#gently pushing boundries and not being mean when I had those Bad Days
brotha-lamp · 5 months
TW: mentions of ARFID under the cut. No explicate details included.
Oh ok… the MCAS food allergy stuff seriously set off my finally mostly under control ARFID stuff and now I’m just not eating again. 😰
Come on, body. Please stop.
0 notes
angelictechnology · 7 years
Title: Father and Son
Rating: T
Prompt: Tragedy
Word count: 1498
Warnings: Mentions of death
Summary: When a family friend of Regis visited before the last days of his life, she decided to play a song that reminisce of his son he asked her to deliver this song to his son
Notes:This is for @ffxvweek day 6 Tragedy // Antagonists // Ardyn Izunia Curse James Gun for putting this song in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 now when I play this song I cannot help but think of Regis dying and Noctis hearing this song for the first time.Warning: this story has an OC, but no pairing or romance...Also listen to the song Father and Son for the feels
One simple task she simply had to do pass a message, she didn't expect to be a courier in these cases. Riding in her motorbike on her own she heard a vibration on her thigh. Sighing she stopped the motorbike putting it on hold. Getting off her transport she looked at her phone for a new message,
"Carmilla, just hurry up its getting dark soon..."
Carmilla only sighed she knew the night means more daemons will come, but its just a simple task its not like the world is going to hell.
The woman only put her helmet on and kept driving. Carmilla looked to see a garage like location called Hammerhead she remembered her client talking about it regarding info. She pulled her motorbike up to park it. Taking off her helmet Carmilla heard a greeting,
"Howdy, I never seen someone let alone a woman ridin' a pretty vehicile like that"
Carmilla looked to see a short blonde haired woman, her face a little dirty and well showing herself out there. Kindly she smiled back pushing her silver glasses up,
"Yes, thanks for the compliment sorry, I didn't come here for a tune up I came to deliever a message"
The mechanic only thought for a moment and said,
"Aww that's too bad, is for paw-paw? I could deliver it to him"
Carmilla shook her head in no, disappointing the young mechanic she laughed to cheer her up and replied,
"Umm no, its more of a message to the prince...upcoming king"
Suddenly the woman stood silent there is a tense feeling in the air. Carmilla didn't know if she crossed a boundry, but she suddenly saw the woman smiling,
"I see so its for the young prince...Are you possibly?"
Carmilla laughed a bit trying to retain herself for not dying of laughter, defintely not her type most definte.
"No, no... I am here to deliver a message from his father...so sad it happened so suddenly"
Carmilla looked to sky its getting dark soon, she looked at the sky wondering what's going to happen now the king has dead. An uproar has already began and Insomma is already filled with with niflheim soliders she don't know whether is safe to check on him...
"If you want to find the prince, he and his friends should be at a campsite not to far off by the way name is Cindy"
Carmilla turned to see look at Cindy looking at her in a smile, a trustworthy one, she smiled back,
"Thanks Cindy" and walked into the fields of the wilderness.
"Noct! no fair let's do that again"
Noct heard the whine of his best friend Prompto losing at their favourite game again. Noctis and his friends were back at the campsite near HammerHead just for some last preparations before leaving. Gladio heard the rustling of the brushes nearby.
"Huh, who the hell is making noise?"
They were all alarmed to hear noises Prompto trying to be not scared only studdered,
"I swear I didn't do it I swear!"
Ignis being the composed and calm one only sternly said,
"Of course, the Daemons are not used the screams of fear at night"
Noctis only yawned, but got up not a little upset the night might be ruined by a unexpected visitor coming to get them.
What they didn't expect a creature's body dropping dead from the darkness, immedately Prompto yelled,
"No way they couldn't find us that fast! can't they?!" 
Gladio immediately yelled to the scared man,
"Shut up! you screaming will make it worse!" Then what surprised them hearing a feminine voice,
"Ugh...I can hear that from ten miles if I can..." They looked to see a woman wearing a long trenchcoat emgering  from the dead creature.
"Huh? a woman...yup I see everything today" They all groaned from the comment Gladio his weapon unsheathed came to the woman looking at her she might be one of them he sternly questioned,
"Who are you? are you with them? if so"
The woman shook her head in no and simply replying,
"I am a courier to deliver a message from the King to his son"
All of them were surprised Gladio unsheathed his weapon, while Noctis walked foward a bit his face immediately dropped and only muttered,
"My dad? he had a message for me?"
The woman nodded she then introduced herself, then taking out a simple box wrapped in a ribbon,
"My name is Carmilla...we have never met, but your father knew my family for while Noctis he wanted me to hand deilver this to you"
Noctis' friends moved out the way while the young prince slowly made his way to the gift Carmilla has for him. Taking the box his hands are shaking, its only a few days hearing his father passed it hurt him hard he didn't even say a proper goodbye to him before leaving. Standing in silence the fire burning while his friends looking at him in worry.
Noctis opened the box to see a letter and a small cassette player with a cassette already in it labelled, 'father and son' his friends were even more surprised seeing a a piece of technology still existing today. Carmilla only smiled weakly and only said,
"Read the letter and play the song Noctis"
Not saying a word Noctis read the letter,
"Noctis my son, I am sorry that this is very sudden, but after writing this it might be the last time I will be with you...the only gift I leave you besides the the regalia is this song Carmilla made me listen to it and I immediately thought of you... I love you my son"
Noctis tried to hold back the tears from his father's last words looking to the cassette player he simply looked at the button that said play and pressed it. What he heard was a simple guitar strum and the lyrics,
"It's not time to make a change Just relax, take it easy You're still young, that's your fault There's so much you have to know Find a girl, settle down If you want you can marry Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy"
Immediately everybody was in shock, but hearing the song gave them an emotional feeling they didn't expect it, but they took it well, Noctis trying to hold his emotions back from the song, it immediately pulled his heart strings his dad dying, he didn't know whether to cry or not. The song continues,
"I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy To be calm when you've found something going on But take your time, think a lot Why, think of everything you've got For you will still be here tomorrow But your dreams may not”
“How can I try to explain Cause when I do he turns away again It's always been the same, same old story From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away I know I have to go"
Hearing the song more Noctis' nose sniffled he didn't want to cry, hearing those lyrics made him remember the memories with his dad, he wondered what he did wrong, he wondered what he should do right then when the song picks up immediately started to loose it.
“It's not time to make a change Just sit down, take it slowly You're still young, that's your fault There's so much you have to go through Find a girl, settle down If you want, you can marry Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy”
Carmilla looked to the young prince his tears are now visible on his face, the sounds so sad and emotional. She walked slowly to him, Noctis saw Carmilla he stood up and nothing said he hugged her crying out all he had to her while in the comfort the song in its most emotional,
“All the times that I cried Keeping all the things I knew inside It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it If they were right, I'd agree But it's them they know not me Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away I know I have to go”
Carmilla didn't know what to do she simply comforted him, she looked at his friends and weakly smiled to them signaling to help comfort him.
They stood up Carmilla moved away from the prince. She watched while his friends trying to comfort the prince from his emotional state. Prompto hugging him, Gladio patting him gently on the back while Ignis simply giving a talk telling its going to be okay.
Carmilla only smiled she knew that did her job, but knowing the prince got his final goodbye from his father she couldn't help bring herself to cry a bit,
"He did love that song...a perfect farewell gift for someone like his son, father and son"
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dommateolopez · 7 years
Rules - 7.29
Blaine and Mateo discuss the rules in their relationship (unfinished)
Mateo was excited and nervous to have this talk with his submissive. it was the start of their official relationship, working towards the claim they both needed and wanted in their life. Yes, it wouldn't be much different, but... it still was a bit nervewracking. He had the rules written out and resting on the table, and he called for Blaine to come in when he heard the knock on the door. "Come over here, mi amor. Kneel by me."
Blaine was actually trembling; he had been all day. He'd spend an hour getting dressed that morning, trying to look appealing, but not so overtly sexy as to be too distracting to their very important discussions (ultimately, he'd landed on a tight grey henley, with the sleeves artfully pushed up on his forearms, and slim dark jeans). All through his classes he'd been fidgety, smiling to himself, and once the last of his commitments was over, he headed straight for the Dominant dorms. When he was finally called to his Mateo's side, he left his bag in the entryway and knelt by him, with his back straight, arms clasped formally tightly behind him. Or they would have been, if he hadn't been holding a notebook with his own list, making it just a bit awkward. He managed as best he could. "Sir," he breathed, his eyes wide and bright. "I'm so excited, and so, so happy..."
Mateo couldn't help but smile when Blaine rushed over and dropped to his knees. How had he become so blessed that he had such a good boy in his life? He smoothed a hand over Blaine's curls, scratching his fingertips lightly at the back of his neck. "I am too, my love. A little nervous, but mostly excited," he admitted. All he could think about in his bad moments was how he might fuck this up. But looking down at Blaine, he found faith in his ability, in their love, that this would be nothing but amazing. "I'd like to read through your list first, to see if there needs to be any amendments to mine."
Blaine hummed happily, letting his eyes close for a second under the touch before he focused again. "Oh - of course, my prince," he said, pulling his notebook out from behind his back and handing it over, a little nervousness of his own suddenly bubbling up uncomfortably in his chest. "I don't think there's anything there that should be a big surprise, but I might be wrong? Maybe the soft limits look like a lot at first glance, but it's more just that... those are things you need to know how I feel about." He ran a hand through his hair, feeling himself flush a deep shade of crimson. "I've tried to leave myself very - open, for you, sir."
Mateo took the notebook and nodded lightly, reading through his boy's neat handwriting. "You always do, mi amor," he said with a cheeky wink. After reading through them thoroughly, Mateo set the notebook down and nodded. "I think they mesh well with the rules I wrote out, and thank you for doing that for me, poquito. I appreciate the clarifications on your soft limits, it helps."
Blaine let his head drop as he realized the double entendre, chuckling, and just like that the tension in his chest broke. He grinned at the praise, scooting a little closer on his knees. "Thank you so much, sir. I put a lot of time and thought into it, tried to be thorough. Is there anything I missed, or anything unclear, or... anything?"
Mateo trailed his fingers through Blaine's hair. "No, I don't think anything is unclear. You did an amazing job on this, mi amor," he praised, leaning over to kiss his boy's soft hair. "I'm afraid my rules are rather... simple, in comparison. But I'd still like you to read through them and tell me what you think," he said, picking up the pad he's written them on and handing it to Blaine.
Blaine accepted the notepad, still beaming from the praise. "Thank you, my love. I'll tell you everything that comes to mind." Licking his lips, he read over the rules - his new rules - carefully, then went over them a second time, before looking up again, the warm, contented glow he felt reflected in his eyes and smile. "As predicted, sir, I love them. The furniture one... so my default position is to be on my knees at your feet?" He let his hand rest on his Dom's knee, squeezing gently. "I like that."
Mateo kept running his fingers through Blaine's hair as he read, trying not to fidget more than that. He was nervous Blaine would object to them, despite the basic nature of the rules he'd come up with. But then, in true fashion, his boy surprised him in the best way, looking so happy after reading through them. He loved them. "Yes, yes it is. I thought you might... I like it too. And if you need a pillow to kneel on, you're to let me know, okay? Addendum to that rule."
Blaine nodded, subtly inching ever closer to his Dom. "So thoughtful. Noted, sir. Once I move in, we might want to say my keyboard bench is an exception, so I don't have to track you down before I practice, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it." His eyes drifted back to the paper momentarily. "I like that you want to look after me when I do scenes with other people, too. It'll make me feel better about it. I'm still not seeking them out unless there are points on the table, but I'm sure there will be again sooner or later." He paused. "But in the past, you haven't really wanted to hear... it won't make you jealous, sir?"
Mateo nodded, rubbing the back of Blaine's neck. "Yes, that's something we'll have to discuss when you move in, mi amor, and we'll edit the rule when it comes to that." His heart flipped in his chest, thinking about that day soon when Blaine would be his - all his, and they would take that final step together physically. He let out a breath and leaned back against the couch. "It will. But I would rather know who's touching you and giving you your orders than wonder about it."
Blaine finally let himself press against Mateo's leg, laying his head on his knee, his hand running up and down his calf. "You know I'd never choose to be with anyone but you, sir. Would you like to be notified of all orders, then, or only scenes? And... do you want to talk about where I'm setting the boundries, sir?"
Mateo smiled wider as Blaine leaned against his leg, hugging him. "I know. But we've talked about that, how things are around here. Just scenes, I think. Boundaries in... what sense, poquito?" he asked, wondering where Blaine was going with that.
Blaine smiled back, a touch of sadness in his eyes. "We have, my love," he said, softly, then cleared his throat. "Boundaries in scenes, I mean. Like, I've been letting them - touch me, if it's part of the scene, but I don't ever want to cum for anyone but you... is that all right?"
Mateo touched Blaine's warm cheek, thumb rubbing over the arch of his cheekbone. He knew it bothered Blaine, but while they were still not in an official claim, it seemed imprudent to set boundaries on scenes with others. Something in him relaxed though, hearing that. "That's perfectly all right, love. That's your choice, as it's your body. And selfishly, I love that I'll be the only one seeing that look on your face."
Blaine let his hand slide up over Mateo's thigh, lightly kneading through the leg of his pants. "I want you to be a little selfish when it comes to me." He took a deep breath. "You know... you could actually make the rules about orgasms a little stricter, if you wanted, sir. I'm not saying you need to, just - I would be more than all right with it."
Mateo cocked his head curiously, a little smirk crawling onto his lips. But he tamped down on his own desire - namely, to have his boy begging for his touch at all times - and just cupped his cheek. "Let's start with it as is for now. We can change it at any time, yes? You certainly don't have to get off every day if you're not in the mood."
Blaine thought he saw a gleam in Dom's eyes, but he knew better than to press the point further. "All right, sir. I think that covers it, then. From this moment on, those are my rules, and I'll obey." His hands stilled on Mateo's leg. "What else did you say you wanted to talk about? Chores? Potential..." An odd sort of shiver ran through him. "Potential punishments?"
Mateo leaned down to press a kiss to Blaine's forehead, then his lips. "Good. My good boy," he whispered. He squeezed Blaine's shoulder, feeling that shiver. "Punishments. They'll start off simpler, mi amor. Lines, or corner time. Sleeping in the guest room. I don't want to confuse pleasure pain and punishment pain, so I'm hesitant to use impact-based punishments. I would much rather you learn something than be hurt."
Blaine opened his mouth for a moment, a part of him wanting to present the case for punishment pain, even if it was pleasurable at first - but he knew that only proved that Mateo had a point. "Yes, sir," he said, lowering his eyes for a moment. "Sleeping in the guest room would really hurt... anything where I can't be as close to you as usual, that would probably work the best." He sighed. "But I'll be doing my best to be your good boy, so maybe it won't come up very often at all."
Mateo nodded. "Yes - hence why it would be an effective punishment. But you're right, it likely won't come up very often. We've hit a few bumps, but nothing that warranted a punishment. Only direct violations of your rules will result in punishment."
Blaine bit his lip. "Well, or direct disobedience, I guess? But are you sure..." He looked down and away, swallowing hard. "Príncipe, that first fight we had... I know I had reason to be upset, but I hurt you. I still don't know - well, it doesn't even matter if what you heard was something I meant to say." His grip on Mateo's leg tightened. "Even if I'm just being too careless with my words, if I ever upset you like that again, please... I don't want to get away with it."
Mateo frowned slightly as Blaine spoke, seeming to get upset about something they never quite resolved. He bit the inside of his lip, letting out a slow breath. "You won't," he said slowly. "But after the punishment, there will be a discussion, for both of our sakes."
Blaine gave a shaky little nod. "Of course, sir, if it's an actual fight it makes sense there would probably be something we need to discuss..." He watched Mateo's face carefully. "You never were comfortable talking about the last time, were you, sir? I'm so sorry."
Mateo hesitated a moment, then shook his head. "No. Because I think I took everything wrong, and I didn't... I didn't want to upset you more by putting that on you." Shifting slightly, he patted his thighs. "come up here, baby."
Blaine had never been happier to obey, crawling up into his lap and slipping his arms around Mateo's neck. Still just a little hesitant, he nuzzled against his face, letting their foreheads rest against each other. "Does this mean you forgive me?"
Mateo rubbed his hands over Blaine's back, one coming up to the back of his neck. "Of course I forgive you, mi amor. Things just get misunderstood. I know well how much you love me. That you are devoted to us."
Blaine let out a little sigh, hugging him closer. On some level, he'd known for a long time that he was forgiven, but a small part of him had still been afraid to ask. "I did seem to do a pretty good job of showing you the other day," he teased, lightly, running his hands through Mateo's hair in return.
Mateo smirked lightly, closing his eyes as he leaned into Blaine's touch. "You always do a pretty amazing job of showing that, my love," he reminded his boy, his voice almost a purr as he all but melted under the submissive's hands.
Blaine grinned, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched how his love responded to him. "Thank you, sir. Is there - is there anything else? I feel like maybe there was something else, but," he leaned forward, stealing a light, teasing kiss from Mateo's lips. "I don't want there to be?"
Mateo forced his eyes open, though the warmth of his love's touch still made them heavy. "I... while I can't promise you monogamy yet, my ardor towards others has certainly cooled. They - no one - holds a candle to you, and the feeling I get when I'm with you in our bed."
Blaine pulled back just a little, stunned. He hadn't been expecting that, and it had come a bit out of nowhere. "I - I think I was wondering if you wanted to make a specific day laundry day, or something," he said, his voice a little thick, "but - no - this is better. So you're... not as interested in seeing other people?"
Mateo probably could have said it a little better, but the words slipped out without thinking. "No. Not particularly. I won't say no to scenes, since we do still need to be learning, but sexually... no. I don't have the same interest."
Blaine let his head drop, laughing a little, breathlessly. "I... wow. Here I was, wondering about Saturday night, and..." He shook his head. "That's more than all right, sir. We might even... well, I guess that's another thing to talk about. Would we still do scenes with other people once I'm claimed, but with stricter rules? But - we don't have to decide that now." One hand cupped Mateo's chin, the other slid lower, down to his hip. "That means so much to me."
Mateo chuckled and shook his head. "I was invited, it seems rude not to show up. I doubt I'll indulge, but I'd like to at least put in an appearance." His hands slid down Blaine's back, cupping just above his ass. "That will be a discussion for another time. For now, I think we have more important things to discuss."
Blaine drew in a sharp breath, disappointed by where Mateo's hands had stopped. "Fair enough, sir." His eyes dark and eager. "Please tell me that's your way of saying we're going to fool around now - sex, or a scene, or something - and not that you're bringing out a chore wheel?"
Mateo burst out laughing, pressing his face to Blaine's shoulder to try and muffle the sound. "Well, as fascinating as a chore wheel sounds, I was much rather hoping to have you naked, panting and begging to be allowed to cum in the next... oh, 20 minutes?"
Blaine laughed, too, stroking over the back of Mateo's head. "Don't sell yourself short, príncipe," he murmured, leaning down to kiss and nip at his neck. "I think you could get me there in ten."
Mateo chuckled and slid his hands down to cup Blaine's ass firmly. "Ten? It would take that long?" he teased, kneading the firm cheeks in his palms, encouraging Blaine to rock into him.
Blaine grinned against his skin, pushing his ass back into Mateo's strong hands for a few seconds before grinding his hips down and forward. "I'd love to see you shoot for five minutes, sir. You know what you do to me."
Mateo raised one eyebrow, then smacked his boy's ass through his jeans. "Then go get naked on my bed, boy. I'll set a timer - see if I can't complete this challenge," he growled, leaning up to kiss Blaine hard before releasing his grip so he could obey.
Blaine 's eyes went wide, and he trembled a little, weak for the gravel in Mateo's voice, the force in his hands, the look in his eyes... his kiss. His cock was already straining against his jeans as he sprang to his feet, hurrying to the bedroom, peeling his carefully-chosen henley off as he went. It had done its job. "Yes, sir!" he called back, over his shoulder. "On my back, or ass up? Or something else?"
Mateo loved how Blaine jumped to his feet so quickly. It would never cease to amaze him how much effect he had on Blaine. This perfect, amazing boy who wanted him - only him. "However you think I'll find most appealing," he called out, taking his time in getting to his feet, adjusting his cock in his pants as he walked towards his bedroom.
Blaine stilled for a moment, thinking fast. Mateo liked his ass most of all, as far as he could tell, but also liked to have access to his cock and balls, and to see his face... There was no time to second guess himself. He swallowed hard, then got on his back and pulled his knees up to his chest, thighs spread wide apart, giving his Dom a full view of - everything. His face flushed a deep crimson as Mateo appeared in the doorway. "How's this, sir?"
Mateo sauntered over to the bedroom door, licking his lips at the sight that beheld him. "Now isn't that a beautiful picture in my bed," he murmured,kicking his shoes off and sliding his shirt over his head. Walking up to the exposed submissive, he took out his phone and set an timer for five minutes, then bent his head to bite hard over the fading mark on Blaine's inner thigh.
Blaine felt his heart pounding even faster as he watched Mateo make his way into the room, deliberately taking his time, teasing him. He'd done well, judging from the praise and the way he was staring: Mateo was always gorgeous, but never more so than when he had that hungry gleam in his eyes. He gave a short, incredulous chuckle as he realized he was actually setting a timer, but he didn't have long to be amused before Mateo's head dropped between his legs. Blaine gasped, his leg jerking before he quickly restrained himself. "Oh god," he moaned, softly. He was in for five very intense minutes.
Mateo grinned against his thigh, both hands sliding down to cup Blaine's bare ass firmly. He spread plump cheeks apart even as he sucked and bit at Blaine's leg, darkening the mark on his thigh - the one Blaine had worn for a while now. He squeezed firmly, shifting one hand to ghost his finger over Blaine's hole.
Blaine 's breathing was already growing labored. He was marked as Mateo's in several ways now, but the perfect bruise his lips and teeth left on Blaine's thigh was his favorite. He hissed a little as his teeth clamped down again, grinning immediately afterward. "So yours," he managed to say, unable to tear his eyes away. "Every part - part of me." He swallowed, feeling himself twitch under Mateo's fingertip. "Please, sir."
Mateo kept lightly stroking over Blaine's furled hole, pressing one gentle kiss to the dark bruise on the inside of his submissive's thigh. "Please what, boy?" he asked, his dark eyes fixed on his boy's face as he blew lightly over his erection, lips only centimeters from touching his length.
Blaine was trembling, his cock stiffening further under Mateo's breath. As much as it could sometimes be a challenge for him, he sort of loved it when Mateo made him specify what he was begging for. "Please - please keep doing that, with your finger. It feels so good, sir, makes me want to feel you inside me..." And then he realized another reason Mateo might be asking, and he had to laugh, shakily. "Not begging to cum, sir, not yet."
Mateo chuckled softly, smirking wider at the sound of his boy's wrecked voice. "Soon, my love. Soon, I will be burying myself inside of you so deeply, you won't know where I end and you begin." He ghosted a kiss to Blaine's shaft, his fingertip pressing just a bit harder on his fluttering hole. "I'm going to make love to you, over and over, until you're begging me to stop because you're so sore and full of my cum... because I don't want anything to be between us, my love. Ever."
Blaine gave a low whine. His cock was aching already from Mateo's teasing lips, a swell of precum glistening at the tip, while his hole tightened and released under Mateo's finger, urgently trying to draw him in. But it was the things his Dom said that left him whimpering, stammering, trying to piece together words. "I can't imagine wanting you to stop," he gasped, finally. "Not really, not even if I beg for it. I want it to hurt sometimes, want to feel like I'm yours, sir, please, want you to fill me up until you're spilling out of me..." His eyes were dark, pupils blown wide with sheer lust. "Please, príncipe, I want as much of you as I can take and then more."
Mateo groaned softly, continuing to brush his lips over Blaine's length, loving how he could feel it twitch under every gentle touch. He shifted his head slightly, moving to spit on his finger before slowly easing it inside of his needy, beautiful boy. "Oh you'll have it, boy. You'll have every single inch of me buried inside of this... perfect little hole," he groaned, looking down to see where his finger was pressing inside of the sub. "I want you addicted to my cock, mi amor. Want you to beg for it without me even touching you."
Blaine let go of his legs, his hands flailing for a few seconds before reaching behind him to grab and hold onto a pillow. His muscles clamped down tight around the spit-slicked finger before giving way, just a little. "I'm already addicted to your cock, my love," he admitted, groaning. "So long and thick and beautiful... just having you inside my mouth is incredible, and I'd beg for it more but I'm too - too self-conscious to show you how needy I really am..."
Mateo looked over his boy's flushed and writhing body with dark eyes, a slow, hungry perusal before his eyes rested on Blaine's face. "I want you to show me, boy. You're mine," he whispered. His finger moved slowly inside of Blaine, pressing deep and crooking slightly. "You're mine, every part of you is mine... and I want to hear every needy whine, every moment of begging, to know just how hungry you are for my touch, my cock," he growled out. Mateo bent his head, tongue touching to the tip of Blaine's cock to lap up the slick fluid leaking from the tip.
Blaine squirmed, his hips arching upward in response to the finger skillfully working itself inside of him, somehow both mind-numbingly good and yet not nearly enough. "I will, sir," he rasped, his throat dry from breathing so hard, thinking that even if Mateo hadn't touched him at all, just being stared at like that for five minutes would be enough to make him plead. "I'll beg for you, so you know just how desperate I am, just how much I need you in every way." He whimpered as Mateo lapped at the head of his cock, his legs shaking violently. "Please, please sir, I need more, another finger, or suck me, or - please make me cum, somehow, anyhow. Just for you, only for you."
Mateo loved how he could bring Blaine to this state. Shaking and begging, his normally put together lover disheveled and needy just for him. He reached over with his free hand for his phone once he heard that begging, looking at the timer. "With 30 seconds to spare," he declared with a smirk. Shutting off the timer, Mateo tossed the phone aside, his hungry gaze turning back to Blaine. "You're not going to cum yet though, boy. Not until I say so," he murmured. He did add another finger inside of him though, those scorching walls tight around his digits. "Should I get out a toy, baby? Fuck your pretty hole open while you suck my cock and show me just how much you crave it?"
Blaine let out a whine before Mateo had finished speaking, partly from the tight ache of the extra finger slipping inside him, partly from what he saw as an impossible choice. He'd only had toys a few times, but he loved them - though he also loved loved the heat and warmth of Mateo's skin, as his fingers stretched him open. But once he processed what Mateo was really offering - to use both his holes at once - he moaned, his eyes wide, the very last of his careful composure gone. "Fuck, yes, yes, please!" His hips wriggled in desperation, trying to fuck himself on Mateo's fingers, but it was so frustratingly useless in the exposed position he'd chosen. "Please, sir, please let me suck you off while you fuck me, I need it so bad..."
Mateo. skimmed his free hand over Blaine's rigid length with a grin. Then he moved it, slapping Blaine's round ass firmly before sliding his fingers from the sub's twitching hole. "Get up on your knees, boy. Keep fingering yourself while I find a good toy to stuff you full," he instructed, stepping back to slide out of his pants and find a dildo, wanting to make sure he could fuck his boy like he needed.
Blaine shuddered, the slap to his ass going straight to his cock. His hole clenched around the emptiness where Mateo's fingers had been, and he whimpered at the loss before scrambling to obey. "Yes, sir." His mouth was dry from the way he'd been panting, but he managed to spit onto a couple of his own fingers, the hurriedly arched his back, thrusting his hand between his legs. "Thank you, sir, I need it, I need to be fucked in both holes. I want to really feel it, please, sir..." Mateo had stretched him open a bit, but he still groaned at the burning fullness as he pressed into himself, then started working his fingers in and out.
Mateo. smirked when Blaine hurried to get up on his knees. It would never fail to send a surge of lust through him when Blaine hopped to obey his orders. He took his time, glancing over every few seconds to watch Blaine playing with himself, before he tugged out a medium sized dildo. Not as thick as himself, but definitely enough for Blaine to feel. Mateo got back up onto the bed, positioning himself in front of Blaine on his knees, his cock at eye-level with the sub. "Move your fingers, boy," he ordered as he lubed up the toy, bringing it to Blaine's hole once he had it ready and slowly easing it inside of him.
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