#geoff's a darling and i adore him
16sydd16 · 9 days
cadina arranged marriage au
For this ask game!!
Cadina Arranged Marriage!AU
Regina's part of a very prominent, very powerful family. She's grown up with the understanding that her marriage would be nothing more than a business merger, much like her parents' marriage. She figures she'll marry some businessman's son for a few years, then divorce him, and hopefully, increase her net worth. A wrench is thrown into her plan when her father informs her of the woman she's meant to marry: one Cady Heron, an up-and-coming tech mogul's only child. "How did you know I was gay?" She asks. "Your... disdain for men is palpable, darling," her father says with a good-natured smile. "Also, you used to play wedding with all of your little girlfriends." "Kids do stuff like that all the time." "True," Geoff says, his smile growing. "But the one with long hair in all pink doesn't usually insist on being the groom every single time." Regina's nose scrunches in an embarrassed smile. "Well, alright then." "I think you'll like her," Geoff says, trying to shoot his daughter a reassuring smile.
Unlike Regina George, Cady Heron always expected to marry for love. When her mother springs it on her at a gala that she's to marry a stuck-up billionaire's daughter, Cady doesn't take it well. She runs down the first hallway she finds, quickly getting turned around in this massive estate. She ends up in an office of sorts, on a couch with her shoes off and a book from a nearby shelf in her hand, squinting down at the off-white pages. "Bit hard to read in the dark," a voice says, scaring her shitless. Cady drops the book with a loud whack and quickly locates the woman the voice belongs to. She's stepping out from behind the bookshelf, which is currently open. Apparently, it's some sort of door. "I'm sorry. I didn't—didn't mean to barge in." "Not exactly polite to go snooping through someone's house," the blonde woman says, clicking on a soft light. Cady's immediately struck by her beauty. Those eyes... "I wasn't snooping." "Uh huh," the woman says with a slow smile, like she doesn't believe her. Cady definitely doesn't notice the fullness of her bottom lip, or the little clusters of freckles on her exposed shoulders, or the absolutely adorable way her nose scrunches when she catches Cady staring. "I wasn't," Cady insists, only making herself sound guiltier. "I just... needed to get away for a little while." The woman nods, gently perching on the opposite arm of the couch. She clasps her hands over her crossed knees. "D'you wanna talk about it?"
It's two weeks before they see one another again. Cady had spilled her reason for running to Regina, and Regina had listened sympathetically, moving closer to Cady so she could pat her hand and arm to offer comfort. Regina hadn't known for sure if Cady was the girl she was meant to marry, but she had her suspicions. There aren't many lesbian marriages being arranged, even in her world. Cady is entirely shocked to see that Regina is the woman she'll be marrying. She feels betrayed that Regina didn't tell her, and she refuses to look at her until Regina asks her to take a walk about the courtyard.
The first night they spend together is at Cady's little apartment. Regina offers to sleep on the couch, but Cady says her bed is big enough for the both of them. When they wake up completely tangled together in the morning, no one is mad about it. Cady thinks Regina's nose scrunch is even cuter when her eyes are all sleepy and unfocused. Regina thinks Cady's hair looks like molten gold in the bright morning light.
Cady has a crisis, thinking about how an arranged marriage is the only way she could land someone like Regina. She becomes unable to tell what's real and what's not, unable to trust Regina's actions. Does she wipe Cady's tears after a hard conversation with her mother because she cares about Cady, or is it just because she really needs this business merger to go through? Does she love Cady, or is Regina just trying to make the 30 under 30?
This is both too long and long overdue, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Thanks so much for the ask!!
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paranoid-fighter · 6 years
Snippit from a story
Just a little section of a rough draft from something I’m writing for @slunkymcgee - in this scene, Geoff’s giving relationship advice to his adopted niece, Reina: 
"Why doesn't he just know I like him? I thought I was being obvious." "Obvious means different things to different people." Geoff chuckled. "I mean, I thought I was being obvious with how I felt about Vincent before we started dating. Turns out the only thing that was actually obvious was that I was so stupidly in love with him and I had no idea how to show it." "So did you end up telling him how you felt?" She asked as she pulled a fluffy pillow into her arms and hugged it to her chest. "Eventually, yeah. I actually said it after he told me he loved me." Geoff laughed. "It was pretty funny. I can't really remember much of what lead up to it, but I remember the conversation.” Geoff leaned back on the couch. “He held my head between his hands, kissed my forehead and asked me if I knew that he loved me. My brain short circuited for a bit and I just stared at him. I then asked him if he really did love me, to which he just kissed my forehead again, called me a beautiful idiot, and then told me that he did love me." Geoff smiled softly as he took another bite of ice cream. "It just further proves my point. Men are stupid, Reina. Even moreso when they're in love."
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rue-by-another-name · 6 years
Mes Yeux - h.s. a.u. Part 1
Hi lovely humans! This is the one shot I decided to write after going through countless suggestions and requests. If you’re wondering what has inspired this one shot, it’s a combination of things. Partially the pain felt from The Lumineers song ‘My Eyes’ from their Cleopatra album. There’s a painting by Van Gogh called Cafe Terrace at Night (below) that inspired the location, and also the 1980′s ... which is the time period this one shot takes place. 
I think the struggle to maybe attempt a long-distance relationship at a time when there weren’t as many forms of staying in touch is really fascinating and the idea of feeling isolated from those you love due to careers and locations is a beautifully sad thing to explore. I wanted to write something that focused on the characters in the now and together, instead of apart and communicating through multiple forms and technological advancements. Basically, I wanted to write something emotionally mundane and pure about fragile humans.
And with that sad note, I hope you enjoy! (There is another quick note at the end.)
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It had been a while since you’d been back to Viv’s villa in the north of Italy. It was 1983 now, but the last time you’d seen the romantic rustic villa it had been the late 70′s and you’d merely been a teenager.
When you were younger, when you were all younger, you’d spent every waking second wishing it were the summer and that you were back playing in the cobble streets. You could still remember the cold water on your sun-kissed skin, and how you’d waited all year to show off your first bikini.
But that was back when you were younger, when you were a child. Even your teen years felt like ages ago, and you hadn’t been back in two years. The last time you’d stepped foot on the gorgeous grounds of the magnificent and old villa had been when you were twenty, and now four years later you were in the back of an old taxi that somehow still ran as you pulled up at the stone castle-esque mansion.
Viv, Vivian Lombard, your childhood best friend, was waiting on the steps for you. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail by a silk scarf, and the sundress she had on made her seem like an ethereal princess.
Nothing had changed.
Immediately she was running up to you as you reached out and nearly screamed in each other’s faces.
“It’s been so long!” Viv cried, crushing you in a hug, “Oh look at you!” She twirled you around as you giggled and fisted your hands in her dress.
“And look at you!” you cried, “Where is the ring; I have to see the ring.”
When you were younger, you and Viv had spent every summer together in Northern Italy. Your parents worked together as professors of history, alongside other scholars who all got together every summer for academic conferences and, basically, vacationing together. There had been a small group of you children who always met up – you and Viv, Geoff, Mari, Luca and Harry. The five of you were so close, and you grew up every summer together.
It had been a while since you’d all been together, since you’d all gone your separate ways and no longer traveled with your parents. But Viv and Geoff were now engaged and it had been Viv’s fabulous idea to bring as many of you together as possible.
“Mari got here an hour ago,” Viv said, looping her arm through yours as you admired the ring on her finger and walked towards the house. “Luca will be here soon.”
“Oi Luca,” you sighed, brushing your hair from your face, “Il mio amore.”
It was common knowledge that Luca had always adored you. When you were younger he had always pushed to spend more time with you. You loved him dearly, but you had never felt anything romantic towards him. At times you had wondered what life with Luca diCastro would be like. What would a life be with a wealthy Italian boy?
But it was not for you.
You were happy in Normandy, and you were happy with your pottery studio. You were glad you’d stayed in France, only moving from Paris to Normandy since your parents still lived in Paris and you wanted to be independent (but not as independent as you had been when you’d gone to uni in Leeds), so Normandy was the right spot.
“Y/N!” Mari came tumbling down the staircase and nearly crashed into you as her small body took you on. “It’s so good to see you! It’s been a full two years! How are you? How is Russell?”
Russell, your little beagle, was essentially your child. As a vet, Mari had helped you care for Russell on multiple occasions over the phone whenever you’d worried for him. If it weren’t for your helicopter parenting over Russell, you honestly wondered if you and Mari would ever truly talk. Though you and Mari had always been close, there was always this invisible wall between the two of you. You weren’t sure why it was there, but you’d never been able to open up and chill with Mari as you could with Viv. You never went out of your way to visit Mari the way you did with Viv.
But you placed those thoughts aside as you and Mari caught up. Geoff came in, a smile taking up his entire face, as he gave you a hug and kissed your forehead. “We’re so happy to have your back Y/N. It’s a miracle you were able to come.” His eyes twinkled.
“It’s good to be back,” you replied honestly. You’d initially had to decline your invitation due to your business possibly not being able to stay open while you were away. Closing your shop for a month was a long time, but your assistant had reassured you everything would be okay, so you’d booked your train ticket last minute.
The door had been open this entire time, and the sound of bags hitting the ground made the four of your turn. “Are you starting the reunion without me?”
Luca stood in the doorway, arms wide open as you all rushed towards him. You couldn’t tell whose arm belonged to whom, but the warmth you felt from your longtime friends was far too sincere and pure to question it.
“Oh it’s been too long by long-lost love,” Luca pretended to wipe tears from his eyes before his kissed your hand. “You are as gorgeous as all the constellations at night and all the flowers in the field under the sunlight.”
“So are you still trying to be a poet then?” Viv smirked and squeezed your shoulders as you all cooed and messed with Luca, the romantic.
“I’m simply overcome with emotion bursting from within me for seeing sweet Y/N again,” he sighed.
“That’s not the only thing that bursts I’m sure when you think of Y/N,” Geoff chuckled, grabbing your bags from the doorway and offering to take them up to your room.
“We figured we could have dinner out back?” Viv suggested, “Under the trees and out of the sun?”
“That sounds very nostalgic,” you smiled, “How can I help with dinner?”
No one mentioned Harry, and you knew it was because he was the busiest of all of you. It was surprising that you were all getting on so well without him here. Though this had always been Viv’s family’s villa, Harry had always sort of run things. But he had done it in a way you’d admired. He was never boastful, never flat-out demanded he lead the pack, but instead he’d kept the peace between all of you and compromised faster than there was an issue.
In the past years Harry had been remarkably busy. You couldn’t imagine the life of a demanding author. He was touring with his novels all the time, and though you had never read one, you knew from the reviews that they were every readers’ dream. You weren’t surprised when Harry became an accomplished author. He’d always had a way with words.
The long table out behind the mansion was just how you remembered it as vines attempted to grow up the legs. The back area behind the mansion seemed to go on for ages, and you’d always enjoyed sprawling out amongst the trees picking apples and reading a book. The thought of doing this again excited you.
The topic of conversation immediately fell to the wedding. “We were thinking of having it here,” Viv suggested, “But Geoff’s parents would rather us get married in a church. We’ll probably end up in Florence.”
“Oh but here would be so lovely,” you cooed, “You met here, and the scenery would be enchanting.”
“My parents are the strongest Florentines to exist on this earth since Donatello and da Vinci. It is already breaking their hearts for us to live in Rome, so marrying in Florence might ease the tide,” Geoff chuckled. You quickly agreed.
It was into dessert that a taxi pulled up and made you all turn to see who would arrive. You watched the yellow vehicle make its way up the twisting dirt road and placed bets on who you figured it would be.
“I bet it’s Gino,” Viv sighed, “Our hedges have been looking so sad lately.”
“Gino is still your gardener?” Mari gasped, “He must be a hundred years old.”
“No darling we asked Tara to come and bring eggs from her farm for breakfast this week,” Geoff reminded his fiancée.
“Or it’s another tourist,” Luca grumbled, “They always find this place romantic.”
The taxi stopped and you squinted against the setting sun to catch a glimpse at the silhouette. Tall, lanky, you merely whispered, “It’s Harry,” before the five of you were standing and screaming that Harry Styles had arrived. He had barely paid the cab driver before you were all throwing yourselves at him. Mari was first, nearly leaping into his arms as you heard his laugh loud and clear. It sent shivers down your spin as you and Viv walked towards where he was kissing Mari’s cheek before letting her down and enveloping Geoff in a hug.
“Some things never change,” Viv chuckled under her breath. You both watched as Mari was nearly going out of her mind. She couldn’t stop bouncing around in the presence of Harry. It was clear very early on as you’d all gotten older that Mari was infatuated by Harry. It seemed she still was.
“Oh mate it’s good to see you,” Harry was saying to Luca as they hugged, “How is your mum? She always sends me the nicest birthday cards.”
Luca laughed, “She’s still in love with you, is what she is.”
“Harry,” Viv smiled brightly, “We thought you weren’t going to make it! This is such a surprise!”
Harry’s face must have hurt from smiling as he bent down and twirled Viv around. “Well, you know, I was thinking about it and I’m too damn young to stick around and work all the time. I was also able to convince my agent that I could use this trip for inspiration for my next book.”
“And what inspiration could we possibly provide?” You couldn’t help yourself as Harry’s face registered shock as he looked at you. Your smile faltered as your eyes finally met, and you cleared your throat before stepping forward and stepping into Harry’s hesitant arms.
“Y/N,” he said softly and pulled away rather quickly, clearing his throat and keeping a smile on his face. The smile wasn’t as genuine as it once was though, and your heart hurt. “I didn’t know you would be here. Viv said you also couldn’t get away from work.”
“It was a last minute decision,” you shrugged, “It all kind of worked out. It is lovely to see you again.”
“Yes,” Harry nodded, “It is.”
“Well!” Geoff clapped his hands as Luca slapped Harry encouragingly on the back. “Wine?”
Harry lugged his bags to the doorway of the villa and left them there before following Geoff into the kitchen to retrieve glasses and a bottle of wine. You sat back down between Viv and Luca, and instantly Luca put his arm around you, pulling you into his side.
As Harry and Geoff arrived, setting down the glasses, Luca said, “The last time I had wine with you vita mia was when we were at that art gallery in Berlin.”
Mari gagged, “Under no circumstances should you ever call Y/N your ‘life.’ It’s too damn weird and even a poet like you has his limits.”
“A poet now?” Harry asked, eyeing the two of you from across the table. “Last I remember Luca you were a photographer?”
“Traveling is not for me,” Luca sighed, “I like being in one place and able to work in comfort.”
“And being out in unfamiliar places, amidst strangers with unlimited potential isn’t of interest to a poet? I thought poems were built on life experiences,” Harry raised an eyebrow over his wine glass as you tried to hold back a laugh by biting your lip.
Luca unwound his arm from you and reached for a wine glass. “It’s a work in process.”
Luca had always been jealous of Harry, and you all could definitely see why. Harry was tall, tan and successful with nice muscles and dimples. Luca was a bit shorter and you were pretty sure he was 24, already balding, and unsure what he wants to do with his life. But he was a trust fund baby, so at least he had the money to do so.
The night continued into the near early morning as you sat around and caught up. You found yourself regarding Harry from time to time over your wine glass, basking in the warmth of your wine and wondering if Harry looked so defined only because of the candles lighting his face.
“I’m so sleepy,” Mari mumbled tiredly. She’d most definitely had the most to drink, and you could tell by the color in her cheeks that she was a bit past tipsy.
“Alright love bug,” Harry chuckled, “Let’s get you to bed then.”
“Oh Harry,” Mari reached for his face, “Would you carry me?”
You watched as Harry scooped her up effortlessly, Viv giggling at how she flopped in his arms. “Same rooms?” Harry asked as he turned to Viv and Geoff.
“The very same sweetheart,” Viv pinched Harry’s cheek, “So happy you showed up.”
Harry adjusted the already asleep Mari in his arms as he smiled down at your friend. “I’m happy I’m here too.”
You lagged behind, cleaning up the glasses and taking them into the kitchen as you bid everyone a goodnight. The moonlight was reflecting off the tiles and the shiny pots and pans as you placed the glasses in the sink and stretched up, yawning.
“So glad I finally got you alone,” Luca smiled as he walked into the kitchen, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something since the moment I saw you.”
“If you’re going to propose, you should know I’m not ready,” you joked. Luca merely rolled his eyes.
“No listen this is serious,” he grasped your hands in his as he leaned against the kitchen island. “I know I’m all over the place with my job, or my ventures, but I’ve been thinking of investing in a small business and was wondering if I could help out your pottery shop.”
You were shocked, to say the least. Under all the flirtatious bravado, you knew Luca to be a really solid and stand up guy, so you weren’t surprised that he was having a serious conversation with you, but more that he was willing to invest with his money.
“Invest?” you questioned him, “Are you serious?”
“Harry was right,” Luca shrugged, “I really am not cut out to be a poet. I’ve always been good with money and I have a business degree. Why not invest?”
“But why me?” you asked.
Luca gave you a pointed look, tilted his head slightly as if questioning if you were really asking that question. “Y/N,” he sighed, “Come on you know why.”
“Well I –”
“I call you at least every other week to check in,” Luca said, “I send you things whenever something reminds me of you. I can tell almost immediately by the tone of your voice when something’s wrong and, Y/N,” Luca paused for a moment and squeezed your hands, “I just feel like we could be good together. I know it’s a schoolboy fantasy, but if I’ve been obsessed with you this long then at least you know my feelings are genuine.”
You pulled your hand from his to rest on his cheek. “Luca you are so sweet,” you whispered, “And you know I love you. I’m just not sure …” You weren’t sure how to phrase it, and you didn’t want to tell Luca the truth, and so you bit your lip.
“I know you’re hesitant,” Luca kissed the palm of your hand, “But at least thing about it? And don’t think that I’m only investing in your shop because I love you.”
You couldn’t help but suck in a breath as Luca spoke of his love for you. You felt awful for turning him down so many times, but you would miss him if you lost him completely. It was the most selfish thing you’d ever done and you knew it.
“I know,” you nodded, “We can talk more about it in the upcoming month, yes?”
“Absolutely,” Luca nodded.
“And who knows, things can change,” you suggested. You wondered if that was true. Could you grow to love Luca the way you’d loved in the past? He was sweet and endearing and he had devoted himself to you on countless occasions. Maybe it truly was possible.
“That’s all I ask,” Luca smiled and leaned in to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “Don’t stay up to late, okay?”
“I’ll be right up after you,” you nodded, “I’m just going to rinse these glasses.”
“Goodnight Y/N,” Luca smiled before squeezing your hand one more time and leaving up the staircase. You immediately felt exhausted, turning to the sink and resting your elbows on the edge as you covered your face. You hadn’t even finished the day and already you’d had more surprises than you could handle.
“I wish I’d known you would be here.”
Ah yes, another one of the surprises you hadn’t anticipated.
Your body went slightly rigid as you turned and looked to see Harry in the doorway as if he was hesitant to walk all the way in. He shoved his hands in his pockets before stepping into the moonlight and letting out a long breath.
“I didn’t think to reach out because I didn’t think you’d answer,” you said softly. Your heart ached as you looked at him, moonlight catching on the tips of his curls and washing over his neck and face.
Harry nodded, standing across from you as you allowed the kitchen island to create a space between you. You hadn’t seen Harry for three years, and in those past two years you’d both changed quite significantly.
You and Harry stared at each other for a moment, each regarding one another, before Harry finally said, “How have you been?”
“Good. The pottery shop has been really successful. How has writing been?”
“I’m at a bit of a block at the moment but I’m hoping that’ll change soon.”
You nodded and crossed your arms in an attempt to hide your aching heart. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Harry whispered. “I’m sorry things … I’m sorry for the way things went.”
“I think we always knew things wouldn’t work out,” you admitted, “That’s why we never told anyone.”
“Leaving you was so difficult.” Harry’s voice cracked in the middle of the sentence and he ran his fingers through his hair nervously. You felt as though you could cry at any moment. You never thought you’d be this close to Harry ever again, let alone have a conversation with him. You figured you’d have to see each other at Viv and Geoff’s wedding, but weddings involve so many people that you had been determined to avoid him.
“It was for both of us,” you acknowledged and reached for a dish towel to finish cleaning the glasses.
The last time you and your friends had spent the summer at Viv’s villa was when you were all twenty. You were all still in uni but hadn’t gotten internships yet, and you were just starting to figure out your life. Everything was just as it had always been. You spent days exploring the little villages and lounging by the lagoon out behind the villa. You drove to the beach for the day and spent days out on the boat. Your nights were spent dancing at clubs or at outside parties and you would drink until your brain was just fuzzy enough for everything to make you giggle.
There had always been something between you and Harry. The two of you were the closest of the six. Your final year before going off to uni, Harry had spent the year living with you and your family in Paris as an exchange student. The constant close proximity, spending hours together in school working hard, and then being in what seemed like the real world compared to the magic summers you’d spent together solidified both of your suspicions that the interest you’d felt for one another was much more than just a summertime fling.
Neither of you acted on it, however, considering you were both staying under the roof of your parents. And the following summer before going off to uni both of you were far too scared and naïve to do anything about it. It took spending a year apart in new worlds for you both to come back after your first year at uni to really feel the true ache of being apart.
It was the middle of that summer that you started stealing away to kiss in the vineyard, or spend nights skinny-dipping in the lagoon. You spent long nights in each other’s beds and you felt you were pouring your soul into Harry’s endless light green eyes. You’d both gone out into the world and changed, and now that you were back in Northern Italy with the summer to waste away, you wanted to be together.
It was all in secret though, of course. Mari was obviously crushing on Harry, as she always had been, and she was already irritable enough that you’d spent the whole year with Harry all to yourself. Viv tried to tell Mari that the two of you spent so much time together because you’d become like brother and sister during the school year. But you had a feeling Viv knew what you and Harry were up to. She’d always known everything about you before you’d had to tell her.
The summer ended and you all parted ways back to your respective universities. Looking back, you had a feeling you all knew that was your last summer together. After your second year at uni things got a bit more serious in regards to careers and internships that having a whole summer free would be a miracle. But you were back to Leeds and Harry back to Cambridge.
You felt lucky considering you and Harry ended up in school in the same country, and a foreign world for you was his homeland. You visited each other as much as you could, continuing to drown in each other’s affection, and things seemed so effortless and surreal.
But of course it all fell apart unexpectedly. You spent summers busy and apart, both working, and hardly were able to keep in touch. You were separated from what felt like who you truly were spending a summer away from Harry and the others, and you started to feel guilty that you were spending so much time trying to catch up with Harry when you hadn’t called any of your other friends in weeks.
It fell apart slowly. You stopped visiting one another and you were crying over the phone more than you were talking. Things just weren’t working out so far apart, and upon graduation it was obvious you were both moving on.
You did have one moment though before you officially parted ways. It was two weeks after you’d graduated. You’d moved to Normandy and found your small shop. The tiny flat above the shop was endearing and everything a uni graduate could possibly want. Viv and Geoff had already come by to visit and catch up, and you knew Luca would be coming around the following week. But what you didn’t expect was to find Harry outside your shop waiting for you early in the morning.
Considering you never really deemed what your relationship was, you weren’t entirely sure how to word a break up. It was difficult since you both still loved one another, and it wasn’t that you were falling out of love, it was that you were falling so deeply in love that the idea of being apart was more painful than trying to be together.
You spent the morning drinking tea and catching up. Harry told you he was going to try writing and being a novelist, and you encouraged him to do so. There was this unspoken understanding that, in order to minimize pain, you both wouldn’t see each other again unless necessary. And so that day you didn’t unpack anything. That day you stayed in bed (or on your mattress on the floor) and you pressed your lips to every part of Harry he would offer you, and he did the same.
If you closed your eyes and laid very still even now, you could still remember the way his hands felt on your body that day, and the hot tears that had collected on your neck as he’d sobbed against you. You’d clung so hard to him that day and late into the night that when he left the next morning there were fingerprints on his shoulders from where you’d gripped him in hopes he wouldn’t leave.
That was three years ago, and since then you’d tried your best to keep away. You were so proud of him and you’d heard so many great things through Viv and the others, but you’d not wanted to throw yourself at him in any way.
But now here you both were standing in the kitchen at one in the morning. You had a whole month ahead of you, and considering you were back where it had all started, you were overly emotional as is.
“Y/N I –” Harry stopped himself as he stepped around the island and you reached out, fisting your hand in his shirt. You both seemed to be holding your breath as his arms wrapped slowly around your waist. It felt natural and his body was warm against yours as you arched slightly into him, pressing as much of your weight slowly against him as he leaned against the island and rested his forehead to yours.
Your whole body seemed to be vibrating as the energy within you was about to burst. Your hands came to hold Harry’s arms that were locked around your waist and you brushed your nose against Harry’s as you both stood there. Your mouth was open slightly, working against your brain as you tried your best to tear away but couldn’t.
Harry moaned as he held you closer, his fingertips digging into your skin as you furrowed your eyebrows and sucked in a breath when your lips were a breath apart and you could feel his breath on your face. His eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks as his top lip brushed against yours, catching between your lips before he ducked his head and rested his forehead in the crook of your neck.
“We can’t we can’t we can’t,” he whispered softly. “It’ll just be the same.”
You nodded, reaching up and entwining your fingers in his curls to press his face closer to you as if you were asking him to just consume you.
Finally, you realized you were the one that needed to pull away as you let go of Harry and stepped back. His arms fell to his sides and he cleared his throat. “Are you in a relationship?” he asked, “Have you been?”
“Nia and I broke up about a year ago,” you bit your lip, “We only dated for five months but I liked her. She as sweet and nice to me always.”
“I haven’t,” Harry mumbled, “I’ve … I’ve been with people but I haven’t …” He cleared his throat and looked out the window. Three years was a long time, and you had been in an actual relationship. Just hearing that Harry had been with other women hurt your heart, and you couldn’t even imagine what Harry must feel knowing you’d had strong enough feelings for someone to actually be with them.
“Luca,” you cleared your throat, “Luca offered to help finance my business. He wants to invest.”
Harry raised his eyebrows, “That’s very kind of him. He’s in love with you. He always has been.” Harry crossed his arms as he continued to lean against the kitchen island, his back slumped slightly and legs crossed in front of him.
“He said that’s not why he’s interested,” you stated, “But … But the feelings have always been there.”
“And you’re far too kind to be with anyone else while he’s being so giving to you,” Harry nodded, “You were always the noblest of us all.”
“Well Mari still seems interested in you,” you suggested, “Could you ever …?”
Just by the look on Harry’s face you got a bad feeling. You took a step farther back, a stumble more like, as Harry covered his face with his hands. “Harry,” you whispered.
“We didn’t sleep together,” Harry said quickly, “But I … she’s visited often and whenever I was close I would stop by. I entertained a few dates. We … we made out heavily once.”
“Oh her poor heart,” you whispered, “How could you take advantage of her like that?”
“Oh please,” Harry scoffed, “I told her from the start I wasn’t interested in her like that. But you know how good she is at getting us all drunk.”
You tsked before reaching for your chest as it felt it was caving in. Harry and Mari. You’d never even considered it possible since you’d always known Harry wasn’t interested in her, but knowing that they’d had a life outside of your knowledge, and that Mari hadn’t brought it up, it made you think that maybe Mari was a bit wiser than you’d figured about the summer you and Harry had spent so much time together and that maybe she’d not told you for a reason.
You felt like you were burning. But who were you to judge? You were mature, and you knew that any chance of you and Harry being together wasn’t possible when you lived such separate lives. You’d already tried and failed – failed so hard you’d felt you were dying for months after he left.
“Maybe you two could work out,” you suggested, “Have you ever thought that -?”
“No,” Harry cut you off, “No of course not.”
“But if there’s no chance for –”
“What?” Harry’s eyes were burning as he looked at you, “You think that just because there’s no chance for us that I’d just be interested in another friend? Part of the reason I’m not interested in Mari is because of you. She reminds me of you. They all do. Viv, Geoff, Luca, Mari – they’re all reflections and memories of you. Of us. I can’t just forget how you felt wrapped up in my arms or under me on the blankets by the lagoon at night. If I could I’d –”
The kitchen lights turned on rather suddenly and you and Harry startled, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light. Viv stood in her slip, staring back at you both with her hair falling down her shoulders and face free of makeup.
“It’s rather late,” she simply said, “I’m surprised you’re both not in bed. Plenty of time to catch up with all of us during the day, don’t you think?”
Instantly you nodded, “It is getting late,” you nodded. You looked to Harry briefly, “It’s good to see you again. I’m glad you’re here,” you said honestly before kissing Viv’s cheek and running up the stairs quietly to your room.
You left the balcony doors open, undressing rather quickly and sniffling to keep your tears at bay as you could hear Harry on the other side of the wall, beds moved right up against each other with only a wall separating the two of you just like old times. At one point summers ago that thin wall had been a curse, an obstacle keeping you and Harry apart when you wanted to be in the same bed. But now you clung to that wall like a lifeline, knowing that if it wasn’t there you might still be jumping back into his bed, throwing caution into the wind and setting yourself up for just another heartbreak.
Part 2 HERE. 
Thank you for the love and support! I love all of you so dearly it hurts me. 
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shadeofazmeinya · 7 years
You made me re-read that King AU major character death and now I demand King AU cute to make up for it. (Except there's no obligation other than you made me sad, rude.) (i love you and tumblr hates me)
u know u sent this yesterday i was gonna write during my boring class today and then forgot this so now i shall write at least somewhat haha
So here’s the real fluff to think of to make up for it: Baby Princess Diana’s first birthday. Not technically her /birth/day since they don’t really know that but she was only a few months old when they brought her home so they just use that day instead. Gavin’s idea to use that day instead of guessing her birthday because after all its kinda what his parents did for him. And gods its a celebration. All the Kings come visit the proud parents and the little darling who really is just enjoying all the attention and new toys and sweets. (Ryan swears she’s somehow inherited Gavin’s sweet tooth with how crazy she goes over anything sweet).
Queen Jack and King Geoff come with their little prince, Robin, who’s well over a year now, toddling all on his own. He’s seemed to get some attachment with Diana, always babbling with her, playing besides her, and sometimes even adorably helping her walk. Geoff and Jack gift her with a beautiful new gown and some few books that are written just for children to read. Diana smiles and plays with the other two and they coo at how big she’s getting and how much she somehow seems to resemble her parents.
Now King Michael and King Jeremy bring the fun to Diana. She absolutely delights at their antics and they both do whatever they can to get her to laugh. It’s clear they’re determined to be her favorite uncles, telling as such to Gavin and Ryan, and are definitely succeeding so far. They bring sweets and a little toy sword (thats soft and made of cloth, they aren’t stupid enough to give her anything she can hurt herself with) and she delights in it all. Michael watches her flail around the toy and claims she might make a proper swordsman of herself yet. Gavin says he’s going to convince her on archery the second she can hold a bow. Ryan just chuckles and says she’ll get the chance to do whatever she pleases.
and royal protector Sir Dan how can we forget him. He definitely gets Diana some gifts as well, in the form of new toys and little ribbons for her hair which grows longer and curlier every day. And Diana fucking adores Dan lets get that much clear, he spoils her as much as her parents. Probably more so.
And during the whole celebration, as the kingdoms celebrates the heir to the thrones, Dan will stand besides Gavin, sharing a big, proud smile at his childhood friend and comment that he hasn’t seen a kingdom rejoice as much for a birthday since Gavin had been adopted into the Jungle royal family. And says that Gavin’s parents would be proud of it all.
And later, as the party dies down and the joyful parents take their daughter to bed, the two lay in bed together, curled around each other and hearts just flooding with love for their little family and all they’ve done together.
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vagrantblvrd · 7 years
Fed by Hand (1/1)
Summary: Gavin finds her by chance, this little ball of fur and claws and sharp little teeth.
Notes: For @miss-ingno who asked for "Quick catch that cat it stole my wallet!” from this prompt list with Gavin, Jeremy and either Dan or Michael? :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Gavin finds her by chance, this little ball of fur and claws and sharp little teeth.
He's climbing down from a potential spot  to set up a sniping position for a job and hears it. This tiny little annoyed noise among the pile of garbage along one side of the alley. Some furious scrabbling noises that go on for a bit before that same tiny sound comes again, even more irritated this time.
And of course Gavin goes to investigate just like any good little idiot in a horror movie, because that's an interesting little sound, isn't it? Couldn't possibly ignore it and go on his way, meet Jeremy and Michael at the car and head back to the penthouse to let Geoff know things are running smoothly, goodness no.
He's quiet, years of practice that boils down to habit when he doesn't think about it. Avoids the crumpled cans and broken bottles, steps over random puddles of something that he hopes is water but knows aren't. (He then  has to take a moment to gag because his brain is cheerfully offering up unhelpful suggests as to what they could be in a voice that sounds far too much like Michael's.)
The scrabbling noise stops abruptly, and Gavin winces. Waits a second, and then another. Gives it a few more before there's a faint rustling noise and then whatever has been poking about in the garbage pokes its head out.
Dirty fur and two bright little eyes surveying the alley warily and Gavin's heart melts because it's a kitten.
Tiny and adorable and oh, what a little darling she is.
He smiles when she spots him, crouched a few feet away and watching her with what is no doubt a silly look on his face. Bites his lip to keep from cooing when her ears go back and she hisses at him, darting back into the safety of the garbage pile.
Fierce little thing, making little growling noises from the security of her hiding spot as if to chase him away. Peeks out at him when he doesn't budge an inch, teeth bared and ready to defend herself if he gets too close or does something she doesn't like.
There's no possible way he could leave the kitten out here in the wilds of Los Santos all on her own. Not when there are other strays out here with mean temperaments and people with even meaner ones.
He knows if he moves any closer she'll bolt, and if he leaves to get food to tempt her out of hiding she'll be gone just as fast. Dart out of hiding and away from the alley as fast as her feet will take her.
In his pocket Gavin's phone buzzes, and his eyes light up.
“Michael,” he says, when he answers, “I need a favor.”
Michael is not happy.
Michael is not won over by the tiny growling kitten glaring at them for all she's worth from within the safety of her little fort.
Michael is -
“I fucking hate you guys,” Michael says, for what has to be the twentieth time at least since he called Gavin to ask where the fuck he was, Jesus Christ, Gavin.
Gavin ignores him with the ease of someone who's known him for years, great friends really, and tears off a bit off the hamburger patty he's been using to lure the kitten out of hiding with mixed results.
Jeremy's beside him speaking quietly as he works at coaxing her to come out of hiding. Michael's somewhere behind them acting at being grumpy and annoyed and irritated with both of them for being the kind of idiots who have spent almost an hour trying to convince a stray they're the trustworthy sort, given their line of work.
It's working though, in fits and starts. Skittish little thing that she is, shell venture out far enough to grab a bit of the hamburger Michael and Jeremy went to get and scurry back to her hiding spot. Watch them, hissing and growling and scared.
“Idiots,” Michael says again, variation on a theme, and settles more comfortably against the wall he's leaning against to better heckle them. “She's going to pee on everything you love and claw the fuck out of everything.”
Still, Michael doesn't demand they leave the alley and the tiny kitten with the wary eyes behind. Tells Geoff they'll be on their way back to the penthouse after they take care of something first when he calls to ask what's taking them so long. Complains up a storm about it, but goes to get more food to lure the kitten out when they run out, Gavin and Jeremy loathe to go themselves.
Stays there with them until they manage to coax the kitten out, allow them to touch. Allows Jeremy to pick her up, little body trembling slightly as she continues to growl at them.
Only complains the tiniest bit when the kitten takes a swipe at him in passing as Jeremy walks by him with her in his arms. Gives Gavin a look when he tries and fails not to laugh, because Michael's a soft touch when it comes to it, and hates to admit it.
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.”
“Jeremy, we're not naming her after your ridiculous Rimmy Tim character!”
Jeremy's eyes go wide, hand over his heart like Gavin's mortally wounded him with his words.
“Gavin,” he says, small and shocked. “How could you?”
Gavin snorts, turning his attention to the fluffy ball of murder and rage glaring at them from her spot under the couch.
Newly bathed, fur puffed up everywhere and very displeased with current matters if the noises she's making are any indication.
Under the dirt and grime she's turned out to be a lovely little orange calico. Little patches of black on her face like a mask, and oh, that just perfect, isn't it?
Gavin glances at Jeremy, the look on his face that means trouble, a headache, because Jeremy is a damn menace. Smiling like a loon the moment he'd seen the kitten's coloring, making this high-pitched noise of utter delight.
And Gavin, he's well-versed in this particular series of terrible decisions on Jeremy's part. Sees it coming when he insists on burdening her with an absolutely awful name.
“No,” Gavin says, and flings the towel he used to dry the kitten off at Jeremy's face, already running when it hits and Jeremy lets out a yell of outrage.
Laughter his voice as he gives chase, Gavin squawking as he ducks past Ryan who's watching with an amused look in his eye.
Geoff claims he wants nothing to do with the kitten, but Gavin's seen him watching her thoughtfully when she ventures out from her favorite hiding spot. Skittish little thing who's slowly adjusting to her new home and the lunatics who inhabit it.
“The moment she claws the furniture she's gone,” he says, faint smile on his face as he throws out a little cat toy that the kitten attacks with a ferocious sounding cry.
“Of course,” Gavin agrees, filming the whole thing on his phone for posterity's sake. “Absolutely.”
Jack adores the kitten.
Careful around her the way everyone is, kind and gentle and a little furry shadow at his heels most days.
He spends some time doing a little bit of research, and builds and sets up platforms and walkways for her along the walls of the penthouse despite Geoff's bitching. Builds a cat tree for her out of the scraps, and tucks treats and cat toys around the place to encourage her to explore.
When she grows bolder, he decides she'd be the perfect accomplice when it comes to being an utter bastard.
“Oh, Jack,” Gavin says, watching with delight as Jack slips a little catnip sachet into the pocket to one of Geoff's jackets, “he's going to be so angry.”
Jack smiles, sweet as anything, and says, “I have no idea what you're talking about, Gavin.”
Michael's the one to settle the name debate once and for all.
Nixes all of Jeremy's entries because they're all terrible and a variation on a theme, all involving his alter ego, and Michael is a man with taste.
“Okay, but you saying that also means I have to say no to your suggestions, dumbass.”
Michael snorts, watching the kitten as she stalks the feather toy Jeremy's sweeping along the floor in front of her.
She's smart and clever and a thief of all things left unattended for any amount of time. Seems to have a predilection for shiny things.
Just this morning Gavin had to go hunting for his sunglasses and discovered yet another stash she'd hidden away. Found things that had gone missing and a very put out cat eyeing him when she caught him sorting through it all.
Clever little thief with a sweet face who's so very good at stealing hearts, makes it look easy.
“Bandit,” Michael says, wry twist to his mouth as though he thinks it's a dumb idea, a dumb name, but -
“Oh, come on!” Jeremy says, laughing helplessly as the kitten, watching Bandit vanish under the couch with the feather cat toy as her prize.
Ryan, the brilliant bastard, has turned Bandit into quite the talented little thief, it seems.
Has been working behinds the scene almost from the start. Tempted her with shiny bits and bobs and rewarded her handsomely with her favorite treats. Used her obvious joy, interest, to go from there.
Has been training her up for weeks, months now. Working slowly and carefully and it's all paid off today, it seems.
“Quick, catch that cat it stole my wallet!” Geoff wails, running after a little flash of orange and black and white, exasperated and bewildered at having to utter those words. “Motherfucker, get back here!”
Ryan is laughing, loud and honest and helpless it as Bandit easily evades Geoff, wallet held tightly in her teeth.
The other are watching things play out in amusement, Jeremy breathless with laughter and Jack's trying hard to muffle his own. Michael is laughing that odd little laugh of his, quiet delight, and Gavin -
Ryan shrugs, soft little smile on his face, “Have to start somewhere.”
Gavin's got a bit of a problem sometimes, or so the others tell him.
Works too hard, as though there's such a thing.
Trades sleep and food and other supposedly important things when he's tackling a task for the crew, or his own purposes. Chasing after some tantalizing bit of information, some little piece of a greater puzzle.
The others have resigned themselves to this tendency of his. Take it in turns to make sure he eats something, stays hydrated. Gets sleep, the times they manage to remind him that's still a thing no matter how often he tells them it's not.
It works in the way Gavin's still alive in spite of himself, thanks to their efforts. An imperfect arrangement, to be sure.
Bandit doesn't seem to approve.
Makes her way into the room set aside for Gavin's computers, gear. Thee area where Ryan tinkers sometimes, gadgets and terrible little devices for work and just for fun. Make everyone's lives a little more difficult just because he can.
“And what do you want, I wonder?” Gavin asks, smiling at the way Bandit cocks her head at him
Splash of color at her throat, grudging concession to Jeremy and his obsession with his Rimmy Tim persona.
Bandit gives herself a little shake. Strolls over to curl up on his keyboard, looking him in the eye as if daring him to object. Calm and relaxed and so very different from the tiny, dirty kitten hissing and growling at them in an alley so many months ago.
Gavin watches her as she watches him and knows already he won't be winning this one. Has never been able to even when she was younger. Small and quiet and ready to bolt at the slightest thing, and astoundingly brave.
Coming up to him to drop one of Ryan's hairbands at his feet before moving just out of reach, just in case. Head tipped up to look at him as she let out one of her soft little meows, eager to play fetch the way Ryan had taught her. (First step into training her to be a bloody literal cat burglar in the making. A joke, certainly, just another devious plan to annoy the hell out of them.)
And now she does things like this, settling herseridiclf squarely in the way. Defiant look in her eyes and no fear to her at all. Going around as though she owns the place and views them as though they're incredibly dim and in need of extra care is they're to survive.
Bandit meows, inquisitive little noise, and Gavin sighs. Realizes there's no point in continuing to work when there's  when there's a very stubborn obstacle in the way.
“You're just so proud of yourself for this, aren't you?”
Bandit closes her eyes and starts to purr, which is answer enough.
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rue-by-another-name · 6 years
“Mes Yeux” - h.s. a.u. Part 6
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
It was the dinner with Natalia that you realized you couldn’t have both Harry and your friends if you wanted Harry to be in your life the way you longed for him to be. You wanted Harry in your bed, by your side, and with you throughout life. You wanted him to be there when you woke up, and you wanted to be sitting next to him openly holding hands or sitting on his lap during friendly functions such as this one.
But instead he was sitting across from you and off to the side, laughing with Geoff about something that someone stupid had done at Geoff’s work. You had to decide then and there whether you wanted to keep these relationships in your life, this network of wonderful people, or if you wanted to take Harry all for yourself.
You always weren’t sure how Harry would feel about giving up all your friends just so that you could hold hands as you walked down the street. These people in your life were the ones who had been there for you both through everything and shaped you into the adults you all were today. Could you and Harry really be responsible for breaking all of that up?
It sounded stupid on the surface. Great friends support one another, and therefore they should be there for you and Harry, and be happy that you’d found one another. But when you really started to look at the balance of friendships with all these people, you realized that change would break it all apart. It would hurt too many of your friends that, even if they said they were okay with it, they would still harbor some ill-will or loss of trust in both you and Harry.
You didn’t know what the repercussions would be between your other friends too. How would everyone else interact once you and Harry were gone? Would Viv take any heat for knowing about your previous relationship? Would everyone else fall apart? You couldn’t see Mari going her separate way and being okay with the loss of all her friends. You weren’t sure what downward spiral Luca would take without the constant moral reminders from the people surrounding you.
Who would go to Viv and Geoff’s wedding and keep Viv from all the mental breakdowns she was most definitely going to have?
Seeing Natalia amongst your friends, so young and on the cusp of going off onto her own great adventure into adulthood, reminded you of the importance of having such close companions and support systems in your life. You were always going to love Harry, and a part of you knew without being egotistical, that Harry was always going to love you. Maybe at some point that love could turn into a mutual support that could blossom into a tightly knit friendship.
Even though right now all you wanted was to be in his arms.
The night was warm, and it was far less buggy than it had been in the past, which led you to feel calm and collected, relaxed and welcoming as you sat down at the table between Viv and Luca, across from Natalia.
“I hope everyone is okay with linguine,” Mari said as she and Geoff brought out the bowls. “I found the noodles at the market today and I fixed it with some of my mum’s creamy dressing so hopefully everyone likes it.”
“It looks wonderful, darling,” you nodded, “Thank you.”
You stood to help distribute the pasta as Geoff laid out the salad plates.
“And chilled red wine!” Luca cried, pulling more bottles from the kitchen. You couldn’t help but smile at his adorable antics.
“So you mentioned earlier that you were going to school for oceanography,” Harry said to Natalia as Luca filled his wine glass. “Where are you hoping that takes you?”
“Oh let her be Harry,” you chided. “She doesn’t have to know yet.”
“It’s fine,” Natalia blushed slightly before turning back to Harry. “Upon my graduation from undergraduate work I will be traveling to the States where I will complete my doctorate at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I am interested in applying for their physical oceanography program. I am interested in the changing of currents and its impact on coastal nations and countries.”
It was obvious you were all very impressed with the information Natalia had presented, and it took a moment before anyone said anything. “That sounds amazing, Natalia,” Geoff finally said, “Have you ever been to America?”
“No I haven’t.” Natalia suddenly seemed very nervous, brushing some hair from behind her ear as you leaned forward on the table as if coaxing her to continue. “I have never left Italy. But I believe they have a good many scholarship programs that I could attend. My English is good enough that I would be able to understand their classes, and once I am over there I am sure it will easily become familiar. The language of the ocean is the same no matter where you are.”
“I can understand why you would have felt a calling to the ocean,” you smiled, “If I had grown up here I would have also felt as though the water was more of a home than the land.”
“Everything is much simpler when you’re out on a boat,” Natalia sighed, “Nothing else matters than where you are and how you got there. It’s never-ending.”
The night continued with pleasant conversation slowly becoming bolder due to the influence of alcohol. You recalled stories from your childhood about how Natalia had been the one to who you all where you could jump off the rocks and far down into the ocean. Cliff jumping had become quite the tradition for you all.
“And have you been since you’ve been back?” she asked, quickly being met with many excuses.
“I don’t think we are as adventurous as we once were,” Viv sighed, leaning against Geoff sleepily. “The thought hadn’t even crossed our mind.”
Harry could tell you were bursting at the seams to speak. Your eyes were glistening, and though your cheeks were a bit red from the warmth of your wine, your skin was also glowing in the anticipation of a new adventure. “Well we should do it!” you cried.
“Oh love, I’m not sure we’d all make it up that trek,” Harry chuckled softly, swirling his wine around in his glass. Your eyes met his and instantly you were begging him silently to back your ideas. Harry knew in that instant that he was done for.
He enjoyed watching the way you were encouraging Natalia to be her true self. Multiple times you’d given her a soft smile, or leaned forward in anticipation for something she had said. If Harry didn’t know any better, he’d guess you had a crush on Natalia, that is, if he hadn’t blatantly asked you earlier that day. Looking around at his friends, he wondered if they had all picked up on your nurturing vibe for the younger girl. He wondered if, in their eyes, you were thinking of Natalia in a romantic way. This then led him to wonder what it looked like to them all when you interacted with him. Did they ever sense anything?
“Harry?” Luca’s voice broke Harry from his thoughts, “You’ve been awfully quiet on the matter.”
It was then that Harry noticed everyone was looking at him. “M’sorry I must have zoned out,” he mumbled slowly, leaning forward in his seat and placing his wine glass back on the table. “What were we talking about?”
“Cliff jumping tomorrow,” Mari smiled at him encouragingly. “We were thinking of going tomorrow morning. Natalia could stay the night and then we could all drive there before lunch. Have a picnic?”
“That sounds lovely,” Harry nodded, “We’d love to have you stay, Natalia,” he said, patting her knee affectionately. Natalia was beaming, and she looked to you fleetingly before her smile widened.
“I’m looking forward to it,” she said.
The night ended with you in the kitchen once more. “Since you all worked so hard to make the food, I can only do my service in cleaning up,” you said, ushering Mari and Geoff out of the kitchen. “Please, I will become angry if any of you attempt to clean anything.”
Harry brought in a stack of dirty plates, placing them in the sink as you tied the apron to your button-up dress and started running the water.
“Oh I don’t need help, mon cherí,” you patted his shoulder, “Ne t'inquiète pas.”
“Ah but I am going to worry,” Harry chuckled, “You get very French when you’re on the edge of being drunk. I don’t trust you around the cutlery.”
“The cutlery,” you scoffed, “You should be worried about me around you,” you joked, bumping his shoulder with yours.
“Oh? Or should I be worried about you around Natalia?” He turned and watched you closely as you started washing the dishes, rolling your eyes and splashing his slightly with some of the water.
“How many times do I have to tell you –”
“I know,” Harry put his hands up in defense, “But if I were you,” he said, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your ear, “I would stop flirting with her, or you’re going to get her hopes up.”
You swatted at him with the dish rag as he laughed, circling his arm around your shoulders so his chest was to your back while he kissed the top of your head. “It’s not flirting,” you mumbled, jabbing him with your elbow. Harry didn’t move though, swaying you back and forth as you continued to wash the dishes.
A shuffling in the doorway startled you both, but Harry played it off as though he simply had his arm around your shoulders. It was common knowledge you and Harry were close to begin with, so some casual touching here and there wouldn’t be too odd.
“Oh,” Natalia stumbled through the doorway into the kitchen, noticing you and Harry rather close, “I’m so sorry I was simply looking for the loo.”
“I can show you,” Harry said, stepping away from you and leading Natalia up the stairs and towards the bathroom. “So you’ll be staying here, as I’m sure someone has shown you,” Harry said pointing to the door across from the washroom, “But if you need anything just know that I am right next door and that Y/N is the door next to that.”
“Thank you,” Natalia patted Harry’s arm, “I appreciate your hospitality.”
Harry simply smiled at her before making his way back downstairs to find Y/N finishing putting the cleaned plates into the cabinet. “Are you off to bed then?” he asked.
You stretched up and yawned, nodding your head as you knuckled your eyes tiredly. You were a sleepy drunk, from what Harry could remember, and so he wasn’t surprised when you reached up and grabbed at him like a child. He swept you up bridal style and chuckled as you snuggled into his chest.
“I had a lovely night, Harry,” you said softly. He loved the way his voice sounded in your accent, and he would never tire of it. He especially liked your soft, sleepy voice that would somehow become thicker the more tired you became.
“It was, my love,” he agreed.
He started making his way towards your door but you shook your head, nuzzling deeper into his arms as you mumbled, “Ton lit.”
His bed. Harry almost dropped you with excitement. After the conversations you’d had about your impending relationship, Harry had never expected you to want to be in his bed at the end of the night. But here you were whining to be by his side, which made him proud to know that your clingy, sleepy self was honestly drawn to him.
“Are you sure?” Harry hated that he asked, but knew that if he didn’t he would regret if he didn’t make sure and you woke up angry.
“Of course,” you nodded, “Always want to be in your bed.”
“Oui,” you nodded, “Et nu.”
“Naked, huh?” Harry chuckled, “I can arrange that.”
“Not tonight,” you yawned as Harry softy let you down amongst his sheets. “But soon.”
It was easy for Harry to fall asleep next to you, especially when you stripped down to nothing but your bra and thong, nuzzling up against his boxer clad body as if it was the most natural thing.
Harry’s body was a radiator that kept you warm against the cool breeze coming in through the window. He always ran warm, and you always appreciated that about him. Leaning against him in bed, you couldn’t help but slither your body up against his, worming your way under his arm as he laid on his back with his curls sprawled out on the pillow.
You felt your body reacting before you could comprehend what you wanted, but your lips felt at home against Harry’s soft skin as you kissed up his torso. You hoped he wouldn’t wake up, and you hoped you would have this time to just subconsciously bring him a sense of calm as your lips delicately kissed over his warm skin and you clung to him.
But his fingers slowly started to knit into your hair, his eyes fluttering open as you kissed along his jugular and up his jawline. “What are you doing?” he whispered softly.
“Loving on you.”
Harry let out a long sigh through his nose, rolling his head back as you kissed along his collarbones and straddled his waist. His fingers dug into your hips as a comfortable reminder that he was there and pleased with what you were doing. It wasn’t a very sexual experience for the two of you; there was no intent to see each other naked. It was more of an act to desperately remind the other that you were there and you were living in this moment for only the two of you.
Harry’s lips met yours in a lazy kiss, and you whimpered slightly as his hands ran up your back and pressed your body to his as tightly as he could. He rolled the two of you over so he was on top of you, continuing to administer soft kisses to your puckered lips as your curled your fingers through his curls and shifted your legs so he could lie between them.
You were both exhausted, so neither of you expected much from the other. But just the ability to be in the presence of one another was all you needed. You weren’t sure if it was because you were a little bit tipsy, or if it was just the way that Harry looked with moonlight casting itself across his face, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his features whenever you pulled apart. It was as if you were trying to memorize the way his body felt against yours, or the way his breathing slowed when he slept, or the way his fingers would twitch at the slightest bit of movement.
Lying there with him made you realize just how well you knew him. It shocked you to know how engrained he was on your skin, in your mind, sewed into your heart.
The morning didn’t allow you to dwell much on this though, as you slipped out of Harry’s room early to get ready for the day. Breakfast was a shit show, considering everyone was running around trying to put their own lunch sandwiches together and you’d run out of oranges and so everyone was a fucking mess. Harry fought Mari for the last apple, holding it far too high above her head until she had to call it quits, mumbling to herself about the soggy peaches she was going to have to deal with. You and Viv squabbled in such rapid French that even Luca couldn’t understand what was going on, only for Natalia to yell over the two of you that lettuce would be just fine come mid-afternoon and you both needn’t worry.
It was a jovial occasion, paired with a mystical love haze that seemed to cloud your eyes and entire being as Harry casually flung his arm around your shoulders as you made your way to the car, doing the same as you all squeezed into the back. Feeling his ribs rammed into yours was something you were sure you would one day come to loathe, but in this moment you liked the idea of your lungs becoming one. You were already convinced you breathed for him, why not literally breathe for one another?
“I forgot how much of a trek this is,” Luca huffed, leaning against a tree as Natalia peeled off her tank top, tossing it in her pack as she made it to the top of the hill.
“We are almost there Luca,” she smiled, “Maybe next morning you lay off so many biscuits, non?”
You ruffled Luca’s hair affectionately as you walked by, slipping slightly as Harry caught your back, holding you up as Mari turned around to lend you a hand. With so much rain recently, it was still rather muddy and slippery, and so you were intrigued to see what the river would be like that you were jumping into.
When you finally made it though, you wondered if it was even that safe. The river was higher than you had ever remembered, and considering there looked to be a bit of a current, you were hesitant.
“Oh we will be fine,” Geoff brushed it off, “We’ve done wilder things.”
“When we were young and stupid,” you mumbled.
“We’re still stupid,” Mari shrugged it off, attempting at a laugh.
“We did not come all this way,” Viv swatted a bug out of her face, “To not go through with it. Our lunches are down there anyway, and so if we don’t jump, we’ll have to hike back down to the car. I am not going back down.”
“The water will wash off the mud,” Harry suggested. He could see your hesitant nature creeping in, and though he knew you were a normally stubborn person, you hated backing down from adventures. If this was something silly like going out for the night, you would most definitely put your foot down and say no, but with cliff jumping, no one was going to call you a scaredy-cat.
“You all talk too much,” Natalia said before taking a running jump and plummeting towards the water. You all ran towards the edge, watching as she made a small splash, her head popping up moments later as she swam to the shore.
“It is okay!” she called, “Just do not over jump! Currents!”
You watched as she rung out her tank top, smiling up at you all before feeling a gust of wind beside you and seeing Geoff and Luca had taken the plunge. As you watched them make their way down, a hand slowly weaved around your arm. “If you don’t want t do this, I’ll walk back down with you.”
Harry’s voice was soft, his eyes pleading for you to make the decision you were the most secure in, but you couldn’t keep yourself from chickening out – especially after Mari took a running jump, screaming all the way down until she swam to shore to meet Natalia and the boys.
“It’s stupid,” you mumbled, “Just like we used to.”
“You are afraid of heights though,” Viv pointed out.
“Vivian,” Harry snapped.
“Look,” Viv put her hands up in defense, “Jump or don’t jump. Do what you feel the most confident in. We’ll be there to support but I’m not standing up here again for a half hour while you contemplate your decision.”
You rolled your eyes at her as she gave you a wink and took the leap, squealing with laugher on her way down.
“I can go first,” Harry suggested, stepping back from the edge and pulling you close, pressing his lips softly to yours. “Or we could go together.”
“You go ahead,” you pushed him forward, “I’ll follow.”
Watching with a smile, Harry saluted you and took the jump, making a mighty large splash when he hit the bottom. Your stomach was in knots of anticipation, but you cast them aside as your skin was buzzing and your hands sweating. You were extremely hot from the trek, and muddy, and if you got in the water then that would clear up all your problems.
Closing your eyes and taking in one last breath, you ran and jumped. There was the last moment of silence before you hit the water, the cold sting springing your body to life and alerting you to the fact that you were not dead. Popping up, you smiled as your friends all cheered you on from the shore. Harry brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled, Viv swirling her tank over her head.
“It’s a bit … stronger than you … mentioned,” you called as you swam towards the shore and against the current. Harry could see you struggling, and he stepped forward, along with Natalia and Geoff to lend you a hand.
Though Mari was the smallest of all of you, you had always been the worst swimmer. You’d learned later than the rest, after getting over an irrational fear of the ocean upon having your older cousin read Moby Dick to you far too early in your life time. And so Harry wasn’t surprised to see you wobbling out of the water. What did surprise him, though, was a strong current pulling you into one last large rock before you would have made it to shore as you knocked your head maybe a bit too hard.
“The current,” Natalia whispered before he, Natalia, Geoff, and Luca were all running into the water, diving towards you as you were seemingly making your way down the river barely conscious.
Natalia, the pro-swimmer and future oceanographer who spent more time in the water than on land, got to you first, looping her arm around your chest and under your arms as she started to pull you to shore a couple yards down from where everyone had originally been. Geoff grabbed your ankles, helping pull you from the water as Luca stood over you nervously.
Harry never fully stood up, crouching over you to inspect your fluttering eyes and shaking body as he collected you in his arms, sitting amongst the rocky beach and muttering, “Y/N? Baby can you hear me?”
Natalia was inspecting the cut on your head, her eyebrows furrowed together as she assessed any damage. “It’s not that deep a cut,” she finally mumbled, “I would say a concussion.”
“Should we take her to a doctor?” Harry asked, looking up at Natalia wildly as you lay in his arms, your fingers barely grasping his wrist in your half-conscious stage. Natalia bit her lip as your eyes barely fluttered open, looking up at Harry.
“Harry?” you whispered, “Am I okay?”
“Oui ma chêrie, oui tu as bien. Tu as bien. Je t’ai eu.” Yes my darling, yes you are okay. You are okay. I’ve got you.
Harry continued to say, “I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” over and over as you started to gain a bit more of your consciousness. Viv kneeled down slowly and offered you some water, which Harry took and helped you drink. Natalia went to get her first aid kit as Luca sat behind you, allowing you to rest against him as Harry assessed the rest of your body.
“I told you that you didn’t have to jump,” Harry chided you, finishing his self-evaluation as you leaned tiredly against Luca who was pressing the balled up tank Viv had offered against your forehead. “Je t’ai dit, non?”
“You did tell me,” you mumbled, “I just did not want to be a sap.”
“Better to be a sap and safe, than rebellious and hurt,” he scolded, “How is her head.”
“Chill mate, she’s fine,” Luca gave Harry a weird look, removing the makeshift bandage from your head to see that the bleeding was already stopping. Harry nodded, holding your hand and kissing the palm of it before he stood up and cleared his throat, hands on his hips as he attempted to gain some sense of his emotional bearings.
It was instances like this that Harry hated the most. He hated how he couldn’t openly dote on you, or love on you, or express his concern and admiration for you amongst the people you both cared for the most. It was what had driven him nearly insane the summer you two had spent together. You’d been sick for three days that summer and Harry nearly blew his cover on multiple occasions.
“I didn’t know you remembered that much French,” you tried to joke. “I’m proud.”
“It comes out in times of duress,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest before his one hand went up to fumbled with his bottom lip. The crunching of pebbles alerted you all that Natalia had returned, and when she kneeled down next to you, you could tell she was easily rattled.
“Don’t worry,” you gave her the best watery smile you could, “I’m okay.”
“I know.” Her eyes met yours for a moment and she patted your shoulder. “You’re a strong one.”
Luca removed the tank top and Natalia got to work, bandaging the left side of your forehead where the cut had appeared. “It’s my fault,” you sighed, “I knew I wasn’t strong enough to take on the current.”
“I wish you would have been more honest with us,” Luca mumbled, standing as you had to lean forward for Natalia to finish. He dusted himself off, giving you a curt nod before Harry stepped forward and offered you both of his hands.
“Slowly,” he ordered, “Avec moi, s’il vous plait.”
You slowly stood, with Harry’s help, and his arms were instantly around you as you swayed a bit. “I’m going to take her back,” he said, “You all can stay here if you’d wish.”
“I’ll go,” Mari said, “I can help.”
“I’ve got it Mar, if you don’t want to –”
“It’s fine,” Mari cut Harry off, walking past him and towards the car a little ways off. You couldn’t tell if the moment was awkward because you were definitely concussed, or if the moment was awkward for everyone as you raised your eyebrows and watched her walk away.
Harry’s arms shifted around you to help you stand as he turned back to everyone. “I can drive back and pick you all up in a couple hours?”
“We can all go,” Luca suggested, “We don’t have to stay.”
“I don’t think a packed car would be best,” Natalia suggested as she gave you a knowing look. You weren’t sure what all Natalia knew, but it seemed she was aware of something you weren’t as she looked at you leaning tiredly against Harry’s figure.
“I’ll come back in a couple hours,” Harry concluded, turning back to you and picking you up into his arms completely before making his way to the car. Mari had already laid out towels in the back seat for you to lie on considering you were still wet all over, and you were grateful when she handed you another water bottle.
“I’d say just keep drinking,” she gave you a hesitant smile, “Seems the best bet.”
You were expecting Harry to climb into the front seat with Mari, but instead he clambered into the back, stretching out and pulling you into his chest. Under normal circumstances, you were sure you’d have caused a bit of a commotion, promptly telling Harry to sit up front. But in this moment, with a fuzzy brain and tired body, not to mention lungs screaming for some sleep, you just leaned back against him and allowed your eyes to close.
Harry caught Mari’s eyes in the mirror as she pulled away, but neither of them said anything about it. He knew he’d messed up. He wasn’t sure if it was the French, or the way he’d cradled you, or maybe Luca’s comment for him to calm down, but he knew he’d done something wrong.
But was it wrong? Was it wrong to be concerned? Everyone was concerned. Everyone had done something to help. But he’d done more.
The villa was quiet and it was easy for Harry to get you to lie down on one of the outdoor couches. He was nervous if you went up to your room you wouldn’t then come down, and he wanted to keep you out in the sunlight. He wasn’t sure exactly what to do in concussed situations, but letting you sleep all day he knew wasn’t the right route.
Mari ended up going back and getting everyone, and Harry spent the afternoon sitting by your side as you continued to tell him over and over again that you were okay.
“I just worry,” he sighed, “I always do.”
“Well you shouldn’t,” you whispered, “You never know where I’ll be, or what I’ll be doing.”
“But I want to know,” Harry whispered. “I always want to know. I’ve spent years not knowing and it’s been killing me.”
You sat up slightly, reaching out for his face as he closed his eyes and nuzzled his cheek into the palm of your hand. “I always wonder what you’re doing too,” you admitted, “If you’re happy, what you’re eating, if you’ve made any new friends. I like to think of you in London knowing the city like the back of your hand. I know you probably still cook for yourself constantly. I want to know if you have pets, or don’t. Little things like that pop up in my mind every once in a while.”
“You should act on them,” Harry suggested, “Maybe then you’d reach out and call.”
“I called once,” you sighed, “You weren’t home and I took that as a sign.”
“Oh love,” Harry grasped your hand on his face in both of his before kissing your knuckles, “I wish you would have called again.”
“Do you really think we could do it again?” you asked, “Make this work?”
“I think we could make anything work if we just devote ourselves to it strongly enough.”
“But last time you left,” you whispered.
“Last time you asked me to leave.”
Neither of you said anything for a moment before you finally spoke again. “I don’t know if this is the concussion talking or not, but I know what it’s like to not have you in my life and I don’t want that.”
“Neither do I. I don’t like who I am without you around, or at least checking in on me and keeping me in line,” Harry chuckled, “I get moody.”
“The world does not need another moody novelist,” you agreed. This only made Harry laugh.
“What is it that makes you so hesitant?” he finally asked. It had been killing him for the past couple of weeks now, and he knew it would drive him crazy if he didn’t ask.
“What if you get bored?” you bit your lip, “Or frustrated? You say you love me now and that you always will, but you love writing and you love your work. What if it becomes too much for you to have both? Do you think you could have both?”
“If you think my one true love is writing then you don’t know me at all,” Harry gave you a soft smile, “There is no writing without you. There is no inspiration without you. I can’t have one without the other. I can have you without writing, or I could have nothing. Everything I’ve ever written has somehow found its way back to you, and if we hadn’t ended up here together, then I know I would have been knocking on your door soon anyway.”
To hear that Harry had planned on finding you, regardless of the villa, made your heart swell. “You’re in everything I do,” Harry admitted, “And I want you to be there with me while I do it from now on. I’ll support whatever decision you make, and support your career whole-heartedly. But I don’t think I can go on alone anymore.”
“I love you,” you whispered, sitting up now and leaning forward, your nose brushing against his as Harry let out a long and content sigh.
“I love you too, ma petit étoile.”
You leaned into the kiss first and you allowed Harry’s lips to take over yours as his hands brushed through your hair to keep you steady. Your hands found his arms, holding onto them for support as Harry continued to softly press his lips to yours, pulling you closer to him so you were basically leaning against him.
Your noses bumped multiple times, and it was difficult to kiss as smiles overtook your lips, but you journeyed on as Harry pressed his lips steadily to yours one more time.
“Hey! What the fuck!” Harry barely had time to break apart from you before you felt yourself being tossed back slightly on the outdoor cushions, Luca’s fist colliding with Harry’s jaw. “Get off of her!”
“Mate –” Harry started, but Luca was already pouncing on him, his fists attempting to collide once more with Harry’s face as Harry did his best to block him, the two wrestling and pulling at each other’s shirts as you sat up, shocked.
Everyone else was running towards the fight, and Geoff nearly jumped over the couch in order to do his best to pull the two apart. Viv sat down next to you, briefly asking if you were alright before you nodded and turned back to where Luca and Harry were still throwing punches.
“Calm the fuck down!” Harry was yelling, blocking one of Luca’s attempts at his face and brushing Geoff off of him as if he were nothing. “Seriously mate, just chill the fuck –”
“She’s concussed!” Luca yelled, running and tackling Harry full on with his shoulders as Harry collided with the ground, letting out a loud groan.
“Stop it!” Mari’s scream woke you from whatever trance you had been in as you stood, running towards where the three boys were in a tussle.
“Stop!” you cried, “Arrêtez! Stop it! Arrête ça! STOP!”
Geoff finally was able to pull Luca off of Harry, holding him by the chest as you knelt next to Harry as he sat up on his elbow. He reached up and attempted to wipe the blood from his nose and lip but ended up just smearing it across his face, his eyes wild, and hair a mess in all directions.
“He was fucking kissing her!” Luca yelled, “She’s concussed! She couldn’t have stopped it! Ti ucciderò, bastardo!”
“Yeah just fucking threaten to kill me in Italian, that always solves everything,” Harry muttered.
“Harry …” Mari shook her head, “What were you thinking?!”
“It’s fine! It’s fine,” you said quickly, standing and offering Harry some assistance in getting up as it was now his turn to sway a bit as he stood. His nose was still bleeding and his lip was rather swollen. Luca as well was starting to sprout a black eye, and you could see bruises forming along his jaw.
“Y/N, don’t defend him,” Luca pleaded you, eyes swimming with hurt.
“I’m …” you turned and looked back and forth between Harry and Luca. “I’m not defending him. I … it was …”
For someone usually so great at commanding situations, you were at a loss here. It was the moment you’d hoped would never come, but had also been hoping would arrive soon. Regardless, you knew there was no going back.
“I let him,” you whispered, now looking to Harry as he had balled up his shirt and stuffed it under his nose.
“It was consensual,” Harry glared at Luca, “You prick.”
“I’m the prick?!” Luca growled as Geoff had to once again hold him back.
“We’re together!” Harry cried, “I can kiss her all I want!”
Luca stopped straining against Geoff at this sentence. Mari gasped, her hands flying to her face as her eyes were swimming with tears. Viv closed her eyes and simply looked defeated as the information finally flew from Harry’s swollen lips.
“We’re together,” he finally said softly, “We have been … We were once. We’ve … this isn’t new.”
Luca’s voice was so hurt as you turned to see him, his shoulders hanging in defeat, his mouth open and gapping as if looking for words that wouldn’t string together. “For how long? Y/N?”
You could feel tears forming and you hated yourself for being so emotional. You should be standing tall next to Harry now, unafraid as you take your life into your own hands together. But this situation felt so wrong as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“We … We were together four summers ago? Our final summer here. We didn’t tell anyone because … because I knew how you felt Luca!” you started to cry as Luca scoffed at you, turning away. You rushed towards him in an attempt to grip his arm, defending yourself, but he pulled away.
“I knew how you felt and I didn’t know how to tell you I didn’t feel the same!” you cried, “Luca, I’m so sorry! We didn’t tell anyone! No one knew! I knew how you felt and we all knew Mari had feelings for Harry and –”
“But what?” Mari asked now, “But you went for it anyway? You thought you’d have some fun and not let any of us know?” You could see she was angry at you, and she had every right to be, but you still couldn’t believe the amount of malice she held in her face.
“We didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings,” you pleaded, “Please, you have to know we never meant to hurt anyone! Feelings just developed while Harry came to stay with me and … and we acted on them like lovesick teenagers!”
“You can’t use that excuse now!” Luca cried, turning back to you, “I … I was prepared to give you everything! You told me you weren’t ready to emotionally attach yourself to anyone when in reality you were lying to my face and fucking Harry behind my back!”
“No!” you cried, “No it wasn’t like that!”
“It wasn’t?” Luca yelled, “Then tell me right now Y/N that you haven’t been sleeping together this entire time. All while you were telling me you weren’t ready for a relationship.”
You were quiet, looking down at your feet because yes, you and Harry had slept together. Luca laughed bitterly. “Unbelievable.”
“Luca please,” you cried, taking a step towards him but he merely stepped away from you.
“Mate … don’t blame her,” Harry finally said, “It’s not her fault.”
“I’m going to fucking blame both of you,” Luca yelled, “Because you’re both at fault keeping this from us! Did you have a good joke behind our back, huh? Fucking around while none of us knew.”
“I knew.” Everyone turned to Viv as she sat on the couch where you and Harry had been kissing. “I figured it out that summer.”
“You,” Mari whispered, “You knew and you didn’t tell us? Tell me?! I’ve looked like a fucking fool this entire time and none of you had the respect for me to let me know that I was … that Harry and Y/N … I can’t …” Mari tossed her hands up angrily, starting to walk angrily towards the villa.
“No Mari wait!” you called after her, “Mari please. I didn’t know how to tell you without hurting your feelings and I –”
“Shut up!” Mari turned back, furious and red in the face, “Just SHUT UP Y/N! You win! Okay?! You win! You’ve always won!” Her laugh was nothing but angry and resentful as she yelled at you, “You always get all the guys and all the girls who fall at your feet. You’re a saint everyone loves. And now you get Harry too? Congratulations.”
“It’s not a competition!” you cried, “I swear! I didn’t plan for this to happen!”
“You had Luca and Harry, and you couldn’t leave the one that I had fallen for?” Mari shook her head, “Selfish bitch.”
She stalked into the house angrily after that, and you realized it wasn’t going to be smart to follow her. Turning back to everyone, you could see the strained silence that followed.
“Luca …” You weren’t sure what to say now, and he just shook his head at you.
“You’re not who I thought you were,” he said, “Keeping all this from me. I may have fallen for you, and I may have been open with you about it, but we were friends first. We all were. And for you and Harry to sneak around behind our backs as if you’re better than all of us … that’s something I never thought I’d see from you.”
“We just wanted everyone to be happy!” you cried, the tears cascading down your cheeks as you seemed to be hyperventilating. “Please, Luca, we are friends. I care for you so much! I –”
“Don’t hold this against her, Luca,” Harry said, “She’s so worked out, look at her. She never meant for this –”
“You don’t get to say anything,” Luca snapped at Harry. “God, I always fucking knew you thought you were better than all of us. A successful novelist and shit,” Luca’s face registered shock, “Oh fuck!” he laughed, “Your novel!”
His eyes widened as he looked between the two of you. “It’s about her! Oh you son of a bi –” He lunged for Harry again, and suddenly Geoff was once more trying to tear the two apart as they were all yelling, fighting, kicking.
“Stop it!” you screamed, “Please!” you reached down to pull on Luca’s arm but it was no use. He and Harry were rolling around so tightly it was hard to tell who’s limbs were whose. Geoff was doing his best, yelling at the two of them to grow up, man up, and end this. Finally he was able to once more pull Luca from Harry’s frame, but not before Luca spat in Harry’s face.
“You’re never going to be good enough for her,” Luca spat, “What can you give her that you haven’t already fucked up? If you guys broke up before then obviously you weren’t putting her to bed the way she wanted.”
“Luca!” Viv gasped.
“What can you give her that I couldn’t, huh?” Luca sneered, “Because you have a career? Books are fleeting, mate,” he spat, “She’s worth so much more –”
“I’m not worth anything!” you cried, standing in front of Harry to stop him from charging at Luca. “Now everyone just stop! We are not going to accomplish any – anyth-hing …”
You were so lightheaded. The blood was pounding in your ears and you were so sure you were seeing more than just what was in front of you as everyone’s faces mixed and blurred. “Please,” you whispered, staggering slightly as Harry’s eyes widened and he jumped forward to catch you as you blacked out, sagging in his arms as he barely caught you in time.
When you woke up it was dark outside. You were in your room and Viv was asleep in the chair on the balcony. Sitting up, you groaned and rubbed your eyes as the door opened and Geoff walked in with some water and a wet towel that you could only presume was for your forehead.
“Oh God,” you groaned, “What time is it? Why does my head hurt so much?”
“You passed out,” he said softly, urging you to lay back down as he placed the cloth on your forehead. “What do you remember?”
You remembered far more than you wanted to – the fighting and yelling, the accusations and, in the end, the desperate feeling you had to keep everyone safe. You groaned again, signaling to Geoff that you knew exactly what happened, as he sighed.
“It’s a mess,” he mumbled, “Luca and Mari are both gone. They both left on their own. Not really sure who Mari is pissed the most at – you, Harry, or Viv for not telling. Luca … is going to need some time but I think he’ll come around.”
“I highly doubt it,” you grumbled, sipping the water slowly. “He was so upset.”
“But he was even more upset that he hurt you in the process,” Viv yawned, “He was just as distraught when you passed out than anything else. I think he’s embarrassed for what he said and how he reacted.”
“I don’t blame him,” you grumbled. The three of you sat in silence then as Viv came over and sat on the edge of your bed next to Geoff. Finally, you had enough courage to ask, “And Harry?”
“He’s downstairs,” Geoff nodded, “But I think he’s planning on leaving soon as well.”
“Leaving?” you breathed, your body suddenly now on high alert as you sat up, still feeling a bit woozy as both Viv and Geoff suggested you lie back down, but you pushed past their attempts and started making your way down the stairs.
It was definitely early morning, you could tell by the quiet eeriness of nature even taking some time to rest. Harry was standing next to the landline, hanging up just as you rounded the corner.
His eyes met yours and you felt your whole body go rigid. “What are you doing out of bed?” he asked, “You should be resting.”
“You should be with me,” you challenged.
Harry sighed, rubbing his temple as he stepped forward and you got the full force of his wounds. His bottom lip still swollen, both eyes starting to bruise, and the liter of bruises along his jaw from Luca’s initial punches.
“I love you,” Harry started out, “That’s never going to change.”
“But you’re leaving me again,” you whispered.
“I’m not,” he shook his head, “I’m not leaving like I did last time.”
“But you’re leaving.”
“Luca said a lot of bullshit,” Harry sighed, “But there was one thing he said that was true.”
“No. Don’t –”
“I’m not good enough for you, Y/N.”
“Harry!” you hissed, stepping forward and pushing his chest, hardly making him move. “That’s not true!”
“I believe we belong together,” Harry caught your hands, “I do. I really do. But I don’t think either of us are in the position to commit to a relationship right now, wouldn’t you agree?”
“No! I want to be with you! What kind of joke is this? You begging me to be with you these past weeks and now you’re – you’re –”
“I know you want to be with me just as much as I want to be with you,” Harry said quietly, “But be honest with me right now and tell me that our relationship wouldn’t be tainted by the regret you feel for hurting our friends.”
You hated how true this was. You hated knowing that Harry was so right that it resonated deeply in your heart. You did want to be with Harry, but you also knew you would be racked with the guilt of hurting others for your own happiness.
“I want you to be happy with me,” Harry whispered, “But it needs to be your choice. It can’t just be because the secret is out. I want it to be because the secret is out and you don’t care.”
“I don’t care,” you pleaded.
“Yes you do,” Harry cupped your face lovingly. “And I care too.”
“Where will you go then?” you asked, attempting to hide your tears. Harry caught them though, cradling your face as he brushed them away and pressed his lips tenderly to your forehead.
“I’m going to get some writing done. I’ll go back to London. You know where to find me, yeah?”
“Yes,” you whispered quietly.
“Ma petit étoile,” Harry sighed, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you whispered.
“Take your time,” Harry nodded, tilting your head up to look at him as the bright lights of a taxi backlit his silhouette. “I’ll always be here.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
He stooped down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips one last time. You could tell it was paining him, both because of his busted lip and also because the ball was in your court now and Harry wasn’t sure when the next time would be that he would kiss you again … if he ever got to kiss you again at all.
 Part 7 HERE.
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