#get outta heeere with your triple digit number of comments
4th-make-quail · 1 month
man, thinking about the talk about fic comments floating around the ol dash recently made me go and check out my stats page out of curiosity and like....... yeah, the most comments i've EVER got on any of my 150 published fics is 27. and this is my most popular fic - Point of No Return, a Resident Evil Chris/Wesker time travel fix it fic - a popular ship in a fandom that was very popular at the time. in comparison, this fic is my most popular by kudos, by bookmarks and also by hits, and it's from 2016!! my stats % add on thing says this is a 6.74% kudos-to-hits ratio, which is frankly pretty good for me!
so i have to say, i generally find long posts about comment scarcity these days to give me very conflicting feelings. a) these are often posted by so-called BNFs (Big Name Fans, to use an older term), who regularly get triple digit comments on their works, and b) there is a general feeling that comment ratios have gone down a lot recently, but it depends entirely on your fandoms and ships in my experience!
idk man! complain about it when you post a fic to a grand total of 0 comments ever! or 1 comment, maybe like 3 kudos. IF YOU'RE LUCKY. i've spent too long in the Rarepair Trenches because this makes me really fucking salty lmao
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