#geomagnetism in the Good Omens universe
leftduck9986 · 8 months
The Missing Bridges of The Song is The Clue
Which song? "You know which one," says Shax. The one, the only, A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square.
Why is this song The Clue? Because of the gaps - that's right, plural - the missing BRIDGES, specifically these two, as performed by Elsie Carlisle:
For clarity, I know that I could be incorrectly labeling the song structure, however this is my understanding, having once-upon-a-time performed a barbershop arrangement of it, back when I had no emotional connection to the song and was just there to hear the chords ring. Of course I'm in love with the song now!
My memory of the sheet music began with an Introduction (not performed here: "When true two lovers meet in Mayfair...") Then all stanzas we are familiar with in the Tori Amos recording are the Verses ending with Refrain/Chorus(song title).
The structure for the Elsie Carlisle recording: 1st Verse | 2nd Verse | 1st Bridge | 3rd Verse | Instrumental Verse | 2nd Bridge | 4th Verse | Coda.
Tori Amos' performance includes an Instrumental break - not an Instrumental Verse, but an Instrumental BRIDGE, in place of the real First Bridge. Singing along recently, I found myself adding it back in and making connections, not to 1941, but to the 25 Lazarii miracle:
1st Bridge:
The moon that lingered over London town
Poor puzzled moon, he wore a frown
The grandfather clock in the east corner of the bookshop, with the moon dial - it appears to be frowning with the wind-up thingamajig, if that's what it is, which is nothing new, but because the moon dial seems to be stuck in the same approximate "third quarter" position, (even in 1941, though that could be a coincidence), together with the glitching behaviour of the clock hands - this clock/these clocks are simply untrustworthy for most of the time, though by the final episode, both have only just normalised/re-aligned before seeming to jump forward together, for perhaps an entirely different reason to what I'm about to put forward.
I thought another possibility for "frowning" would be if the moon phase was either waxing or waning crescent, whichever presents as a frown in the northern hemisphere's London sky.
Does the turnip become a crescent moon in the opening credits title sequence?
However, I want to believe that The Arrival & 25 Lazarii miracle "happened" on Thursday 31st August 2023, - not a crescent moon at all, but a "blue moon" AND Super Full Moon.
How could he know we two were so in love
The whole darned world seemed up-side-down
Notice the moment everything briefly turns/rotates up-side-down in the opening credits title sequence.
∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢
What would happen if the world actually turned up-side-down?
Here's a fun video (https://youtu.be/BLEAjyD5ncU?si=hbHh2O7pGUB8Bsfv) discussing/hypothesising what could happen if the axis remained at its current tilt; if the world was simply flipped up-side-down.
I feel "yeah-nah" about that, especially since the display globe in Heaven appears unchanged as Saraqael locates and zooms in on The Plume Of Miraculous Activity. What seems more likely, (where there could be changes that interfere with gravity and stuff around the world's analogue clocks) is:
What Would Happen if the Magnetic North and South Poles Reversed?
A quick search took me to this website, https://www.livescience.com/18426-earth-magnetic-poles-flip.html An interesting read, but here are several quotes that may be relevant to the GO universe:
"… Earth's magnetic field takes between 1,000 and 10,000 years to reverse, and in the process, it greatly diminishes before it re-aligns. "It's not a sudden flip, but a slow process, during which the field strength becomes weak, very probably the field becomes more complex and might show more than two poles for a while, [see image provided by NASA on website] and then builds up in strength and [aligns] in the opposite direction," … "
"… we cannot see or feel the presence of the geomagnetic field now, we most likely would not notice any significant change from a reversal…"
"… Our technology definitely would be in danger, however. Even now, solar storms can damage satellites, cause power outages and interrupt radio communications… "
"… One additional worry is that a weakening and eventual reversal in the field would disorient all those species that rely on geomagnetism for navigation, including bees, salmon, turtles, whales, bacteria and pigeons. There is no scientific consensus on how those creatures would cope…"
"… The reversal might happen, or it might be aborted - Earth is too complex a system for scientists to know which outcome to expect…"
∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢
Now Furfur says, "Well, well, well! What have we here?"
Maybe some humans, who are like bees, also become disoriented, occasionally appearing to walk back and forth multiple times in the background on Whickber Street.
Maybe poor old Leviathan becomes a little disoriented too. (As well as lonely... go on Crowley, make them a whale friend!)
We've been shown the days following the urgent 25 Lazarii miracle - was there a similar build-up in the days leading up to it? Or with just two poles to reverse it would have all gone unnoticed anyway, unless...
Is Gabriel's presence The Tempest (or the fly with who knows how many things inside), causing a temporary third magnetic pole to form? Could Crowley's lightning bolt have contributed?
∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢
What about how, in the opening credit title sequence, the world turns up-side-down, but one bridge ALSO joins up with another? Consider the lyrics of the
2nd Bridge:
When dawn came steeling up all gold and blue
Note the approaching dawn over Soho in the title sequence, once the world has righted itself (an aborted magnetic pole reversal?). Then how The Bentley drives away, splashing up water (left behind after a disoriented Leviathan is attracted to a third magnetic pole?). Is this why Crowley and Aziraphale are chilling out together on the roof?
To interrupt our rendezvous
I still remember how you smiled and said,
Was that a dream, or was it true?
Likely how Aziraphale "helps" to decrease human suffering of the mind, "best forget all about it" or in season 1, "you will wake, having had a lovely dream about whatever you like best." Was this his final contribution to the 25 Lazarii miracle? A variation could be not to forget, but to remember whatever happened during the 25 Lazarii miracle as a dream - that would be good news for Nina and Maggie, if you believe the image on their vintage playlist is of a scene already filmed.
∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢ ∢
In season 2 episode 2, "present day", Aziraphale is deep in thought, perhaps reflecting on the urgent miracle from the night before, as he glances up and out of the bookshops' North-West front window.
Even though the east-corner clock reads thirty-five past ten, three bells sound - is that coming from the west-corner clock? (making it a "striking clock" rather than a "chiming/tubular bells clock"?) These sound exactly like the three bells Anathema acknowledges before telling Adam that she needs to get "back to work."
Aziraphale then returns to his shop-front desk to resume reading from an open pile of 3-4 books nestled into each others' spines. I wonder if they are books on science, on geomagnetism.
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