#getchyer Ness outfit rating now lads
locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
Hey Ness what do you think of my (very clearly top tier) outfit
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“0/10 get out of here Beefy.”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
I only recently started to play so dont have much options, but still! Wanted to Ness rate mushroom's outfit, if that's okay xd
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“There’s a simple charm to your outfit! The beige pants and solid colour capes always make for a nice simple outfit, and the flower is a cute touch! The long pants that contrast the default shorts might hint to a more humble or shyer personality too! It’ll be fun to see what you could create once your options expand, but I like what you have so far! 7/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
Would Ness rate herself and the rest of the gang?
- Unofficial Question Giver
“Eira! Eira’s very pretty. Her outfit has a very cohesive blue colour scheme, being mainly blue and the fur collar matching the fur on the cape and the yellow hues of the shoes. The pants bring in a darker colour to the outfit and the long hair brings in a bit of mystery. I have to give her a 9/10”
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“Ack, putting aside my bad experiences with Kari, they have a very dark colour scheme, being mostly black. The only colour thats really there is the bright orange leaves in the antlers, bringing in a small spark of fierceness or hidden danger in kari’s case. They also kept the moth hair, along with the cape technically being a default cape, defining their ‘dangerous moth’ thing that they have going on. It’s an 8/10”
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“Lark! He’s got not a lot of bright or saturated colours, making it give a pretty down to earth personality vibe. The cape also opens to show his pants more, giving a more adventurous spirit, but the darker cape and the mask that covers half his faces adds a bit of a mysterious vibe. He can have the 8/10!”
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“My own outfit? Let’s see, I went for a light, simple but cute outfit. The white cape woth gold accents easily gives a pure essence, and the beige pants keep the neutrality. The pastel rainbow flower is there to add a touch of colour that contrasts the overall muted colours, but since the flower is pastel and not overly saturated, it doesn’t stand out too much. Personally, I think it’s pretty cute. 8/10”
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“Oh come on, Beefy again? Well fine, I’ll rate him properly this time. As much as I hate ti say, it’s actually a pretty good outfit. Despite the mismatch of outfits, the bright colours kind of do come together nicely, matching in saturation. It’s cohesive too, with the yellow cape matching the yellow accents on the pants and the sunglasses being similar in hue. The party hat matches the blue hues and white accents of the pants. The bright varying colours clearly show a chaotic nature who likes to have fun, especially with the sunglasses and party hat. The cape also vaguely looks like a tortilla. Matching his name. Unfortunately I refuse to give Beefy a high score or else he’ll be smug at me for the rest of the week so it’ll have to be a 4/10.”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
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i have two for you
“Oohh not bad not bad, fire prophet pants pretty much look good with anything and the earrings match the cape. The butterfly is a cute touch too. Not too bad of an outfit, 7/10”
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“Oh you don’t see that hair and cape often! The mask and pants go really well with the whole outfit too! The overall colour being light grey makes it more cohesive and I like the mask bringing in a bit of glam. Good work putting these together, 8/10!”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
He wants to know how good he looks before going out
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“A gentleman! The mask gives a very masculine face and jawline, and the hair is looking sharp! The cape basically looks like a long coat and with the glasses makes you look ready for business! The glasses also add a cuter touch to the masculine side of the outfit. Also with the simpler colours, I think you look very dapper! 7/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
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I warned you
“WOAH GEEZ! Rating a krill? Well… I suppose nothing could be worse than Beefy… uh let’s see, being smaller than other krills and having a green light rather than the intense red helps give off a more friendly look, while maintaining the initial spiky threatening vibes of a krill. Not sure how to give the number score but hmm, a 7/10 I suppose?”
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Ness took the petting offer
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“Oh he’s quite cute when you get used to the first impression!” -Ness
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
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Ness, what do you think of Amity (background of left image, in red), Orion (right image), and this cool looking stranger Amity found (with the deer mask and cat ear hood)?
they await your judgement
“Oh I love a red, black, and gold colour combo! All the cosmetics fit into the colour scheme and even the hair ties match! The pants being mostly black helps balance out the red of the cape and mask, and the gold makes a great accent colour to add some interest to the outfit. The crab is a cute addition too, while staying true with the black and red! I like it, 9/10.”
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“Lots of orange here, with blue and black being the accent colour. The hairstyle feels more like a laidback style along with the addition of the glasses, pointing towards a more chill vibe, though the cracked abyss mask hints to a bit of seriousness under the chillness, y’know what I mean? Anyways, it’s a cool outfit! 8/10”
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“The long dark cape and pants give such a mysterious feel, especially with the hood. Added with the mask and flower, it suddenly has a more ethereal tone to it. I also like the accents of gold with the pendant, mask, and along the cape and hood, bringing in a bit of colour interest so it isn’t too bland. Their outfit makes them look refined. I’ll give it a 9/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
if u are still doing ness outfit ratings, i would like to know what she thinks of my girlie keros :>
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“Ooh, very dark with blue accents and tints! This is a very mysterious outfit especially with the glowing mask and the dark cape that covers most of the pants. The tied back thick hair also makes you seem like a more confident figure behind the mask of mystery. It’s a good outfit! 8/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
idk if this has been asked before but has ness rated vegan's outfit yet?
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“He’s not Beefy, 10/10.”
“On a more serious note though, I like the dark blue on the cape that matches with the mask and the leaf on his head too, as well as the secondary colour of red. Both the blue and red are very deep, vibrant colours, coming together to look satisfying in colour. The pants are more muted, balancing out the other bright colours, and the pants quite associated with ikemen. The scarf and earmuffs help give a casual look, while blue conveys a calm vibe. The hairstyle also serves to parallels Beefy’s. I think I still have to give Vegan a 10/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
Hey, Ness! We've got 3 (2.5?) skykids for you to rate the outfits of! They're all a bit strange, so we hope you have fun!
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(Those are real horns!)
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Manta themes are always fun, aren't they?
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This Skykid is plain in comparison to the other two, but it's a simple charm in our opinion.
“Oh gosh, you’re very pretty! I love the purple with blue and gold accents! That and the sparkly cape and star themes remind me of the night sky. It’s an ethereal vibe. The hair is really nice too! I haven’t seen anything like that before. It reminds me of clouds, adding to the night sky vibe I mentioned earlier. I really like this! 10/10”
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“A manta skykid! Well aren’t you cute? I love the deep blues and the gold accents and how the hair style resembles the shape of a manta. The cape tail dragging on the ground is really cute too. The stars in the hair and cape that match the ones in spirit manta make a unique look for a skykid. It’s very cute! 9/10”
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“You do have a simple charm! The pants make for a more casual and simple look, and the green cape is a nice colour choice since it pairs well with neutral colours. The head is more accessorized, contrasting the simple pants and shoes, adding a bit of a new vibe from the neutralness. I think it’s nice! 7/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
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Hey heyyyo could you rate this silly outfit of mine too? thank youiuu!!! Whahoo
“That’s a fun outfit! The hair and fur of the cape come together to make a shaggier look and added along with the torn up pants, it makes a roughed up look for sure. The colourfulness of the mask and hat give a sense of playfulness to the look, though also adding to the disorganization. I think it’s a really fun outfit! 8/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
Sending an outfit submission because they seem very fun
This is one of my current favs (i doodle my sky kid in this one a lot)
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“Very colourful! The variety of colours work well together! It makes for a lively outfit, especially with the reds and yellow accents. The light blue of the cape and the mask also give a vibe of calmness, and the bird on your head also matches the flight cape. This is a pretty outfit! 8/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
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rate my outfit xoxo (ignore the dead skykid in the back idk who they are)
“Oooh, the general outfit is like an ikemen one, but leaning towards a more friendly vibe with the general lighter colours compared to the usual dark mysterious colours. The yellow is a nice accent colour, adding to the brighter lively feel. The pants has the same general hues with the yellows, but the darker browns also help balance put the white so it doesn’t become too overwhelmingly light. The sunglasses added onto this otherwise ikemen fit shows your personality to be a more playful person who isn’t very serious. I think this is a good outfit, I’ll give it a-“
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“…a 1000000/10.”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
Oh hey Ness! Moffie here. I caught Gauk with my camera when he was trying out his old duds. Has he still got it to pull them off?
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“Woah, spunky! A very colourful outfit, it definitely shows a party animal vibe. The cosmetics pair pretty well with each other. I think this guy would’ve totally worn the confetti collar if it wasn’t just a spell. It’s a solid outfit, it can have an 8/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
Hi Iez would very much like to be rated-
Main fit!
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Plus alt fit when she feels like actually cleaning her hair lol. Gremlin that you commonly see working in the forge.... or riding a krill? What's up w that
“At a first glance with the mask and the blacks and greys, you give off a more mysterious look. Especially with the mask, it just gives that vibe. Then looking at the colourful parts that contrast the blacks, greys, and browns, it creates a more playful personality under the mysteriousness. The wild long hair also complements the vibe well with its messiness. It’s a good outfit! 8/10”
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“Wild hair has been contained! It’s still a good outfit. The hair tie string and ear muffs add colour to the head area which is nice. I’ll give you the 8/10”
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locallygrowndaikon · 5 months
Drip check you say?
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Here's my silly guy.
“Ooh, Not bad! Good overall yellow and black colour scheme. I like how the touches of yellow on the mask and pants match the cape! The wild hair tells me that you probably have a more out there personality too. The hair clip doesn’t really fit into the colour scheme, but it’s still a cute touch. It’s a solid outfit! 7/10”
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