#geroyam slava
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mistressofthecats-blog · 2 years ago
Let's gooooo 🎉🎉🎉
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nopanamaman · 1 year ago
Slava ukraini, bitch
Geroyam slava, suka
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diaforapoulia · 2 years ago
Slava Ukraini, burn in hell Russian Scum
i know that it's absolutely useless explaining something to you anon. because either it's just a provocation or you're just a little angry ukrainian in which case i honestly think you have a right to be angry - but it's not my fault either way. also i may or may not have been invited to the police station for the anti-war graffiti i may or may not have made.
i'll just use it as an opportunity to say something else, not apologize for the crimes i have not committed or presidents i have not chosen.
i don't know much ukrainian music except for maybe verka serdyuchka or valentin strykalo or some other ukrainian musicians that used to sing in russian. maybe you have some recommendations of ukrainian indie for me to listen to?
so far i have learned some very old songs - nich yaka misyachna (my grandmother used to sing it to me - i have ukrainian roots just like many other russian scums), oy u vishnevomu sadu (wonderful vocals by nina matvienko. everyone should listen to it) and schedrik (classics).
my friend from odesa said that i successfully read in ukrainian so who knows, maybe after greek i will start learning ukrainian. it's a beautiful language and it actually has less in common with russian than people think. for example, the word цибуля sounds very much alike to italian cipolla, unlike the russian лук. it amazes me!!!
in conclusion, geroyam slava, i guess
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jacensolodjo · 6 years ago
toujours paré pour le combat et guerroyer, les geroyam (SLAVA) sont dans notre plus haute fierté, qui peux dire encore que le kray est un faux pays, a part des jaloux rompus aux discours aigris et servis par l'ennemi 
always ready for the fight and to fight, the geroyam (SLAVA) are in our highest pride who can still say that Ukraine is a fake country, apart from the jealous ruptured speech embittered and served by the enemy?
Note: The artist has the entire album this song is from set as free to download and distribute based on the subject matter and can be found here.  Please respect his wishes not to profit off an album talking about the war in Ukraine he has other albums that are PWYW if you want to support him.
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galactic-empress · 3 years ago
Happy Independence Day Ukraine!
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mlmmetalhead · 2 years ago
Hey y'all, I'm sorry that this post has to be made, but things really, really don't look good in my life. And not just mine, unfortunately.
I hate the fact that I have to be worried about my own life every step of the day, and that we have to pass special courses on what to do in case of an attack. I really don't know what tomorrow can bring this country. So, for an unknown amount of time, I will be going on a hiatus. Maybe something of my original works will come out on my AO3, but that's about as good as it gets.
Sorry that I have to leave you, but everything's just not going uphill right now, and I don't want this blog to be another worry on my shoulders, so I will be leaving you for some time. Thank you for all the support I've received on here, it's been great. Thank you.
Slava Ukraine, geroyam slava.
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1outofmymind · 3 years ago
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On International airshow RIAT-2022, memory of Ukrainian pilot, Grey Wolf Olexander Oksanchenko was honoured. He was shot down over Kyiv on February 25 2022, by Russian S-400 missile, while deflecting Russian aviation on himself. Geroyam slava!
Here, he is performing at RIAT-2018
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ilya-17 · 2 years ago
Geroyam slava!
Бахмут 🇺🇦
Тримайтесь хлопці ✊🏻
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viktorst · 5 years ago
Річниця Майдану, пам’ятаємо про це! Бо якщо забудемо, то хто ми після цього, куди йдемо і якою буде наша Україна?.https://ukrmir.info/richniczya-majdanu-pamyata%d1%94mo-pro-cze-geroyam-slava/
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delovidenie · 4 years ago
Ютуб: — Слава Украине! — Героям слава, блядь
https://t.me/vklader: ежедневные разоблачения финансовых мошенников. Жулик Александр, «младший специалист службы безопасности Сбербанка России», говорит, что якобы в Уфе подана заявка на кредит от имени человека, которому он звонит. Потом с жервтой говорит «Владислав, старший специалист службы безопасности Сбербанка России». Далее мошенники пытаются узнать номер карты, переключая на фальшивую «Роботизированную систему фиксации Сбербанка России». Жулик говорит, […]
Сообщение Ютуб: — Слава Украине! — Героям слава, блядь появились сначала на Деловидение.
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politryk1971 · 5 years ago
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1outofmymind · 3 years ago
Geroyam slava!
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jacensolodjo · 6 years ago
“Moyu Ukrainsko'gu Bratsva, Je représente les brate y sestru, slava geroyam slava, slava ukraini, ya frantsuzke vy ukrayinsky diaspora“
thank the gods for cognates lmao 
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1outofmymind · 3 years ago
Proud to know, that Ukrainian ace pilot Olexander Oksanchenko managed to kill 7 Russian aircraft, before he was shot down and killed by a Russian SAM system. Rest in peace, Grey Wolf. Geroyam slava!
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1outofmymind · 4 years ago
Today is Ukrainian Independence Day!
Slava Ukraini!
Geroyam Slava!
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viktorst · 5 years ago
Ця новина пройшла непоміченою на фоні “законотворчої” діяльності турборежимної більшості щодо прийняття законів про продаж земель с/г призначення та подвійного громадянства....https://ukrmir.info/privitannya-vijskovih-slava-ukra%d1%97ni-ta-geroyam-slava-vidminili/
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