Twice, Spinner, Mr. compress, Muscular, AFO
Overhaul, Chrononastasis (Deffo spelt wrong), Setsuno Touya
x Busty Fem! Reader? (But they/them pronouns so non-binaries can enjoy it too :D)
The reader is very kind, gentle etc. and lets people they like use their chest as A pillow 💕
You can do all or Just The ones you like and accept and etc. Love your blog btw!!
Sorry anon but I don't write for the MLA but @thotsforvillainrights is your gal if you want something about them
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Kindness? What's that again?
Jokes apart he will be wary of you since I see Shigaraki as a man who trust issues. HUGE trust issues.
But if somehow you got this man to like you, then, well congrats!
You just earned a man who lost his entire childhood following you and never letting you out of his sign.
In other words? Clingy. But not in a touchy way since he secretly fears he may lost control of his quirk again and accidentally kill you like he did with his family (excluding his dad which was intentional so-)
If you appreciate your friend's lives DONT let them rest their head on your chest near Tomura. Guy's is possessive, jealous and overprotective.
It will take a while for you to convince Tenko to touch you though. Again, is not because ele doesn't wanna be with you, is kore about hurting you.
You're just precious to him after you gained his trust so he doesn't want ANYONE (including himself sometimes) to lay a finger on you.
When you finally convince him or if he gained confidence enough he will rest on your chest constantly.
Playing a game? Come here I need you to give me lucky. Going to sleep? He needs his favorite pillows. Making a plan about destroying hero society? "Get your ass here and help me" and then proceeds to rest his cheek on you.
The league is kinda O.O and some -.- with the way Shigaraki reacts towards you but hey he isn't complaining much about them anymore or throwing tantrums so that's what matters.
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Not obsessed but holy shit he loves you.
As I said in other writings, Dabi can't and won't understand how can you be so gentle and kind towards people you don't ABSOLUTELY trust but he won't force you to stop being you since he is heart eyes towards you sometimes so-
Probably just going to whisper on your ear when he notices that someone's taking advantage of you "Want me to burn them up?"
Loves touching you but doesn't always want to lay on you? Like, just when he is tired or when you ask him to. Because by his own he prefers for you to lay on him instead of the opposite.
And no, is not because he is insecure or thinks he is the dominant man on the relationship. Is only because he prefers and feels a tinge of comfort when you lay on him than the opposite.
Kinda like a panda hugging him and he just can't get enough of it.
He won't see a problem with kids or other people you like laying on your chest IF YOU are comfortable with that. Because if not, then he is going to throw them away the second he see your expression of discomfort.
But he is kinda jelly though and won't stand seeing them use you for so long because Eamon you're HIS partner.
Spoiled brat? Yes. Very.
But on the rare days he lays on your chest he just like to rest there for a while while tracing circles on your hips as you play with his hair. He loves that part.
And if you sing something? He is out like a light.
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This mysophobic bastard won't lay on your chest and won't let others lay on your chest.
Is because of 2 things he won't lay himself on your chest at first on your relationship
His mysophobia (which by the time will eventually dissappear only with you)
His damn pride.
If you pull him to smosh his face on you the first time, his face is going to be beef red but will immediately push you so he can get the fuck out of there.
He is feeling out of breath and on the bridge of a panic attack, and to Chisaki is a very bad one, since he despises feeling this way even if he knows he loves you... he just isn't ready for all this touching stuff.
You'll have to approach calmy and please don't touch him without his permission. It will only make him panic and more angry.
Kai has inumerous problems with touch, so these things will need to be dealt with calm and patience if you want to be with him.
Yet he LOATHES seeing you do this to other people.
He thinks this is only something people with VERY intimate relationships can do and not with just "someone you like"
He doesn't even spare if it is a kid. I swear this man is insane.
When the time comes that he is comfortable with your touch (HALLELUJAH) he is kinda like "I hate this but don't you dare stop or do this with others".
Will often though come to you and drop his head on your chest when he is frustrated about something but there is always a hint that he actually is fond of these.
About your kindness is something he always respected and loved about you. Heck even admired.
He is the exact opposite of kind, but seeing you there being all gentle and a absolutely angel even with a stranger warms his cold brick heart.
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Pretty boi over here is in love with your tatas and personality and you for whole.
He is the definition of a secret simp when it comes to you.
Always takes advantage of resting on you since he is always working so he will be like "Oh no.. my back and neck is killing me... if only I had some kind soul with soft pillow to lay on.... oh the pain".
"... Hari. You do know you don't need to do this every time you want to lay on me right? We've been dating for three years already you dork."
He knows but likes to joke around with you.
Chrono is actually very kind outside of his job on the yakusa.
He helps you with the best he can when he sees you gathering a bit too much responsibilities and is the kind of man to offer help to a old lady or old man to carry groceries to their houses if he notices if ther are too heavy for them.
He actually doesn't see a problem with who you let rest on your chest since by his words they belong to him so he just stares at the scene with a monotonous look before shrugging and continue to do wtv he was doing.
BUT if he sees someone if the Hassaikai doing this he is throwing hands since he knows those people and don't want them close to you unless you say to him it's okay.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years ago
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basic Hc's (Midoriya, Bakugou, Shoto, Kaminari, Kirishima, Iida, Sero)
basic Hc's (Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Jiro)
Shinsou Hc's
Mei Hc's
Seiji Hc's
Big Three Hc's (Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire)
more Hc's (Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga)
don't judge a book by it's cover (Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire)
Fatgum Hc's
Overhaul hc's
Hawks Hc's
Aizawa Hc's
Midnight Hc's
Neko Dabi doing what he wants
darling finally loves them (Dabi, Overhaul)
telling them they have gentle eyes like their mother (Shigaraki, Dabi)
jealousy Hc's with an oblivious crush (Izuku, Shoto, Shinsou, Overhaul)
Prompt 89 (Toga)
s/o loves them back (Shigaraki, Aizawa, Hawks)
Villain Denki
more Hc's (Twice, Toya)
into Valentine's Day (Twice, Toya)
fighting over a quirkless darling (Aizawa, Dabi, Hawks)
quirkless, sweet ans shy baker s/o (Dabi)
darling is very blunt and doesn't care about other people's opinion (Jiro) 25
s/o with Narcolepsy (Twice, Toya)
more Hc's (Endeavor)
s/o likes to wear their clothes (Shigaraki, Twice, Toya, Endeavor)
s/o proposes to him (Hawks)
Inko Hc's
naive s/o (Bakugou, Dabi, Shinsou)
overprotective over their younger, innocent brother (Mei)
s/o nearly dies whilst giving birth (Izuku, Shoto, Shigaraki, Overhaul)
I need to tell you something (Nemuri/Midnight)
soft spoken and gentle crush (Uraraka)
they are so beautiful (Shoto, Momo, Shinsou)
it was just an accident (Momo)
I want a baby (Shoto)
NSFW Hc's (Shoto)
parents (Momo, Shigaraki, Overhaul)
parents (Inko)
Prompt 72 (Toga)
Rei Todoroki Hc's
that's so cool (Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa)
trans darling (Dabi)
more Hc's (Nao Shimura)
Prompt 63 (Bakugou)
Shoji Mezo Hc's
You smell like home (Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki, Shoji)
Just a nightmare (Shoto, Momo, Shinsou) 50
Miruko Hc's
s/o escapes from forced marriage (Izuku, Shoto, Shinsou, Tamaki)
Mt. Lady Hc's
Shiretoko Tomoko Hc's
I want to be good (Izuku, Ochaco, Miruko)
Secret admirer (Tamaki)
Ryukyu Hc's
Hundred clones (Midnight, Inko, Rei, Miruko, Mt. Lady, Ryukyu, Thirteen, Mitsuki)
Yandere Alphabet (Shigaraki)
Fuyumi Hc's
Yandere Alphabet (Setsuno)
Holding hands (Tamaki)
Begrudgingly sharing (Shoto&Tamaki)
Yandere Alphabet (Nao)
Genuine happiness towards only you (Shoto, Dabi)
Natsuo Hc's
Abandonment issues (Izuku, Shoto)
You're handsome (Izuku, Shoto)
Neito Monoma Hc's
All for One!Deku with a civilian s/o
Male s/o with Clone Quirk (Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Kyoka, Tsuyu, Toru, Mei, Nejire, Kendo, Ibara)
Obsession multiplied (Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Kyoka, Tsuys, Toru, Mei)
Happy Birthday, my dear! (Izuku, Shoto, Shigaraki)
s/o is a Pokemon Trainer (Miruko)
Tired of everything (Miruko) 75
Accidentally hurting the s/o (Midoriya)
Soulmate AU (Shoto)
Homeless darling (Izuku, Shoto, Hawks)
Quirkless civilian darling (Kurogiri)
Darling wants kids (Hawks)
Starter Prompt (Hizashi Yamada)
Haunting nightmares and sleeplessness (Shigaraki)
Human heater (Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, Shinsou, Tamaki, Monoma, Tetsutetsu)
If you love me, you'll let me go? (Midoriya)
Finally warming up (Midoriya)
Yandere BNHA Hc's (Nana, Kotaro, Skeptic)
To stop a fight (Shigaraki)
Yandere All Might Hc's
Hero Shigaraki AU
Yandere Geten Hc's
Sharing a darling (Inko & Rei)
You're my rival so no one else can hurt you (Bakugou)
Parents Part 2: Their child is a bit older (Momo, Shigaraki, Overhaul, Inko)
Stubborn cane user s/o with chronic pain (Mei)
Vampire AU (Dabi)
Unwilling kidnapped darling is sick (Bakugou, Kirishima, Shinsou, Tamaki)
Very shy s/o (Dabi)
Rejection (Midoriya, Bakugou, Shoto)
Second Masterlist
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