#geralt’s headband … do you think they are in love
hanzajesthanza · 4 months
people will be like: “wow, i never knew the witcher was a 90s property”
yennefer literally wears a black velvet choker.
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neen-writes · 3 months
it’s so obvious that i’m normal about your witcher au … so if u can… do you have any references to what you think their outfits are.. ik gajeels armor is like black scales and i have a vague idea BUT i also have an unreliable brain TV that will keep morphing his armor to whatever and ill be like fuck where is the passage describing it 😭😭 i also totally don’t want to draw this au but am deathly afraid of getting the details wrong nope totally not nope not me at all whatttt??
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I am so
Honestly just reeling still from all your reactions and JFC it makes me remember why I loved writing so much. Truly beside myself. 
Now, yes I did have a sort of description for Levy. I sketched her years ago and boy it's a bad sketch but I had sort of ciri's outfit in mind for her but just, simpler. These days in the fic she's wearing a cloak with a hood over it all. She lets her hair just kinda roam free and doesn't tie it back. She's since ditched the headband. Also she probably has more pouches than this? Outfit design isn't my strong suit.
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As for Gajeel...boy I sure don't know how armor works. The scale mail i imagined on like. Plates on his arms and on his bracers, and spreading over his shoulders. With something like this on his chest with probably relief detailing worked into the leather because I imagine Natsu would have really made this with care:
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He's still got all his piercings and wears the hair up.
Tbh I looked at a lot of late game Geralt armor from the Witcher game and kind of tried to work off that?l to imagine scale mail? But tbh I don't think there is a wrong way to imagine them cause AAAAAA
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Dandelion hummed a happy tune as he brushed out the knots from Geralt’s hair. This was a normal part of their routine. Dandelion found the act incredibly relaxing and he composed some of his best work whilst gently tugging at the tangles in Geralt’s silvery locks. Geralt had protested at first but these days Geralt came willing to Dandelion’s call. He would sit in front of the bed, leaning back against Dandelion’s thighs as the poet worked his magic with the nimble fingers of a lute player.  Tonight Dandelion had his curling tongs heating up on the fire. Geralt had agreed to let him try something new and he was ever so curious as to what the witcher would look like with soft curls falling down to his shoulders. Dandelion’s tongue slipped between his lips as the brush got caught on a particularly nasty knot.
“Geralt.” He chided. “What do you do to your poor hair?”
Geralt hummed and Dandelion rolled his eyes. The witcher had entered his meditation state whilst Dandelion was combing through his hair. He often did. Dandelion took it as a compliment. There weren’t many people that Geralt trusted enough to meditate in front of. Dandelion wiggled happily as he skipped over to the fire place. He carefully picked up the tongs by the wooden handle and carried them back over to the bed. He placed a hand on Geralt’s shoulder and squeezed gently. Geralt opened one eye and peered up at him.
“This may be hot.” Dandelion warned. “But I’ve done this countless times on myself. You will be fine.”
“Just get on with it, Dandelion.” Geralt sighed and closed his eyes once more.
Dandelion tilted his head and brushed his long fingers through Geralt’s hair, pushing it off his face. He couldn’t resist stroking his thumb along Geralt’s cheek. He gazed in adoration at Geralt, enjoying the moment of peace between them, before wrapping a lock of Geralt’s silver hair around the tongs. The oil he’d combed through the hair earlier was specially enchanted to protect it from the heat of the tongs, a trick he’d picked up in Beauclair a few years back. It was a slow process. Geralt’s hair was longer than his, although not as thick, but he worked methodically. He sang snippets of music that came to him and he pulled the tongs through Geralt’s hair, stopping occasionally to reheat them over the fire and pulling out his lute as he waited. Geralt never moved from the edge of the bed even as Dandelion flitted around the room.
When he was finished, Geralt’s hair was voluminous and thick with curls. Dandelion pursed his lips. Maybe a little too much volume. He gently brushed through the bouncier curls with his fingers until he was satisfied with the result. He smiled with a tilt of his head before moving so he was sat in front of Geralt. He cupped the witcher’s cheek and brushed his lips against Geralt’s in a chaste kiss.
“All done, my dear.” He whispered.
Geralt’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled as his gaze focussed on Dandelion. “Let’s see then.” He grumbled.
Dandelion winked and pulled Geralt’s headband from his pocket and handed it to him before gesturing to the mirror in their room at the inn. “I think you look rather handsome.”
Geralt hummed as he appraised his reflection. “It’s not as bad as I was expecting.” He muttered as he placed his black leather headband around his head.
Dandelion twirled a lock of his own blond curly hair and laughed melodically. “You look divine, my love.”
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littoraly-art · 3 years
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😌 💕 i feel so loved, thank youu
and might I say, you have a Very Big Brain
also 👉👈 Im sorry for the weird ask format bc uh somehow I deleted the original draft but was able to screenshot the ask bc.. long story, ANYWAYS
A/N: this will be slightly divergent from my previous baby!Lamb fics. (But only because I briefly mentioned Geralt in my last one)
A/N 2.0: im gonna start doing page breaks for my fics bc it'll be easier organization
• General
• Fluff
• Lambert, Eskel, and Geralt
• Wolf Pup Shenanigans
The first inkling of Eskel's suspicions started with when he set about making Lambert's new poppet.
He was seated on the low wall–the one that bordered the vegetable garden–and were basking in the warmth of the sun that gently tickled their skin. They'd been given an afternoon of free play and Lambert, for one, liked watching for birds so that he could scare them off with lots of yelling, accompanied by the brandishing of a stick. He said it was much more fun than dealing with the other students and definitely much more fun than sitting in the library with Vesemir.
Eskel couldn't blame him.
The older boy was balanced on the wall with his legs tucked into a neat criss-crossed position so that all of his materials could sit in his lap as he worked. He really didn't mind accompanying Lambert out there because he could sew just as well out there as he could anywhere else. Plus, it was fun to listen to the other wolf chatter on about his day.
Said redhead was walking himself along the wall, balancing and doing little pirouettes every so often. And, every so often, Eskel would pipe up, "wrong," causing Lambert to freeze before righting his footing. Oh, and sticking his tongue out at the older boy.
"Can you give the poppet hair?"
Eskel lifted his eyes to watch as Lambert spun yet again before the other boy jumped down and snatched up his stick from where it was laying on the ground.
"Hair? Like.."
"Like the ones in the shops down in Ard Carraigh," Lambert chirped in response, remembering back to the city he'd only ever been through once. He flashed a grin at Eskel as he climbed back up onto the low wall, now with mock sword in hand.
"You know you're not supposed to practice your drills alone."
There was a dramatic sigh and a roll of Lambert's eyes as he began smacking, along the wall with his stick, instead. "So.. Can you give it hair?"
"I.. sure?" Eskel tipped his head to the side in brief consideration and then dropped his eyes back to the item in his hands, returning to his sewing. Watching as the needle swam in and out of the soft linen fabric. Pricking his finger every so often as his tongue lightly poked out between his teeth. "..What color? Red, like yours?" Not that he knew where he'd find that color. They didn't have any dyed yarn that he was allowed to use, that he knew of.
"No. White."
Eskel paused as he lifted his eyes back to watch his friend as the younger boy was now trying to whack the stick against the heavy bough of the half dead tree that stood, gnarled, on the other side of the wall.
"Yeah, I want it to be white."
Eskel regarded the other curiously with a tiny little smile before looking back down at his project, yet again. "I don't think we have any white yarn. How about grey or brown?"
Lambert halted in thought, holding his stick above his head with both hands. It only took a moment's consideration before he nodded lightly. "Grey works."
- -
The second instance, that Eskel stumbled upon, seemed to only confirm his suspicions.
Lambert was perched on a rickety bench that sat to the side of the training yard and he was watching raptly as one of older mentors was running Eskel's peer group through a drill that incorporated Aard. Eskel was stood off to the side to observe since he was the most adept at Signs than the rest of his peers. This allowed him to help call out mistakes, when need. And, at the moment, it allowed him the opportunity to look over and see that Lambert was zoned in on one student in particular.
The white haired boy was a mischievous, headstrong thing who had quite the aptitude for the graceful maneuvers of the Wolf School. His chin length, slightly curly hair was held back with a simple brown headband and the item effectively kept his hair out of his face as he twisted about in the drilled sequence.
Lambert had his knees tucked against his chest, arms wrapped 'round them and his chin settled softly on top as he studied the scene in front of him. His wide eyes followed every single movement as he murmured the names of each maneuver, under his breath.
As Eskel was called back into the group, he made a mental note to give the poppet a headband along with the white hair, and he grinned to himself.
Leave it to Geralt to inspire such dazzled eyes and intent focus.
Lambert had really come down to the training yard so that he could grab Eskel once he was done for the day. He had a whole list of things he wanted to do before dinner and he absolutely needed Eskel to join him in his plans. It wasn't fun to get up to trouble alone, after all.
He however realized that, as he sat to wait for Eskel, he could just as happily take that time to watch Geralt.
Geralt was the best.
He was strong and fast and funny and stubborn and so very sure of himself and goodness! Just everything that Lambert could ever dream of being.
But, he had never interacted with him before. Oh, no, no. Lambert couldn't risk that. What if Geralt thought he was dumb like the other boys did? What if he thought it was weird that Lambert looked up to him as a role model? He could not risk that.
He wouldn't know what to do if that happened.
So, there he sat, for the entire session. He sat, quiet and respectful, not interrupting so that he wouldn't be asked to leave. (Which definitely had never ever happened before..)
At the end, when all the equipment was being packed up and put away, Lambert jumped up from his spot and began making his way across the yard. He clasped his hands behind him and took steps that had a subtle little skip to them, running over his list of plans in his head.
That was when he froze, though. He watched, while holding his breath, as Geralt slung his arm around Eskel's neck and the two older boys laughed together about.. well, something. Lambert's eyes were as wide as could be and he brought his hands in front of himself to fidget as he took a couple steps back.
The conversation between the two continued on before Eskel spotted Lambert, giving him an easy grin. He then, to Lambert's horror, began to guide Geralt over, arm around his friend's middle as they still chattered.
Once it was confirmed that they were definitely headed towards him, Lambert spooked. He was not ready to meet Geralt. Not like this.
He had an utterly embarrassed expression on his face and fidgeted with his hands more before twisting on his heel and taking off.
Not today.
Eskel knocked on the door that was already partially open but then he stuck his head into the room, where he spotted a large lump underneath the blanket that was draped over the far bed. The older boy smiled lightly and then slipped inside the room, gently closing the door behind him.
"Are you asleep?"
"Did I just wake you?"
"..No." The voice that came after a little groan, and the sound of a yawn, said otherwise and Eskel's smile widened.
"Okay, well, sit up because I have something for you," Eskel hummed and then climbed onto the bed, holding the finished poppet in his lap. "'t's gonna to be dinner time soon anyways."
A fiery mop of curls revealed itself from under the covers and Lambert sat up fully, turning to Eskel with a tilt to his head. Questioning. Until he saw tha finished poppet, that is.
"It's done!"
"Yep. Here you go," He laughed as he handed it over. "And it looks enough like Geralt, don't you think?"
Lambert held it at arm's length with a grin before frowning quickly and furrowing his little brows. "It's not.. that's not why–"
"Well, sure it is," Eskel laughed again, good naturedly and then shifted so that he could flop onto his back, laying next to Lambert. "I can see how much you look up to him."
"That's not.."
"Nothing wrong with it, Lamb."
Lambert eyed him for a long moment and then dropped onto his back as well, so that they could lay shoulder to shoulder, as he hugged the poppet to his chest.
"..Do you like it?"
"Yeah, you did a good job," Lambert mumbled and then nudged his elbow into Eskel's side. "Thanks."
They fell into a comfortable silence as they both stared up at the ceiling, where hewn timbers ran from one side to the other. Eskel could practically feel Lambert thinking so he left him to that, knowing the other boy would speak up eventually.
And sure enough, he did.
"You're friends with him?"
He knew who.
"You know who."
"Geralt.." Lambert huffed and whined in annoyance as he kicked his foot against Eskel's leg.
"Oh.. him," Eskel stressed, teasing his friend and earning himself another light kick. "Yeah. I am. We've been friend since before me an' you were friends."
That made Lambert sit up with another huff, this one sounding particularly offended. "What? And you never told me?" He complained loudly.
"I didn't know you wanted to know..!" Eskel responded, laughing as he shook his head. "And how did you not know? We always do stuff together."
"Well–" Lambert frowned and then shoved Eskel's knees that were in a bent position, with his feet flat on the mattress. "I just didn't know!"
"Alright, alright."
Another bout of silence settled and Eskel was grinning to himself as Lambert stared down at his poppet with a look of intense focus. He draped an arm over his face so that his elbow covered his mouth; he really was trying to stop himself from laughing.
"Can I meet him?" The younger trainee said quietly, playing with the arms of the doll.
"Yeah. Go ahead. I think he's probably already down, ready for dinner."
"No!" The redhead shook his head and gave a pout as he looked up and hugged the poppet back against his chest. "You have to introduce me to him."
Eskel quirked a brow and then gave a laugh–one that he quickly apologized for when Lambert whined in offense. "Why?"
"Because.. Because I dunno what I would say," He explained in embarrassment, looking down and Eskel found himself making a sympathetic noise.
"He's just another kid like us. Just say hi."
"No.." He whined more insistently and shook his head. "You have to do it. Please, please, please? Esk, pleeeease?" He pouted more after drawing out the 'long e' sound.
"Ugh, come on." Eskel clambered off the bed and then stood up, snagging his fingers around Lambert's arm.
"Geralt?" Eskel reached out to tap his friend's shoulder, and showed a sunshiny smile immediately as the other boy twisted around on the bench.
"What.. do you need?" He said slowly as he eyed Lambert–who was clutching onto Eskel's hand and partially hiding himself, eyes huge and round once again–curiously with a slight laugh.
"Lamb here wanted to meet you but wasn't sure what to say because he's embarrassed and shy," Eskel explained, to which Lambert immediately argued,
"What? Why would you tell him that? Prick!"
Geralt grinned and pushed himself to his feet as his hands settled on his hips. "He doesn't sound shy."
"Yeah! M'not!" There was a roll of eyes and huff from the youngest of the three as he let go of Eskel's hand. He folded his arms and stomped a foot.
Eskel had a proud smile on his face, having known that that would successfully crack Lambert out of his shell. The redhead was always quick to argue with things like that.
"So, Lamb?"
"Lambert." Said boy lifted his chin in a stubborn way, after correcting the nickname, and sticking out his hand for a handshake.
Geralt and Eskel smiled even more as they exchanged glances.
"Nice to meet you, Lambert," Geralt hummed and clasped the other boy's smaller hand and tilted his head to the side as he laughed. "Want to sit next to me during dinner?"
As his hand was dropped and that invitation extended, Lambert glanced over to Eskel with another wide eyed expression. Eskel simply shrugged with a big smile as he walked away to find his own spot.
He then looked back to Geralt who was gesturing to the bench with a raised brow and Lambert straightened himself up more, eyes bright.
"Would I ever !"
@persony-pepper @lovelyeskel
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johix · 4 years
Pray tell, what's your opinion on the witcher games' portrayal of Geralt and Jaskier?
Uuu a nice question. I’m gonna focus on Jaskier first. So, we have these 3 bi boys… 
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Witcher 1: nice fun outfit, not the headband tho, you get to do quests for/with him, you get to save him from a prison, and he SINGS. Good boy. 
Witcher 2: amazing outfit, the hat!! travels with Geralt, Geralt does quests with/for him, knows about political situation and is clever about it, falls asleep on the tavern table, he recites poetry. Romantic, funny, clever, manly, still gets stupidly into trouble. Very good, sexy boy. The BEST BOY
Witcher 3: famous-boy outfit, he’s super lovely, but kinda too stupid (a comic relief), Geralt doesn’t get to do much stuff with him/for him, doesn’t sing :’( get’s to settle down with Priscilla???!!! ohohooo nope, not in character. however *spoiler alert* I love the ending when in Blood&Wine he saves Geralt from prison and he comes to Corvo Bianco to visit and stay. 
- also #icryeverytime I’d love to have blond Dandelion. it could have been done cdpr it could  T-T  
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then we get these 3 fine boys…- all in all gamesGeralt is a great portrayal of bookGeralt, tho obviously in TW3 they made him extra extra sexy (I mean I’m a simple mortal I don’t object, tho I think as for book-looks TW1 is the winner)
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now for the portrayal of their characters as such and their relationship:- I think cdpr did a great job actually- their best friends and they treat each other as such- they joke, they drink, they help each other - Geralt has to of course save Dandelion a few times and I love how they stayed true to the books mood ‘cos he: sometimes gets annoyed, then worried, then amused when he finds out what happened, and after he saves him he’s relieved and happy- unfortunately (for me) tw3 focuses a lot on romance with Yenn (not counting Triss now) and obviously bc of the main plot we get to see so little of Dandelion and when we do he’s this tutti-frutti usless dumbass (tho I still love him :D can’t help it)
conclusion: I’d srsly pair any Geralt with tw2 Dandelion
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Anyone else just love that Yennefer is the only person who let's Geralt bitch his fucking face off?
Nenneke tells him to shut up bc she doesn't care and she's not his mom.
Dandelion tells him to shut up bc his feelings about himself are stupid and he should get over it.
Yennefer might kind of ignore him when he's being a brat but she lets him do it.
For all the shitty things they do to each other early on, like.
She's the one who gets livid when he talks badly about himself and calls himself essentially slurs.
Everyone else canonically uses them to describe him or agrees with him just about. Even Dandelion lashes him with it a few times.
I wish like, you can ship whatever, but the hate makes me really sad.
There's so many flawed characters. But like, Yen is so giddy when he finally says out loud that he loves her. She never pushes him to do it. She waits. Years. When he thinks it she acknowledges it. She validates she hears him but doesn't say it out loud back bc he isn't ready.
When they're apart and she finds out he's alive she knows he won't take help with some issues he's created for himself and she says he's too honorable but maybe the person who knows about it could get people to pay him enough to live on for once. Bc she knows he won't get enough for even a healer if he gets hurt.
His swords get stolen and auctioned and she buys them back without telling. She makes sure he gets them back and her messenger isn't supposed to say. (I don't remember if he figured it out or not tbh.)
She keeps tabs on him and lets him live his life when he's not with her.
She has boundaries which is healthy. He knows to leave some things alone. (she also has unhealthy bad things but this isn't a shit on Yen post it's a : why the fuck do you ppl refuse to give her any kind of chance ever?)
She finds out Istredd is a bastard and immediately drops him by fucking messenger bc she's over it that quickly. Like wow that's some shit you said, you're a fucker I'm out.
She can be capricious and cold and nasty. She can.
And the like, short stories really put her in a weird light outside of the one with Istredd in it imo.
But she looks at this broken man who just wants to be a man. And can't see that he is and she loves him and doesn't especially try to change him in any way. She lets him come to her. She doesn't chase him. Doesn't force things on him. (Except fancy clothes and no headband bc it's pretentious apparently)
A guy she saved from an ethnic cleansing is willing to pay Geralt's debts as a favor to her. And she doesn't do that bc it would hurt him.
She drops everything in her life to go get Ciri. Because he asks. Not because she's initially in it for any other reason. And takes on her training, and encourages her to keep up with her sword skills and runs. And while she is harsh and blunt she loves that girl like her own.
When he shares this wish he has with her, what he wishes their life was, he's ashamed and angry at himself. She adds on to it, tells him how beautiful it is. And then asks him to drop it bc she hates letting him down. They can't have that dream and it hurts her she can't give it to him. But she doesn't belittle him, she soothes his agitation and gives him reassurance.
She decides to stop hating Dandelion (who basically sexually harasses her and hopes she'll get hurt in front of him. Ogles her when she's almost raped and will not look away bc he's kind of a dick a lot of the time) because he chose to be Geralt's friend and stay with him and Yen knows how terrified Geralt is of being alone. (he is determined to get to Ciri bc he doesn't want her to be alone like he was). So she puts aside some truly awful shit to make peace with Dandelion bc she appreciates him being there for her ex. Like.
Can we just appreciate that while Geralt and Yen bring out bad sides of each other, they also bring out the good, too?
Like. :/ Can we stop acting like she's this one dimensional bitch with no good attributes? It's 2020.
Remember when ppl could just multiship without shitting all over characters? No? Man I miss that aspect of fandom where you didn't have to demonize someone to justify your ship. I'm tired. I'm stupid for writing this. I know it. But like. :( He has 2 hands. 2 hands fam.
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gayregis · 4 years
do you come across geralt hate often?
no? i haven’t seen any hate for him i think, ever, since i joined the fandom in like late 2017. is it popular to hate on geralt? 
i mean, i hate on him, but only as a joke, because i love him... like, fish soup scene... “death dogs my footsteps...” and who could forget... a little sacrifice, “in case you haven’t noticed, i'm weird. i’m a weirdo. i don't fit in. and i don't want to fit in. have you ever seen me without this stupid headband on? that's weird.” 
he’s a cranky dad, you can’t NOT make fun of him. but i haven’t seen any SINCERE hate for him ever, if that’s what you mean. idk why anyone would ever actually hate on him he’s just a dad....
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riviae · 5 years
ppl i think regis would get along w/ really well despite never officially meeting them (not counting yen or ciri bc obviously regis would get along w/ them): 
note: under read more due to length
they’re both level-headed & are very familiar with the feeling of being the only sane person in a room. now when geralt or lambert say something incredibly absurd, they just give each other the look™ 
because of how similar eskel & geralt are, regis immediately feels at ease around the witcher. they were different, of course, but many of the fundamental principles which endeared regis to geralt could also be found in eskel. their friendship comes across as quite natural despite having not known each other for long. 
regis is delighted to hear about what geralt was like as a child. eskel tells a bunch of stories, reminiscing upon their childhood & all the trouble the two wolf-school witchers got into. pretty good times all around. 
they also both like animals so eskel introduces regis to his goat, lil’ bleater, while regis introduces eskel to his... ominous conspiracy of ravens. eskel’s admiration of regis increases tenfold after that. 
when eskel returns to the path at the start of spring, he fondly notices that he has three ravens trailing him every now & then. he starts feeding them seeds & grain when he stops in villages for supplies/lodging. the ravens return the favor w/ gifts, starting w/ giving him dead mice or shiny pieces of metal & ending w/ runestones & other witcher-related supplies (likely at regis’s behest).
they also exchange letters every now & then thru the ravens, which eskel enjoys more than he’d admit out loud. unlike his usual clipped speech & monotone, eskel is much more expressive & open in his writings, to regis’s pleased surprise. there are a few times where eskel’s letters are even longer than regis’s--a feat, truly. 
one full moon, the wolf school witchers (eskel, lambert, and geralt) get so incredibly intoxicated on mandrake hooch that they bet regis that they’d be able to land at least one hit on him as a trio... in regis’s giant murder bat form. humoring the three men, regis complies and transforms in the courtyard. lambert immediately passes out at the sight of regis’s teeth. geralt suddenly recalls a vivid memory of regis’s attack on stygga castle & in the case of self-preservation, forfeits entirely by dropping his sword. he then throws up in a nearby bush & joins lambert on the ground. eskel drops his sword but not out of fear--instead, his animal-loving nature comes out full-force and he ends up drunkenly patting regis’s head and scratching his chin. regis gives a happy churr of approval in response.
when vesemir wakes up early the next morning, completely unaware of the previous night’s events, he finds it odd that the keep is so quiet, but goes on w/ his routine. when he goes to the courtyard to check on the horses, he instead finds the 3 witchers asleep--with regis, /still/ in his bat form, acting like a fluffy pillow for the 3 men, one wing wrapped protectively over them as they slept. upon closer inspection, he sees that lil’ bleater is wrapped up in regis’s other wing, sleeping soundly. 
rocky start at first bc uhhh why is there a higher vampire in our keep, geralt? but after actually getting to know regis, vesemir becomes quite fond of the vampire. being a fairly old witcher, he enjoys being able to chat w/ regis about things that were popular in their youth. at one point vesemir realizes that regis was actually the same vampire he’d heard of back when he was first starting out on the path--that vesemir had even seen contracts for the vampire’s head but he ignored them bc while he was young, he wasn’t idiotic enough to actually go after a higher vampire (lol @ geralt). they even share a laugh about it. 
old slang words!! they both get to use ‘em in colloquial speech w/ each other & laugh at their jokes while the other witchers just roll their eyes. 
regis helps update the keep’s knowledge on both higher & lower vampires, penning his own bestiary of sorts on his species, but focusing on techniques & concoctions that could keep witchers safe from harm. 
regis’s curiosity regarding the trial of grasses becomes apparent & vesemir gives the vampire whatever books still remain on the process. regis is delighted to see that witchers did have vampire genes in them (from bruxae tongue, specifically). 
bonus points for vesemir trying to “sweep up” all the vampire-hunting paraphernalia the keep has, attempting to hide the (lower) vampire skulls, fangs, tongue, claws, etc., that  they had displayed like trophies. regis isn’t all that offended to begin with (his inner scientist was actually intrigued by the vampire parts that the witchers kept preserved), but he does break into a fit of laughter when he stumbles upon vesemir trying to shove an entire stock of black blood potions into a cabinet & ends up dropping all of them at hearing regis approach--the room smells horrid to regis for weeks after tho. 
“did you... did you really think geralt never drank black blood in front of me? he was contracted to hunt down a higher vampire.” “...i just didn’t want you to think i was worried about you attacking us.” “hmm, the more i learn about witchers, the more i wonder how your reputation as heartless monster killers has persisted over the centuries.” 
it’s an immediate friendship that blossoms between them. dandelion feels a bit jealous that regis feels comfortable to laugh & joke about his nature in front of priscilla when it took regis months to even reveal he was a vampire to the hansa in general. regis reminds him that the first time he so much as smiled and showed his teeth, he had let out a scream and nearly fainted. 
regis does his barber-surgeon magic™ and provides priscilla w/ a medicinal concoction to add to her hot tea every morning. it helps incredibly well and lets her speak/sing for longer. similarly, regis also gets a salve for priscilla to put on her scars that help them heal a bit more. eventually, she no longer wears a scarf around her neck and regis is thrilled at the sight. 
regis is a big fan of priscilla’s singing. as he himself is not the greatest singer, he finds that he loves listening to her singing as he journals/reads/etc. one time he even dozed off, having been so relaxed, that when he wakes, he finds that priscilla had draped a blanket over him & even managed to prop a pillow behind his head w/o waking him. 
priscilla confides in regis when she first thinks that she may be pregnant. given his abilities, he was able to smell the change in her hormones & was able to give her the good news. he goes into barber-surgeon mode™ rt after tho & gives priscilla (and dandelion, once he gets over the shock that he’s becoming a father) a bunch of notes on what sort of diet, exercise, etc., she should do while pregnant. dandelion goes to oxenfurt at regis’s behest to ‘borrow’ more accurate anatomy textbooks and they both pour over the info., wanting to make sure that if he was for some reason predisposed when priscilla was giving birth, dandelion could at least handle it/know what to expect. 
they’re both practicing physicians & it’s a shame cdpr didn’t let them meet (even if they were in diff dlcs).
both get to teach each other different medical-related things!! 
regis is more self-taught (but i do headcanon that he learned a lot of his abilities as a barber-surgeon while in the Humanist’s company) & relies on a mix of experience, textbooks (some even written by other higher vampires), and general word-of-mouth (i.e., herbal remedies he’s learned from different villages along his travels) in his practice, tho his specialty is surgery... and haircuts lol 
shani actually attended medical school at oxenfurt academy so her knowledge is much more /by the books/ so to speak. bc of this, she’s able to help regis ‘catch up’ on human anatomy terms that aren’t as commonly used by higher vampires (which is where regis got most of his knowledge). also, what shani lacks in experience she makes up tenfold in skill and problem-solving. for instance, she’s able to show regis a sewing technique to close up a wound that she created to save thread since she worked on battlefields for the most part
they both enjoy academia and learning in general, so besides medicine, they also chat about things ranging from politics to philosophy. shani eventually becomes the dean of medicine at oxenfurt in the series, so it’d be nice to imagine that this decision was influenced by regis, who noted that she would make an excellent professor/researcher 
regis normally gave haircuts to men, but got the chance to give shani a haircut when she lamented that her bangs were falling into her eyes too often during surgeries and she didn’t want to wear a headband (they shared a laugh thinking about geralt and the headband he used to wear).
anyway, they remain great friends and shani even manages to rope regis into giving a few guest lectures at oxenfurt after she becomes dean. while he frets a little about the possibility of the students, all curious and bright, realizing he isn’t human, the lectures end up being a big hit. and regis can’t deny that he enjoys the attention... it’s not everyday that he gets to ramble about medicine & certain surgical procedures and have a full lecture hall of students eagerly jotting down his words. 
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hanzajesthanza · 9 days
everyone wants a relationship like yennefer and geralt, until you have to deal with the aftermath of your feral husband adventuring downstream and into the woods to avoid social obligations, chasing the local wildlife, and drinking river water
(i need suggestions on where to hide his swords, he has lost his blade privileges)
i don't suppose geralt travelled too far from yennefer's lap (or you know what else, lol - meaning, where the baby dragon stuck his head) when he was staying with her in vengerberg. she probably wouldn't let him in the house until he hosed down and agreed to eat all his meals with a fork and knife.
that is, until he caught the detrimental side of his mommy issues, and walked out on her
swords... they could go wherever they go... into a pocket dimension, maybe. but it's ineffective to take them from him, because he devolves into an anxious mess without: "i feel like a snail without its shell." (though that saying is strange. snails die if they are separated from their shells. well, maybe it's accurate in this case. what is a witcher without his swords? more often than not, a dead one).
ideally, he wouldn't need them.
i imagine geralt rising from his seat, upon hearing with his sharp ear yennefer from downstairs, in tense conversation with a husband of one of her clients, who is in the middle of hurling a tirade of abuse her way. geralt laces his bruising spiked gloves on, takes his sword, ties his headband, smiles nastily thinking he looks quite frightful, approaches the door, "i'll teach him a lesson."
by the time he reaches the stairs, a crack of electricity severs the air, emitting the scent of ozone. the satisfied-customer's dissatisfied-husband is already cowering, yammering an apology to the dignified, well-learned lady yennefer.
the witcher stands on the stairs. unties his hair, slowly walks back up to the bedroom... perhaps it's inappropriate to quote fringilla vigo here, as i'm talking about yennefer and geralt, but: "what are you trying to prove? your masculinity? i know better ways."
other thoughts on geralt's lifestyle shacked up in yennefer's house:
i have a headcanon that yennefer, finally speaking on geralt watching brush her hair with adoration, decides to comment (going something like this):
'What are you waiting for? Counting how many times I curse upon discovering split ends? Is my nightly routine really so special to you?' 'It is.' 'Is it? You're not a child. You know what a brush is. You even run one through your own hair. On occasion.' 'On occasion.'
it's her way of doing it which intrigues him. its her hands, her particularity, a foible of hers... wordlessly, she rises from the dressing table and sits on the bed, curling her bare legs in-between the eiderdown, resting her hands on his shoulders and beginning to brush his hair, gently, softly, caressing him...
i think that, (though i'm not at all saying that you were saying this, i'm just getting off-topic and commenting about a take ive seen floating around), the idea that yennefer "civilized" geralt and "taught him how to behave" is a slight misinterpretation, there's an emotional note to it. after all, geralt was not brutish before he lived with her, he dined with a queen, for god's sake. he was familiar with social rules, but just used to no one expecting them of him, caring if he smelled like his horse, because no one cared if he rode through the night, was cold, suffered. he never lived in a house, because he never was invited into one.
yennefer wished for domesticity of him, a home life. that was what she gave him, "more than she gave to any man" (bounds of reason). she gave that to him... out of love. that which he tired of, and hurt her in rejecting, then regretted it and came to wish for the same thing.
she showed him gentleness. like he showed her gentleness:
"... although neither quite knew what caring and tenderness were, they succeeded because they very much wanted to."
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one of my beta’s pointed out one of my fics was a little too depressing. So here I am fixing some of the things I never finished writing, and trying to add some fluffier nonsense. When I finish it and my beta has a chance to edit it, it’ll go up on ao3. This is just the newest section of the chapter I had no idea i hadn’t finished like... 2 months ago... yep. .... don’t... yeah. I know. When I finish this section I’ll finish the other fic that’s... basically done anyway.... and then... get back to work on this one again... but like... the other chapter... I didn’t finish that I didn’t forget about i Just had to reread an entire novel to make sure i wasn’t flubbing it. (I do research. See? I care?) 
When morning comes Geralt reluctantly pulls himself out of bed. He splashes his face with cold water from the basin and it does little to wake him up. Grateful for a small mirror he scrapes away days of facial hair from his jaw with a little sigh of relief. That task accomplished, he binds his hair back from his face and heads down the stairs to find himself some food. There’s not much else to be done. His leg is stiff but less horrible than usual, and while he’s still tired, it’s not the same bone-deep weariness that had been dragging at him earlier. Amazing what a night in a bed will do. 
Able to get some things they can eat, he heads back upstairs to their room and settles the dishes quietly on the small vanity table. He avails himself of the salve Yennefer has been using on his leg and sighs in relief. He feels a bit like an addict. Every few hours he needs his fix or he won’t survive. He glances at Ciri, glad she’s still asleep in Yennefer’s arms. Silently he resettles the jar on the table and picks at some of the food. 
Having gone to sleep earlier than the others, Ciri wakes up and finds Geralt not in bed with her. She looks around blankly and sees him sitting at the table. She gets up to join him and nibbles at some of the bread. Not awake enough to be truly interested in food she picks up the comb and starts working the snarls out of her ashen hair. By the time she’s done she’s awake enough to make a face at Geralt and remove his headband. He glares but she looks over at Yennefer and raises her eyebrows at him. 
He silently concedes her point and she brushes out his hair and ties it back with thread so that he won’t need the headband. Yennefer’s right, it does look stupid, Ciri feels. Kissing his forehead when she’s done, she feels awake enough to properly eat breakfast. He shows her how to peel a fruit she’s never seen before and they eat together in companionable silence. 
When Yennefer starts to rouse, Geralt knows she’ll wake the bard whether he’s ready or not. They should be moving on soon. He’s been seen, and people will comment on the white-haired witcher moving among them. Better not to give Skellen or Rience a chance to catch up with them. 
The witcher and his girl slowly pack up their things as Yennefer gets up and washes her face before brushing out her hair. She offers Geralt the salve for his leg and he shakes his head, indicating he’s already found it. He’s starting to smell a bit like the elderberry used along with Stellaria Media and what he thinks might be rosemary. There’s arnica, too, he knows, and while the smells together aren’t all that pleasant at least it helps. Ciri helps Yennefer with her notes and various bottles. As she packs, Yennefer fills her stomach with the meagre offerings Geralt had managed to get them. She wonders if perhaps she should send the bard down to get them more food. Noting he’s still asleep she debates how best to wake him up. 
The unfortunate victim of that look many a time, Geralt chooses to wake Dandelion himself. With gentle caresses and a kiss or two he manages to rouse his sleeping lover. He’s rewarded for his ministrations with a soft smile and cornflower blue eyes regarding him steadily. “We need to get moving,” he tells Dandelion. 
“I might uh, need a little help,” the bard flutters his eyelashes a bit. 
“With what?” Geralt asks. 
“Oh, I’m not sure I’m all the way awake yet,” he drawls. “Perhaps a few more kisses would help?” 
Ciri makes retching sounds behind them as Geralt leans over to oblige. Dandelion makes a rude gesture in her direction that makes her laugh. A few moments later, Geralt pulls away to make sure his things are packed and ready. He also wouldn’t mind stealing some kisses from the sorceress while he waits for the bard to get ready. She chuckles a bit when he pulls her aside to kiss her and ignores Ciri’s complaints about them all being disgusting. 
“It could be worse, Ciri,” she warns, violet eyes dancing in amusement. “It’s just kissing,” she adds knowing full well if they had somewhere safe Ciri could go it would be a lot more than just kissing. She allows Geralt a few more seconds of her time before she pulls away. “Best to start getting the horses ready,” she kisses his cheek and smiles at him. She knows he’s disappointed. There will be plenty of other chances to steal kisses along the road. 
“Go with her,” Geralt tells Ciri. “Kelpie is liable to end up a pile of ashes if you don’t. I’ll be down next,” he tells her. Dandelion is finishing up his own breakfast and working to wake himself up the rest of the way. He’d mostly repacked the night before, seeing no need to make his own life any harder.
 Food finished, face and hands washed, he looks at Geralt, who is waiting anxiously for him by the door. “It takes them longer to saddle up than it does us,” he reminds Geralt, thinking that’s what the witcher is upset about. “What’s wrong?” he asks, picking up his saddle bags and doing one last sweep of the room. His lute is already slung ‘round his shoulders. 
“We’re….” Geralt coughs and his throat squeezes. They had fought, and then just ignored it. Which was somewhat unlike Dandelion. Not that Geralt could think of any resolution to the problem other than to ignore it. 
Dandelion strides across the room and hugs Geralt tightly. “We’re alright, my love, we’re alright,” he promises. “We’ve had spats before,” he presses kisses against Geralt’s cheeks and neck. “We will again, but I imagine we’ll always be alright after. How could I stay angry with you?” 
“You’d find a way,” Geralt mumbles. “If you truly wanted to, you’d find a way.” 
“I could never want to,” Dandelion protests. Geralt had never much seemed to care if they got into tiffs before they’d started sleeping together. The bard cups his cheeks and forces Geralt to meet his eyes. “Love is many things Geralt, but the kind of love I have for you is more than anything I feel you could imagine. We’re human, we’ll make mistakes, but Love, Geralt, love does not anger, it does not boast, and it will not allow us to ruin everything over an argument any more than we ever ruined our friendship. Love keeps no record of wrongs.”
Geralt leans in to the touch and kisses the bard, pressing him into the wall. 
“Geralt, you understand I wasn’t even angry with you, right? Perhaps things got heated because of how you avoid dealing with things or answering them. But I wasn’t angry with you. Just, the world has hurt you and I wish I could undo it. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry we’ll butt heads again. Please know how much I love you.” 
The witcher nods, but he has nothing to say. So he kisses Dandelion instead, trying to show he understands, and he agrees. They probably will pick another fight eventually, they’re both criminally stubborn. It takes him a few seconds, but he remembers that they need to leave. And that the women are already downstairs in the stables saddling horses and will not be pleased that he and the bard chose to dally. With a groan of irritation, Geralt pulls away, wishing he didn’t have to. From what he could feel against his hip, the bard isn’t any happier than he is about the situation. 
“Stables,” he reminds his lover.
“Ah, yes. Well then.” He adjusts himself to hide the effect the kissing had on him and smiles as Geralt does the same. He reaches out to hold Geralt’s hand and then remembers the less attention they draw to themselves as they leave, the better. It’s not entirely uncommon for men to bond or be close, or women, but a witcher and one of the most famed poets on the continent would draw raised eyebrows. Especially considering how many songs he’d written about Geralt and Yennefer, it would be even more strange to see the White Wolf and Dandelion together in a more romantic capacity. 
By the time they reach the stables, Ciri is already saddling Pegasus and Yennefer is holding the reins of both her own mount, and Kelpie. Geralt quickly saddles Roach and adjusts her bridle and his packs across her saddle before mounting up. Yennefer gives him a knowing smile and he has the grace to look away in embarrassment. 
The road is relatively quiet and they all feel relieved to be mostly alone. There’s another smaller town about a day away, they’ll see about resupplying and perhaps finding another inn. It might be a stupid risk, but they can always double back around so people think they’d continued on the road and then camp out in the woods. 
Ciri engages Geralt in conversation about various monsters and he’s more than happy to elaborate on different types of ghoul and any other creature that prefers dead flesh to live. Not that they won’t go for live flesh if it happens to pass by. He ends up explaining to her about the necrophages that poisoned him badly and while he does not tell her about running into Visenna or the days of delirium he does impress upon her how dangerous they are. She realizes towards the end of the story that this is how he found her, and how Destiny brought them together. In some ways, this is the start of her story. He had been trying to find her, and had been told she was dead. In almost dying himself, he’d ended up in a cart that took him right to her doorstep. He was her destiny just as much as she was his. 
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gayregis · 4 years
Hi, just wanted to ask, how did you get into the witcher franchise (did you read the books before you played the games or vice versa?). Love your blog, byeeee :)
ty for the ask!! i hope you dont mind if i go too in-depth because i was legit thinking about this earlier today... 
tldr: i played tw3 and liked it, then read the books
i got into the witcher because one of my favorite gaming youtubers was doing a playthrough of tw3 on youtube in around i think september 2017. i liked this specific gaming youtuber for being shit at games and not caring about it... but tw3 was a different game. it felt like the decisions mattered, that there was an actual story here, that when this youtuber made shitty decisions and didn’t really care about the characters involved, i got frustrated because this game seemed really good... so i picked up the game myself and played it though, it was magnificent. not to r/witcher “the witcher 3 is literally the best game created in this history of ever” but it was sincerely good... not only does it have a great story, characters, and graphics, but it is genuinely comfortable to play as a game, even if you’re not great at games (i like playing video games but i’m not good at them when it comes to combat, i literally just would prefer to hack and slash through). so, i played through tw3 and the fact that it made me cry multiple times i found to be really interesting... but it was still just a game to me, it wasn’t something i thought about when i have time to daydream headcanons. i had read i think the witcher (short story) halfway through playing, just to get a feel of what tw3 came from, but from that, i realized the books and the games were incredibly different entitities, and i decided to not read the books until i had finished the game, or at least until i had more free time on my hands (mind i was in high school and was a senior, and during this time was when i was submitting college applications... exceptionally stressful, and the reading/writing part of my brain was absolutely fried from essay writing and reviewing). i was particularly struck by geralt and ciri’s relationship and the isle of mists quests fucked me up pretty bad. 
then around later 2017, i was really enjoying tw3, and had finished tw3′s base game and hearts of stone, and was now making my way into blood & wine. i was just playing it like normal, then came the part when geralt met regis. at first i wasn’t too interested (i mean, i was, but in the story of blood & wine, not in the books) until the little journal text pop-up appeared on my screen. you know, the one about quests you just received, or characters you just met. it was going through the motions of saying i finished this quest, picked up this new one, i was all like fine, fine, okay, alright, and then it just fucking puts regis’ long-ass name on the screen taking up a good amount of my FOV and i am immediately like, what? what the fuck? who the fuck? that’s the name? of the guy we just met? that guy??? he didn’t seem like someone with a name like that? who the fuck IS this guy.
so i head over to the wiki page for regis. i thumb through the basic information, i’m pretty interested, this quest stuff to find ciri sounds interesting. i decide to give the witcher books another try, because i have more free time now and am way more invested as everyone here as characters. also, i want to find out more about yennefer, because she was being badmouthed by everyone i saw online, and i wanted to read more about her and see if she was really so bad (spoilers: she’s not at all, the internet is just misogynistic).
i don’t think that i’m going to actually really care about these books, i just want more flavor and explanation about how in hell a witcher met a vampire and these two somehow became friends. so, i don’t care about reading them in order. i go online and find fan translations of every book, i open baptism of fire and i just start reading the bit about the fish soup. i’m suddenly just laughing my ass off, really interested in who these other characters are, milva and cahir, and how dandelion seems to actually be the best friend to geralt that he was said to be in tw3. i also notice immediately that geralt... oh my god, geralt’s such a cranky bitch. i’m SHOCKED at how annoying geralt is. i realize that this is probably what geralt’s been like, this whole time, and tw3 just gave me a sterilized version of him. i’m trying to decide if i like this change or not, at first i HATED it... but then realized it actually gave him a character, where in tw3 he feels a little more... empty, waiting for the player to project a personality onto him.
so, i just read all of the hansa bits of baptism of fire, skipping over anything i don’t understand. i am saddened when i can’t find any more, so i move onto tower of the swallow. and then lady of the lake. “oh, so that’s why geralt was surprised to see regis in blood & wine...” feeling at a loss after reading stygga, i start at the beginning and make my way through the books chronologically, like they should be read. i soon realize that this series really isn’t about killing monsters at all, and i’m thrilled. i thought the series was just going to be about geralt killing things in a swamp and reporting back to whoever hired him, like in tw3... and i was wrong. this series is about personal connections! relationships! ... and fatherhood. [see read more for personal junk]
i can’t remember when i started disliking tw3. it must have been around the time that i finished the books (im using the word finished loosely... i still havent finished some scenes because theyre too violent to read and continue with my day in peace, and i also read tos/lotl by skipping around, so i never got the full experience of reading them as full novels).
i just distinctly remember returning to my tw3 new game+ save after rereading the fish soup scene, and thinking about how lonely the game felt... i just felt so dispairingly alone, this loneliness that i hadn’t felt while playing before, that i had to put the game down. i returned to the game again, but i had just reread edge of the world... and i felt so alone again. 
so reading the books ruined tw3 for me, not out of malicious intent, but just because i think i realized geralt isn’t meant to be the lone wolf. the novels center around him and his family and friends, and i just genuinely missed that when replaying tw3. plus, i began to realize a bunch of things, like ciri’s scar is supposed to be bigger, geralt’s supposed to wear his hair in a headband, yennefer’s hair is actually curly, dandelion’s supposed to actually be in the game. there were so many inconsistencies with the characters i had imagined while reading the books that eventually i just stopped playing tw3 (i already played it once, so nbd) and got really into the books. 
sometime later i saved up like $80 to buy the paperback versions of the books (UK versions including season of storms) because i knew i was in really deep lol and i wanted the official translations super badly, also we were doing an assignment in class that allowed us to do something with our favorite book, but we needed to have it in-person and not as an e-book, so it was the perfect excuse. much time spent on hansa headcanons later and... here we are today.
a read-more, because this is more personal. 
the witcher series picked me up at an eerily appropriate time. two things in it stood out to me: 1) geralt’s relationship with ciri 2) regis’s alcoholism. 
i distinctly remember an event where i started crying in front of my parents because my dad was being so absent in my life or maybe it was because they were arguing, something like this... and i remember referencing tw3 isle of mists quest actually by saying “i shouldn’t have to learn it (good parenting) from a video game” ... lol. it wasn’t an epic burn from a 17 yo, but it was just a painful remark made in anger. i still think back to it because of how first watching geralt hug ciri made me feel and how i was actually really bitter because i was jealous of ciri for about a week after completing the quest. then i kind of pushed it out of my mind and didn’t think so much about it, until the night i mentioned it.
in late march of 2018, something very bad happened in my family. that’s probably the best way to describe it. the situation ended in my parents finally separating. my mom and i were pretty afraid and lost after that. after i had collected my thoughts and everything and went back to as “normal” as i could, about a month later, when the creative part of my brain finally began to function again and wasn’t inhibited due to fear, i clung to the witcher more than i did before... and this time, actually particularly to regis, because guess who has a whole redemption arc relating to not being alcoholic and being a genuinely good person who speaks gently and heals the vulnerable?
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gayregis · 5 years
okay i surprisingly liked and really enjoyed those twn character previews, so let me just say some things i am NOT liking, in order to get my bitterness over with:
i get that they have to establish all of the characters before having them come together... but i’m feeling a lack of dadliness from geralt and a lack of momliness from yennefer as the show depicts them at the moment. i think im just being impatient but i really want to see the sword of destiny and something more shine bright in this and i’m really looking forward to when they cover blood of elves so we can see ciri at kaer morhen and ellander (please her scenes with yennefer are going to rip my heart out). i’m getting a strong sense of who each of these characters are, but i’m not getting an idea of how they all find each other through destiny (besides geralt x yennefer which is a low-hanging fruit to reach imo, i think developing a parental and familial relationship on screen is much more difficult).
in a related manner, i still disagree with the choice to change the brokilon scene in a sword of destiny at all. i think they could have had the same parental moments with freya playing a 14 year-old ciri as ciri at 8-10 years old has in the books with geralt. i dont think any of this being changed is a good idea and we’ll wait to see how they handle it but i just dislike the feeling because the sword of destiny is so magical in how it just demonstrates their characters (ciri being defiant but really just lost, geralt being stern but really just soft). in how geralt immediately is protective of this girl and how ciri immediately accepts this protection and looks to him for guidance. and the waters of brokilon affecting them both and they realize their destiny at once and geralt runs from it... real shit
ok the treatment of cahir has me saying a lot of stuff. but i just want to say the lack of anonymity as The Black Knight of Cintra has me concerned for how they can even give him his later character development, since we have already seen his face. all of that symbolism is out the window right now, it’s gone forever in this series, due to a simple costume mishap.
on the topic of the not nilfgaardians . that armor still sucks and makes no sense as nilfgaard is a rich empire, no armor looks like this (even if you make poorly-made armor, it will not look like that).
some of the costume design for yennefer feels a little tacky and not specific to her as a character, she’s really refined imo and ciri always looked up to her as a lady so i think her wardrobe could reflect this better
not loving jaskier’s ballad due to poor writing and overuse of orchestral accompaniment... make it more poetic (does not have to rhyme, i think the translations from polish not rhyming in english are part of their charm and is annoys me when translators will mess up the original lyrics to force it to rhyme), more metaphorical, more vague and enticing with imagery and beautiful flowery language. and just let joey sing with only his lute and maybe one person accompanying. he IS a singer after all and he had so much potential that netflix just wasn’t willing to showcase.
where is jaskier’s plum bonnet with a heron/egret feather........... his outfit isn’t garishly lilac or green (colors he wears in the voice of reason/edge of the world) but i feel that’s acceptable, as i don’t think he’s important enough of a character to command that much visual attention on screen in the scenes he’s in. what IS bothering me is how he doesn’t have his hat... like cahir’s helmet, jaskier’s hat isn’t just pretty, it’s a symbol of his character
i could complain about how geralt does not have his leather headband, but i’ll hold back
yennefer’s original backstory presents the issue of “disabled person gets better by magic and is NOW PRETTY YAY” which reeks of ableism, so i’m just wary of how they are going to handle this... i think they should focus on how yennefer becomes beautiful with how someone finally is giving her a home and instructing her properly and not abusing the fuck out of her every day, not just like “oh well she doesn’t have her disabilities anymore so shes pretty now :)”
edit: oh yeah also they arent doing a grain of truth, eternal flame, or a little sacrifice, two of which happen to be some of my favorites. so im like. OK . not epic
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