#get it together people we have Jikookery to celebrate
roo-bastmoon · 1 month
What is even happening in these tags?
People who are mean-spirited or having meltdowns in our space just get straight-up blocked forever; simply cannot waste precious time and energy entertaining b.s. on the shared timeline.
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ANYWAY... back to what matters:
The phone call with mom... the pool shenanigans... the ramyeon conversation... eating out of the same bowl... sitting together to watch music videos... knowing JK got no sleep on the plane... snuggling up on the bed... ottering in the ocean... tattoos on display...
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kanmom51 · 1 year
It's going to be really funny if it turns out all this Festa content was created in early-to-mid 2022, as some are speculating. Since (as you recently pointed out) that was exactly the time the "Jimin and JK don't ever see each other" noise got really loud. If it turns out that all 7 of them were actually hard at work, together, banking OT7 content, and that's why most of them were radio silent... Since what they were doing was a huge secret as they hadn't even announced the hiatus yet... That would be pie in the face for a certain group of people for sure.
Lol @anneelizabethjanejimin , wouldn't that be hilarious?
Look, I kind of doubt the content was filmed early to mid 2022, all of it being pre last Festa celebrations. That would be kind of weird you know. Them shooting content for 2023 Festa all while they haven't even celebrated the 2022 Festa.
I'll also say this: I don't think that back in early to mid 2022 they knew what's going to happen yet. I do think that at that point they were still hoping for exemptions, so no, I don't think the content we'll be getting is from then.
That btw, does not mean we won't still be getting content from early to mid 2022 (we do have memories still to come).
I do want to say something about that though, even though I wasn't asked about it, and that is that I have a gut feeling that Jikook content will be culled down to the bare minimum in memories 2022. Gut feeling here based on the company behaviour for the past many months. I guess the test case will be Festa. Just how much Jikookery will be allowed. For instance Letter, which I do think we will be getting on the 12th of June.
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Will it be a performance with the two? I have my doubts although I do still hope so. Will it be just JM performing or will it just be a digital release? In which case that will solidify that gut feeling of mine.
As for the Festa content that will be including all members, I'd be more inclined to believe that it was filmed around the time of the Busan concert including between the Busan concert and Jin's enlistment.
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And maybe, just maybe, the Festa dinner was filmed in March 2023, you know, that special day during JM's promotions when we know they all met up for food and drinks.
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Anyway, it will be amazing to see them all again together. Finally. Even if it's just for a very little bit.
Ok, adding this I just saw in.
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So, the content was filmed before Jin and Hobi's enlistment.
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
https://mobile.twitter.com/byulbitpjm/status/1495379034666147842 why do you think jimin suddenly is in getting more and more buff agenda ? Wasn't he happy in his body ? He was crying over how he wanted to pretend in debut years in 2018 and he's happy now, now he himself is getting bigger. In today's vlive he looked buff and different. I prefer the jimin before this, especially in 2020, when he was healthy and beautiful. Now he's trying to get buffer and His body don't look slender and beautiful which I didn't liked much. I wish he takes rm's advice and maintain his graceful dancer body. Or does it have to do with Jikook's sudden change in dynamic in 2021. It's since then jimin wanted to get buff. Maybe they broke up so Jimin want to get buff again so he can date other people and don't remain how JK likes.
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So we just get to be entitled like that about someone else’s body?
I don’t think so anon.
It’s Jimin’s body. He has to live in it. Not you. Not Jungkook. Not anyone else. Just Park Jimin.
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And he might think you were making some pretty huge leaps about his relationship status and his life and his goals and the perceived importance of your own opinion.
Like, nobody out here yelling about Namjoon doing a million and eleven TTBs and asking if he’s doing it for his boyfriend.
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Jiminie’s not showing off his workout regimen. Or posting boxing videos or even dance videos, come to that. Your whole idea of how his body looks is based on a few minutes in which he is mostly seated and one full length picture.
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Jimin’s had those pecs pretty much the whole time except when he went all eating disordered for awhile. People super into 2017-2018 Jimin need to realize that is probably his lowest weight as an adult.
All the guys train like athletes because they are athletes. You dance for three hours while singing and covering stage space and tell me you don’t need serious muscle tone and cardio. Jimin looks no buffer now than he did in 2014.
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There’s also the Chinese influence. They have effectively banned K-pop in China due to the perceived effeminacy of Korean male idols. This is truth. And you don’t think that has affected the training regimen of the wealthiest K-pop group in the world? It has and it does. Jimin’s fans have been specifically targeted.
So maybe take a second and check your sense of ownership. Let the man breathe. I’m not even gonna get into the jikookery of it all but I think if Jungkook had issue with Jiminie’s workout they wouldn’t work out together.
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That was less than a week before they went on break. Jungkook nodded and smiled and did not seem to mind and openly stated, yeah, they work out together on the daily. So. And another thing, anon: what the sam hill FUCK makes you think that The Park Jimin needs to CHANGE HIS BODY TO DATE OTHER PEOPLE? I promise you that if he and Jungkook did or do break up at some or any point, Jimin could get laid with one word to a manager about that guy he saw three months ago in another country and have that guy in his bed within 24 hours. He is Park Jimin. Normal people rules do not apply.
BUT that's neither here or there because....
The nice thing about long term committed relationships is that when you love someone you want them to be healthy and happy in their own skin. Jimin has been supportive of Kookie’s tattoos, of his piercings, of his body, of his hair. Why shouldn’t Jungkook do the same for Jimin?
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Your link, btw. Which says NOTHING ABOUT NAMJOON TELLING JIMIN NOT TO BULK UP. It's just the hyungs complimenting their Jiminie as he deserves. The man is in fact a work of art.
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
'The bigger they get, the more they have to lose' is so true.
I am interested in their BTS's presentation going forward. In terms of Jikook, I think what we have seen this year is an example of 'making a statement' Jikookery vs 'caught in the act' Jikookery. Without the adrenaline of live performing and fancams, what we see of Jikook is mostly what they want to show us, and have had the option of not showing us. In content spanning the release and promo of 2019 memories through to the black swan pair dance, LGO opening and Christmas Remix, there was a perceptible push toward coding them (and only them) as a romantic couple. And it did not come off in a forced or sensationalistic way AT ALL. It came off gay, but not gay to sell. It came off as gay done by actual lgbt people, if that makes sense.
In western media, the idea of suggestive gay fanservice is now basically reviled. It is rightly recognized as an inappropriate way for straight artists to market their work. Katy Perry, for example, has gone on record saying she regrets the stereotypes of 'I Kissed A Girl'. A song like that wouldn't be celebrated if it came out today. More is demanded of western artists in terms of respecting historically oppressed communities, or at least it is starting to be.
So, considering that 2020/21 was the era BTS made concerted strides to expand their name in the American market, why would this kind of 'gay fan service' be dialed up NOW? My opinion: because it isn't that. It comes from an authentic place.
To think that Jikook, BH, or any number of pr workers would fail to know that some of these gestures have read as non platonic, would be naive. In the same way it would be naive to think Jungkook wasn't aware of the wider connotations of scoring and editing GCFT the way that he did.
Do you think Jikook's bond will continue to be highlighted in these ways? (This has no bearing on their actual relationship btw, as we can see they bring each other lots of joy). Do you think 2020 will have as much flagrant Jikookery as 2019? What is next?
Do you think Jikook's bond will continue to be highlighted in these ways?
Honestly? I don't know. My hesitation to answer concretely is that I don't know who is making these decisions. The agency? Jimin and Jungkook? both of them? But whoever is making those decisions is taking a risk, putting them at risk, maybe. And I'd like to know why. If Jikook is real, I don't think all this is a prelude to revealing that to the world. So it begs the question of what are they doing? Does it have a purpose? Or is it just a natural thing, they are a couple why not use that in official events or scenarios.  And we can't forget the business side of things, jikook most likely sells, not for nothing in many of the commercial deals BTS have done, they almost always appear as a unit. Same with WP, SG etc.
The Christmas remix, the LGO MV, the black swan dance, the same or similar outfits, these were all delivered decisions. And several of them led the audience to a number of conclusions, one of them being that they looked like a couple. And they had to know that. They had to foresee that and yet they did it. Will they continue to do it? They've already started, why stop now. Why do they do it? I don't know.
I think this new era with butter will help us answer this question or at least begin to answer it, if the same pattern continues it will not be difficult to conclude some things from whatever we see.
Do you think 2020 will have as much flagrant Jikookery as 2019?
You mean memories 2020? If you mean that, my answer is that I don't think so. I don't think memories 2020 will be another Jikook fest. I think memories will be more balanced with all the members, they spent a lot more time together so I wouldn't be surprised. I think they will try to show how much closer the whole group was last year. But Jikook is jikook and they spend a lot of time together, we have already seen it in some BB and BE from various events last year, so even if BHM doesn't want to, they will have to show us jikook jikooking.
What is next?
For Jikook or for BTS?  In the short term BTS have the butter era. In the uncertain term, Jungkook and Tae's mixtape. There is the issue of their compulsory military service and the continuation of the pandemic. 
For Jikook... I don't know. We don't even know for sure if it's real so it's almost impossible to know what's next.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
tbh i feel like jikooks relationship didn’t change i feel like they are just not showing it as much. if anyone else remembers during the rehearsals during HER (1-2 months ago) a karmy who was there said that jk sang a line towards jimin even tho he didn’t sing that specific line the song. i’ve seen several people say that they changed after the LV concerts but we got videos of them leaving the venue all 3-4 days as well as knowledge that they sat together at a restaurant(can’t remember if this was la or lv) AS well as the behind the scenes for the yet to come video where jk stayed after with jimin. let’s not forget the possiblilty of jks hand being on jimins waist in the one party video :)
All this needs to be factored in, you are right. For me, Jikook gets worryingly quiet two times this year, and both coincidentally are around some serious times of drama. *I* would have handled it differently if *I* were dating Jimin but I'm not, so...
In December, the members started working on Proof and knew about solo era projects. In the new year, Jimin was radio silent for months. More than three months. IAs a baby Army, I was losing my mind. Because JK never mentioned him, either.
In late January, Jimin's apartment was "seized" (I dunno if that's on paper, or like he actually was locked out) because he didn't pay his national health insurance premiums, because his registered mail mysteriously was omitted four times (I don't know if that's genuine incompetence or if someone in the company was sabotaging him--but his ID number and address were leaked on a K-forum, so I'm thinking it was a deliberate attack).
That's fucking traumatic.
Then right after that, his appendix burst and he got COVID and spent a week alone in the hospital.
Then there was the stress of rehearsals and the silent Seoul concert. He started coming back online a bit after that. We saw the White Day photo, but it's not like Jikook were posting that on their own 'grams.
Then JK got COVID. In Vegas, Jikook did not go out and about together. We would never had known he ran to Jimin's hotel room and they embraced after quarantine if he hadn't shared it with us, on his own personal social media. We would never have known they went out to Korean BBQ and sat at a private table, drinking and singing songs, if multiple non-celebrity accounts didn't mention it.
Then the Grammys--amazing performance, sad loss. Then Vegas Concerts. First two nights of the concert were a bit awkward, last two nights were off the charts with Jikookery. There were lots of shippy moments everywhere but like Jungkook carried Jimin like a bride. Holy shit.
They come back to Korea, his OST drops. Same exact day, news of the apartment "scandal" breaks. Folks call him a tax dodger and I don't know what else online, it got nasty. Over a bill that was like $23,000. The man wears a $215,000 watch and has never been late on paying a bill before in his life. Please. Someone had it OUT for Jimin. And he went to ground. Just like JK did over the whole tattoo girl "scandal." Didn't even promote his OST. Weeks of quiet.
This is the second time Jikook gets super quiet. Then the White House appearance. Then the arcade with JK and Hobi and HER. Then the Korean concerts (where fans say there was plenty of Jikookery again, but it was not filmed).
Festa dinner was released (but was filmed prior to Vegas concert). It was a bit worrying that JK didn't hear Jimin's music but also so on-brand that JK felt he had PROPRIETARY RIGHTS to hear it before all others. The finger tattoo thing--can't tell if he genuinely didn't remember where Jimin got his, or if he deflected b/c it wasn't his place to tell yet, but I can tell he got his 7 behind his ear--his first tattoo not on his arm, right where Jimin has Youth. After the solo announcement, stockholders panicked and Hype lost 1.2 billion goddamn dollars, so JK was pulled out of family time to film a Vlive in his kitchen (which was basically empty except for some mixing bowls that also appeared in a Vlive with Jimin once).
And then Hobi's album and party. They both circulated with others but also touched back with each other from time to time. There was no animosity. Neither was there exclusive intimacy.
So at the start of the year, with the solo era and apartment issue on their minds (but not for public knowledge yet) and then after the news of the apartment / insurance premium issue broke, Jikook got super quiet. And they have been more muted since they got back to Korea (at least off stage).
I think it's entirely possible, given even HALF the drama I just listed, that Jikook decided in this new era to just keep private stuff private. I don't know if they are together or not. I don't honestly know if they ever were, but I suspect so. If they want me to know, maybe they'll show more signals in future content. But I'm just gonna support them. No need to make anyone the bad guy here. They are clearly still cool with each other.
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