electricea-a · 6 years
Send me ♥ and I’ll write some positivity for a blog that I follow.
I adore Shelby, I adore her dedication her muses and her passion for her fandoms.  I think she’s great.
Really nice Joker who I actually met about two days ago, introduced to them through another mun.  They seem really nice so far!
Someone who I’ve known from quite a few previous fandoms, they’ve always been a loyal friend and a wonderful RP partner.
Why not finish with you yourself? You seem pretty nice and I’m very much intrigued by your muses - your theme and icons are gorgeous and I’m excited to see the potential in interactions between our muses.  Hope we get a chance to talk more, my friend!
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thelastedgefey · 6 years
Franziska Von Karma
Anon, The Match Maker
❤❤❤ - I’d Ship It! 
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((Marshall tends to be attracted to tough, smart women with sharp tongues, and Franziska fits the criteria to a T. 
Actually, I HC that Franziska was his first crush ;3))
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“ he told me i was an obligation ” (to maya. Fran talking about manfred?)
Poetry prompts
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“What a jerk! How can he say that to his own daughter?!” Maya hissed as she clenched her fists. She wouldn’t say it aloud, but she was glad he was gone forever. That way, Franziska won’t have to suffer anymore. 
“Well, now that he’s gone, there’s no use dwelling on the past. Don’t let it get to you, Franziska. You’re not an obligation, I promise! You’re a prodigy who locks up criminals! Though... you’re not hung up on that ‘perfection’ thing now, are you? It’s been almost eight years since then.”
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themediummuses · 6 years
“ what else is there to live for besides your one true love ? ” (to iris) (from poetry prompts)
poetry prompts
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   “I know I often stress the importance of love a lot, since it means a lot to me, personally, but... Really, there’s a lot more to live for. I think my favorites...are that favorite song playing on the radio, taking a walk through nature, talking with a friend, looking at flowers blooming in the spring, making someone smile...
   “Generally just thinking about...how wonderful it is to be here. So many bad things can happen, and yet this world stays so lovely... I think that’s wonderful.”
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mitsukenji-blog · 6 years
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       “Mister Von Karma tasked us with investigating this together; if anyone here should be glum, it’s me. It was MY first court case, after all.” @germanprosecutie //  sc.
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@germanprosecutie | x “But you hardly know me, we just worked on that one case together. So why….why would you want to protect me Apollo Justice? I just don’t get it.” 
“You say that as if I need a reason to protect you.”  Apollo laughed a bit at that comment - although it was somewhat true. Sometimes you just want to protect someone - especially after they were poisoned the first time they helped you. 
“Tell you what - if I figure out why I want to, I’ll let you know, okay? Or you can take guesses until something sounds right.”
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bindingties · 6 years
Franziska has died Miles. It's due to her focusing so much on that case.
Ace asks to get fucked up || ACCEPTING @germanprosecutie | bc relevant
Miles doesn’t hear the reason, everything shuts down after the word ‘died.’ His thoughts slip and slide, morphing into a incomprehensible mess that then blows away like dust in the wind. The world might as well be made of white noise.
His fingers hurt and he realizes that he’s burned them trying to light a cigarette with trembling hands.
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bitterccffe-blog · 6 years
germanprosecutie choice: “Worship my ass. Definitely would kick.”
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“Pretty sure you were doing this already, since you are one as long as I know. Whatever, kick me if you want to, I’m not afraid.”
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
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Tagged by: @maereo and @envyshattered
Tagging: @guilty-love, @germanprosecutie, @thelastedgefey, @demure-defiance, @fragilefortitude, @fidcliitas
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fan-tasticfour · 6 years
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   “Do u like flowers? Pls say yes, I found a really nice hairpin and thought it’d look nice on u.”
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@germanprosecutie | x
That was all that came from Franziska’s mouth. It wasn’t like her to take tea from anyone she was investigating against. Just in case poisoning was happening. Why she was helping Apollo with his investigation against Klavier, she had no clue. If she had never agreed to help Apollo with his case, she wouldn’t have been poisoned.
“…Why did I agree to help you? Why?”
It was clear that she was in pain now - which certainly came from nowhere.  The situation was pretty obscure to begin with: he was just making a case himself when Franziska decided to join out of the blue, and on the defence bench of all!
And now drinking a general tea ended up to be poisoned: how did someone even have that much forethought? Either the perpetrator is some kind of mastermind, or closer than he thought. 
Now he was holding onto the prosecutor to give her suppourt, guiding her onto the lobby couch. The actual hearing was still some time away, but he doesn’t mind having to get to the hearin glate if it means making sure she turns out okay.
“D-Don't ask me, I’m not sure either.
But I know we’re gonna get you through this, alright?
Just hold on a little longer.”
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itsgottabethebutz · 6 years
germanprosecutie replied to your post: TWO HEADCANONS FOR YOUR MUSE THAT YOU’VE NEVER...
((I so need to re-start interactions with Larry and Fran. haha.))
//whenever you’re ready, franzy, baby, this butz is waiting
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
send 🌻 for a randomized opinion from Noot
"Adapting one's way of speech is a form of art and you cam always to improve in it. This also applies to expanding your vocabulary and starting to use specific words as a result of finding them to be fitting. Denying those aspects and only saying that 'they show how you want to fit in and show off to others' would be foolish and a sign of you ignoring these facts of life."
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electricea-a · 6 years
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Trick or Treat Aesthetic Board.
For @germanprosecutie​.
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thelastedgefey · 6 years
00:00:00 (perfect time for a ship thread? ;3)
Soulmate AU
Marshall’s eyes widened at the sight of the timer on his wrist hitting zero. He looked around the alleway frantically, trying to see if there was someone else he didn’t see…
Nope, just him and the whip-wielding prosecutor who was gonna prosecute his sister for murder the following day. He had just left the detention center after visiting Maya when he’d come face to face with the silver-haired woman…
…who, apparently, happened to be his soulmate, if the numbers on his wrists weren’t lying. Which never happened.
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“Well, isn’t it a surprise, Miss Von Karma…”
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