#geroyam slava
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mistressofthecats-blog · 2 years ago
Let's gooooo 🎉🎉🎉
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nopanamaman · 1 year ago
Slava ukraini, bitch
Geroyam slava, suka
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diaforapoulia · 2 years ago
Slava Ukraini, burn in hell Russian Scum
i know that it's absolutely useless explaining something to you anon. because either it's just a provocation or you're just a little angry ukrainian in which case i honestly think you have a right to be angry - but it's not my fault either way. also i may or may not have been invited to the police station for the anti-war graffiti i may or may not have made.
i'll just use it as an opportunity to say something else, not apologize for the crimes i have not committed or presidents i have not chosen.
i don't know much ukrainian music except for maybe verka serdyuchka or valentin strykalo or some other ukrainian musicians that used to sing in russian. maybe you have some recommendations of ukrainian indie for me to listen to?
so far i have learned some very old songs - nich yaka misyachna (my grandmother used to sing it to me - i have ukrainian roots just like many other russian scums), oy u vishnevomu sadu (wonderful vocals by nina matvienko. everyone should listen to it) and schedrik (classics).
my friend from odesa said that i successfully read in ukrainian so who knows, maybe after greek i will start learning ukrainian. it's a beautiful language and it actually has less in common with russian than people think. for example, the word цибуля sounds very much alike to italian cipolla, unlike the russian лук. it amazes me!!!
in conclusion, geroyam slava, i guess
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mistressofthecats-blog · 2 years ago
I have literally nothing to add. All this 👆, plus if you're not supporting Ukraine, I will call you a Putin's-dick-sucking-swine. Please open a history book FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIVES, before dismissing shit like this as no biggie.
Because I have enough and I usually don't talk about the anon asks in my inbox or anything that isn't fun on here (for reasons) but I have a limit. And this here is just ugly.
TW: Antisemitism, saying Ukraine is lead by a Zionist (yeah, Jewish people rule the world - got it), rape mention, literal death treats, ect. The list is long. Here we go, those are the highlights from about 100 asks or more, I am going to spare you the holocaust denial.
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@anon - You're a clown. An antisemitic clown but you're still a goddamn clown and nothing more. I hope you're aware that I could take this to the police.
Discussing with people who feel the need to talk like this is absolutely senseless but maybe we can show someone else what the problem here is.
This is the problem: Jewish people are currently telling you that your rock icon (R*ger W*ters) on his pedestal is walking on antisemitic terrain and has done so for years. Not the first time Jewish people do so and are disregarded by people who don't know about our struggles or what we face. I told someone today that it's not good to talk over Jewish voices when it mainly concerns us, we might be few (open a history book - antisemitism didn't start during the 1930's) but we still have the right to be heard and to be threated like humans. I said this in a reply to a post and in DMs (which haven't really been answered, neither was I listened to - you can't apologize one billion time for "personal backlash" (......... you mean antisemitic hate death threats which don't have to do anything with me except for me being Jewish? Stop pretending this is "personal backlash") and was literally told, that they aren't talking over Jewish voices (you are - I'm not the first Jewish person pointing his tendecies out) and basically that it was disinformation. You're still talking over me.
So. We established that he used a pig with a Star of David on stage. People already pointed out ten years ago that this is antisemitic and he tried to weasel his way out of it with a half-assed explanation which btw doesn't make it better.
I am aware that Pigs is part of one of his bands concept albums and that they stand for wealthy, cunning people in office. He has said and claimed that it isn't the represent Jewish people. The problem is when you don't want to represent Jewish faith it is easy enough to not use the Star of David. "I have many Jewish friends" is an argument like "I'm not rassist, I have a Black friend", "I'm not a homophobe, I have gay friends". "it is almost inevitable that the symbol of the religion becomes confused with the symbol of the state" - No, you are the one who is confusing it. I have never stepped foot into Israel (while I worked for humanitarian aid in Palestine and Iraq (that's a story in itself) - when these countries where labelled active war zones), but I'm proud of my Jewish heritage. Stop confusing Israeli (government) with Jewish faith. Most Jewish people live outside of Israel. The other problem here is that "Judensau" / "Judenschwein" (Jewish pig) is used as an insult, especially by Nazis and people who are leaning towards antisemitism (you might not know that as a person who's not Jewish but I've heard this enough times growing up), so putting the symbol of Judaism (not goddamn Israel) on a pig isn't the smartest idea by default. In Germany and Europe, in churches and paintings, Jewish people were often depicted as pigs or Jewish people sucking on a sow (I can tell you, not in good faith). Furthermore have Jewish people adjectives like "wealthy", "cunning", "manipulative", "dirty" or that they "secretly run the world" associated with them for millenia. So putting the Star of David into this context is not a smart idea. Not at all, because it's heating up antisemitic rhetorics and resentments. You might not want to be associated with Nazis but I can tell you, Nazis will always be happy to associate themselves with you and they always do, I have seen them leech onto less than this.
He also claimed that the U.S. is being controlled by Jewish Republican donor Sheldon Adelson and described him as a “puppet master” who is “filling the coffers and pulling all the strings” on U.S. policies. Which brings us back to the antisemitic believe that Jewish people run the world. If you think, he said something like this only once, no he did it more than once over the years. (Also more than twice, or three times, honestly I STOPPED counting).
"Waters repeatedly promoted antisemitic conspiracies and themes, including that a nefarious “Israel lobby” prevented the election of Jeremy Corbyn in the UK" - this interview is from this year btw, not ten years ago because you all so fixated on how long some bullshit is ago.
"(Sheldon Adelson) believes that only Jews – only Jewish people – are completely human, that they are attached in some way… everybody else on Earth is there to serve them" - That is a quote out of the interview from this year. He's talking about JEWISH people, not ISRAEL. You get what the problem here is? It doesn't matter that he apologizes anymore, he does it so often, his apologies are fucking worthless at best at this point.
He also implied Israelis / Jewish people are kind of responsible for George Floyds death (yes, Jewish people run the world, it is getting boring)
He called verified reports of Beijing’s enslavement of Uyghur Muslims and massacre of Tibetan Buddhists "absolute nonsense".
I don't know how much bullshit has to come out of one single person that you might think, maybe I shouldn't support this.
All of this leads to another problem. You can always say stuff like "I don't agree with everything this person does", "I don't agree what he said about Ukraine", "I can disagree and agree with some one" (Yes, but you're automatically treating some people as lesser with this view, congratulations. One good thing doesn't make the other things better or excusable). The problem is that there's also other people who will be like "Thank you, but I agree with the view on Jewish people and I think the same on Ukraine" and in a few hours you will have a person under your post that says Ukraine is being lead by a Zionist (yes, Jewish people rule the world, we got it). And then you don't even have the balls to call this out or you think the same, who knows. And people who feel encouraged to send death threats, are denying the shoah, and so much more. This is the problem, if you think it's okay on a small scale, people will use it on a big scale. If you really don't see one problem with any of this, you're the problem, not me.
And for fucks sake: Stop getting on people's nerves who talk to me, are nice to me or reblogged my previous post.
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jacensolodjo · 6 years ago
toujours paré pour le combat et guerroyer, les geroyam (SLAVA) sont dans notre plus haute fierté, qui peux dire encore que le kray est un faux pays, a part des jaloux rompus aux discours aigris et servis par l'ennemi 
always ready for the fight and to fight, the geroyam (SLAVA) are in our highest pride who can still say that Ukraine is a fake country, apart from the jealous ruptured speech embittered and served by the enemy?
Note: The artist has the entire album this song is from set as free to download and distribute based on the subject matter and can be found here.  Please respect his wishes not to profit off an album talking about the war in Ukraine he has other albums that are PWYW if you want to support him.
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galactic-empress · 2 years ago
Happy Independence Day Ukraine!
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mlmmetalhead · 2 years ago
Hey y'all, I'm sorry that this post has to be made, but things really, really don't look good in my life. And not just mine, unfortunately.
I hate the fact that I have to be worried about my own life every step of the day, and that we have to pass special courses on what to do in case of an attack. I really don't know what tomorrow can bring this country. So, for an unknown amount of time, I will be going on a hiatus. Maybe something of my original works will come out on my AO3, but that's about as good as it gets.
Sorry that I have to leave you, but everything's just not going uphill right now, and I don't want this blog to be another worry on my shoulders, so I will be leaving you for some time. Thank you for all the support I've received on here, it's been great. Thank you.
Slava Ukraine, geroyam slava.
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
SUZE U OČIMA ZELENSKOG, SLOMILO GA PRED SVIMA! Ratni predsjednik hrvao se s emocijama: Pognuo glavu kada je čuo bojni poklič
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Amrički predsjednik Joe Biden rekao je predsjedniku Volodimiru Zelenskom da će SAD biti uz Ukrajinu “koliko god bude potrebno” u njezinom ratu s Rusijom. “Nikada nećete ostati sami”, rekao je Biden Zelenskom dok je ovaj posjetio Bijelu kuću na svom prvom putovanju u inozemstvo od početka ruske invazije. Biden je potvrdio novi paket od više od 2 milijarde dolara pomoći Ukrajini i obećao još 45 milijardi dolara. Zelenski je izrazio zahvalnost na potpori Washingtona.     Na zajedničkoj tiskovnoj konferenciji u srijedu, Biden je rekao novinarima da “uopće nije zabrinut” oko održavanja međunarodne koalicije na okupu. Usred zabrinutosti da bi neki saveznici mogli osjećati pritisak zbog cijene sukoba i poremećaja u globalnoj opskrbi hranom i energijom, američki predsjednik rekao je da se osjeća “vrlo dobro” u vezi solidarnosti podrške Ukrajini. Biden je rekao da ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin “nema namjeru zaustaviti ovaj okrutni rat”. Kao najvažniji saveznik Ukrajine, SAD je već izdvojio 50 milijardi dolara humanitarne, financijske i sigurnosne pomoći – daleko više od bilo koje druge zemlje, piše BBC.     Zelenski – noseći svoju prepoznatljivu zelenu majicu i čizme – izrazio je nadu da će Kongres odobriti dodatnih 45 milijardi dolara pomoći Ukrajini kako bi “pomogao u obrani naših i neovisnosti”. Republikanci – koji će preuzeti kontrolu nad Zastupničkim domom u siječnju – upozorili su da neće ispisati “bjanko ček” za Ukrajinu. Ali Zelenski, koji je putovao avionom američkog ratnog zrakoplovstva iz poljskog grada Rzeszowa, rekao je da “bez obzira na promjene u Kongresu”, vjeruje da će postojati dvostranačka potpora njegovoj zemlji.   Nakon sastanka u Bijeloj kući, 44-godišnji ukrajinski predsjednik obratio se na zajedničkoj sjednici Kongresa, gdje je dočekan ovacijama. Rekao je američkim zakonodavcima da njegova zemlja još uvijek stoji “protiv svih izgleda” i predvidio “prekretnicu” u sukobu sljedeće godine. Iako je obećao da se Ukrajina nikada neće predati, rekao je da joj treba više oružja. “Imamo topništvo, da, hvala”, rekao je publici. “Je li dovoljno? Iskreno, ne baš.”   “Da bi se ruska vojska potpuno povukla, potrebno je više topova i granata”, dodao je. Zaključujući svoj govor, Zelenski je predao Kongresu borbenu zastavu koju su potpisali branitelji Bakhmuta, grada na prvoj liniji na istoku Ukrajine koji je posjetio uoči svog putovanja u Washington.
Skandirali ‘Slava Ukrajini’, Zelenski jedva zadržao suze
Nakon govora u Kongresu, uslijedio je pljesak koji je trajao više minuta. Kamera je zabilježila trenutak u kojem je netko uzviknuo “Slava Ukrajini” – pozdrav koji Ukrajinci učestalo koriste od početka ruske invazije. Zelenski je u tom je trenutku pognuo glavu, a izgledalo je kako se hrva s emocijama.  Na kraju je odgovorio: “Slava herojima.” The moment when “Slava Ukraini” is being chanted in Congress and Zelensky responds with “Geroyam Slava” holding back tears. pic.twitter.com/vqra4scACi — Rita (@Riten023) December 22, 2022  
Bilo je i trenutaka šale
Rijedak trenutak ležernosti pojavio se na tiskovnoj konferenciji u srijedu dok je Zelenski, bivši komičar, odgovarao na pitanja novinara. Ukrajinski predsjednik je rekao: “Što će se dogoditi nakon postavljanja Patriota? Nakon toga ćemo poslati još jedan signal predsjedniku Bidenu da bismo željeli dobiti više Patriota.” “Mi smo u ratu, žao mi je, stvarno mi je žao”, rekao je, dok se publika u East Roomu smijala. I Biden se nasmijao i rekao: “Radimo na tome.”
Rusija nije sretna zbog isporuke Patriota
Rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova izjavilo je da bi se isporuka naprednog raketnog sustava zemlja-zrak smatrala provokativnim korakom. Ranije u srijedu,  ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin rekao je kako vjeruje da njegova zemlja nije kriva za rat u Ukrajini, dodajući da obje zemlje “dijele tragediju”. Otkako je Rusija izvršila invaziju na Ukrajinu 24. veljače, američka vojska procjenjuje da je najmanje 100.000 ruskih i 100.000 ukrajinskih vojnika poginulo ili ozlijeđeno, uz oko 40.000 smrtnih slučajeva civila. UN je zabilježio 7,8 milijuna ljudi izbjeglica iz Ukrajine diljem Europe, uključujući i Rusiju. Međutim, brojka ne uključuje one koji su bili prisiljeni napustiti svoje domove, ali su ostali u Ukrajini. Dnevno.hr Foto : Twitter Read the full article
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1outofmymind · 3 years ago
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On International airshow RIAT-2022, memory of Ukrainian pilot, Grey Wolf Olexander Oksanchenko was honoured. He was shot down over Kyiv on February 25 2022, by Russian S-400 missile, while deflecting Russian aviation on himself. Geroyam slava!
Here, he is performing at RIAT-2018
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ilya-17 · 2 years ago
Geroyam slava!
Бахмут 🇺🇦
Тримайтесь хлопці ✊🏻
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viktorst · 5 years ago
Річниця Майдану, пам’ятаємо про це! Бо якщо забудемо, то хто ми після цього, куди йдемо і якою буде наша Україна?.https://ukrmir.info/richniczya-majdanu-pamyata%d1%94mo-pro-cze-geroyam-slava/
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delovidenie · 4 years ago
Ютуб: — Слава Украине! — Героям слава, блядь
https://t.me/vklader: ежедневные разоблачения финансовых мошенников. Жулик Александр, «младший специалист службы безопасности Сбербанка России», говорит, что якобы в Уфе подана заявка на кредит от имени человека, которому он звонит. Потом с жервтой говорит «Владислав, старший специалист службы безопасности Сбербанка России». Далее мошенники пытаются узнать номер карты, переключая на фальшивую «Роботизированную систему фиксации Сбербанка России». Жулик говорит, […]
Сообщение Ютуб: — Слава Украине! — Героям слава, блядь появились сначала на Деловидение.
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politryk1971 · 5 years ago
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1outofmymind · 3 years ago
Geroyam slava!
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jacensolodjo · 6 years ago
“Moyu Ukrainsko'gu Bratsva, Je représente les brate y sestru, slava geroyam slava, slava ukraini, ya frantsuzke vy ukrayinsky diaspora“
thank the gods for cognates lmao 
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gezginturtle · 7 years ago
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Askerliğimi Lviv'de tamamladığıma göre geri dönebilirim💂🏻‍♀️ Konsept şehri Lviv'de Kryjivka askeri konseptli bir yer olarak öne çıkanlardan. Kryjivka; Lviv’de milliyetçiliğin bir sembolü olmuş bir bakıma, aslında 2.dünya savaşından kalan eski bir sığınak. Mekanın kapısını çaldığınızda elinde tüfekli bir asker açıyor kapıyı. Slava Ukrainy” der size (“Ukrayna'ya Zafer ”) ve mekana girebilmeniz “Geroyam slava” (“Kahramanların Zafer”) demeniz gerekiyor. İçeride silahlar, tüfekler, motorsiklet ve askeri bir çok eşya var. #denemenlazim #gerekeniyap #gezginturtlelviv 🔹🔹 A soldier opens the door for you with the exclaim: “Slava Ukrainy” (“Glory to Ukraine”). You need to answer: “Geroyam slava” (“Glory to the Heroes”) and at the very moment you are let in. This was the greeting used by soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) as they waged guerrilla war against the Nazis, Poles and Soviet Union from 1943-49. you’ll find a fascinating and jovial bunker complete with grenades, rifles and other military antiques. #lviv #theme #ukraine #vscoua #travelgram #traveler #latergram #traveling #wanderlust #wanderer #beautifuldestinations #me #selfportrait #pub (at Kryjivka)
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