love that someone i’ve been friends with for over 10 years decided to vote for the first time... for the tories
their reason? why should people have to pay more tax when they’ve earned their money?
firstly, they wouldn’t have been paying more tax unless they earn more than £80,000 a year... this includes the 151 millionaires in the uk
they barely make £5,000 a year and don’t even pay taxes as they still live at home
but no, they didn’t do any research on what these tax raises would have go towards, such as saving the nhs and getting better healthcare in general, cheaper travel costs and the cost of tuition would have lowered.
but they didn’t care about making anything better for other people and only cared about their capitalist value of keeping as much money as they could for themselves while there are people who didn’t have the same opportunities dying as a result of the tory governments last 9 years in power
thank you so much for not only ruining my future as well as your own but for also consciously voting for someone who wouldn’t give a flying fuck if you or other working class people died in front of them.
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ruseg · 5 years
The Conservative Party Battle Bus. Even with 4 floors and a scrolling screen I still couldn't get all of their achievements from the last 10 years on there. #DontVoteTory #RegisterToVote #DitchBrexit #GetBorisGone pic.twitter.com/hgIopVJOtO
— HappyToast ★ (@IamHappyToast) November 16, 2019
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