buyroidspro-blog · 5 years
Boldenone for sale online - roidspro
Known by many and firstly used for veterinary purposes and for horses back in 1960's. Today known among athletes and professional bodybuilding  - Welcome to complete guide of
Boldenone (EQ) before purchase.
This pretty strong injectable anabolic is
mainly used for mass and strength gain
and from professional aspect very well combined and tested with other steroids in combination and cycles. So find out why Boldenone!
Boldenone (Equipoise)
Some expertise on anabolic steroids field said that Boldenone will give a impressive bulking and strength in the same time while some people still rather choose
Deca Durabolin
or Testosterones. By many effects this product can be compared with "Nandrolone Decanoate" but many will go for cheapest solution which is Deca Durabolin or Test Enanthate of course. Before explanation what is Equipoise known as Boldenone we need to say -
Real Boldenone is not cheap solution and authentic Equipoise brands may cost you more than 100 bucks for 10 ml!
In boldenone story you must be ready to spend some more dollars but in same time for best results this substance need to be stacked with other anabolics, so be sure this is
not a cheap bulking solution
with steroids.
Similarities with Dianabol and Testosterone Equipoise is really similar substance and chemical structure with Dbol and Testosterones. In the end of 1940's people change Boldenone with Testosterone products because of their similarities in chemical compound. In that time EQ is mostly used for medical treatments and more for animals than humans."Boldenone for horse" is something what you heard many times, now you know why.
Back in the 1980's this amazing product become available from marketers and from that time is known as Equipoise or Bold.
Authentic Boldenone from Alpha Pharma - Boldebolin
Authentic Boldenone - Equipoise and benefits
These days, in the internet age you can "google it" and find within a few seconds 20 or 30 different types of
Boldenone steroid from online market
. From 2000. and now many steroid labs and suppliers decide to produce Equipoise in different dosages and packing but still 250 mg per ml remain the most popular, some brands put on the market Boldenone blends and mix which is quite popular last few years. However some brands will remain their popularity from online market and some of them is
Boldebolin - Equipoise 250 mg/ml from Alpha Pharma Healthcare
.(shown on picture).
Now about benefits of Equipoise and why many bodybuilders experiment with this steroid. From Boldenone you can expect a few good results. I cannot say great but good enough to give a shot.
Boldenone is mainly chose because do not have estrogen side effects such Deca or Testosterones
have. Bodybuilders and athletes which cannot handle estrogenic side effects choose this product for the first reason and mostly they are professionals which knows how to deal with Boldenone steroid.
So what else is good about this product in your steroid cycle:
Impressive mass gain in a few weeks: Boldenone is different than Deca in bulking process because not aromatase and do not provide water retention as other buling products. You can gain pretty nice gain and dry muscle mass if you take dosages with care and doing some weight lift  more than usual.
Recovery time shorter with more strength: This is another great fact about Boldenone, because low androgenic effects this substance provide dry and harder muscles look among professional which also get more strength. Professional athletes such is running sports prefer this steroid because so many positive effects with less detection time in body!
Popular dosages of Boldenone and which steroid cycles preferred
Boldenone in steroid cycle
It is hard to tell a "perfect" dosage of Equipoise in cycle but some experts reported a popular dosing per week will be 150 up to 400 mg per week. Which means 10ml multidose vial or 10 ampoules per 1 ml will need to be bought multiple times to see a
best from authentic and real Boldenone
More than 400 mg is recommended only if you tested Boldenone before and know how its works with your body. This is a slow not a fast acting steroid such is Trenbolone Acetate so usually Equipoise cycle can takes from ten to twelve weeks in total.
I many situations and from steroid forums from the web you will rarely seen someone takes Equipoise only. IN many situations this product will best stack with Deca Durabolin or Testosterone AND Dianabol.
For example cycle can go up with 500 mg of Boldenone with Enanthate of 80 to 120 mg per week and with Dianabol of total 20 mg per day. This cycle will takes at least ten or 12 weeks so its not cheap and you need to take it carefully. Dbol may be toxic for your liver in this combination. Of course this sample you will see among professionals NOT amateurs and someone who experience and test Equipoise for the first time!
Known side effects of Boldenone and PCT needed or not? The good thing and let's say best of Boldenone is NOT TOXIC for liver and other organs in your body so post cycle therapy is not needed like in 90% of other steroid cycle in combination with oral anabolics.
Boldenone can bring some side effects IF overdose such as:
increased sexual desire
voice change
Final words for Equipoise (Boldenone) This is very strong anabolic steroid and needs to be taken ONLY if you know what you are doing. Without knowledge and expertise can be very harmful and without proper dosage in cycles may lead to un willed side effects and water retention. Because is so strong and 300 mg per week will be more than enough to see how kicks, real and
authentic Boldenone for sale is strongly recommended
. DO NOT purchase this product from illegal suppliers and underground labs and do not think you will find pure EQ products for a few bucks!
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