#get wrecked kokushibo
sunsblaze · 3 days
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It had been days since the young lady had found herself in these bizarre, medieval times, to say things had been rough was an understatement, she was used to the pampered life of modern times, of having everything she needed at the tips of her fingers. Now all she had was a phone, her lanyard decorated with charms, and a bag filled with college books- not the ideal set of things for her current position but there was nothing for it.
During those days she had received strange looks from those she saw, she had even beat up a man who had tried robbing her, though to them she was the one who was out of place, the one who was strange in her immodest wears, a skirt to her knees and crimson blouse. They thought her nothing more than a lady of the night.
Now she sat by a small fire, hands rubbing together as a means to keep warm, she was not dressed for such a cool night, though where she had came from it was still in the middle of warmer months- she wasn’t quite sure how she had came to be here, but she needed to find a way back home to her sister. Maybe it would be best to retrace her steps-
Her thoughts stopped dead in their tracks as felt this overwhelming presence only a few feet behind her, it was horrid, it made her breath freeze within her lungs, her blood running cold as she slowly shifted her body, eyes wide and lips parted as she was met the the twisted sight of the six eyed demon. This woman, she look familiar from her fiery mane to those maroon eyes that were wide with shock, she even had that mark displayed upon her forehead- she looked just like him, though Yoriichi had been dead for a handful of years now, his old withered body now one with the earth.
In a flash the young woman clutched something around her neck, a mix of burning chemicals was sprayed directly into his many eyes before the woman would make a run for it, attempting to put distance between herself and the demon.
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dreamiworld · 1 year
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good better, cookie-sheet-boo
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echantedtoon · 4 months
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Im just going to be doing this third installment for the rest of the most memorable demons (minus Rui's siblings, Spider Mother, Rui himself, Nezuko, Daki, and Genya again for VERY obvious reasons) on who I think is the best and worst dads/moms. No real order this time tho.
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-He would be a mixed up bag of good and bad traits tbh. When you first told him he flat out told you to stop teasing him. "Stop your childish games. It's a waste of time." You legit have to go get Kokushibo and have him look over your form through the transparent world and have him confirm to Muzan that you were indeed NOT lying or trying to prank him for Muzan to believe you.
-He's oddly silent for a long moment after just staring at you for a long while before going "Oh...Well this is a surprising turn of events."
-He can absolutely act like he's invested in his child and loves them. He's an asshole but a very convincing one to where even you couldn't tell if he was genuine or not. How he is towards the child is a mixed bag in of itself. He doesn't treat the child with harm or too much aggression. If anything he's actually more curious about seeing what a demon-human hybrid could accomplish.
-Look. Your child is either fully demon or fully human with your mixed genes. There's no in-between. If it's fully human then he's rather disappointed in the result. In turn he loses a lot of interest in the kid and just allows you to essentially raise them yourself without too much interference. He might change the child into a demon when they get older but overall wouldn't see much point in bothering with the tyke.
-If the child is demon THEN he will have a bigger interest. He's disappointed when you both find out that your child is in fact NOT immune to sunlight but he was already anticipating that anyways. He's very invested in making the perfect heir for himself.
-VERY strict perfectionist. Your child will be very smart, a good fighter, and as dangerous as a lower moon by the time they're eight because of their father's teachings. But at what costs?
-You wouldn't get to have a say in much of anything in their raising then.
-He plans out their schedule every day AND night for everything: Education, training, discipline, sleep, times they are to eat and who they interact with and when- He has very strict rules and if they aren't followed then they're training time is much more harsher. By default he also plans yours as the child's mother.
4½/10 Only because of the mixed bag of parenting style otherwise I'd score him much lower however an in between seems about right.
-He's a good dad in Rui's opinion to Rui but no one else and honestly I hate how he treats practically everyone else.
0/10 for obvious reasons
-Honestly not as bad of a father as one might assume. Whether the baby is between himself and Tamayo or himself and Y/n doesn't matter. He loves them all the same. Doesn't even care if they're human, demon, or a hybrid.
-Was shocked but not too shocked by the news of becoming a father, but it did take him a whole ass week to really come to terms with it.
-He's very skilled in medicine being Tamayo's assistant so he's able to help a lot with the baby's mother's pregnancy. Tonics to help her sore throat after they vomit, cures for aches and pains especially with swollen ankles, check ups to make sure baby's healthy. He's VERY attentive to his partner and their mental, physical, and emotional needs. Doesn't mean he's not a nervous wreck tho.
-Despite already knowing medical procedures including the birth, he still researches LOTS. Best educational toys, best fabrics to lessen the irritation of the baby's sensitive skin, etc- This man goes above and beyond so much it worries the mother. Tamayo has to get involved in order for him to be convinced to calm down.
-Is literally a nervous wreck when his child is born. Messy hair, bags under his eyes, nervous pacing- He doesn't faint but for a long while after the baby's born he'll just sit down and stare at the closest wall blankly and silently- "Yushiro, are you alright?" "Oh yes. Perfectly fine." "Then why are you just sitting there?" "Just...having a moment, Dear." Give him a moment. His brain is still processing the chubby sleeping mass in his arms after so long.
-Once reality finally slaps his brain into gear, he just cries. Good tears going down his face as he blubbers and holds his baby close to him on instinct. Praises mama too. Commenting on how baby is as beautiful as her and they have her eyes.
-Terrified and protective dad. He knows the dangers and keeps baby at home with mom safely tucked away in their hidden home away from danger. Only takes them out when both himself and Tamayo go somewhere. Strength in numbers.
-Loves holding his baby and sharing his painting hobby. Tamayo found him holding baby as they messily slapped hands full of paint all over a canvas. "Yushiro, what are you doing?" "Exploring their artistic skills of course."
-Man hangs all of his child's artwork proudly on the walls. Once nearly threw hands when one of Tamayo's patients said it wasn't that great.
-He can be very strict or hard on his child due to stress, fear, or stubbornness however and it has lead to some loud fights.
8/10 best father on this list no doubt
-Have you seen how creepy he is in Kimetsu Gauken?? Absolutely NOT!
-0/10 Id rather take my chances with Muzan with a massive temper
-Is already an experienced parent having prior experience with her past family she lost. So she would definitely know what she's doing and what needs to be done. Already a good start.
-Is very calm and casual about the entire process as she's been through it before although Yushiro is practically worrying his entire hairline off fussing over her. Even though she tells him multiple times to stop worrying so much.
-Can really take care of herself through the entire process being a doctor and a previous mother before so there's really no complications outside of having to stay hidden for safety reasons.
-Has already prepared, planned, and set up a nursery with all the essentials on top of having an emergency bag in case they have to flee right away.
-Yushiro becomes the de fault uncle/dad figure worrying over the baby and crying when Tamayo allows him to hold baby and help care for it while she's busy. He becomes very protective and attached to mini Tamayo.
-Very good parent. Rarely if ever raises her voice to her child. Teaches them everything she knows about medicine and other skills so her child grows to be very smart. Has Yushiro help train them with his attack mode in case they ever have to fight anyone.
-Only downside is that she is unsure if she should offer her medicine to baby if they were born demon in fear it might harm them.
10/10 best mother out of all the demons in kny
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muzansfangs · 1 year
Guilty pleasure.
Starring: Muzan x f!reader; Kokushibo, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa (mention to past relationship between Sanemi and the reader), Kanae (mentioned);
Warnings: fluff, angst, mention to death and murder, panic attack, puking, platonic relationship between the reader and Genya, bullying, language, sugar daddy dynamics.
Plot: The day of your first public appearence with Muzan has finally arrived. The plan is simple: you need to pretend to casually bump into each other at the park. Trying to chase away some anxiety, you cross the gates and make your way to the designed area he had asked you to be but you hear someone’s voice. Ghosts from your past force you to step in the middle of a fight and you do not hesitate to stand up for your ex’s younger brother. Shaken by some informations you heard from him, you run away only to bump into Muzan. Smile, smile for the camera. It is your first encounter, after all.
| chapter 9 |
"Kokushibo, I'm not ready for this" you whispered, fanning yourself with your hand in the car.
The bodyguard sitting next to you, his hands gripping the steering-wheel tightly, glanced at you briefly and quizzically quirked an eyebrow up. Today was a special day for you, but sadly a dreadful day for him. He was the unlucky one who had to deal with the future First Lady about to make her first public appearence with Muzan.
Actually, an anxious First Lady.
Why were you panicking? Well, it was not the fact that you were going to be in public with him for the first time. On the contrary, it would have been kind of fun. What troubled you was that he wanted it to look real. It would have not been a simple stroll around the park with him. You had to literally pretend it was your first encounter ever.
"Don't screw it up. We have to feed them a perfect love story, a fairytale", Muzan had told you yesterday night, when you were still a panting mess sitting on his lap.
It was a lot to deal with. How could you pretend you did not know him, after all the wicked things he had done to you and the possessive words he had never stopped whispering in your ear since you had moved over. Also, you were getting so comfortable around him that you had no trouble in confronting him. You were free to tease him like no one else dared to do.
Your relationship, whatever it was made of, was already developing.
"Yes, you are" Kokushibo flatly replied, as he pulled over in a nearly desolate street. The plan was simple. Kokushibo had to accompany you in the proximity of the park and you had to go there yourself. Naturally, the tall bodyguard would have kept an eye on you to make sure you would have gotten to your destination safe and sound, but it was better if you two did not interact on the road.
People could not know you knew each other.
You turned towards him, taking your sunglasses off in a dramatic manner, as you met his gaze. Were you seriously already feeling like a superstar? Probably.
"What?" you blurted out, blinking at him skeptically.
Kokushibo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in distress as, for the first time ever in his career, he questioned himself about why he had chosen to work for Muzan and deal with you.
"Get out of the car, or I'll kick you out of it" he said, darting his eyes on the road as you goggled at him. Kokushibo, the respectful and coldest hitman Muzan had, was slowly letting his mask slip out. Were you really getting on his nerves too? You had a talent for wrecking people's nerves, apparently.
"Excuse me?" you piped out, startled by his bluntness.
The man beside you turned his head to the side. He was probably glancing outside the car window, although you could not tell precisely were his gaze was directed. From the white collar of his white shirt, you could see a tattoo. It almost resembled a flame, but you were not too sure about it since his hair covered half of it. Kokushibo was the hardest person to read you had ever met.
"Shock therapy. It always works. There's no time for delay and I am not the type who wipes tears off of your face. Do not expect hugs from me either. Get yourself together and go" he replied calmly, not averting his eyes from the road.
You parted your lips in disbelief as you listened to the stolid man scolding you, as if you were a child. You were stunned in silence, still processing his command as he unlocked the car doors without even glancing back at you to assess your reaction. He was right and you knew it. Yet, you still were determined to mess with him, to deliver him the message that you were not a child and he could at least try to be polite, despite the stressful situations Muzan was putting everyone in.
You pressed your lips together and curled your fingers around the silver handle of the car, clearing your throat "Fine, Coconut. — you chimed, making him whip his head towards you again — Just make sure to get that broom out of your ass, while I'm gone. See you later" you piped put, hopping down of the car and gently closing the door behind you.
You did not even bother glancing back at Kokushibo to assess his reaction. He was probably staring blankly at you. Also, it would have been useless checking on him, since the privacy car window prevented anyone to look into the vehicle.
As you took a deep breath and crossed the road to enter the park, you tried to remember Muzan's instructions. You had dressed as casually as you could, following his suggestion perfectly. Some black Converse, a pair of denim shorts and a black sleeveless shirt. You almost could feel the dim reflection of your old good self walking down the street as a common girl, enjoying the heat of the sun without worrying much about being watched by assassins, or careful not to disappint the devil she was dating.
The birds chirped as they flew from a brench to another, the warm summer breeze grazing your skin and flowing through your air, as you approached the exact spot where you were supposed to meet up with him, making you relax a tad more. The bittersweet scent of flowers pierced your nose and you faintly smiled as you watched a butterfly batting her white wings graciously.
You were about to text Muzan to ask him if he was on his way, when you heard a familiar voice among the boisterous ones of a group of teenagers not too far from you. You would have never mistaken it for someone else's voice. It was impossible, when its owner was a boy you had risked so much for in the past.
He was the brother you never had.
Your head immediately whipped towards the small group of guys, your grip on your smartphone tightening as your eyes widened even so slightly. It was him, you were right, and you were not going to stand still and watch him getting bullied by a bunch of rowdy brats. You did not even have to think twice, you had made up your mind in split second, forgetting about your mission as you jogged towards them.
"You freak, what's happened to your face?" one of the boys said, sneering at the dark-haired guy, gripping the collar of his purple jacket.
He was about to retort something, his fists clenching down his sides, when you stepped in and shoved that guy away from him. You knew he was perfectly capable of defending himself, but you could not let him getting in troubles again. Not under your watch, at least.
"How about you see what happens to yours, if you do not leave him alone?" you sharply asked him, arching your eyebrow as you watched the guy scoff and take a few steps back.
The air was thin as you made sure they took you seriously, as you stood tall in front of them. You were much older than them, they knew better than messing with adults and, therefore, they simply showed you their middle fingers and cussed as they walked away.
Once they had disappeared from your sight, you turned around and your eyes locked with his purple ones.
"Genya" you whispered as he threw his arms around your neck and hugged you tightly.
He had grown up since the last time you saw him. He was taller, a little more mature and muscular and, apparently, he did not feel that shy about hugging you anymore. You had not realized how much you had missed him until now, when he was in your arms.
You closed your eyes and allowed a comfortable silence to swallow you two, as if you were in a bubble, safe from the rest of the world.
"You didn't have to do it" Genya uttered then, his face still hidden onto the crook of your neck not daring to look up at you.
You sighed and slowly broke the embrace, smiling softly at him as you made eye-contact. Those eyes, those kind eyes, jarring with his slightly perpetually feral face, had always made your heart melt. How many times did you wipe his tears? How many times did you cook him a meal and how many times did you teach him how to go on a skateboard without losing balance? You had shared entire weeks with him, taking care of his needs and looking after his back, when Sanemi was not there.
"I don't want to see some handcuffs around your wrists" you joked, ruffling his hair lovingly.
The younger Shinazugawa hummed and averted his eyes from him, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jacket. It starteled you the way he was posing right now: it resembled Sanemi so much. Your heart ached, as flashes of your memories together played on repeat before your eyes. You had shared too much together not to care about them anymore.
You had been there for them that night. You were the first person who got to their home, when Sanemi called you in tears. There was blood everywhere. The small corpses of his brothers and sisters were still on the floor, their glassy eyes boring into yours as you held Genya in yours arms and tried to mend his wounds. Life had never been fair for them.
You knew their pain. You had felt it in your own heart too, after all.
"How are you?" you finally broke the silence again, watching the way Genya lowered his gaze on the dusty ground. Your heart dropped into your stomach, knowing damn well what that face meant.
"Do you want to hear the truth?" Genya asked you then, kicking a pebble aside to focus on something else that were not your eyes.
"Don't you ever lie to me. Three years ago, you had promised me you would have always been sincere to me. I expect you to stick up to your words" you said calmly, despite the war waging in your heart and the fear seeping into your veins with every passing second.
He furrowed his brows and shrugged, his gaze flicking up to meet yours once again as he finally spoke out "Honestly, since you're gone, it's been a living Hell. I miss you, we miss you".
A bullet through your heart would have probably hurt far less than his words. They cut deeper than a switchblade pushed into your heart and you gulped down nervously, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You missed them too. Things with Sanemi, though, had got complicated back in time. You had arrived adrift, at a point of no return. He did not let you in anymore. He seemed to be distant, colder and then you heard him talking with Kyojuro about that girl with pink irises he had met at work.
Betrayal. You feared it more than anything else in the world and therefore you decided to cut all the ties before it happened.
Maybe it was a very rash thing to do, yet, you knew Sanemi like the back of your hand. He was falling in love with her. He was talking about that girl as if she could bring a smile on his face every single time they met. Hating her was not in your style, but you never wanted to be the spare wheel of someone's heart.
"I miss you too, Genya. — you replied in a softer tone, grasping his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze — Your brother and I could not work out together and we will not be able to fix the mess we made. This does not mean you cannot count on me, though. You can call me and text me whenever you want. Also, I think Sanemi's new girlfriend is not that bad, right?" you said, but you regretted it immediately as you watched Genya's eyes clouding over in saddness.
There was something else that he was not saying.
"Oh... Did they break up? Is she nasty?" you naively asked.
"She's dead. Kanae is dead" Genya flatly said.
Your eyes widened as he mentioned that name and, for a second, you thought you had gone mad. Kanae. Was Kanae the name of that famous girl? Was it not the same name of Shinobu's sister? A coincidence. It had to he a coincidence. Muzan could have not possibly been messing with your life as a puppet master even before you met.
"K-Kanae..." you murmured, stumbling on your own feet as you averted your eyes from your interlocutor to put some pieces of that devious puzzle together.
It should have not made sense, but it made some sense. You never got to know what Sanemi was doing for a living, but you had figured that he might have been an assassin and, if he had met Kanae at work, she was an assassin too.
Genya snapping his fingers in front of your face made you come back to Earth. He seemed concerned, you had zoned out for a little while apperently.
"Are you alright?" the dark-haired Shinazugawa said, scanning in your face perplexedly.
You sighed and squeezed your eyes shut, exhaling through your nostrils in frustration, before you shook your head gently "Actually, no. I just remembered I have to attend an important meeting. Please, go back home and text me, when you arrive" she fretted, kissing his forehead and running off.
Genya stood there, watching you dash away from him as if your life was literally in danger, but he did not question you that much. You were a beautiful disaster he had always loved and that he had missed so dearly.
He grinned and jumped on his skate, sprinting in the opposite direction of the one you had taken.
Sweat was beading your forehead as you approached the willow where you were supposed to wait for Muzan, but you were forced to slow down your frentic run as waves of nausea made your stomach clench. It was absurd, you needed more answers and Muzan ought you a lot of them.
You stopped and panted, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. You had almost succeeded in it, until a familiar cologne pierced your nose and a firm touch, the touch that made you comfortable and irritated at the same time, on your shoulder made you stiff.
You could not stop it, your eyes widened, as you tried to walk away to prevent the catastrophic event to happen. However, he was so idiotic to think you were probably trying to ignore him and screw up his plan that he spun you around.
His red hues met yours for a split second, before you barfed on his expensive mocassins and he cussed under his breath in disbelief.
You blushed, as people started to gather around you, recognizing the famous politician, stuck in a rather embarrassing situation with you. Your mind went blank, already depicting the first page of the local magazins with a frame of you puking on Muzan's shoes in the middle of the park. Shame, panic, anxiety and fear of what Muzan was about to do made you take a step back, but he simply sighed and handed you a tissue.
"Are you alright, miss?" he whispered, actually sounding concerned and satisfied.
So, this is how you two officially met. At least, for the public.
Hello there! I finally updated another part of my Muzan’s series! I hope you can enjoy this chapter. It is maybe a little bit shorter than the usual length I stick to, but I specifically wanted it to be like that. There are feelings, there is angst and some fluff… There’s Genya, my little baby. Thank you so much for supporting my account and this story! Really, I did not expect it to be that appreciated. I feel your warmth and that’s important for a writer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Likes, comments and re-posts are deeply appreciated. @mrskokushibo I tagged you in this part because I tortured Koku and I wanted you to see it lmao
Until next,
x o x o
Tag list: @tired-writer04 @hjjks @kakuchosbff @yazzzmints @bookandstar @z3rOart @cherrymanhuas @kazuhaslvt @selenenyx0124 @infinitedilf @yunixkill @shigarakithings @i-loveyou013 @yoriichi-second-wife
@sunaswife @lucikittyxoxo @heartsforjeongin @ishmealmendes @wondermilka @dangerousdreamkitty @crazycatlddy
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queentheweeb · 3 months
Akaza X Reader Smut
A/N: I'm going to start posting my smut I wrote from my Demon pets story that you could find on wattpad under destiny_x17 and AO# under destiny_will_domo
You were confident that the rest of your family heard or at the very least know that you have engaged in frivolous activities with Muzan and Kokushibo. Honestly, you would rate the experience 10 out of 10, and you will most definitely be doing it again with both of them. You had a feeling that Kaza was definitely a little jealous, but he would not show it. You feel that none of them should be feeling jealous because you have no problem having sex with the rest of them, you will not be initiating it the first time because you wish for them to come to you so that you can be sure that that is what they want and it does not seem like you are forcing yourself on them.  This is not something that you should be thinking about right now. At the moment, Kaza was trying to get your attention to hang out with him.
"Y/N please come with me, it's been so long since me, and you have been together alone. I miss you." He was giving you the puppy dog-eyed look, and you swear everyone in this castle knew the right things to say to you, so you will fold. That is beside the point that you love all of them.
" Lead the way, my love." He smiled big at you and grabbed your hand walking down the hallway to who knows where. You have gotten used to not being told what is going on so you are just going with the flow. You guys went down numerous hallways and went through a couple of doors until you got to what looked like one of the smaller libraries, but he kept walking with a mission in mind.
" Remember when I and you were on a date, and we were painting and watching a movie, but it got interrupted because of the surprise?" You wrecked your brain for a minute, trying to think of what he was talking about, and then it hit you. It was the day that they drew the party at the top, and that horrible hoard of demons attacked you guys. You quickly shook your head, yes to answer the question while simultaneously trying to get rid of those mental images of you bleeding in your family fighting a whole bunch of feral beasts. " Good because I wish to finish our date now that we have more time to be together." You smiled at him as he continued to take the two of you to the room where, once you went inside, he locked the door behind you. You were excited to spend time with your Kaza after all.
"Do you have a movie in mind?" You watched as he nodded at you, and he went to the projector, or the computer really, to play a movie that the two of you have seen numerous times.
"I know we have seen this movie already, but I thought it would be good background noise for when we are talking or painting or doing whatever." You were not silly and had an idea of what he might be planning, but you will not jump the gun, nor make the first move because you made a promise that for their first time having sex with you, you will not start it. You wanted them to be comfortable enough with you to start it first. All of the other times that will follow are different stories.
"I have no issue with that. I enjoy being in your company after all, regardless of what we may or may not do." You took the initiative to sit down on the sheets and comforters he had in a makeshift bed on the floor. It was definitely fluffier and more comfortable than when you guys were first here, which meant that he had planned this return of the date.
"I am glad." He took a seat beside you, and the two of you started talking about anything and everything that came to mind. He was basically on top of you, and you love the feeling of his skin against yours you were only in a pair of shorts and a crop top since you were home, and it tended to get pretty hot in the castle due to central heating and air conditioning. It got quiet once the two of you stopped talking for a bit, and you turned to him only to see that he was already staring at you with a soft smile. "Can I kiss you?"
" Of course, you can." No more words were said as your lips touched but, this time it wasn't a peck, it wasn't a chaste kiss. He put a hand behind your head to hold you in place as he devoured your mouth. He maneuvered without breaking apart your lips to where you were on your back against the sheets and comforters as he hovered over you. He pressed his lips fervently against yours swiping his tongue along your bottom lip and asking for entrance. You opened your mouth in invitation moaning as he mapped out every tooth and massaged your tongue with his. How was he so good at this?
"My beautiful Y/N..." He pulled away licking at the string of saliva that connected your lips, leaning down to nuzzle his face in your neck before kissing and nipping knowing he was going to leave a mark. You shuddered at the feel of his hands roaming across your side before stopping at your top. He lifted his head from your neck making eye contact with you. "Can I take this off?" You nodded your head but, he shook his head softly bringing a hand up to hold your cheek "Use your words, sweetheart." You felt yourself flush squirming a bit under him.
"Yes, you can." He hummed with a smile and never broke eye contact with you as he grabbed the bottom of it and lifted it over your head and arms in one move. You were not wearing a bra so once he saw your breasts out of his peripherals that's when he looked away and in one swift movement engulfed your right boob in his mouth while his left hand pulled, twisted, and flicked the nipple of your other one softly. Low moans escaped your mouth that you didn't even bother hiding. He altered between both of them making sure to leave a hickey on each breast.
"You're so beautiful. You're so perfect for me. I love you." You were panting softly as he trailed kisses down the valley of your breasts to your stomach and stopped when he got to your shorts. You already knew what he was waiting for.
"You can take it off, Kaza. I trust you and I love you." You saw how his eyes dilated and with haste, he ripped off your shorts grabbing both of your legs to throw them over his shoulders. Before you can even breathe properly he flattened his tongue against your pussy.
"FUCK!" He didn't give you any reprieve as he focused on your clit with his tongue looking up at you making sure his tongue never left the spot. You weren't quiet at all and you found yourself humping his face but, he encouraged it. He moaned at the taste of you on his tongue, the vibrations going up your spine. Holy shit he was eating you out like you were his last meal. You almost screamed when you felt him slide in two fingers and curled them. "Kaza-AH! RIGHT THERE!" He found your G-spot faster than you thought. Fuck, he was so good at this, he was so strong as he sat straight up the angle causing his fingers to abuse your G-spot.
"There we go, baby. That's it. Enjoy yourself, I'm here to please you." He said nothing else keeping a steady pace that was bringing you to an orgasm fast. Your voice was pitching higher and faster, reaching up with one hand to grab at his hair to hold him there. His pace never faltered or sped up, it was steady and within a minute you were almost shouting grinding your pussy against his face as your orgasm took over you. "There we go baby, there goes my sweet, gorgeous Y/N. Ride it out, my love." He dragged out your orgasm with soft licks and slow plunges of his fingers before removing himself completely and taking your legs from his shoulders to wrap around his waist while he massaged your calves and thighs to bring you back down from your high. You can both see and feel how hard he was. He was panting softly, hair falling from his ponytail where you had a grip, eyes dilated with a grin that mirrored yours. The two of you stared at each other before chuckling softly. "We can stop if you-" You shook your head vehemently.
"I want you...please my Kaza" You did not think it was possible for his pupils to completely overtake his eyes but, they did. With swiftness, he took off his pants giving you a chance to panic because he was huge watching as he drooled using the spit and pre-cum to lube up his cock. He leaned down grabbing your left leg to move up and rest in the crook of his elbow. You felt the head of his dick probing at your entrance.
"Look at me Y/N" You did as told noticing that he was looking at you with unabashed adoration and love. "I'll be gentle, let me know if it's too much and I'll stop." You said a soft okay as he watched your face for any signs of discomfort. You took a deep breath relaxing your muscles and feeling him slide in much easier. Once to the hilt, he stopped pressing light kisses across your face waiting for you to get adjusted. You gave an experimental thrust up feeling him meet your thrust unconsciously. He was gripping your waist tightly with his forehead pressed against yours with his jaw clenched.
"You can move. I'm okay." He opened his eyes going slow first and finding a rhythm. Once he had one he grunted sitting up a bit and angling his hips searching for something that you were about to ask him. "What-OH MY, SHIT, Kaza!" Wow, it felt like you were cumming without cumming. You were not going to last long, that's for sure.
"Look at you, my precious. Fuck, I wish you could see yourself right now. My pretty flower." You knew you had to be a sight with your mouth dropped, eyes rolled back, breasts bouncing and legs wrapped around him. "Fuck, you're mine, all mine. I'll be the first one to knock a baby in you too when you're ready. You'll have my baby first." A sex demon possessed him or maybe it was the inherent breeding kink that most demons had but, he started going harder keeping the same pace. You felt yourself about to cum "Oh, you're squeezing me so tight, you wanna cum baby? Wanna cum all over my dick like the good girl I know you are? Come on my love, you can do it. Cum for me." He was rubbing rapid circles on your clit watching in awe as you screamed and squeezed him in a vice grip. "Fuck I won't last if you keep squeezing me like that." He never stopped, dragging out your high and making you scream.
"OH! MY!" That's all you were able to get out hoping he understood and by the grace of God, he did. As if he couldn't get more excited you felt his dick pulsate inside you as he slowed down a bit. He was excited about making you cum twice but, he took pity on you being a little over-stimulated.
"Shhh Y/N. Almost done. Hold on for a bit longer" He knew he wasn't going to last so he bent down, forcing your legs to your chest, pressing his lips against yours as he went hard and fast swallowing your screams with open-mouth kisses, your pleasure bringing him closer and closer to cumming.
"AKAZA!" The way you screamed his name made him hiss as he cummed deep inside you, rolling his hips forward to prolong both of your guy's pleasure. Once he was sure every drop was out, he pulled out slowly and collapsed beside you bringing you into a cuddle. The two of you caught your breath, you snuggling more into him as he chuckled a bit grabbing a thin blanket to cover both of you up. You were already half-asleep with him rubbing his hand up and down your back. 
"Can't wait to hear you scream my name again."
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Your events are always the best, istg-
So hiii, howzit going? You probably know this anon for requesting about 90% of the Kokudou stuff you write XD (I'm calling it, Fyozai-anon's unofficial weird cousin, pls, I need to meet that anon-). For the event! I got something for ya!
Headcanon: Douma is a nervous giggler when it comes to tickles, no doubt, 100%. Kokushibo only has to spare a six-eyed 'I will end (wreck) you' glance at him and Douma's already in giggles. + KOKUDOU-
Stay safe, stay happy, and stay awesome~!
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
(We need to host an anon-family reunion akjrekajrjkeajrk) AHH! Kokudou!Anon! :D Thank you so much for the amazing prompts and headcanons you always send in- between you and Ghost; I'm falling head over heels for these two! This headcanon is perfect! (and thank you for the kind words you're too sweet!) I've gotcha covered!
“Ehehhehehahahaha! Do-Doohohohn’t loohoohok at me like thahahhat!”
“Like what?” Kokushibou asked, tilting his head curiously as he watched Douma burst into giggles, shrinking in on himself. “I’m only looking at you.”
“Nohohoho! I cahhaahn see it in yohohohohur eheheyes!” His expression was not one of general admiration. Douma knew all too well what that glance meant. It was the glance Kokushibou used whenever he was about to tickle him. “Stahhahap, I’m beihihihng so shehhherious right nohohohow!”
“I truly don’t know what you’re seeing, Douma.” The brunette offered confusion, but his lips were twitching, and he slowly turned himself to face the other. Douma all but whined in his giggles. “I’m simply sitting here- thinking about how much I enjoy your laugh..” Douma squeaked, half hidden in his hands as he laughed harder- tears filling his rainbow gaze.
“The sound is lovely- hearing the different notes you can reach when you’re really going. Your smile adds to it all; handsome and charming and ever so intoxicating..”
“Of course- my favorite part of it all is when I tickle you. How you act like you’re fighting back but in reality you’re having fun. I can tell- you don’t truly ever push at my hands as they climb up your ribs one after another..”
“EHEHehheehe!” Douma squealed when his sides were grabbed, but no tickling came from it. Not yet anyway. “Kohohohohku!”
“You get so squeaky when I tickle you at your highest ribs, and when I touch your neck…” He trailed a hand up his arm, further worsening Douma’s giggles as it gently rested on the tip of his shoulder- not quite touching the sensitive skin. “You always…”
Flakes fell- snow drifting down around them as Douma went near silent in laughter, falling into Kokushibou’s chest as he cried over ghost tickles. “Ah. my favorite part of it all..”
“Yoohohohour’e tohohohohooho muhuuhch! Aheahahhaha, yohohou dihiihdn’t ehehehven tohoohcuh mehehehe!” Douma cried out, trying to glare and failing as he took in Kokushibou’s serene expression. The snowflakes danced and fluttered, landing on his nose and unjustly long lashes. “Juhuhust tickle me ahhhahready!”
“Ah? So direct.” Kokushibou smirked fully now, laughing as Douma giggled more. “Very well then.” He quickly reached out, grabbing his sides and making him shriek. “I suppose things have been too hot lately. Let’s cool it down with some snow, shall we?”
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myreygn · 1 year
hiii i read your demon slayer fics and loved the tickle fic with akaza and enmu and have a few headcanons of the 12 kizuki to share! :)
- douma is the resident tickle demon and LOVES causing chaos
- akaza is the most ticklish kizuki followed by rui, enmu and gyutaro and the four are the most frequent victims of tickle attacks
- daki and kaigaku are ticklish but only in one or two places so tickling them isn’t as fun for the others. they’re more often the ones tickling others however
- nakime, gyokko and hantengu actively avoid tickle attacks but will defend themselves if they need to and are for the most part, successful in defending themselves but gyokko and hantengu both fell victim to douma
- kokushibo is ticklish but never takes part in the chaos his fellow demons create. he prefers to watch it all unfold but will step in if someone has had enough and the others won’t stop
- kaigaku, daki and gyutaro are douma’s tickle minions and constantly launch tickle attacks on the others but always fail to succeed
- the trio only succeeded in tickling rui and enmu after overhearing the two lower moons having a conversation about hopefully rising up the ranks quickly and roped them into being tickled by saying it was an “initiation ritual” they gave all lower moon demons to see if they have potential. it’s total bullshit but the two lower moons fell for it
- kokushibo stopped the fun however and put the trio in their places by tickling them to near death in front of rui and enmu
- douma is very ticklish and while he can hide it really well, if someone gets the right spot or there’s more than one demon tickling him, he’s done for
heyoo thank you so much, i happy you liked it!! ♡♡
oh my god these are GOLDEN 😭
douma is such a monster, he wouldn't leave the others alone with his tickle attacks and akaza and gyutaro hate it they don't
i just know that daki would not hesitate to stab gyutaro in the back too lmao she'd just sit by like "oh yeah go for his ribs- no not like that you idiot, let me show you!"
gyokko must be such an evil ler too tho and the hantengu clones are as well, douma sometimes beheads hantengu just to get the clones to help him wreck someone
also the mental image of kaigaku daki and gyutaro trying to ambush akaza and failing miserably only for douma to come in and showing them how it's done is hilarious shkflghx
(lee akaza my beloved poor guy can't catch a break from douma's bs 💀)
big brother kokushibo stopping the middle children from bullying the bebis >>>
thank you so much for sending these in and your kind words, i hope you have the most amazing day!! ❤️ (also stay tuned for more demon slayer fics to come ^^)
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Wisp rambles about GyoTengu, the post.
I'm digging in my own grave... But whatever.
Swap AU is hinted at with a $ in front.But SO!
We have the very obvious difference in aesthetics, no matter where you look. Gyokko is primarily white, but there's obvious color everywhere you look. Meanwhile, Hantengu appears as a usually dark colored old man. His tones make it hard to discern color. The only thing in common in their looks is that they're... grotesque, in a sense. Gyokko is self explanatory, with what his face in all the wrong spots, and his damn arms as well. Hantengu is a bit more low-key on this, with his lack of eye definition, gnarly limbs and nails, and massive tumor jutting out of his forehead.
And their personalities are also distinct. Gyokko is extroverted, (and the only one to reciprocate friendly feelings with Douma, to boot!), arrogant, egotistical, and macabre. He's very in your face about things. Hantengu, on the other hand is very much a coward, and afraid of nearly everything. He's introverted by definition, clearly presents as pathetic, a nervous wreck, and would clearly rather remain low-key.
But there IS one thing that they DO have alike though: their "delusions".
Gyokko believes himself to be a great artiste and a thing of beauty, and liked.... Hantengu thinks that, no matter what he does, he's innocent of wrong-doing, regardless of how out-there it seems.
Between that... It would seem like they'd never get along.
And you may have a point: their only canon interaction is when Hantengu is criticizing Gyokko on his lack of time frame (he said it was 90 year's since a meeting was called, when it was only 103<).
It's a comfort HC of mine, so to speak, that they're quite good friends with each other. I believe that their uh... (gestures to everything) will work creepily well. And I can see the two having a twistedly caring bond with each other. $And even as the Pillars, they might actually have a better chance at this, since, mostly through process of elimination (I gave Gyokko Mitsuri's role, while Hantengu got Iguro's)$ Still, you can assume where this heads with my suggestion, and their given roles.
They are as the sun and moon, distinct, yet reliant on each other.
Hantengu is the hateful introvert, Gyokko is the unorthodox extrovert.
Believe it or not, Hantengu actually makes the first move no matter where you look.
Perhaps it was under the urgings of the clones, or an awkward conversation starter, but it's there. And it's an odd feeling. For the both of them.
Gyokko, who only extended this "love" to another person once as a human, and only focuses his "love" towards his art, was attached to this rat (affectionate)? Hantengu, who's every extent of his "love" ended with a widow's kiss, and holds his "love" in a separate entity (Urogi, and not really) entirely from himself, was attached to this beast (affectionate)?
Very confusing indeed.
$Kokushibo somehow figured out that they're in love with each other WAY before even Hantengu did. And when he (terrifyingly) confessed to him, he just went, "Ah. Is he aware of it as well?"$
$So he goes, "P-Probably n-Wait what?!"$ (You can tell he's pining a bit...)
No matter what, Kokushibo figures it out, Douma grills him for it, Sekido, Aizetsu, Urogi, Karaku and Zohakuten playing reluctant match maker, and Gyokko himself finds it out WAY. TOO. DAMN. LATE.
Yes. Poor Gyokko indeed. In either case, I believe that he had made him a vase (corpse tree in the vase up to you in canon specifics) as a gift, only, you know, he forgot to give it to him. It was based off a scene of a rare calm Hantengu. You guessed it, Kokushibo figured its existence before its intended target.
This can serve as a nice scene of ship tease in either canon, before their uh... deaths.
See, if Iguro and Mitsuri get their scenes, of course these bastards do so also! $I'm actually working a post on how Hantengu views the other Pillars, and another HC comes into play with their relationship that can't be recreated in canon.$
The HC in question? Hmm...
$Inspired by Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth for this... Hantengu is just his last name. His given name is "Shiko". Plainly translated as "Fourth (or something death related) Child", it's very demeaning for someone like him. As he hates his name, he just says his name is "Hantengu" and nothing more. The only one to know this name is, you guessed it, Gyokko (named Managi Mizamura)! He just shrugged it off when he got told of it... and then he clarified why. Yeah. He promised to never call him by that again. But for a hint of tragedy, I like to believe that he asked him to call him that (for some damn reason) when they died together.$
Hehehe... Dear Rei provided me with some inspo... So I finished this specific HC in her honor.
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@tsukkiakarii​​​​ inquired: [ ESCORT ]: after the conflict is resolved, the sender escorts the receiver away from the building to get some fresh air and a break from the scene of the argument. (main verse koku and demon au kotoha after koku wrecks a slayer pls uwu)
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Direct Conflict—No Longer Accepting
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A demon slayer so close to the temple… That deeply concerned Kotoha. Their way of life was calm and peaceful, and it wasn’t like they were actively hunting people—well, she wasn’t, at least—but rather just allowing these sinful humans to partake in paradise. It also concerned her that any demon slayer made it past Inosuke…or at the very least went unnoticed by him. All she wanted was to pick some flowers with Kokushibo, but they were attacked by a couple of demon slayers. Kokushibo made quick work of them before Kotoha could really even react, but it was still startling.
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“Are you alright..??” Kotoha asked with evident concern in her expression once the two reached the temple once more. She didn’t doubt Kokushibo’s ability to fight in any way—she was a far better fighter than Kotoha will ever be—but she was still worried. Kokushibo was quite far into her pregnancy, so she shouldn’t be fighting like this. If anything, she should be in bedrest. This couldn’t be good for her daughters.
“I-I’m sorry I wasn’t any help…” And she did feel bad, terrible even. Was she really so useless that she couldn’t help fend off an attacker..?? She became a demon to better protect and care for her son, but how could she do that when she was still this weak.?? “You should go lay down, Koku-chan.” And they didn’t even get to bring back any of the flowers they picked… What a wasted night.
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theanonymousfoxsimp · 2 years
Uppermoons and hashira with their favorite toy to use on you
Featuring: kokushibo,akaza,muzan,douma, tengen + wives,rengoku,sanemi,giyuu. Afab!reader
Minors DNI! 18+ content
Muzan and spreader bars
The demon lord particularly loved how these kept your legs open for him. How easily he had access to your cunt and how easy he could tease you. He only used this when he was in a particular mood,one where nothing and yet everything goes wrong. He loved how you moaned his name,trying to close your legs as the bar was raised and placed over his shoulders as he ate you out,exactly how you wanted.
Another part is how he loved when he teased you,you were well aware that if he decided to tease and edge you,you couldn't close your legs to stop him. He enjoyed watching you cry,lickijg the tears from your face as he fucked his fingers in and out of your cunt,how he'd pull his fingers out and lick them clean if your addicting nectar.
Kokushibo + ropes,blindfolds,and gags
His favorite thing to use was a peice of his own clothing to gag you, savoring how his scent easily overwhelmed your senses as he gaged you. He knew how much you enjoyed this,being tied up and used to his hearts content. The ropes that were snug against his skin,the blindfold that kept you from seeing what he was doing. He loved how he could surprise you with anything,how it was up to him and him alone to pleasure you regardless of how much you begged for it beforehand
Sometimes he tie you up in a way he could breed you,how easily you took him and how easy he could adjust the ropes and fold you into a different position. The ropes themself were rather strong,on the rare occasions he would like to be tied up,the ropes were fit to not break or snap as easy as other ropes. He watched you,how you drooled from the pleasure and chokes out his name from behind the gag
Douma + fucking machines and sybians
This bastard will happily strap you down to one and have you sit there and take it. Normally the vibrations wouldn't be too low on the sybian,how high the setting would be would depend on his mood. He smiled,watching you squirm and moan his name as the vibrations wrecked your clit,the way the machine pistioned the thick toy in and out of your weeping cunt. He would occasionally stop it and make you beg for him,only to deem your begging pathetic and turn the machine back on. Sometimes he would change the toy into something smaller, purposely teasing you and edged you till he deemed you worthy of taking something bigger
He adored the overstimulated fucked out look he would get when he'd turn the machine off. He loved how you choked out pleas for him,to touch you in ways the machine couldn't. He adored how much you would praise his skills,how he would make you praise him if you wanted more of him and him alone. Sometimes he put you back on the machine,sitting there and warming the toy while the vibrations brought you over the edge one too many times.
Akaza + feathers
This wouldn't normally fit the uppermoon,however he took a particular liking when he could drag a feather down the length of your sensitve spine and draw out the most prettiest of moans. How he could rub the soft feather up and down your clit,relishing in how he could easily bring you to a weak or strong orgasm depending on how he was feeling.
He would commonly hold you down,fucking his cock into your throat while he drags the feather around your perk nipples,simulating them in ways that had you singing around him. He normally had to tie you down when rubbing the feather over your aching bud,he adored how pleasured and fucked out you'd look after he brought you to countless orgasms just with the feather alone. He adored how sometimes he would use a feather and your mood would shift,either giving him a good chase or submitting then and there for him.
Tengen and wives + dildos and straps
Oh these kinky bastards will use anything to their hearts content. Easily having eachother and you in a pleasured haze as they use them on eachother. Hina and makio adored how they could use a strap,how easily you and tengen would get down onto your knees and mouth at the toy like it was real. They could somehow feel the sensations,incredibly turned on with how you sucked and played with the strap. They'd ask you to wet the toy with your mouth before they'd fucked you senseless. Tengen adored the other toys that could come in a fun assortment of shapes an sizes,his favorite one to use on you would be a curved dildo with nubs all over it,how he could easily hit the spot within you that had you seeing stars.
The wives adored how easily tengen would submit,how happy he would be if they burried the strap within him. He adored it if it was you,moaning your name so sweetly for you to fuck his tight hole. He adored when whenever you would take him from behind, one of his other wives would come down and take him into their throat. He adored how hard you would fuck him with the strap,or how gentle you'd be if he was hurt and didn't want to be too rough
Rengoku + vibrators
Ohhh does he adore these,those small bullet vibrators he would keep pressed to your clit at the highest setting while he fucked you. How your cunt leaked so much from the extra pleasure,how he could his your g-spot so easily and drive you over the edge with just a toy. Sometimes he put them to your perky nipples,forcing you to lay still while he teased you whilst you warmed his cock in your cunt. No matter how much he tried to deny it,he was a bit envious of how quickly the toy alone could drive you to an orgasm
He particularly loved using this toy to make you squirt, he'd be so deep within your cunt,whispering dirty praises into your ear while the toy was snug against your clit. He notice you'd start to shake before orgasming over him,drenching his abdomen with your sweet release. He whisper in your ear "you are doing that again" before driving you to a countless number of orgasms until he deemed it was enough
Giyuu + remote controlled vibrator
Much different than rengoku,giyuu himself would make you wear one in your panties whenever you both woulf walk around,he would have the remote hidden in his sleeve while he would toy around with the settings. He mostly would use this if you both had to go to a hashira meeting,he would watch you struggle to contain your noises while he'd be stock still,nonchalant as always. He couldn't hold himself back when he would turn on the vibrator to max,how you would cover up your moans with coughing as you had interupted the meeting
After the meeting,he would praise you and tell you how good you were for him as he fuckes you senseless. Theres a part of me thinking he would definitely shove his head into your tits and muffle out praises.
Sometimes he'd want this role to be reversed,how you would have control over a vibrator strapped to his hard cock. How he would struggle to hide his arousal whenever you both would go out,he would be shy and drop subtle hints that he wants you but it would be too public to say that,too risky. He'd adore how you'd ride him with the vibrator still on him,how it would milk him of everything he had and he'd be glad to give it
Sanemi + paddles
He would use then whenever you'd be naughty,using it to punish you with hard and rough slaps to your plump ass. He would be rough,dirty rough praises beind said everytime you take one without flinching. He most likley force you to grind against the handle of the paddle if you want to get off,spitting on it so you'd have more friction before yanking it away whenever you'd be close to orgasming.
This would go both ways but he LOVES how harsh you are with him when you use it to discipline him. He brat off and mouth to you about how he could be rougher before groaning as you hit his ass on a particularly sensitive area. He'd tease you until his cheeks were black and blue from the bruising, he's turned on immensely by the pain so edging him is a guaranteed bratty sanemi. However,if you use it and drive him to cumming? He is singing your name,begging for more if you drove him that far into the deep end
Bonus: gyutaro and vibrators
This can go both ways,he would edge you for hours if you bratted to him anytime of the day,hell,he would do it even if you hadn't. This uppermoon is mercyless,forcing you to take his cock down your throat while either shoving the viibrator in you and telling you to get off that way or rubbing it around your clit while he would happily fuck any willing hole. He'd groan out dirty praises,degrading himself and you whenever he would get close enough and finally have his release
Flipping the board would be something different with him. He'd turn into a begging whining mess the moment you start edging him,he can't handle how much you tease him without release. He'd plead,beg,anything to get you to do something but alas,edging him would get what you'd really want. If you strap the vibrator to him anf allow him to fuck you? He'd become drunk off of the pleasure so quickly,not stopping till he's empty and releasing blanks
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Is their any demon slayer character that you think should of had more screen time in the manga?
I could be diplomatic and say we could have benefitted from a smidge more bonding time with all of the non-Tanjiro cast, but instead I shall go on a selfish rant: we should have gotten more of that magatama-wearing peach-flinger, supposedly rightful heir to the Breath of Thunder himself, freaking Kaigaku.
It's probably no surprise that I say this as a Zenitsu Stan. The two deep-dives we got into Inosuke and Zenitsu's pasts were two-cour, and, these would have worked better with more of a bridge between the first and second cours (Natagumo arc and Infinity Fortress arc). Given Inosuke's personality it works a bit better that he was totally unbothered by an unusual memory or two and then floored by how suddenly important his mother became to him when facing her killer, but some odd recollections of Douma would have really sold that "whoa!! Baby Inosuke resided with an Upper Moon!!" shocker. Still, Inosuke was a baby, it only gets so personal (I would totally accept Douma & Baby Inosuke interactions, though, for absolutely sure, but Douma got a lot of satisfying development in his interactions with Shinobu, Kanao, and the other Upper Moons too). Zenitsu, unlike Inosuke, is someone who ruminates and takes everything personally. Jiichan and Kaigaku both had such an impact on him that it's odd for him to go most of the span of the series only thinking back to them once. It's one thing if Zenitsu chose never to mention Kaigaku to his friends, in fact, such a decision would say a lot about their relationship, but knowing Zenitsu he probably ranted about his mean martial brother at the slightest mention of something that might remind him of Kaigaku. But Zenitsu's feelings toward him were highly complex, and it would have been great to get those thoughts before the betrayal. Besides just being like, "oh no, not Jiichan!" we could have felt that twist of the knife in our backs too; Kaigaku's a character we don't get to appreciate until he's dying and already performed all his bad deeds (but I suppose that's the case for many of the other demons, a la Kimetsu logic).
While seeing more of Kaigaku would had been interesting as a Zenitsu fan, it would had also been an opportunity to bring out more in Himejima's character as well. Kaigaku was very keen on upward mobility in the Corp, he had to have had some familiarity with the current strongest people, and he had to have known who the Rock Pillar was and been like, "oh shit." Getting Kaigaku's perspective on Himejima would have given us a very different "oh dang, we should have been watching out for this crying guy" effect than Inosuke just declaring "dude be strong." (But alas, writing a serialized manga is hard and you fit things in where you can. Hence, Taisho Secrets.)
Mostly, it would had been great to get more Kaigaku for Kaigaku's sake. Channeling his anxieties in the form of emotional self-protection and aggression makes him a striking foil to Zenitsu in more than just their sorely lacking Thunder Breath capabilities. There was an arc there we didn't get to see unfold. He had to have some feelings left over from selfishly allowing that demon massacre to occur at the temple filled with orphans, whom he must have felt at some level he was better than. Having someone he respected see potential in him and treat him as someone special might have given him hope to make a better person out of himself, but if the same care could be given to someone like Zenitsu, then it probably made him feel pretty betrayed too. That drive to make himself be someone special is like a more dangerous look at Shinjuro's drives which drove him to depression, and it would had been so, so, so rich to see Kokushibo see some of himself in Kaigaku too, instead of only being like, "hmm, you're strong, guess I'll spare you."
But to have been in a fight against Upper Moon 1 and held out on his own that long in the first place? Especially someone who was still in training very recently? KAIGAKU WAS A FREAKING BOMBSHELL OF A POWERFUL DEMON SLAYER. He was already on Twelve Moon level when he turned; it must had driven Kaigaku mad to see that Zenitsu was the one running into all the strong demons and Thunderclap-and-Flashing his way up the ranks. Sure, he accepted Kokushibo's proposition because he was terrified. And I love that even someone as assured of his own specialness can succumb to mortal terror (again, interesting Zenitsu foil). But Kaigaku accepted this new role as readily as he accepted demon slaying as his calling; he set right about eating people, lots of people. Which people? We'll never know, but I'd like to think he ate those boys who Zenitsu punched for talking bad about him.
Kaigaku's belief in himself means that whenever he's cornered, he'll discard any previous identity and take on wholeheartedly whatever his new one is. Interesting choice to give him a magatama motif, those are thought to bring out one's innate spiritual power. He's always relied most on himself. Once Kuwajima let him down, he didn't need Kuwajima anymore. Even once he become filled with Muzan's blood (and approval), he wasn't in it for Muzan, he was in it to prove himself superior and talented.
But Kaigaku so, so desperately looks outside of himself for approval anyway. HE'S SUCH A TRAGEDY. And if we had gotten more snippets of him here and there throughout the manga, even just one scene of Zenitsu running into him and getting told off for punching those guys, we would have had the anticipation of him being an inevitable train wreck instead of just "mean guy who was mean to Zenitsu and will probably be mean again in future chapters because he is mean."
No, Kaigaku was mean because he had so many of his own insecurities to wrestle with and he was so bad at that and I wish, I wish, I wish we could have gotten more of Kokushibo being like, "I have the cure for insecurities, just don't be a weak human anymore" (especially because Kokushibo appreciated he could be honest in Muzan's service instead of having to privately wrestle with his jealousy and angst of impending demise, so it would had been great to give Kaigaku a similar outlet). And if Muzan was willing to promote him to Upper Moon 6 so quick off the bat, I wish we could have seen some interaction between them, like Muzan showing up to the site of Kaigaku's first blood bath and praising Kaigaku for his eagerness to get stronger and his potential as a powerful demon. How GOOD that would had sounded to Kaigaku's ears. And dang, oh man, if Himejima could had known, if he could had known ANYTHING about Kaigaku joining the Corp and then showing his true colors, being an untrustworthy little shit because that's all humans usually are, w o w that would had painted more of Himejima's dark side besides just saying a 4-year-old girl was a selfish human (I would totally accept more Himejima cynicism, especially because it's so disconcerting coming from one of the most level-headed characters in this whole manga).
Phew. Anyway. I guess I could go on a rant about a lot of good scenes we could have gotten from many of the characters, but I still stick with Kaigaku as my answer to his because he's the acting agent in a betrayal, and betrayals work best if first see what it is that they're destroying. AAAAUUGHHH I LOVE A GOOD BETRAYAL and this one feels like it was written backwards, I wish it could had been seasoned throughout the text more instead of taking the lid off the shaker and dumping a pile of salt into a few short chapters. KAIGAKU, YOU ARE ONE BIG PILE OF SALT. But also you deserved to have your pain shared, you selfish twit, come back here in some earlier chapters and let us see you try to have a stiff upper lip when people point out your insecurities, you were trying so hard, you big baby, come back here and let us a love you a bit before you zap us with your betrayal.
*angrily throws peaches to conclude the venting Ask reply*
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empty-dream · 4 years
Since Gotouge apparently goes that way in 201, imma just compile predictions of what might happens next so that I might not get fucking heart attack later
Kanao saves Inosuke (he saved her in Douma fight so that’d be a really cool mirroring)
Kanao says something to sober Demon!Tanjirou up (personally I’d rather have this be platonic but I won’t deny she has that cute lil crush on him it’s just that her whole character is not about that crush)
Nezuko finally arrives and is understandably devastated when she sees  Demon!Tanjirou
Ep1/ch1 again but this time it’s Demon!Tanjirou crying on top of Nezuko (that’d be a really sad mirroring)
Giyuu jumps in and protects Nezuko from Demon!Tanjirou and then maybe dies (that’d be a really horrifying mirroring)
Nezuko somehow still retains her demon art and battles Demon!Tanjirou with it (God I wish)
Tanjirou becomes Kokushibo 2.0 in that he is a demon and he uses his fire breathing.
idk is Muzan like hijacking Tanjirou or Tanjirou becomes a demon of himself or maybe it’s like the other 12 Kizuki where Muzan is somewhat present in their blood and mind due to his blood in their veins.
Anw what if Tanjirou meets Muzan in the center of his heart, in that warm, quiet and gentle place.
Uzui and Sanjurou where are you?? one of you gotta come here your juniors are dying left and right Muzan is gonna be free again
Urokodaki-san arrives (I don’t even want to elaborate how sad this is gonna be)
Muzan cells or whatever please just get wrecked I’m so tired of you.
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Hi, Squiggles! How are you doing? Remember when you wrote that hc to drabble about Douma releasing snowflakes and losing control of his Blood Demon Art when getting wrecked? Can I please request that with the pairing Kokushibo and Douma (I blame HelloItsGhost LMAO-) with the sentence starter, 'Akaza informed me of an... interesting mannerism you possess.' Because Koku is devious, we just haven't seen it LOL-
Heyo anon! I'm doing great! :3 AHH I LOVE THAT JERJKEREJRJE (Oh friend I love those two so much akjrkearjejrj I also blame Ghost because they're amazing and wonderful and deserve the world) I've gotcha covered! :D
Kokushibou might have been the highest ranking Moon, but that didn’t mean he was above curiosity.
When Akaza came into the room that day with the happiest grin he’d ever seen, he’d assumed the striped demon had finally killed Douma. He had a whole lecture prepared until Akaza blurted out what truly happened.
Now he was intrigued.
“Akaza, he informed me of an…interesting mannerism you possess.” He spoke to the pinned body beneath him, Douma’s vibrant eyes wide. “I was wondering if I could have a demonstration.”
“Oh ho ho, what is this? The great Kokushibou wants to see what I can do?” Douma was grinning now, eyes twinkling as he got comfortable. “Well, I hate to disappoint, but if you’re referring to what I think you are- you’re gonna have to work for it.”
“That won’t be a problem.” Within seconds, Kokushibou attacked, fingers dancing across Douma’s skin and sending the blonde into fits of giggles. “Now, where did he go to make it snow…?”
“Whahahaht? Thahhahat’s whahahhat yoohohohou’re lohoohoohohooking fohohohohor?” Douma giggled out, weakly pawing at the older demon’s hands as he kicked. “Wehhehhehell tohohohohohohoo bahhahahd! Yohohohoou’re nohohohot goohohohonna seehehe i-EEHEHEHEHE!”
“This spot seems promising…” Kokushibou mused, fingers working the notch of Douma’s hipbone. He watched the other flail and squeal, arching at the ticklish feeling as a big happy smile spread across his lips. And yet- there was no snow. Was Akaza telling lies the last time they spoke?
Just as he was about to give up, he saw it. Fluttering in his vision, crystal-like snowflakes rained around them. It didn’t take long for the entire space around them to be buried beneath their delicacy.
“Oh….” Kokushibou sat back, too stunned to keep tickling. It was as Akaza described. Douma giggled beneath him, sitting up slowly.
“Pretty, huh?” Douma asked, all but glowing with pride.
Kokushibou took it all in- from the falling flakes to Douma's shy smile. Then he reached out, taking the blonde's face in his hands, leaning forward until they were forehead to forehead.
“It's truly beautiful.”
Send me a pairing a sentence starter and a pairing and I'll write a 300 word dabble for it!
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