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crownplataformajogo · 10 months ago
Quais são as chances de a equipe NiP ganhar o próximo torneio de CS:GO e como isso pode impactar minhas apostas?
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Quais são as chances de a equipe NiP ganhar o próximo torneio de CS:GO e como isso pode impactar minhas apostas?
Probabilidades de vitória da equipe NiP no próximo torneio de CS:GO
As probabilidades de vitória da equipe NiP (Ninjas in Pyjamas) no próximo torneio de CS:GO são tema de grande interesse entre os fãs e analistas do cenário competitivo do jogo. Com uma história rica e uma base de fãs apaixonada, a NiP sempre atrai atenção quando entra em competições importantes.
Para avaliar as chances da NiP no próximo torneio, é essencial considerar diversos fatores. Primeiramente, a composição atual da equipe e seu desempenho recente são aspectos cruciais. Analisar se os jogadores estão em boa forma, se há harmonia dentro do time e se estão demonstrando consistência em partidas anteriores são pontos-chave para prever o desempenho futuro.
Além disso, é importante observar a concorrência. Outras equipes participantes, como Astralis, Team Liquid, e FaZe Clan, também têm habilidades notáveis e podem representar desafios significativos para a NiP. Avaliar as estratégias e o histórico de confrontos entre as equipes pode fornecer insights valiosos sobre as probabilidades de vitória da NiP em relação aos seus adversários.
Outro fator a considerar é o formato do torneio. Se for um torneio de eliminação simples, as chances da NiP podem ser diferentes em comparação com um torneio de dupla eliminação, onde há mais oportunidades de recuperação após uma derrota inicial.
Por fim, é crucial levar em conta o elemento imprevisível do CS:GO. O jogo é conhecido por sua natureza dinâmica e momentos de virada inesperados, o que significa que mesmo as equipes mais fortes podem enfrentar reviravoltas surpreendentes durante as partidas.
Em suma, as probabilidades de vitória da equipe NiP no próximo torneio de CS:GO são influenciadas por uma variedade de fatores, incluindo o desempenho da equipe, a concorrência, o formato do torneio e a imprevisibilidade do próprio jogo. Os fãs aguardam ansiosamente para ver como a NiP se sairá e se conseguirá alcançar a glória no cenário competitivo.
Análise de desempenho da equipe NiP para o próximo torneio de CS:GO
Com o próximo torneio de CS:GO se aproximando, é hora de analisar o desempenho da equipe NiP (Ninjas in Pyjamas) e suas perspectivas. Como uma das equipes mais icônicas do cenário, a NiP sempre atrai a atenção dos fãs e dos analistas.
Nos últimos meses, a NiP tem mostrado um desempenho sólido em várias competições, demonstrando consistência e habilidade. Com jogadores talentosos como GeT_RiGhT, f0rest e REZ, a equipe possui um lineup experiente e capaz de enfrentar os desafios mais difíceis.
No entanto, apesar dos bons resultados, a NiP ainda enfrenta alguns obstáculos. A inconsistência em certos mapas e a dificuldade em fechar partidas importantes são pontos que precisam ser trabalhados. Além disso, a concorrência no cenário de CS:GO está cada vez mais acirrada, com equipes emergentes buscando seu lugar no topo.
Para o próximo torneio, a NiP precisa focar em sua preparação e estratégia. Analisar os pontos fracos dos adversários e adaptar seu jogo serão fundamentais para alcançar o sucesso. Além disso, é essencial manter a mentalidade competitiva e a coesão da equipe durante as partidas.
Os fãs da NiP estão ansiosos para ver a equipe em ação e torcem para que eles continuem a brilhar nos palcos do CS:GO. Com determinação e trabalho duro, a NiP tem o potencial para conquistar grandes vitórias e deixar sua marca no cenário competitivo. O próximo torneio será uma oportunidade para a NiP mostrar seu verdadeiro potencial e consolidar seu lugar entre as melhores equipes do mundo.
Estratégias da equipe NiP para o próximo torneio de CS:GO
A equipe Ninjas in Pyjamas (NiP) é conhecida por sua habilidade excepcional no jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). Com o próximo torneio no horizonte, os fãs estão ansiosos para descobrir quais estratégias a equipe está planejando implementar para alcançar o sucesso.
Uma das estratégias fundamentais da NiP é a comunicação eficaz entre os membros da equipe. Eles entendem a importância de estar sempre em sintonia, seja para coordenação tática durante as partidas ou para ajustes rápidos de estratégia conforme a situação exigir. Além disso, a equipe investe tempo significativo em análise de jogo e estudo dos adversários, buscando identificar pontos fracos e oportunidades para explorar durante as partidas.
Outro aspecto crucial da estratégia da NiP é a flexibilidade. Eles são capazes de se adaptar rapidamente a diferentes estilos de jogo e mudanças no meta do CS:GO, garantindo que estejam sempre um passo à frente de seus oponentes. Isso se reflete não apenas na escolha de armas e táticas durante as partidas, mas também na capacidade de fazer ajustes estratégicos entre os torneios.
Além disso, a NiP valoriza muito o trabalho em equipe e a confiança mútua entre os jogadores. Eles entendem que, no mundo altamente competitivo do CS:GO, a coesão e a camaradagem dentro da equipe podem fazer toda a diferença entre a vitória e a derrota.
Com todas essas estratégias em mente, a equipe NiP está pronta para enfrentar o próximo torneio de CS:GO com determinação e foco. Os fãs podem esperar performances emocionantes e jogadas incríveis enquanto a NiP busca mais uma vez consolidar seu lugar entre as melhores equipes do mundo.
Influência do desempenho da equipe NiP nas apostas de CS:GO
O desempenho da equipe NiP (Ninjas in Pyjamas) tem sido uma influência significativa nas apostas de CS:GO ao longo dos anos. Fundada em 2000, a NiP é uma das organizações mais reconhecidas e bem-sucedidas no cenário de Counter-Strike, acumulando uma legião de fãs apaixonados e uma história de sucesso dentro do jogo.
Para os apostadores de CS:GO, o desempenho da NiP é um fator crucial a se considerar ao fazer previsões e investimentos. Quando a equipe está em boa forma e conquistando vitórias consistentes, isso geralmente se reflete nas probabilidades das apostas, com as chances de vitória da NiP aumentando e, consequentemente, atraindo mais apostadores para apoiá-la.
No entanto, o oposto também é verdadeiro. Se a NiP estiver enfrentando dificuldades e sofrendo derrotas consecutivas, as probabilidades podem se voltar contra eles, com os apostadores optando por investir em equipes consideradas mais fortes ou em melhor forma naquele momento.
Além disso, o desempenho da NiP em grandes eventos, como torneios da ESL One e Majors, tem um impacto ainda maior nas apostas de CS:GO. O histórico da equipe nessas competições, juntamente com seu desempenho recente, é minuciosamente analisado pelos apostadores, influenciando suas decisões de apostas e estratégias.
É importante ressaltar que, embora o desempenho da NiP seja um fator relevante, as apostas em CS:GO envolvem uma série de variáveis, incluindo a habilidade individual dos jogadores, as táticas da equipe e até mesmo fatores externos, como lesões e mudanças no meta do jogo.
Em suma, a influência do desempenho da equipe NiP nas apostas de CS:GO é inegável, mas os apostadores devem sempre considerar uma ampla gama de fatores ao tomar suas decisões, a fim de maximizar suas chances de sucesso.
Fatores que podem impactar as chances da equipe NiP no próximo torneio de CS:GO
Os fatores que podem influenciar as chances da equipe NiP no próximo torneio de CS:GO são variados e podem determinar o seu desempenho geral. Um dos fatores mais importantes é a consistência individual dos jogadores. Cada membro da equipe precisa estar em sua melhor forma para garantir que possam competir no mais alto nível.
Além disso, a estratégia de jogo adotada pela NiP será crucial. Eles precisam ter uma compreensão sólida das táticas de jogo e serem capazes de se adaptar rapidamente às estratégias de seus oponentes durante as partidas.
Outro fator importante a ser considerado é o entrosamento da equipe. Uma boa comunicação e coordenação entre os jogadores são essenciais para o sucesso em torneios de CS:GO. Se a NiP conseguir manter uma atmosfera positiva e trabalhar bem em conjunto, suas chances de alcançar resultados positivos serão muito maiores.
Além disso, não podemos ignorar o aspecto psicológico do jogo. A confiança e a mentalidade dos jogadores podem influenciar significativamente seu desempenho. É importante que a equipe NiP esteja mentalmente preparada para lidar com a pressão e as adversidades que possam surgir durante o torneio.
Por fim, o nível de preparação e treinamento da equipe também desempenhará um papel fundamental em suas chances de sucesso. A NiP precisa dedicar tempo e esforço para aprimorar suas habilidades individuais e coletivas, bem como analisar e estudar os pontos fortes e fracos de seus oponentes.
Em resumo, diversos fatores, incluindo consistência individual, estratégia de jogo, entrosamento da equipe, aspectos psicológicos e preparação, podem impactar as chances da equipe NiP no próximo torneio de CS:GO. É essencial que a equipe esteja bem preparada em todos esses aspectos para maximizar suas chances de sucesso.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year ago
S1mple, olofmeister, or kennyS? CS:GO fans can’t decide which pro had ‘scariest’ peak
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Over the course of the game's eleven-year history, many of professional players have made their impact on CS:GO esports. Maybe that's why there isn't agreement among the community as to who had the finest prime. It's difficult to choose between legendary players like GeT_RiGhT, kennyS, olofmeister, dev1ce, coldzera, NiKo, s1mple, and ZywOo because they all put in outstanding performances over the course of CS:GO's existence. FACEIT started this conversation on Twitter earlier today, and it resulted in a lot of debates on Reddit. https://twitter.com/FACEITcs/status/1693979561166274817 While it’s hard to deny that s1mple is the CS:GO GOAT as he has been a dominant player since 2016 and was even named the player of the decade by ESL in 2022, fans are not sure if he had the highest peak. A lot of fans, for example, also mentioned olofmeister’s form in 2015 and kennyS before the AWP was nerfed in the same year. “Olof was so scary, he would often be so decisive with just one or two kills and the round was over,” one fan wrote. “KennyS had easily the highest high, borderline unstoppable at peak,” another fan wrote. This is an endless discussion because it depends on many factors, let alone bias. I wasn’t following CS:GO until 2016, so I missed a bunch of players’ peaks. Although I recognize what GeT_RiGhT, olofmeister, kennyS, and flusha did for the game, it’s hard for me to put them up there with coldzera, s1mple, NiKo, and ZywOo because I followed these guys playing live rather than just watching YouTube clips. Based on what I’ve seen since 2016, I’d put s1mple and ZywOo at the top next to each other. The French AWPer started playing professionally only at the end of 2018, but he’s on his way to winning his third HLTV best player of the year award. If I had to throw another player in there, I’d lean toward coldzera or NiKo because they’ve had jaw-dropping performances playing mainly with the AK-47 and M4A4. This debate shows how impressive CS:GO esports has been in the past 11 years and I’m sure other great players will come up when CS2 launches this summer. Read the full article
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heronetworkgg · 4 years ago
GeT_RiGhT anuncia su salida del competitivo de CS:GO y ahora se dedicará a las transmisiones en vivo
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Tras un largo tiempo de incertidumbre, finalmente se ha anunciado el futuro de Christopher «GeT_RiGhT» Alesund, quien el pasado mes de septiembre fue sacado de la alineación activa de Team Dignitas. Y es que si bien en su momento se rumoreo con un posible traspaso a una área administrativa, o a otro equipo para mantenerse […]
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vodsesport-blog · 8 years ago
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NiP vs Cloud9 – Quarter-final – BO3 Map3 @Cobble – ESL One Cologne 2017 Day 3 NiP vs Cloud9 - Quarter-final - BO3 Map3 @Cobble - ESL One Cologne 2017 Day 3…
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gameportalco · 8 years ago
Copenhagen Games
Несколько недель назад практически всё Counter-Strike сообщество наблюдало за прошедшим Copenhagen Games. Помимо таких дисциплин, как CSS и CS 1.6, на турнире также удалось блеснуть новичку профессиональной сцены — Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. В дисциплине CS 1.6, команда fnactic заняла первое место с их совершенно новым составом. В дисциплине CSS, команда Imperial, которая считается одной…
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lisaemudd · 6 years ago
The Top 10 Current eSport Athletes
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Most gamers have spent at least a few minutes entertaining the idea of becoming a professional gaming athlete. Fame, money, recognition, accolades, respect — all for playing video games for a living (and kicking butt, too)! If you spend any time searching the internet, you’ll see that thousands of people pursue this dream.
Not everyone has the chops to cut it in the big leagues of gaming. And when you take a look at these top names in eSports, it’s easy to see how these players made it as far as they did. Some of these players are inexplicably fantastic and game-changingly cunning. We’ll take a look at players across a few of the most popular games.
If they’re on this list, it’s because they’re one of the most popular, or most legendary, or highest earning, or most promising up-and-coming athletes in eSports.
10. Amnesiac
Amnesiac came tearing out of the gate with his first championship win in Hearthstone. His name is William Barton, and he’s only 15 years old. But his young age didn’t prevent him from becoming the Americas Winter Champion in the Hearthstone Championship Tour this past March.
How was a player so young able to compete so successfully in the tournament? Barton attributes his wins to his deck preparation and correct anticipation of the tournament’s metagame. A tournament of this size was a top priority for him, but he declines invitations to smaller tournaments in order to focus on his school work.
Since, you know, he’s only 15. He would have needed someone to drive him to the tournament, for crying out loud.
9. Olafmeister
Olaf is a Swedish 24-year-old that was voted the best player in 2015 by HLTV.org. He also has an impressive 404,000 followers on Twitch.tv. His claim to fame game is Counter-Strike, playing for the team Fnatic. He’s made nearly $300,000 dollars from 75+ tournaments.
He is a player that consistently wins, and consistently places in the tournaments in which he participates, which is why this guy has made the list.
8. Crimsix
Ian Porter is an American, also in his early twenties. He is a retired professional Halo player, but still actively competes in Call of Duty tournaments. He was the first person in the world to hold a Major League Gaming Pro Player title in both franchises (Halo and CoD).
For over a year he has held the record in Call of Duty as the professional player with the most wins in the game. Since he’s won at least seven tournaments in every Call of Duty game that he’s competed in professionally, it’s easy to see how he’s set, and held, that record.
7. Fatal1ty
Johnathan Wendel is retired now, but got his start as an 18-year-old back in 1999. He is widely considered one of the best FPS gamers of all time. This could be because he got into pro gaming in its earliest days. Or it could be because he dominated, especially in one v one settings.
Quake III Arena was his debut game, and he placed third in his first tournament. He went on to see continued success in Quake III Arena competitions, as well as Unreal Tournament 2003, and Painkiller tournaments. He dabbled in Call of Duty and Counter-Strike as well. He won 12 world championship titles over the course of his career.
6. Get_Right
Christopher Alesund started competing in 2007. Most people hail Christopher as one of the best Counter-Strike 1.6 players of all time.
He’s earned over $316,000 dollars through his career in Counter-Strike. Even though 1.6 was his jam, he’s adapted extremely well to Global Offensive. He plays for Ninjas in Pyjamas currently, and he’s 26 years old.
Read Full Article Here: The Top 10 Current eSport Athletes
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heronetworkgg · 8 years ago
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Revisa nuestro nuevo post en http://www.skgcl.com/news/iem-katowice-2017-lo-esencial-csgo/
IEM Katowice 2017: Lo esencial de CS:GO
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vodsesport-blog · 8 years ago
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NiP vs Cloud9 – Quarter-final – BO3 Map 2 @Cache – ESL One Cologne 2017 Day 3  NiP vs Cloud9 - Quarter-final - BO3 Map 2 @Cache - ESL One Cologne 2017 Day 3…
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gamesmagcz · 4 years ago
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Get_Right končí s kompetetivním CS:GO Tomáš "Strachkvas" Strašák Po dlouhé a bohaté kariéře končí v Counter-Strike švédská legenda Get_Right. Toto oznámení vyšlo na světlo světa, když s ním Dignitas, poslední organizace, kterou reprezetnoval, n... https://tinyurl.com/y3q7sz8a #counter-strike #csgo #get_right #novinky
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teknoko · 4 years ago
CS:GO Oyuncusu 'GeT_RiGhT', Profesyonel Mesleğine Son Verdi
CS:GO Oyuncusu ‘GeT_RiGhT’, Profesyonel Mesleğine Son Verdi
Valve ve Hidden Path Entertainment tarafından geliştirilen ve 2012 yılında çıkış yapan Counter Strike: Küresel Offensive, bugüne kadar bizlere pek çok e-spor efsanesi gösterdi. Bu efsane oyunculardan birisiyse Christopher ‘GeT RiGhT’ Alesund’du. Lakin Christopher Alesund, dün hayranlarını üzecek bir açıklama yaptı. En yeterli Counter Strike: Küresel Offensive oyuncuları ortasında gösterilen…
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topcbdresearch · 5 years ago
f0rest leaves NiP
Patrik “f0rest” Lindberg and Ninjas In Pyjamas have officially parted ways thus clearing the air which was previously filled with some potential Swedish Shuffle rumours. Sniper Tim “nawwk” Jonasson will be filling in the boots for f0rest as the later and the Swedish organization decided to end their seven and a half year stint.
The 31-year-old veteran now looks forward to reuniting with three of his ex-teammates under the Dignitas banner. Looking at the past f0rest was the last man standing from the unassailable NiP Lineup who did dominate the Counter-Strike Scene with an 87-0 win Streak on Lan. Having won a plethora of events which does include the Major, the Swede has also claimed 9 MVPs during his tenure at NiP with some first-place finishes at memorable events comprising of ESL One Cologne 2014 (Major), Dreamhack Summer 2014, IEM Oakland 2016 and 2017 as well.
What a journey! See you around, gaming genius
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Full announcement: https://t.co/Lc3xgEgcku#GONINJAS #CSGO pic.twitter.com/Ad8vFkxNLE
— Ninjas in Pyjamas
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(@NiPGaming) January 21, 2020
NiP did have some roster moves with Robin “Fifflaren” Johansson retiring after the Major, the scene too did see Adam “friberg��� Friberg depart the roster alongside Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund who parted ways with the Swedish side earlier in 2019 hence making way for Nicolas “Plopski” Gonzalez to keep his guns blazing after serving for Team Ancient and x6tence Galaxy. The CSGO scene will now witness  Tim “nawwk” Jonasson reuniting with Plopski on the server as the later duo helped  x6tence Galaxy to reach the Semi-Finals of DreamHack Open Winter 2018 held in Jönköping, Sweden where ENCE were crowned as Champions.
“Joining NiP is an amazing feeling. It has been a dream ever since I started playing CS:GO and to be honest, it still feels quite unreal“ – Tim @nawwkcs Jonasson
Everyone, please welcome Tim to the NiP Family!
Full announcement: https://t.co/u7hIBA3u6h#GONINJAS #CSGO pic.twitter.com/plSeuHL14P
— Ninjas in Pyjamas
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(@NiPGaming) January 21, 2020
As mentioned above, f0rest is now rumoured to reunite with his three ex-teammates consisting of Adam “friberg” Friberg, Richard “Xizt” Landstrom, Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund with Håkon “hallzerk” Fjærl at Dignitas.
With the latest Roster update from NiP, the Swedish Organization now fields:
Tim “nawwk” Jonasson
Fredrik “REZ” Sterner
Simon “twist” Eliasson
Nicolas “Plopski” Gonzalez Zamora
Jonas “Lekr0” Olofsson
Björn “THREAT” Pers (coach)
The post f0rest leaves NiP appeared first on TalkEsport.
The post f0rest leaves NiP appeared first on AllYourGames.com.
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progamer-san · 5 years ago
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(DIGさんはTwitterを使っています: 「There's not a better time to be a #CSGO fan. DIG is back. 🟡 @Xizt 🟡 @haIlzerk 🟡 @GeT_RiGhT 🟡 @f0rest 🟡 @fribergCS 🛒Limited Edition DIG CS:GO - "Icons Tee": https://t.co/xYjgrAPjjW https://t.co/N1njTp4mY2」 / Twitterから)
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heronetworkgg · 4 years ago
GeT_RiGhT adelanta una posible transición de CSGO a VALORANT
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Una de las leyendas del CSGO, GeT_RiGhT, publicó en su Twitter un video hablando sobre su posible futuro para el 2021. Con 30 años, el sueco parece abandonar CSGO. Cada vez se suman más jugadores profesionales de CSGO a la escena de VALORANT, ahora un veterano del FPS de Valve parece estar yendo en la […]
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x-procrastinator-tee-blog · 5 years ago
Getting it right - the serene  climax to a beautiful fantasy.
  I was volunteering to take part in Sweden’s underwater ritual that was being held 200 meters from the coast of a silver sanded beach in Skane. The tradition was more of a rite of passage for adolesent boys to be turning into young men. I was to hold my breath underwater clenching a wooden cross against my chest, my back perfectly horizontal, touching the sea bed. As i reached my threshold, and was unable to hold on any longer, I let go of the cross and saw it rise rapidly above me. The water was so clear that I could see that it had reached the surface, and that was my cue to begin my ascension. It sort of felt like the ultimate act of faith in Christianity. In God i trust; an extreme baptism of sorts.   As soon as I began to rise through the crystal clear water I could feel the bed on my feet again, almost immediately. Didn’t I start to rise? Had an underwater current pushed me towards the shore? Because I had emerged from the surface and was walking towards the sands at this point. It all happened so quickly, while I was still struggling for air. Was it divine intervention? Like Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his Son if God wanted it so. I could see that it was a test. Under normal circumstances there was no way I could have reached the surface and swam towards shore. I wouldn’t have the energy to cover the 200 meters unless I was like Micheal Phelps. I should’ve drowned, no less.   I had made this trip a solo adventure, so I could only see myself in the DREAM. The ritual ended with all the participants getting to keep the crosses that they were submerged with, a memento to never forget what their faith meant. After bidding farewell, I walked into town. I passed by a few houses until the name plate on the door of the last house on the bend caught my eyes. I froze in my tracks. I mean it was winter time in Sweden but the cold didn’t bother me as much as the name “Get_Right” did. This was the house of Counter Strike’s legend, Christopher Alesund. I was stupefied by my luck. I’ve been a die hard fan of this man since 2008, since his time with SK in 1.6, back when he wore a grey tshirt and baggy jeans and gelled up hair and stretched out his hand to JW to say good game only to be denied a handshake because of an extremely “salty” opposition. GTR and Forest were just that good. They stuck together for 10 years while the remaining 3 members of NiP kept changing like the seasons. But then GTR announced his departure from NiP, and that changed everything for me towards my own experience with the game. Perhaps a part of my subconscious decided to make this trip in hopes of meeting Chris. I had to meet him at least once in my lifetime, and so I rang the bell.   I could see Chris’s hair had become a lighter shade of brown than I remembered, sparse as well, a symptom that I suffered from as well. The human condition of ageing. His head popped out through the gap between the door and the frame, the latch was still on. He looked at me and said, ”Yes? Can i help you?” I went down to my knees, clasped my hands together, tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe it was him. He saw my act, unlatched the door, smiled and knelt before me in te exact same pose. Face to face with the legend himself. I embraced him and he invited me into his abode.   I sat at the table while he was in the kitchen preparing a warm beverage, probably a Swedish specialty, when his younger sister walked. A cute little girl with freckles and who wore plastic framed glasses. She was eating a bar of chocolate as she walked into the kitchen. She saw me and then looked at her brother, then smiled at me again and asked, “Are you a fan?” to which I replied, “Number 1″. She giggled.   The rest of what I saw was the three of us sitting at the table, sipping coco and laughing a lot at each other’s jokes. Chris asked me about my trip, and then later I got to ask him about his life’s direction. He told me about his plan to retire from the pro scene. I responded by telling him that i made a promise to myself that I would leave the day you did. “Well it certainly has come to that my friend, the younger talent out there is diificult to keep up with”. “Are you implying that you’re getting old for this?”, I asked. “My priorties have changed, and therefore my game has changed along with it I guess. I’m not the hero player that I used to be 10 years ago. I’m a grown man, that supports my family and I guess that perspective has trascended into my gameplay as well”. I had to respect that insight. I saw his role getting sidelined over the years within the team and not necessarily because of a bad performance. It’s the shifting mindset. When that happens, I realised (after talking to him that is) that it’s time to move on to better things. “FIne wine is fine because it keeps on fermenting, churning new ways, never stopping, each new twist adds a new essence of its flavor. That’s what being a legend is about. It’s not about being “Get_Right” or “tING”. It’s not about sustaining the title and playing to expectations. When you’re willing to let go of stabiltity (the titles) and playing it safe and instead, embrace the depths of the unknown, that’s when you feel alive”.   I looked at him with awe and even more respect than i began with that day when I stood outside his door. I shook his hand and thanked him for his hospitality and for making me come to terms with a game that I’ve had a relationship with for more than 15 years. I bid goodbye and walked towards a sun setting horizon. My mind was clear. I had no worries about this divorce. On towards better things in life, getting it right....finally.   
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